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microcks-ansible-operator's Introduction

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Microcks - Kubernetes native tool for API Mocking & Testing

Microcks is a platform for turning your API and microservices assets - OpenAPI specs, AsyncAPI specs, gRPC protobuf, GraphQL schema, Postman collections, SoapUI projects - into live mocks in seconds.

It also reuses these assets for running compliance and non-regression tests against your API implementation. We provide integrations with Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Tekton and many others through a simple CLI.

Getting Started

To get involved with our community, please make sure you are familiar with the project's Code of Conduct.

Build Status

The current development version is 1.10.1-SNAPSHOT.

GitHub Workflow Status

Sonarcloud Quality metrics

Code Smells Reliability Rating Bugs Coverage Technical Debt Security Rating Maintainability Rating

Fossa license and security scans

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OpenSSF best practices

CII Best Practices OpenSSF Scorecard


Here are the naming conventions we're using for current releases, ongoing development maintenance activities.

Status Version Branch Container images tags
Stable 1.10.0 master 1.10.0, latest
Dev 1.10.1-SNAPSHOT 1.10.x nightly
Maintenance 1.9.2-SNAPSHOT 1.9.x maintenance

How to build Microcks

The build instructions are available in the contribution guide.

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microcks-ansible-operator's Issues

GRPC certificate generation is failing for long urls

When long GRPC routes are used, the certificate generation fails with the following error:

--------------------------- Ansible Task StdOut -------------------------------

TASK [microcks : The Microks GRPC certs are generated] *************************
task path: /opt/ansible/roles/microcks/tasks/main.yml:334

{"level":"info","ts":1626808452.0495095,"logger":"logging_event_handler","msg":"[playbook task]","name":"some-microcks","namespace":"xxxxx-yyyyyyy-common","gvk":", Kind=MicrocksInstall","event_type":"playbook_on_task_start","job":"6129484611666145821","EventData.Name":"microcks : The Microks GRPC certs are generated"}
{"level":"error","ts":1626808452.779658,"logger":"logging_event_handler","msg":"","name":"some-microcks","namespace":"xxxxx-yyyyyyy-common","gvk":", Kind=MicrocksInstall","event_type":"runner_on_failed","job":"6129484611666145821","EventData.Task":"The Microks GRPC certs are generated","EventData.TaskArgs":"","EventData.FailedTaskPath":"/opt/ansible/roles/microcks/tasks/main.yml:334","error":"[playbook task failed]","stacktrace":"*zapLogger).Error\n\tpkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:128\\n\tsrc/"}

--------------------------- Ansible Task StdOut -------------------------------

 TASK [The Microks GRPC certs are generated] ******************************** 
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["openssl", "req", "-x509", "-nodes", "-days", "3650", "-newkey", "rsa:2048", "-keyout", "microcks-grpc.key", "-out", "microcks-grpc.crt", "-subj", "/", "-extensions", "san", "-config", "microcks-grpc.cnf"], "delta": "0:00:00.068440", "end": "2021-07-20 19:14:12.739156", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2021-07-20 19:14:12.670716", "stderr": "Generating a RSA private key\n.............+++++\n.........................+++++\nwriting new private key to 'microcks-grpc.key'\n-----\nproblems making Certificate Request\n140581912262464:error:0D07A097:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_mbstring_ncopy:string too long:crypto/asn1/a_mbstr.c:107:maxsize=64", "stderr_lines": ["Generating a RSA private key", ".............+++++", ".........................+++++", "writing new private key to 'microcks-grpc.key'", "-----", "problems making Certificate Request", "140581912262464:error:0D07A097:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_mbstring_ncopy:string too long:crypto/asn1/a_mbstr.c:107:maxsize=64"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

Adding support for ingress annotations in MicrocksInstall CR

As of today, the Operator backed installation process of MicrocksInstall custom resources allows:

  • Generating self-signed certificates for ingress,
  • OR using an existing secret to reference a pre-populated secret.

