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cargobay's Issues

Better documentation needed

I know CargoBay works well, but exactly how to use it is a bit obtuse from the limited documentation. As somebody figuring out IAP for the first time, it would be helpful to have some general idea about how to set up the various transaction queue observers, and what to do once called. I eventually ran across LXReceiptStore and pieced together enough to get a basic implementation of my own, but it would be much more helpful if CB were documented with intended use cases and helpful hints.
In the same thread, adding more comments to code would be helpful.

Otherwise, great work! This has really saved me quite a bit of time from having to do my own solution from scratch or tutorial.

Non-renewing subscriptions

Can CargoBay be used for non-renewing subscriptions?
And does it help out with persisting purchases in iCloud like the Storekit guide suggests?
Any good tutorials on using CargoBay available?

Thank you very much!


Proposing a number of improvements.

Hi @mattt,

I would like to propose a number of changes and would like to know about your thoughts of them.

These changes are based on issues I faced while doing In-App Purchase in the past. Mostly doing client side validation as any errors and fixes will have to go through the Apple Review Process. This issues can be very deterrent to the business and can generate a lot of unhappy paid customers.

  • Smarter error handling of receipt verification
    • The status code returned may contains 21007 or 21008 which indicates that receipt is for production or sandbox server respectively. Apple will not catch this in the Review Process. (I have an app that got approved while it is validating against sandbox) My suggestion is the code should catch these hint and retry accordingly, rather than fail totally.
    • The status code 21006 may not be a considered a failure. (In the companion code below, Apple treat this as valid) It just an indication that the receipt have expired.
    • The status code 21004 should considered critical error and should throw an exception? The goal is to catch these early. But if someone reset the shared key (I think it is resettable) in production, this can be a major problem. (But I think its not worst than someone paid for something but the app keep telling them that the purchase is not valid)
    • In Auto-Renewable Subscriptions, it describe further the meaning of certain status code
  • Fix In-App Purchase vulnerability (For iOS 5)
    • In-App Purchase Receipt Validation on iOS
    • Apple says that iOS 6 addresses this vulnerability, but would it be a better if the library also take care of it based on Apple recommendation?
    • [Pending discussion] In Apple solution, it stores the transaction IDs (In user defaults) and check against it.
    • [Currently broken] In Apple solution, it will need to link against the Security framework. (Was thinking of making it optional, similar to AFNetworking MobileSystemConfiguration and CoreServices)
  • Supports verifying auto-renewable subscription receipt.
    • Needs a way to stores shared secret or extends the interface to support verifying receipt in addition to shared secret.

I planning to see if I can do my part in helping with these improvements.

A lot of the code will be based on the companion file that come with In-App Purchase Receipt Validation on iOS.

AFNetworking 3.0

It would be great that CargoBay support AFNetworking 3.0. Any though about it?

Memory leak in CBCheckReceiptSecurity function

I think there is a memory leak from SecTrustCopyPublicKey in the CBCheckReceiptSecurity function on line 551 of CargoBay.m - the receiptSigningKey var is never CFRelease'd. If the release is added to the _out label the receiptSigningKey will likely need to be declared and set to NULL at the beginning of the function before the require statements.

Apple LLVM Compiler 5.1 - Language

Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1

i.m getting this error

Local Receipt Verification Example

Hi Mattt or anyone else,

How do I use the local receipt verification for transactions? I noticed the 'setTransactionIDUniquenessVerificationWithBlock' function, and noticed it says this without this call no uniqueness verification is perfomed. I'm not an ObjC dev, so any examples or help on how to use the local verification functionality would be much appreciated. I was looking in the CargoBayTests.m file, but am not entirely sure if the verifyTransaction calls will use local verification or not.

Thanks for any help!

Cargobay Verify Receipt not working on Yosemite

Verify receipt not working on Yosemite. Routine never calls back.

One thing that cargobay lacks is the ability to verify if one particular inapp was purchased, I mean, checking it by the productID.

