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busted's Issues

Can't get nested "describe" information in custom output

With multiple nested describe blocks in my tests, I can't get that information in the custom output.

It's in the context_tree passed to header/footer, but not in the status or options blobs pased to formatted_status.

I'm trying to generated junit compatible xml, and it works now, but it's very flat only having access to the final test name from the it() call.

Predefined tasks through config

Add a .busted file to project root and load predefined tasks. Have the ability to preset command line flags, and override them when run.


Using brew on Mac OSX, I've installed luarocks. Then using luarocks on command line ran luarocks install busted.

The luafilesystem-1.5.0-3.rockspec fails because it requires a version of Lua >= 5.1, < 5.2. Is this a dependency that can be fixed on busted or does luafilesystem need to be updated?

Arch Linux - busted scripts are installed in a subfolder

Doing a require 'busted' does not work as Luarocks installs it into /usr/[local/]share/busted/busted.lua so instead I have to do:

require 'busted/busted'

It isn't really a big deal, but maybe you can make the entry script requirable directly, which in turn can require the rest properly with the folder prefixed. Then users can do require 'busted' and that script requires the rest of what the library needs.

Just a thought.

spy (from online example) passing code that should fail

Going through the "spy" example in the Busted docs, when I intentionally call t.greet with an incorrect argument, the test still passes.

    it("that replace an original function", function()
        local t = {
            greet = function(msg) print(msg) end

        spy.on(t, "greet")

        t.greet("You shall not pass") 

results in a success

Possible to run tests more than once?

I have something like this...

describe("Simple tests", function()
    local postman

        postman = Plugin.blah:new({settings_for_plugin})

    it("Some big complicated test", function()
        -- lots and lots of tests on some data generating
    it("More  big complicated test", function()
        -- lots and lots of tests on some data generating

I have multiple plugins that should behave the same way for the same input/outputs. I'd like to run all the tests in a describe() blob again, but with a different before_each() getting called. Any ideas on how to do this, or if it's possible without duplicating the tests?

We should warn on empty files

If a test file is run, and it didn't add any results, a warning should be given because something is wrong.

I think we should show the number of pending tests, like we do now, if a test file is run that contains only pending tests. If no tests are found in a file, we should throw a warning.

We can optionally show extra information when verbose output is selected.

We should not warn on empty describe blocks, however.

We should run each test file in it's own thread.

::Feature Request::

  • Allow each test file to execute in it's own thread by default if a threading library is installed
  • Add console switch for disabling threading
  • Add ability to specify maximum execution time on a per test basis
  • Add ability to specify maximum execution time on a per describe block basis
    (The above two items will require each test to run in it's own thread with the test variable scope passed in as an argument. The file thread will need to wait on this thread to complete, or kill it if it exceeds maximum execution time for the test or the parent describe block.)

The end result of this feature will make test run time only take as long as the longest running test file, it will add valuable new features necessary for asyncronous testing, and it will allow us to add an entirely new class of tests, performance tests.

Error with LuaJIT 2 when Lua 5.2 compatibility is switched on

It seems busted does not run with LuaJIT-2 when 5.2 compatibility is used:

$ busted -l /home/nino/Downloads/LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta10/src/luajit spec/core_spec.lua
joined value: /home/nino/prog/busted/

/home/nino/Downloads/LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta10/src/luajit: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/busted/busted.lua:86: attempt to yield across C-call boundary
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'yield'
    /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/busted/busted.lua:86: in function 'run_context'
    /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/busted/busted.lua:126: in function 'busted'
    busted_bootstrap:140: in main chunk
    [C]: ?

This is when LuaJIT is compiled with 5.2 compatibility on:


It works fine when it's compiled without this option. I tested both beta 9 and beta 10 with the same result. I attempted to check lua 5.2 itself, but couldn't get a good environment up on account of being down.

(This is against the rocks-installed 1.1.1, I haven't checked master).

Possible bug when using require

I'm calling this a "possible bug" since I'm not sure whether it's indeed a bug or me missing something.

