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sphinx-for-iot's Introduction

This is an excerpt from my bachelor thesis, intended to give a quick but detailed insight into my work.

Implementing and analysing Sphinx on low-end IoT devices


Anonymisation in the low-end IoT is an overlooked topic. Therefore, in my thesis I presented a design of the Sphinx protocol used in anonymous mix networks for constrained devices. Following this design, an implementation of Sphinx on the embedded operating system RIOT was evaluated. The evaluation considers memory usage, runtime analysis and network performance. The results show that end-to-end anonymisation is possible for the low-end IoT but at a high cost in terms of network throughput. In particular, the importance of hardware-accelerated cryptography is highlighted to improve the runtime of the protocol operation. Lastly, my thesis pointed to the need for further research into the reasons for the high network losses observed.


As the IoT becomes more widespread [1], the security of this technology is becoming increasingly important. This is particularly true as the data collected and processed includes personal information such as health data, location data and individual preferences. In addition, IoT devices are often used to monitor and control critical infrastructure and production processes, making them valuable targets for cyber espionage and sabotage.
Unfortunately, the security of IoT solutions has long been a secondary priority leading to adversarial attacks and exploitation [2, 3, 4, 5]. Often, vulnerabilities arise from insecure communication protocls [6, 7, 8, 9]. Even with secure network protocols, metadata can still be collected revealing the time, frequency and scope of communications as well as the entities involved. A high level of privacy and security can be achieved by network anonymisation, which obscures the identity of the people or devices involved in the information exchange. This prevents unauthorised access to personal and sensitive information in advance. Anonymisation can also improve overall security by making it more diffcult for attackers to track or target specifc individuals or devices. For example, obscuring the identity and location of IoT devices can make it more diffcult for adversaries to launch targeted attacks or identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited.
Strong anonymisation comes at the cost of slower network throughput [10] and operational overhead for network nodes. The constrained hardware characteristics of the IoT exacerbate this trade-off. Many IoT devices have limited processing power, storage capacity and connectivity [11]. These constraints make it challenging to design and deploy efective anonymisation technologies for the IoT.
Anonymisation technologies have largely been neglected in the IoT. To contribute to the development of anonymisation for IoT my thesis investigated the ability of constrained devices used in the IoT to support strong anonymisation techniques. To this end, an adapted design of the Sphinx anonymisation protocol [12] was introduced, implemented and evaluated.

What are Constrained Devices?

RFC 7228 [13] provides a classification of constraint devices used in computer networks. Due to cost and physical limitations, these constrained nodes lack some of the features typically found in Internetnodes. The limited power, memory and processing resources impose strict upper bounds on state, code space and processing cycles, making optimisation critical. In addition, the network used is constrained and characterised by limitations that prevent some of the typical capabilities of the link layers commonly used on the Internet. Constraints include low achievable bitrate/throughput, high packet loss and packet loss variability, penalties for using larger packets, limits on reachability over time, and lack of advanced protocol services. The constrained device classification is based on the storage capacity for volatile and non-volatile memory, as detailed in Figure 1. My thesis focuses on Class 2 constrained devices as they can support a wider range of network protocol stacks and still have resources available for applications.

Fig. 1: Classes of constrained devices (Source: [13])

What are Mix Networks?

Mix networks were first introduced by David Chaum in 1981 [14]. To achieve anonymity, mix networks route messages through a series of mixes, known as the path. The sender first cryptographically encapsulates the message, and as the message travels along the path, each mix partially decrypts it. Some anonymity is provided as long as at least one mix along the path remains genuine and does not reveal its secrets to a potential adversary. Unlike Tor, no persistent connection is established across the network, as each message is routed through a random selection of mix nodes. Another dif- ference is that mix nodes add a random delay to messages or send messages in batches to make traffic analysis more difficult. However, this results in high latencies, so mix networks are not used for applications that require responsive- ness, such as web browsing. A typical application of mix networks have been anonymous email relays such as Mixminion [15]. Mix networks have been mostly driven out of real-world applications by the success of Tor, so little work has been done to integrate constrained devices into them. However, the downside of high latencies in mix networks comes at a lower cost in low-end IoT, where many applications do not require responsiveness and could benefit signifcantly from anonymity. One example would be collecting and transmitting environmental data using network-capable sensors.

