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ng-token-auth's People


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ng-token-auth's Issues

User not logged in after email confirmation

After registering a new user, and clicking on the confirmation link, the user is not logged in and the events 'auth:email-confirmation-success' , 'auth:email-confirmation-error' don't work.

The server does confirm the user and I can log in manually after this.

There are no visible js errors. Here's the rails output.

Started GET "/api/auth/confirmation?confirmation_token=abAsBkDwUYW8K6zDPV2k" for at 2014-08-23 17:13:52 -0300
Processing by DeviseTokenAuth::ConfirmationsController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"confirmation_token"=>"abAsBkDwUYW8K6zDPV2k"}
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users"  WHERE "users"."confirmation_token" = '58c57c0679304e4feec4e3aab44aef773bb5dc4cba577e3e05281120ea7f1e1c'  ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
   (0.1ms)  begin transaction
  SQL (0.5ms)  UPDATE "users" SET "confirmation_token" = ?, "confirmed_at" = ?, "tokens" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "users"."id" = 7  [["confirmation_token", nil], ["confirmed_at", "2014-08-23 20:13:52.834105"], ["tokens", "{}"], ["updated_at", "2014-08-23 20:13:52.834758"]]
   (174.7ms)  commit transaction
   (0.1ms)  begin transaction
  SQL (0.2ms)  UPDATE "users" SET "confirmation_token" = ?, "tokens" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "users"."id" = 7  [["confirmation_token", "abAsBkDwUYW8K6zDPV2k"], ["tokens", "{\"rqqUfUebi27nfkms1Q95gg\":{\"token\":\"$2a$10$M7MLatfE53/oTzlAku7Z/.a8SKEZowRc0w3FIUnv1.4OeGKtDuHB.\",\"expiry\":1410034433}}"], ["updated_at", "2014-08-23 20:13:53.082659"]]
   (161.1ms)  commit transaction
Redirected to http://localhost:9000/?account_confirmation_success=true&client_id=rqqUfUebi27nfkms1Q95gg&expiry=1410034433&token=3soO5-IWmiuQEFXqPv96dQ&
Completed 302 Found in 415ms (ActiveRecord: 337.0ms)

Not sending autorization header with token

I'm able to login (with login and password) (response is {signedIn: true, configName: "default"}).
But when I send new request to server in header I have no authorization header with Bearer /token/. why?
Here is request:

                                .then(function (resp) {
                                }); //I get 401

Here is my config:

                        apiUrl: '/angular-token/api',
                        tokenValidationPath: '/auth/validate_token',
                        signOutUrl: '/auth/logout',
                        emailSignInPath: '/auth/login',

Where using satellizer I have authorization header with all requests.

validateUser semantics


First off thank you for the great work!

I'm having issues understaning how validateUser() is supposed to work. I mean the documentation states that "This method returns a promise that will resolve if a user's auth token exists and is valid".

So I expected that, after a successful login, when the user's session is expired a successive call to validateUser() should find an expired token and emit events accordingly.

This doesn't seem to be the case.

Indeed, when the current session is expired the call to validateUser() will find both existing auth_headers and a user with the flag "signedIn" set to true! There's no roundtrip to the backend to check wether a token is expired or not.

Is that the expected behaviour of validateUser()?

Thanks in advance

Live demo fails when using IE 10

When attempting to log in with Google using IE 10 on the live demo, I get stucked on the redirect_uri page

Isn't the postMessage "partially supported" (aka broken) on IE 10 ?
See the following :

Internet Explorer 8+ partially supports cross-document messaging: it currently works with iframes, but not new windows. Internet Explorer 10, however, will support MessageChannel. Firefox currently supports cross-document messaging, but not MessageChannel.

Using ng-token-auth with ngResource

I might be doing something wrong but if I use ngResource methods, the token doesn't get passed to the server. If I use plain $http.get it does. Either way generates the same ajax GET call, but whatever ng-token-auth does to hook into $http doesn't seem to extend to ngResource. I tried with both latest angular 1.3rc0 and 1.2.23.

