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flog's Introduction


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flog is a fake log generator for common log formats such as apache-common, apache error and RFC3164 syslog.

It is useful for testing some tasks which require log data like amazon kinesis log stream test.

Thanks to gofakeit ๐Ÿ˜˜


Using go install

go install

Using homebrew

brew tap mingrammer/flog
brew install flog

Using .tar.gz archive

Download gzip file from Github Releases according to your OS. Then, copy the unzipped executable to under system path.

Using docker

docker run -it --rm mingrammer/flog


There are useful options. (flog --help)

  -f, --format string      log format. available formats:
                           - apache_common (default)
                           - apache_combined
                           - apache_error
                           - rfc3164
                           - rfc5424
                           - json
  -o, --output string      output filename. Path-like is allowed. (default "generated.log")
  -t, --type string        log output type. available types:
                           - stdout (default)
                           - log
                           - gz
  -n, --number integer     number of lines to generate.
  -b, --bytes integer      size of logs to generate (in bytes).
                           "bytes" will be ignored when "number" is set.
  -s, --sleep duration     fix creation time interval for each log (default unit "seconds"). It does not actually sleep.
                           examples: 10, 20ms, 5s, 1m
  -d, --delay duration     delay log generation speed (default unit "seconds").
                           examples: 10, 20ms, 5s, 1m
  -p, --split-by integer   set the maximum number of lines or maximum size in bytes of a log file.
                           with "number" option, the logs will be split whenever the maximum number of lines is reached.
                           with "byte" option, the logs will be split whenever the maximum size in bytes is reached.
  -w, --overwrite          overwrite the existing log files.
  -l, --loop               loop output forever until killed.
# Generate 1000 lines of logs to stdout
$ flog

# Generate 200 lines of logs with a time interval of 10s for each log. It doesn't actually sleep while generating
$ flog -s 10s -n 200 

# Generate a single log file with 1000 lines of logs, then overwrite existing log file
$ flog -t log -w

# Generate a single log gzip file with 3000 lines of logs every 300ms. It actually sleep (delay) while generating
$ flog -t gz -o log.gz -n 3000 -d 10s

# Generate logs up to 10MB and split log files every 1MB in "web/log/*.log" path with "apache combined" format
$ flog -t log -f apache_combined -o web/log/apache.log -b 10485760 -p 1048576

# Generate logs in rfc3164 format infinitely until killed
$ flog -f rfc3164 -l

Supported Formats

  • Apache common
  • Apache combined
  • Apache error
  • RFC3164
  • RFC5424
  • Common log fomat
  • JSON

Supported Outputs

  • Stdout
  • File
  • Gzip



flog's People


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flog's Issues

When logging to file flog doesn't stop after n lines

Hi, the log doesn't stop generating after n lines when logging to file:

docker run -it -v ${PWD}/log:/log --rm mingrammer/flog -t log -w -o /log/apache.log -b 10485760 -p 1048576 -n 10 -d 1s

Is there a way to stop at n lines when logging to file?


Feature Request: Output logs to network connection

As a flog user, I'd like to be able to use it to send test logs to a log management system like Splunk or Graylog. Presently, I have to output to a file, or try and netcat the output to a specific endpoint, which seems rather cumbersome. Adding the ability to directly output to a given endpoint (like an IP/hostname) would shorten the amount of steps I need to take to send flogs logs off.

Unfollow the apache specs

I am try use a grok with your log generator, but the combined pattern diverge of the apache log format:

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" combined

My grok

HTTPD_COMMONLOG %{IPORHOST:clientip} %{HTTPDUSER:ident} %{HTTPDUSER:auth} \[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\] "(?:%{WORD:verb} %{NOTSPACE:request}(?: HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion})?|%{DATA:rawrequest})" %{NUMBER:response} (?:%{NUMBER:bytes}|-)

Support for RFC5424

RFC3164 was superseded by RFC5424, which is a slightly modified format as follow:


For example:
<34>1 2003-10-11T22:14:15.003Z su - ID47 - BOM'su root' failed for lonvick on /dev/pts/8

Could you please add support for generating logs in this format?

Support octet-counting

Per RFC5425#section-4.3.1, RFC6587#section-3.4.1, messages can be prefixed with an octet count.

Other programs such as telegraf expect this to be present, so it would be a nice feature to optionally enable.

