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// This file is part of Desktop App Toolkit, // a set of libraries for developing nice desktop applications. // // For license and copyright information please follow this link: // // #include "codegen/emoji/data.h"

#include "codegen/emoji/data_old.h" #include "codegen/emoji/data_read.h"

namespace codegen { namespace emoji { namespace {

using std::vector; using std::map; using std::set; using std::find; using std::make_pair; using std::move; using std::begin; using std::end;

// copied from emoji_box.cpp struct Replace { InputId code; const char *replace; };

Replace Replaces[] = { { { 0xD83DDE0AU }, ":-)" }, { { 0xD83DDE0DU }, "8-)" }, { { 0x2764U }, "<3" }, // { { 0xD83DDC8BU }, ":kiss:" }, // { { 0xD83DDE01U }, ":grin:" }, // { { 0xD83DDE02U }, ":joy:" }, { { 0xD83DDE1AU }, ":-*" }, // { { 0xD83DDE06U }, "xD" }, // Conflicts with typing xDDD... // { { 0xD83DDC4DU }, ":like:" }, // { { 0xD83DDC4EU }, ":dislike:" }, // { { 0x261DU }, ":up:" }, // { { 0x270CU }, ":v:" }, // { { 0xD83DDC4CU }, ":ok:" }, { { 0xD83DDE0EU }, "B-)" }, { { 0xD83DDE03U }, ":-D" }, { { 0xD83DDE09U }, ";-)" }, { { 0xD83DDE1CU }, ";-P" }, { { 0xD83DDE0BU }, ":-p" }, { { 0xD83DDE14U }, "3(" }, { { 0xD83DDE1EU }, ":-(" }, { { 0xD83DDE0FU }, ":]" }, { { 0xD83DDE22U }, ":'(" }, { { 0xD83DDE2DU }, ":_(" }, { { 0xD83DDE29U }, ":((" }, // { { 0xD83DDE28U }, ":o" }, // Conflicts with typing :ok... { { 0xD83DDE10U }, ":|" }, { { 0xD83DDE0CU }, "3-)" }, { { 0xD83DDE20U }, ">(" }, { { 0xD83DDE21U }, ">((" }, { { 0xD83DDE07U }, "O:)" }, { { 0xD83DDE30U }, ";o" }, { { 0xD83DDE33U }, "8|" }, { { 0xD83DDE32U }, "8o" }, { { 0xD83DDE37U }, ":X" }, { { 0xD83DDE08U }, "}:)" }, };

InputCategory PostfixRequired = { { 0x2122U, 0xFE0FU, }, { 0xA9U, 0xFE0FU, }, { 0xAEU, 0xFE0FU, }, };

using ColorId = uint32; ColorId Colors[] = { 0xD83CDFFBU, 0xD83CDFFCU, 0xD83CDFFDU, 0xD83CDFFEU, 0xD83CDFFFU, };

constexpr auto ColorMask = 0xD83CDFFBU;

// Original data has those emoji only with gender symbols. // But they should be displayed as emoji even without gender symbols. // So we map which gender symbol to use for an emoji without one. std::map<InputId, uint32> WithoutGenderAliases = { // { { 0xD83EDD26U, }, 0x2642U }, // { { 0xD83EDD37U, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDD38U, }, 0x2642U }, // { { 0xD83EDD3CU, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDD3DU, }, 0x2642U }, // { { 0xD83EDD3EU, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDD39U, }, 0x2642U }, // { { 0xD83EDDB8U, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDDB9U, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDDD6U, }, 0x2642U }, // { { 0xD83EDDD7U, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDDD8U, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDDD9U, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDDDAU, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDDDBU, }, 0x2640U }, // { { 0xD83EDDDCU, }, 0x2642U }, // { { 0xD83EDDDDU, }, 0x2642U }, // { { 0xD83EDDDEU, }, 0x2642U }, // { { 0xD83EDDDFU, }, 0x2642U }, };

