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header footer lost when use @page

I have faced issue when use @page. Page render very nice but in second page of pdf header and footer lost

@page {
/not use header: header_name;
footer: footer_name;
margin: 1.2in 0.5in 1.2in 0.5in;

Using mpdf 6.1 work with magento 2 enviroment. PHP7.0.25
How to bring header footer back. Thank all you guys
see sample pdf in my attachment

Unknown error when embedding adobeCJK custom fonts into pdf

Aiming to embed a custom font into the final pdf, working well in 6.0 but something wrong when referencing the 7.0 document to migrate the implementation.

Using: php 7.2.0, CodeIgniter 3.1.6, mpdf 7.0, HTML page main language: zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW
Here is what happens:
I was about to render an HTML page which was no lang tag, css font-family is "SF Pro SC" which is widely known as Apple's system default font. In CJK world, the "SF Pro SC" must fall back to "PingFang SC" to support zh language so I have to set default fonts and do some work to support:

public function create_pdf($pdf)

    $defaultConfig = (new Mpdf\Config\ConfigVariables())->getDefaults();
    $fontDirs = $defaultConfig['fontDir'];

    $defaultFontConfig = (new Mpdf\Config\FontVariables())->getDefaults();
    $fontData = $defaultFontConfig['fontdata'];

    file_put_contents('php://stderr', print_r(array_merge($fontDirs, [
        base_url() . 'resource/fonts/SF-Pro-SC/v1/',
    ]), TRUE));
    $mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf([
        'mode' => '+aCJK',
        'format' => 'A4',
        'mgl' => 15,
        'mgr' => 15,
        'mgt' => 15,
        'mgb' => 16,
        'mgh' => 9,
        'mgf' => 9,
        'orientation' => 'P',
        'watermark_font' => 'sfprosc',
        'fontDir' => array_merge($fontDirs, [
            base_url() . 'resource/fonts/SF-Pro-SC/v1/',
        'fontdata' => $fontData + [
                'sfprosc' => [
                    'R' => "PingFangSC-Thin.ttf",
                    'B' => "PingFangSC-Regular.ttf",
                    'I' => "PingFangSC-Light.ttf",
                    'BI' => "PingFangSC-SemiBold.ttf"
        'default_font' => 'sfprosc',
        'autoLangToFont' => true,
        'autoScriptToLang' => true,
        'languageToFont' => new CustomLanguageToFontImplementation(),
        'debugfonts' => true
    if (isset($pdf['attach'])) {
        $mpdf->Output('./resource/tmp/' . $pdf['filename'], 'F');
        return base_url() . 'resource/tmp/' . $pdf['filename'];
    } else {
        $mpdf->Output($pdf['filename'], 'D');

I choose the customise word "sfprosc" to link the font file and set it to be the default font, then I set 'mode' => '+aCJK', 'watermark_font' => 'sfprosc', and both autoLangToFont and autoScriptToLang are TRUE,

Something weird is after I added 'fontdata' config variable, the page is freezing and nothing to display after running this function. Also something I have to change a little bit is the implementation of CustomLanguageToFontImplementation(), I cannot extends the interface like the documents suggested:
class CustomLanguageToFontImplementation implements \Mpdf\Language\LanguageToFontInterface

public function getLanguageOptions($llcc, $adobeCJK)

    $tags = explode('-', $llcc);
    $lang = strtolower($tags[0]);
    $country = '';
    $script = '';
    if (!empty($tags[1])) {
        if (strlen($tags[1]) === 4) {
            $script = strtolower($tags[1]);
        } else {
            $country = strtolower($tags[1]);
    if (!empty($tags[2])) {
        $country = strtolower($tags[2]);

    $unifont = '';
    $coreSuitable = false;

    if ($lang && ($lang == 'zh' || $lang == 'zho')) {
        $unifont = 'sfprosc';
        if ($adobeCJK) {
            $unifont = 'sfprosc';
            if ($country === 'HK' || $country === 'TW') {
                $unifont = 'sfprosc';
        return [false, $unifont];
    } else {
        /* Undetermined language - script used */
        $unifont = 'sfprosc';
        return [false, $unifont];

    return parent::getLanguageOptions($llcc, $adobeCJK);


In mpdf6.0, I only force the $unifont = 'sfprosc' in the config_lang2fonts.php before return array($coreSuitable, $unifont); and that's working fine.

Please provide support for HelveticaNeue and helveticaneue-boldcond

We need to use these fonts in our pdf. I tried to update $pdf->fontdata to accomodate these fonts. Event update constant "_MPDF_SYSTEM_TTFONTS" that's holding path to fonts library but nothing.

