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  • - (游戏设计工具,强烈建议推荐给你们的策划,现在处于公测测试版(免费))





















2D Engines and Frameworks

  • Agen - Cross-Platform framework for making 2D games with Lua, compatible iOS, Mac and Windows devices.
  • Allegro - Allegro 4 & 5 are cross-platform, open source, game programming libraries, primarily for C and C++ developers. 🅾️
  • AndEngine - 2D Android Game Engine 🅾️
  • Bacon2D - A framework to ease 2D game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game entities needed by most of games. 🅾️
  • Bladecoder - Classic point and click adventure game engine and editor. 🅾️
  • Box2D - A 2D Physics Engine for Games. 🅾️
  • Chipmunk C# - C# implementation of the Chipmunk2D lib. 🅾️
  • Chipmunk2D - A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library.
  • Cocos2D - graphic library for games and multimedia, for python language 🅾️
  • Cocos2d-x - a C++ OpenGL 2D and 3D game engine. Uses C++ but has JS and Lua bindings. 🆓
  • Construct 2 - an HTML5 game maker, meaning you are not actually writing JavaScript. Instead, you use actions, events and conditions to do the heavy lifting. 🚩
  • Coquette - A micro framework for JavaScript games. Handles collision detection, the game update loop, canvas rendering, and keyboard and mouse input.
  • Corona SDK - A Cross-Platform Mobile App Development for iOS and Android.
  • Defold 2D game engine by King 🆓
  • Duality - C# / OpenGL 2D Game Engine that comes with visual editor.
  • EasyRPG - role playing game creation tool compatible with RPG Maker 2000/2003 games 🆓
  • ENGi - A multi-platform 2D game library for Go. 🅾️
  • Ejecta - A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS. 🅾️
  • EnchantJS - A simple JavaScript framework for creating games and apps.
  • Farseer - a collision detection system with realistic physics responses.
  • FlashPunk - free ActionScript 3 library designed for developing 2D Flash games.
  • Flixel - an open source game-making written in ActionScript3. 🅾️
  • GameMaker - 2D Game Engine 🚩
  • GameSalad - Game Creation Engine for Mac and Windows.
  • Gideros - Mobile Cross-Platform framework using Lua programming language. 🅾️
  • Glide Engine - Game engine for making 2d games on iOS, macOS and tvOS, with practical examples. 🅾️
  • Gosu - 2D game development library for Ruby and C++ 🅾️
  • HaxeFlixel - Create cross-platform games easier and free.
  • iio.js - A javascript library that speeds the creation and deployment of HTML5 Canvas applications 🅾️
  • ImpactJS - Impact is a JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop stunning HTML5 Games for desktop and mobile browsers.
  • Jitter - a fast and lightweight physics engine written in C#.
  • Juno Lua - Framework for making 2D games with chunky pixels in Lua 🅾️
  • Juno TypeScript - Clean and lightweight 2D game framework written in TypeScript
  • Kivent - A 2D game framework for Kivy.
  • Kivy - Cross platform Python framework for creating apps and games for Linux, Windows, OS X, Android and iOS
  • KiwiJS - a fun and friendly Open Source HTML5 Game Engine. Some people call it the WordPress of HTML5 game engines 🅾️
  • LibGDX - Powerful (totally free) library for Java, code once and run the game on desktop, Android, Web, and iOS. 🅾️
  • LimeJS - HTML5 game framework for building fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and
  • Lums - A 2D / 3D framework written in C++11. Very efficient and modern. Still under heavy development. 🅾️
  • LÖVE - Lua 2D Game Engine. 🅾️
  • MINX - Open Source 2D game framework written in C++ (to the style of XNA) 🅾️
  • MOAI - Cross-Platform framework designed for pro game developers to create iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Chrome and OSX games using C++, OpenGL and Lua scripting.
  • Matter.js - a 2D physics engine for the web.
  • MelonJS - open source light-weight HTML5 game engine. 🅾️
  • Monkey X - Multi-platform programming language and cross-compiler, aimed at fast game programming.
  • Monogame - Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework. 🅾️
  • NodeBox - a family of Python tools to create generative design.
  • Open Mega Engine
  • OpenFL - Open Source Haxe Engine for making multi-platform games. 🅾️
  • OpenRA - OpenRA is a Libre/Free Real Time Strategy Game Engine.
  • PICO-8 - A fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.
  • PandaJS - Open Source HTML5 Engine. 🅾️
  • Phaser - free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
  • PixiJS - is a newcomer HTML5 game renderer - first released in early 2013. A main appeal of the engine is its use of WebGL for faster performance. If WebGL isn't supported, the engine falls back to standard canvas.
  • Processing - Processing is a programming language, development environment for artists, designers, researchers.
  • PuzzleScript - open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine.
  • PyGame - a 2D game engine in Python. 🆓
  • RPGMaker - series of programs for the development of role-playing games. 💲
  • Ren'Py - visual novel engine using the Python language in simplified form. It supports Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS 🅾️
  • Rpgboss - A 2d rpg game engine and editor based on scala and libgdx. Ease of use, with no programming knowledge.
  • SDL - SDL is a cross-platform library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. 🆓
  • SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library. 🆓
  • Solarus a free and open-source Action-RPG (Zelda) game engine 🆓
  • SpriteBuilder - Open Source Game Development Suite for MacOS 🅾️
  • SpriteKit - iOS/Mac 2D Game Engine.
  • Stage.js - Lightweight and fast 2D HTML5 rendering and layout engine for cross-platform game development.
  • Starling - The GPU powered 2D Flash API
  • Stencyl - a game creation platform that allows users to create 2D video games for computers, mobile devices, and the web.
  • Tilengine - C Engine with wrappers for C#, Python and Java 🅾️
  • Tiny Computer - a tiny computer where you can make, play and share tiny games.

