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triomphe's Introduction


Fork of Arc. This has the following advantages over std::sync::Arc:

  • triomphe::Arc doesn't support weak references: we save space by excluding the weak reference count, and we don't do extra read-modify-update operations to handle the possibility of weak references.
  • triomphe::UniqueArc allows one to construct a temporarily-mutable Arc which can be converted to a regular triomphe::Arc later
  • triomphe::OffsetArc can be used transparently from C++ code and is compatible with (and can be converted to/from) triomphe::Arc
  • triomphe::ArcBorrow is functionally similar to &triomphe::Arc<T>, however in memory it's simply &T. This makes it more flexible for FFI; the source of the borrow need not be an Arc pinned on the stack (and can instead be a pointer from C++, or an OffsetArc). Additionally, this helps avoid pointer-chasing.
  • triomphe::Arc has can be constructed for dynamically-sized types via from_header_and_iter
  • triomphe::ThinArc provides thin-pointer Arcs to dynamically sized types
  • triomphe::ArcUnion is union of two triomphe:Arcs which fits inside one word of memory

This crate is a version of servo_arc meant for general community use.

triomphe's People


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triomphe's Issues

Request for New Release

Hello, great work on this project. My project, Ribir, depends on your project's master branch. I noticed there hasn't been a release yet. I'm wondering if there's a plan for a new release soon, as it would help my project to depend on a stable version. Thanks for considering.

UB in `ArcBorrow` implementation due to provenance

ArcBorrow<'_, T> contains an actual &T reference. Such a reference cannot have provenance over the reference count though, which leads to miri detecting UB if you run cargo +nightly miri test on #64.

git fetch origin bf35d79324665bd4886a4319216a0964a958dda5
git checkout bf35d79324665bd4886a4319216a0964a958dda5
cargo +miri test
running 33 tests
test arc::tests::arc_eq_and_cmp ... ok
test arc::tests::arc_eq_and_partial_cmp ... ok
test arc::tests::from_iterator_exact_size ... ok
test arc::tests::from_iterator_unknown_size ... ok
test arc::tests::maybeuninit ... ok
test arc::tests::maybeuninit_array ... ok
test arc::tests::maybeuninit_slice_ub_to_proceed - should panic ... ok
test arc::tests::maybeuninit_ub_to_proceed - should panic ... ok
test arc::tests::roundtrip ... ok
test arc::tests::roundtrip_slice ... ok
test arc::tests::try_unwrap ... ok
test arc_borrow::clone_arc_borrow ... error: Undefined Behavior: trying to retag from <346713> for SharedReadWrite permission at alloc90475[0x0], but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
   --> src/
230 |         unsafe { &*self.ptr() }
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    |                  |
    |                  trying to retag from <346713> for SharedReadWrite permission at alloc90475[0x0], but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
    |                  this error occurs as part of retag at alloc90475[0x0..0x10]
    = help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Stacked Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
    = help: see for further information
help: <346713> was created by a SharedReadOnly retag at offsets [0x8..0xc]
   --> src/
39  |         let arc = unsafe { Arc::from_raw(self.0) };
    |                                          ^^^^^^
    = note: BACKTRACE (of the first span):
    = note: inside `arc::Arc::<i32>::inner` at src/ 230:30
note: inside `<arc::Arc<i32> as std::clone::Clone>::clone`
   --> src/
423 |         let old_size = self.inner().count.fetch_add(1, Relaxed);
    |                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `arc_borrow::ArcBorrow::<'_, i32>::clone_arc`
   --> src/
41  |         mem::forget(arc.clone());
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `arc_borrow::clone_arc_borrow`
   --> src/
122 |     let y = b.clone_arc();
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside closure
   --> src/
118 | #[test]
    | ------- in this procedural macro expansion
119 | fn clone_arc_borrow() {
    |                      ^
    = note: this error originates in the attribute macro `test` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

note: some details are omitted, run with `MIRIFLAGS=-Zmiri-backtrace=full` for a verbose backtrace

error: aborting due to previous error

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/home/frank/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/cargo-miri runner /home/frank/forks/just-a-clone/triomphe/target/miri/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/deps/triomphe-70e77d022ca4bab7` (exit status: 1)

I should have time tomorrow to work on a fix, probably comparable to the implementation of rc_borrow::ArcBorrow which uses a raw (NonNull) pointer instead of a reference.

