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grunt-ng-constant's Issues

Cannot read property 'type' of undefined

I'm not able to setup this module.
I've tried several examples from the and they do not work for me too.

No matter which config I have in my gruntfile, I get the following error:
Warning: An error occurred while processing a template (Cannot read property 'type' of undefined).οΏ½ Use --force to continue.

Das Einhorn

Cannot find module 'ejs' using ngconstant

Trying this task I face an error:

"grunt ngconstant
Running "ngconstant:dev" (ngconstant) task
Warning: Cannot find module 'ejs' Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings."

I follow documentation:

npm install grunt-ng-constant --save-dev

then add to my configuration:

ngconstant: {
dist: [
dest: 'dist/constants.js',
name: 'constants',
constants: {
package: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json')

then I launch:

grunt ngconstant

then I get an error:

"Running "ngconstant:dev" (ngconstant) task
Warning: Cannot find module 'ejs' Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings."

Thank for help,

Warning: Required config property "ngconstant.dist" missing

I'm getting this error running grunt ngconstant:dist. Tried everything but no luck. BTW I'm using load-grunt-config.

Running "ngconstant:dist" (ngconstant) task
Verifying property ngconstant.dist exists in config...ERROR
>> Unable to process task.
Warning: Required config property "ngconstant.dist" missing. Used --force, continuing.

Done, but with warnings.

dist.js fileπŸ‘‡

ngconstant: {
    options: {
        name: 'app.constants',
        dest: 'app/app.constants.js',
        wrap: '\'use strict\';\n\n{%= __ngModule %}',
        constants: {
            APP: {
                version: '1.1.9'
    dist: {
        constants: {
            apiUrl: grunt.file.readJSON('config.production.json')

Set value for a constant file with differents targets

I have this external json file:

  "development": {
    "BACKEND_URL": ""
  "production": {
    "BACKEND_URL": "http://localhost:9000"

an this ngConstant configuration:

ngconstant: {
      options: {
        name: 'config',
        beautify: true,
        dest: '<%= %>/scripts/config.js',
        space: '  '
      // targets
      development: {
        wrap: '\'use strict\';\n\n <%= __ngModule %>',
        constants: {
          ENV: 'development',
          // Define the backend URL.
          BACKEND_URL: grunt.file.readJSON('<%= %>/config.json').development.BACKEND_URL
      production: {
        wrap: '"use strict";\n\n <%= __ngModule %>',
        constants: {
          ENV: 'production',
          // Define the backend URL.
          BACKEND_URL: grunt.file.readJSON('<%= %>/config.json').production.BACKEND_URL

I want to fill the property BACKEND_URL from a property of the external json file, but doesn't works

Maybe, it's possible to configure a source file to extract this configuration.

ngconstant: {
      options: {
        name: 'config',
        beautify: true,
        src: '<%= %>/config.json',
        dest: '<%= %>/scripts/config.js',
        space: '  '

What do you think?

Template error usign grunt.config()

I'm using grunt-ng-constant 0.4.7 with grunt 0.4.1, when I run ngconstant task I get this error:

A special character was detected in this template. Inside template tags, the
\n and \r special characters must be escaped as \n and \r. (grunt 0.4.0+)
Warning: An error occurred while processing a template (Unexpected token ILLEGAL). Use --force to continue.

I found the problem in this lines:

result = grunt.template.process(wrap, { delimiters: "square", data: _.extend(grunt.config(), { '__ngModule': result }) }); If I use grunt.config() don't works well, but if I don't extend grunt.config() all works fine ... Why extend?

If is not necesary, is posible to remove?


support function type

does it allow to support function type as follows:

"jst": function(key){ return (typeof key == 'undefined') ? window['JST'] : window['JST']key;},

An error occurred while processing a template (Cannot read property 'js' of undefined).

Using module v0.4.5.

