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Open-source Brownian Dynamics Simulator OBDS.

Implements a Brownian Dynamics Simulator BDS in modern FORTRAN and C. The higher level Object-Oriented Programming OOP code is written in FORTRAN and everything else is written in C.

This is a work in progress, contributions are welcomed.


This is a project that I have wanted to develop since I was a student. Back then there was just time to write production-ready code in the least amount of time. The aim was to obtain results quickly even if the code was not clean or even commented so that others could use it for their research.

I am implementing this BDS code from scratch and in an entirely different way from what I have done in the propietary codebases that I have contributed.

My main motivation for doing this is to apply in FORTRAN what I have learned from working with Java, C/C++, and Python.


Instructions to compile the source code with GNU Make. Some degree of familiarity with the command line is assumed.

Compilation requirements: GNU Make, GCC 10 (or higher), and a POSIX compliant Operative System OS. The code has been tested in GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. It might be possible to compile the source in Windows under Cygwin but have yet to test it myself.

You can compile the OBDS code by issuing the following commands on the terminal (at the top level of the repository):

make clean && make

It would be a great idea to edit make-inc, the one at the top level of the repository, especially if you want to enable compiler optimizations (for these are turned off by default) or use a different compiler.

The OBDS code has been successfully built with the GNU C and FORTRAN Compilers gcc and gfortran, the LLVM C Compiler clang, and the Intel C and FORTRAN Compilers icc and ifort in both GNU/Linux and Mac OS X.

Set Up the Execution Environment

Create the output directories that the OBDS app expects:

mkdir -p run/bds/data/params
mkdir -p run/bds/data/positions
mkdir -p run/render/frames

Note that these directories must be present in your current working directory.

Executing the OBDS app

To execute the OBDS app issue the following command on the terminal:


If you prefer to execute the OBDS code from Python change your working directory via

cd api/clang/src/bds/python

and then execute the code with the Python 3 interpreter:


contrary to its FORTRAN counterpart this one prepares the execution environment for you.

Running OBDS tests

Minimal OBDS FORTRAN Test Code can be executed from the top level of the repository:


The test just spawns the particles in the system box, tests the computation of the interparticle forces, the application of the periodic boundaries, among other things. It is not by any means a fully fledged BDS code, in fact, it only executes one step and exits.

OBDS Test Code can be executed from the top level of the repository:


This test code can be used to perform Brownian Dynamics Simulations.

Initialization Run Video

Click on the image below to watch the video on youtube. Watch the video

BDS Run Videos

Links to OBDS runs videos hosted on youtube: Watch the video

Watch the video

openbds's People


misael-diaz avatar



openbds's Issues

node class

create the node class --- the underlying type for a linked-list

Consider using a vector of nodes to implement a random-access iterator.

consider implementing memory allocators

Provides the user/developer with a uniform interface for allocating some types

Might need to define derived-types in a typedefs module to implement these (de)allocators. The existing modules will have to import these type definitions (not defined in the respective modules as in the present case).

I am not sure yet how beneficial this might be in the long run.

implement vector class

implement a vector class with the basic features: push_back, size, clear, addressing operator( )

you can providelbound and rbound methods for users wishing to use these for traversing the elements of the vector.

The vector grows as needed and it starts as empty. If the user wishes to push a value then it initializes the vector size to 8 (or 16) and then it grows twice as large so that the sequence 0, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. delimits the possible vector sizes.

one past the end
You can always allocate one more element to compute the size as: end - begin, where end is an index value one past the end of the vector. This means that the user could address the value delimited by index by mistake. However, just like in c++ the user is responsible for addressing elements within the bounds of the container.

clearing elements
Clearing the vector only affects the iterator/index data so that it goes back to the beginning. So that pushing new values overwrites existing values until limit is reached. In that case the vector grows.

This is the ideal type to implement the neighbor-list which could be implemented as an array of vectors. It's analogous to the original implementation (2nd-rank array) but with the benefit that the neighbor-list size is not fixed.

implement Binary Search Trees BSTs

The worst scenario for a simple BST algorithm is to be given a sorted data set.

If you store the last two values you could rearrange a branch that has grown in one direction two times in a row (example, 0 -> 1 -> 2 would be arranged as 0 <- 1 -> 2).

implement the fill constructor [vector]

implement a fill constructor based on the c++ fill constructor which takes as argument the number of copies and a value.

Note that some work has been done before creating the issue. What's pending is setting the internal error message which is displayed to user when trying to push mixed types to a vector of built-in type.


