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Gear Lever

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  • Integrate AppImages into your app menu with just one click
  • Drag and drop files directly from your file manager
  • Keep all the AppImages organized in a custom folder
  • Open new AppImages directly with Gear lever
  • Manage updates: keep older versions installed or replace them with the latest release
  • Save CLI apps with their executable name automatically
  • Modern and Fresh UI


Get the bundle from github (no auto-updates)

# From your Downloads folder
flatpak install --bundle --user gearlever.flatpak


Open changelog


  • --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Flatpak: This permission is required in order to open apps and refresh the system menu when a new app is installed; if the user disables this permission manually (eg. with Flatseal), Gear lever should countinue to work normally, except you would not be able to open apps directly.

    Click here to check where and how is used


Building and running

  • Option #1 (suggested)

    Open this project with Gnome Builder and press RUN (the play icon on top)

  • Option #2

    # Run the app
    flatpak-builder build/ it.mijorus.gearlever.Devel.json --user --force-clean
    flatpak-builder --run build/ it.mijorus.gearlever.Devel.json gearlever
    # Install the app
    flatpak-builder build/ it.mijorus.gearlever.Devel.json --user --install --force-clean

... And AppImageHub / AppImage Store?

At the moment there are no plans to integrate any type of Hub/Store/Repository into Gear Lever. Why? Because the existing ones have a very poor selection of apps, and most of these apps are just unofficial ports

gearlever's People


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gearlever's Issues

Nextcloud: Icon not added to top bar in Gnome

Hi, thank you for this app - it's much needed and very useful.

I noticed after I added the latest Nextcloud AppImage to Gear, the icon in the top-right corner is no longer visible (Mpris label).

However it seems Nextcloud is still running. I find the icon quite useful to remind me that the app is running and whether syncing or not.


Also I notice that the icon added to launcher misses the Nextcloud graphics, but it does show it Gear.


However in Gear App, the icon works correctly:


Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) (64-bit)
Gnome: 43.4 using Wayland

Gear: 1.0.8
Nextcloud: Version 3.9.0 (Debian)



Perhaps a bug with the Gnome extension?

After enabling/disabling the extension the Nextcloud app icon is there:


I lost ALL apps, still have the .desktop link, but nothing on the app

Hi, so i use Gearlever since quite some times now.

But one day, it just decide that it will get rid of all apps. I still got my folder of apps, there's still some appimage that have been renaming by gearlever, and the app still show on launcher, .desktop link still here.


So why i start with a blank app, no apps at all ?


So how can i fix that ? I cannot edit the .desktop anymore, cannot update...

Appimages, in all this years, still not have basic of app packages (like easy auto-update, and way to... have it on app launcher of our desktop)

What if I'm already running appimagelauncherd

I'm running appimagelauncherd on my system, which monitors when I run an AppImage and offers to integrate it into the system and moving it into ~/Applications/ for me.

If I now install gearlever what interactions and conflicts might I expect to run into?

[Bug Report / Feature Request] Ability to add command line arguments

This app is really good for managing AppImages, however when you add command line arguments to the .desktop file the AppImage vanishes from Gear Lever.

Firstly I think it would be neat if the command line options allowed the app to still show up in gear lever. As some apps, like r2modman, where the developer says that a crashing issue for Linux won't be fixed and advises people to just use --no-sandbox, require command line arguments.

And secondly a feature that allowed adding and editing command line arguments in Gear Lever itself. It could look something like this:

Or maybe even something similar to what Flatseal does with environment variables, as in them being each in their own line:

[Feature] Implement a way to completely erase AppImages cache and data


some apps consume a lot of data and when they are deleted by the user they still leave a trace on the user's home


if the app could handle this it would be very welcome


maybe a confirmation dialog if the user would like to fully delete the data and cache when you click the remove button

Option to set environment variables

I have an AppImage that needs the GDK_BACKEND=x11 environment variable set. I can't use the app in Gear lever because there is no option to change the environment for a certain AppImage. An implementation that would work for me would be an option to add custom environment variables for a certain AppImage, setting the Exec field in the desktop configuration to env VAR1=value /path/to/appimage

Missing App Image

Where is the appimage went after removing it from gear lever? I tried the download folder and /home/user/Appimages but I cannot find it.

Suggestion: do not delete appimage upon remove

When removing an app it will also delete the original appimage file. Perhaps a better behavior (or maybe a preference option) will be to rename the appimage file back to it's original name without the "gearlever" prefix.