Here is the task config:

ngconstant: {
      options: {
        space: '  '
      development: {
        constants: { API_CONFIG: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/api' } },
        dest: 'source/js/env-config.js',
        name: 'environment-config',
        wrap: 'define(["angular"], function (angular) {\n"use strict";\n<%= __ngModule %>});'

And this is grunt output:

Verifying property ngconstant.development exists in config...OK
Files: -> source/js/env-config.js
Reading /../node_modules/grunt-ng-constant/tasks/constant.tpl.ejs...OK
Warning: An error occurred while processing a template (Cannot read property 'js' of undefined). Use --force to continue.

Appreciate your help.

Constant works only with string values, no support for functions

It's not possible to use neither "path_to_file" nor "function" values for constants keys.

In case of using a path the same path is later used as a key value. In case of using a function no value is put into the resulting file. Sample output when using function:

 angular.module("development", [])
 .constant("ENV", );

My config is like:

ngconstant: {
    // Common options
    options: {
        name: 'config'
    // Environments
    development: {
        options: {
            "name": "development",
            "dest": '<%= build_dir %>/src/app/variables.js'
        constants: {
            "ENV": 'dev_env.json'
    production: {
        options: {
            "name": "production",
            dest: '<%= build_dir %>/src/app/variables.js'
        constants: {
            "ENV": function () {return 'prod_env.json'}

This basically means that no option defined here works for me. I tried 0.5.0 and latest master versions of the grunt-ng-constant.

Of course dev_env.json file exists and is properly picked up when I use directly grunt.file.readJSON('dev_env.json') but it's not what I need.

Unable to write "undefined" file


I followed a tutorial @

My grunt config looks like:

  ngconstant: {
      options: {
        space: '  ',
      // Environment targets
      dev: [{
        dest: '<%= %>/scripts/config.js',
        name: 'config',
        wrap: '"use strict";\n\n <%= __ngModule %>',
        constants: {
          ENV: {
            name: 'dev',
            apiurl: 'http://localhost:8000'
      prod: [{
        dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/config.js',
        name: 'config',
        wrap: '"use strict";\n\n <%= __ngModule %>',
        constants: {
          ENV: {
            name: 'prod',
            apiUrl: '...'



grunt.registerTask('serve', function(target) {
    if (target === 'dist') {
      return['build', 'connect:dist:keepalive']);

What I get once I run grunt serve is:

Running "ngconstant:dev" (ngconstant) task
Creating module undefined at undefined...Warning: Unable to write "undefined" file (Error code: undefined). Use --force to continue.

The task is correctly detected but I guess the problem is with generated content.

Any hint?

DOCS: The example doesn't work well for generated constant value files

The docs illustrate using grunt.file.readJSON, but that will get called when running clean

Example: gruntfile.js

grunt.initConfig ({
  "merge-json": {
    default: {
      src: ['client/src/**/*.validation.json'],
      dest: 'client/dist/assets/generated/app.validation.json'
  ngconstant: {
    options: {
      name: 'validation.constraints', //angular module name to be created
      dest: 'client/dist/assets/generated/validation.constraints.js',
      constants: {
        VALIDATION_CONSTRAINTS_CONFIG: grunt.file.readJSON('client/dist/assets/generated/app.validation.json')
    build: {}

//Multiple calls to clean to illustrate the 'Unable to read' ENOENT error
grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean','merge-json', 'ngconstant:build', 'clean', 'clean']);

I'm new to grunt and I'm unsure how to get around this.

Special character problem with grunt 0.4.1

Error when I run grunt ngconstant:pro

A special character was detected in this template. Inside template tags, the \n and \r special characters must be escaped as \n and \r. (grunt 0.4.0+)

grunt --verbose throws an exception at ngconstant

I am getting an exception when I run my grunt task in verbose mode:

Running "ngconstant:override" (ngconstant) task
Verifying property ngconstant.override exists in config...OK
Warning: Object # has no method 'indexOf' Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

I can continue with the --force option. But that is not always desirable for other grunt tasks.

My grunt tasks is setup as

ngconstant: {
    options: {
      space: '  ',
      constants: {
          'CONSTANTS' : grunt.file.readJSON('src/configurations/default.json')

    // targets
    override: [{
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>/configuration.js',
      name: 'TestConfig',
      constants: {
          CONSTANTS : grunt.file.readJSON(  'src/configurations/' + environment + '/configuration_override.json')

Is there anything special with my task or could it be inside the json file?