  • set the internal error message #87
  • partition the code further #89
  • test for aliasing #91
  • handle filling the vector with empty vectors #90

box module

various classes of boxes can be implemented (infinite or unbounded, 1d, 2d, 3d, cube, parallelepiped, and non-orthogonal boxes)

some possible names for member functions:
spawn: applies periodic boundary conditions
shrink: compresses the box incrementally (might be of some use for initialization of the system)
sort: sorts particles into subdomains (for classes that support domain decomposition techniques)

array class

Consider implementing an array class whose underlying data is an array of some type having fixed size:

type :: array_t
integer(kind = int64) :: value
end type

Try defining an iterator type for the class where ary.begin() returns an iterator that points at the beginning and ary.end() returns an (effective) off-the-end iterator. An effective off-the-end iterator because it could be set up to point to an element of the underlying data that's not accessible to the user which serves the purpose of computing the size of the array.

The GNU extension loc can help you index and compute the size of the underlying data. (Note that we can index the underlying data as usual since we have a fortran array and we also know the size of the array upon instantiation.)

This is just an experiment, I want to see whether it can be done or not in fortran.

chronos module

implement a chronometer class defined in the chronos module, it should prove useful for profiling the code

Define a data structure that hides the implementation from its user:
type chrono
int begins
int ends
double clock_period
end type

And define a member function that returns the elapsed-time in milliseconds

implement map class

a basic map class could be implemented as an array of vectors, the key would be of integer type and the value would be any of the values supported by the vector class.

Indexing of map can be achieved by setting the bounds of the array lb:ub, where lb is the minkey and ub is the maxkey value. This means that one has to store all the key values in another array. Note that this need not to be done if one knows the key values ahead of time. As for applying the particle sorting by cells technique.

Later the map class can be implemented using binary search trees to have some fun.

push array into vector

Consider adding support for pushing an array into vectors

The size of the vector follows the sequence: 8, 16, 32, 64, ..., 2 ^ (n - 1), 2 ^ n

Make it so that pushing an array to leads to a vector having a size that can be represented by two to the nth power (integer). The proposed approach is to use bitwise operations and intrinsics when the array size is greater than the current vector size:

  • find the number of elements in the array by the size intrinsic
  • obtain the MSB and left-shift to create a mask
  • Bitwise AND the array-size with itself (all 64-bits will be set LOW) or assign a value of zero
  • Bitwise OR with the mask to set left-shifted bit HIGH so that the new vector size is two to the power of some power n, 2^n

Note that we always ask for twice the array-size by left-shifting the MSB so that another array of the same size can be pushed to the vector without having to reallocate it.

If the array can be pushed without resizing the vector, then no memory reallocation will take place.


  • complete task #68
  • partition by methods (examples: push_back, erase, etc. methods in their own submodule) so that you can omit committing anything related to the experimental erase methods when you push to the main branch. This has been assigned in task #70
  • partition grow method #72
  • refactor writing data into vector #73
  • refactor string allocations #76
  • use bit operations to double the size of the vector
  • implement the fill constructor #88
  • int32 types
  • int64 types
  • real64 types
  • vector type (push array of vectors)

iterator points to an invalid object when copying a vector into an array of vectors

the following code snippet shows what needs to be avoided:

vectors = f()

where f() is a function that returns a vector and vectors is an array of vectors

As a result the iterators point to the same memory address unless the iterator of vector is NULL.

workaround until the bug is fixed is the following:

do i = first:last
    vectors(i) = f()
end do


  • Try defining what it means to copy a vector into an array of vectors and overload the type-bound assign operator with the method. (Did not work see comment below.)
  • Try doing the pointer association after the vector_vector_t_copy subroutine returns. And do it in a subroutine where only the vector itself is passed as an argument.
  • implement validate method to validate the iterators whenever needed #103
  • check if this is a bug of the compiler and report it if it has not been reported already

string class

Consider creating a string class which uses the vector and the underlying container.

This means that the vector needs to be extended to contain an array of characters.

cater empty vectors when validating iterators [vector]

ary(i) % deref % it => ary(i) % array % values(b:e)

Note that when the vector is empty the bounds in the selected line of code b = 0 and e = -1 so that the iterator would point to an invalid memory location. Nullify the iterator instead.

There's also the issue that no memory is actually allocated for vector % array % values when the vector is empty. This is also something that needs fixing.

test further for aliasing [vectors]

! same as above but for a `vector < vector < vector<T> > >'

In addition to checking for aliasing for vectors nested at the same level sharing the same intermediate vector host, do so for vectors having different hosts.

Also extend the test to check that there's no aliasing among the hosts (or intermediate vectors).

The expected result is that there's no aliasing but I just want to be thorough.

pseudo-random number generators

there's a plethora of pseudo-random number generators PRNGs to choose from. I have used Marsaglia's xorshift:32 before but it's worthwhile to explore this aspect in more detail to find PRNGs suitable for Brownian Dynamic Simulations. The TestU01 library might be a good place to look for statistical tests to determine the reliability of the PRNGs

adjust indentation in vector source files

Some functions have long names and long argument lists so to improve the presentation the indentation is going to be modified. I could change the naming convention but the easiest approach is to adjust the indentation.