Gearlever doesn't detect appimages that don't have an icon file

I set the directory where I store my appimages ('/user/Applications') in the gearlever's Preferences and expected it to display these appimages everythime it's opened. But at every startup Gearlever asks me to add an appimage or select a folder (even though the folder is registered in the Preferences)โ€ฆ
Maybe this is the expected behaviour but I find it quite strange as it reduces the app's usefulnessโ€ฆ

Keyboard shortcuts

It would be great to have keyboard shortcuts for all basic actions the app provides (Quit, Uninstall, Add, Unlockโ€ฆ)

Very slow to open the file dialog of changing the appimage default location

I always get a "Gear Lever" unresponsive warning (ๆ— ๅ“ๅบ”). I have to click on the Wait (็ญ‰ๅพ…). Sometimes I only need to click once, but sometimes even if I click multiple times, the file dialog won't pop up until I wait for enough time (not sure how long).


My System information:


I have no idea why this happened.

I get these warnings if I run in the terminal. They appear as soon as I open the preference setting.


No useful information in the log file.


Make app icon shading consistent with other GNOME app icons

The icon is really well executed! GNOME icons usually have upward-facing surfaces shaded more lightly than forward-facing ones. I'd just make the top chin of the arrow lighter and the "main" surface of it darker to follow this convention.

Predictable AppImage path

Hi there, first of all thanks so much for Gear Lever, it's a super handy tool!

I would love to see the option of AppImages having a file name which will be static between updates. I have a few AppImages which I launch via external applications, the references to which I have to update each time I update the application, as the hash-based filename changes with each version. My current workaround is to either launch via a glob path (which isn't necessarily possible all the time) or using a wrapper shell script to do much the same.

This could also help with support for portable configurations as requested in #50, where each update you'd currently need to rename your existing AppImage home or config directories to match the new file name.

Release the App on Flathub Beta for now


I didn't have much success trying to compile the project


release the app on flathub beta for enthusiasts who are looking forward to it


or is the app almost ready to launch?

Remember size, position and mode of the main window

Hello, thank you for developing this app.

I found that the main window does not remember its size, position and mode (maximized or not). I run the Flatpak version of the app. I compared the contents of ~/.var/app/it.mijorus/gearlever/config/glib-2.0/settings/keyfile with Lollypop which behaves as expected. Settings for the file picker a properly saved and restored.

Why would one want that? In some environments where one prefers to run all apps in maximized mode on small screens it allows for a consistent behavior.

Thank you very much for your time.

Desktop Files with Try Exec are ignored in the app menu

          I'm actually going to chime in here and suggest that the feature be something that can edit the general .desktop file. I encountered an issue earlier where the .desktop file for DuckStation was malformed (It added a line like TryExec=duckstation-qt which was causing the icon not to show up in Gnome's app drawer for some reason) which I fixed by manually editing the file. I think it would be handy if we had a way to not only change the icon for the AppImage, but also have a shortcut to open the .desktop file that Gear lever generates in your default text editor in case you need to repair or adjust something about it (like passing launch arguments).

Originally posted by @ShortMomo in #11 (comment)

Flatpak theme issue

This only occurs when i open the gearlever app it self to show the list of integrated appimages. Not when installing but there is a black border around the app as shown in the screenshot. Idk how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated im assuming its something missing.

Run AppImages in Portable Mode

Feature Request:
I learned a neat new thing about AppImages today. They can run in portable mode. I like that, because it makes it easier to know where an app keeps its /config and store data it uses. I would like Gearlever to take advanges of this and let the user use this with ease when installing by having Gearlever making the needed folders when "installing" this appimage if they chooses to.

If you create a directory named appimagefilename.home in the same directory as the appimage file, it'll treat it as the home directory.

E.g. EmulationStation-DE-x64.AppImage.home

Same applies to config, you can create a directory named something like EmulationStation-DE-x64.AppImage.config


Doc Upgrade Process


what is the supposed way to upgrade AppImages managed by Gearlever?

I use it recently and struggeling to find the right way to update a installed app image, do I manually need to replace the renamed appimage in the folder or is there some "autmagical" way to replace it via UI?

The docs are not very clear about the go to process definition on how you are supposed to update an appimage.

Thanks !

[feature] bulk import appimages

I have a folder of 19 AppImages, having a bulk import feature would be nice so I and others wouldn't need to import AppImages one by one.

[Feature Request] Add an option to customize appimage icon

Hi, on first place, what an amazing and well integrated into gnome-ecosystem app, is just wonderful the fact that is functional and it also uses libadwaita!

