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zen's Introduction

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Zen is a research library that provides high-level abstractions in C# to make it easier to leverage high-performance constraint solvers such as Z3. Zen automates translations and optimizations to low-level constraint solvers and then automates their translation back to C# objects. It makes it easier to construct complex encodings and and manipulate complex symbolic objects. The Zen library comes equipped with a number of built-in tools for processing constraints and models, including a compiler, model checker, and test input generator. It supports multiple backends including one based on Z3 and another based on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs).


Just add the project to your visual studio solution. A nuget package is available here.

Getting Started

This page gives a high-level overview of the features in Zen. To see more detailed documentation, check out the wiki page.

To import the Zen library, add the following lines to your source file:

using ZenLib;
using static ZenLib.Language;

The main abstraction Zen provides is through the type Zen<T> which represents a value of type T that can take on any value. The following code shows a basic use of Zen -- it creates several symbolic variables of different types (e.g., bool, int, string, IList) and then encodes constraints over those variables.

// create symbolic variables of different types
var b = Symbolic<bool>();
var i = Symbolic<int>();
var s = Symbolic<string>();
var o = Symbolic<Option<ulong>>();
var l = Symbolic<IList<int>>(listSize: 10, checkSmallerLists: false);

// build constraints on these variables
var c1 = Or(b, i <= 10);
var c2 = Or(Not(b), o == Option.Some(1UL));
var c3 = Or(s.Contains("hello"), Not(o.HasValue()));
var c4 = l.Where(x => x <= i).Length() == 5;
var c5 = l.All(x => And(x >= 0, x <= 100));
var expr = And(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5);

// solve the constraints to get a solution
var solution = expr.Solve();

System.Console.WriteLine("b: " + solution.Get(b));
System.Console.WriteLine("i: " + solution.Get(i));
System.Console.WriteLine("s: " + solution.Get(s));
System.Console.WriteLine("o: " + solution.Get(o));
System.Console.WriteLine("l: " + string.Join(",", solution.Get(l)));

The output of this example produces the following values for me:

b: True
i: 52
s: hello
o: Some(1)
l: 54,53,54,53,37,53,37,37,37,37

Since Zen<T> objects are just normal C# objects, we can pass them and return them from functions. For isntance, consider the following code that computes a new integer from two integer inputs x and y:

Zen<int> MultiplyAndAdd(Zen<int> x, Zen<int> y)
    return 3 * x + y;

Zen overloads common C# operators such as &,|,^,<=, <, >, >=, +, -, *, true, false to work over Zen values and supports implicit conversions between C# values and Zen values.

Rather than manually building constraints as shown previously, we can also ask Zen to represent a "function" from some inputs to an output. To do so, we create a ZenFunction to wrap the MultiplyAndAdd function:

ZenFunction<int, int, int> function = new ZenFunction<int, int, int>(MultiplyAndAdd);

Given a ZenFunction we can leverage the library to perform several additional tasks.

Executing a function

Zen can execute the function we have built on a given collection of inputs. The simplest way to do so is to call the Evaluate method on the ZenFunction:

var output = function.Evaluate(3, 2); // output = 11

This will interpret abstract syntax tree represented by the Zen function at runtime. Of course doing so can be quite slow, particularly compared to a native version of the function.

When performance is important, or if you need to execute the model on many inputs, Zen can compile the model using the C# System.Reflection.Emit API. This generates IL instructions that execute more efficiently. Doing so is easy, just call the Compile method on the function first:

output = function.Evaluate(3, 2); // output = 11

We can see the difference by comparing the performance between the two:

var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
    function.Evaluate(3, 2);

Console.WriteLine($"interpreted function time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");


Console.WriteLine($"compilation time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
    function.Evaluate(3, 2);

Console.WriteLine($"compiled function time: {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
interpreted function time: 4601ms
compilation time: 4ms
compiled function time: 2ms

Searching for inputs

A powerful feature Zen supports is the ability to find function inputs that lead to some (un)desirable outcome. For example, we can find an (x, y) input pair such that x is less than zero and the output of the function is 11:

var input = function.Find((x, y, result) => And(x <= 0, result == 11)); 
// input.Value = (-1883171776, 1354548043)

The type of the result in this case is Option<(int, int)>, which will have a pair of integer inputs that make the expression true if such a pair exists. In this case the library will find x = -1883171776 and y = 1354548043

To find multiple inputs, Zen supports an equivalent FindAll method, which returns an IEnumerable of inputs.

var inputs = function.FindAll((x, y, result) => And(x <= 0, result == 11)).Take(5);

Each input in inputs will be unique so there will be no duplicates.

