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meow's Introduction




Less is more

Meow is yet another modal editing mode for Emacs.

Meow aims to blend modal editing into Emacs with minimal interference with its original key-bindings, avoiding most of the hassle introduced by key-binding conflicts. This leads to lower necessary configuration and better integration. More is achieved with fewer commands to remember.

Key features compared to existing solutions:

  • Minimal configuration – build your own modal editing system
  • No third-party dependencies (try it without touching your configuration)
  • Doesn’t occupy too many keys
    • Much easier to remember for people trying modal editing
    • More keys available for your own key-bindings
    • Most of the time, you don’t even need to hold shift!
  • Lightning fast (unlike Evil)
  • Minimizes modifier usage (e.g. SPC x f for C-x C-f) inspired by god-mode
  • Better workflow for kmacro application at multiple locations
  • Interactive selection manipulation and expansion inspired by avy
  • Selection as top-tier object, and keybindings built around selection
  • Compatible with the vanilla Emacs keymap (or any other keymap from any package)
  • Effortless uniform keymaps across modes
  • Key-binding conflict handling made easy


Please feel free to ask questions and share ideas in the Discussion.


Get started - Installation and configuration

Tutorial - Learn Meow in 15 minutes

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Commands - Documentation for commands

Customizations - Helper functions and variables

Explanation - Ideas and concepts behind Meow

Changelog - Changes, releases, and news


Licensed under GPLv3.

meow's People


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meow's Issues

some questions about using meow

First, thank you guys for developing such a brilliant operation mode for editing. It boosts my daily editing!
I have some questions about using meow, and any suggestions is appreciated.

  • In fact, yank means copy, and paste means paste. But in your documentation, p means yank and y means save. I think you may misuse yank in your command name.
  • How to disable popup of key hints? (如何禁用关于按键的提示呢?) For example, I pressed space x c, and will press f, here a popup menu appears at the bottom showing the available command. How to disable this popup menu?
  • Is there something like '(evil-escape-key-sequence "tn")? When I press tn quickly in INSERT mode, I will return to NORMAL mode.

Customize meow cursor face

i probably know how to change the face in emacs, but how can i change the cursor type in insert mode??? i know i can add a hook to change the cursor type, but there's a face:

(describe-face meow-insert-cursor) ;; Change type like (setq-default cursor-type '(bar . 2))
(describe-face meow-motion-cursor) ;; Change color like (set-cursor-color "blue")

[suggestion] base generating cheatsheets on XKB keycodes instead of characters

I really like having the option to have quick access to a "cheatsheet" that shows me what commands that are bound. Looking at how this is currently implemented in meow-cheatsheet.el there are some limitations in the approach you picked:

  1. You implicitly assume that the user is using an iso-layout. However there are more physical layouts out there, with ansi pretty much the default in Europe.
  2. The placement of certain symbols is country-specific; despite the layout still being called qwerty, etc (with the amount of countries you get a scary amount of duplication)
  3. Even your supported Colemak layout has a couple of pretty popular variations see for example: mod-dh
  4. A significant fraction of those tempted to running "meow" are probably using customized keyboard layouts; those users would need to patch the code of meow to get their layout and I doubt you want to add too many uncommon layouts to your code.

The bottom-line is that the above things combined very quickly become very hard or even impossible to manage if one for every variation would need to add a customized variant to meow-cheatsheet.el.

To avoid this issue to an extend I think it would be worth basing the generation of cheatsheets on XKB key-codes (look mainly at this figure) instead. Using these keycodes in your templates instead of the letters/symbols would avoid a lot of unnecessary duplication as these key-codes will be the same for iso, ansi, etc. Effectively you would just have one of these for each of the layouts you want to support from iso, ansi, etc. if you replace the characters with the corresponding level for the key-code on that key.

As this explanation is probably difficult to follow: my thinking is that you can use the same approach as done used by XKB and have arrays in the form (adapted for emacs lisp)

xkb_symbols "qwerty" {
    key <AD01> { [ q, Q ] };
    key <AD02> { [ w, W ] };
    key <AD03> { [ e, E  ] };
    key <AD04> { [ r, R ] };
    key <AD05> { [ t, T ] };
    key <AD06> { [ y, Y ] };

The first would be the unshifted character, the second the shifted character.... basing things on these types of arrays would make it easier to support different layouts as this array tells you the physical position as well as the characters that are on the key. Moreover tackling this in this way has the added benefit that you could expose the above array (adapted to emacs) to the users in case they run a different keyboard layout. Just defining the array would allow that user to have their dedicated cheatsheet without having to add layouts to meow itself.