Now, about the feature request, could we have a way to change the icon of our appimages? These decide the icon that is going to be use, and sadly never match the proper icon theme, this applies even for gnome default adwaita icons (example: Discord) i would love to see a way to change the icons for each app image on gear level if it is possible!

Again, thanks for all your work because I really like the app so much when I test it today, good luck with the project too!

Can't launch vkQuake AppImage

Trying to launch the vkQuake AppImage through Gear Lever does nothing. I suspect its because it needs the game files (id1 folder) to be next to the executable, and maybe launching through Gear Lever doesn't allow it to access that folder.

Already tried placing the id1 folder next to it in the AppImages folder, but it only works when directly running the AppImage itself, and I could only replicate the same behavior (or lack thereof) by launching the AppImage without the id1 folder next to it, which is why I suspect it can't access it for whatever reason when launched with Gear Lever.

Option to remove from app menu/drawer (without uninstalling)

I wanted to remove an appimage from my app menu (because the icon was to inconsistent + title was too long) and gearlever uninstalled it completely. I expected the app to just remove the desktop file/icon from the drawer and not remove it from my system.. this should be added as an option because users will expect to be able to reverse the move to app menu/drawer


Hi @mijorus, have you thought about distributing your application as an AppImage? Then it would be useful for those of us who don't use Flatpak.

Install icons to XDG_DATA_DIRS and include file extensions

Currently, the icons are installed to ~/AppImages/.icons/gearlever_[app name]_[md5], without a file extension. I believe this is undesirable because some applications don't support choosing icon by path, and some don't work with icons without explicit file extension. It would be helpful if the icons were installed to the canonical location of $prefix/share/icons/hicolor/[size]/apps (e.g. ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps), and if the file extension (usually .png) is included, per XDG spec.

Please remove application/vnd.flatpak.ref from mimetype in the desktop file

Issue: I cannot install .flatparef files using the gui flatpak-installer because the mimetype in the desktop file includes flatpakref along with appimage.

Previously I've tried to remove that part in the desktop file & it works great(from next login) but after an update the desktop file resets.

So please fix this issue.

Note: I cannot change the default to flatpak-installer because for some reason I can't find it in the available options.

This is the default behavior when gear lever is not installed or when it does not have flatpakref in the mimetype:

which leads to

OS: Pop!_OS 22.04
Version: 1.0.11

Stuck on "Installing..."




---- Application startup
DEBUG:root:Created temporary folder at /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy
DEBUG:root:Copying /home/qz/AppImages/gearlever_cryptomator_aa3dbc.appimage to /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage
INFO:root:Exctracting with p7zip
DEBUG:root:Running ['7z', 'x', '/tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage', '-r', '*.png', '-osquashfs-root', '-y']
DEBUG:root:Running ['7z', 'x', '/tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage', '-r', '*.desktop', '-osquashfs-root', '-y']
DEBUG:root:Running ['7z', 'x', '/tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage', '-r', '*.svg', '-osquashfs-root', '-y']

7-Zip [64] 17.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28
p7zip Version 17.04 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,4 CPUs x64)

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 51700928 bytes (50 MiB)

Extracting archive: /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage
Path = /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage
Type = SquashFS
Offset = 189632
Physical Size = 51511296
Headers Size = 9607
File System = SquashFS 4.0
Method = ZLIB
Cluster Size = 131072
Big-endian = -
Code Page = UTF-8

Everything is Ok

Files: 4
Size:       44132
Compressed: 51700928

7-Zip [64] 17.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28
p7zip Version 17.04 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,4 CPUs x64)

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 51700928 bytes (50 MiB)

Extracting archive: /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage
Path = /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage
Type = SquashFS
Offset = 189632
Physical Size = 51511296
Headers Size = 9607
File System = SquashFS 4.0
Method = ZLIB
Cluster Size = 131072
Big-endian = -
Code Page = UTF-8

Everything is Ok

Folders: 1
Files: 14
Size:       78537
Compressed: 51700928

7-Zip [64] 17.04 : Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Igor Pavlov : 2017-08-28
p7zip Version 17.04 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,4 CPUs x64)

Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 51700928 bytes (50 MiB)

Extracting archive: /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage
Path = /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/tmp.appimage
Type = SquashFS
Offset = 189632
Physical Size = 51511296
Headers Size = 9607
File System = SquashFS 4.0
Method = ZLIB
Cluster Size = 131072
Big-endian = -
Code Page = UTF-8