Improve tests

Test coverage here is pretty abysmal. Filing a bug to record that it should be improved.

The stdlib has some tests for Arc functionality we could borrow in, but a lot of them test things we don't really support like weak references.

They also don't test any of our bespoke artisanal smart pointers.

It would also be nice to run tests under loom once we actually have tests.

Unsound `Send`/`Sync` of `ArcBorrow`.

Currently, the implicit

impl<'a, T: ?Sized> Send for ArcBorrow<'a, T>
    T: Sync,
impl<'a, T: ?Sized> Sync for ArcBorrow<'a, T>
    T: Sync,

don’t match the implementations for &Arc<T> . This is unsound, as T: Send + Sync (not just T: Sync) is essential for payloads dropped in a different thread than the one creating the Arc, as well as for APIs such as Arc::get_mut, etc…

For #65, ArcBorrow needs to be changed anyways, so I suppose this could be fixed at the same time. Of course, that’s then technically a breaking change, but also a soundness fix.

`UniqueArc` can support weaker bounds for `Send`/`Sync`

It’s like a Box, so it can support Send/Sync implementations like a Box.

Currently, it’s

impl<T: ?Sized> Send for UniqueArc<T>
    T: Send + Sync,
impl<T: ?Sized> Sync for UniqueArc<T>
    T: Send + Sync,

but as far as I can tell, it should be entirely sound to have it instead be

impl<T: ?Sized> Send for UniqueArc<T>
    T: Send,
impl<T: ?Sized> Sync for UniqueArc<T>
    T: Sync,

Add missing `From` impls for dynamically sized types like str, [T], etc.

The difficulty with copying these impls directly from std is that you need to have a version of from_raw that works with ?Sized types. This currently doesn't work because memoffset::offset_of only supports Sized types.

@Manishearth might have a way to do it using the existing support for DSTs.

  • From<&[T]>
  • From<&CStr>
  • From<&OsStr>
  • From<&Path>
  • From<&str>
  • From<Arc<W>>
  • From<Box<T>>
  • From<CString>
  • From<OsString>
  • From<PathBuf>
  • From<String>
  • From<Vec<T>>

`Arc::<MaybeUninit<T>>::write` is UB

write is defined like this:

impl<T> Arc<MaybeUninit<T>> {
    pub fn write(&mut self, val: T) -> &mut T {
        unsafe {
            let ptr = (*self.ptr()).data.as_mut_ptr();
            &mut *ptr

It writes to the inner value of the Arc even though unique access to Arc does not guarantee unique access to the inner value (b/c of clones). Here is a simple test case that fails under miri:

let mut uninit = Arc::new_uninit();
let clone = uninit.clone();

let x: &MaybeUninit<String> = &*clone;

// This write invalidates `x` reference

// Read invalidated reference to trigger UB
let _ = &*x;
error: Undefined Behavior: trying to reborrow <205779> for SharedReadOnly permission at alloc89625[0x8], but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
   --> src/
107 |     &*_x;
    |     ^^^^
    |     |
    |     trying to reborrow <205779> for SharedReadOnly permission at alloc89625[0x8], but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
    |     this error occurs as part of a reborrow at alloc89625[0x8..0x20]
    = help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Stacked Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
    = help: see for further information
help: <205779> was created by a retag at offsets [0x8..0x20]
   --> src/
103 |     let _x: &MaybeUninit<String> = &*clone;
    |                                    ^^^^^^^
help: <205779> was later invalidated at offsets [0x8..0x20]
   --> src/
247 |             let ptr = (*self.ptr()).data.as_mut_ptr();
    |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: inside `ub` at src/
note: inside closure at src/
   --> src/
96  |   #[test]
    |   ------- in this procedural macro expansion
97  | / fn ub() {
98  | |     use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
99  | |
100 | |     let mut uninit = Arc::new_uninit();
...   |
107 | |     &*_x;
108 | | }
    | |_^
    = note: this error originates in the attribute macro `test` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