3D Engines and Frameworks

  • Amethyst - Data-driven game engine written in Rust for 2D & 3D 🅾️
  • Azul3D - A 3D engine written in Go.
  • bgfx - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library. 🅾️
  • Blend4Web - A Javascript framework for creating and displaying interactive 3D computer graphics in web browsers. 🅾️
  • Bullet - Real-time physics simulation.
  • CRYENGINE - A pay what you want next gen 3D game engine written in C++. 🅾️
  • Cinder - Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++. 🅾️
  • Dash - A free and open 3D game engine written in D. 🅾️
  • Diligent Engine - A modern cross-platform low-level graphics library that supports Direct3D11, Direct3D12, OpenGL/GLES, and Vulkan. 🅾️
  • gameplay3d - 2D + 3D game framework written in C++ 🅾️
  • Godot - An advanced, feature-packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D open-source game engine. 🅾️
  • Havok Vision - a cross-platform game engine that provides a powerful and versatile multi-platform runtime technology.
  • Hive3D - Real Time Collaboration 3D engine.
  • Horde3D - small open source 3D rendering engine. 🅾️
  • Irrlicht - open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++. 🅾️
  • jMonkeyEngine 3 - a 3D open-source game engine for adventurous Java developers.
  • JPCT - jPCT is a 3D engine for desktop Java and Google's Android.
  • Lumberyard - Amazon Lumberyard is a free AAA game engine deeply integrated
  • ODE - ODE is an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics. 🅾️
  • Ogre3D - is a scene-oriented, real-time, flexible 3D rendering engine (as opposed to a game engine) written in C++.
  • OpenXRay - a community-modified X-Ray engine used in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. 🚩
  • Panda3D - a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs.
  • Paradox - Open Source C# Game Engine. 🅾️
  • Piston - a modular open source game engine written in Rust. 🅾️
  • PlayCanvas - A WebGL Game Engine.
  • Polycode - Open-Source Framework for creating games in C++ (with Lua bindings).
  • Rajawali - Android OpenGL ES 2.0/3.0 Engine 🅾️
  • Source Valve's Flagship engine 🆓
  • Spring - A powerful free cross-platform RTS engine.
  • Stingray - 3D game engine and real-time rendering software 💲
  • Superpowers - HTML5 Collaborative 2D/3D Game Maker
  • Three.js - Javascript 3D Library.
  • Turbulenz - Turbulenz offers the ability to build, publish, iterate and monetise high-quality games that react like no others, with immersive 3D effects and real-time physics that open up a whole new world of unprecedented and extraordinary web content.
  • Unity 3D - A development engine for the creation of 2D and 3D games and interactive content.
  • Unreal Engine 4 - the new game engine technology developed by Epic Games.
  • Urho3D - Cross-platform rendering and game engine. 🅾️
  • Wave - Cross-platform engine written in C#
  • WhiteStorm.js - 3d javacript framework for building apps and games 🅾️
  • voxel.js - voxel.js is a collection of projects that make it easier than ever to create 3D voxel games like Minecraft all in the browser.
  • Xenko Game Engine - open-source C# game engine designed for the future of gaming 🅾️
  • XNA - Microsoft's game development framework.