// Some flags are sent as one string, but are rendered as a different too. std::map<InputId, InputId> FlagAliases = { // { { 0xD83CDDE8U, 0xD83CDDF5U, }, { 0xD83CDDEBU, 0xD83CDDF7U, } }, // { { 0xD83CDDE7U, 0xD83CDDFBU, }, { 0xD83CDDF3U, 0xD83CDDF4U, } }, // { { 0xD83CDDE6U, 0xD83CDDE8U, }, { 0xD83CDDF8U, 0xD83CDDEDU, } }, // // // This is different flag, but macOS shows that glyph :( // { { 0xD83CDDE9U, 0xD83CDDECU, }, { 0xD83CDDEEU, 0xD83CDDF4U, } }, // // { { 0xD83CDDF9U, 0xD83CDDE6U, }, { 0xD83CDDF8U, 0xD83CDDEDU, } }, // { { 0xD83CDDF2U, 0xD83CDDEBU, }, { 0xD83CDDEBU, 0xD83CDDF7U, } }, // { { 0xD83CDDEAU, 0xD83CDDE6U, }, { 0xD83CDDEAU, 0xD83CDDF8U, } }, };

std::map<Id, std::vector> Aliases; // original -> list of aliased std::set AliasesAdded;

void AddAlias(const Id &original, const Id &aliased) { auto &aliases = Aliases[original]; if (std::find(aliases.begin(), aliases.end(), aliased) == aliases.end()) { aliases.push_back(aliased); } }

constexpr auto kErrorBadData = 401;

void append(Id &id, uint32 code) { if (auto first = static_cast((code >> 16) & 0xFFFFU)) { id.append(QChar(first)); } id.append(QChar(static_cast(code & 0xFFFFU))); }

[[nodiscard]] Id BareIdFromInput(const InputId &id) { auto result = Id(); for (const auto unicode : id) { if (unicode != kPostfix) { append(result, unicode); } } return result; }

[[nodiscard]] set FillVariatedIds(const InputData &data) { auto result = set(); for (const auto &row : data.colored) { auto variatedId = Id(); if (row.size() < 2) { logDataError() << "colored string should have at least two characters."; return {}; } for (auto i = size_t(0), size = row.size(); i != size; ++i) { auto code = row[i]; if (i == 1) { if (code != ColorMask) { logDataError() << "color code should appear at index 1."; return {}; } } else if (code == ColorMask) { logDataError() << "color code should appear only at index 1."; return {}; } else if (code != kPostfix) { append(variatedId, code); } } result.emplace(variatedId); } return result; }

[[nodiscard]] map<Id, InputId> FillDoubleVariatedIds(const InputData &data) { auto result = map<Id, InputId>(); for (const auto &[original, same, different] : data.doubleColored) { auto variatedId = Id(); if (original.size() < 1) { logDataError() << "original string should have at least one character."; return {}; } else if (same.size() < 2) { logDataError() << "colored string should have at least two characters."; return {}; } if (same.size() == 2) { // original: 1 // same: original + color // different: some1 + color1 + sep + some2 + sep + some3 + color2 if (same[1] != ColorMask) { logDataError() << "color code should appear at index 1."; return {}; } else if (same[0] == ColorMask) { logDataError() << "color code should appear only at index 1."; return {}; } else if (same[0] == kPostfix) { logDataError() << "postfix in double colored is not supported."; return {}; } else { append(variatedId, same[0]); } // add an alias to 'same' in the form .. // .. of 'some1 + color + sep + some2 + sep + some3 + color' if (std::count(different.begin(), different.end(), kJoiner) != 2) { logDataError() << "complex double colored bad different."; return {}; } for (const auto color : Colors) { auto copy = same; copy[1] = color; auto sameWithColor = BareIdFromInput(copy); copy = different; for (auto &entry : copy) { if (entry == Colors[0] || entry == Colors[1]) { entry = color; } } auto differentWithColor = BareIdFromInput(copy); AddAlias(sameWithColor, differentWithColor); } } else { // same: som1 + color + sep + some2 + sep + some3 + color // different: some1 + color1 + sep + some2 + sep + some3 + color2 auto copy = different; if (copy.size() < 7 || copy[1] != Colors[0] || copy[copy.size() - 1] != Colors[1]) { logDataError() << "complex double colored bad different."; return {}; } copy[copy.size() - 1] = Colors[0]; if (copy != same) { logDataError() << "complex double colored should colorize all the same."; return {}; } if (original.size() == 1) { // original: 1 // add an alias to 'same' in the form of 'original + color' for (const auto color : Colors) { auto copy = original; copy.push_back(color); auto originalWithColor = BareIdFromInput(copy); copy = same; for (auto &entry : copy) { if (entry == ColorMask) { entry = color; } } auto sameWithColor = BareIdFromInput(copy); AddAlias(originalWithColor, sameWithColor); } } variatedId = BareIdFromInput(original); } result.emplace(variatedId, different); } return result; }