➜  mkdir test_require_inside_busted
➜  cd test_require_inside_busted 
➜  test_require_inside_busted$  mkdir spec
➜  test_require_inside_busted$  touch foo.lua
➜  test_require_inside_busted$  touch spec/foo_spec.lua
➜  test_require_inside_busted$  echo 'local foo = require "foo"' >> spec/foo_spec.lua
➜  test_require_inside_busted$  tree .
├── foo.lua
└── spec
    └── foo_spec.lua

1 directory, 2 files 
➜  test_require_inside_busted$ busted spec/foo_spec.lua 
joined value: /absolute/path/to/test_require_inside_busted/
An error occurred while loading a module 'foo' not found:
no field package.preload['foo']
no file './foo.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/foo.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/foo/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/foo.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/foo/init.lua'
no file './'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'

0 successes / 0 failures / 0 pending : 1.4e-05 seconds.

On the previous example, I would expect require 'foo' to be valid. Insted, I get an error complaining that foo isn't found. The error message lists './foo.lua' as non-existing, even when it's clearly there.

"is_*" passing failing tests


describe("Latest busted from Luarocks", function()
it("seems to have a problem with is", function()
    assert.is_true(1 == 2)
it("isn't limited to true", function()
    assert.is_false(2 == 2)
it("doesn't have that problem with True", function()
    assert.True(1 == 2)
it("does not have a problem with is.True, either", function() == 2)

2 successes / 2 failures / 0 pending : 0 seconds.

Failure → busted-test.lua @ 10
doesn't have that problem with True
busted-test.lua:11: Expected objects to be the same. Passed in:
(boolean) false
(boolean) true

Failure → busted-test.lua @ 13
does not have a problem with is.True
busted-test.lua:14: Expected objects to be the same. Passed in:
(boolean) false
(boolean) true

rockspec practices

I'm thinking the rockspec in the repository should point to the repository itself.

version = "HEAD-0"
source = {
  url = "git://" ;

file needs to be renamed to busted-HEAD-0.rockspec

Adding a version or static download should only be done on release.

Error installing busted on Ubuntu (12.04)


I installed luarocks manualy on my Ubuntu 12.04 (version provided by Canonical is older) and tryed to install busted :

sudo luarocks install busted

And got the following output :

Using switching to 'build' mode
Archive:  /tmp/luarocks_luarocks-rock-busted-1.1-1-1634/busted-1.1-1.src.rock
  inflating: busted-1.1-1.rockspec   
  inflating: busted-1.1.tar.gz       
Updating manifest for /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks

busted 1.1-1 is now built and installed in /usr/local/ (license: MIT <>)

But when I try to run busted I have the following errors :

/usr/local/bin/busted: 2: /usr/local/bin/busted: Bad substitution
/usr/local/bin/busted: 1: /usr/local/bin/busted: cygpath: not found
/usr/local/bin/busted: 1: /usr/local/bin/busted: cygpath: not found
/usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap: 1: /usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap: --: not found
/usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap: 2: local: not in a function

Is there some extra steps for Ubuntu ?

Why are coroutines used?

I'm opening this issue to enquire about the usage of coroutines in bin/busted_bootstrap and core.lua.

I'm starting to think that the code would be simpler with plain tables and functions. As far as I know, coroutines will not make the code go any faster - if anything, they will make it a little slower, for the context switches. But it will still be single-threaded, and they will still be executed sequentially.


error in initialization not caught

add this to an existing test file;

    local this = "something" * wrong

and busted will crash because it will not catch the error. Couldn't pinpoint exactly where to fix, hence no code attached...
probably best to check the others (setup, teardown, and after_each) as well.

-m/--lpath doesn't work?

I have my lua files in "lualib" rather than "src" (for mathching some other tools) and have tried the following...

busted --lpath="./lualib/?.lua;./lualib/?/?.lua"
busted -m "./lualib/?.lua;./lualib/?/?.lua"

but in both cases, the tests are found, but is not set properly, it still looks in src/.

An error occurred while loading a test::spec/remake.utils_spec.lua:3: module 'remake.utils' not found:
no field package.preload['remake.utils']
no file 'src/remake/utils.lua'
no file 'src/remake/utils/remake/utils.lua'
no file 'src/remake/utils/init.lua'
no file './remake/utils.lua'
no file '/usr/share/lua/5.1/remake/utils.lua'
no file '/usr/share/lua/5.1/remake/utils/init.lua'
no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.1/remake/utils.lua'
no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.1/remake/utils/init.lua'
no file './remake/'
no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.1/remake/'
no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.1/'
no file './'
no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.1/'
no file '/usr/lib64/lua/5.1/'

The file it's trying to find is in lualib/remake/utils.lua. Adding a symlink "src" for lualib works fine, but isn't really something I want to do.
Busted version 1.4, installed via luarocks.