The Sphinx Protocol

Sphinx is a cryptographic message format proposed by George Danezis and Ian Goldberg in 2009 [12]. It was designed to enable anonymous data exchange over a mix network. Compared to other cryptographic message formats, Sphinx has a compact header size and very high security, while remaining fexible and versatile. Sphinx has all the necessary characteristics to meet the requirements of a strong mix network. These are as follows:

  • Bitwise unlinkability: Unless the cryptography is broken, it is impossible to correlate incoming and outgoing messages at a forwarding network node by analysing its binary representation. This is the fundamental property that makes all Sphinx messages indistinguishable to an observer.
  • Hidden path: No one but the creator of a message knows its entire path, including its actual length. Also, the position in the path is hidden from all mix nodes except the frst and last.
  • Integrity: Active attacks to gain knowledge of the destination or content of messages by modifying and re-injecting them can be detected.
  • Anonymous replies: Network nodes can encode Single-Use-Reply-Blocks (SURBs), which in turn can be used by other nodes to send a message back to its creator, while preserving the recipient's anonymity. Intermediary nodes cannot distinguish between reply messages and normal forward messages. As a result, the anonymity sets of both types of traffic are combined, resulting in improved security for both.



The purpose of this design and the following implementation is to evaluate whether the limited resources of constrained devices are sufcient to support Sphinx. In this sense, the original Sphinx specifcation and network design have been tailored to this specific use case. Part of the original design has been simplifed, while others have been extended for new functionality. The overall design goals are:

  • Security: The security level of the original Sphinx specifcation has to be maintained.
  • Simplicity: The design should simplify mechanisms and operations wherever possible.
  • Storage Efciency: Message size and network operation memory overhead should be kept to a minimum.


A major change in this design from the original Sphinx specifcation is that messages are not forwarded beyond the boundaries of the Sphinx network (i.e. the wider Internet). This means that the recipient of a Sphinx message must be a node in the anonymous overlay network, and that any node can send, forward and receive messages. This limitation is acceptable for constrained devices, as they usually have few and constant communication partners that can be included in the overlay network in a scenario where anonymity plays an important role. On the other hand, the network's security is improved as anonymity is achieved end-to-end, eliminating the vulnerability of the exit node. Another major change is the introduction of message acknowledgement. This is done by including a Single-Use-Reply-Block (SURB) in each message, which the recipient uses to reply with an acknowledgement immediately. This design only implements sender anonymity, as the IP address of the recipient must be known to the sender. However, this is suitable for the IoT, where communication is mainly concentrated around centralised entities such as controllers or cloud services, which typically do not benefit from anonymity. To transmit data anonymously, a sender chooses the nodes through which the message and acknowledgement will pass and encapsulates the message accordingly. The mix nodes forward the message until it reaches the intended recipient. There, the payload is extracted, and the acknowledgement is sent as a reply. Upon receipt of the reply, the sender acknowledges the message. Messages that have not been acknowledged within a certain period of time are retransmitted. After several failed retransmission attempts, a message is discarded. The resulting message fow is shown in the Figure 2.

Fig. 2: Network message flow


Operating System

The Sphinx implementation has been developed for the RIOT operating system [16]. RIOT is a lightweight operating system designed for constrained devices used in the IoT. It runs on processors from 8-bit to 32-bit and comes with a native port for Linux and MacOS. RIOT is open-source software and supports the C, C++ and Rust programming languages for applications. RIOT is modular and hardware-abstract. This allows RIOT to support many features while keeping applications memory efficient and easy to develop. RIOT's capabilities include multiple network stacks, multithreading, real-time capabilities, and it is party POSIX compliant.

