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The laa-apply-for-legal-aid system is a web service by use for solicitors providing legal aid services to enter applications for legal aid on-line. It asks for details of applicant means (income and assets), and the merits of a case, and gives a decision on whether legal aid can be granted or not, and if so, will push the application through to back-end processes for payment.

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License: MIT License

Ruby 81.20% HTML 10.35% Dockerfile 0.07% Shell 0.24% JavaScript 1.16% Gherkin 6.34% SCSS 0.37% Mustache 0.27% Procfile 0.01%
laa-apply laa-get-legal-aid

laa-apply-for-legal-aid's Introduction

CircleCI Maintainability Test Coverage

LAA Apply for legal aid

The laa-apply-for-legal-aid system is a web service for solicitors that provide legal aid services. The service enables users to submit applications for legal aid on-line.

Table of Contents

Architecture Diagram

View the architecture diagram for this project. It's defined as code and can be edited by anyone.

Documentation for developers.

Documentation of certain parts of the system which are particularly complex can be found here


  • Ruby version

    • Ruby version 3.x
    • Rails 7.0.x
  • System dependencies

    • postgres
    • redis
    • yarn
    • libreoffice
    • clamav

Install dependencies with homebrew:

brew bundle

Initial setup

Git-crypt is used for encryption. It uses either your personal public key or a symmetric key.

  1. To obtain the symmetric key you will need to get access to 1Password. Liase with a team member for this. Once you have the the key you can unlock:
git-crypt unlock path-to-symmetric-key
  1. Copy the .env.sample file and name the new file .env.development

To get the app in a usable state you will need to provide an admin password before running set up as seeding the admin user requires this value

  1. To install OS dependencies (MacOSX only):
brew bundle
  1. From the root of the project execute the following command:
  1. Once setup, you can run the dev binstub to run the server, sidekiq, and watch for JS and CSS changes.

Encrypting sensitive data

We use git-crypt to encrypt sensitive data so that it can be stored in the same repo as all the other code, yet still be inaccessible to unauthorised users.

Adding a new encrypted file

This can be a bit tricky, so follow these steps:

  • git-crypt unlock <PATH_TO_FILE_CONTAINING_KEY>

  • Add a new line to .gitattributes to ensure the new file is encrypted

    <path_to_file_to_be_encrypted> filter=git-crypt diff=git-crypt

  • Add the file you want to be encrypted

  • Add the new file to git, and commit it git add .

    git comit -m '<message>

  • Lock the repo git-crypt lock

You should now check by looking at the file either in your editor or on the command line to ensure the file you've just added is in fact encrypted.

Malware check of uploaded files

ClamAV is used to make sure uploaded files do not contain any malware. If you are on Mac, ClamAV would have been installed by running bin/setup

On Ubuntu you can install it with:

sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon -y
sudo freshclam
sudo /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon start

You may also need to run:

sudo apt install clamdscan


Overcommit is a gem which adds git pre-commit hooks to your project. Pre-commit hooks run various lint checks before making a commit. Checks are configured on a project-wide basis in .overcommit.yml.

To install the git hooks locally, run overcommit --install. If you don't want the git hooks installed, just don't run this command.

Once the hooks are installed, if you need to you can skip them with the -n flag: git commit -n

Run the application server

bin/rails s

NOTE: You also need to start sidekiq and redis in separate terminal windows:

bundle exec sidekiq

You can also use foreman to start the application server, sidekiq and redis with one command:

gem install foreman
foreman start -f Procfile

Running tests

Ensure you have an .env.test file. This can be the same as your .env.development file. In addition you should set the following.

Set BC_USE_DEV_MOCK=true to mock the call to the benefits checker. Set LAA_PORTAL_MOCK_SAML=true to mock any calls to portal SAML auth. Set LEGAL_FRAMEWORK_API_HOST=<staging api> Set CFE_CIVIL_HOST=<staging api> Set HMRC_API_HOST=<staging api>

Runs Rubocop, RSpec specs and Cucumber features


VCR cassettes

VCR is used to record interactions with external services and play back these stubs during test runs. To ensure the recorded cassettes used in the specs and features are up to date you should occasionally rerecord them.

see VCR Recording for setup and recommended approaches to rerecording of cassettes.

