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xuu's Introduction


Type-safe JS Utilities Library, v.1.7.11


The xuu.js (pronounced "zoo") utility library is a stand-alone port of the hi_score utility library found in hi_score/js/xhi/01_util.js. The test suite, nodeunit_xuu.js is extracted from hi_score/test.d/00_xhi_libs.js.

The version of xuu.js tracks that of hi_score. In other words, version 1.7.11 matches the capabilties and testing of the 1.7.11 of hi_score.

  • 1.7.11 -- Update dependencies to latest -- Update minified version to 1.7.11 -- Makes timezone check more permissive to include a colon.
  • 1.7.10 Adds support for _return_map_ in method _makeTmpltStr_.

TODO list

Last updated 2024-08-01:

  • Merge back doc fixups from below back to core
  • Switch from nodeunit to tap
  • Update JS to more current version, replacing var with let and const
  • Remove or wrap recent JS advancements
  • Backport changes to hi_score

Method Reference

The following is mostly autogenerated from the Xuu function docs. Please merge fixes that were applied back as described in TODO, above.

First-Tier Methods

These variable type and cast methods are reuired for almost all utility methods, and are therefore shown first in alphabetical order.


Summary getVarType( <data> );
Purpose Determine the type of data provided.
Example getVarType( [] ); // '_Array_'
Arguments <data> - value to examine
Returns '_Function_', '_Object_', '_Array_', '_String_',
'_Number_', '_Null_', '_Boolean_', or '_Undefined_'
Throws None


Summary castBool( <data>, <alt_data> );
Purpose Cast a boolean value.
Example castBool( __true ); // returns __true
Arguments (positional)
<data> - data to cast as boolean
<alt_data> - alt value to return
Returns <data> if it is a boolean, <alt_data> otherwise
Throws None


Summary castFn( <data>, <alt_data> );
Purpose Cast a function.
Example castFn( function() {} ); // returns function
Arguments (positional)
<data> - data to cast as function
<alt_data> - alt value to return
Returns <data> if it is a function, <alt_data> otherwise
Throws None


Summary castInt( <data>, <alt_data>, <option_map> );
Purpose Cast an integer.
Example castInt( '25.425' ); // returns 25
Arguments (positional)
<data> - data to cast as int
<alt_data> - alt value to return
<option_map> - Optional constraint map
+ _do_autobound_ - Auto bound input to min/max
+ _do_warn_ - Log warnings
+ _max_num_ - Max allowed value
+ _min_num_ - Min allowed value
If a number, returns the number rounded to nearest int.
If a string, returns the number rep rounded to nearest int.
Otherwise <alt_data>.
Throws None


Summary castJQ( <data>, <alt_data> );
Purpose Cast a jQuery (xhiJQ) object.
Example castJQ( $top_box ); // returns $top_box
Arguments (positional)
<data> - Data to cast as jQuery object
<alt_data> - Alt value to return
Returns <data> if it is a xhiJQ object, <alt_data> otherwise
Throws None


Summary castList( <data>, <alt_data>, <option_map> );
Purpose Cast a list.
Example castList( [] ); // returns the array
Arguments (positional)
<data> - Data to cast as list
<alt_data> - Optional alt value to return. Default is __undef.
<option_map> - Optional constraint map
+ _do_warn_ - Log warnings. Default is __true.
+ _is_empty_ok_ - Allow empty list. Default is __true.
+ _max_length_ - Max allowed length. Default is __undef.
+ _min_length_ - Min allowed length. Default is __undef.
Returns <data> if it is an array and passes constraints,
<alt_data> otherwise
Throws None


Summary castMap( <data>, <alt_data> );
Purpose Cast a map.
Example castMap( {} ); // returns the object
Arguments (positional)
<data> - data to cast as map
<alt_data> - alt value to return
Returns <data> if it is a map, <alt_data> otherwise
Throws None