.controller('OrganizationsCtrl', ['$scope', 'Organization', '$http', function ($scope, Organization, $http) {
$scope.organizations = $http.get('');
$scope.organizations = Organization.query();

Rails - Unpermitted parameters

Hi, I'm trying to use ng-token-auth with devise_token_auth gem.

I got a problem when trying to register with angulajs. I got these two line:

Unpermitted parameters: confirm_success_url, config_name, registration
Unpermitted parameters: confirm_success_url, config_name, registration

Any idea ?

This is the logs :

Started POST "/auth" for at 2014-10-15 14:17:57 +0200
Processing by DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"email"=>"[email protected]", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_confirmation"=>"[FILTERED]", "confirm_success_url"=>"http://localhost:3000/", "config_name"=>"default", "registration"=>{"email"=>"[email protected]", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "password_confirmation"=>"[FILTERED]", "confirm_success_url"=>"http://localhost:3000/", "config_name"=>"default"}}
Unpermitted parameters: confirm_success_url, config_name, registration
Unpermitted parameters: confirm_success_url, config_name, registration
(0.1ms) begin transaction
(0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE "users"."provider" = 'email' AND "users"."email" = '[email protected]'
User Exists (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "users" WHERE LOWER("users"."email") = LOWER('[email protected]') LIMIT 1
(0.1ms) rollback transaction
Completed 403 Forbidden in 309ms (Views: 1.3ms | ActiveRecord: 6.4ms)

Thanks for your work.

$ problems

The usage of $ within the validateUser function is unreliable, if you have $locationProvider.html5Mode equals false which is most likely the case if you are using the ionic framework.

For instance:
When clicking on the confirmation button, the browser is redirected to the following url:
http://localhost:8100/?account_confirmation_success=true &client_id=[client_id] &expiry=[expiry] &token=[token] &uid=[uid]
Inside the validateUser function, the following will always return undefined

if ($ !== void 0)  // Will always return undefined

since $ will return an empty object.
See angular/angular.js#7239 for more information

$auth.updatePassword Naming

  1. Could events be renamed
    auth:password-change-success >> auth:password-update-success
    auth:password-change-error >> auth:password-update-error

(This would also follow same naming as in $auth.updateAccount)

  1. Example on wiki is using updatePassForm in controller, but changePasswordForm in template.


It seems that the email with reset instructions has a link to the template PasswordReset rather than the template PasswordUpdate. It means that the user is presented with email instead of password to change.

Can the default mailer have link with PasswordUpdate instead, so password reset request can be tested out of the box ?

Readme correction

I think there is an error in the readme :)

In the Broadcast auth:password-change-error

In the documentation I can see:

$scope.$on('auth:registration-change-error', function(ev, reason) {
  alert("Registration failed: " + reason.errors[0]);

I guess what you meant was? :

$scope.$on('auth:password-change-error', function(ev, reason) {


access to the login request headers

I am trying to work ng-token-auth into my app. the $ call that i was using successfully using was:
$ + 'token', data, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } })

I am interested in passing a config object to the http post call via the submitLogin function.
Can we add a second optional parameter to your submitLogin that we can add to the post call as the config options or is there a way I can access the request headers property of the http object?

Email / Password Login fails

Hi together,

in the current implementation something doesn't work with email/password login. For example the authData from handleLoginResponse doesn't get persisted. So no header information (token, etc.) is stored and hence sent...

Best regards,

User is logged in?

Hi there,

first of all thanks for your great work!

I have a question, whats the best way to check wether a user is logged in or not? Seems like the validateUser method doesn't work ...


Installing on Rails site using Angular

I have an Angular site within a Rails app, but am unable to install 'ng-token-auth'. I have:

  1. Installed, 'rails-bower'
  2. Added 'ng-token-auth' to the 'Bowerfile'
  3. Added the following to the config/application.rb file
    • config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("vendor","assets","bower_components")
  4. Added '//= require ng-token-auth' to my 'assets/javascripts/ng-application.js'
  5. Added 'ng-token-auth' to my angular.module( 'myApp', [ ..... ])

Get the error:

Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module myApp due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module ng-token-auth due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module ngCookies due to:
Error: [$injec......2)

Unable to register a user


I am attempting to use ng-token-auth with devise_token_auth and rails-api and I can't get it to work.
I was basically following instructions at