Arc::from_raw requires Sized

Arc::into_raw does not require Sized, but Arc::from_raw does. Must be a mistake.

Edit: I missed todo

// FIXME: when `byte_sub` is stabilized, this can accept T: ?Sized.

However, for now Arc can have an operation like Arc::from_raw_slice. Practically many unsized types are just slices.

Add `Arc::from_thin_raw`.

I have a setup where I want to do

let ptr = thin_arc.with_arc(Arc::clone).into_raw();

// store the raw pointer somewhere. then later

let thin_arc = ThinArc::from_data_raw(ptr);

I would go through Arc::from_raw(ptr).into_thin() but that doesn't work because from_raw needs T: Sized.

What I'm imagining is in this impl there is something like

    /// Reconstruct the Arc<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T]>> from a raw pointer obtained from into_raw()
    pub unsafe fn from_thin_raw(ptr: *const HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T]>) -> ThinArc<H, T> {
        let data_ptr = ptr as *const [u8] as *const u8;
        let thin_ptr = data_ptr.sub(offset_of!(ArcInner<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T; 0]>>, data));
        ThinArc {
            ptr: unsafe {
                    thin_ptr as *mut ArcInner<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T; 0]>>,
            phantom: PhantomData,

For context, I was trying to move some of the functionality from into triomphe.

The core idea is that I have ThinArc<H, Slot> where each Slot stores it's index in the slice.
Given a *const Slot, I can count back the index and get back the original ThinArc<H, Slot>. Almost everything was working, except for the drop() impl of the RawWaker, since I couldn't construct the arc with the correct size to deallocate.

Fallible allocation?

from_header_and_iter calls alloc::handle_alloc_error, which unfortunately is an unconditional process-killing abort.

I have a situation where real OOM really happens, and I really need to handle it gracefully.

Could you replace the call to handle_alloc_error with a regular panic!("oom"), at least as an option? A try_ version of the method would be fine too.

Optimized implementation for `from_header_and_slice`

In my code I use ThinArc<(), u8> a lot, and apparently the compiler can't optimize the iterator in from_header_and_iter away. It really does iterate over each byte and writes it using ptr::write. I implemented an optimization that accepts a whole slice of a Copy type and uses ptr::copy_nonoverlapping instead, and I got a 5% speedup in my application. I can open a PR if there is interest.

Add SliceArc

struct SliceArc<T> {
  data: NonNull<T>,
  len: usize,

impl Deref for SliceArc<T> {
  type Target = &[T];

  fn deref(&self) -> &[T] {
    slice::from_raw_parts(, self.len)

When len == 0, it does no allocation, const-constructible, data is dangling pointer.

When len != 0, data holds a pointer to slice data, and arc headers lies in memory before the data.

Support ThinArc for other dynamically sized types

A ThinArcStr would be pretty easy to support (would just wrap a ThinArc<H, u8> -- you can already do this by using triomphe).

The use case I care more about would be a way of having a 1-pointer Arc (pretty useful for FFI stuff)... but I'm not sure how possible this is though, given that we don't have a way to get a trait object vtable pointer...

Miri UB in `Arc::inner` using `Arc::clone`

I'm using triomphe for the cstree library, a fork of @matklad's rowan syntax tree library used in rust-analyzer. With the latest nightly, miri emits an error for potential undefined behaviour for the reborrow in Arc::inner.