We should provide options for allowing user to place annotations allowing:

  • To specify ingress classes or some other customization markers,
  • To trigger some certificate generation process like the one provided by

Kubernetes installation not complete regarding TLS ingresses

Currently installation is expecting TLS routes for Microcks and Keycloak access but Ingresses are not created using TLS. The setup is expected to be reviewed and complete by a cluster administrator.

We should provide fully configured installation, creating TLS ingresses - at least using self generated and signed certificates for TLS support in ingresses.

Update Kafka CR template

With the latest versions of Strimzi, there is a new way to define the listeners for the Kafka custom resource. The current usage is still supported but will be removed in the future.

Create Route with specific hostname

For now, OpenShift routes are created using the default URI schema handled by the Router.
That is because whenever I try adding a custom hostname in templates, OpenShift complains about not being possible to modify the field of Route for security reasons.

Will have to investigate...

Allow to configure different images

I would like to use different image registries or internal ones for deploying Microcks. I think the image tag could be added to the CRD to allow that.

    image: myregistry:5000/microcks/mongodb-34-centos7:latest
    install: true

Add default user for microcks

Currently you only get the keycloak master realm user as part of the operator install. It could be useful if we can also add a microcks user from the beginning to avoid new users the need to deep dive on keycloack to get started with microcks.

Strimzi CRD should not be mandatory

When the features.async.enabled flag of the CR is set to false, the Operator is checking that a CR corresponding to Microcks Kafka broker is not present. However for doing that, the Strimzi CRD must be defined on the cluster. Otherwise it raises an Error and makes the Operator crash.

This issue was not detected by our CI tests because we start creating a new cluster and setting up with dependency CRDs (Strimzi included). Then we start creating a CR with features.async.enabled to false. The test succeeds but we do not detect this hard dependency to CRD presence.

Make the detection of OpenShift / Kubernetes more robust

We found on some OpenShift clusters that the API Groups Information is not always available making the Operator crash on the following command because of HTTP response 502:

api_groups: "{{ lookup('k8s', cluster_info='api_groups') }}"

A more stable (but maybe more crappy ?) solution could be to look at the available annotations on namespace to try detecting some OpenShift specific ones like this:

- name: Retrieve and set watch namespace
    watch_namespace: "{{ lookup('env','WATCH_NAMESPACE') }}"

- name: Get watched namespace infos
    watched_namespace: "{{ lookup('k8s', kind='Namespace', resource_name=watch_namespace) }}"

- name: Determine is this is an OpenShift or Kubernetes namespace
    is_openshift : "{{ watched_namespace.metadata.annotations[''] is defined }}"
    is_kubernetes : "{{ watched_namespace.metadata.annotations[''] is not defined }}"

Maybe we should consider this as a fallback in case of official API returning an error?

Handle long urls when generating certificates

Certificates generation fails when Microcks is installed with long urls. This has been analyse through #39 and #41.
This is due to certificate CN that is set to urls but shout not be longer to 64 characters according the spec.
Because we use subjectAltName to specify URL in certificate, we do not need to have CN set to URL and can truncate URL to 64 characters.

Allow reference of a MongoDB Secret

As of today we support already existing installation of MongoDB but the Secret used should have a fixed name corresponding to {{name}}-mongodb-connection with fixed keys being username and password. We should allow more flexible ways of referencing an existing Secret.

Add ARM build

Describe the bug

When I run this container on an ARM system I see the following error:
standard_init_linux.go:207: exec user process caused "exec format error"

I think it may be related to the system being ARM based, and your image was not compiled in ARM based systems.
Is it possible to add an ARM build? For example using the tag arm and arm64 for each system.

Tested on Kubernetes 1.17

Update self signed certs

When using the latest version of the nginx ingress controller there is warning about the configuration of the self signed certs because of the use of CN.

Unable to configure the async minion with an external Keycloak

For some reason I have not been able to provision the async feature connected to an external Kafka and an external Keycloak.
It doesn't seem to work with an internal Keycloak either.