Summary castNum( <data>, <alt_data>, <option_map> );
Purpose Cast an integer.
Example castNum( '25.425' ); // returns 25
Arguments (positional)
<data> - data to cast as int
<alt_data> - alt value to return. Default is __undef.
<option_map> - Optional constraint map
+ _do_autobound_ - Auto bound input to min/max as appropriate.
Default is __false.
+ _do_warn_ - Log warnings. Default is __false.
+ _max_num_ - Max allowed value. Default is __undef.
+ _min_num_ - Min allowed value. Default is __undef.
If a number, returns the number rounded to nearest int.
If a string, returns the number rep rounded to nearest int.
Otherwise <alt_data>.
Throws None


Summary castObj( <obj_type>, <data>, <alt_data> );
Purpose Cast an object.
Example castObj( 'styleSheetList', document.styleSheets );
Arguments (positional)
<obj_type> - string of object type (see Example)
<data> - data to cast as <obj_type> object
<alt_data> - alt value to return
Returns <data> if an <obj_type> object, <alt_data> otherwise
Throws None


Summary cast( <data>, <alt_data>, <option_map> );
Purpose Cast a RegExp.


Summary castStr( <data>, <alt_data> );
Purpose Cast a string.
Example castStr( 25.425 ); // returns '25.425'
Arguments (positional)
<data> - Data to cast as string
<alt_data> - Alt value to return
<option_map> - Optional constraints
+ _do_warn_ - Log warnings. Default is __false.
+ _filter_rx_ - A regex filter that must be passed
+ _is_empty_ok_ - Allow blank string. Default is __true.
+ _max_length_ - Max allowed length. Default is __undef.
+ _min_length_ - Min allowed length. Default is __undef.
Returns <data> if a string, or a number converted to a string,
<alt_data> otherwise
Throws None


Summary safeJsonParse( <json_str>, <alt_data> );
Purpose Parse JSON safely.
Example my map = safeJsonParse( '{}', {} );
Arguments (positional)
<json_str> - JSON string to parse
<alt_data> - Alt return if parsing fails
Returns Parsed JSON or alt_data
Throws None


Summary safeJsonStringify( <data>, <alt_data> );
Purpose Stringify JSON safely.
Example my str = safeJsonStringify( {}, '{}' );
Arguments (positional)
<data> - Data structure to stringify
<alt_data> - Alt return if parsing fails
Returns JSON string on success, alt_data on failure
Throws None

Second-Tier Methods

These are required for third-tier methods, and are shown in alphabetical order.


Summary cloneData( <data> );
Purpose Deep clone non-recursive data structures fast.
Example cloneData( data, [] ); // return copy data or list on fail
Arguments (positional)
<arg_data> - data to clone
<alt_data> - alt if clone fails
Returns Success: A deep copy.
Failure: alt_data (malformed, recursive structures)
Throws None


Summary extendList( <base_list>, <extend_list> );
Purpose Extend <base_list> with contents of <extend_list>.
Example extendList( [0], [1,2,3] ); // returns [0,1,2,3]
Arguments (positional)
<base_list> - list to extend
<extend_list> - list to append to base_list
Returns base_list after change
Throws None


Summary getNowMs( <do_local> );
Purpose Get timestamp.
Example getNowMs(); // returns 1486283077968
+ <do_local> - Subtract local TZ offset if true
Returns The current timestamp in milliseconds
Throws None


Summary getNumSign( <data> );
Purpose Convert number into -1 or 1.
Example getNumSign( '-25' ); // returns -1
<data> - number or string to convert to -1 or 1
Returns -1 if the processed number is less than 0,
otherwise 1.
Throws None


Returns the log object singleton with these capabilities.

Summary logObj._setLogLevel_( <log_level> );
Purpose Return log4j-style log object singleton.
logObj._logMsg_('_warn_', 'This will show');
logObj._logMsg_('_info_', 'This will not');
logObj._getLevelName_(); // '_warn_'
logObj._getLevelIdx_(); // 4
Log level is based on syslog values and is one of the following:
` '[emerg
+ _getLevelName_() - Return log level, e.g. '_warn_'.
+ _getLevelIdx_() - Return log level index. 0=emerg,4=warn,7=debug
+ _logMsg_( <log_level>, <message_str> ) - Log message string with
<log_level> urgency. Messages with urgency below the threshold
are not presented to the log. This is provided so developers
can see if log level is more permissive than a threshold:
if ( logObj._getLevelIdx_() > 3 ) { ... }
+ _setLoglLevel_(<log_level>) - Set threshold urgency.
Returns Differs per method
Throws None