Puffing-billy stubs (and request cache)

Puffing-billy is used to stub (or record) external service calls made from javascript.

see Puffing-billy recording for setup and recommended approaches to creating new stubs or recording requests in a persisted cache.


The repo also includes a Guardfile, this can be run in a terminal window

bundle exec guard

When changes to test files are made it will run the tests in that file When changes are made to objects it will attempt to pattern match the appropriate tests and run them, e.g. changes to app/models/applicant.rb will run spec/models/applicant_spec.rb Ensuring your test files match the folder structure and naming convention will help guard monitor your file changes


The repo also includes pry-rescue, a gem to allow faster debugging. Running

bundle exec rescue rspec

will cause any failing tests or unhandled exceptions to automatically open a pry prompt for immediate investigation.


The deployment is triggered on all builds in CircleCI but requires approval to the desired environment.

A build is only triggered by Circle CI when a pull request is opened in GitHub, this also applies to Draft pull requests.

NOTE: git-crypt is required to store secrets required for uat, staging and production environments. To be able to modify those secrets, git-crypt needs to be set up according to the following guide.

  • For more information on howto setup Helm in your local environment refer to the following guide.
  • For more deployment information refer to the specific README

UAT Deployments

UAT deployments are automatically created and deleted as part of the Circle CI process. Once a pull request has been created on GitHub, Circle CI will create a deployment under the new branch name. Once the branch has been merged with main the UAT deployment is deleted as part of the Circle CI process to deploy production.

In some cases a deployed branch will not be merged with main in which case the following commands can be used to manually delete the UAT deployment:

# list the availables releases:
helm list --namespace=laa-apply-for-legalaid-uat --debug --all

# delete a specific release
helm delete --namespace=laa-apply-for-legalaid-uat <name-of-the-release>

Dev: running locally



Authentication is made to the LAA portal, which sends back a packet of data like this:

  "USER_EMAIL"=>[“[email protected]”],

These are translated by the devise_saml_authenticatable module to the appropriate fields on the provider using the mapping specified in config/attribute-map.yml.


User login on dev can be mocked out by adding the the following settings


This will enable you to login as a provider with the usernames specified in config/initializers/mock_saml.rb. Not that the provider firm_id is the same for firm1-user1 and firm1-user2; all other users will belong to different firms. The password for all users is password.

Post-authentication provider details retrieval

Once the provider has been authenticated, either by the portal or by the mock-saml mechanism described above, an after_action method #update_provider_details on the SamlSessionsController is executed. This will call the update_details method on the current_provider (a Provider object supplied by Devise) which generates a background job to query the provider details API and updates any details that have changed on the provider record.

Signing out of the application

When using the mock-saml in development or on UAT, sign out works in the way you'd expect: Clicking signout takes you to a page confirming your're signed out, and going to the start url will redirect you to the sign-in page.

When using the portal for authentication, (on staging or live, or if configured as described below, on localhost), the sign out link takes you to a feedback page, but doesn't really sign you out. This is a side effect of using the portal Single Sign On system. You're not signed out until you tell the portal you've signed out, and when you do that, you are signed out of all other applications at the same time. (Behind the scenes, the Devise authenticate_provider! method contacts the portal to see if your signed in, and if so, repopulates the session with the required data).

You can sign out of the portal by going to

How to set up localhost to use the portal

Setting up localhost to use the portal staging environment for signing in rather than the mock is fairly straightforward:

  • change the values of the following environment variables in your .env file to the same values as in the Staging environment:

    Note that the value for LAA_PORTAL_IDP_CERT_FINGERPRINT_ALGORITHM is and not replaced with anything else.

  • Use the BENREID credientials from staging to log in (This use is set up as part of the db:seed rake task)

Benefits checker

To mock the benefits check in development and testing add the following environment variable:


This will enable MockBenefitCheckService. See `MockBenefitCheckService::KNOWN for credentials that will return 'Yes' for has qualifying benefits.

This environment variable should be set to false when recording new vcr cassettes otherwise the test will pass locally and fail on CircleCI.

Mock TrueLayer Data

TrueLayer test data can be replaced by mock data from db/sample_data/bank_transactions.csv. This can be toggled in the Admin Portal at /admin/settings.

This mock data allows for testing with more meaningful bank transactions, including benefits data tagged with correct DWP codes.