2021-07-22 12:29:16,169 INFO  [io.git.mic.min.asy.AsyncMinionApp] (main) Microcks Keycloak server url {} and realm {mercury}
2021-07-22 12:29:16,176 INFO  [io.git.mic.min.asy.AsyncMinionApp] (main) Use locally defined Keycloak Auth URL: Optional[http://keycloak-discovery.myproject.svc.cluster.local:8080]
2021-07-22 12:29:16,200 ERROR [io.git.mic.min.asy.cli.KeycloakConnector] (main) OAuth token cannot be retrieved for Keycloak server, check microcks.serviceaccount configuration
2021-07-22 12:29:16,201 ERROR [io.git.mic.min.asy.AsyncMinionApp] (main) Cannot authenticate to Keycloak server and thus enable to call Microcks APIto get Async APIs to mocks...: io.github.microcks.minion.async.client.ConnectorException: OAuth token cannot be retrieved for Microcks. Check microcks.serviceaccount.
	at io.github.microcks.minion.async.client.KeycloakConnector.connectAndGetOAuthToken(
	at io.github.microcks.minion.async.client.KeycloakConnector_ClientProxy.connectAndGetOAuthToken(KeycloakConnector_ClientProxy.zig:157)

This is the configuration I used:

kind: MicrocksInstall
  name: bm
    app: mercury
      enabled: true
      defaultBinding: KAFKA
      defaultFrequency: 10
        install: false
        url: my-kafka-kafka-bootstrap:9092
    install: false
    realm: mercury
    privateUrl: http://keycloak-discovery.myproject.svc.cluster.local:8080
    serviceAccount: microcks-serviceaccount
    serviceAccountCredentials: super-secret
    replicas: 1
    install: true
    persistent: true
    volumeSize: 2Gi
  name: bm
    replicas: 1
  version: 1.3.0

The microcks-serviceaccount client exists in the realm and seems to be similar to the one provisioned by microcks itself (which is failing at the same point).

When accessing the pod for debug I can manually retrieve the token:

$ oc debug bm-async-minion-7558586b49-f66fw
$ export KC_URL=http://keycloak-discovery.myproject.svc.cluster.local:8080
$ curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic bWljcm9ja3Mtc2VydmljZWFjY291bnQ6c3VwZXItc2VjcmV0" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" "$KC_URL/auth/realms/mercury/protocol/openid-connect/token"
{# JsonToken}

I have also tried with the https://keycloak.myproject.svc.cluster.local:8443 but I guess the problem in that case is that it doesn't trust the self-signed certificate.

Any hints of what can be missing?
Besides that would it be possible to add more information to this stacktrace about what the server is responding for better troubleshooting?

Thanks in advance

Add some flag to tune log level

As a consequence of microcks/microcks#380, we should also add a specific installation flag for Operator that allows tuning the log level. For convenience, the default should be set to INFO or WARN and allow to put some DEBUG or TRACE verbosity level.

OLM microcks operator 1.3.0 fails to reconcile existing and new MicrocksInstalls

Microcks operator 1.3.0 on OCP 4.6.34 failed to reconcile a Microcks install that was installed at the 1.2.1 level after the operator was upgraded. The reconcile error is:

An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'file'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: could not locate file in lookup: microcks-grpc.crt

The Microcks CR spec is:

    install: true
    persistent: true
    volumeSize: 1Gi
    replicas: 1
    install: true
    persistent: true
    volumeSize: 2Gi
  name: mas-iot-microcksinstall
    replicas: 1
  version: 1.2.1
    - lastTransitionTime: '2021-07-28T07:58:35Z'
      message: Running reconciliation
      reason: Running
      status: 'False'
      type: Running
    - ansibleResult:
        changed: 0
        completion: '2021-07-28T07:59:16.821622'
        failures: 1
        ok: 27
        skipped: 19
      lastTransitionTime: '2021-07-28T07:59:17Z'
      message: >-
        An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'file'.
        Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message:
        could not locate file in lookup: microcks-grpc.crt
      reason: Failed
      status: 'True'
      type: Failure

Also creating a new MicrocksInstall instance using the same updated operator also fails with the same error.

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