Summary makeArgList( <arg_obj> );
Purpose Make a real array from data in argument object.
Example makeArgList( arguments ); // returns [ ... ]
<arg_obj> - an argument object ('arguments' in functions)
Returns An array of argument values
Throws None


Summary makePadStr( <str>, <count>, [ <char>, <do_left> ] );
Purpose Pad <str> with <char> for <count> digits.
Example makePadStr( 25, 3 ); // return ' 25'
makePadStr( 25, 3, '0' ); // returns '025'
Arguments (positional)
<str> - The string to pad
<count> - The desired length
<char> - The padding character (default is space)
<do_left> - Pad left (default is true), otherwise right
Returns A trimmed and padded string
Throws None


Summary makeEscRxStr( <str> );
Purpose Escape a regular expression string.
Example makeEscRxStr( '[]' ) // returns '\[\]\'
Arguments <str> to escape
Returns Escaped regular expression string
Throws None
Other See


Summary makeExtractMap( <base_map>, <key_list> );
Purpose Make a new map using <key_list>.
Example makeExtractMap( { a:1, b:2 }, ['a'] ); // returns { a:1 }
Arguments (positional)
<base_map> - Map to extract values from
<key_list> - List of keys to copy (shallow)
Default: all keys
Returns Newly created map
Throws None


Summary makeRxObj( <pattern>, <options> );
Purpose Make a regular expression object.
Example makeRxObj( '\\s*hello\\s*', 'i' );
Arguments (positional)
<pattern> - a string to convert into a regexp
<options> - an option string
Returns A regular expression object
Throws None


Summary makeScrubStr( <str>, <do_space> );
Purpose Remove HTML tags and trim string.
Example makeScrubStr( '<h1>Hello</h1><p>Hi</p>', __true );
// returns 'Hello Hi'
Arguments (positional)
<str> - A string to scrub
<do_space> - Add a space between groups
Returns The scrubbed string
Throws None


Summary makeUcFirstStr( <str> );
Purpose Capitalize the first letter of a string.
Example makeUcFirstStr( 'hello' ); // returns 'Hello'
Arguments <str> - A string to process
Returns The string with the first character capitalized
Throws None

Third-Tier Methods

These are the remaining methods, and are shown in alphabetical order.


Summary checkDateStr( <arg_map> );
Purpose Check validity of a date string.
Example checkDateStr( { _date_str_: '2017-02-29' } ); // __false
checkDateStr( { _date_str_: '2016-02-29' } ); // __true
// This method works only of strings in the formats
// yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy/mm/dd and does not validate the time.
Arguments <arg_map>
+ _date_str_ - The date string to consider
+ _order_str_ - The date form to check ('_us_' or ISO)
Returns boolean
Throws None


Summary makeMetricStr( <number> );
Purpose Convert number to a 3 digit string with suffix.
Example makeMetricStr( 968125965968 ); // '968G'
makeMetricStr( 125965968 ); // '126M'
makeMetricStr( 965968 ); // '966K'
makeMetricStr( 968 ); // '968'
configMap._metric_table_ can be expanded as needed.
Place largest numbers first.
+ <number> - The number to process
Settings : Uses configMap._metric_table_
Returns String
Throws None


Summary clearMap( <data_map>, <key_list>, <do_undef> );
Purpose Process some or all map key values.
clearMap( my_map ); // Delete all keys
clearMap( my_map, [ 'name', 'serial_number' ] ); // Delete 2 keys
clearMap( my_map, __undef, __true ); // Set all values to __undef
Arguments (positional)
<data_map> - Map to modify. Required.
<key_list> - List of keys to process. Default is all keys.
Provide any non-list value (like 0) to use default.
<do_undef> - If __true, will set the value of all processed keys to
__undef. Otherwise, all processed keys will be deleted from
the map. Default is __false.
Returns The modified map
Throws None