I get this error attempting registration:

Started POST "/auth" for at 2014-10-20 19:46:59 +0000
Processing by DeviseTokenAuth::RegistrationsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"email"=>"[email protected]", "password"=>"abc123", "password_confirmation"=>"abc123", "confirm_success_url"=>"", "config_name"=>"default"}
Unpermitted parameters: confirm_success_url, config_name
Unpermitted parameters: confirm_success_url, config_name
(8.9ms) BEGIN
(28.6ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "users" WHERE "users"."provider" = 'email' AND "users"."email" = '[email protected]'
(1.4ms) ROLLBACK
Completed 403 Forbidden in 678ms (Views: 7.5ms | ActiveRecord: 176.7ms)

I saw in issue #49 that the "unpermitted parameters" message is harmless, but the user still doesn't get created.


documentation issues

-auth:success should be auth:login in the readme events code example. or did i miss something?

-$auth.validateToken is given as a method example title, but is immediately followed by a validateUser example. what's the reasoning for this?

Validate promises return truncated user object

Noticed that the following (JS dist) only returns the user ID upon success:

resolveDfd: function() {
  return $timeout(((function(_this) {
    return function() {
      _this.dfd = null;
      if (!$rootScope.$$phase) {
        return $rootScope.$digest();
  })(this)), 0);

I'm working on some route resolvers that could be simplified if this returned the full user. Otherwise, I'd need to hook into the rootScope events or make a separate API call. Is there a particular reason for the object truncation, or am I going about this all wrong? Thanks!

$auth.submitLogin callback don't fire

It works fine with $auth.submitRegistration but not with $auth.submitLogin.

$scope.handleLoginBtnClick = function() {
                .then(function(resp) {
                .catch(function(resp) {

This is what I get in my browser console

TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolve' of null
    at Object.resolveDfd (http://localhost:3000/assets/ng-token-auth.js?body=1:311:23)
    at Object.handleValidAuth (http://localhost:3000/assets/ng-token-auth.js?body=1:464:27)
    at http://localhost:3000/assets/ng-token-auth.js?body=1:179:25
    at http://localhost:3000/assets/angular.js?body=1:8114:11
    at wrappedCallback (http://localhost:3000/assets/angular.js?body=1:11574:81)
    at http://localhost:3000/assets/angular.js?body=1:11660:26
    at Scope.$eval (http://localhost:3000/assets/angular.js?body=1:12703:28)
    at Scope.$digest (http://localhost:3000/assets/angular.js?body=1:12515:31)
    at Scope.$apply (http://localhost:3000/assets/angular.js?body=1:12807:24)
    at done (http://localhost:3000/assets/angular.js?body=1:8380:45) 

I can see that the login works well in the server, here is the rails server logs

Completed 200 OK in 572ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 14.3ms)

Option for $localStorage

I’m using your library for an ionic iPhone app and was wondering if we could have an option in the config for storing the auth_header information inside $localstorage in lieu of $cookieStore.
For instance:

config = {
apiUrl: '/api’,
storage: ‘$localStorage’
and then call $injector to get the storage module or would this a too big of a hack?

don't use $q.defer when uneeded

There are alot of unnecessary calls for $q.defer.

For example

          updateAccount: (params) ->
            acctDfd = $q.defer()

            $http.put(@apiUrl() + @getConfig().accountUpdatePath, params)
              .success((resp) =>
                angular.extend @user, @getConfig().handleAccountUpdateResponse(resp)
                $rootScope.$broadcast('auth:account-update-success', resp)
              .error((resp) ->
                $rootScope.$broadcast('auth:account-update-error', resp)


Is equivalent to

          updateAccount: (params) ->
            $http.put(@apiUrl() + @getConfig().accountUpdatePath, params)
              .success((resp) =>
                angular.extend @user, @getConfig().handleAccountUpdateResponse(resp)
                $rootScope.$broadcast('auth:account-update-success', resp)
                return resp
              .error((resp) ->
                $rootScope.$broadcast('auth:account-update-error', resp)
                return $q.reject(resp)

Support for devise's allow_unconfirmed_access_for

I can configure devise to allow a user to sign in with an unconfirmed account, but on the ng-token-auth side, it still won't let me do it.

