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azure-api-management-monetization's Issues

TypeScript errors in app build

Following errors when running npm run build:

#10 7.556 src/services/apimService.ts(133,34): error TS2339: Property 'id' does not exist on type 'unknown'.
#10 7.557 src/services/monetizationService.ts(14,54): error TS2339: Property 'find' does not exist on type 'unknown'.

Blocking issues

deploy.ps1 -TenantId "" -SubscriptionId "" -ResourceGroupName "apimmonetization" -ResourceGroupLocation "uksouth" --ArtifactStorageAccountName "" => single dash, not double dash like this : -ArtifactStorageAccountName

In appservice.bicep and main.bicep :
Default App Service Plan SKU is put to F1 which doesn’t allow “Always on” hosting. Had to change to P1V3 to deploy the Web App.

For some reason the deployment only works if parameters appServiceName and apimServiceName have the same value. Otherwise it fails. Didn’t have the time to investigate why.

Unable to initialize Stripe

I'm not able to initialize the Stripe part with the stripeInitialisation.ps1 script
Output is the following:

Stripe CLI already installed.
  "error": {
    "code": "parameter_invalid_empty",
    "doc_url": "",
    "message": "You passed an empty string for 'id'. We assume empty values are an attempt to unset a parameter; however 'id' cannot be unset. You should remove 'id' from your request or supply a non-empty value.",
    "param": "id",
    "type": "invalid_request_error"

Validation on subscription name form

There's no validation on the form when creating a subscription and allows an empty subscription name. However, this creates an issue and does not allow the successful subscription creation on the APIM. Can this be rectified, please?

Demo deployment with Stripe: "Invalid Credentials" error message when trying to sign up

I followed all the instructions to deploy this demo, and everything ran successfully. I can see the products information both in APIM and Stripe. When I try to sign up to Developer Portal, I get redirected to the Web App and after entering any type of credentials and hitting the Sign-up button, I always get the "Invalid Credentials" error message

Looking at the Web App logs, I can see a 302 http code when the POST /signUp request is triggered. And this is the response url I get after hitting the Sign-up button:

Can you please help me get this issue fixed?

When running Stripe Initialization Script, it says "Resource group not found"

I know it is because the resource group is under a specific subscription. I tried switching to that by saying "Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName '' but I still get the same error.

Here is the error:

(ResourceGroupNotFound) Resource group '[REDACTED RESOURCE GROUP NAME]' could not be found.
Code: ResourceGroupNotFound
Message: Resource group '[REDACTED RESOURCE GROUP NAME]' could not be found.

Could we instead have the subscription key also be added as a parameter for the script? This would make sure the resource group can be found. Just an idea, but would love any help.

Feedback on

  1. Make it very explicit that this is a demo, and that customers will have to deploy this, keep up-to-date with any changes you publish, and also maintain their own infrastructure and Stripe accounts – i.e. clarify that this is not a managed service.
  2. The doc should serve as an introduction and table-of-content that links to relevant docs. At the moment it feels like it jumps straight into the details and I had a hard time understanding the big picture. I know there’s some of this in the API Subscription doc but I think a high-level overview in the readme would be worthwhile.

Feedback on Dev experience

A few thing I think we should fix/add:

  • Mention NodeJS as a pre-requisite, and provide a link to download.
  • We should add the CLI version (2.21.0+) which we know for sure will work with the script. Also mention "az upgrade".
  • We should add references to docs for each CLI command.
  • Deploy to Azure button doesn't work as-is (we need to check how to make it work after forking).
  • Typo: --ArtifactStorageAccountName "" (should be one dash).
  • Links to docs for "API Management", "App Service", "Web App for Containers", "Service Principal RBAC".
  • Mention that you need to rename "main.parameters.template.json" to "main.parameters.json"
  • Also, we need example values for each parameter in "main.parameters.json".
  • In "main.parameters.json" // The client secret for the service principal": rename "secret" to "password" (the idea is to match wording to avoid unnecessary confusion):
  "appId": "…",
  "displayName": "alzaslon-sp",
  "name": http://alzaslon-sp,
  "password": "…",
  "tenant": "…"
  • In "main.parameters.json" property "stripeApiKey" matches to "Initialization Key" or "App key"?
  • We need to tell where to get those in Stripe:
        "checkoutSuccessfulUrl": {
            "value": ""
        "checkoutCancelledUrl": {
            "value": ""

Plan to have the Billing Web App code updated

I am looking into integrating Azure API management with Stripe for Monetizing API's in our Organization. Is there any plans to update the billing web app code with latest Azure REST API's and libraries. Like I stumbled into @azure/ms-rest-nodeauth is deprecated and should be replaced with @azure/identity
I do not have developers who can take this up.
It will be really helpful if this code is updated with instructions to use it with existing Azure APIM which has Azure AD and B2C users and not use the Authentication (Sign-in & Sign-up) delegation but only use the product subscription delegation.