Summary encodeHtml( <str>, <do_exclude_amp> );
Purpose Single-pass encode HTML entities from string.
str = encodeHtml( "<h1>'Help me!'</h1> she said" );
__logMsg( 'info', str );
// > &lt;h1&ht;&quot;Help me!&quot;&lt;/h1&gt; she said.'
str = encodeHtml( "<h1>'Help me!'</h1> & fast!", __false );
__logMsg( 'info', str );
// > &lt;h1&ht;&quot;Help me!&quot;&lt;/h1&gt; &amp; fast!'
str = encodeHtml( "<h1>'Help me!'</h1> & fast!", __true );
__logMsg( 'info', str );
// > &lt;h1&ht;&quot;Help me!&quot;&lt;/h1&gt; & fast!'
Arguments (positional)
<str> - The HTML string to encode
<do_exclude_amp> - Exclude ampersand from encoding.
Default is __false.
Returns Modified string
Throws None


Summary <path_str>, <delim_str> );
getBasename( <path_str> ); getDirname( <path_str> );
Purpose Returns the last filename of a path or the dirname.
Examples '_base_', /var/log/demo.log')
// returns 'demo.log' null, '/var/log/demo.log' )
// returns '/var/log'
Arguments (positional)
<path_str> - Path string. Default is __blank.
<delim_str> - Delimeter string. Default is '/'.
If context_str === '_base_' returns basename, otherwise
provides dirname.
Returns Modified string
Throws None


Summary getListAttrIdx( <list>, <key>, <data> );
Purpose Find the first map in <list> where the value of.
<key> is <data>.
Examples : getListAttrIdx( [ { a: 1 } ], 'a', 1 ); // returns 0
getListAttrIdx( [ { a: 1 } ], 'b', 1 ); // returns -1
getListAttrIdx( [ { a: 1 } ], 'a', 9 ); // returns -1
Arguments (positional)
<list> - List of maps. Default is [].
<key> - The key to match. Default is __blank.
<data> - The data expected for key. Default is __undef.
Returns Returns integer index or -1 if not found
Throws None


Summary getListAttrMap( <list>, <key>, <data> );
Purpose Find the first map in <list> where the value of.
<key> is <data>.
Examples getListAttrMap( [ { a: 1 } ], 'a', 1 ); // returns map
getListAttrMap( [ { a: 1 } ], 'b', 1 ); // returns undef
getListAttrMap( [ { a: 1 } ], 'a', 9 ); // returns undef
Arguments (positional)
<list> - List of maps. Default is [].
<key> - The key to match. Default is __blank.
<data> - The data expected for key. Default is __undef.
Returns Returns found map or undef if not found
Throws None


Summary makeColumnList( <list>, <col_id>, [ filter_fn ] );
Purpose Extract a column from a list-of-lists or list-of-maps table.
Examples : list = makeColumnList( enum_table, 'value' );
list = makeColumnList( grid_table, 5 );
list = makeColumnList( enum_table, 5, function ( row ) {...} )
Arguments (positional)
<list> - List of maps or lists. Required.
<col_id> - The key or index of the column. Required.
<filter_fn> - Optional filter. Recieves the table row as argument.
If it returns a non-true value the row is discarded.
Returns Returns found map or undef if not found
Throws None


Summary getListDiff( <list1>, <list2> );
Purpose Find all elements common between two lists.
This is _not_ a deep comparison; two similar lists or maps
will be reported as different unless they point the the same
data structure.
Example getListDiff( [ 'a','b' ], [ 'b','c','d' ] );
// Returns [ 'a', 'c', 'd' ]
Arguments (positional)
<list1> - The first list
<list2> - The second list
Returns A list of unique elements found in first list
followed by unique elements found in the second.
Throws None


Summary getListValCount( <list>, <data> );
Purpose Count the number of elements in <list> that === <data>.
Example getListValCount( [ 'a','b','a' ], 'a' ); // Returns 2
Arguments (positional)
<list> - The list to examine. Default is [].
<data> - The data value to match. Default is __undef.
Returns Match count
Throws None


Summary getStructData( <data>, <path_list> );
Purpose Extract a value from <data> by <path_list>.
Example _getStructData_({ foo : { bar : 'hi!' }}, ['foo','bar']);
// Returns 'hi!'
// The key depth limit is set to 100. If this
// is met, a warning is logged and undef returned.
Arguments (positional)
<data> - An array or map
<path_list> - A list of map or array keys in order of depth
Returns Success - Requested value
Failure - undefined
Throws None


Summary getTzCode();
Purpose Return the local timezone code.