btw) if you think think this is worth implementing it is probably worth keeping in mind that XKB can have more than two levels that can be used. Essentially the symbols typed with AltGr are on level3.

meow-next 和 meow-prev 的行为有点奇怪


Hello world

evil 和 emacs 的 C-n / C-p 都没这个问题。

meow not activated in help mode (`C-h t`)


I have updated the meow config with:

 '("k" . kill-buffer)
 '("l" . goto-line)
 '("h" . other-window)
 '("o" . delete-other-windows)
 '("-" . split-window-below)
 '("/" . swiper)
 '("\\" . split-window-right)
 '("m" . magit-status)
 '("f" . find-file)
 '("F" . find-file-literally))

 '("RET" . eval-buffer)
 '("SPC" . eval-defun))

but when in the emacs-tutorial, meow mode appears to be deactivated.


To reproduce, just C-h t and check the mode, you would only find a squared box in the modeline (in scimax), in my case).

ielm bug

ielm is not working correctly for me ATM.

When I open it, it looks like it's in normal mode.


If I type i, the cursor does not change, and the character i is inserted at the ielm prompt.

But if I then type k, the cursor moves up as in normal mode.


例如,我在org-mode中,想用" o s" 来绑定一个org-mode的专有指令,
而当我在java-mode中,我依旧用" o s" 来绑定一个java-mode的指令。

(use-package org-download
(:map org-mode-map
("C-o s" . org-download-screenshot)))
(use-package lsp-mode
: :bind
(:map java-mode-map
("C-o s" . lsp-java-assign-statement-to-local)))
(use-package org-download
(:map org-mode-map
(" o s" . org-download-screenshot)))
(use-package lsp-mode
: :bind
(:map java-mode-map
(" o s" . lsp-java-assign-statement-to-local)))






key-chord 版本:20201222.2030 配置:

(use-package key-chord
  :ensure t
  (key-chord-mode 1)
  (key-chord-define-global ",." [escape])

meow 版本:20210601.156 配置为readme中的qwerty键盘的默认配置


在 insert 模式下按键 ,. 后,normal模式下的按键已经生效了,但是 modeline 上显示的模式还是 INSERT
期望结果:modeline 显示 NORMAL


If in a selection, then cancel all selection, if not then switch to last buffer, Do you think it's better than before?




  1. 通过少量修改。(meow--selection-fallback) 可也让我将 x m g三个键直接触发 keypad mode. 这相当于多了 3 个leader key.
    使得很多默认按键 按起来很方便。 我的设定:
(setq meow-selection-command-fallback
        '((meow-save . meow-keypad-start)
          (meow-change . meow-keypad-start)
          (meow-keyboard-quit . meow-keypad-start)))
  1. 区分开剪切板,使得复制粘贴很舒爽。
  2. **-expand 粘连。按一次 **-expand 后面按各自对应的command键,默认expand, 轻松舒爽。
  3. meow-reverse 选择区域头尾跳,和 search 配合,直接 backward forward 搜索。
  4. inner-of-thing bounds-of-thing 感觉比 vim-object 更合理,先是所见,再执行动作。这个功能可扩展很多对象。
  5. 通过小修改了下 meow-reverse, 对应的按键 r 集成了 meow-open-below. R 绑定 meow-open-above.
  6. Command 后的 overlay 指示,按键直接 expand。
  7. 将 R-Alt 按键改为 ESC, 方便mode切换。


  1. keypad 兼容 which-key。
  2. search 可否增加个 类似 Ctrlf 包,在当前搜索对象行后 overlay个指示器 [n/m], 我直接不用swiper了。
  3. visit 的历史排序是不是可以优化下。
  4. 可以完善下 文档,这么好的插件,我是直接看代码才发现怎么用的。要不然埋没了。
  5. 关于按键,我觉得提供常用命令说明和helper, 让用户自己绑定比较好。千人千面,个人需求和偏好都不同,这样最大化灵活性。不过可以默认一套官方的科学的按键配置。我现在用的 dvp 键盘,自己绑定。
  6. 提供个模式黑名单或白名单 接口命令?这个功能我不是很确定到底有没有必要。
  7. 如果能有 evil 下 . repeat 一些重复的连续重复操作的功能,就太好了。


  1. inner-of-thing bounds-of-thing 光标处于对象第一个字符时,没有作用。
  2. 在 shell 中,motion 的输入空格要敲两下。体验不是很好
  3. 选中 a-b-c 符号 search 偶尔出现搜索对象是a 的情况。原因和触发条件,我还不知道。
  4. meow-join的用法有点疑惑,有 delete-indentation了, 它有什么作用?