Zen also supports richer data types such as lists. For example, we can write an implementation for the insertion sort algorithm using recursion:

Zen<IList<T>> Sort<T>(Zen<IList<T>> expr)
    return expr.Case(empty: EmptyList<T>(), cons: (hd, tl) => Insert(hd, Sort(tl)));

Zen<IList<T>> Insert<T>(Zen<T> elt, Zen<IList<T>> list)
    return list.Case(
        empty: Singleton(elt),
        cons: (hd, tl) => If(elt <= hd, list.AddFront(elt), Insert(elt, tl).AddFront(hd)));

We can verify properties about this sorting algorithm by proving that there is no input that can lead to some undesirable outcome. For instance, we can use Zen to show that a sorted list has the same length as the input list:

var f = new ZenFunction<IList<byte>, IList<byte>>(l => Sort(l));
var input = f.Find((inlist, outlist) => inlist.Length() != outlist.Length());
// input = None

Input search uses bounded model checking to perform verification. For data structures like lists, it finds examples up to a given input size k, which is an optional parameter to the function.

Computing with sets

While the Find function provides a way to find a single input to a function, Zen also provides an additional API for reasoning about sets of inputs and outputs to functions.

It does this through a StateSetTransformer API. A transformer is created by calling the Transformer() method on a ZenFunction:

ZenFunction<uint, uint> f = new ZenFunction<uint, uint>(i => i + 1);

// create a set transformer from the function
StateSetTransformer<uint, uint> t = f.Transformer();

Transformers allow for manipulating (potentially huge) sets of objects efficient. For example, we can get the set of all input uint values where adding one will result in an output y that is no more than 10 thousand:

// find the set of all inputs where the output is no more than 10,000
StateSet<uint> inputSet = t.InputSet((x, y) => y <= 10000);

This set will include all the values 0 - 9999 as well as uint.MaxValue due to wrapping. Transformers can also manpulate sets by propagating them forward or backwards:

// run the set through the transformer to get the set of all outputs
StateSet<uint> outputSet = t.TransformForward(inputSet);

Finally, StateSet objects can also be intersected, unioned, and negated. We can pull an example element out of a set as follows:

// get an example value in the set if one exists.
Option<uint> example = inputSet.Element(); // example.Value = 0

Internally, transformers leverage binary decision diagrams to represent, possibly very large, sets of objects efficiently.

Generating test inputs

As a final use case, Zen can automatically generate interesting use cases for a given model by finding inputs that will lead to different execution paths. For instance, consider again the insertion sort implementation. We can ask Zen to generate test inputs for the function that can then be used, for instance to test other sorting algorithms:

var f = new ZenFunction<IList<byte>, IList<byte>>(l => Sort(l));

foreach (var list in f.GenerateInputs(listSize: 3))
    Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(",", list)}]");

In this case, we get the following output, which includes all permutations of relative orderings that may affect a sorting algorithm.


The test generation approach uses symbolic execution to enumerate program paths and solve constraints on inputs that lead down each path.

Supported data types

Zen currently supports a subset of the C# language, described in more detail below.

Primitive types

Zen supports the following primitive types: bool, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong. It does not support char, though you can typically achieve the same effect by casting to ushort.

String types

Zen supports the string type for reasoning about unbounded strings. However, string theories are generally incomplete in SMT solvers so there may be problems that they can not solve.

For this reason, Zen also includes a library-defined FiniteString type for reasoning about strings with bounded size. The is done by treating a string as a list of characters IList<ushort>. The implementation of this class is here.

Integer types

Aside from primitive types, Zen also supports the BigInteger type found in System.Numerics for reasoning about ubounded integers.