Summary makeClockStr( <time_ms>, <time_idx>, <do_am>, <do_local> );
Purpose Create HH:MM:SS time string from UTC time integer in ms.
Example clock_str = makeClockStr( 1465621376000 ); // '05:02:56'
// Remember to use your local timezone offset if you want to
// show local time. Example:
// local_ms = getNowMs( __true )
Arguments (positional)
<time_ms> - UTC time in milliseconds
<time_idx> - Date precision. Default is __3.
-3 === [DDd:]HHh:MMm:SSs
-2 === [DDd:]HHh:MMm
-1 === [DDd:]HHh
0 === ''
1 === HH
2 === HH:MM
3 === HH:MM:SS
<do_ampm> - Do am/pm flag. Default is __false.
<do_local> - Use local time. Default is __false.
Returns String
Throws None


Summary makeCommaNumStr( <arg_map> );
Purpose Convert a number into a string optimized for readability.
Example makeCommaNumStr({ _input_num_ : 1999 })
// Returns '2.0k'
Arguments <arg_map> with the following keys
+ _input_num_ - The number to format, e.g. 123598
+ _round_limit_exp_ - The size (10^exp) of number after which
a rounded value is returned. Default is __3.
+ _round_limit_str - The limit name. Default is 'k'.
+ _round_unit_exp_ - The size (10^exp) of number to group as
a unit. Default is __3, e.g. 1,000's.
+ _round_dec_count_ - Number of decimal places to keep
in the mantisa when rounding to units
+ _nornd_dec_count_ - Number of decimal places to keep when
NOT rounded to units
Success - Returns formated string
Failure - Blank string
Throws None


Summary makeDateStr( <arg_map> );
Purpose Create a string from a date object.
or a UTC time number (in milliseconds).
makeDateStr({ _date_obj_ : new __Date() });
// Returns a string like '2016-09-18'
makeDateStr({ _date_obj_ : new __Date(), _time_idx_ : 3 });
// Returns a string like '2016-09-18 12:45:52'
makeDateStr({ _date_ms_ : 1474311626050 })
// Returns '2016-09-19'
// Remember to use your local timezone offset if you want to
// show local time. Example:
// tz_offset_ms = date_obj.geteTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
// local_ms = raw_utc_ms - tz_offset_ms;
Arguments <arg_map> with these keys
+ _date_obj_ : A valid date object.
+ _date_ms_ : A date time in ms.
If neither date_obj or date_ms is provided, will use the
current date. If BOTH are provided, _date_ms_ will be used in
preference to date_obj.
+ _time_idx_ : See _makeClockStr_ to determine
the clock string format. Default is __0.
+ _order_str_ :
Request '_us_' results in stupid-format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.
Default is __blank.
Success - Formated string
Failure - Blank string
Throws None


Summary makeDebounceFn( <arg_map> );
Purpose Create a function which will call a provided method a.
specified time period after it was last called. Any
call that occurs within the time period resets the clock.
Example dbFn = makeDebounceFn({ _fn_ : myMethodFn, _delay_ms_: 250 });
dbFn( 'method argument' ); // Executes in 250ms
// The method, myMethodFn, is always invoked with the latest
// arguments provided. Consider this example:
dbFn( 'myArgs' ); dbFn( 'Hello World' );
// The argument 'myArgs' will likely be discarded and
// myMethodnFn( 'Hello World' ) will likely be invoked.
TODO Provide a means to reset _do_asap_ with either
a timeout or other mechanism.
Arguments <arg_map> with the following keys
+ _fn_ - The method to execute Required.
+ _delay_ms_ - The time of inactivity Default is __0.
+ _ctx_data_ - Method context Default is __undef.
+ _do_asap_ - Fire method on first call Default is __false.
Success - The debounce function as described above.
Failure - undef
Throws None