Internal errors do not propagate into test results

An unknown assertion => 0 failures.

C:\Users\Thijs\Dropbox\Lua projects\busted\luassert>busted spec
An error occurred while loading a test::...ox\Lua projects\busted\luassert\spec\readme_spec.lua:3: luassert: unknown modifier/assertion: 'True'

22 successes, 0 failures, and 0 pending in 0.012 seconds.

A testfile compilation error => 0 failures.

C:\Users\Thijs\Dropbox\Lua projects\busted\luassert>busted spec
An error occurred while loading a test::C:\Users\Thijs\Dropbox\Lua projects\busted\luassert\spec\readme_spec.lua:3: '' expected near 'true'

22 successes, 0 failures, and 0 pending in 0.011 seconds.

Odd String Comparison

I just came across a weird bug when doing string comparisons. My assert looks like

assert.are.same(attack.key, "scratch")

which produces the following output

spec/Attack_spec.lua:23: Expected objects to be the same. Passed in:
(string) 'scratch'
(string) 'scratch'

But when I change the assert order to be

assert.are.same("scratch", attack.key)

I get

spec/Attack_spec.lua:23: Expected objects to be the same. Passed in:
(string) 'scratch'

So it looks like there is a minor bug with string comparisons with nil.

support async test with lua-ev

Mocha provides an optional done method to each "before" and "it" which allows async test.
Since Lua lacks Javascript Functions's length (for introspecting the callback at runtime) the interface must be different somehow. Maybe like this

    return true -- returning truthy indicates to wait for done to be called

Further the busted executable should somehow start the event loop


For node.js this is obviously far easier to achieve, but it would be really nice, since Lua + lua-ev is a charming combination for environments, where node.js is not availble (embedded devices).

Minor: website issue

The main site ( uses a menu that moves along when scrolling the content.
If you have a small screen (mobile phone) the menu will block the content (hover over it)
The horizontal move should be disabled, vertical only should be used.

to mimic behaviour, on a PC, resize the browser window to a small width, then use the horizontal scrollbar to move to the right. The menu will move along and hide the content.

traceback on error?

Perhaps there could be a flag that enables printing the traceback upon a failed test that errors unexpectedly?

Right now I only get the single error line when something goes wrong in my code, but I think more context such as the traceback could be useful.

Failure → src/test.lua @ 35
LOADK - Boolean
./src/main.lua:71: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'd' (a nil value)

Since this is inside of a function I use everywhere, I believe a little more context would help actually resolve it.

We should implement performance tests

::Feature Request::
(Depends on threaded tests feature)

  • Add assertions for memory usage and time elapsed.
  • Add configurable limits to tests for memory usage.
  • Allow either "points" or "time" as the measure of length of computation. Points would be a system-agnostic measurement of time passed based on how long a certain function takes to execute as a benchmark. The total time for this function to execute would be worth 1 point.
  • Expose time and points per test to output handlers along with points per time and time per point.

Future request: Multi-threaded tests should be explicit

@DorianGray mentions in #24:

We want to eventually have threaded tests. I went ahead and broke the logic out into coroutines to separate the code, and also to learn coroutines! Hopefully lualanes will eventually replace the pcalls and the coroutines so that each describe block can exist in it's own thread. Then, the tests will only run as slow as the slowest test and not an addition of all the run-times of all the tests combined.

I have first and second hand experience with large installations with many thousands of tests in several languages and it kills developer productivity when tests take forever.

While I agree with the sentiment (slow tests = bad) I'm opening this issue to express my disagreement on the implementation.

I don't think buste should be "threaded by default". My main reason is that my tests usually require some kind of shared state, like so:

describe("A non-threadable test", function()

  local counter -- this variable is shared among all tests on this block

    counter = 0 -- always reset the shared state to a known state

  it("can increase the counter", function()
    counter = counter + 1
    assert.equals(1, counter)

  it("can decrease the counter", function()
    counter = counter - 1
    assert.equals(-1, counter)

The test case above runs fine in single-threaded mode. Even if the order of the tests is randomized, it will still pass. But it can fail randomly if the two tests are run in parallel. This would surprise most people coming from other testing libraries.