OS X Support

I got excited to see the podspec and readme for CargoBay included Mac OS X StoreKit support, but alas, 0.3.3 has a ton of compilation errors for a Mac target, most of which are due to iOS only API calls.

Do you plan on supporting OS X going forward, or is this really an iOS only tool?

_AFNETWORKING_PIN_SSL_CERTIFICATES_ in AFNetworking prefix causes applications not to compile


When AFNETWORKING_PIN_SSL_CERTIFICATES is defined in AFNetworking (like it is when using CocoaPods), CargoBay won't compile. This is because of the two methods setAuthenticationAgainstProtectionSpaceBlock and setAuthenticationChallengeBlock are in the other part of the ifdef.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create blank project.

  • Create Podfile with

    platform :ios, '6.0'
    pod 'CargoBay'
  • run pod install

  • Observe the xcworkspace won't compile


For those with similar problems until an update is posed - It's an easy enough work around to uncomment that define from the Pod file.

Keeping sharedSecret secret

Hi Matt, I'm hoping you can clarify something around the use of the password field when using the verifyTransactionWithMethod: method. Apple recommends that a Server is used to combine the SharedSecret (password) with the receipt before calling Apple to verify it so that the secret is not embedded in the App. AFAICR this is specifically for auto-renewing subscriptions but might apply to other IAPs. CargoBay seems to be subverting that recommendation by combining the SharedSecret on the Client side, or is it doing something special that eliminates the need for a intermediate Server in the first place ?

Application crash if productRequest returns an empty array of products

I'm getting this behavior on iOS 5: if the products request returns an empty array of products the application crashes.

I've tracked this down to CargoBay and in particular to one line of code in CargoBay.m, in the productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: method.

- (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request
     didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response
    if (_success) {
        _success(response.products, response.invalidProductIdentifiers);

     // commenting the line below remove the crash
    //[[self class] unregisterDelegate:self];

Hope it helps and it's not a problem I created in my specific situation.

verifyTransactionReceipt is failing to parse receipt data on iOS 9

In the following method

- (void)verifyTransactionReceipt:(NSData *)transactionReceipt
                        password:(NSString *)passwordOrNil
                         success:(void (^)(NSDictionary *responseObject))success
                         failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure
    NSError *error = nil;
    NSDictionary *receiptDictionary = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:transactionReceipt options:NSPropertyListImmutable format:nil error:&error];
    if (!receiptDictionary) {
        if (failure) {

    NSString *environment = [receiptDictionary objectForKey:@"environment"];
    NSURL *endpoint = [environment isEqual:@"Sandbox"] ? [NSURL URLWithString:kCargoBaySandboxReceiptVerificationURLString] : [NSURL URLWithString:kCargoBayProductionReceiptVerificationURLString];

    [self verifyTransactionWithMethod:@"POST" endpoint:endpoint receipt:transactionReceipt password:passwordOrNil success:success failure:failure];

is failing to parse receipt data obtained from appStoreReceiptURL

NSURL *appStoreReceiptURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL];
NSData *receiptData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:appStoreReceiptURL];

the error

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Unexpected character 0 at line 1" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Unexpected character 0 at line 1, kCFPropertyListOldStyleParsingError=Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Conversion of string failed." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Conversion of string failed.}}

Trying to restore purchases from a different device fails

The receipt validation in CBValidatePurchaseInfoMatchesReceipt always checks the device uniqueIdentifier or identifierForVendor.

When restoring purchases from a different device with the same Apple ID this results in a CargoBayErrorPurchaseInfoDoesNotMatchReceipt error.

Maybe you're not supposed to check validation on restoring?

verifyTransactionReceipt:password:success:failure Always calls failure.

I'm not sure if doing anything wrong or something, but this code always executes the failure block:

        NSData *receData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL]];
        NSLog(@"%@", receData);
        [[CargoBay sharedManager] verifyTransactionReceipt:receData
                                                   success:^(NSDictionary *responseObject) {
                                                       NSLog(@"Yam %@", responseObject);
                                                   failure:^(NSError *error) {
                                                       NSLog(@"error %@", error.localizedDescription);

The NSLog there does print a lot of data, so I can confirm that the receipt is not nil.

