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lyft-ios-sdk's Introduction

Lyft iOS SDK

The Official Lyft iOS SDK makes it easy to integrate Lyft into your app. More specifically, it provides:

  • An easily configurable Lyft button which can display cost, ETA, and ride type. Tapping the button deeplinks into the Lyft app with pre-filled pickup/destination/ridetype.
  • A swift interface for making async calls to Lyft's REST APIs
  • A sample iOS project that shows how to use the SDK components.


  • You must first create a Lyft Developer account here.
  • Once registered, you will be assigned a Client ID and will be able to generate Client Tokens.


Embedded frameworks require a minimum deployment target of iOS 8 or OS X Mavericks (10.9).


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 0.39.0+ is required to build LyftSDK.

To integrate LyftSDK into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'LyftSDK'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Installing without iOS specific UI elements

pod 'LyftSDK/API'


Carthage is a simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa. To import this SDK, add this to your Cartfile:

github "lyft/Lyft-iOS-sdk"

Integrate without dependency manager

Drag the LyftSDK.xcodeproj project into your project's Project Navigator. In your project's Build Target, click on the General tab and then under Embedded Binaries click the + button. Select the LyftSDK.framework under your project.


SDK Configuration

In your app, before using LyftSDK, be sure to configure your developer information using LyftConfiguration. This is preferably done in your UIApplicationDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions' as follows:

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
	LyftConfiguration.developer = (token: "...", clientId: "...")
	// Complete other setup
	return true

Lyft Button

Adding the Lyft Button to a Storyboard or xib is as easy adding a new UIView to your superview and setting the class to LyftButton in the Identity Inspector tab. We recommend setting the width to 260p and the height to 50p. Please keep in mind that a smaller width/height may result in undesirable UI, such as cut off text.


To create the button programatically with its preferred size, simply call let lyftButton = LyftButton()

Load ETA/cost

let pickup = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7833, longitude: -122.4167)
let destination = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7794703, longitude: -122.4233223)
lyftButton.configure(pickup: pickup, destination: destination)

Ride types

Lyft is growing very quickly and is currently available in these cities. Please keep in mind that some ride types (such as Lyft Line) are not yet available in all Lyft cities. If you set the ride type of the button and it happens to be unavailable, the button will default to the Lyft Classic ride type. You can utilize the LyftAPI.rideTypes(at:completion:) wrapper to get a list of the available ride types in an area.

Deep link behavior

When a user taps on the Lyft Button, the default behavior is to deep link into the native Lyft app with the configuration information you have provided.

However, if you would like to create a ride request on Lyft using Lyft's mobile web experience, you can specify the button's deepLinkBehavior as follows:

lyftButton.deepLinkBehavior = .web

This is preferable if you do not want the user to leave your app when making a ride request. Also, it does not require the user has Lyft installed.

Button styles

To specify the button style, use enum LyftButtonStyle = .MulberryDark

There are 5 styles to pick from:


Lyft API Wrapper

The SDK provides wrapper methods around Lyft's REST APIs - this can be helpful when you want to build a more custom integration with the Lyft platform vs making HTTP requests directly.

let pickup = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7833, longitude: -122.4167)
LyftAPI.ETAs(to: pickup) { result in
    result.value?.forEach { eta in
        print("ETA for \(eta.rideKind): \(eta.minutes) min")


The SDK provides direct deeplinking to the Lyft app for those developers who prefer to handle their own custom deeplinking vs relying on the Lyft Button.

let pickup = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7833, longitude: -122.4167)
let destination = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7794703, longitude: -122.4233223)
LyftDeepLink.requestRide(kind: .Standard, from: pickup, to: destination)

Note that you can specify a LyftDeepLinkBehavior in this request, to decide between deep linking to the native lyft app or launching Lyft's mobile web experience within your own app.


If you're looking for help configuring or using the SDK, or if you have general questions related to our APIs, the Lyft Developer Platform team provides support through Stack Overflow (using the lyft-api tag)

Reporting security vulnerabilities

If you've found a vulnerability or a potential vulnerability in the Lyft iOS SDK, please let us know at [email protected]. We'll send a confirmation email to acknowledge your report, and we'll send an additional email when we've identified the issue positively or negatively.

lyft-ios-sdk's People


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lyft-ios-sdk's Issues

Swift 5 Support

Unable to install SDK using Carthage build on Swift 5 Xcode 10.2
error: SWIFT_VERSION '3.0.1' is unsupported, supported versions are: 4.0, 4.2, 5.0. (in target 'LyftSDK')

Could not find Pod LyftSDK

trying to import the lyft sdk to my iOS and the pod cannot be found

  • podfile :
    • pod 'LyftSDK', '~> 1.0'
    • pod 'LyftSDK/API'z
  • pod install
  • import LyftSDK

xcode: 8.3
swift: 3.1

LyftSDK.ResponseType.unauthorized Error

Hellonti Hellouchkine Team,

@mleventi @theatrus @ryancox @woodrow @andrewmartin

let location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.7833, longitude: -122.4167)
       LyftAPI.rideTypes(at: location) { result in
           result.value?.forEach { rideType in

When i am trying to calling this method everytime i m got this error

▿ Result<Array<RideType>, LyftAPIError>
  ▿ failure : LyftAPIError
    - message : nil
    - reason : "unknown"
    ▿ status : Optional<ResponseType>
      - some : LyftSDK.ResponseType.unauthorized

Objective C Support

Hi Team,

We have a project which is entirely in objective c. I downloaded the git hub code and followed these steps.

Manual Integration

Navigate to the SDK GitHub Releases page, download and unzip the archive marked as Latest release.
Drag the LyftSDK.xcodeproj project into your project's Project Navigator.
In your project's Build Target, click on the General tab and then, under Embedded Binaries, click the + button.
Select the LyftSDK.framework under your project.