Note that while in this case I'm using a local variable to represent shared state, in other cases it's an external element, such a library, over which I might not have full control of - more notably, it might not be multi-thread capable.

I'm not 100% sure of how other libraries deal with multi-threading, but I think the cautious thing would be using a separate syntax for those tests that could be run in paralel. For example via a new multi_threaded method:

describe("A multi-threaded test", function()
   function createCounter()
     return 0


    it("can increase the counter", function()
      counter = createCounter()
      assert.equals(1, counter)

    it("can decrease the counter", function()
      counter = createCounter()
      assert.equals(-1, counter)


Something explicit like this will ensure that the programmer "declares that he knows where he's running into" , so multi-threading doesn't take him "by surprise".

Error in TAP output

The output code calls an undefined function; error_description(status, options)


lua: C:\Users\Public\Lua\5.1\lua\busted\output\TAP.lua:66: attempt to call global 'error_description' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        C:\Users\Public\Lua\5.1\lua\busted\output\TAP.lua:66: in function 
        (tail call): ?
        C:\Users\Public\Lua\5.1\lua\busted\core.lua:272: in function 'busted'
        C:\Users\Public\Lua\5.1\busted_bootstrap:107: in main chunk
        [C]: ?

assert.equal with nil value always return true

When I have an assert.equals does not blow up when comparing any value with a nil.

describe("bad stuff happens", function()
  it("does not blows up", function()
    local result = {}
    assert.equal(result.a, "asdf")
    assert.equal(nil, "asdf")

  it("does not blows up", function()
    local result = {}
    assert.equal("asdf", result.a)
    assert.equal("asdf", nil)

I would expect each one of those assertions to blow up.

Just for verification from lua REPL.

> print("asdf"==nil)

stub doesn't seem to be working

I tried the code from the documentation

describe("stubs", function()
  it("replaces an original function", function()
    local t = {
      greet = function(msg) print(msg) end

    stub(t, "greet")

    t.greet("Hey!") -- DOES NOT print 'Hey!'

but all I get is

Failure → spec/test_spec.lua @ 7
replaces an original function
spec/test_spec.lua:12: attempt to call global 'stub' (a nil value)

Update custom assertion registering on website

Currently the site says:

 s:set("en", "assertion.has_property.positive", "Expected property %s in:\n%s")
 s:set("en", "assertion.has_property.negative", "Expected property %s to not be in:\n%s")
 assert:register("assertion", "has_property", has_property, "assertion.has_property.positive",, "assertion.has_property.negative")

Where it should say:

 say:set("assertion.has_property.positive", "Expected property %s in:\n%s")
 say:set("assertion.has_property.negative", "Expected property %s to not be in:\n%s")
 assert:register("assertion", "has_property", has_property, "assertion.has_property.positive", "assertion.has_property.negative")

utf_terminal output error with spy assertion

after adding assertion like this:

assert.spy(xxx.yyy).was_called_with('application/json', 'begun')

i got this error:

lua: ...r/local/share/lua/5.1/busted/output/utf_terminal.lua:22: attempt to concatenate field 'err' (a table value)
stack traceback:
    ...r/local/share/lua/5.1/busted/output/utf_terminal.lua:22: in function 'error_description'
    ...r/local/share/lua/5.1/busted/output/utf_terminal.lua:97: in function 'format_statuses'
    ...r/local/share/lua/5.1/busted/output/utf_terminal.lua:135: in function 'formatted_status'
    /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/busted/core.lua:175: in function 'busted'
    /usr/local/bin/busted_bootstrap:176: in main chunk
    [C]: ?

busted version 1.4

_TEST only visible inside of tests

The _TEST global is only visible inside of a test (inside an it() callback).
It should be visible at the global level (i.e. when I require "mylib" at the top of the file, or inside a describe())

Bug:: Docs are outdated. Question:: Error loading test

I installed busted via luarocks on Ubuntu 12.10. When I run it on a simple test called test_spec.lua under folder spec.


describe("some assertions", function()
  it("tests positive assertions", function()
    assert.are.equal(1, 1)
    assert.has.errors(function() error("this should fail") end)

  it("tests negative assertions", function()
    assert.are_not.equals(1, "1")
    assert.has_no.errors(function() end())

When I run busted on this folder I get the following error.

An error occurred while loading a test::spec/test_spec.lua:5: '<name>' expected near 'true'

0 successes / 0 failures / 0 pending : 0 seconds.

syntax errors in test files aren't noisy enough...