Non-public API usage (Apple Rejection)

"Apps are not permitted to access the UDID and must not use the uniqueIdentifier method of UIDevice"

The rejection was ~5 mins after I submitted a binary. The issue is the second half of CBValidatePurchaseInfoMatchesReceiptForDevice

Getting Product Identifiers From Server

I'm not sure if I am being particularly dim. The README says there is a method:

[[CargoBay sharedManager] productsWithURLRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL]
success:^(NSArray *products, NSArray *invalidIdentifiers) {
  // ...
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
  // ...

I can't find this method in the code.

missing tag?

unable to install version 2.0.1...

Installing CargoBay (2.0.1)
[!] Pod::Executable fetch origin tags/2.0.1 2>&1

fatal: Couldn't find remote ref tags/2.0.1

fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Transaction ID (XXXXXXXXX) is not unique.

I am testing in Sandbox and not sure if this is a known issue. I am able to purchase and verify the receipt, but when I try to restore and verify again I get this error on verifyTransaction:
Transaction ID (XXXXXXXXX) is not unique.

Auto-renewable subscriptions

Can CargoBay be used for Auto-Renewable subscriptions? Am I right in thinking that there would need to be a server-side component with auto-renewable subscriptions, for receipt verification? There seems to be a lack of open source resources for this server component.

Expected expression build error

Only when I compile for the device I get two expected expression errors in line 511 and 514 pointing to the beginning of struct:

require(signatureLength > offsetof(struct CBSignatureBlob, _certificate), _out);
require(signatureLength - offsetof(struct CBSignatureBlob, _certificate) >= certificateLength, _out);

Sometimes they magically disappear when I compile again (no clean before), but the errors are always thrown when compiled on travis ci.

Xcode 5.0.2, iOS 7 only, not compiling for 64bit yet, CargoBay 2.0.2.

AFNetworking's changes break CargoBay

CargoBay's podspec for AFNetworking is not pinned to a version, so the new changes to AFNetworking, namely removing setAuthenticationAgainstProtectionSpaceBlock: and setAuthenticationChallengeBlock: in AFHTTPRequestOperation break CargoBay.

Can we pin the podspec to a specific version so that this won't happen in the future?

"Capturing 'self' strongly in this block" warnings in latest CocoaPods version

Hi! I've installed CarboBay 0.2.1 via CocoaPods and I'm getting 2 warnings in Pods target:

CargoBay/CargoBay.m:1038:11: warning: capturing 'self' strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle [-Warc-retain-cycles]
    [[self class] unregisterDelegate:weakSelf];
CargoBay/CargoBay.m:1033:5: note: block will be retained by an object strongly retained by the captured object
    _success = [^(NSArray *products, NSArray *invalidIdentifiers) {
CargoBay/CargoBay.m:1046:11: warning: capturing 'self' strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle [-Warc-retain-cycles]
    [[self class] unregisterDelegate:weakSelf];
CargoBay/CargoBay.m:1041:5: note: block will be retained by an object strongly retained by the captured object
    _failure = [^(NSError *error) {
2 warnings generated.

As I see, those warnings were already fixed in master. Could you please consider releasing a new version?

Thank you.

Tag version


I would like to create a podspec (of CocoaPods) for CargoBay. Could you create a tag version for better versioning, please?

Sandbox vs. Production

Is there any change to make when going form sandboxing to production? Or: How does CargoBay know which URL to use?

How use pod with AFNetworking allready used by workspace?

I have installed the pod 'CargoBay', '~> 0.3.3', and i'm allready using AFNetworking in the project. Does not compile after pod install. should be updated with how to install with and without allready using AFNetworking pod.

transactionReceipt always return nil on iOS 9 Beta2

Although iOS 9 is still in beta but I believe transactionReceipt will officially get retired in the final release and appStoreReceiptURL should be used for iOS >= 7. Otherwise lots of code that rely on CargoBay will fail in the IAP validation.