  • Boost.Compute:用于OpenCL的C++GPU计算库。官网
  • Bolt:针对GPU进行优化的C++模板库。官网
  • C++React:用于C++11的反应性编程库。官网
  • Intel TBB:Intel线程构件块。官网
  • Libclsph:基于OpenCL的GPU加速SPH流体仿真库。官网
  • OpenCL:并行编程的异构系统的开放标准。官网
  • OpenMP:OpenMP API。官网
  • Thrust:类似于C++标准模板库的并行算法库。官网
  • HPX:用于任何规模的并行和分布式应用程序的通用C++运行时系统。官网
  • VexCL:用于OpenCL/CUDA 的C++向量表达式模板库。官网


  • cchan:一个线程间通信通道构建的小型库。公共领域。官网
  • ck:并发原语,安全内存回收机制和非阻塞数据结构。FreeBSD官网
  • mill:用 C 写成的 Go 风格并发。X11官网
  • MPICH:MPI 的另一种实现。MPICH licence官网
  • OpenMP:一组 C 编译指令,使其易于并行化代码。标准(许可不适用)。官网
  • OpenMPI:一个消息传输接口实现。3-clause BSD官网
  • PETSc:一系列数据结构和例程,用于计算由偏微分方程建模的应用程序的可扩展并行解。FreeBSD官网
  • pth:一个非抢占式优先级调度多线程执行的可扩展实现。GNU GPL3 或者更高版本。官网
  • pthreads:POSIX 线程库。标准(没有适用的许可)。官网
  • SLEPc:一个在并行计算机中的解决大型,稀疏特征值问题的软件库。GNU LGPL3官网
  • TinyCThread:一个可扩展,小型的 C11 标准线程 API 实现。zlib官网





  • Armadillo:高质量的C++线性代数库,速度和易用性做到了很好的平衡。语法和MatlAB很相似。官网
  • blaze:高性能的C++数学库,用于密集和稀疏算法。官网
  • ceres-solver:来自谷歌的C++库,用于建模和解决大型复杂非线性最小平方问题。官网
  • CGal:高效,可靠的集合算法集合。官网
  • cml:用于游戏和图形的免费C++数学库。官网
  • Eigen:高级C++模板头文件库,包括线性代数,矩阵,向量操作,数值解决和其他相关的算法。官网
  • GMTL:数学图形模板库是一组广泛实现基本图形的工具。官网
  • GMP:用于个高精度计算的C/C++库,处理有符号整数,有理数和浮点数。官网



Physics Framework



ComputerGraphics && Shading






















  • APR:Apache Portable Runtime;另一个跨平台的实用函数库。Apache2.0官网
  • C Algorithms:一个常用算法和数据结构的集合。官网
  • CPL:The Common Pipeline Library;一系列详尽,高效和强壮的软件工具包。GNU GPL2.1官网
  • EFL:一个大型实用数据结构和函数的的集合。多种许可证,完全免费。官网
  • GLib:一个便携,高效和强大的实用函数和数据结构库。GNU LGPL2.1官网
  • GIO:一个现代和易用的 VFS API。[GNU LGPL2.1]。官网
  • GObject:一个 C 的面向对象系统和对象模型。GNU LGPL2.1官网
  • libnih:一个轻量级的 C 函数和数据结构库。GNU GPL2.1官网
  • libU:一个提供基本实用函数的迷你库,包括内存分配,字符串处理和日志功能。官网
  • PBL:一个包括实用函数,特色数据结构等的大型库。GNU LGPL2.1及更高版本(库),GNU GPL2.1及更高版本(测试代码)。官网
  • qlibc:一个简单且强大的 C 库,当我们想要小且轻的库时,可作为 Glib 的替代品。qLib license (类似于 FreeBSD)。官网
  • stb:一系列单文件 C 库。公共领域。官网
  • libcstl:标准C语言通用数据结构和常用算法库。官网