When I have a syntax error in a lua file, it prints out a plain white error, but then shows the regular, "elegant" busted colour output, indicating no errors. I don't think this is good enough. I think it should fail more visibly.

$ busted
An error occurred while loading a test::error loading module '' from file 'src/wop/security.lua':
src/wop/security.lua:130: '' expected near 'end'


7 successes / 0 failures / 0 pending : 0 seconds.


busted --version expects an argument, and if given, returns wrong version

Here're the test:

➜  lua  busted --version
busted: error: missing required arguments; re-run with --help for usage.
➜  lua  busted --version foo
busted: version 1.1.0

I would recommend having the version in one single file and pull the text from there when needed (don't know if the rockspec admits such thing though)

unexpected/erroneous test run order

Testing the following code;


local ctr

-- start tests
describe("Level A", function()
    ctr = 0
    print("setup A")

    print("teardown A")

    ctr = math.abs(ctr) + 1
    print("before_each A", ctr)

    ctr = -ctr
    print("after_each A", ctr)

  it("tests A one", function()
    print("test A one", ctr)        
  it("tests A two", function()
    print("test A two", ctr)        

  describe("Level B", function()

    it("tests B one", function()
      print("test B one", ctr)        
    it("tests B two", function()
      print("test B two", ctr)        

Results in this output;

setup A
before_each A   1
test A one      1
after_each A  -1
before_each A   2
test A two      2
after_each A  -2
before_each A   3
after_each A    -3
teardown A
test B one      -3
test B two    -3

1 - before_each and after_each run once too many (3/-3 on the A level)
2 - I would have expected the 'Level A Teardown' to run AFTER level B was completed
3 - I would have expected the before_each and after_each of level A, to be hierarchical, so they would also be applied to Level B

Using pseudo classes and pseudo namespaces went wrong


I currently use Yet Another Class Implementation for my devs ans I store the classes in a table to look like namespaces.

bonsai = {}
bonsai.Tree = newclass( "bonsai.Tree" )

function bonsai.Tree:doSomething()
    return "Whisper"

If I try to make some tests, I add this kind of piece of code:

require "busted"
require "tree"

describe("Unit tests for bonsai.String", function()

    it("A first test", function()

        local tree = bonsai.Tree()
        local say = tree:doSomething()

        local a = { test = say }
        local b = { test = "Whisper" }
        assert.same( a, b )



I got this kind of error:

attempt to index global 'bonsai' (a nil value)

And I don't know how to handle this with busted (I haven't seen such exemples on your website).
I begin with Lua and it would be usefull to add more complexe exemples.

modules required in one test are not reloaded in another test

I'm using the "uci" library in two different spec files, and in one of them I set the path in a setup() call. This works well, but the uci library is not reloaded when the second spec file is run, and the path remains changed as set in the first file.

I can save and restore the path in the teardown call, but I'd like each test (file) to be run in isolation if possible.

spies as dummy callback doesnot work.

Hi there, example as is presented in doc, doesnot work

describe("spies", function()
  it("registers a new spy as a callback", function()
    local s =

    s(1, 2, 3)
    s(4, 5, 6)

    assert.spy(s).was.called(2) -- twice!
    assert.spy(s).was.called_with({1, 2, 3}) -- checks the history

It ends with


json output is not valid json.

It needs a comma between each block. Example output below (from busted -o json)

{"type":"success","description":"should make diff uuids","info":{"linedefined":6,"source":"@spec/remake.utils_spec.lua","short_src":"spec/remake.utils_spec.lua"}}{"type":"success","description":"should be able to make uuids","info":{"linedefined":11,"source":"@spec/remake.utils_spec.lua","short_src":"spec/remake.utils_spec.lua"}}

randomize tests

I don't see a way to randomize the order that tests run in. Is this currently possible?

Typo in readme/documentation

it("should have mocks and spies for funcitonal tests", funciton()

The line above has 2 typos, 1 in the string literal, 1 in the function() keyword at the end
(sorry for the brevity/lacking pull request, doing this on my android phone)

PS. Looking great! I'm looking forward to giving this a spin!

false positive test on return nil

hi, I've found problem with false positive test

function return_nil() return nil end

describe('testing grammar', function()
  it('identifiers', function()'123', return_nil())

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