CargoBayProductRequestDelegate used by SKProductRequest after being destroyed


-[CargoBay productsWithIdentifiers:success:^(NSArray *products,
    NSArray *invalidIdentifiers) failure:^(NSError *error)]

...I'm seeing the following crash:

[CargoBayProductRequestDelegate respondsToSelector:]: message sent to deallocated instance

From what I understand, -[SKProductsRequest _handleReply:] calls productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: on the delegate. The delegate calls the success block, unregisters itself with +[CargoBayProductRequestDelegate unregisterDelegate:] and is promptly destroyed (zombied).

I only started seeing this in the new [redacted] SDK, but it seems that core problem is the delegate object shouldn't destroy itself after running the success block. (The delegate has no way of knowing that the caller is completely finished.)

Not sure what the best solution/workaround here is. Thoughts?

Apple LLVM 5.1 Error When Trying To Build Example Project

I'm currently seeing the following build error when trying to build and run the example project:

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/VA/Desktop/CargoBay-master/AFNetworking/AFNetworking/AFHTTPRequestOperationManager.m'
clang: error: no input files
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1

I'm using cocoapods, and XCode 5.1

Receipt verification with Helios returns a 400 Bad Request

I'm trying to verify receipts using Helios deployed on Heroku. When I do the verification request manually it works fine and returns the correct receipt data. When I do it using CargoBay though with verifyTransactionWithMethod:endpoint:receipt:password:success:failure I get 400 Bad Request and the error message Invalid parameter, receipt-data.

I'm using CargoBay 0.3.3, AFNetworking 1.3.1 and testing on iOS 7. Am I missing something or this is a bug?

Critical Bug regarding restoration will always fails.

I have an live app that have user complaining that they couldn't access their purchase anymore.

From my diagnostic, it seems that after the initial purchase, if the user attempts to restore the subscription, it will always failed. After much debugging, I finally figure out the culprit. Below is a copy of the commit message I had attached to commit 37f83c7.

Every (re-)installation generates a new unique identifier for vendor.
Every purchase and restoration receipt will be tag with this new unique identifier.
But the latest receipt info might have a unique identifier for vendor from another device, from a previous installation, etc.
So we should only check if the purchase info matches receipt for device for receipt we restored with this device.
We should not check for unique identifier for vendor in latest receipt info.
This has caused a critical bug where restoration will always fails.

This commit attempts to fixed this issue.

Because I have already any pull request open, this commit got merge into PR #21. I'm sorry about that. I'm in the process on extracting out the PR to another branch and send another pull request.

Sorry about that!

CargoBay in Non-ARC project

I'm using CargoBay in non-arc project. I have set flags in project settings to enable ARC

CargoBay.m:44:10: No previous prototype for function 'CBDateFromDateString'
CargoBay.m:60:12: No previous prototype for function 'CBBase64EncodedStringFromData'
CargoBay.m:89:10: No previous prototype for function 'CBDataFromBase64EncodedString'
CargoBay.m:143:6: No previous prototype for function 'CBValidateTrust'
CargoBay.m:171:6: No previous prototype for function 'CBValidatePurchaseInfoMatchesReceipt'
CargoBay.m:253:6: No previous prototype for function 'CBValidateTransactionMatchesPurchaseInfo'
CargoBay.m:380:6: No previous prototype for function 'CBCheckReceiptSecurity'

How to correctly fix warnings? Compile CargoBay as static library or it's ok to add static

static NSDate * CBDateFromDateString(NSString *string)

verifyTransaction method failure block always gets called for Sandbox receipts

Using the verifyTransaction example from the readme results in the failure block always being called due to receiving a content type of text/plain from the Apple receipt server.

This is the error I get in the failure block of verifyTransaction:

Error -1016 (Expected content type {(
)}, got text/plain)

Could the http client in CargoBay be made less strict so that it can accept a text/plain response? Seems like the json from Apple may be valid but doesn't have the correct header.

Only tested this in the Sandbox environment so maybe it's not an issue in production.

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