[[nodiscard]] set FillPostfixRequiredIds() { auto result = set(); for (const auto &row : PostfixRequired) { result.emplace(BareIdFromInput(row)); } return result; }

void appendCategory( Data &result, const InputCategory &category, const set &variatedIds, const map<Id, InputId> &doubleVariatedIds, const set &postfixRequiredIds) { result.categories.emplace_back(); for (auto &id : category) { auto emoji = Emoji(); auto bareId = BareIdFromInput(id); auto from = id.cbegin(), to = id.cend(); if (to - from == 2 && *(to - 1) == kPostfix) { emoji.postfixed = true; --to; } for (auto i = from; i != to; ++i) { auto code = *i; if (find(begin(Colors), end(Colors), code) != end(Colors)) { logDataError() << "color code found in a category emoji."; result = Data(); return; } append(, code); } if (bareId.isEmpty()) { logDataError() << "empty emoji id found."; result = Data(); return; }

	const auto addOne = [&](const Id &bareId, Emoji &&emoji) {
		auto it =;
		if (it == {
			const auto index = result.list.size();
			it =, index).first;
			if (const auto a = Aliases.find(bareId); a != end(Aliases)) {
				for (const auto &alias : a->second) {
					const auto ok =, index).second;
					if (!ok) {
						logDataError() << "some emoji alias already in the map.";
						result = Data();
			if (postfixRequiredIds.find(bareId) != end(postfixRequiredIds)) {
		} else if (result.list[it->second].postfixed != emoji.postfixed) {
			logDataError() << "same emoji found with different postfixed property.";
			result = Data();
		} else if (result.list[it->second].id != {
			logDataError() << "same emoji found with different id.";
			result = Data();
		return it;

	auto it = addOne(bareId, move(emoji));
	if (it == {
	if (variatedIds.find(bareId) != end(variatedIds)) {
		result.list[it->second].variated = true;

		auto baseId = Id();
		if (*from == kPostfix) {
			logDataError() << "bad first symbol in emoji.";
			result = Data();
		append(baseId, *from++);
		// A few uncolored emoji contain two kPostfix.
		// (:(wo)man_lifting_weights:, :(wo)man_golfing:
		//  :(wo)man_bouncing_ball:, :(wo)man_detective:)
		// But colored emoji should have only one kPostfix.
		if (std::count(from, to, kPostfix) == 2 && *from == kPostfix) {
		for (auto color : Colors) {
			auto colored = Emoji();
			colored.colored = true; = baseId;
			append(, color);
			auto bareColoredId =;
			for (auto i = from; i != to; ++i) {
				append(, *i);
				if (*i != kPostfix) {
					append(bareColoredId, *i);
			if (addOne(bareColoredId, std::move(colored)) == {
	} else if (const auto d = doubleVariatedIds.find(bareId); d != end(doubleVariatedIds)) {
		//result.list[it->second].doubleVariated = true;

		const auto baseId = bareId;
		const auto &different = d->second;
		if (different.size() < 4
			|| different[1] != Colors[0]
			|| different[different.size() - 1] != Colors[1]) {
			logDataError() << "bad data in double-colored emoji.";
			result = Data();
		for (auto color1 : Colors) {
			for (auto color2 : Colors) {
				auto colored = Emoji();
				//colored.colored = true;
				if (color1 == color2 && baseId.size() == 2) { = baseId;
					append(, color1);
				} else {
					auto copy = different;
					copy[1] = color1;
					copy[copy.size() - 1] = color2;
					for (const auto code : copy) {
						append(, code);
				auto bareColoredId =, QString());
				if (addOne(bareColoredId, move(colored)) == {