Summary makeEllipsisStr( <arg_map> );
Purpose Shorten a string to a maximum length and append ellipsis.
if it is exceeded.
_input_str_ : 'hee haw and the boys',
_char_limit_int_ : 10,
_do_word_break_ : __true
// returns 'hee haw ...'
Arguments <arg_map> with the following keys
+ _char_limit_int_ : Maxiumum allowed chars. Default is __0.
+ _do_word_break_ : Break at word boundries. Default is __true.
+ _input_str_ : The string to shorten
Returns String
Throws None


Summary makeErrorObj( <name>, <msg> );
Purpose A convenient method to create an error object.
Example makeErrorObj( 'notCool', 'This is not cool' );
Arguments (positional)
<name> - Error name. Default is 'error'.
<msg> - Error message. Default is __blank.
Returns A newly constructed error object
Throws None


Summary makeGuidStr()
Purpose Return a standard GUID.
Example makeGuidStr();
Arguments None
Returns A GUID
Throws None


Summary makeMapUtilObj()
Purpose Creates a map utility object used to streamlining. functions and avoid nesting.
// 1. Create a map_util object:
var map_util_obj = makeMapUtilObj();
// 2. (optional) Set any data your map function will use.
map_util_obj._setArgList_ = [ name_list ];
// 3. Create a function that for element of the array.
// The arg_list provided is set in step 2:
function mapUtil_renameFn ( field_data, idx, list, arg_list ) {
name_list = arg_list[ __0 ],
field_key = name_list[ idx ],
field_str = __Str( field_data )
// Return [ key, value ] to add to map.
// Return undef to not add anything.
return [ field_key, field_str ];
// 4. Set the function in the utility
map_util_obj._setMapFn_( mapUtil_renameFn );
// 5. Initialize the result map. You need this pointer.
result_map = {};
map_util_obj._setResultMap_( result_map );
// 6. Invoke the map function: map_util_obj._invokeFn_ );
// 7. result_map will now contain the key value pairs return by
mapUtil_renameFn for the provided list.
// A closure creates unique private variables in each
// instance returned. Examples include argList, resultMap, and mapFn.
Returns A mapUtil object


Summary makeOptionHtml( <arg_map> );
Purpose Create an HTML string with option tags.
Example makeOptionHtml({ _val_list_ : [1,2,3,4] });
Arguments <arg_map> with the following keys
+ _enum_table_ : A table of _name_ and _value_. Default is [].
+ _match_list_ : List of values to be selected. Default is [].
This is useful for multi-select fields.
Returns An HTML option select string
Throws None


Summary makePctStr( <ratio>, <precition_int> );
Purpose Convert a decimal ratio into a readable % string.
Example makePctStr( 0.529863, 1 );
Arguments (positional)
<ratio> - Ratio to convert. 1 = 100%. Default is __0.
<precision_int> - Count of digits after decimal. Default is __0.
Returns A percentage string
Throws None


Purpose Make an array of checkboxes from a list.


Summary makeReplaceFn( <search_str>, <replace_str> );
Purpose Return a high-performance function that.
replaces <search_str> with <value_str>.
fn = makeReplaceFn( '_x_', 'fred' );
__logMsg( 'info', fn('you do not know {_x_}.') );
// Prints 'you do not know fred.'
Arguments (positional)
<search_str> - The symbol to replace.
It must be wrapped in braces in template string.
<replace_str> - The replacement string.
Returns A replacement function
Throws None


Summary makeRekeyMap( <struct_data>, <key_map>, <mode_str> );
Purpose Change all keys or values in a map to the new values.
Executes deep renaming through arrays and objects.
A hard limit of 100 000 iterations is supported.
{ a : 1, b : 2, c : [] },
{ a : '_x_', b : '_y_', c : '_z_' },
// Returns { _x_:1, _y_:2, _z_:[] }
{ a : 1, b : 2, list : [ { c : [] } ] },
{ a : '_x_', b: '_y_', c : 22 },
// Returns { a : '_x_', b : '_y_', list : [ { c : 22 } ] }
Arguments (positional)
<struct_data> - A complex structure to rekey or revalue
<key_map> - A key map pointing to values
<mode_str> - '_rekey_' or '_reval_'
Returns A new map, list, or other data


Purpose Convert arg_key_list into a map with each key assigned.
the value of arg_seen_data. Default is __true.