Admin Portal

The admin portal is at /admin. To access it in UAT, there must be an AdminUser defined.

If ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD'] returns a password, running rake db:seed will create an admin user with username apply_maintenance, and that password, in all UAT deployments.

The admin portal is only accessible in Staging and Production using Google login for authorised accounts.

To allow reset mode within the admin portal, ENV['ADMIN_ALLOW_RESET'] must return "true"

To allow the creation of test applications at different stages, for each provider, ENV['ADMIN_ALLOW_CREATE_TEST_APPLICATIONS'] must return "true". This is only available in the Staging and UAT environments.

Monitoring & Debugging

  • To monitor the worker jobs execution you can access /sidekiq:

    • User: sidekiq
    • Password: see worker: webUiPassword in the secrets (or SIDEKIQ_WEB_UI_PASSWORD env var)
  • To monitor Slack alerts from our service:


To enable full logs in the test environment, ENV['RAILS_ENABLE_TEST_LOG'] must return "true".

ENV['RAILS_ENABLE_TEST_LOG'] defaults to nil (falsey) in order to reduce log pollution during testing.


Staging and Production

Staging and production databases are RDS instances on the MOJ Cloud Platform. Connection details are held in 1Password.

These databases are within the AWS VPC and are not publicly available. In order to connect to an RDS database from a local client, first run:

kubectl -n laa-apply-for-legalaid-staging port-forward port-forward-rds 5433:80

This will then allow you to connect to the database, eg:

psql --host=localhost --port=5433 --username=<username> --password --dbname=apply_for_legal_aid_staging

  • Change staging to production in the above commands to access production.
  • Port 5433 is used in the above examples instead of the usual 5432 for postgres, as 5432 will not work if postgres


Backups are taken daily at 5:40am and stored for 7 days, these are automated backups and cannot be deleted. The retention date can be changed.

Anonymised database export and local restore

In order to create an anonymised dump of an environments database you can:

$ ./scripts/ [environment]

Where environment is production, staging or a branch name from uat, e.g. ap-1234

It requires that you have kubectl authenticated and your context set to the current live context

It will connect to the required kubernetes namespace and pod and run the rake db:export task this will generate a filename of [environment].anon.sql

It will then copy the compressed restore file to the tmp folder in the project and de-compress it

If a file from the same environment exists, it will prompt you to overwrite the local copy

It will then output a restore command to enable you to restore it to your local psql instance at your convenience

A typical output for uat should resemble:

Finding pod for uat
Connecting to apply-ap-1234-apply-for-legal-aid-1234567890abc, anonymizing, compressing and exporting DB
You can restore this locally by running:
 psql -q -P pager=off -d apply_for_legal_aid_dev -f ./tmp/uat.anon.sql

Anonymised database restore to UAT

To apply the anonymised database export to a UAT branch you can run the restore script:

$ ./scripts/ [branch-name]

Where branch name is either the full git branch name or just the start of it e.g ap-2555-anon-uat-db or ap-2555

It requires that you have kubectl authenticated and your context set to the live cluster. The script will save the anonymised database to your local /tmp folder. This script will copy the file to the /tmp folder on the selected UAT instance, drop the existing database and restore using the anonymised data.

The script will also output the anonymised email addresses for 10 Providers. These can be used to login to the UAT instance.

3rd party integrations

True Layer

To connect the True Layer API, a client ID and client SECRET must be supplied. They can be set via the environment variables TRUE_LAYER_CLIENT_ID and TRUE_LAYER_CLIENT_SECRET respectively. Visit to get a client ID and client SECRET.

True Layer offer a Mock Bank option (see To enable this functionality, set the environment variable TRUE_LAYER_ENABLE_MOCK to "true".

Check Financial Eligibility Service

The URL for this service should be set using the environment variable CFE_CIVIL_HOST.

Legal Framework API Service

The URL for this service should be set using the environment variable LEGAL_FRAMEWORK_API_HOST.

Geckoboard Dashboard

Several sets of statistics are exported to Geckoboard for displaying on an application dashboard.