Crypto Library

The implementation requires a cryptographic library that supports elliptic cryptography and symmetric cryptographic functions such as a pseudorandom number generator and authentication. The ARM PSA Crypto API [17] would be a good fit, but was under development for RIOT at the time of implementation [18]. Other libraries such as Relic [19] and wolfCRYPT [20] were discarded due to their complexity.
This implementation uses the TweetNaCl crypto library [21]. TweetNaCl provides all the necessary functions for this implementation without any parameterisation. The advantages are the high level of security and the compactness of the source code, which fits into 100 tweets, hence the name. Another advantage is that TweetNaCl is already included in RIOT as a package by default. Another possible crypto library would have been TinyCrypt [22], as it also supports the necessary functions and focuses on a small memory footprint.


Sphinx runs on RIOT as a single thread with a priority just above the main functions thread. To use Sphinx, a simple command line integration allows one to start and stop the Sphinx thread as well as to initiate sending a message. Sphinx also assumes the presence of a public key infrastructure (PKI) to publish the public keys and addresses of available network nodes. In this implementation, instead of a PKI, the public keys, private keys and addresses of all nodes are stored in a static array. The PKI is accessed through a set of global functions tailored to the needs of the Sphinx implementation.
Sphinx is implemented on top of RIOT's Generic (GNRC) network stack [23]. At the link layer, the low-rate wireless personal area network standard IEEE 802.15.4 [24] is used as the basis for communication between Sphinx entities. To enable IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4, the adaptation layer protocol 6LoWPAN [25] is used. Then, at the transport layer, UDP is used on top of IPv6. From an OSI [26] perspective, Sphinx can be seen as a shim layer between the transport and application layer. Note that this implementation does not interoperate with any application protocol. Figure 3 shows the active threads on an example board running the RIOT sphinx application. The network stack becomes visible here, as each layer is represented by its own thread. The thread implementing IEEE 802.15.4 is named "at86rf2xx" after the transceiver used in the board.

Fig. 3: Threads running on a Sphinx application in RIOT


The experiments were conducted in the FIT IoT-LAB [27]. The IoT-LAB provides a very large test environment for constrained devices used in the IoT. It supports 18 different boards and consists of over 1500 nodes spread across six sites.


All examined boards support an IEEE 802.15.4 radio interface for low-power, short-range wireless communication. The boards are further specifed by their embedded processor, volatile memory capacity and non-volatile memory capacity:

  • SAMR21 Xplained Pro
    • ARM Cortex-M0+
    • 32 kB RAM
    • 256 kB ROM
  • IoT-LAB M3
    • ARM Cortex M3
    • 64 kB RAM
    • 256 kB ROM
  • Nordic nRF52840DK
    • ARM Cortex M4
    • 256 kB RAM
    • 1000 kB ROM


In order to quantify the performance of Sphinx, a runtime measurement was made considering the creation and processing of a Sphinx message. To do this, a timestamp of the current system time was taken at the beginning and end of the functions in question. Then the difference was taken and printed to the console. Other parts of the program, such as networking, were not included in the runtime measurement because their impact on the overall runtime was negligible. The path lengths considered range from six to ten. Figure 4 shows the time taken to create a message for a given path length.

Fig. 4: Runtime measurement of message creation

The runtime measurements for creating a message show that Sphinx has a huge processing overhead. In particular, the SAMR21 Xplained Pro board equipped with the very low-end ARM Cortex-M0+ suffers from runtimes in the order of minutes, making this Sphinx implementation almost unusable for this board. The IoT-LAB M3 and Nordic nRF52840DK are about four times faster, but still require processing times in the low tens of seconds.
The source of these very long runtimes are the computationally expensive asymmetric cryptographic operations, i.e. the scalar multiplications. Most of the scalar multiplications required to create a Sphinx message result from the blinding strategy used by Sphinx to recycle the public key. To compute a shared secret with a node in the message path, the sender must perform an additional scalar multiplication for each previous node in the message path. This is where the trade-off between compact header size and computational complexity becomes apparent. On the one hand, only one public key is needed for the Sphinx key exchange instead of one for each hop. On the other hand, the runtime increases exponentially with increasing path length.

Figure 5 shows the runtime for the different variations of processing a message. For each value, the worst case observed has been taken. It should be noted that the observed variations rarely exceeded 100 ms.