void fillReplaces(Data &result) { for (auto &replace : Replaces) { auto id = Id(); for (auto code : replace.code) { append(id, code); } auto it =; if (it == { logDataError() << "emoji from replaces not found in the map."; result = Data(); return; } result.replaces.insert(make_pair(QString::fromUtf8(replace.replace), it->second)); } }

bool CheckOldInCurrent( const InputData &data, const InputData &old, const std::set &variatedIds) { const auto genders = { 0x2640U, 0x2642U }; const auto addGender = [](const InputId &was, uint32 gender) { auto result = was; result.push_back(0x200DU); result.push_back(gender); result.push_back(kPostfix); return result; }; const auto addGenderByIndex = [&](const InputId &was, int index) { return addGender(was, *(begin(genders) + index)); }; static const auto find = []( const InputCategory &list, const InputId &id) { return (std::find(begin(list), end(list), id) != end(list)); }; static const auto findInMany = []( const InputData &data, const InputId &id) { for (const auto &current : data.categories) { if (find(current, id)) { return true; } } return find(data.other, id); }; const auto emplaceColoredAlias = [](const InputId &real, const InputId &alias, uint32_t color) { if (real.size() < 2 || alias.size() < 2 || real[1] != Colors[0] || alias[1] != Colors[0]) { return false; } auto key = real; key[1] = color; auto value = alias; value[1] = color; AddAlias(BareIdFromInput(key), BareIdFromInput(value)); return true; }; auto result = true; for (auto c = begin(old.categories); c != end(old.categories); ++c) { const auto &category = *c; for (auto i = begin(category); i != end(category); ++i) { if (findInMany(data, *i)) { continue; }

		// Some emoji were ending with kPostfix and now are not.
		if (i->back() == kPostfix) {
			auto other = *i;
			if (findInMany(data, other)) {

		// Some emoji were not ending with kPostfix and now are.
		if (i->back() != kPostfix) {
			auto other = *i;
			if (findInMany(data, other)) {

		common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input")
			<< "Bad data: old emoji '"
			<< InputIdToString(*i).toStdString()
			<< "' (category "
			<< (c - begin(old.categories))
			<< ", index "
			<< (i - begin(category))
			<< ") not found in current.";
		result = false;

		// Old way - auto add genders. New way - add gender neutral images,
		// but don't add them to any category in the picker.

// // Some emoji were without gender symbol and now have gender symbol. // // Try adding 0x200DU, 0x2640U, 0xFE0FU or 0x200DU, 0x2642U, 0xFE0FU. // const auto otherGenderIndex = [&] { // for (auto g = begin(genders); g != end(genders); ++g) { // auto altered = *i; // altered.push_back(kJoiner); // altered.push_back(*g); // altered.push_back(kPostfix); // if (findInMany(old, altered)) { // return int(g - begin(genders)); // } // } // return -1; // }(); // if (otherGenderIndex < 0) { // common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input") // << "Bad data: old emoji '" // << InputIdToString(*i).toStdString() // << "' (category " // << (c - begin(old.categories)) // << ", index " // << (i - begin(category)) // << ") not found in current."; // result = false; // continue; // } // // const auto genderIndex = (1 - otherGenderIndex); // const auto real = addGenderByIndex(*i, genderIndex); // const auto bare = BareIdFromInput(real); // if (!findInMany(data, real)) { // common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input") // << "Bad data: old emoji '" // << InputIdToString(*i).toStdString() // << "' (category " // << (c - begin(old.categories)) // << ", index " // << (i - begin(category)) // << ") not found in current with added gender: " // << genderIndex // << "."; // result = false; // } else { // AddAlias(bare, BareIdFromInput(*i)); // } } } for (auto i = begin(old.doubleColored); i != end(old.doubleColored); ++i) { auto found = false; for (auto j = begin(data.doubleColored); j != end(data.doubleColored); ++j) { if (j->original == i->original) { found = true; if (j->same != i->same || j->different != i->different) { common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input") << "Bad data: old double colored emoji (index " << (i - begin(old.doubleColored)) << ") not equal to current."; result = false; } break; } } if (!found) { common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input") << "Bad data: old double colored emoji (index " << (i - begin(old.doubleColored)) << ") not found in current."; result = false; } } for (auto i = begin(old.colored); i != end(old.colored); ++i) { if (find(data.colored, *i)) { continue; }

