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Beautiful math in all browsers

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MathJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all modern browsers. It was designed with the goal of consolidating the recent advances in web technologies into a single, definitive, math-on-the-web platform supporting the major browsers and operating systems. It requires no setup on the part of the user (no plugins to download or software to install), so the page author can write web documents that include mathematics and be confident that users will be able to view it naturally and easily. Simply include MathJax and some mathematics in a web page, and MathJax does the rest.

Some of the main features of MathJax include:

  • High-quality display of LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation in HTML pages

  • Supported in most browsers with no plug-ins, extra fonts, or special setup for the reader

  • Easy for authors, flexible for publishers, extensible for developers

  • Supports math accessibility, cut-and-paste interoperability, and other advanced functionality

  • Powerful API for integration with other web applications

See for additional details about MathJax, and for the MathJax documentation.

MathJax Components

MathJax version 3 uses files called components that contain the various MathJax modules that you can include in your web pages or access on a server through NodeJS. Some components combine all the pieces you need to run MathJax with one or more input formats and a particular output format, while other components are pieces that can be loaded on demand when needed, or by a configuration that specifies the pieces you want to combine in a custom way. For usage instructions, see the MathJax documentation.

Components provide a convenient packaging of MathJax's modules, but it is possible for you to form your own custom components, or to use MathJax's modules directly in a node application on a server. There are web examples showing how to use MathJax in web pages and how to build your own components, and node examples illustrating how to use components in node applications or call MathJax modules directly.

What's in this Repository

This repository contains only the component files for MathJax, not the source code for MathJax (which are available in a separate MathJax source repository). These component files are the ones served by the CDNs that offer MathJax to the web. In version 2, the files used on the web were also the source files for MathJax, but in version 3, the source files are no longer on the CDN, as they are not what are run in the browser.

The components are stored in the es5 directory, and are in ES5 format for the widest possible compatibility. In the future, we may make an es6 directory containing ES6 versions of the components.

Installation and Use

Using MathJax components from a CDN on the web

If you are loading MathJax from a CDN into a web page, there is no need to install anything. Simply use a script tag that loads MathJax from the CDN. E.g.,

<script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>

See the MathJax documentation, the MathJax Web Demos, and the MathJax Component Repository for more information.

Hosting your own copy of the MathJax Components

If you want to host MathJax from your own server, you can do so by installing the mathjax package using npm and moving the es5 directory to an appropriate location on your server:

npm install mathjax@3
mv node_modules/mathjax/es5 <path-to-server-location>/mathjax

Note that we are still making updates to version 2, so include @3 when you install, since the latest chronological version may not be version 3.

Alternatively, you can get the files via GitHub:

git clone mj-tmp
mv mj-tmp/es5 <path-to-server-location>/mathjax
rm -rf mj-tmp

Then (in either case) you can use a script tag like the following:

<script id="MathJax-script" async src="<url-to-your-site>/mathjax/tex-chtml.js"></script>

where <url-to-your-site> is replaced by the URL to the location where you moved the MathJax files above.

See the documentation for details.

Using MathJax components in a node application

To use MathJax components in a node application, install the mathjax package:

npm install mathjax@3

(we are still making updates to version 2, so you should include @3 since the latest chronological version may not be version 3).

Then require mathjax within your application:

require('mathjax').init({ ... }).then((MathJax) => { ... });

where the first { ... } is a MathJax configuration, and the second { ... } is the code to run after MathJax has been loaded. E.g.

  loader: {load: ['input/tex', 'output/svg']}
}).then((MathJax) => {
  const svg = MathJax.tex2svg('\\frac{1}{x^2-1}', {display: true});
}).catch((err) => console.log(err.message));

Note: this technique is for node-based application only, not for browser applications. This method sets up an alternative DOM implementation, which you don't need in the browser, and tells MathJax to use node's require() command to load external modules. This setup will not work properly in the browser, even if you webpack it or bundle it in other ways.

See the documentation and the MathJax Node Repository for more details.

Reducing the Size of the Components Directory

Since the es5 directory contains all the component files, so if you are only planning one use one configuration, you can reduce the size of the MathJax directory by removing unused components. For example, if you are using the tex-chtml.js component, then you can remove the tex-mml-chtml.js, tex-svg.js, tex-mml-svg.js, tex-chtml-full.js, and tex-svg-full.js configurations, which will save considerable space. Indeed, you should be able to remove everything other than tex-chtml.js, and the input/tex/extensions, output/chtml/fonts/woff-v2, adaptors, a11y, and sre directories. If you are using the results only on the web, you can remove adaptors as well.