之前用 evil 过于沉重,卡顿,思维敏捷时,感觉手指按不过来了。用 xah-fly-keys 灵活性不够。用emacs默认按键,小拇指受罪。

Less is more


您好,我看了变量meow-normal-state-mode-list中已经添加了 text-mode,但是我使用的color-rg-mode属于text-mode 的衍生mode,尽管我添加了

(use-package color-rg
    :hook (color-rg-mode-hook . meow-motion-mode))


[question/feature] Is it possible to change the LEADER key?


First, I want to say this package is awesome! I am using it a couple of weeks, and I think its concept is amazing. Complex and a bit intricate, but it has an understandable logic behind it. The possibilities of customization are huge but not insurmountable.

Now, I want to ask: is it possible to choose another LEADER key besides SPC?

It would be interesting for me to use INSERT as a key for that LEADER role, instead of SPC.
This is mostly a matter of personal taste, but I would like to explain my rationale anyway:

The INSERT key is not very useful: when it is pressed, Emacs changes to a very annoying overwrite mode, a rarely needed functionality nowadays. On the other hand, Emacs opens the possibility of customization for this key (and for any key, for that matter).

I have made a quick&dirty search in the code, but I have not found how to customize this LEADER key. That being said,

  1. how can it be done?
  2. if this is not possible, can you add a feature to customize this LEADER key?

Thanks in advance!


作者你好,我在emacs china上面看到你的这个插件,被里面kmacro的部分吸引了就想试一试,我照着你给出来的gif图试了一下,但是始终不能做出你的编辑效果。




checking foo, done
checking foo, done
checking foo, done

我操作的流程是先用行选选中了三行foo(这里用的是meow-line),然后调用meow-kmacro-lines,这个时候我的光标回到了第一行,并且我看到minibuffer提示正在定义kmacro,我在把第一行从foo变成checking foo, done之后,不管是用C-x )结束kmacro定义还是调用meow-end-or-call-kmacro,都不能让后面两行也变成checking foo, done。我看了好几次meow的readme,但是都没有找到具体的操作教程,所以想问一下我是不是对meow-kmacro-lines的使用方式理解不对以及这个功能应该怎么用呢?

keypad mode binding issue

Hi - I just learned about this package, and so trying it out.

I use vertico, consult and embark for completion functionality, and have a variety of bound consult commands, including C-x b for consult-buffer, as you can see here:


But when I use keypad mode, and do SPC x to get the pop-up, it shows the C-x b binding as list-buffer.


Is there something I'm missing?

Is it possible to add a description to prefix keys in keypad?

First, thanks for writing meow! I'm really enjoying how powerful and streamlined it is.

I've created a few top-level items using meow-leader-define-key, some of which I've built with a letter prefix to group similar commands together, e.g.:

   '("w w" . ace-window)
   '("w u" . winner-undo)
   '("w r" . winner-redo)
   '("w h" . split-window-below)
   '("w v" . split-window-right)
   '("w c" . delete-window)
   '("w o" . delete-other-windows)

This works well, enabling me to press SPC w u for winner undo for example, but at the top level menu, the 'w' prefix is just labelled +prefix.

Is there some way I am missing to provide a more descriptive label like "windows"? I know that you can do that with which-key, but I'm not sure how to do that when meow is providing the items.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

need help to hunderstand the <{> <[> <}> for querty

hi I started to use your package today and I'm having a few issues

I use the qwerty layout and in normal mode the <{> seems to be acting like the <M-{> in vanilla emacs and for <[> / <}> they do nothing and the <? k }>, for example, is not descriptive enough for me to understand what it is supposed to do (it only talk about barfing witch I don't know what it means in the context of emacs because otherwise ew).

do you have any idea this is happening? what are those key bindings supposed to do?

otherwise great package!

meow-line-expand 有些不符合预期


find 和 till 向前和向后的行为不一致

find 向前寻找时光标会在目标字符后,till则在目标字符上,但是按;后进行反向寻找时则反过来了,find会在目标字符上,till 则在目标字符后。这是有意设置的吗?

More documents

Meow has 84 variables and 153 functions now, but I don't want to look at the use of these variables one by one. So can write a detailed document for this package?

