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ctc-asr's Introduction

End-to-End Speech Recognition System Using Connectionist Temporal Classification

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) system implementation that utilizes the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) cost function. It's inspired by Baidu's Deep Speech: Scaling up end-to-end speech recognition and Deep Speech 2: End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin papers. The system is trained on a combined corpus, containing 900+ hours. It achieves a word error rate (WER) of 12.6% on the test dataset, without the use of an external language model.


Deep Speech 1 and 2 network architectures

(a) shows the Deep Speech (1) model and (b) a version of the Deep Speech 2 model architecture.


The system was tested on Arch Linux and Ubuntu 16.04, with Python version 3.5+ and the 1.12.0 version of TensorFlow. It's highly recommended to use TensorFlow with GPU support for training.

Arch Linux

# Install dependencies.
sudo pacman -S sox python-tensorflow-opt-cuda tensorbaord

# Install optional dependencies. LaTeX is only required to plot nice looking graphs.
sudo pacman -S texlive-most

# Clone reposetory and install Python depdendencies.
git clone
cd speech
git checkout <release_tag>

# Setup optional virtual environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt


Be aware that the requirements.txt file lists tensorflow as dependency, if you install TensorFlow through pip consider removing it as dependency and install tensorflow-gpu instead. It could also be worth it to build TensorFlow from source.

# Install dependencies.
sudo apt install python3-tk sox libsox-fmt-all

# Install optional dependencies. LaTeX is only required to plot nice looking graphs.
sudo apt install texlive

# Clone reposetory and install Python depdendencies. Don't forget to use tensorflow-gpu.
git clone
cd speech
git checkout <release_tag>

# Setup optional virtual environment.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


The network architecture and training parameters can be configured by adding the appropriate flags or by directly editing the asr/ configuration file. The default configuration requires quite a lot of VRAM (about 16 GB), consider reducing the number of units per layer (num_units_dense, num_units_rnn) and the amount of RNN layers (num_layers_rnn).


There is list of some free speech corpora at the end of this section. However, the corpus is not part of this repository and has to be acquired by each user. For a quick start there is the speech-corpus-dl helper, that downloads a few free corpora, prepares the data and creates a merged corpus.

All audio files have to be 16 kHz, mono, WAV files. For my trainings, I removed examples shorter than 0.7 and longer than 17.0 seconds. Additionally, TEDLIUM examples with labels of fewer than 5 words have also been removed.

The following tree shows a possible structure for the required directories:

├── asr
    ├── [...]
├── requirements.txt
└── 3c2r2d-rnn
    ├── [...]
├── cache
├── corpus
│   ├── cvv2
│   ├── LibriSpeech
│   ├── tatoeba_audio_eng
│   └── TEDLIUM_release2
├── corpus.json
├── dev.csv
├── test.csv
└── train.csv

Assuming that this repository is cloned into some/folder/ctc-asr, then by default the CSV files are expected to be in some/folder/speech-corpus and the audio files in some/folder/speech-corpus/corpus. TensorFlow checkpoints are written into some/folder/ctc-asr-checkpoints. Both folders (ctc-asr-checkpoints and speech-corpus) must exist, they can be changed in the asr/ file.


The CSV files (e.g. train.csv) have the following format:

relative/path/to/example;lower case transcription without puntuation;3.14159265359

Where path is the relative WAV path from the DATA_DIR/corpus/ directory (String). By default, label is the lower case transcription without punctuation (String). Finally, length is the audio length in seconds (Float).

Free Speech Corpora

Corpus Statistics

ipython python/dataset/ 
Calculating statistics for /home/gpuinstall/workspace/ctc-asr/data/train.csv
Word based statistics:
        total_words = 10,069,671
        number_unique_words = 81,161
        mean_sentence_length = 14.52 words
        min_sentence_length = 1 words
        max_sentence_length = 84 words
        Most common words:  [('the', 551055), ('to', 306197), ('and', 272729), ('of', 243032), ('a', 223722), ('i', 192151), ('in', 149797), ('that', 146820), ('you', 144244), ('it', 118133)]
        27416 words occurred only 1 time; 37,422 words occurred only 2 times; 49,939 words occurred only 5 times; 58,248 words occurred only 10 times.