Fig. 5: Runtime measurement of message processing

The processing of a message, unlike the creation of a message, is constant in terms of path length. The results of the SAMR21 Xplained Pro board are again a multiple of the results of the other boards. Still, the time required for forwarding as well as receiving and replying to a message is about one second for the IoT-LAB M3 and Nordic nRF52840DK boards. This is a long time considering that a message passes through at least six nodes before it is acknowledged. Not only does this result in long round trip times, but it also reduces the number of messages a node can forward and receive, thus reducing overall network reliability and throughput. Again, the scalar multiplications dominate the required runtime. Forwarding, as well as receiving and replying to a message, requires one scalar multiplication to compute the shared secret from the public key and another to blind the public key. Acknowledging a message requires only one scalar multiplication to calculate the shared secret. Accordingly, the runtime for acknowledging a message is quit accurely about half the time required to forward a message or to receive and reply to a message.

The overhead caused by the Sphinx protocol's key exchange strategy for processing a message is not as critical as it is for creating a message. Only the public key blinding required for forwarding as well as receiving and replying to a message adds to this overhead. One way to reduce asymmetric cryptography's runtime overhead is to use hardware acceleration. It has been shown that the use of peripheral crypto-acceleration, in an environment of constrained devices, can reduce the time required for a scalar multiplication to about 20 ms [28]. Assuming this huge runtime improvement, the Sphinx performance bottleneck would be widened by an order of magnitude.

Network Tests

The network tests were carried out using the 64 alive IoT-LAB M3 boards at the FIT IoT-LAB site in Paris. There, all 64 boards are distributed in a room with dimensions of about 7x4x2 m. These dimensions are well within the range of the low-rate wireless networking standard IEEE 802.15.4, allowing a full mesh network topology where all nodes have a direct physical connection to each other. Figure 6 shows the physical arrangement of the 64 active IoT-LAB M3 boards at the Paris site.

Fig. 6: Physical board layout

The purpose of the network tests is to evaluate the throughput of the Sphinx network and the message loss rate. All network tests were performed with a fixed path length for the toward and backward direction of three, resulting in a total path length of six. This decision was made based on the results of the runtime measurements in order to minimise the time needed to create a Sphinx message, with the trade-off of less anonymity.

For the first experiment, each node acts as a sender, forwarder and receiver of Sphinx messages. The experiment was repeated several times with an increasing number of nodes. For each experiment, messages were sent for one hour, followed by a cool-down period of 16 minutes so that each message could be retransmitted until is was acknowledged or discarded. For comparison, another set of experiments was run where simple UDP packets were sent instead of Sphinx messages. Of course, Sphinx messages are also sent using UDP. Any further mention of UDP refers to a pure use of UDP without the Sphinx protocol. Apart from the omitted Sphinx protocol operation, the only difference to the Sphinx mesh topology experiment is that the packets were sent directly to a receiver, who responded directly to the sender with an acknowledgment. Packet size, message timeouts, maximum retransmissions and experiment runtime were kept the same. Figure 7 shows the results of the Sphinx mesh experiment and the reference experiment using UDP.

Fig. 7: Mesh network test results

The results of the mesh network test show that the Sphinx overlay network suffers from increasing message loss as the network size increases. The high ratio of dropped messages makes this setup impractical for real-world use cases. Even the drop rate for small network sizes significantly impacts the network throughput.
Comparing the results of using Sphinx with those of using UDP, the cost of Sphinx in terms of network performance becomes clear. For networks of up to 30 nodes, the UDP packet loss rate is very low, given the constrained environment. Even for larger network sizes, the message loss rate remains below the message loss rate of the smallest Sphinx network test.
The causes of message loss in the Sphinx network can be categorised as physical layer transmission errors and the exhaustion of the resources allocated to networking in the nodes. Message loss caused by the physical layer cannot be solved by a Sphinx implementation and will not be investigated further. It should be noted that the above comparison between Sphinx and UDP does not quantify the impact of physical layer transmission errors. A Sphinx message must be transmitted six times, whereas a UDP packet only needs to be transmitted two times before it is acknowledged.
However, adapting the implementation and deployment can mitigate the impact on network resources. The long runtimes of Sphinx, especially the runtime for creating a message, cause a huge delay in message processing. While a node is busy creating a message, all received messages have to be buffered, eventually using up the allocated resources.