  • roblox-ts ts2lua
  • titan
  • tolua The fastest unity lua binding solution
  • xlua xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc.
  • PureJSB
  • gravity
  • quickjs
  • wren
  • skip Skip is a general-purpose programming language that tracks side effects to provide caching with reactive invalidation, ergonomic and safe parallelism, and efficient garbage collection. Skip is statically typed and ahead-of-time compiled using LLVM to produce highly optimized executables.
  • miniJVM Develop iOS Android app in java, Cross platform java virtual machine, embeded jvm , the minimal jvm .
  • cone Cone is a fast, fit, friendly, and safe systems programming language.
  • flax A low level, general-purpose language with high level syntax and expressibility.
  • coreVM Language runtime framework designed to empower developers devise modern and novel programming language features.
  • dora JIT-compiler for the programming language Dora implemented in Rust. Works on Linux, Windows and macOS (x86_64 and aarch64).
  • awesome-jit A curated list of awesome JIT frameworks, libraries, software and resources
  • WAVM WAVM is a WebAssembly virtual machine, designed for use in non-web applications.
  • Bytecoder Bytecoder is a Rich Domain Model for Java Bytecode and Framework to interpret and transpile it to other languages such as JavaScript, OpenCL or WebAssembly
  • skew A web-first, cross-platform programming language with an optimizing compiler
  • delta A new systems programming language in development
  • Volta Volt is a systems level programming language, that aims to be safe by default but still allowing you access to nitty gritty low level details.
  • Eagle A compiled language that is halfway between C and Go/Swift/Rust
  • ponyc ony is an open-source, object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high-performance programming language
  • gosu-lang Gosu is a pragmatic programming language for the JVM. It has been designed with Java developers in mind by providing a set of features that allow them to be more productive without sacrificing the benefits of Java's simple syntax and type-safety. Gosu is an object oriented language with a sprinkle of functional programming features.
  • Tern Tern is an optionally typed object oriented language with first class functions and coroutines. It borrows concepts and constructs from many sources including Swift, JavaScript, Java, and Scala amongst others. It is interpreted and has no intermediate representation, so there is no need to compile or build your application.
  • fanx A portable language with elegant libraries
  • mun A programming language empowering creation through iteration.
  • beef Beef is an open source performance-oriented compiled programming language which has been built hand-in-hand with its IDE environment. The syntax and many semantics are most directly derived from C#, while attempting to retain the C ideals of bare-metal explicitness and lack of runtime surprises, with some "modern" niceties inspired by languages such as Rust, Swift, and Go

Garbage Collector

  • UpsilonGC Zero GCs and one real-world Upsilon GC



  • bashtop Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes.












unity 特色工程(精粹)



Tile map

  • Isometric
  • Ultimate Grids Engine
  • KUBIKOS - 3D Cube World
  • hex map

Asset Management



Create Model

Mesh Combine

Message Bus

  • BasicEventBus - Basic event bus
  • UniEventSystem - A generic Event-Bus
  • Unibus - Unibus is event passing system
  • klab-messagebuses-unity - Message bus
  • signals - A typesafe, lightweight messaging lib
  • unity-events - A code focused strongly typed event system with global system and per GameObject system
  • Unity3d-Signals - Signals are in-memory publish/subscribe system and effectively replace Unity SendMessage
  • MessageKit - Decoupled message sending system meant as a replacement for SendMessage and its variantslibrary
  • edriven - Event-driven / asynchronous framework for Unity3d






workflow (do not add jenkins!)


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