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Hardening plus Directed Fuzzing


Fuzzing is an automated testing technique that providing unexpected, random data by using some mutating operators as seek inputs to a program. Typically, a fuzzer can be categorized as follow:

  • Generation-based or mutation-based by modifying a little bit existing inputs,
  • Dumb or smart depending on whether it is aware of input struct
  • white box, black box, or grey box depending on whether it is aware of program structure

Currently, grey box fuzzing (GF) is considered the state-of-the-art in vulnerability detection. American Fuzzy Loop (AFL - a grey box fuzzer) is a popular fuzzer that employ heuristics in order to increase code coverage. New inputs are provided by using mutate operators and added to the fuzzer's queue if the exercise a new and interesting path. Unlike AFL, AFLGo - an extension of AFL spends most of it's time budget on reaching specific target locations without wasting resources stressing unrelated program components

Moreover, the system code and a large number of programs are usually written in low-level language, C/C++ for example. These programming languages do not provide any mechanisms to protect against memory errors and this is a well known source of security vulnerabilities and exploits. Lowfat - a hardening tool is designed to detect object out-of-bounds errors (OOB-erros), such as buffer overflow/underflow, that are a commom source of crashes, security vulnerabilities, and other program misbehaviors. Lowfat is designed to have low overheads, especially memory, compared to other bound checking systems.

Based on the operation mechanisms of AFLGo and LowFat, we proposed to combine both of them (we call it Hardening plus Directed Fuzzing) so that one can improve the performance of AFLGo. To provide targets input for AFLGo, the static analysis technique (Clang checker) is used to analyse and obtain some potentail fault localization.

We also deployed an extension script which help you to use our tool easier. For the usage of our script, please following the next section. Here is the architecture of Hardening plus Directed Fuzzzing

Our tool consists four paths

  • Target provider: This part will produce the targets for our tool by using static analysis technical
  • Graph Extractor: This part will extract CG(s) and CFG(s) of subject
  • Binary Instrumentor: Based on targets and information from part 2, this part will instrument the binary file
  • Fuzzer: The last part will generate the test suite to direct to the targets

The usage of


Usage: [option]

  usage                        - usage
  gentarget [cmd]              - Compile subject and generate BBtarget
                                 [cmd] - the command line to compile subject 
  gendistance [bin]            - Calculate distance from CGs and CFGs
                                 [bin] - binary file name 
  aflgoenv                     - Rebuild AFLGo and set all related environments 
  hardenenv                    - Rebuild AFLGo and set all related environments combining Hardening mode 
  runfuzzer [op] [path] [...]  - Run fuzzer 

Options for runfuzzer

  runfuzzer [ options ] -- /path/to/fuzzed_app [ ... ] 

  Required parameters:

  inDir         - input directory with test cases
  outDir        - output directory for fuzzer finding

  Directed fuzzing specific settings

  -z schedule   - temperature-based power schedules
                  {exp, log, lin, quad} (Default: exp)
  -c min        - time from start when SA enters exploitation
                  in secs (s), mins (m), hrs (h), or days (d))

  Execution control settings:

  -f file       - location read by the fuzzed program (stdin)
  -t msec       - timeout for each run (auto-scaled, 50 - 1000 ms
  -m megs       - memory limit for child process (50 MB)
  -Q            - use binary-only instrumentation (QEMU mode)

  Fuzzing behavior settings:

  -d            - quick & dirty mode (skips deterministic steps)
  -n            - fuzz without instrumentation (dumb mode)
  -x dir        - optional fuzzer dictionary (see README))

  Other stuff:

  -T text       - text banner to show on the screen
  -M/-S id      - distributed mode
  -C            - crash exploration mode (the peruvian rabbit thing)

Note:If you want to extract BBtargets via static analysis tool, you can execute the command line as follow:

 ./ gentarget  <command>
    - <command>: the command line to compile your subject

For example,

 ./ gentarget gcc -g -O3 -o subject subject.c
  - 'gcc -g -O3 -o subject subject.c': command line to compile the subject.
  • If you don't declare output RLT directory, /tmp will be a output directory by default.
  • We defined all the checkers including the description of each checker in the file.
  • Thus, you can enable/disable any checkers as you want by opening file and comment/uncomment any defined checkers


Note: Before using our tool, you need to install all required package(s) and set up all related environment(s).