Roadmap: Better kmacro support

The Problem

If you don't introduce multiple-cursors, iedit, etc, basically you have two Emacs built-in ways to edit multiple places at the same time: query-replace and kmacro. Kmacro is a little hard for beginners but it can be considered as a 100% use cases covered solution and it's built-in. Meow will embrace kmacro since Meow is designed to have tight integration with vanilla Emacs.

Meow provides two commands work with kmacro: meow-kmacro-lines and meow-kmacro-matches. They respect the important design principle:

A kmacro could be defined at any position, and can apply to here and there. That means we have to leave kmacro what it is, there's no "kmacro+", no addition states, no magic Do-What-I-Mean commands.

These two commands simplify how kmacro is called, instead of you define a kmacro call it N times, you call kmacro for lines in a region or matches with regexp. However, the functionality of these two commands are pretty limited.

  • You can't call kmacro at a fixed column number in a range
  • You can't call kmacro for every 3 lines in a range
  • The state(have a selection or not) when you start recording kmacro affect how it works.
  • meow-kmacro-matches need to work with narrow-to-region, if you want to specify a range
  • more...

The Ideas


The Solution


meow-block should work on curly braces or at least allow configuration to do so

I'm really liking your package so far, I was wondering if it is posible to implement this behaviour (make meow-block work in curly braces) or maybe provide a way to configure the pairs to match with, it would be useful if people were working with tags or other kind of surrounding patterns, maybe the pairs could also be regexes to allow more powerful customizations, I don't know if it goes out of the scope of the project, but I was just wondering, thanks.

void function meow-layout

Environment: emacs28.0, terminal, linuxmint
use -q to startup, setup code:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/somacs/packages/dash")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/somacs/packages/meow")
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'meow)
(meow-global-mode 1)
(meow-layout 'dvorak)

eval-buffer will got a error:
Symbol’s function definition is void: meow-layout

Which key bindings are for block editing?

@DogLooksGood I am encountering the following practical issues:

A. In n/vim/kakoune or evil-mode there is a mode as follows in normal mode (SOLVED)

Go to top: gg (UPDATE: < in meow)
Go to bottom G(UPDATE: > in meow)
Go to the beginning of line: 0 (UPDATE: s in meow)
Go to the end of line: $ (UPDATE: t in meow)

B. Emacs configuration I use is scimax which has by default C-+ (though I prefer C-=) to increase font size and C-- to decrease the font size, but it stops working once I activate meow-mode. How can one increase and decrease font size in meow?

C. In addition, there is a visual mode which allows you to select a block and make modifications with the following sequence:

  1. C-v for visual mode
  2. Visual selection either with cursor or mouse
  3. I for block insert mode
  4. type anything to insert
  5. Press Esc to manifest in all lines selected in above 2.

I could not figure out the above possibilities in meow-mode. Did I miss something that can be done the other way round in this mode? I am on qwerty keyboard, fyi.

[SOLVED] Failed to install

@DogLooksGood Just wanted to experiment with this one as it seems like a better option than kakoune.el. Thanks for creating something.

Trying to install as described in the Readme using melpa in scimax, but the upstream reports the archive was not available:

Error (use-package): Failed to install meow: Not found

A nice usage guideline with the keybinding list would be a great addition, imho. Thanks.

Cheers, and stay safe,

meow-change-save doesn't change char and some questions

meow-change-save doesn't change when on a char but meow-change does. It seems like you do an extra region-active-p check on meon-change-save.

and I have some questions,

  1. How do you select a comment block? What do you think about making it a thing?
  2. Is it possible to define a custom thing?
  3. Why aren't there expand variants of meow-*-of-thing? For example meow-end-of-thing.
  4. I surfed through the issues, translated some of the Chinese issues and I saw that you were explaining your reasoning and other many things in greater details. Do you plan to add those to README?
  5. Finally, can I extend this issue if I have more questions or would you like their own issues? 😄

Thanks for meow!

[suggestion] make `meow-find` and `meow-till` respect `meow-reverse`?

This might just be one of the cases of needing to get used to the most efficient way to work with meow, but I find it surprising that the commands relating to meow-find and meow-till do not respect meow-reverse in the same way as happens for meow-block and meow-line. Effectively I'm missing what in vim are the f/F and t/T pairs of bindings.

I see that some of the backwards operations for meow-find and meow-till are in the code, but adding those would take additional bindings.

