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uci2's Introduction

UCI2 User's guide

The building blocks of UCI2 configuration system

AST parser context

Every configuration file, once read from the filesystem, gets parsed and converted to AST parser context. The tree itself uses a system of reference counting, and all nodes are kept track of. When node based tree structure is no longer needed, all nodes comprising the loaded configuration file are freed by invoking theuci2_free_ctx method. Context based parsing, unlike global variables, enables users to work on multiple files simultaneously. UCI2 library was built from the ground up with reentrancy in mind.

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

OpenWrt's configuration file syntax consists of simple line based structures grouped by some keywords, some which are config and list. UCI2 library converts this flat file viewpoint to a more appropriate and useful form, a tree based structure also known as AST.

AST nodes

As mentioned earlier, configuration comprise only a few node types:

    • Root configuration node
    • Unnamed Type node (in terms of OpenWrt, this would represent an Unnamed Section
    • Named Type node, always positioned as a child of [T] node (in terms of OpenWrt, this would represent a Named Section
    • List item node is a member, or a direct child of [L] List node. It correlates to the value part of OpenWrt's list lines

Building UCI2

cd /path/to/uci2/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Building UCI2 with tests enabled

cd /path/to/uci2/
mkdir build && cd build

Installing UCI2

sudo make install

Configuration file handling

Original /etc/system configuration file:

config system
	option hostname 'OpenWrt'
	option timezone 'UTC'
	option ttylogin '0'
	option log_size '64'
	option urandom_seed '0'

config timeserver 'ntp'
	option enabled '1'
	option enable_server '0'
	list server ''
	list server ''
	list server ''
	list server ''

Internal AST representation used by libuci2:

    [T] system
      [O] hostname = OpenWrt
      [O] timezone = UTC
      [O] ttylogin = 0
      [O] log_size = 64
      [O] urandom_seed = 0
    [T] timeserver
      [S] ntp
        [O] enabled = 1
        [O] enable_server = 0
        [L] server

Loading configuration files from filesystem

The example presented here creates parser context by invoking uci2_parse_file(fp) method. As mentioned earlier, this method parses the file and converts it to AST. The final line, uci2_free_ctx(ctx), releases the memory used up by the internal structure of nodes.

// create context for file
uci2_parser_ctx_t* ctx = uci2_parse_file(fp);
// err check
if(!ctx) return 1;
// free context

Creating new configuration structure from scratch

Unlike previous example, the following case assumes the absence of configuration file on the file system and generating one from scratch is the only option. Both examples are quite similar, the only difference is the uci2_new_ctx() method which doesn't require any arguments, but creates the internal structure and prepares it for further addition of various nodes.

// create context for file
uci2_parser_ctx_t* ctx = uci2_new_ctx();
// err check
if(!ctx) return 1;
// free context

Exporting AST structure to destination configuration file

// create context (uci2_new_ctx or uci2_parse_file)
// err check
if(!ctx) return 1;
// write context to file, make sure fsync is called
// this example writes dhcp configuration
uci2_export_ctx_fsync(ctx, "/etc/dhcp");
// free context

Traversing, querying and modifying the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

  • uci2_n_t* UCI2_CFG_ROOT(ctx)

    • Returns a pointer to root configuration node ([@C]). This is the root node of all currently supported configuration nodes like types, section names, options, lists and list items.
  • uci2_n_t* uci2_q(ctx, ...)

    • This method accepts arbitrary number of arguments which are used to traverse the tree of nodes. When argument is matched, the following one is matched against the list of child nodes of the previously matched node, advancing deeper into the AST. For example, to get the ipaddr of the loopback interface depicted by the following configuration lines:
 config interface 'loopback'
	option ifname 'lo'
	option proto 'static'
	option ipaddr ''
	option netmask ''

One would invoke the query method using the following syntax: uci2_n_t* n = uci2_q(ctx, "interface", "loopback", "ipaddr")

This would return a pointer to ipaddr option [O] node, and the value of ipaddr option would be available as a name member of uci2_n_t struct pointer (n->name).