So far the following commands have been used to adjust indentation of Vector.for:

$ sed -i 's/^  \(  interface.*\)/\1/' Vector.for 
$ sed -i 's/^  \(  end interface.*\)/\1/' Vector.for 
$ sed -i 's/^    \(    module sub.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(    end sub.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(    module fun.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(    end fun.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(    module elem.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(    module recur.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(        class.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(        real.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(        integer.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(        ! Syn.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(        type.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(        char.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^    \(        logical.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^  \(  [uipt].*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i 's/^  \(  end type.*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i '90,142s/^  \(      [ptcil].*\)/\1/' Vector.for
$ sed -i '112,141s/^    \(        [pfg].*\)/\1/' Vector.for

commands used to indent the methods of vector<int32_t>:

$ sed -i 's/      \(  [me].*\)/\1/' Vector_int32_t_methods.for 
$ sed -i '31,87s/      \(      ..*\)/\1/' Vector_int32_t_methods.for

remove elements from vector

implement the erase method for the vector class it could take a either a value or an index as its input. It could also take two indexes first:last, the data pointed to by the inclusive range is deleted from the vector.

When a value is supplied all instances of the value are removed. This means that you cannot use the findloc intrinsic since it only finds the first or the last instance. You will have to define a function that masks the elements to be retained.

  • conduct additional tests on erasing by bounds
  • perform even more tests on erasing by bounds
  • do more tests on erasing by values
  • implement flipping the logic (erases those but the selected values)
  • implement for int64 types

reallocate memory when copying a vector into another [vector]

Freeing memory allocated for the internal data structure can be handled by the generic allocator which is called by vector_vector_t_copy to instantiate the (destination) vector.

What you need to do is to setup the allocators to free any memory that has been allocated already. This should destroy any data and nullify the iterator gracefully.

refactor copying a value into [vector]

There's some repetition whenever a value is copied into a vector. See for example the insert-back and create subroutines:


      associate (begin  => vector % begin % idx,  &
               & avail  => vector % avail % idx,  &
               & values => vector % array % values)

          select type (values)
              type is ( integer(kind = int32) )
                  values (avail) = value
              class default
                  ! caters inserting mixed-types
                  error stop vector % state % errmsg
          end select

          vector % deref % it => vector % array % values(begin:avail)
          avail = avail + 1_int64

      end associate


associate (begin  => vector % begin % idx,  &
               & avail  => vector % avail % idx,  &
               & limit  => vector % limit % idx,  &
               & state  => vector % state % init, &
               & values => vector % array % values)

          begin = lb
          avail = lb
          limit = ub

          select type (values)
              type is ( integer(kind = int32) )
                  values         = 0
                  values (avail) = value
              class default
                  error stop "dynamic::vector.create: unexpected err"
          end select

          vector % deref % it => vector % array % values(begin:avail)
          avail = avail + 1_int64
          state = .true.

      end associate

The minor differences in create can be conducted elsewhere.

pull-back method [vector]

implement the pull-back method for the vector class to remove the last element

it's going to be useful if when updating the random-access iterator of the linked-list, especially when freeing the resources allocated for the list (the list is destroyed from tail to head).

implement system as a module

system defines a data structure for unary, binary, and multi-component systems

In order to define the data structures of system (unary_t, binary_t, etc.) type the data members of particle_t must be public. One may choose to hide the particle data from the user in the system type.

Even though I do not yet have a full picture of what will end up implemented here I think it's a plausible design to define a system type. One may implement methods that spawn particles in the box to meet the parameters of the simulation.

consider restricting pushing mixed-types into a vector

Even though pushing mixed-types into a vector containing built-in types has been accounted for, it is still possible to push vectors of different types into another vector. The idea here is to prevent that under certain circumstances. I still would like to be able to push vectors of different types whenever doing so would simplify my work.

So what I would like to do is allow it when a vector of empty vectors is created with the fill constructor or when an empty vector is pushed into another.

For all the other cases, the object being pushed must be the same as the objected contained in the vector.

A possible way to do this is to add a new (or extend an existing) component that stores the "type" the vector contains. Easy way to do this is to define an integral whose values signal a specific type (say 0 for class(*), 1 for int32_t, 2 for int64_t, etc.)

range-based constructor [vector]

The constructor generates a vector of integral type given a begin, end, and step, both the begin and step are optional. Sort of like Python's built-in range

This feature can be useful for quick generation of vector-subscripts.

partition modules into submodules

It's a good practice to partition modules into submodules, especially for large projects. If setup correctly, it might reduce the compilation time. Need to think about how to do this with gnu make.

Now the pressing issue is to partition otherwise big modules into smaller source files, each implementing a feature such as the interactions of spheres via the Lennard-Jones potential or the displacement of such particles. There would be a submodule for the interactions and another for the computation of the displacement.