  1. Install LLVM with Gold-plugin
LLVM_DEP_PACKAGES="build-essential make cmake ninja-build git subversion python2.7 binutils-gold binutils-dev"
sudo apt-get install -y $LLVM_DEP_PACKAGES

# Checkout

# Use chromium's clang revision
mkdir ~/chromium_tools
cd ~/chromium_tools
git clone
cd clang

LLVM_REVISION=$(grep -Po "CLANG_REVISION = '\K\d+(?=')" scripts/
echo "Using LLVM revision: $LLVM_REVISION"

cd ~ && wget

tar xf llvm-4.0.0.src.tar.xz
tar xf cfe-4.0.0.src.tar.xz
tar xf compiler-rt-4.0.0.src.tar.xz
tar xf libcxx-4.0.0.src.tar.xz
tar xf libcxxabi-4.0.0.src.tar.xz

mv cfe-4.0.0.src ~/llvm-4.0.0.src/tools/clang
mv compiler-rt-4.0.0.src ~/llvm-4.0.0.src/projects/compiler-rt
mv libcxx-4.0.0.src ~/llvm-4.0.0.src/projects/libcxx
mv libcxxabi-4.0.0.src ~/llvm-4.0.0.src/projects/libcxxabi

# Build & install
mkdir -p ~/build-llvm/llvm
cd ~/build-llvm/llvm
cmake -G "Ninja" \
      -DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=/usr/include ~/llvm-4.0.0.src
sudo ninja install

mkdir -p ~/build-llvm/msan
cd ~/build-llvm/msan
cmake -G "Ninja" \
ninja cxx
sudo ninja install-cxx

# Pull trunk libfuzzer.
cd ~ && git clone libfuzzer

sudo cp ~/llvm-4.0.0.src/tools/sancov/ /usr/local/bin/

# Install LLVMgold into bfd-plugins
sudo mkdir /usr/lib/bfd-plugins
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/bfd-plugins
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/bfd-plugins
  1. Install other prerequisite.

Note: some packages can be different if you use other subject. You need to install all prerequisite package(s) to compile your subject successful

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install autoconf
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo apt-get install libtool-bin
sudo apt-get install python-bs4
sudo apt-get install libclang-4.0-dev`
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3 install networkx
sudo pip3 install pydot
sudo pip3 install pydotplus

Case study

After all prerequisites are installed successful, you can start now.

  1. Checkout source code
# Set path of tool
export AFLGO=/path/to/integrated/tool
# Checkout extended script, this one will help you to use our tool easier
git clone
export EXT_TOOL=$PWD/Exttool

Now, Let's go to next step

  1. Download subject (libxml2)
# Clone subject repository
git clone git://
export SUBJECT=$PWD/libxml2
  1. Create a temporary folder. This folder will contain all temporary file(s) while using our tool
# Setup directory containing all temporary files
mkdir temp
export TMP_DIR=$PWD/temp
  • Writes BBtargets.txt (e.g. changed statements in commit ef709ce2).
# Download commit-analysis tool
chmod +x showlinenum.awk
mv showlinenum.awk $TMP_DIR

# Generate BBtargets from commit ef709ce2
pushd $SUBJECT
  git checkout ef709ce2
  git diff -U0 HEAD^ HEAD > $TMP_DIR/commit.diff
cat $TMP_DIR/commit.diff |  $TMP_DIR/showlinenum.awk show_header=0 path=1 | grep -e "\.[ch]:[0-9]*:+" -e "\.cpp:[0-9]*:+" -e "\.cc:[0-9]*:+" | cut -d+ -f1 | rev | cut -c2- | rev > $TMP_DIR/BBtargets.txt
# Print extracted targets. 
echo "Targets:"
cat $TMP_DIR/BBtargets.txt
  • Alternatively, the targets can be obtained via static analysis tool.
# Create result folder to contain all result files while using static analysis tool.
mkdir result
export RLT=$PWD/result
# Compile subject using static analysis tool to get all potential bugs
pushd $SUBJECT
  ./configure --disable-shared
  make -j$(nproc) clean
  $EXT_TOOL/ gentarget make -j$(nproc) all
  1. Note: If there are no targets, there is nothing to instrument!
  2. Generate CG and intra-procedural CFGs from subject (i.e., libxml2).
# Set aflgo-env
$EXT_TOOL/ aflgoenv
# Once that command is executed, automatically, aflgo will be rebuilt, 
# and all related environment will be set then.