If you are not using A11Y support (e.g., speech generation, or semantic enrichment), then you can remove a11y and sre as well (though in this case you may need to disable the assistive tools in the MathJax contextual menu in order to avoid MathJax trying to load them when they aren't there).

If you are using SVG rather than CommonHTML output (e.g., tex-svg.js rather than tex-chtml.js), you can remove the output/chtml/fonts/woff-v2 directory. If you are using MathML input rather than TeX (e.g., mml-chtml.js rather than tex-chtml.js), then you can remove input/tex/extensions as well.

The Component Files and Pull Requests

The es5 directory is generated automatically from the contents of the MathJax source repository. You can rebuild the components using the command

npm run make-es5 --silent

Note that since the contents of this repository are generated automatically, you should not submit pull requests that modify the contents of the es5 directory. If you wish to submit a modification to MathJax, you should make a pull request in the MathJax source repository.

MathJax Community

The main MathJax website is, and it includes announcements and other important information. A MathJax user forum for asking questions and getting assistance is hosted at Google, and the MathJax bug tracker is hosted at GitHub.

Before reporting a bug, please check that it has not already been reported. Also, please use the bug tracker (rather than the help forum) for reporting bugs, and use the user's forum (rather than the bug tracker) for questions about how to use MathJax.

MathJax Resources

mathjax-src's People


0xflotus avatar artagnon avatar christianp avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dpvc avatar ericdunsworth avatar ironblood avatar jasongrout avatar kbone12 avatar lin avatar marcelbolten avatar omarithawi avatar pkra avatar priestch avatar stakx avatar thendotshikota avatar zorkow avatar


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mathjax-src's Issues

Feature request/question: Parse just one element

I can't figure out how to get MathJax3 to parse (only) the current element from my angularjs directive.

I've tried to pass an element (instead of the document) to MathJax.document(), but that doesn't seem to work.
How is one supposed to work with MathJax in a component-based architecture?

      const html = MathJax.document(window.document, {
        InputJax: mathML,
        OutputJax: new CHTML({font: font})


mathbackground does not cover the expression's background

For example

<math xmlns="">
  <mstyle mathbackground="red">

Renders as


in mj3-demos, i.e., the background color is not filling the content's background, only a thin part at the bottom.

When I add

mjx-math * {
    background: inherit;

it looks ok but I'm not sure if that has side effects.

AsyncLoad warnings in console (Webpack 4)

I am getting a few warnings from AsyncLoad.js. Are you planning to fix these?

client:148 ./node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/util/AsyncLoad.js 8:15-34
Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

client:148 ./node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/util/AsyncLoad.js 8:15-34
System.import() is deprecated and will be removed soon. Use import() instead.
For more info visit

TeX \require{cancel} not work


$$P(A + B) = \frac{\require{cancel}\cancelto{1}{3}}{\cancel{5}} *
                \frac{\cancel{5}}{\cancelto{3}{9}} = \frac{1}{3}$$

[HTML output] CSS size and structure

Moving this conversation to the issue tracker for broader discussion.

@pkra wrote:

The generated stylesheet is very large (500kb / 400kb minified / 40kb zipped).
Even though it compresses well, it is still large compared to, e.g., an MML+HTML distribution (375kb minified, 80kb zipped). And it is (of course) also very large compared to the old stylesheet (2kb zipped).

I'm slightly worried about this.

  • it makes server-side processing less interesting as the page size increases not just by the HTML markup but also by the stylesheet - even though, from my tests, the HTML output has decreased in size in real life examples (often not more than MathML)
  • in situations where client-side rendering is used but CSP blocking of inline-styles is required, it adds 50% load
  • I'm wondering about CSS performance, especially as it interacts with other CSS

@dpvc wrote:

There are several possible approaches to this issue. Right now the CSS includes everything needed for every character in the fonts. It would be possible to generate only the CSS needed on the page. For example, for server-side pre-rendering of non-dynamic pages, this would produce only what is needed. For dynamic pages, it would be possible to generate the CSS as needed by the page, rather than all of it all the time.

Alternatively, the CSS could be broken down into smaller chunks and loaded as needed. For example, the Fraktur, script, sans-serif, and other such variants could be left our initially and loaded by the page author when those variants are desired.

It would also be possible for MathJax to do most of the CSS inline instead, as it is now in v2. It may be that we want to not use the "content" CSS styling but rather insert the character directly. Aside from reducing the CSS size, this would also fix some problems with Safari bugs, and would also allow the removal of the width specifications, as those are to work around a Safari bug that seems to be due to the use of content.