Pull Constants from .json File?

Currently we've configured our projects using grunt-ng-constant, but everything is hard coded into our gruntfile.js file. Is it possible or are there plans in the future to implement a way to pull the constants from a .json file?

We could write a custom script to fix this issue, but I just wanted to see if there were plans to address this issue in the future.


Shawn Shaw

Dynamic constants


I just had the case where I would read from a file with constants and rewrite them on change. The thing is, if you specify grunt.file.readJSON('file.json'), it only reads on the first execution of Grunt.

So naturally I forked it and made functions possible. Now I can specify function() { return grunt.file.readJSON('file.json'); } and this function get's called on every task execution, so we always have the latest data.

Is this something you want in your project?

possible to add multiple ngconstants to a task?

So it might be best to demonstrate my example:

I need to setup a dev/qa/prod environments for my angular project so I setup constants like ngconstant:DEV, which then pulls the correct DEV webservice url and points to the DEV db in my app controllers and also displays a debug toolbar in my template.

But I have two kinds of DEV environments, one when testing locally and one for the DEV box build.
When I am testing locally i'd like to add another attribute like so for my 'server' task:

  'ngconstant:DEV',        //for pointing to correct dev urls/db's/debug windows
  'ngconstant:LOCALHOST_DEBUGGING', //boolean for local debugging as I may do certain things only locally like clear cache via $templateCache, or show certain things in my app

The 'build-dev' task will just have:

But in the former case for the 'server' task, the config file only has the latter constant instead of both.

Here is my config:

ngconstant: {
      options: {
        name: 'EnvConfig',
        space: ' ',
        wrap: true,
        dest: '.tmp/scripts/config.js'
      // Environment targets
        constants: {
      DEV: {
        constants: {
          ENV: {
            id: 'DEV',
            name: 'development',
            debug_toolbar: true,
            ws_url: ''
      // Environment targets
      QA: {
        constants: {
          ENV: {
            id: 'QA',
            name: 'qa',
            debug_toolbar: true,
            ws_url: ''
      /* I might needs a local environment so uses .tmp but others use final directory ? */
      PROD: {
        constants: {
          ENV: {
            id: 'PROD',
            name: 'production',
            debug_toolbar: false,
            ws_url: ''

and grunt task:

grunt.registerTask('serve', 'Compile then start a connect web server', function (target) {

I tried also alternatively 'merging' the variables but that didnt work either (for example using the same ENV obj but having another property and hoping the ng-constant merges it). That seemed less likely to work than above though (although that would be pretty cool to get working, then i dont need to import multiple ngconstants in my controller and just import 1 constant ENV).

        constants: {
        ENV: {
           extra-merged-param: 'doesnt work either'

I guess I could setup a totally separate set of properties but seems like maybe we can make ngconstant just do multiple variables, instead of this:
'ngconstant:DEV_and_LOCAL', //has same props as ngconstant:DEV, +1 more property for stating im debugging locally

Sharing configuration between modules

Let's say for example that I have two modules, dev and prod, and they are sharing most of the options, because they are mutually exclusive.

Right now I have to do something like this:

ngconstantCommon: {
  dest: '...',
  name: '...',

ngconstant: {
  options: {
    space: '  ',
  dev: [
      dest: '<%= ngconstantCommon.dest %>',
      name: '<%= %>',
      constants: {
        settings: {
          // ...
  prod: [
      dest: '<%= ngconstantCommon.dest %>',
      name: '<%= %>',
      constants: {
        settings: {
          // ...

Is there a better way to achieve this?

I'd love to have something like this:

ngconstant: {
  options: {
    space: '  ',
    dest: '...',
    name: '...',
  dev: [
        constants: {
          settings: {
          // ...
  prod: [
      constants: {
        settings: {
          // ...

Thanks! πŸ˜„

Add useStrict option to configuration


ngconstant: {
  options: {
    useStrict: true // Uses "'use strict'\n\n" as default value. Can be replaced by any string.

All other definitions from template needs to be removed.