A similar partitioning could be used for particles of different type. For example spheroidal particles interacting via the Gay-Berne potential. There would be a submodule that computes the interactions and another for the displacement of such particles.

The module could only define an abstract particle type. A submodule could define what it means to be a sphere and another what it means to be a spheroid and so on. Then one can use submodules to implement the mentioned interactions, displacements, and anything else specific to that particle type.

So start small by partitioning small submodules to familiarize yourself with this approach.

improve list class

First of all do not undue the work done for the linked-list class

In a separate module develop an experimental list class.

Some ideas:

  1. if a section of the list is popped then that section becomes another list
  2. the list keeps an update accounting of how many elements it has
  3. uses class(*) as the underlying data structure for storage
  4. prevents creating list of mixed-types just like the c++ list container
  5. the iterator provides methods for navigating the list (example it % next() which would be the analogue of it++ which advances a c++ list to the next element).
  6. Experiment with an iterator that provides direct access to the values. Consider using a dynamic array of pointers, use a vector as the underlying data structure to implement it.

There are interesting open-source implementations of the list class which you may want to check out. Also do not forget to see the methods that a python list provide.

Some references:

implement statistic methods for the vector class

Examples: min, max, avg, etc.

If there's an intrinsic that already does this, implement it as a wrapper. This implies that the vector stores objects of intrinsic types (int32, real64, etc.)

What matters is how the vector is going to be used. Users might prefer to apply the intrinsic to the values pointed to by the iterator.

For derived-types you will need to think about this more in depth. Note that the user needs to define what it means to compare objects of the derived-type.

Final Comments: Implementing a fully featured vector class is a project in itself.

consider using type-bound assignments for derived-types

There are times were you may want to assign one derived-type object to another (same-type) object. For example, assigning a vector to another vector.

It turns out that if assignment is not defined the compiler might synthesize one for you. If the derived-type encompasses intrinsic types only then you may not need to supply one yourself. However you may want to check what happens when using nested derived-types (the components of the derived-type are derived-type themselves).

See the wiki of the repository for additional info.

You will have to research what happens when the components are pointers as for the linked-list class. Some information can be found from the stackoverflow posts in the wiki.

implement neighbor-lists class

neighbor-lists can be implemented as an array of vectors

type :: list_t
type(vector_t), allocatable :: lists(:)
type(range_t), allocatable :: range


type :: range_t
real(kind = real64), allocatable :: radius
end type

If choosing to use allocatable attribute for the components of the types it will be useful to define destructors for each type that will handle freeing memory.

In such case both the range_t and list_t need a finalizer.

account for empty vectors with preallocated sizes [vector]

memory may be allocated for the internal data structure but the vector may as well be empty. This can be the case if a vector is constructed so that it has predefined limits. Note that this feature has not been implemented but it might be in the near future so it's important to do it right from the onset.

partition grow methods [vector]

There's potential for refactoring in the grow method(s) called by the push-back method. These are used to increase the vector size whenever it reaches its full capacity.

Backing up data can be partitioned into a subroutine:

      ! bounds for copying the data
      lb = vector % begin % idx
      ub = vector % avail % idx - 1_int64
      bounds(0) = lb
      bounds(1) = ub
      call allocator (bounds, array)

      ! copies existing values into placeholder
      associate (values => vector % array % values)

          select type (values)
              type is ( integer(kind = int32) )
                  array(:) = values(lb:ub)
              class default
                  error stop vector % state % errmsg
          end select

      end associate

and so is the copying of the backed up data into vector:

      bounds(0) = vector % begin % idx
      bounds(1) = vector % limit % idx
      call reallocator (bounds, vector % array % values, value)

      ! copies values in placeholder into (reallocated) vector
      associate (values => vector % array % values)

         select type (values)
              type is ( integer(kind = int32) )
                  values = 0
                  values(lb:ub) = array
              class default
                  error stop errmsg
          end select

      end associate

improve vector class iterator

The original implementation exposed the data in vector by a pointer whose association was handled by the member function iter. The issue is that whenever a value is pushed to or removed from the vector the iterator becomes invalidated automatically, requiring the user to call the member function iter to update the iterator.

It might be more useful to provide an iterator as a public data member of the vector class. It gets updated whenever a new value is pushed or removed. That way the user does not need to worry about invoking the member function iter whenever he or she needs it.


  • define a public iterator to the underlying data
  • remove the iter member function

consider using c_size_t to hold the size of dynamic objects

I know that the size_t in c/c++ is an unsigned integer capable of holding the size of any object.

I guess that it should have the same capacity in fortran but I have not used it before so I would like to do a some research on their usage before incorporating them in the code.

This feature is of importance for implementing dynamic structures such as vectors, linked-lists, binary-search trees, etc.

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