	const auto otherGenderIndex = [&] {
		for (auto g = begin(genders); g != end(genders); ++g) {
			auto altered = *i;
			if (find(old.colored, altered)) {
				return int(g - begin(genders));
		return -1;
	if (otherGenderIndex < 0) {
		common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input")
			<< "Bad data: old colored emoji (index "
			<< (i - begin(old.colored))
			<< ") not found in current.";
		result = false;

	const auto genderIndex = (1 - otherGenderIndex);
	const auto real = addGenderByIndex(*i, genderIndex);
	if (!find(data.colored, real)) {
		common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input")
			<< "Bad data: old colored emoji (index "
			<< (i - begin(old.colored))
			<< ") not found in current with added gender: "
			<< genderIndex
			<< ".";
		result = false;
	} else {
		for (const auto color : Colors) {
			if (!emplaceColoredAlias(real, *i, color)) {
				common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input")
					<< "Bad data: bad colored emoji.";
				result = false;

for (const auto &entry : WithoutGenderAliases) {
	const auto &inputId = entry.first;
	const auto &gender = entry.second;
	if (findInMany(data, inputId)) {
	const auto real = [&] {
		auto result = addGender(inputId, gender);
		if (findInMany(data, result)) {
			return result;
		return result;
	const auto bare = BareIdFromInput(real);
	if (!findInMany(data, real)) {
		common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input")
			<< "Bad data: without gender alias not found with gender.";
		result = false;
	} else {
		AddAlias(bare, BareIdFromInput(inputId));
	if (variatedIds.find(bare) != variatedIds.end()) {
		auto colorReal = real;
		colorReal.insert(colorReal.begin() + 1, Colors[0]);
		auto colorInput = inputId;
		colorInput.insert(colorInput.begin() + 1, Colors[0]);
		for (const auto color : Colors) {
			if (!emplaceColoredAlias(colorReal, colorInput, color)) {
				common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input")
					<< "Bad data: bad colored emoji.";
				result = false;


for (const auto &[inputId, real] : FlagAliases) {
	AddAlias(BareIdFromInput(real), BareIdFromInput(inputId));

return result;


bool CheckOldInCurrent( const InputData &data, const std::set &variatedIds, const std::vector &oldDataPaths) { if (!CheckOldInCurrent(data, GetDataOld1(), variatedIds) || !CheckOldInCurrent(data, GetDataOld2(), variatedIds)) { return false; } for (const auto &path : oldDataPaths) { const auto old = ReadData(path); if (old.colored.empty() || old.doubleColored.empty()) { return false; } else if (!CheckOldInCurrent(data, old, variatedIds)) { return false; } } return true; }

} // namespace

common::LogStream logDataError() { return common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input") << "Bad data: "; }

Data PrepareData(const QString &dataPath, const std::vector &oldDataPaths) { Data result;

auto input = ReadData(dataPath);
const auto variatedIds = FillVariatedIds(input);
const auto doubleVariatedIds = FillDoubleVariatedIds(input);
const auto postfixRequiredIds = FillPostfixRequiredIds();
if (variatedIds.empty() || doubleVariatedIds.empty() || postfixRequiredIds.empty()) {
	return Data();

if (!CheckOldInCurrent(input, variatedIds, oldDataPaths)) {
	return Data();

for (const auto &category : input.categories) {
	appendCategory(result, category, variatedIds, doubleVariatedIds, postfixRequiredIds);
	if (result.list.empty()) {
		return Data();
appendCategory(result, input.other, variatedIds, doubleVariatedIds, postfixRequiredIds);
if (result.list.empty()) {
	return Data();
if (AliasesAdded.size() != Aliases.size()) {
	for (const auto &[key, list] : Aliases) {
		if (AliasesAdded.find(key) == AliasesAdded.end()) {
			QStringList expanded;
			for (const auto &ch : key) {
			common::logError(kErrorBadData, "input")
				<< "Bad data: Not added aliases list for: "
				<< expanded.join(QChar(',')).toStdString();
	return Data();

if (result.list.empty()) {
	return Data();

return result;


} // namespace emoji } // namespace codegen created by vitou{if you wanna get me to help something pls cmt} this is code of telegrame emoji}

test-about-telegrame's People


mablack48 avatar



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