Finally, the fonts need to be reorganized and rebuilt. This will help slim down the CSS, which right now has some awkwardness due to the layout of the current fonts

The current implementation is a rough-and-ready approach that was only to get the output working enough to get the CHTML layout underway. It will need to be revisited when the fonts are reorganized and rebuilt. That will involved building the new font tools, and that will take some time; I didn't want to hold up the release for that. So there are still some iterations to be done for the fonts and their data, and I think that is something to look at early next year.

element, attribute and class names

I noticed some odd naming. Since this has been a pain for developers and authors in the past, I thought I'd raise this as a topic for discussion.

  • "outer" classes: MathJax, MJX-CHTML, MJX-TEX
  • elements: mjx-mi, mjx-c
    • attribute names: c
  • "inner" classes mjx-i, mjx-n
    • but then also MathJax_ref

It would be good to have a bit of documentation so people can give productive feedback.

AsciiMath not found (npm module)

I'm trying to fire up mathjax3 using the npm package for alpha-3.

import {MathJax} from "mathjax3/mathjax3/mathjax";
import "mathjax3/mathjax3/handlers/html";
import {AsciiMath} from "mathjax3/mathjax3/input/asciimath";
import {CHTML} from "mathjax3/mathjax3/output/chtml";

I'm getting the following error:
client:167 ./node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/input/asciimath.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../mathjax2/input/AsciiMath.js' in '/Users/stnor/devel/src/nomp/frontend/nomp/node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/input'
@ ./node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/input/asciimath.js 38:21-65

Seems like asciimath is not included in the mathjax2 folder, only the css.

Forcing a re-typeset of an HTML document

In the same effort as #68:

We would like to re-render portions of the document many times. I was running into a problem where more than one call to a MathJax document become a no-op, apparently because the fields processed.findMath, processed.compile, etc had been set to true.

Is it not intended that a document get rendered more than once? I was able to force a re-render by manually setting those fields to be true, but it doesn't feel like this is necessarily recommended.

Adaptor is not a function


I'm trying MathJax on my website, but with the following code I get an 'adaptor is not a function' error.

// the MathJax core
const MathJax = require("../../../../node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/mathjax.js").MathJax;

// Tex input
const TeX = require("../../../../node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/input/tex.js").TeX;
// HTML output
const CHTML = require("../../../../node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/output/chtml.js").CHTML;
// Use browser DOM
const adaptor = require("../../../../node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/adaptors/browserAdaptor").browserAdaptor();
// Register the HTML document handler

I tried to change the route to:

const adaptor = require("../../../../node_modules/mathjax3/mathjax3/adaptors/browserAdaptor.js").browserAdaptor();

But it wouldn't work.

Feature: TikZ package and more LaTax command support

Hello there,

First I must say that I am looking forward to MathJax v3, I came across this issue the other day, I am using Node as my rendering pipeline and synchronicity would be great for me.

I am working on a private project similar to Upmath here combining Markdown and LaTex.
I am using Markdown-it together with MathJax, currently it is all working great, but MathJax cannot render some of the examples I am using.
I have noticed the xymatrix and TikZ package as well as some examples of the LaTeX equations for web which Upmath is using.
I am also using this documentation as a reference.

So I think it would be really great if MathJax 3 could have support for these commands.


webpack issues with TeX input

A quick documentation of what I've tried.


I merged the moving_parse_methods1 branch into the stretchy-cells` branch and tried to build an analogous example to

setup example

  • texpage.js
// the MathJax core
import  {MathJax} from "./mathjax3/mathjax.js";
// TeX input
import {TeX} from './mathjax3/input/tex.js';

// HTML output
import {CHTML} from "./mathjax3/output/chtml.js";

// handler for HTML documents
import {HTMLHandler} from "./mathjax3/handlers/html/HTMLHandler.js";
MathJax.handlers.register(new HTMLHandler());

// initialize mathjax with with a DOM document (e.g., browser, jsdom); other documents are possible
const html = MathJax.document(document, {
    InputJax: new TeX(),
    OutputJax: new CHTML()

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    // process the document
  • webpack.config
const Uglify = require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin");
module.exports = {
    entry: './texpage.js',
    output: {
        path: __dirname,
        filename: 'webpack.dist.js'
    plugins: [
        new Uglify()

first problem: relative paths

The first problem came from the paths in the "legacy" code (which according to @zorkow is due to systemjs being weird about them).

So I manually changed anything like require('mathjax3/...') (or similar import statements) to add sufficient ../ prefixes.

QUESTION can we switch over to correct relative paths for the TeX "legacy" code?