Zen also supports other types of integers with fixed, but non-standard bit width (for instance a 7-bit integer).

Out of the box, Zen provides the types Int1, UInt1, Int2, UInt2, Int3, UInt3 ..., Int64, UInt64 as well as the types Int128, UInt128, Int256, UInt256.

You can also create a custom fixed-width integer of a given length. For example, to create a 65-bit integer, just add the following code:

    public class Int65 : IntN<Int65, Signed> 
        public override int Size { get { return 65; } } 
        public Int65(byte[] bytes) : base(bytes) { } 
        public Int65(long value) : base(value) { } 

The library should take care of the rest. Or equivalently, for unsigned integer semantics.

    public class UInt65 : IntN<UInt65, Unsigned> 
        public override int Size { get { return 65; } } 
        public UInt65(byte[] bytes) : base(bytes) { } 
        public UInt65(long value) : base(value) { } 

Lists, Dictionaries, Options, Tuples

Zen supports values with type IList<T> out of the box. It also provides several library types to model other useful data structures. For example, it provides a Dict<T1, T2> type to emulate finite dictionaries. It also supports pair types, e.g., Pair<T1, T2> as a lightweight alternative to classes.

By default all values are assumed to be non-null by Zen. For nullable values, it provides an Option<T> type.

Custom classes and structs

Zen supports custom class and struct types with some limitations. It will attempt to model all public fields and properties. For these types to work, the class/struct must also have a default constructor.

Solver backends

Zen currently supports two solvers, one based on the Z3 SMT solver and another based on binary decision diagrams (BDDs).

The Find API provides an option to select one of the two backends and will default to Z3 if left unspecified. The StateSetTransformer uses the BDD backend.

The BDD backend has the limitation that it can only reason about bounded size objects. This means that it can not reason about values with type BigInteger or string and will throw an exception. Similarly, these types along with IList<T> and IDictionary<T> can not be used with transformers.

Example: Network access control lists

As a more complete example, the following shows how to use Zen to encode and then verify a simplified network access control list that allows or blocks packets. ACLs generally consist of an ordered collection of match-action rules that apply in sequence with the first applicable rule determining the fate of the packet. We can model an ACL with Zen:

// define a class to model Packets using public properties
public class Packet
    // packet destination ip
    public uint DstIp { get; set; } 
    // packet source ip
    public uint SrcIp { get; set; }

// define helper extension methods for manipulating packets.
public static class PacketExtensions
    public static Zen<uint> GetDstIp(this Zen<Packet> packet)
        return packet.GetField<Packet, uint>("DstIp");

    public static Zen<uint> GetSrcIp(this Zen<Packet> packet)
        return packet.GetField<Packet, uint>("SrcIp");

// class representing an ACL with a list of prioritized rules.
public class Acl
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public AclLine[] Lines { get; set; }

    public Zen<bool> Allowed(Zen<Packet> packet)
        return Allowed(packet, 0);

    // compute whether a packet is allowed by the ACL recursively
    private Zen<bool> Allowed(Zen<Packet> packet, int lineNumber)
        if (lineNumber >= this.Lines.Length) 
            return false; // Zen implicitly converts false to Zen<bool>

        var line = this.Lines[lineNumber];

        // if the current line matches, then return the action, otherwise continue to the next line
        return If(line.Matches(packet), line.Action, this.Allowed(packet, lineNumber + 1));

// An ACL line that matches a packet.
public class AclLine
    public bool Action { get; set; }
    public uint DstIpLow { get; set; }
    public uint DstIpHigh { get; set; }
    public uint SrcIpLow { get; set; }
    public uint SrcIpHigh { get; set; }

    // a packet matches a line if it falls within the specified ranges.
    public Zen<bool> Matches(Zen<Packet> packet)
        return And(packet.GetDstIp() >= this.DstIpLow,
                   packet.GetDstIp() <= this.DstIpHigh,
                   packet.GetSrcIp() >= this.SrcIpLow,
                   packet.GetSrcIp() <= this.SrcIpHigh);


Zen builds an abstract syntax tree (AST) for a given user function and then leverages C#'s reflection capabilities to interpret, compile, and symbolically evaluate the AST.


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