See also this fluentd reference to it as well.

Decimal seconds does not works properly

If you set the sleep time with decimal value (ex. -s 0.5), it does not sleep for 500 milliseconds, because of time.Duration is int64. So I should change the sleep unit to milliseconds from seconds.

Ask; Why don't build directly, not copying go module file?

Current Dockerfile:

FROM golang


WORKDIR /go/src/flog

COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN go mod download

COPY . ./
RUN go build -o /bin/flog

FROM scratch
COPY --from=0 /bin/flog /bin/flog

But we can build binary file directly like this:

FROM golang


WORKDIR /go/src/flog

COPY . ./
RUN go build -ldflags="-w -s" -o /bin/flog

FROM scratch
COPY --from=0 /bin/flog /bin/flog

Is there any problem to build binary file directly? I know it's not essential or critical point, but I want to make it simpler. Thanks for reading.

Unable to install using homebrew

Hi! Trying to install flog using Homebrew fails with the follwing error message:

Error: An exception occurred within a child process:
  NoMethodError: undefined method `path' for nil:NilClass
Did you mean?  paths

OS X installation issue

Thanks for this project. I get issue when try install with brew:

brunowego@ally [docker-monitoring] brew tap mingrammer/flog                                                                                                           18:33:54  โ˜  feature/ansible โ˜‚ โšก โœš โœญ
brunowego@ally [docker-monitoring] brew install flog                                                                                                                  18:34:02  โ˜  feature/ansible โ˜‚ โšก โœš โœญ
Error: No available formula with the name "flog"
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Warning: homebrew/core is shallow clone. To get complete history run:
  git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" fetch --unshallow

Error: No previously deleted formula found.
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
==> Searching taps...
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
Error: No formulae found in taps.

When using loop, sleep is not upheld.

I am using latest within a Kubernetes set up,

          command: ["flog"]
          args: ["-t", "log", "-w", "-o", "/var/log/test-log.log", "-n", "1000", "-s", "10", "-l"]

In order to keep the container running, I am using loop so that flog keeps getting executed. I noticed when using loop, no matter what sleep number I specify it does not seem like it's being upheld when using loop. I see events coming in hundreds of thousands as the program is not pausing, ( not upholding the sleep flag).

If I remove loop, the number and sleep cycle I specify seems to be working, however the container dies and rebuilds and it is in a crash loop.

I'm hoping loop can be fixed to be properly aligned with sleep.

output path is not working

Hi, I have tried your repo in windows 10 it works fine but In Linux, the output command does not generate any file at the location.

RFC5424 Issue with multi-word "application" field

Occasionally a multi-word string will be generated for the APPLICATION field.

If this happens, the spaces should be replaced with a hypen or something, as the APPLICATION field only accepts a single word.

Too fast

This is awesome tool. I really like this. Congrats.

What you think about a parameter for delay?

Print stacktraces

Hi, thanks for this great project!

It would be really nice if one could generate a flog with random stacktraces of the most common programming languages, such as Java, Python, Ruby, etc. This would be incredibly useful to test the configuraiton of data collection software such as Fluentd or Logstash.

Unfortunately I do not know and Go (yet), so I cannot provide a PR.

Log Forwarding

Just a question.
when? log forwarding can available. Or how can I log forwarding

sleep flag does not seem to work

My command

flog -f apache_common -n 1 -s 10 --loop

Logs are generated non stop, even if I use a very large number like 100, 1000.

edit: I am seeing this on Linux with the latest release, and on MacOS when I build master from source.

Undifined: gofakeit.StatusCode error on install

When running the "go get -u" command to install the program, I get these errors:

go/src/ undefined: gofakeit.StatusCode
go/src/ undefined: gofakeit.StatusCode
go/src/ undefined: gofakeit.StatusCode
go/src/ undefined: gofakeit.StatusCode

I am running this on a CentOS 7 server.

RFC 3164: is the timestamp format correct?


I was testing your log generator, in order to quickly generate log messages for testing purpose. In particular, I am interested in messages formatted with the RFC 3164 format.