Lemme know if there is a way to add support for custom fonts. Otherwise please support these fonts.


Error : Word is too long to fit in table

Hi here!

I wrote an mpdf html with tables and it keeps sending me this error saying "Word is too long to fit in table - " no matter what's the length of strings I have in tds. This is an example of my html:

$mpdf = new Mpdf([
'default_font' => 'roboto',
'table_error_report' => true


Joe Dree
5 years experience
Web developer, Web designer, UX Designer
New York, USA


How do I fix this?Thank you

how explain difference of usage of mpdf-variables

How explain difference between:

  • variables that are could be used as attributes ($mpdf->variablename)
  • and these that could be only use as configuration parameter in the $config array of the mPDF constructor?

I spot that sometimes is written:
Set as a <a href="{{ "/configuration/configuration-v7-x.html" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">configuration variable</a>

And /reference/mpdf-variables/overview.html lists a lot of variables that only should be used on initiation of DOCUMENT.

But from the variable pages this difference in usage is not clear.
Who has suggestions for a simple manner to make these difference in usage clear on the variable pages?

How can I passing content from a view to a controller and print in pdf?

Hello, I am using mpdf with codeigniter, but I am faced with the problem that don't work with ajax and don't allow downloading directly by clicking on a button or receiving a pdf file.

What I'm trying to do is to have a button in the view, which sends the controller a certain content in html, let's say an example div tag or a form, for the driver to receive it and print that content, I've tried it by ajax so much json as per html type, but none of them work and I can't send from the view html content to the controller without going through ajax, could indicate me some solution to be able to send from any view (html) to controller and print that content.

Using phpdoc

Browsing through mpdf source code, I noticed several inline comments mentioning versions where a particular change occurred. Some examples:

if (!empty($attr['POSITION'])) {  // mPDF 5.7.2

I also noticed that the documentation is maintained by hand, and that some of the latest changes in mPDF are not yet reflected (which is completely understandable).

I was wondering if phpdoc could be used more efficiently in the source code, in order to generate the documentation. I know this will require a lot of work, and I'm willing to participate here as well :)

Let me know what are your thoughts on this subject.

Request - Documentation update for mPDF 7.x

Hi everyone,

Would it be possible to have a documentation update that reflects version 7.x of mPDF?

i think there where quite a few changes that peoples might not be all that aware of...

SetFooter page text

There are a couple of spots on the page for SetFooter that references 'header' instead of 'footer'. Specifically at the top next to

SetFooter – Sets a page header

and in the following example for the $footer parameter example's TEXT STRING.

Review a different branch of ""

Is there a way to see what the rendered online version of a different branches looks like? For instance, "" shows the contents of the master branch, but I'd like to see what it looks like when pulling data using the development branch.

manual_block is not rendered

See the end of where this paragraph was previously:

<p>This is the appearance with $this-&gt;indexUseSubentries = false;</p> 
<p class="manual_block">Mammals 73<br /> 
Mammals, elephants 142<br /> 
Mammals, <b>elephants</b>: breeding 15<br /> 
Mammals, humans 173<br /> 
Marsupials, kangaroos 75<br /> 
Marsupials, wombats 86</p> 

Now the source is missing the linebreaks of p and br tags:

This is the appearance with $this-&gt;indexUseSubentries = false;

Mammals 73

Mammals, elephants 142

Mammals, <b>elephants</b>: breeding 15

Mammals, humans 173

Marsupials, kangaroos 75

Marsupials, wombats 86

Add documentation for usage of LogInterface

The 7.0 version of
mentions the note: This variable was succeeded by usage of \Psr\Log\LogInterface in 7.0

  • Add some explanation (or references) for usage of the LogInterface.
  • Add mpdf-function description for setLogger()
  • Update/rewrite documentation with debug mpdf variable (e.g. /reference/mpdf-variables/debug.html, /troubleshooting/error-messages.html)

Some details:

name convention for mpdf-variables

mpdf variables are handled since the mpdf 7.0 version as values with are defined in the $config array.


The naming of the mpdf-variables is not consistent. What would be a preferred manner?

Now in use are:

  • the variable string <a href="{{ "/reference/mpdf-variables/aliasnbpggp.html" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">aliasNbPgGp</a>
    -> [aliasNbPgGp]
  • the variable <span class="parameter">$aliasNbPgGp</span>
    -> [$aliasNbPgGp]
  • The <a href="{{ "/configuration/configuration-v7-x.html" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">configuration variable</a> ``useActiveForms`` should be set ...
    -> [configuration variable] useActiveForms

Some thoughts:

  • I now prefer the first option. But from that layout it is not direct visible that it is a link to /reference/mpdf-variable/...
  • adding $ before all variables looks not logic, because some variable may only be used as configuration parameter in the $config array of the constructor.
  • $variablename is also bit different than the actual syntax, $mpdf->variablename.

page-break-inside: avoid when using columns

I have blocks (divs) in columns, but when using page-break-inside: avoid on these blocks, the blocks are cut.