Character based statistics:
        total_characters = 52,004,043
        mean_label_length = 75.00 characters
        min_label_length = 2 characters
        max_label_length = 422 characters
        Most common characters: [(' ', 9376326), ('e', 5264177), ('t', 4205041), ('o', 3451023), ('a', 3358945), ('i', 2944773), ('n', 2858788), ('s', 2624239), ('h', 2598897), ('r', 2316473), ('d', 1791668), ('l', 1686896), ('u', 1234080), ('m', 1176076), ('w', 1052166), ('c', 999590), ('y', 974918), ('g', 888446), ('f', 851710), ('p', 710252), ('b', 646150), ('v', 421126), ('k', 387714), ('x', 62547), ('j', 61048), ('q', 34558), ('z', 26416)]
        Most common characters: [' ', 'e', 't', 'o', 'a', 'i', 'n', 's', 'h', 'r', 'd', 'l', 'u', 'm', 'w', 'c', 'y', 'g', 'f', 'p', 'b', 'v', 'k', 'x', 'j', 'q', 'z']



Start training by invoking asr/ Use asr/ -- --delete to start a clean run and remove the old checkpoints. Please note that all commands are expected to be executed from the projects root folder. The additional -- before the actual flags begin is used to indicate the end of IPython flags.

The training progress can be monitored using Tensorboard. To start Tensorboard use tensorboard --logdir <checkpoint_directory>. By default it can then be accessed via localhost:6006.


Evaluate the current model by invoking asr/ Use asr/ -- --dev to run on the development dataset, instead of the test set.


To evaluate a given 16 kHz, mono WAV file use asr/ --input <wav_path>.

ctc-asr's People


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ctc-asr's Issues

Update Documentation

  • Directories:
    • Point out the required speech_checkpoints and speech-corpus dirs.
    • Remember to update the tree output.
  • CSV: Add information about the required CSV format to (#8)
  • Reference the speech-corpus-dl git.
  • reset and validate default params. (#10)

Error with Output:Node Name for freezing the graph.

Hi, I am trying to freeze the graph but when I use "bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/summarize_graph --in_graph=/path_to_file/graph.pbtxt", I get this:
How do I know which one to use amongst this?

No inputs spotted.
Found 36 variables: (name=global_step, type=int64(9), shape=[]) (name=conv/conv2d/kernel, type=float(1), shape=[11,41,1,32]) (name=conv/conv2d/bias, type=float(1), shape=[32]) (name=conv/conv2d_1/kernel, type=float(1), shape=[11,21,32,32]) (name=conv/conv2d_1/bias, type=float(1), shape=[32]) (name=conv/conv2d_2/kernel, type=float(1), shape=[11,21,32,96]) (name=conv/conv2d_2/bias, type=float(1), shape=[96]) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel, type=float(1), shape=) (name=dense4/dense/kernel, type=float(1), shape=[4096,2048]) (name=dense4/dense/bias, type=float(1), shape=[2048]) (name=logits/dense/kernel, type=float(1), shape=[2048,29]) (name=logits/dense/bias, type=float(1), shape=[29]) (name=beta1_power, type=float(1), shape=[]) (name=beta2_power, type=float(1), shape=[]) (name=conv/conv2d/kernel/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[11,41,1,32]) (name=conv/conv2d/kernel/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[11,41,1,32]) (name=conv/conv2d/bias/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[32]) (name=conv/conv2d/bias/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[32]) (name=conv/conv2d_1/kernel/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[11,21,32,32]) (name=conv/conv2d_1/kernel/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[11,21,32,32]) (name=conv/conv2d_1/bias/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[32]) (name=conv/conv2d_1/bias/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[32]) (name=conv/conv2d_2/kernel/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[11,21,32,96]) (name=conv/conv2d_2/kernel/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[11,21,32,96]) (name=conv/conv2d_2/bias/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[96]) (name=conv/conv2d_2/bias/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[96]) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel/Adam, type=float(1), shape=) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=) (name=dense4/dense/kernel/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[4096,2048]) (name=dense4/dense/kernel/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[4096,2048]) (name=dense4/dense/bias/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[2048]) (name=dense4/dense/bias/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[2048]) (name=logits/dense/kernel/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[2048,29]) (name=logits/dense/kernel/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[2048,29]) (name=logits/dense/bias/Adam, type=float(1), shape=[29]) (name=logits/dense/bias/Adam_1, type=float(1), shape=[29])
Found 59 possible outputs: (name=global_step/read, op=Identity) (name=global_step/cond/switch_t, op=Identity) (name=global_step/cond/switch_f, op=Identity) (name=global_step/add, op=Add) (name=seed2, op=Select) (name=IteratorToStringHandle, op=IteratorToStringHandle) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/Identity, op=Identity) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/zeros/Less, op=Less) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/zeros_1/Less, op=Less) (name=dense4/dense/kernel/Regularizer/l2_regularizer, op=Mul) (name=dense_to_sparse/Shape, op=Shape) (name=gradients/zeros_like, op=ZerosLike) (name=gradients/dense4/dropout/dropout/mul_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1, op=Identity) (name=gradients/dense4/dropout/dropout/truediv_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1, op=Identity) (name=gradients/dense4/Minimum_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1, op=Identity) (name=gradients/zeros_like_3, op=ZerosLike) (name=gradients/rnn/cudnn_lstm/CudnnRNN_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1, op=Identity) (name=gradients/rnn/cudnn_lstm/CudnnRNN_grad/tuple/control_dependency_2, op=Identity) (name=gradients/conv/Minimum_2_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1, op=Identity) (name=gradients/conv/Minimum_1_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1, op=Identity) (name=gradients/conv/Minimum_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1, op=Identity) (name=gradients/conv/conv2d/Conv2D_grad/tuple/control_dependency, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d/kernel/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d/kernel/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d/bias/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d/bias/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d_1/kernel/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d_1/kernel/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d_1/bias/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d_1/bias/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d_2/kernel/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d_2/kernel/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d_2/bias/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=conv/conv2d_2/bias/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=cond/switch_t, op=Identity) (name=cond/switch_f, op=Identity) (name=zeros, op=Fill) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel/Adam/cond/switch_t, op=Identity) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel/Adam/cond/switch_f, op=Identity) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=cond_1/switch_t, op=Identity) (name=cond_1/switch_f, op=Identity) (name=zeros_1, op=Fill) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel/Adam_1/cond/switch_t, op=Identity) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel/Adam_1/cond/switch_f, op=Identity) (name=rnn/cudnn_lstm/opaque_kernel/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=dense4/dense/kernel/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=dense4/dense/kernel/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=dense4/dense/bias/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=dense4/dense/bias/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=logits/dense/kernel/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=logits/dense/kernel/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=logits/dense/bias/Adam/read, op=Identity) (name=logits/dense/bias/Adam_1/read, op=Identity) (name=Adam, op=AssignAdd) (name=concat, op=ConcatV2) (name=concat_1, op=ConcatV2) (name=Merge/MergeSummary, op=MergeSummary) (name=save/Identity, op=Identity)