I was able to add a view in xib and then link the lyftButton class to it. But I can connect the handleClick to the .m file. I did @import LyftSdk in the .m file. I am missing something which is why I am not able to connect anything except the referencing outlet for the lyft button.

I cannot even use any defined methods of LyftButton in Objectivec.m file.

I tried doing this in .m but it could find it.
#import "LyftSDK-Swift.h"

Please let me know if we have support to Objective C and if we do what am I missing.

Thank You
Sunil Gandham

Use of unresolved identifier 'LyftButton'

I'm trying to use the SDK with Swift 4 and Xcode 9.3.

I had the same issue as #17, which I fixed by replacing lines 31 and 32 with:

var urlComponents = URLComponents(url: mutableURLRequest.url!, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false) 
var localVariable = urlComponents 
urlComponents?.queryItems = (localVariable?.queryItems ?? []) + queryItems 

Per this SO post.

Now when I try to use let lyftButton = LyftButton(), I get the error "Use of unresolved identifier 'LyftButton'".

Is this SDK compatible with Swift 4 and Xcode 9.x? Also opened as a SO post.

Native SSO?

Does the native app and SDK support native SSO?

Authorization for scopes

Hi! I'm developing an iOS app which would essentially provide the user information such as ETA/Price estimates, and also let the user Request a ride through my app.

The iOS SDK only provides wrappers for only the endpoints which require default scopes. How would I go about request an auth token for a scope such as (rides.request), and then subsequently make a call to the respective endpoint to request the ride? Any wrappers in the works for this or would I just have to write the requests from the ground up?

How get click event

Hi Bro,
I need lyft button touch event . because i working in analytics so i need how many people choose lyft .
i cant put uiview click event .
how can i get ?
screen shot 2018-12-08 at 3 19 23 pm

thank you

How to get token and use this SDK while development.

Hey folks,

I have made a new app in the lyft developer portal. Altghough, i have got clientId but i can't see where is my token.

As suggested in the docs, i am supposed to supply token:

LyftConfiguration.developer = (token: "...", clientId: "sy6E04NQHpv6" )

After reading the docs, i still have no idea where to get token.

Any hints?


Compiling issue when deployment target is 13.0 in xcode 14

Compiling for iOS 11.0, but module 'LyftSDK' has a minimum deployment target of iOS 13.0: /Users/parasnavadiya/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LyftDeeplinkDemo-eesogommwkzrklefmlioptdlhltj/Index.noindex/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/LyftSDK/LyftSDK.framework/Modules/LyftSDK.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios-simulator.swiftmodule

Xcode : 14.3.1
Deployment Target : 13.0

How to implement your pod file in objective-c ?

I had done most of thing which is available in apple guidelines to use lyft sdk in objective c but i can not implement Lyftconfiguration in objective-c.

Can i use your pod in objective-c ?

Lyftconfiguration start with
public struct Lyftconfiguration {

that's why it's not possible to implement in objective-c.

If you have possible way please tell me step.

iOS SDK broken for all calls in Canada (as well as non-US regions)

The Lyft API is giving an invalid error when invoked from the iOS SDK on any of the ride type, estimates and ETA routes. Instead of giving back results, it errors saying there is no service in the area (Toronto, Canada).

GET request to

The requested location is not inside a Lyft service area

This is what the iOS SDK currently sends (BROKEN):
enter image description here

When invoking the API manually, the error doesn't happen if the user agent which the SDK sends out is omitted ('User-Agent' value of 'lyft-mobile-sdk:ios::1.0.6')

Removing 'User-Agent' works:
enter image description here

Confirmed that forking the iOS SDK and removing User-Agent removes this error (commit here: marchy@c23811f) – thus the bug is confirmed to be on the API front.

This is a critical break and affects all calls made from the iOS SDK (at least up here in Canada – and perhaps other non-US regions).

Pod file error . Could not find lyftsdk.

i install pod
but its showing this error
/Users/vc/Desktop/Isaac/SeatBus/Pods/LyftSDK/Sources/LyftUI/LyftButton.swift:97:30: Cannot assign value of type '() -> ()' to type '((Void) -> Void)?'

/Users/vc/Desktop/Isaac/SeatBus/Pods/LyftSDK/Sources/LyftUI/LyftButton.swift:175:29: Missing argument for parameter #1 in call

i cant access your lib please help me ...

screenshot 2018-12-08 at 2 35 07 am
screenshot 2018-12-08 at 2 34 59 am
screenshot 2018-12-08 at 2 33 01 am

and we could not find lyftsdk in Appdelegate (import ly...) not coming
Kindly reply me ...

Check Lyft availability in a specific location.

Is it possible to know if the Lyft service is available in a specific location ?
Is there a way in the SDK to ask if is it possible for the user to request a Lyft at is current location ?
So I could hide the Lyft button when it's not available for my user, thanks for the help !

Lyfi button not showing Estimate

Hi bro
i try your example code its showing Estimate times and price but in i try dynamic and static diffrent area its not showing ?

i using this lat long

 let pickup = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 39.9400543, longitude: -82.00999430000002)
        let destination = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 39.92797760000001, longitude: -82.0164671)
        LyftButton.configure(rideKind: LyftSDK.RideKind.Standard, pickup: pickup, destination: destination)

its not showing ..
screen shot 2018-12-08 at 5 02 28 pm
screenshot 2018-12-08 at 5 01 42 pm

Can you earn affiliate fees via the iOS SDK?

Hi there,

I was directed here by @keith to answer the question in the issue title. If I can, is there anything special I need to do, or will it detect it via the deep links that come from my app?

Thanks a lot!

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