Infinite loop in Stripe billing service

startingAfter =;

if (usageUnits === 0) {

Hello, Looks like there's a bug in the stripeBillingService where the startingAfter = never runs if usageUnits is 0 in the lines preceding. That line is critical to retrieve the next page of subscriptions from Stripe

This then a never ending loop. I think the startingAfter = should be right at the beginning of the function


Getting error when applying this:
$monetizationModels = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApimGatewayUrl/billing/monetizationModels -Headers @{"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key"=$ApimSubscriptionKey} | ConvertFrom-Json
$apimProducts = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApimGatewayUrl/billing/products -Headers @{"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key"=$ApimSubscriptionKey} | ConvertFrom-Json

Response status code does not indicate success: 301 (Moved Permanently)

stripe: parameter_unknown - "recurring Received unknown parameter: "recurring. Did you mean recurring?

I followed the step by step, but I see the above error in the product page in stripe. Seems like an obvious typo somewhere. I'm wondering if anyone else has come across this bug and if there is a known fix for it?

some more details:
this seems to be the post body for this endpoint (POST /v1/prices)

  ""recurring": {
    "interval": {
      """: "month"
    "usage_type": {
      """: "licensed"
    "interval_count": {
      """: "1"
  "product": ["basic"](,
  "currency": "usd",
  "unit_amount_decimal": "1495"


Unable to deploy the solution

Unfortunately, I'm unable to deploy the solution, stuck with the following error:

        "message":"Deployment template validation failed: 'The template parameters 'checkoutSuccessfulUrl, checkoutCancelledUrl' in the parameters file are not valid; they are not present in the original template and can therefore not be provided at deployment time. The only supported parameters for this template are 'apimServiceName, apimPublisherEmail, apimPublisherName, apimSku, apimSkuCount, appServiceHostingPlanName, appServiceName, appServiceSkuName, appServiceSkuCapacity, paymentProvider, stripeApiKey, stripePublicKey, adyenApiKey, adyenClientKey, adyenMerchantAccount, appServiceContainerImage, appServiceContainerPort, servicePrincipalClientId, servicePrincipalObjectId, servicePrincipalClientSecret, servicePrincipalTenantId, location, artifactsBaseUrl'. Please see for usage details.'.",

My parameters in the template:

        "checkoutSuccessfulUrl": {
            "value": https://localhost:3000/checkout/success
        "checkoutCancelledUrl": {
            "value": https://localhost:3000/checkout/cancelled

I assume these are webhooks in Stripe, so it would be awesome to provide information (in README file) on them, i.e. where to get those values for local and production environments.

App service failed to pull Docker image

Thanks for this demo app.

However the Billing app can't be deployed on my App Service:

Got this from the Docker logs

2021-11-14T16:52:54.689Z INFO - Pulling image:
2021-11-14T16:52:56.888Z ERROR - DockerApiException: Docker API responded with status code=InternalServerError, response={"message":"Get unauthorized"}
2021-11-14T16:52:56.890Z ERROR - Pull image threw Exception: Input string was not in a correct format.
2021-11-14T16:52:56.892Z INFO - Pulling image from Docker hub:
2021-11-14T16:52:57.608Z ERROR - DockerApiException: Docker API responded with status code=InternalServerError, response={"message":"Get unauthorized"}
2021-11-14T16:52:57.614Z WARN - Image pull failed. Defaulting to local copy if present.
2021-11-14T16:52:57.617Z ERROR - Image pull failed: Verify docker image configuration and credentials (if using private repository)
2021-11-14T16:52:57.624Z INFO - Stopping site yukiapimpaymentproviderdemo because it failed during startup.

General feedback

  1. There isn't a particular recommended doc sequence. We should make it clear in the or somewhere else.
  2. "How to think about monetization", this is a good overview. I'd remove "Azure API Management" from the title since this is actually the content of the other doc.
  3. "How to monetize with APIM", consider adding a simplified high level architecture diagram showing the relationship of APIM, billing portal, and payment provider. (this diagram can be much simpler than the stripe and adyen specific image)
  4. "Deployment and initiation guide" - this is where I got lost, especially with the overlap and cross-ref to the project README. Also, I think the intent is to have steps how to create the APIM service and billing portal, without a lot of payment provider detail. Unfortunately, customer has to decide on a payment provider first, and it was confusing to me to read Stripe and Adyen details without having introduced them first. One option is to carve out common prerequisite steps as an include that can be used in either the Stripe or Adyen specific docs which follow.
  5. Stripe and Adyen specific doc - For the Consumer Flow sections, consider adding a few screens or code snippets, otherwise it's a wall of text.
  6. Some required files might be missing? I didn't find any generated JSON templates in the project folder. Didn't find apiConfiguration/config.yaml, etc.
  7. I noticed several broken doc links.