Make the per module configuration options more consistent

Currently there the global parameters space, deps, wrap and coffee which can be set al global configuration parameter and module specific. All are currently merged in module instead to be placed in the per module options.

Current per module configuration:

dist: {
  space: '  ',
  deps: [],
  wrap: true,
  coffee: true,
  name: 'testmodule',
  constants: {

How it should look like:

dist: {
  options: {
    space: '  ',
    wrap: true,
    coffee: true,
    deps: []  // Don't know if this is the right location
  name: 'testmodule',
  constants: {

Cause this is an API change it will be released in 0.5.0.

Usage in index.html

Just found this, and its exactly what i needed, but i'm not sure the right way to use it for the grunt build vs grunt server.

In my case in my index.html file

I might refer to it like

<script src="scripts/global/config.js"></script>

And of course config.js is the generated file.

There are two version one, for when i'm running grunt server and one for when i'm building for production.

Here is my config:

ngconstant: {
        name: 'sgApp',
      dist: {
          dest: "client/scripts/global/config.js",

        constants: "client/config/dist.config.json"
      server: {
        options: {
          dest: ".tmp/scripts/global/config.js",
          values: {
            debug: true

        constants: "client/config/server.config.json"

The only way i could make the compiler concact it was if i had it build the config file and stick it in my code base, but in reality i want the your plugin to stick it in tmp and then have concat reference that .tmp version.

FYI its working great for grunt server.

Update lodash please

Please update it to version >= 3

node_modules/grunt-ng-constant requires lodash@'~2.4.1'

Objects and Function as constatnt.


When I try to do this:

 constants: {
  '': {

it works perfectly.

But, when I try this:

 constants: {
  'fa': function(input) {
    return input+1;
  object: {
    process: function(a) {
      return a-1;

in both cases, function is ignored and the object become empty, resulting on a code like:

.constant('', {a:'a'} )
.constant('fa', )
.constant('object', {} )

The ngConstant process don't even give me an error message.

It seems that functions are missing in process.


Add option for values

Awesome plugin btw. I'm using this in a project and it would be really useful to define some vars as .constants and some as .values. That way for the values you'd have a default that's created and you can update it after the app loads.

Release 0.5.0

Your version 0.5.0 release on npm doesn't have the latest commits (with JS beautify options) in it.

Remove rawOption parsing by using another template notation

Currently in the code the <% __ngModule %> template needs to be extracted manually. This is caused by the collision of <% and %> with the default grunt template engine. To solve this we can use {% and %} which does not collied.

This will be a breaking change.

using the resulting json inside the grunt task

I'm already using it as the configuration in the javascript source file.
I'm interested to use the same configuration result for some other grunt tasks.

E.g. similar as to load grunt.config('my_var');
could I access the ngcontrant.config('my_var') inside the grunt script?

Release 1.0.0

This is a meta task for organising some work to do:

  • Remove jsbeautify, this is a redundant functionality that can be replace with grunt-jsbeautifyer
  • Move all serializer dependent options to the options.serializer parameter
  • Add the 'use strict' to the default wrapper
  • Switch from double to single quotes when possible
  • Switch from the default JSON module to JSON5 or another serializer that support single quoted output.
  • Define behaviour on empty options
  • Update Readme

Merge target config with common config

I've got the following configuration:

    ngconstant: {
      options: {
        space: '  '
      development: [{
        dest: '<%= %>/scripts/env-config.js',
        wrap: '"use strict";\n\n <%= __ngModule %>',
        name: 'envConfig',
        constants: grunt.file.readJSON("config/development.json")
      staging: [{
        dest: '<%= %>/scripts/env-config.js',
        wrap: '"use strict";\n\n <%= __ngModule %>',
        name: 'envConfig',
        constants: grunt.file.readJSON("config/staging.json")
      production: [{
        dest: '<%= %>/scripts/env-config.js',
        wrap: '"use strict";\n\n <%= __ngModule %>',
        name: 'envConfig',
        constants: grunt.file.readJSON("config/production.json")

The first 3 options are the same for all targets, however, moving them up to common config doesn't set them on target configs.

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