Everything is Ok

Files: 3
Size:       4713
Compressed: 51700928
DEBUG:root:Copying /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/squashfs-root/Cryptomator.desktop to /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_appimage_aa3dbc2d0c6ef2dd059a6f8a18d588f0/app.desktop
DEBUG:root:Copying /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_qx69xprxpy/squashfs-root/org.cryptomator.Cryptomator.svg to /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_appimage_aa3dbc2d0c6ef2dd059a6f8a18d588f0/icon
INFO:root:Installing appimage: /home/qz/AppImages/gearlever_cryptomator_aa3dbc.appimage
DEBUG:root:Copying /home/qz/AppImages/gearlever_cryptomator_aa3dbc.appimage to /home/qz/AppImages/gearlever_cryptomator_aa3dbc_1.appimage
DEBUG:root:file copied to /home/qz/AppImages
DEBUG:root:Chmod file /home/qz/AppImages/gearlever_cryptomator_aa3dbc_1.appimage
DEBUG:root:Copying /tmp/it.mijorus.gearlever/appimages/gearlever_appimage_aa3dbc2d0c6ef2dd059a6f8a18d588f0/icon to /home/qz/AppImages/.icons/gearlever_cryptomator_aa3dbc_1.appimage
ERROR:root:Appimage installation error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qz/.local/share/applications/gearlever_cryptomator_aa3dbc_1.appimage.desktop'
ERROR:root:[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/qz/.local/share/applications/gearlever_cryptomator_aa3dbc_1.appimage.desktop'

System Info:

Operating System: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20230901
KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.7
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.109.0
Qt Version: 5.15.10
Kernel Version: 6.4.12-1-default (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: X11

We don't have a comment in the desktop file; it needs to be translatable.
We have an error in categories, so the app is in the 'Others' section on my system:
"value "GTK; Utility;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" does not contain a registered main category; application might only show up in a "catch-all" section of the application menu"

Web clipping with UpNote worked on Rhino Linux - not on Fedora 39 Workstation (Gnome)

Web clipping in UpNote did not work for me on Fedora 39 Workstation (Gnome) when I tried the snap version. Then I tried the app image via app Gear Lever because I didn't find AppImageLauncher in Fedora's Software app. I had the same issue: the browser extension just opened UpNote but did not clipped anything. I tried integrating UpNote image app via Gear Lever on my old laptop running Rhino Linux - Ubuntu based - and the web clipping worked as on Windows (dual boot with Fedora on my new desktop pc). Then I uninstalled Gear Lever in Fedora's Software app, downloaded and installed the rpm package of AppImageLauncher and used it for integrating and launching UpNote app image. Finally, the web clipping worked. So all worked for me on Rhino Linux, but not on Fedora.

Built-in Changelog

A sort of in app changelog would make it easier to keep up with updates

Apps not opening

Hello. I'm not sure exactly when it started, since I thought it was a problem with my setup and I've been trying to fix it, but I'm not able to launch appimages anymore. This shows up in the log when I try to run something (for example, EmulationStation):

INFO:root:Exctracting with p7zip

WARNING:root:No closing quotation

The app used to work with all apps and was really handy.

FTR, I know the Readme states Gear Lever needs --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Flatpak as a permission, and it might have this problem otherwise. But I did not disable it (checked with Flatseal and it's there).

Thanks in advance.

Suggestion: allow cmdline arguments before move to app menu

When moving an appimage to the app menu, there is not option to add command line arguments. Therefore the shortcut needs to be edited to add the arguments.
My suggestion is that the command line arguments field will be visible BEFORE moving to the app menu.

"Click the '+' icon" message is confusing (there are two "+" icons!)

Hello, I just installed GearLever and so far it's been great, did what I needed it to smoothly (moved my app images to a common folder, added them to the applications folder!)

A small onboarding issue: the help text when you don't have any apps says "click the + button", but of the five buttons in the menu bar, two of them are "+" buttons ๐Ÿ˜…

I don't actually know what the righthand set of +/- buttons does - clicking them doesn't seem to have any effect on my installation - but could we change one of these buttons so it's less confusing? Maybe use a magnifying glass if that's what the right-hand set is for? Or maybe an "open" icon for the left-hand "+"?

Lots of options, obviously just changing the help text to "click the + button in the upper-left corner" would do it too, verbose, but might be good anyway so folks don't have to go looking around for where the plus button is

Application not added to app menu

On version 1.0.18, adding a new AppImage no longer seems to add an application menu to the system launcher menu where previous versions did. Fedora Kinoite 29 (KDE).

Consider changing ~/AppImages location to ~/.AppImages


Visible folders in home should be populated by folders with media & documents (Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos etc.)
While invisible files & folders contain configurations, data used by system or apps. They also can include portable app binaries, which AppImages are.

This will make separation between them cleaner.

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