Input & output of graph

I wanted to know what are the input & output nodes of the graph generated in your code. Could you please provide me this information?
Thank you in advance

how cant i train with my dataset?

i have dataset: 1 folder 'wav' (.wav file), 1 text file have lines = num of wav file with format name_wav text_of_wav
so, how can i train with this data. thanks so much,, im beginer

Inference garph

I just wanted to know where you are saving the .pbtxt file? I noticed your code creates this graph file but I am not able to locate the code snippet for creating it.
Thanks in advance

Value of Beam Width

Could I have some info on how beam width is chosen as 1024? What is the role of beam width parameter? I have a confusion regarding this parameter.

About models

Hello, can I have a trained model that you don't need? The computing ability of my computer is relatively poor. I want to test the results of the model and then consider training with the cloud services.

Common Voice Dataset


I just wanted to know if all the datasets you have used are clean speech? Specifically, wondering about common voice dataset, by any chance have you analyzed the dataset? Since, they have a platform for recording, a mobile app as well as a browser platform, I feel there is a chance that the recordings can be noisy.

Thank you

Configuration for low memory GPU

I use laptop with 2GB GPU Memory (Nvidia MX150).

I try to build new language model, so i try many source code from deepspeech, pytorch, etc...

to make my laptop capable handle the process. i set the another source code with low batch and number of n_hidden. I already try to reduce the batch to 1 and_number units_rnn to 1024, but your code still insufied GPU memory...

do you have any recommendation of the setting?

command that i use:
python3 asr/ -- --used_model ds2 --rnn_cell rnn_relu --feature_type mfcc --batch_size 1 --max_epochs 15 --cudnn True --allow_vram_growth True --num_units_rnn 1024 --delete tensorboard learning_rate 0.00001

Issue with input and output names

Hello, I am currently trying to freeze the graph from this model and I am unable to do so because when I am inspecting the "graph.pbtxt" created after training, there is no node with the name of "logits/dense".

Please help me figure out what the output node name is so I can freeze the graph to .pb.

Thank you
Rahul B

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