How to add a new widget to the dashboard

There are three steps to creating a new widget for the Geckoboard dashboard

1. Create a widget data provider

Create a new class in the app/models/dashboard/widget_data_providers directory. This should define three class methods:

  • .handle - the name of the widget, which will be qualified with a project name and environment. For example my_widget would become apply_for_legal_aid.production.my_widget in the list of datasets on Geckoboard
  • .dataset_defintion - the list of fields that will be in the dataset (see for details on how to define and provide data for a dataset.)
  • .data - the actual data that will be sent to Geckoboard every time it is run.

This data provider will be used by the Dashboard::Widget class when called with the name of the data provider as a parameter.

2. Add a cronjob to run it

Create a yaml configuration file for each cronjob under ./helm_deploy/apply_for_legal_aid/templates by copying the .dashboard_template_cron.yaml.sample file and configure it to run the command rake job:dashboard:update[the WidgetDataProvider class name here] with your chosen cron job schedule.

3. Add the widget to the Geckoboard dashboard

Once the job has been run at least once, you will be able to select the dataset as a data source when adding a new widget.


Refer to the specific README

laa-apply-for-legal-aid's People


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laa-apply-for-legal-aid's Issues

A branch protection setting is not enabled: codeowners require reviews

Hi there
The default branch protection setting called codeowners require review is not enabled for this repository
This option affects a pull request, i.e a PR will need to be reviewed and approved by a CODEOWNER before it can be merged.
See repository settings/Branches/Branch protection rules
Either add a new Branch protection rule or edit the existing branch protection rule and select the Require review from Code Owners option
Create a .github/CODEOWNERS file
Add a or multiple entries of @ministryofjustice/team_name to the CODEOWNERS file
The team_name shall be a team from within the MoJ teams:
See GH Codeowners documentation:
See the repository standards:
See the report:
Please contact Operations Engineering on Slack #ask-operations-engineering, if you need any assistance

Refactor Applications create action

Relates to: #19

  • The controller action is doing to much and the logic implemented in it should probably be extracted to a service object
  • The specs need tyding up as there's local variables being declared out of the scope of the it block, expectations on not being nil when we know exactly the value the attribute should have instead. etc

Search provider type on providers/legal_aid_appliations#new matches whole entered string

The current search code compares the whole string entered in the search query, to provider type description text. This means the longer the string, the less likely it is to match. The filtering is done with this code:

var filtered_proceedings = $.grep(proceedings_data, function (proceeding) {
  return (proceeding.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(current_input) !== -1);

One modification could be to split the input into words and then search the descriptions for all those words being present (rather than being in a pre-set order):

var filtered_proceedings = $.grep(proceedings_data, function (proceeding) {
  return (current_input.split(/\s+/).every(word => proceeding.description.toLowerCase().indexOf(word) !== -1));

Move Sidekiq to its own container

Sidekiq was introduced to fix issue #98

At the moment the Sidekiq process is run in the same container as the web server with foreman and this Procfile:

web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb -p 3002
worker: bundle exec sidekiq

Instead, we should have Sidekiq run in its own container. It makes more sense to have one process per container and we can control them individually. For example we can then scale them independently

Unit testing for JS functionality

If there's a bit chunk of functionality developed in Javascript it should probably have some Unit tests in place to cover more thoroughly the different scenarios that functionality provides.

Not to be taken as the way to go, but more of an idea/guideline, here's some example of what was done in other projects to achieve the same purpose:

Improve CircleCI run times

Despite the caching changes in #1135 there is probably some improvments to be found in caching the entire image. apt-get install gets repeated on each job and is slowing down the build. If that can be cached, an initial build could run bundle install and apt-get setup and apt-get install * and that image be used on the 3 separate test steps

Separating build and test in the circle ci config

Currently the build and test run in the same job. It is a good idea to separate these into two jobs so we can rerun from a failed point easily without having to rerun the tests.

    <<: *container_config
      - checkout
      - *setup_python_env
      - run: python3 test

    <<: *container_config
      - checkout
      - setup_remote_docker:
          docker_layer_caching: true
      - *build_docker_image
- *push_docker_image```

Background job for True Layer data pull

Currently the user experience of authenticating in True Layer (and pulling the data) happens all sequentially and gives the user the feeling that they're waiting for something on the True Layer screen where at that point we successfully authenticated them and we're just pulling the information associated with their account, which takes a while.