I don't want to sound pedantic but I believe the message generated by flog is in a wrong format.
According to the RFC 3164, section 5.4 Examples, the log format should be like the following:

<34>Oct 11 22:14:15 mymachine su: 'su root' failed for user1 on /dev/pts/8

Where <34> is the priority of the log message, followed by the timestamp in the format of
Mmm dd hh:mm:ss (see section 4.1.2 of the aforementioned RFC). The one you are
using is in the RFC 3339 format, which is fine for log messages which comply to the RFC 5424 (section 6.2.3).

A message generated by flog is instead presented in the following format (generated with
flog -f rfc3164 -n 10):

2018-10-05T11:23:56+02:00 Murazik5260 Decentralized[844]: Overriding the system won't do anything, we need to quantify the neural GB array!

The timestamp format is not correct and the priority is missing. As far as I can see from the source code, messages in the RFC3164 format are generated through the function NewRFC3164Log inside the log.go package.

Would it be possible to rewrite the timestamp in the following way?

t := time.Now()
str := fmt.Sprintf("%d %s %02d %d:%d:%d", t.Year(), t.Month().String()[:3], t.Day(), t.Hour(), t.Minute(), t.Second())

I can also submit a pull request, if you like.

-b and -n options not working?

I tried the following options and neither one are generating 1 line or 1 byte in the beginning, then wait 100 seconds before logging 1 line or byte again:
flog -t log -n 1 -s 100 -w -l


flog -t log -b 1 -s 100 -w -l

Am I using it right? I want to generate 1 line every 100 seconds.


[Question] Can I generate logs that are from past e.g. six months ago

Good day;

I need to test some database query performance in my log management stack and in order to do so I need to generate bulks of log messages that are 6 months old ( fake timestamp ), is it possible to do so with this tool?

Sorry if I've asked this question in the wrong place.

Thanks in advance.

RFC5424 not always compliant

Logs generated for RFC5424 only compliant about 40% of the time.

Sample set of 100 logs generated with flog:

Testing using the Fluent Bit syslog-rfc5424 parser.

    Name        syslog-rfc5424
    Format      regex
    Regex       ^\<(?<pri>[0-9]{1,5})\>1 (?<time>[^ ]+) (?<host>[^ ]+) (?<ident>[^ ]+) (?<pid>[-0-9]+) (?<msgid>[^ ]+) (?<extradata>(\[(.*?)\]|-)) (?<message>.+)$
    Time_Key    time
    Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z
    Time_Keep   On

logs should have current timestamp

all logs print same time

$ docker run -it --rm mingrammer/flog -d 1 -l - - [04/Mar/2020:10:04:37 +0000] "DELETE /sexy HTTP/2.0" 503 26738 - - [04/Mar/2020:10:04:37 +0000] "POST /e-markets/clicks-and-mortar/networks HTTP/2.0" 200 15059 - wisozk5474 [04/Mar/2020:10:04:37 +0000] "HEAD /cross-media/exploit/roi HTTP/1.0" 200 2615 - - [04/Mar/2020:10:04:37 +0000] "PATCH /visionary/enhance HTTP/1.1" 201 6863 - - [04/Mar/2020:10:04:37 +0000] "DELETE /seize/user-centric/roi HTTP/1.1" 302 21633 - lueilwitz6155 [04/Mar/2020:10:04:37 +0000] "DELETE /viral/e-enable HTTP/2.0" 405 15423 - cole7581 [04/Mar/2020:10:04:37 +0000] "PUT /rich/portals/visualize HTTP/2.0" 205 17807

sleep option can be used but that prints the future timestamp

$ docker run -it --rm mingrammer/flog -d 1 -l -s 1 - volkman7687 [04/Mar/2020:10:05:00 +0000] "PUT /virtual/eyeballs/mindshare/wireless HTTP/1.1" 404 818 - - [04/Mar/2020:10:05:01 +0000] "GET /transition/b2c/transition/e-business HTTP/1.1" 501 13686 - - [04/Mar/2020:10:05:02 +0000] "HEAD /architect/matrix/action-items HTTP/1.0" 302 20037 - berge2025 [04/Mar/2020:10:05:03 +0000] "GET /transform/dynamic/e-services HTTP/2.0" 403 682 - cummings8717 [04/Mar/2020:10:05:04 +0000] "PATCH /proactive/visionary/e-markets HTTP/2.0" 203 18018 - - [04/Mar/2020:10:05:05 +0000] "PATCH /clicks-and-mortar/cutting-edge HTTP/1.0" 201 660 - - [04/Mar/2020:10:05:06 +0000] "POST /niches HTTP/1.0" 504 22918

whenever log lines are printed it should re-read the time instead of keeping same.