I ran the tests after changing the paths and they didn't throw errors but had test failures; thus I'm not sure if there's a problem with using relative paths.

second problem

Once these were changes, webpack could resolve the resources but then ran into an actual problem in the code

ERROR in ./mathjax2/legacy/jax/input/TeX/StackItem.js
Module parse failed: ./mathjax2/legacy/jax/input/TeX/StackItem.js Duplicate constructor in the same class (817:2)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
|   }
|   constructor(name, numbered, taggable, stack) {
|     super();
|     this.type = 'AMSarray';
 @ ./mathjax2/legacy/extensions/TeX/AMSmath.js 31:12-55
 @ ./mathjax2/input/TeX.js
 @ ./mathjax3/input/tex.js
 @ ./texpage.js

According to @zorkow this is a bug in the current TeX parser code.

Multiple rendering state information on a single page

In JupyterLab we have multiple continuous documents on the same page (for example, two Jupyter notebooks side by side on a page). Is it (or will it be) possible to have two different states for the mathjax renderer on the same page? For example, equation numbering should be continuous in each Jupyter notebook.

CC @ian-r-rose @mpacer

Turn on TypeScript 'strict' compiler option?

You might consider turning on the compiler 'strict' option (see in your tsconfig, which turns on a few options related to making the type checking more strict. For example, it turns on the strict null checking to help guard against errors involving null or undefined, etc. The nice thing about using 'strict' is that it will automatically updated in each TS release to be the recommended set of strict options. Alternatively, you might look at enabling individually each of the options 'strict' enables.

[TeX input] processing within \text{}

From a quick test, it seems that v3 keeps v2's behavior and only allows $, \ref, \eqref within text mode (\text, \mbox etc).

It would be very helpful to revisit this and make it to some degree configurable.

My particular use case is linking. I need a custom macro for linking that goes beyond what ref and eqref can provide; and I need to support this macro in both modes.

directory structure

Move the webworker code into another repository and move the v3 folder contents to the top level.

mathbackground area

Follow-up question to #137.

[This is an old question of mine.]

Is it conceivable to have MathJax v3 (optionally) provide "non-tight" backgrounds, i.e., something closer to the behavior of CSS?

Or perhaps reversely: is the new layout more stable here to do this manually? E.g., <mstyle mathbackground="red" style="line-height: 1em"><mn>1</mn></mstyle> seems ok from a quick test (but then wouldn't work in an SVG setting).

tsc fails on alpha branch

With [email protected] and [email protected], I currently get

$ npx tsc
mathjax3-ts/output/chtml/Wrappers/mfrac.ts(148,71): error TS1005: ')' expected.
mathjax3-ts/output/chtml/Wrappers/mfrac.ts(148,73): error TS1005: ';' expected.
mathjax3-ts/output/chtml/Wrappers/mfrac.ts(148,110): error TS1005: ';' expected.

mfenced not working?

This mathml:

	<math><mi>t</mi><mo>·</mo><mfenced open="(" close=")"><mrow><mn>2</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfenced><mo>=</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>·</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn></math>

renders as "t * (2 + 2) = 3 * 3 + t" with MathJAX 2.17.

With mathjax-v3 it renders without the parentheses (npm, alpha 3) and same when using your live demo page mj3-mml2html.html (local copy).

Please help.


Large parens missing extender on Edge

Using, with input

x = -\left( \begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d\\ x-1 & x_2 +x^{3^4} \\ z 4\\ a & b\end{array} \right)

the extender is missing in Edge (Microsoft Edge 38.14393.0.0; Microsoft EdgeHTML 14.14393). Picture below:


Some other stretchy delims (left { and completely missing right vertical line):
x = -\left\{ \begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d\\ x-1 & x_2 +x^{3^4} \\ z 4\\ a & b\end{array} \right|


[FindTeX] Parsing error with inline text nodes

This is a bit subtle, and I am not entirely sure I have diagnosed the problem correctly, but I am running into a bug in the findMath() function in MathJax3. It appears that having nested elements in a paragraph (for instance, using the <strong> tag) causes premature exiting of the DOM string parser. Here is a minimal example, based upon the mj3-tex2html.html demo:
An HTML document with the following fails:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>Testing MathJax v3 setup with TeX input</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="mj3-tex2html.dist.js"></script>
    <p>This is a <strong>spoiler</strong></p>
    $$ E = mc^2 $$


Whereas the following succeeds:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>Testing MathJax v3 setup with TeX input</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="mj3-tex2html.dist.js"></script>
    <p><strong>A spoiler</strong>, this ain't</p>
    $$ E = mc^2 $$


Add package-lock.json to the repository

After cloning this repository, I ran npm install, which created package-lock.json and modified package.json with the latest versions of some dependencies.

I think including package-lock.json will ensure npm doesn't change package.json for me.