The reborrow occurs while Arc::cloneing a pointer obtained from Arc::new. In the specific instance posted below, it is triggered by the sytax::text::tests::test_text_equality, but I've ran it against other tests and the error is very reproducible in any test that builds a syntax tree.

There were a few miri warnings on the cstree side related to the relatively recent strict provenance development, which I addressed, so only the reborrow remains.

Full Backtrace
test syntax::text::tests::test_text_equality ... error: Undefined Behavior: trying to reborrow <232138> for SharedReadWrite permission at alloc98393[0x0], but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
 --> /home/dquirl/.cargo/registry/src/
214 |         unsafe { &*self.ptr() }
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    |                  |
    |                  trying to reborrow <232138> for SharedReadWrite permission at alloc98393[0x0], but that tag does not exist in the borrow stack for this location
    |                  this error occurs as part of a reborrow at alloc98393[0x0..0x8]
  = help: this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the Stacked Borrows rules it violated are still experimental
  = help: see for further information
help: <232138> was created by a retag at offsets [0x8..0x14]
 --> src/green/
50  |         let ptr = Arc::into_raw(Arc::new(data));
    |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: inside `triomphe::Arc::<green::token::GreenTokenData>::inner` at /home/dquirl/.cargo/registry/src/
  = note: inside `<triomphe::Arc<green::token::GreenTokenData> as std::clone::Clone>::clone` at /home/dquirl/.cargo/registry/src/
note: inside `<green::token::GreenToken as std::clone::Clone>::clone` at src/green/
 --> src/green/
103 |             Arc::into_raw(Arc::clone(&arc))
    |                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `green::builder::NodeCache::token` at src/green/
 --> src/green/
216 | /         self.tokens
217 | |             .entry(data)
218 | |             .or_insert_with_key(|data| GreenToken::new(*data))
219 | |             .clone()
    | |____________________^
note: inside `green::builder::GreenNodeBuilder::token` at src/green/
 --> src/green/
408 |         let token = self.cache.token(kind, text);
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `syntax::text::tests::build_tree` at src/syntax/
 --> src/syntax/
421 |             builder.token(SyntaxKind(92), chunk);
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `syntax::text::tests::test_text_equality::do_check` at src/syntax/
 --> src/syntax/
431 |             let (t1, resolver) = build_tree(t1);
    |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `syntax::text::tests::test_text_equality::check` at src/syntax/
 --> src/syntax/
442 |             do_check(t1, t2);
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `syntax::text::tests::test_text_equality` at src/syntax/
 --> src/syntax/
446 |         check(&[""], &[""]);
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside closure at src/syntax/
 --> src/syntax/
428 |       #[test]
    |       ------- in this procedural macro expansion
429 | /     fn test_text_equality() {
430 | |         fn do_check(t1: &[&str], t2: &[&str]) {
431 | |             let (t1, resolver) = build_tree(t1);
432 | |             let t1 = t1.resolve_text(&resolver);
...   |
456 | |         check(&["{", "abc", "}ab"], &["{", "abc", "}", "ab"]);
457 | |     }
    | |_____^

I've also ran miri again with -Zmiri-track-pointer-tag=232138, which curiously (to me, as a definite non-expert on miri) only shows where the tag is created (which is in Arc::into_raw when constructing the cstree::GreenToken::new) and no pop/tag invalidation (note that there is also no diagnostic note about invalidation in the error), so potentially this could also be Miri misfiring?