When dealing with unnamed sections, an auto-generated name can be used to fetch a particular node in an array of sibling nodes.

uci2_n_t* n = uci2_q(ctx, "rule", "@[1])

This would return a pointer to the 2nd unnamed UCI_NT_TYPE node (the one with name option set to Allow-Ping)

config rule
	option name		Allow-DHCP-Renew
	option src		wan
	option proto		udp
	option dest_port	68
	option target		ACCEPT
	option family		ipv4

config rule
	option name		Allow-Ping
	option src		wan
	option proto		icmp
	option icmp_type	echo-request
	option family		ipv4
	option target		ACCEPT
  • char *uci2_get_value(n)

    • This method returns the value of node n. The only node type that uses the value part of node structure is the options [0] node.
  • char *uci2_get_name(n)

    • This method return the name of node n. All node types contain names, and this method can be used freely on all types of nodes.
  • uci2_q_L(n, i)

    • This method returns a child of list node n specified by index i. Node pointer n must be a list [L] node. If index i is out of bound, NULL is returned.
  • int uci2_nc(n)

    • This method returns child cound for node n, it's a helper macro for n->ch_nr
  • void uci2_change_value(n, nv)

    • This method changes the value part of node n and takes care of freeing the memory used by the old value of node n.
  • void uci2_change_name(n, nn)

    • This method changes the name part of node n and takes care of freeing the memory used by the old name of node n.
  • uci2_n_t *uci2_add_T(ctx, p, n)

    • Add unnamed section node, also known as type [T] node, using ctx context, p as a parent node, and n as the node name in form of NULL terminated string. This method return a pointer to newly created node; the parent node p supported by this method is [@C] node.
  • uci2_n_t *uci2_add_O(ctx, p, n, v)

    • Add option node, also known as [O] node, using ctx context, p as a parent node, and n and v for the name = value structure of options name. Both name and value arguments are NULL terminated strings. This method return a pointer to newly created node; the parent nodes p supported by this method is are [T] and [S] nodes.
  • uci2_n_t *uci2_add_S(ctx, p, n)

    • Add names section node, also known as [S] node, using ctx context, p as a parent node, and n as the node name in form of NULL terminated string. This method return a pointer to newly created node; the parent node p supported by this method is [T] node.
  • uci2_n_t *uci2_add_L(ctx, p, n)

    • Add list node, also known as [L] node, using ctx context, p as a parent node, and n as the node name in form of NULL terminated string. This method return a pointer to newly created node; the parent nodes p supported by this method is are [T] and [S] nodes.
  • uci2_n_t *uci2_add_I(ctx, p, n)

    • Add list item node, also known as [I] node, using ctx context, p as a parent node, and n as the node name in form of NULL terminated string. This method return a pointer to newly created node; the parent node p supported by this method is [L] node.
  • void uci2_del(n)

    • Flag node n as deleted. All "deleted" nodes are still present in memory and are freed when parser context is freed by invoking the uci2_free_ctx(ctx) method.
  • int uci2_str2bool(str, bool)

    • Returns boolean value of a given string. The output bool argument will be set to true if the str value matches any of the following strings: 1, yes, on, true, and enabled. Conversely, if the str value matches 0, no, false, or disabled, the output bool argument will be set to false.

Method documentation (also found in libuci2.h)

 * Parse configuration file
 * @param[in]       fname   Pointer to configuration 
 *                          filename path
 * @return          Pointer to parser result structure
 *                  or NULL if file does not exist or
 *                  error occurred
uci2_parser_ctx_t *uci2_parse_file(const char *fname);

 * Free parser context
 * @param[in,out]   p       Pointer to parser context
void uci2_free_ctx(uci2_parser_ctx_t *p);

 * Get AST node based on query path (variadic)
 * @param[in]   cfg     Pointer to parser result data
 * @param[in]   ...     Node query string; combined arguments
 * @return      AST node that matches the query path
uci2_ast_t *uci2_get_node_va(uci2_parser_ctx_t *cfg, ...);

 * Get AST node based on query path (variadic va_list)
 * @param[in]   cfg     Pointer to parser result data
 * @param[in]   ...     Node query string; combined arguments
 * @return      AST node that matches the query path
uci2_ast_t *uci2_get_node_va_list(uci2_parser_ctx_t *cfg, va_list ap);

 * Create new parser context
 * @return      Pointer to new parser context
uci2_parser_ctx_t *uci2_new_ctx();

 * Add new AST node to AST tree
 * @param[in]       ctx     Context pointer
 * @param[in,out]   p       Parent node
 * @param[in]       nt      Node type to add
 * @param[in]       n       Node name
 * @param[in]       v       Node value
 * @return          New AST node pointer
uci2_ast_t *uci2_add_node(uci2_parser_ctx_t *ctx, 
			  uci2_ast_t *p, 
			  int nt,
                          char *n, 
                          char *v);

 * Converts string value to a boolean value
 * @param[in]       string_value    Input string value
 * @param[out]      boolean_value   Output boolean value
 * @return          0 for success or error code
int uci2_str2bool(const char *string_value, bool *boolean_value);

 * Get the option if it exists
 * or create the option if it doesn't exist
 * @param[in]       ctx             Context pointer
 * @param[in]       option_name     Option name
 * @param[in]       ...             Section path
 * @return          Pointer to AST node representing an option
 *                  or NULL if errors occurred
uci2_ast_t *uci2_get_or_create_option(uci2_parser_ctx_t *ctx, 
                                      const char *option_name, 