I suggest the process is enqueued into a Background job manager (like Sidekiq) and the user sees a waiting screen (controlled by us) that is shown stating the data is being pulled down and once the data pull is complete then the user is redirected to the details screen. (Probably better to check with Product and Desing on how the workflow should behave and look).

This should also free up the actual Rails instance, allocated at the given time to the data pull, which avoids cases such as having multiple people performing pulls and blocking/degrading the experience of the app.

erb_lint is downgraded and set at v0.35

Due to a clash between rails 6.1 and 6.1.1 under rShopify/erb-lint/issues/197
erb_lint returns a failure when running:

lib/erb_lint/reporter.rb:36:in `<class:Reporter>': undefined method `delegate' for ERBLint::Reporter:Class (NoMethodError)

When the erb_lint issue is fixed, update erb_lint version to it.

Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files

Dependabot can't resolve your Ruby dependency files.

As a result, Dependabot couldn't update your dependencies.

The error Dependabot encountered was:

Bundler::GemNotFound with message: Could not find shoulda-matchers-4.0.0 in any of the sources

If you think the above is an error on Dependabot's side please don't hesitate to get in touch - we'll do whatever we can to fix it.

You can mention @dependabot in the comments below to contact the Dependabot team.

Page titles are not unique to action

Currently the page titles is the same for every page. This makes navigation via history difficult.


The page title can be created dynamically, with a default behaviour that creates action specific titles based on a combination of controller, action and id. Then this can be over written with a content_for call for particular page. There is an example here

"Sidekiq alive" incompatible with Sidekiq 6

Recently, after an automated bump to Sidekiq 6 from Sidekiq 5.2, workers started raising errors in kubernetes:

uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Logging
Did you mean?  Logger
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq_alive-1.1.0/lib/sidekiq_alive.rb:78:in `logger'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq_alive-1.1.0/lib/sidekiq_alive.rb:14:in `block (3 levels) in start'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq_alive-1.1.0/lib/sidekiq_alive.rb:13:in `tap'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq_alive-1.1.0/lib/sidekiq_alive.rb:13:in `block (2 levels) in start'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq-6.0.0/lib/sidekiq/util.rb:61:in `block in fire_event'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq-6.0.0/lib/sidekiq/util.rb:60:in `each'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq-6.0.0/lib/sidekiq/util.rb:60:in `fire_event'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq-6.0.0/lib/sidekiq/cli.rb:75:in `run'
/usr/local/bundle/gems/sidekiq-6.0.0/bin/sidekiq:12:in `<top (required)>'
/usr/local/bundle/bin/sidekiq:23:in `load'

By the log and some investigation seems the error es triggered by the Gem "Sidekiq Alive" that has a hard dependency on "Sidekiq::Logging". I guess Sidekiq 6 stopped exposing it, hence "Sidekiq Alive" blows up.

Sidekiq alive doesn't seem very active, has no newer version adding compatibility to Sidekiq 6 neither raised issues on the error.

Going to raise an issue in "Sidekiq alive" project, but until a new version is released we won't be able to upgrade to Sidekiq v6.

Failure to upgrade sidekiq to version 6

During the upgrade to Rails 6 we defaulted sidekiq to version 5.7.2 because version 6 requires zeitwerk (the Rails 6 default autoloader) which we don't use.

more information here:

Cucumber v4 causes issues

On 24 Jun 2020 dependabot updated cucumber-rails to 2.1.0

This introduced support for cucumber v4

Because our Gemfile did specify a specific version of Cucumber it updated to 4 and this caused every test to fail

I locked cucumber to v3 to allow the tests to run
The failures mainly seemed to fall into two sections
undefined method `feature'
private method `puts'

This will probably require some investigation of the changelogs of cucumber/cucumber-ruby where the breaking changes were introduced

Use Rails 6 default autoloader called zeitwerk

There was an error during the upgrading of Rails 6 related to the autoloader, zeitwerk.

The temporary solution was to (#1240):

  • Revert to using classic as the rails autoloader instead of the rails 6 default of zeitwerk. This fixed issues relating to a loading in rails_helper require error :
File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
  can't modify frozen


Use the Rails 6 default autoloader - zeitwerk

UAT deploy fixes and improvements

  • helm restricts release names to the following:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: invalid release name, must match regex ^(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])+$ and the length must not longer than 53

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