Tracking Info
test syntax::text::tests::test_text_equality ... note: tracking was triggered
   --> /home/dquirl/.cargo/registry/src/
100 |         unsafe { &((*self.ptr()).data) as *const _ }
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ created tag 232138
    = note: inside `triomphe::Arc::<green::token::GreenTokenData>::as_ptr` at /home/dquirl/.cargo/registry/src/
    = note: inside `triomphe::Arc::<green::token::GreenTokenData>::into_raw` at /home/dquirl/.cargo/registry/src/
note: inside `green::token::GreenToken::new` at src/green/
   --> src/green/
50  |         let ptr = Arc::into_raw(Arc::new(data));
    |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside closure at src/green/
   --> src/green/
218 |             .or_insert_with_key(|data| GreenToken::new(*data))
    |                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: inside `std::collections::hash_map::Entry::<green::token::GreenTokenData, green::token::GreenToken>::or_insert_with_key::<[closure@src/green/ 218:62]>` at /home/dquirl/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/std/src/collections/hash/
note: inside `green::builder::NodeCache::token` at src/green/
   --> src/green/
216 | /         self.tokens
217 | |             .entry(data)
218 | |             .or_insert_with_key(|data| GreenToken::new(*data))
    | |______________________________________________________________^
note: inside `green::builder::GreenNodeBuilder::token` at src/green/
   --> src/green/
408 |         let token = self.cache.token(kind, text);
    |                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `syntax::text::tests::build_tree` at src/syntax/
   --> src/syntax/
421 |             builder.token(SyntaxKind(92), chunk);
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `syntax::text::tests::test_text_equality::do_check` at src/syntax/
   --> src/syntax/
431 |             let (t1, resolver) = build_tree(t1);
    |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `syntax::text::tests::test_text_equality::check` at src/syntax/
   --> src/syntax/
442 |             do_check(t1, t2);
    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside `syntax::text::tests::test_text_equality` at src/syntax/
   --> src/syntax/
446 |         check(&[""], &[""]);
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: inside closure at src/syntax/
   --> src/syntax/
428 |       #[test]
    |       ------- in this procedural macro expansion
429 | /     fn test_text_equality() {
430 | |         fn do_check(t1: &[&str], t2: &[&str]) {
431 | |             let (t1, resolver) = build_tree(t1);
432 | |             let t1 = t1.resolve_text(&resolver);
...   |
456 | |         check(&["{", "abc", "}ab"], &["{", "abc", "}", "ab"]);
457 | |     }
    | |_____^
    = note: this note originates in the attribute macro `test` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

Nightly version: rustc 1.64.0-nightly (7425fb293 2022-06-30).

Worked with rustc 1.63.0-nightly (76761db59 2022-05-24).

Rc support

It would be nice to have a version of Rc without weak reference counts too.


  • when byte_sub is stabilized, this can accept T: ?Sized.
    // FIXME: when `byte_sub` is stabilized, this can accept T: ?Sized.
  • (bholley): Use the updated comment when [2] is merged.
    // FIXME(bholley): Use the updated comment when [2] is merged.
  • should from_ref be relaxed to unsized types? It can't be
    /// TODO: should from_ref be relaxed to unsized types? It can't be
  • once pointer::with_metadata_of is stable or
    // FIXME: once `pointer::with_metadata_of` is stable or

Moving TODO-s to a GitHub issue, so contributors may see them.

Add a way to get at the reference count

I don't know if this is possible, but it would be helpful for my use case (as a heuristic to avoid an expensive operation, not as something to be relied on for correctness) to be able to check if the refcount of a reference is currently <= 2.

Specify an MSRV policy

Hi! We depend on this library in domain transitively via moka and just got bit by new requirement that rust 1.76 or later should be used. This is fine of course, but I wanted to ask if you could specify some MSRV policy or provide the rust-version key in Cargo.toml, which will help prevent issues like this once the MSRV-dependent resolver lands.

Add unsizing support.

Something along these lines would add it, I think:

    feature = "unstable",
    feature(coerce_unsized, unsize, dispatch_from_dyn)
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
use core::{
    ops::{CoerceUnsized, DispatchFromDyn},

#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> DispatchFromDyn<Arc<U>> for Arc<T> {}
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<Arc<U>> for Arc<T> {}
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<UniqueArc<U>> for UniqueArc<T> {}

My hesitation is that I don't fully understand DispatchFromDyn, nor do I understand all the implications of these traits. I also don't need it myself.

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