To investigate the effect of resource exhaustion, a new experiment was run where the nodes are divided into groups. One group consists of message senders, called clients, and the other group consists of nodes that forward and receive messages, called servers in a ratio of 2:5 with 18 clients and 45 servers. In this way, the long time it takes to create a Sphinx message does not affect the forwarding and receiving of messages.
Another experiment was carried out where the nodes responsible for forwarding messages were separated as mixes. The resulting ration of clients, mixes and servers was 2:4:1 with 18 client nodes sending messages, 36 mix nodes forwarding messages and 9 server nodes receiving messages. Figure 8 visualises the results of the experiments.

Fig. 8: Comparison of different network topology tests

The results of the two experiments show that further separation of node types leads to a reduction in message loss of about one-third. The exact reason why the network throughput improves with the client-mix-server topology cannot be deduced from this experiment alone. It was shown that the runtime required to forward a message is almost the same as that required to receive and reply to a message. Therefore, the increased throughput cannot be explained by a superior processing load distribution. Also with a ratio of mix nodes to server nodes of 4:1, on average, the number of messages processed per node should be about the same for mix nodes and server nodes. This phenomenon deserves further investigation.

Improvements of Design and Implementation

Throughout the conduct and evaluation of the experiments and the writing of my thesis, possible improvements to the design and implementation of Shinx for constrained devices have emerged. These are outlined below:

  • Message duplication detection: When a message is received, the receiver sends an acknowledgment. Some of the acknowledgments are lost on their way back to the sender. If these messages are retransmitted and reach the receiver, message duplication occurs.
  • Removing the last address in the final subheaders: In the current design, the last subheader processed by the receiver also contains the receiver's address. This is to indicate to the receiver that it is the end node. Alternatively, the address could be exchanged with a message ID.
  • Reduce the number of scalar multiplications to calculate shared secrets: This would reduce the number of scalar multiplications required to calculate the shared secrets by the length of the path. As these are the most expensive operations, this would result in a noticeable decrease in the runtime to create a message.
  • Runtime-optimized crypto library: The TweetNaCl crypto library used in the implementation is not runtime optimized. At least for the expensive asymmetric cryptography, a runtime-optimized crypto library could improve performance significantly. A good option would be micro-ecc [29], which is included in TinyCrypt.
  • Replies with payload: In this design, Sphinx's reply mechanism was deliberately used only to acknowledge messages, but it can also be used to transmit data back to the sender.

Conclusion and Outlook

My thesis has shown that the use of Sphinx pushes the resources of constrained devices to their limits. A major limiting factor is the runtime complexity of the Sphinx key exchange strategy combined with the computationally expensive operations for asymmetric cryptography. This is where the greatest potential for optimization lies in accelerating operations with crypto hardware. It was also shown that the Sphinx network's throughput suffers from high message loss rates. The reasons for the frequent loss of messages could not be pinpointed and should be the subject of further investigation. Despite this, Sphinx proved to have a small enough memory footprint, both in ROM and RAM, to meet the requirements of the constrained devices in the IoT. A network topology was also explored that resulted in a tolerable message loss ratio for use cases that require extremely low bandwidth, do not demand a short round trip time, and have an abundance of network nodes. Further work with Sphinx in the constrained device environment should include optimizations and adjustments to the design to improve the ratio of payload to protocol overhead in a message and to reduce the amount of expensive cryptographic operations. At the implementation level, the runtime of cryptographic operations should be improved through the integration of optimized cryptographic libraries and cryptographic hardware. More extensive network testing should also be conducted to investigate the reasons for the high message loss rate. Similarly, network testing beyond the range of wireless networks, including border routers, should be performed to evaluate the usability of Sphinx for real-world scenarios. Overall, Sphinx can provide highly secure anonymization for the low-end IoT, but it remains to be seen whether further improvements to Sphinx will make it deployable in real-world scenarios.


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