Purpose Concatenate a number of key-values.
into a single string


Purpose Create a list of time labels quantitized to match.
standard time intervals
series_map = makeSeriesMap({
_max_ms_ : 1465459980000,
_min_ms_ : 1465452840000,
_tgt_count_ : 12
Arguments <arg_map> with the following keys:
+ _max_ms_ : Start local-time milliseconds
+ _min_ms_ : End local-time in milliseconds
+ _tgt_count_ : Desired number of divisions (+/- 50%)
A map useful for plotting a quantized time series like so:
23:20 23:30 23:40 23:50 00:00 00:10 00:20 00:30 00:40 00:50
2016-06-07 | 2016-06-08
Example output:
{ _date_list_ : [
{ _date_str_ : '2016-06-07',
_width_ratio_ : 0.38655462184873
{ _date_str_ : '2016-06-08',
_width_ratio_ : 0.61344537815126
_left_ratio_ : 0.050420168067226,
_time_list_ : [
'23:20', '23:30', '23:40', '23:50', '00:00', '00:10',
'00:20', '00:30', '00:40', '00:50', '01:00', '01:10'
_time_idx_ : 1,
_unit_count_ : 12,
_unit_ms_ : 600000,
_unit_name_ : '10m',
_unit_ratio_ : 0.084033613445378,
// _date_list_ = list of dates and position of date labels
// _left_ratio_ = starting postion of time stamps
// _time_idx_ = precision to show 0 = '', 1=HH, 2=HH:MM, 3=HH:MM:SS
// _time_list_ = list of time labels
// _unit_count_ = number of time labels units returned
// _unit_ms_ = number of ms in
// _unit_ratio_ = ratio per time unit for plotting center of time
// Remember to use your local timezone offset if you want to
// show local time. See example on makeClockStr, above.
Throws None


Summary makeThrottleFn( <arg_map> );
Purpose Create a function which will call a provided method only.
once per time period.
Example thFn = makeThrottleFn({ _fn_ : myMethodFn, _delay_ms_: 250 });
thFn( 'method argument' ); // Executes in 250ms
// The method, myMethodFn, is always invoked with the latest
// arguments provided. Consider this example:
thFn( 'myArgs' ); thFn( 'Hello World' );
// The argument 'myArgs' will likely be discarded and
// myMethodnFn( 'Hello World' ) will likely be invoked.
TODO Provide a means to reset _do_asap_ with either
a timeout or other mechanism.
Arguments <arg_map> with the following keys
+ _fn_ - The method to execute Required.
+ _delay_ms_ - The minimum time between calls Default is __0.
+ _ctx_data_ - Method context Default is __undef.
+ _do_asap_ - Fire method on first call Default is __false.
Success - The throttle function as described above.
Failure - undef
Throws None


Purpose Replace symbols in a template surrounded by braces.
'{}' with the symbol provided in the lookup map.
_do_encode_html_ : __true,
_input_str_ : '{_name_} says "{_saying_}"',
_lookup_map_ : { _name_ : 'Fred', _saying_ : 'hello!' }
// Returns 'Fred says hello!'
Arguments <arg_map> with the following keys:
+ _do_encode_html_ : When __true replaced values will be html encoded.
Default is __false.
+ _input_str_ : A string template like so:
'This person name {_p1_} said to the other person {_p2_}'.
Default is __blank.
+ _lookup_map_ : A map of values to replace, like so:
{ _p1_ : 'fred', _p2_ : 'barney' }. Default is {}.
Keys in a lookup map can be split be to look up nested values.
For example, the key '_p1_._p2_' will look up the value
found at { _p1_: { _p2_ : value } } in the lookup_map.
+ _tmplt_rx_ : A regular expression object to define replace patterns.
Default is configMap._tmplt_rx_
+ _return_map_ : Append found keys to this map if provided.
Default is __undef
Returns Filled-out template string
Throws None