I would like a block (the whole block) to move to the next column when it doesn't fit. Is this possible somehow? The blocks have a variable size.

Is there any way to fix it, or can somebody point me in the right direction to add working functionality like this? I did browse through the code and found that page-break-inside: avoid is ignored when columns are being used, but I didn't understand the inner workings well enough to get it to work.

Example of problem in attached image.


page-break-inside:avoid; PDF layout brakes completly


I've been using this lib for a while and never had big problems with it.
Recently we started to change the way our PDF's get build. We stopped using tables because our document builder now tries to be 'wysiwyg'. Each item (previously table row) should be kept in one piece so we added the css page-break-inside:avoid; to each item html block element (now div).

The above makes the content go wild:
after page-break-inside

If we remove the inline css again all is back to normal:
before page-break-inside

Currently we do
$this->mpdf = new mPDF(); $this->mpdf->use_kwt = false; $this->mpdf->AddPage(); $this->mpdf->WriteHTML($allHtmlContentToBePrinted); // in here we have some items with the css property $this->mpdf->SetHTMLFooter($footer);
So, no fancy options are used etc, no HTML tables are printed. As CSS we load Bootstrap responsive stylesheet.
Any ideas please?

note boxes with markdown

replace <div class="alert alert-info" role="alert"> by
<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert" markdown="1">

  • fix indention
  • closing tag at new lines to prevent including in block.

not listed variables at configuration overview

Add page reference/mpdf-variables/overview.html variables are listed.

Following variables are not in that list

  • defaultPagebreakType (but autoPageBreak is listed, but not in defaults of src/Config/ConfigVariables.php of mPDF library)

  • PDFAXwarnings

  • spotColors

  • spotColorIDs

  • annotSize

  • indexUseSubentries

  • splitTableBorderWidth

  • interpolateImages

  • useDictionaryLBR

  • useTibetanLBR

  • ColGap

  • SHYlanguages

  • SHYleftmin

  • SHYrightmin

  • SHYcharmin

  • SHYcharmax

  • useActiveForms

  • watermarkText

  • watermarkImage

  • defaultCSS (in overview mentioned: useDefaultCSS2)

  • defaultCssFile
    suggestion: link to /css-stylesheets/default-stylesheet.html. Is useDefaultCSS2 old version of this variable?

Note in src/Config/ConfigVariables.php: "values only likely to be changed by developers."

From these values are already documented, but not listed in overview.

  • pdf_version ( in example configuration/ )
  • fontDir ( fonts-languages/ )
  • tempDir (in doc installation-setup/ )

not documented and not listed, and not useful to add:

fontTempDir (not found)
hyphenationDictionaryFile (not found)
default_lineheight_correction (not found)
fontsizes (not found)
pregRTLchars (not found)
pregCJKchars (not found)
CJKleading (not found)
CJKfollowing (not found)
CJKoverflow (not found)
pregCURSchars (not found)
allowedCSStags (not found)
outerblocktags (not found)

escape | to prevent tables

one | (pipe-character) or at least more | are interpreted as a table by the markdown parser.

Solution: escaping by \|

howto setup jekyll

Images with Relative Pathnames Fail to Render

Hello, I am using this tool to render a pdf of owned products you mark as such on the site and then click a "render to pdf" button. Then the pdf of the images of the products you own is generated.

My issue is if I use a relative path that points back to the root folder of our site (ie: /includes/images/products/product_1.jpg) the image does not display (get a red x in a box). Funny thing is if I render the page as html the images will show or if I remove the first forward slash (ie: includes/images/products/product_1.jpg) it behaves as if the forward slash is there, goes to the root and finds the correct path to the image.

Looking to understand why this is - it seems backwards from how paths are usually handled.


background-position & background-size problems

the css attributes 'background-position: center' & 'background-size: cover' on an element with a background-image only work, as long as the background image gets cropped vertically, but if it would get cropped horizontally, the image will instead be stretched and repeated wrongly.

this is how it looks like & should look like in Html, and how its rendered in the pdf

Does anyone know a workaround for this? the elements with the background-image also have width & height = 100% and im assuming it could have something to do with those percent sizes.

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