 * Export AST to output stream in configuration file
 * format.
 * @param[in]       ctx     Context pointer
 * @param[out]      out     Output stream
 * @return          0 for success or error code
int uci2_export_ctx(uci2_parser_ctx_t *ctx, FILE *out);

 * Export AST to output file specified by filepath. In case of 
 * error, context pointer has to be freed manually 
 * @param[in]       ctx     Context pointer
 * @param[out]      fp      File path to be written to
 * @return          0 for success or error code
int uci2_export_ctx_fsync(uci2_parser_ctx_t *ctx, const char* fp);

 * @brief Helper macro for uci2_get_node_va
 * Query is prefixed with "@C" to get configuration data;
 * some other type of root nodes may be added for future
 * use
 * @param[in]       cfg     Root AST node
uci2_ast_t *uci2_q(ctx, ...);

 * Get listem item (I) node specified by indes (i)
 * @param[in]       n       List node (L)
 * @param[in]       i       Index of node's item (I)
 * @return          Pointer to list item or NULL if index is out 
 *                  of bounds or 'n' type is not UCI2_NT_LIST
uci2_ast_t *uci2_q_L(n, i);

 * Get child count for node
 * @param[in]       n       Node pointer
 * @return          Child count for node 'n'
int uci2_nc(n);

 * Print entire AST tree to stdout
 * @param[in]       ctx     Context pointer
void uci2_ctx_print(ctx);

 * Print node and its children to stdout
 * @param[in]       n      Node pointer
void uci2_print(n);

 * Get value of AST node
 * @param[in]       n       Node pointer
 * @return          String pointer of node's value
char *uci2_get_value(n);
 * Get name of AST node
 * @param[in]       n       Node pointer
 * @return          String pointer of node's name
char *uci2_get_name(n);

 * Add AST node (short for uci2_add_node)
 * @param[in]       ctx     Parser context pointer
 * @param[in]       p       Pointer to parent node
 * @param[in]       nt      Type of new node
 * @param[in]       n       Node name string
 * @param[in]       v       Node value string
 * @return          Pointer to newly created node
uci2_ast_t *uci2_add(ctx, p, nt, n, v);

 * Get Configuration root node
 * @param[in]       ctx     Parser context pointer
 * @return          Pointer to root configuration node (@C)
uci2_ast_t *UCI2_CFG_ROOT(ctx);

 * Add Type (un-named) AST node (T)
 * @param[in]       ctx     Parser context pointer
 * @param[in]       p       Parent node pointer
 * @param[in]       n       String used for node's name
 * @return          Pointer to newly created node
uci2_ast_t *uci2_add_T(ctx, p, n);

 * Add Options AST node (O)
 * @param[in]       ctx     Parser context pointer
 * @param[in]       p       Parent node pointer
 * @param[in]       n       String used for node's name
 * @param[in]       v       String used for node's value
 * @return          Pointer to newly created node
uci2_ast_t *uci2_add_O(ctx, p, n, v);

 * Add Options AST node (O)
 * @param[in]       ctx     Parser context pointer
 * @param[in]       o       Option name
 * @param[in]       ...     Parent path
 * @return          Pointer to newly created node
uci2_ast_t *uci2_get_or_create_O(ctx, o, ...)

 * Add Section AST node (S)
 * @param[in]       ctx     Parser context pointer
 * @param[in]       p       Parent node pointer
 * @param[in]       n       String used for node's name
 * @return          Pointer to newly created node
uci2_ast_t *uci2_add_S(ctx, p, n);

 * Add List AST node (L)
 * @param[in]       ctx     Parser context pointer
 * @param[in]       p       Parent node pointer
 * @param[in]       n       String used for node's name
 * @return          Pointer to newly created node
uci2_ast_t *uci2_add_L(ctx, p, n);

 * Add List Item AST node (I)
 * @param[in]       ctx     Parser context pointer
 * @param[in]       p       Parent node pointer
 * @param[in]       n       String used for node's name
 * @return          Pointer to newly created node
uci2_ast_t *uci2_add_I(ctx, p, n);

 * Change node 'n' value part to 'nv' string
 * @param[in]       n       Pointer to node whose value member
 *                          will be changed
 * @param[in]       nv      String to replace the old value
void uci2_change_value(n, nv);

 * Change node 'n' name part to 'nn' string
 * @param[in]       n       Pointer to node whose value member
 *                          will be changed
 * @param[in]       nn      String to replace the old name
void uci2_change_name(n, nn);

 * Mark node as deleted
 * @param[in]       n       Pointer to node which will be
 *                          flaged as deleted
void uci2_del(n);

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