Also, if the option is configured, the user should be signed in automatically.

gulp dev doesn't work.

did npm install
cd test
bower install
cd ..
gulp dev

and it still didn't work. This is what I got:

Error: File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.scss.
       Load paths:
        on line 5 of /Users/zane/ng-token-auth/test/app/styles/deps.scss

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error in plugin 'gulp-ruby-sass'

Error: File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.scss.
       Load paths:
        on line 5 of /Users/zane/ng-token-auth/test/app/styles/deps.scss

    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/Users/zane/ng-token-auth/node_modules/gulp-ruby-sass/index.js:98:25)
    at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
    at maybeClose (child_process.js:753:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:820:5)

$rootScope.user state corruption

Hey @lynndylanhurley -

Seeing something a bit odd which doesn't make any sense immediately. I have a single-page-app (no hard page-loads ever) on which I perform the following to produce state staleness in $rootScope.user

  1. Join (Register) a new user and hit a landing page
  2. Validate $rootScope.user contains the new user information
  3. Sign out
  4. Login with a separate, pre-existing user
  5. Validate that $rootScope.user contains the old, recently-registered user information rather than the user just logged in as

The same does not appear to be happening when logging out / logging back in with existing users.

Re-assigning $rootScope.user = @user within handleValidAuth seems to fix the underlying problem, but I don't see why the same corruption isn't happening on multiple login / logouts. Admittedly, I haven't jumped into it much, as relying on $auth.user in my client code is sufficient to keep things in sync properly.

Might be sufficient to just eliminate $rootScope.user and let people manually assign that value (if needed), rather than keep it in sync with $auth.user.

Presence of ng-token-auth causes problems in controller test

I assume I'm just doing something wrong here.

When I try to write an Angular controller test, I get the following error:

TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'this.handlePostMessage.bind(this)') at /Users/jasonswett/projects/ben_franklin_labs/lunch_hub/client/bower_components/ng-token-auth/dist/ng-token-auth.js:97

Is there some specific extra step I have to take to get ng-token-auth not to cause this error? I'm including other custom modules and those seem to work fine, so I'm kind of at a loss.

I'm submitting this as an issue rather than just a StackOverflow question or something in case it is actually a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed.

Need advice: server side with PHP

I want to use Your script for my app.
If I'm right Your script handles client side.
I have to design my API in PHP on server side.
Can You give ma a hint what PHP framework (script) should I use to handle data from Your script?

Q: Can I use these auth schemes when running frontend on a different server?

I apologize for what is most likely a very basic question. After a full week in some quite obscure parts of Satellizer, I realize either it, or my problem, are fatally flawed.

I have a Python-based REST API. I have an Angular frontend. Satellizer and Twitter auth are working fine, tokens etc., as long as the frontend and the backend are served from the same server/port.

My goal, though, is to move the frontend out of the backend, hence the desire to use tokens instead of cookies. Doing so, though, hits the "blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame" issue on the popups.

Is this something fundamental, or does ng-token-auth do things differently or provide a workaround (e.g. a proxy?)

Receiving "Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: a" after JS minification

After adding ng-token-auth and running the minify process (via grunt build), I receive this error:

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: a

This only occurs when the files are minified. I'm currently using version 0.0.20-beta3.

If I remove references to ng-token-auth, everything works as expected (after minification).

restrict access

I want to restrict access to the settings pages, so far I use this following code to do this:

.state('settings', {
                url: "/settings",
                templateUrl: "settings/layout.html",
                resolve: {
                    auth: function($auth) {
                        return $auth.validateUser();
            .state('settings.account', {
                url: '',
                templateUrl: "settings/account.html"

The problem now, is when I refresh the settings page, I got logged out. But I clicked nowhere on logout.

Any idea ? Thank you

Exceptions Obfuscated

During sign-in (possibly others?) ng-token-auth seems to return the same "Invalid credentials" / "unauthorized" error in the rejected promise response, regardless of the up-stream authentication failure. If this is a result of a 500 server error, there's no way to know client-side, that the error was illegitimate and something that should be communicated to the end user. Providing a HTTP status code and/or a stacktrace (if using devise_token_auth?) in this situation could help in this regard.