Modify monetizationModels.json post-hoc


What's the recommended workflow if one wants to modify a monetization model after the deployment?

E.g. for the Pro product in Stripe, if I go to my Stripe console and modify the quota from 5000 to 10000, do I have to redeploy or will things "just work"?

It seems much more intuitive that the APIM polls Stripe for latest monetization models of the products as opposed to looking into internally cached version of the monetizationModels.json file that was used during the deployment?

The only piece of code that seems to rely on this file is here in stripe.ts:
const pricingModelType = monetizationModel.pricingModelType;
and it looks like the model type is thus the only bit that can't be modified post-hoc?

Or am I misunderstanding something here?

Would be good to have a README that discusses how to modify stuff after the deployment happened which I assume is a very common workflow.

General feedback

  • General feedback
    • Consistently use "monetization" across the repo, currently both monetization and monetisation is used :)
    • I think the flow is still a bit disjoint and might be confusing (I actually got lost). To me a reader should follow the below flow and we need to restructure the content a bit:
      • Start with to understand the purpose and scope of the repository with a table of content
      • Read the two high-level docs to get an overview
      • Read an overview of integrating APIM with Stripe (i.e., What is Stripe, how Stripe's product map to APIM product, architecture diagram, consumer flow)
      • Ready to deploy the sample, read and complete the pre-requisites
      • Follow instructions to deploy the project
  • In
    • I suggest providing a full table of contents with purpose of each doc and where to start
    • In the diagram, I suggest change "App Service" to "Billing App" or "Custom Billing App" to be consistent with other diagrams
    • I would suggest moving pre-requisite to stripe-deploy and adyen-deploy to make concise - can just cover the purpose of the repo, table of contents. We already have a pre-requisite section in those docs.
  • Adyen and Stripe docs
    • It's unclear what are "pricing model" vs "revenue model". Are they APIM products vs Stripe products? The explanations in the doc did not help.
    • This doc is in the repo but not referred from any other doc.
    • The doc says "If you want to make modifications to the infrastructure templates, you will need to run a build script in order to generate a new ARM template output for deployment." - I am not sure does the build script generate ARM template for APIM? or the Billing Portal? Please expand a little.
    • "Delegation" is a key feature to make the integration possible. I think we should expand on that section a little bit assuming users do not know what "sign up and the subscription stages of the process" means at this point. We touched on that topic a little in the "API Consumption" section.
    • If structure of the repo is updated, then the link in the last sentence of this doc will need to be changed as well.

Best way to implement a free trial

I'm looking to use Stripe and APIM together, but would like to be able to offer a free trial prior to payment. Is there a recommended pattern for setting this up with APIM/Stripe?

Billing Portal Update

Hello, are there any plans to upgrade the Billing Portal App?

Using the current version seems is now broken and does not work. I am able to get the products registered but upon trying to Subscribe, users get a white screen like if its having issues with the Stripe checkout sessions, packages seem to be outdated, typscript errors.

Has anyone been able to get this workin recently?

Purpose of Reader Role Assigned to API Management Service besides the Service Principal Contributor Role

The API Management is given Reader Role. What is the purpose of this role and where it is used.

resource apimManagedIdentityReaderRole 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-10-01-preview' = {
 scope: resourceGroup()
 name: guid(, readerRoleId)
 properties: {
   roleDefinitionId: readerRoleId
   principalId: apiManagementService.identity.principalId

Asking this question because there is already a Service Principal which is given Contributor Role. The Billing web app authenticates to the API Management management API using this service principal to create/update the API Management subscription after checkout using APIM API's

resource servicePrincipalContributorRole 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2020-10-01-preview' = {
  name: guid(resourceGroup().id, servicePrincipalObjectId, contributorRoleId)
  scope: resourceGroup()
  properties: {
    roleDefinitionId: contributorRoleId
    principalId: servicePrincipalObjectId

API version retirements

It seems like the Azure Javascript SDK version (7.0.0) being used in this app for ARM API management has been retired.

I'm getting errors that look like this:

2023-10-23T23:41:17.533579576Z: [ERROR]  (node:1) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to connect to Management endpoint Port 3443 at endpoint <app_name> for the service.
2023-10-23T23:41:17.533596418Z: [ERROR]      at new RestError (/usr/app/node_modules/@azure/ms-rest-js/dist/msRest.node.js:2469:28)
2023-10-23T23:41:17.533614762Z: [ERROR]      at /usr/app/node_modules/@azure/ms-rest-js/dist/msRest.node.js:3671:37
2023-10-23T23:41:17.533621214Z: [ERROR]      at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
2023-10-23T23:41:17.533625974Z: [ERROR]      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
2023-10-23T23:41:17.533630712Z: [ERROR]  (node:1) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 455236)

which causes an infinite loop every midnight when attempting to report Stripe billing.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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