# Build libxml2 (in order to generate CG and CFGs).
# Meanwhile go have a coffee ☕️
export LDFLAGS=-lpthread
pushd $SUBJECT
   make -j$(nproc) clean
  ./configure --disable-shared
   make -j$(nproc) all
# * If the linker (CCLD) complains that you should run ranlib, make
#   sure that and (from building LLVM with Gold)
#   can be found in /usr/lib/bfd-plugins
# * If the compiler crashes, there is some problem with LLVM not 
#   supporting our instrumentation (
#   LLVM has changed the instrumentation-API very often :(
#   -> Check LLVM-version, fix problem, and prepare pull request.

# Test whether CG/CFG extraction was successful
$SUBJECT/xmllint --valid --recover $SUBJECT/test/dtd3

# Generate distance ☕️
$EXT_TOOL/ gendistance xmllint

# Check distance file
echo "Distance values:"
head -n5 $TMP_DIR/distance.cfg.txt
echo "..."
tail -n5 $TMP_DIR/distance.cfg.txt

Note: to use gendistance option, you can execute the command line as follow:

$EXT_TOOL/ gendistance <BIN_FILE>
   - <BIN_FILE>: binary file name 
  1. Note: If distance.cfg.txt is empty, there was some problem computing the CG-level and BB-level target distance. See $TMP_DIR/step*.
  2. Instrument subject (i.e., libxml2)
  • Hardening tool supports several command line options that are listed below. Note that to pass an option to Hardening it must be preceded by -mllvm on the command-line, e.g. (-mllvm -lowfat-no-check-reads), etc.

    • -lowfat-no-check-reads: Do not OOB-check reads
    • -lowfat-no-check-writes: Do not OOB-check writes
    • -lowfat-no-check-escapes: Do not OOB-check pointer escape (of any kind)
    • -lowfat-no-check-memset: Do not OOB-check memset
    • -lowfat-no-check-memcpy: Do not OOB-check memcpy or memmove
    • -lowfat-no-check-escape-call: Do not OOB-check pointer call escapes
    • -lowfat-no-check-escape-return: Do not OOB-check pointer return escapes
    • -lowfat-no-check-escape-store: Do not OOB-check pointer store escapes
    • -lowfat-no-check-escape-ptr2int: Do not OOB-check pointer pointer-to-int escapes
    • -lowfat-no-check-escape-insert: Do not OOB-check pointer vector insert escapes
    • -lowfat-no-check-fields: Do not OOB-check field access (reduces the number of checks)
    • -lowfat-check-whole-access: OOB-check the whole pointer access ptr..ptr+sizeof(*ptr) as opposed to just ptr (increases the number and cost of checks).
    • -lowfat-no-replace-malloc: Do not replace malloc() with LowFat malloc() (disables heap protection)
    • -lowfat-no-replace-alloca: Do not replace stack allocation (alloca) with LowFat stack allocation (disables stack protection)
    • -lowfat-no-replace-globals: Do not replace globals with LowFat globals (disables global variable protection)
    • -lowfat-no-check-blacklist blacklist.txt: Do not OOB-check the functions/modules specified in blacklist.txt
    • -lowfat-no-abort: Do not abort the program if an OOB memory error occurs
  • You can pass these option(s) via HARDENING evironment variable

# Pass hardening option(s)
export HARDENING="-mllvm -lowfat-no-check-escape-call -mllvm -lowfat-no-check-escape-return -mllvm -lowfat-no-check-escape-store -mllvm -lowfat-no-check-escape-ptr2int -mllvm -lowfat-no-check-escape-insert"
#Set integrated tool environment via our script
$EXT_TOOL/ hardenenv
# Once the command above is executed, AFLGo will be rebuilt under HARDENING MODE
# Clean and build subject with distance instrumentation ☕️
pushd $SUBJECT
  make clean
  ./configure --disable-shared
  make -j$(nproc) all

How to fuzz the instrumented binary

# Construct seed corpus
mkdir in
cp $SUBJECT/test/dtd* in
cp $SUBJECT/test/dtds/* in

# Run fuzzer
$EXT_TOOL/ runfuzzer in out -m none -d $SUBJECT/xmllint --valid --recover @@

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