[TeX input] tracking missing extensions

I'm not sure where to track this so feel free to move and close this. I picked these up while testing the math.SE tutorial.

  • verb
  • cancel
  • enclose
  • AMScd
  • extpfeil
  • \require

[TeX parser] incorrect error message

The following example gives an error of "Misplaced &" when the problem is due to a missing \right) in the second line.

       f(x)& =\left(x^3\right)+\left(x^3+x^2+x^1\right)+\left(x^3+x^2\right)\\ 
       f'(x)& =\left(\left(3x^2+2x+1\right)+\left(3x^2+2x\right) \\ 
       f''(x)& =\left(6x+2\right)\\ \end{align}

missing document

I tried using the alpha.1 npm package to implement a new typesetter for JupyterLab:

It seems that in the updateDocument call at, it calls down into HTML.node, where that function tries to use this.document, but this.document is null:

screen shot 2017-11-17 at 6 07 35 pm

Does my code look right?

TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value

TypeError: reduce of empty array with no initial value

generated using Chrome/OSX with mj3-demos-master/mj3-mml2html-global.html

with input:

<math xmlns="" display="block">

This is the simplest case but others also fail in similar way, e.g.,:

<math xmlns="" display="block">

Full traceback:

TypeError: Reduce of empty array with no initial value
    at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
    at s.computeBBox (mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:192096)
    at s.e.getBBox (mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:15975)
    at s.stretchChildren (mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:171881)
    at new s (mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:170829)
    at node.(anonymous function) (mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:47178)
    at s.t.create (mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:46975)
    at s.wrap (mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:155364)
    at s.e.wrap (mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:15509)
    at mj3-mml2html-global.dist.js:1:15163

Question about font customization

This is just a question.

In MathJax 2, it used to be almost impossible to use custom fonts on the HTML output processor.
I'm wondering if MathJax 3 will be more flexible in this regard, and how it will let users work with custom fonts? Are we still going to be restricted to a predefined subset of fonts?

In the past we relied on customizing SVG glyphs, and it worked reasonably well. However, we'd preferred using HTML rendering with custom fonts.

Thanks for the head's up


wiki example on how to configure tex2jax

There's a wiki page Proposal to refactor tex2jax extension, but from the code and the A first usable demo (using webpack) page it seems to me this already has been implemented.

Please give example on how to configure text2jax in a way it was possible with mathjax v2.

For example, how to implement the following mathjax-v2 configuration in mathjax-v3:

  tex2jax: {
    inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)'] ]

Hardcoded font paths not recognized by webpack

In jupyterlab/jupyter-renderers#69, we made a JupyterLab plugin to use mathjax 3 to render mathematics throughout the system. The rendering layout seems to work okay, except that it is trying to get a bunch of font files which it can't find.

It seems that the font paths are hardcoded at, for example,

JupyterLab uses webpack to bundle all of its js up, and normally if a font file is referenced in a static css file, webpack can find that font file, copy it to the output directory, and change the font reference in the css to point to the right font file location. With Mathjax 3, it seems that webpack doesn't recognize these URLs (things are too dynamic), so it doesn't know to package up the font files and can't change the references to point to the correct location.

I'm not sure a way around this. @zorkow and I just talked about it, and I got the impression that the font references were being dynamically constructed so that they could be lazily loaded. Is that right? Webpack I think essentially does that for you, so maybe that's where this friction is coming up.

loadMissingEntities issue when bundling with webpack

In general mathjax3 is working nicely with webpack, except for one warning ("the request of a dependency is an expression") due to the dynamic importing of missing MathML entities:

which ends up being System.import('mathjax/input/mathml/js/entities/' + file + '.js')

One issue here is the warning, the other is that the import path seems incorrect - it should perhaps be 'mathjax3/mathjax3/input/mathml/entities/' + file + '.js'.

However, given that webpack is going to bundle everything in the entities folder so that the dynamic import can always be satisfied, would it make sense to generate a single file containing all the entities and import that statically?

ETA on a production ready release?

This is probably not the best format for this question, but do you have an ETA on this being stable/ready for production use?
The only information I could find was on this old stackoverflow post, but I reserve the right to have been looking in the wrong place :-).

IE11 needs Elements.classList polyfill

MathMLCompile.makeNode uses Elements.classList. which is not supported in IE11 and lower.
Is this by accident or design?

Also, It would be good if errors like this are logged and not only displayed as "Math Input Error".
It's easier to debug if you have a stack trace.

[SVG] table lines are not showing up in IE

It looks like the outline CSS that works everywhere else doesn't work in IE, so these will have to be handled explicitly by the SVG renderer rather than falling back on CSS styles.

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  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.