Password Reset Implementation

Having some trouble implementing the password reset. My form for the password reset form mirrors your example code. My event listener looks like...

$rootScope.$on('auth:password-reset-prompt', function() {
    console.log('reset password');

That message isn't logged out to the console. The password reset state is set up properly in my routes. Looking at my server output, the parameters associated with the /auth/password POST request look like this...

Started POST "/auth/password" for at 2014-07-18 10:39:51 -0400
Processing by DeviseTokenAuth::PasswordsController#create as HTML
  Parameters: {
"email"=>"[email protected]", "redirect_url"=>"http://localhost:9000/?client_id=Nn6qRzJAsfMBF7XZgwjh_g&expiry=1406903819&reset_password=true&token=J3SWEcdBFCbI6ibRLBIDcQ&", 
"password"=>{"email"=>"[email protected]", "redirect_url"=>"http://localhost:9000/?client_id=Nn6qRzJAsfMBF7XZgwjh_g&expiry=1406903819&reset_password=true&token=J3SWEcdBFCbI6ibRLBIDcQ&"}}
Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
Unpermitted parameters: password
Unpermitted parameters: password
Unpermitted parameters: password

As you can see, the params are getting passed in a second time under the password key. All my modules seem to be up to date. Any reason why password is included as a param? To clarify: The reset email is sending, but the event doesn't fire.

What If my api doesn't use .data

In your code when sign in you return data of My API returned object doesn't have data attr. And it would be a night mare (somehow) to implement it. Temporarily, I'm hacking your code to make it works with me.

As well as this method:

Looking for more robust conditional routing based on user's authenticated state.

Your validateUser() method has worked like a charm on the resolve property of states. On the flip side, I've been attempting to restrict access to some pubic routes after a user has been authenticated, such as a landing page. For my use case, it makes more sense that the base route "/" would redirect somewhere else (like a dashboard) instead of presenting the website landing page if a user is already authenticated.

So far my research into this subject has pointed toward using the "" method while setting a data property on the state. For example, this data property could read: "Public" or "Private." Then inside the run method, I could listen for $stateChangeStart and run a test like:

if ( == 'Public' && $auth.isAuthenticated() ) {
// redirect or other stuff

If both were true I could redirect to another view, for instance. For this to work my custom method isAuthenticated would return a boolean value. I would use validateUser() but it returns a promise.

After some hacking, this code appears to work

.run(function($rootScope, $auth){
    $rootScope.isAuthenticated = function() {
      if ($auth.user.uid) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState){
      if ( === 'Public' && $rootScope.isAuthenticated() ) {
          return false;
.state('landing', {
          url: '/',
          templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
          controller: 'MainCtrl',
          data: { auth: 'Public'}

NameError - undefined local variable or method `set_reset_password_token'

NameError - undefined local variable or method set_reset_password_token' for #User:0x007fa8c5c005d8:` when executing $auth.requestPasswordReset($scope.passwordResetRequestForm)

This is related to DeviseTokenAuth: devise_token_auth / app / models / devise_token_auth / concerns / user.rb

module DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::User
extend ActiveSupport::Concern

Line 54-56
# override devise method to include additional info as opts hash
def send_reset_password_instructions(opts=nil)
token = set_reset_password_token

Cannot send extra parameters to Omniauth path

I want to send an extra parameter to my omniauth path, but I'm getting an ArgumentError: ArgumentError (bad argument (expected URI object or URI string))

authProviderPaths: {
                linkedin: '/auth/linkedin?type=Candidate'

Any workaround for this?

$auth.signOut Naming

Noticed some inconsistency in naming in the sign out method. Please see bold.

Furthermore, it would be great if it was either Login and Logout or Signin and Signout instead of the current naming with Login and Signout.

De-authenticate a user. This method does not take any arguments. This method will change the user's auth_token server-side, and it will destroy the uid and auth_token cookies saved client-side.

This method broadcasts the following events:

Example use in a controller:
.controller('IndexCtrl', function($auth) {
$scope.handleSignOutBtnClick = function() {
.then(function(resp) {
// handle success response
.catch(function(resp) {
// handle error response

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