Sleep not working


I was unable to get the sleep function to work using the provided example:
flog -t gz -o log.gz -n 3000 -s 10

The code would execute and generate the log.gz archive, but not update. Same outcome on both Mac and Win10.

Ability to configure line size in bytes


I would like to test how fluent bit's throughput varies depending on the size of the log line.. i have seen its throuput reduced as the line size of a log file increases..

If this feature is there in this tool the i would be able to do the same

Unable to use Flog on OpenShift

I am trying to use Flog to generate dummy logs in OpenShift environment. But the Flog pod keeps going into CrashLoopBackOff state.

[core@master2 ~]$ oc get po |grep flog
flog-5c659f86b4-dsq5c      0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   1571       5d13h

I am unable to find any error message in the logs as well. Could someone please help me debug the issue here ?

generated log time skew

NOTE: I'm not a 'go' programmer by trade and I love the diagrams python module you created...thanks for your contributions!

While using your tool to generate some logs while performance testing a log shipper setup, I noticed the timestamp in the emitted logs (while using the -l forever option), slowly became further and further behind the current time. This made it appear that the log shipper was lagging behind.

A basic test I performed was as follows:

Run the flog generator

./flog -f json -o /tmp/json.log -t log -d 1ms -l

In another terminal, every few seconds compare the last log line with the current date:

tail -1 /tmp/json.log && date

What you'll notice is the timestamp in the last log line slowly gets behind from the current time.

I was able to make a minor modification to flog.go which corrected the problem:

diff --git a/flog.go b/flog.go
index 896026b..728a1dc 100644
--- a/flog.go
+++ b/flog.go
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func Generate(option *Option) error {
        if option.Forever {
                for {
-                       log := NewLog(option.Format, created)
+                       log := NewLog(option.Format, time.Now())
                        _, _ = writer.Write([]byte(log + "\n"))
                        created = created.Add(interval)

EDIT: Your implementation allows for better precision (using delays less than 1ms), it's just the slow skew that I'm not sure can be completely accounted for since the load generator requires some wall time to execute as well.

Issue: Can't install it on mac Cannot tap mingrammer/flog: invalid syntax in tap!

I was going to try your interesting app, but following the instructions, it seems that it is not possible to install it via brew.
This is what I got after running brew tap mingrammer/flog:

==> Tapping mingrammer/flog
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/mingrammer/homebrew-flog'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 39, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 39 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 36
Unpacking objects: 100% (39/39), done.
Error: Invalid formula: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/mingrammer/homebrew-flog/flog.rb
flog: Calling bottle :unneeded is disabled! There is no replacement.
Please report this issue to the mingrammer/flog tap (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):

Error: Cannot tap mingrammer/flog: invalid syntax in tap!

Do you know what we can do to install it in Mac using brew?


json output

Please add a feature to output in json format.

Sequence option

Think about this scenario, a common scenario, where the logging is added one by one with configurable frequency.

Date format

I see on time.go that apache format is like:
Apache = "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700"

However generated logs use numeric month:

$ flog - emmerich3317 [10/12/2019:13:36:06 +0100] "PUT /revolutionary/optimize/supply-chains" 500 2483 - morissette4712 [10/12/2019:13:36:06 +0100] "PUT /mesh/granular" 205 28065 - shanahan1170 [10/12/2019:13:36:06 +0100] "GET /cutting-edge/integrated" 416 11029 - - [10/12/2019:13:36:06 +0100] "HEAD /synergies/redefine/functionalities" 404 4465 - - [10/12/2019:13:36:06 +0100] "POST /engage/unleash" 406 4335 - - [10/12/2019:13:36:06 +0100] "DELETE /interfaces/maximize" 204 11974 - - [10/12/2019:13:36:06 +0100] "PATCH /extend/innovate/optimize/content" 500 12895 - lehner1112 [10/12/2019:13:36:06 +0100] "HEAD /redefine/harness/metrics/enable" 500 2719

Using brew installed 0.3.1 on mac

parameter -d and -s support time string?

Hi, i have a proposal, that -d and -s parameter can support time string.
For example,

500ms for 500 millisceond
1s for one second
1m for one minute

And then, we can control the interval duration more precisely

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