Would it be a good idea to have the meow-till and meow-find operations (and the expand variants) respect meow-reverse binding so that one can also search for characters backward without needing to bind additional keys?

Roadmap: Add ergonomic style layout

What is a good ergonomic command layout?

  • Keys that are often used together, should not be arranged on same fingers, or in two non-adjacent rows of one hand.
  • Keys that are often pressed continuously, should not be arranged for little fingers
  • Balance the frequency of use of left and right hand
  • Easy to remember


刚使用meow,对于KEYPAD的理解可能不全面,也还没有看代码,但使用中体会是采用了Fallback机制,当SPC+x 进入KEYPAD模式时后继按键如x 是先找Ctrl-x ,没有的话再Fallback到x。使用中觉得有点不太合理,提个建议供参考:

觉得KEYPAD模式的Fallbak 机制 当按 SPC-x 进入KP模式时,再按 x 时应当 首先匹配 C-x x,没有再匹配 C-x C-x,C-x M-x 。。。,如果要直接匹配C-x C-x 采取 SPC-x-SPC-x 进行操作。

考虑的理由是实际的键绑定 C-x x 类型比C-x C-x这种好像要多些,现有模式下要直接匹配 C-x x按键序列需要按 SPC-x SPC-x ,一是复杂,比直接按的键数要多,二是不便于记忆,有点反直觉,相对于明确SPC直接替代一个控制键要更清晰明了一点

SPC-x x 匹配 C-x x,没有的话再匹配C-x C-x, SPC-x SPC-x 直接匹配 C-x C-x

Roadmap: Reimplement KEYPAD as emacs input method

The Problem

Currently, the inputs in KEYPAD mode are handled by keypad-self-insert which is a command. There are two disadvantages:

  1. Since keypad input is a single command, it will be record by KMacros. So you can call kmacro-end-macro C-x ) by press SPC x ) in KEYPAD, because there will be two inputs: SPC x(map to keypad-start) and )(map to keypad-self-insert).
  2. Meow has to raise the priority for KEYPAD map since KEYPAD is designed not to be interrupted by any other packages.

The Ideas

We can implement KEYPAD state as an input method in Emacs. An input method won't produce any key events until you finish your input. This will improve the compatibility of KEYPAD mode, make it work better with other packages. It may have some limitations, need some time to figure it out.

  • Input method won't handle all keys probably

The Solution


Is meow-delete intentionally removed?

I noticed that in commit dd39e17 meow-delete is removed and aliased to meow-C-d. However, I think they don't perform the same. I use meow-delete pretty often and just found out I could no longer use it after I updated my meow package. Just would like to know if this is intentional and do we have any alternative function to it.

Unable to insert a <space> in MOTION mode.

Emacs's "Easy Customization" mode supports the ability to enter a comment about a variable setting. This is one "special mode," where the user would enter text with spaces. This might be a concern for other special modes, but I'm not sure.

M-x customize-variable RET tool-bar-mode RET
Click "State" button, and select "Add Comment".
Then click on (or TAB over to) the "Comment:" field to enter a comment.

Since it is a special Emacs mode, Meow sets MOTION as the default state in Custom-mode.

But this prevents entry of spaces in "Comment:" fields, because the MOTION state uses space bar as a leader key.

One has to do "M-x meow-insert RET" before entering the comment. It's only a minor annoyance.

---end of issue, beginning of praise---

I've only just started using this package, but I'm very impressed with how it handles modal editing.

I especially like how the suggested Dvorak layout mirrors bindings that are commonly-used in Emacs's special modes (dired, ibuffer, et cetera). This is very smart. It avoids both context-switching and having to rebind every single major-mode to match the modal editing layout. I had thought of trying to configure something similar to this. Your package already does it, plus so much more.

I wasn't familiar with Kakoune, so the selection-combined-with-movement paradigm is also quite interesting. It seems like it will be even more efficient than evil-mode, but I'm just getting used to it.

One other suggestion: I think it might attract more interest if you referred to the "suggested" layouts as "default" layouts and included them in the package (rather than requiring cut-and-paste from the readme). Instead of saying that the user must define their own layout, you could simply advise that it's trivial to change the layout as the user sees fit.

I think the layouts you've devised make great sense and are worthy of being "defaults."

When in a term-mode

How do i disable meow-mode when i'm in an ansi-term or eshell, since i cannot use space on those modes.

meow end of line 疑惑


Integrate with which-key

When SPC x is pressed, which-key does not show keybindings even though which-key is enabled.

Do you have any plan to integrate with which-key?

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