Purpose Merge properties of extend_map into base_map.
// Warning : This does not deep copy the extend map.
// This often provides the desired results.
deep_map = cloneData( extend_map );
merge_map = mergeMaps( base_map, deep_map );


Purpose Run the <arg_fn> function every <arg_ms> milliseconds.
either <arg_count> number of times or until the function
returns __false, whichever comes first.
Arguments (positional)
<fn> - Fn to poll. Return __false to stop. Required.
<ms> - Milliseconds between calls. Default is __0.
<count> - Maximum count. Default is __null.
<finish_fn> - Fn to run on completion. Default is __null.
__true : polling started
__false : polling declined


Summary pushUniqListVal( <arg_list>, <data> );
Purpose Push val into list IFF not already present


Summary rmListVal( <base_list>, <val1>, ... <valN> );
Purpose Remove one or more values from a base_list in-place.
Example rmListVal( base_list, 'a', 1, null );
Arguments (positional)
<base_list> - list to operate on.
<val1..n> - values to remove
Returns Count of removed values. base_list is changed.
Throws None


Summary setConfigMap( <input_map>, <settable_map>, <config_map> );
Purpose Set configMap in consistent way across modules.
Example // Use in modules as below:
function setConfigMap ( arg_input_map ) {
setConfigMap( input_map, settableMap, configMap );
// Where settableMap shows allowable keys and types
Arguments <arg_map> with the following keys:
+ _input_map_ - Map of key-values to set in config
+ _settable_map_ - Map of allowable keys with future plans
to support types and ranges (see agrc)
+ _config_map_ - Resulting config map
Returns Modified config_map
Throws None


Purpose Get all unique keys in a data structure as list or map.
Example _makeDeepData_({ foo:{ bar:1 }, bar:2});
// Returns [ 'foo', 'bar' ]
_makeDeepData_({ foo:{ bar:1 }, bar:2}, '_map_');
// Returns { bar: 2 } // flattens map
// The key depth limit is set to __100. If this
// is met, a warning is logged and __undef returned
Arguments (positional)
<base_struct> - An array or map
<mode_str> - _list_ or _map_. Default is _list_
Success - A list of a unique keys sorted
Failure - An empty list


Purpose Set a deep structure attribute value.
Example _setStructData_({ foo:{ bar:1 }}, [ 'foo','bar' ], 99 );
// Returns __true and set the and adjusts the structure:
// { foo : { bar : 99 } }
Example _setStructData_( [ { car : [ 'seats', 'tyres' ] } ],
[ 0, 'car', 1 ], 'Meyers!' ] );
// Returns __true and set the and adjusts the structure:
// [ { car : [ 'seats', 'Meyers!' ] } ]
Example _setStructData_( [], [ null, 'car', null ], 'Meyers!' );
// Returns __true and adjust the structure:
// [ { car : [ 'Meyers!' ] } ]
Example _setStructData_( [], [ 'car', null ], 'Meyers!' );
// Returns __false, as 'car' cannot be a property of the
// base structure. It must be null which means "next
// available array item" or an integer.
// The key depth limit is set to __100. If this
// is met, a warning is logged and __undef returned
Arguments (positional)
<base_struct> - An array or map to add a value
<path_list> - A list of map or array keys in order of depth
<val_data> - A data value to set
Success - __true
Failure - __false


Summary ShuffleList( <list> )
Purpose Shuffle a list in-place.
Example shuffleList( [1,2,3,4] ) returns [ 3,1,4,2 ]
Technique :
1. Count down from end of array with last_idx
2. Randomly pick element from between 0 and last_idx
3. Swap pick element with last_idx element
Arguments (positional)
<list> - The list to shuffle
Returns __true on success
Throws None


Summary trimStrList( <list> )
Purpose Trim all strings in a list.
Example trimStrList( [ ' padd string ', 'anudder '] );
Arguments (positional)
<list> - The list to trim leading and ending whitespace
Returns A new list of trimmed strings
Throws None

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