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qbittorrent-cli's Introduction



A cli to manage qBittorrent. Add torrents, categories, tags, reannounce and import from other clients.


  • Add torrents to qBittorrent from file or magnet link. Useful in combination with autodl-irssi
  • Reannounce torrents for troublesome trackers
  • Set limits on how many simultaneously active downloads are allowed
  • Import torrents with state from Deluge and rTorrent
  • Manage categories
  • Manage tags
  • Self updater


Download the latest binary and put somewhere in $PATH.

Extract binary

tar -xzvf qbt_$VERSION_linux_amd64.tar.gz

Move to somewhere in $PATH. Need sudo if not already root. Or put it in your user $HOME/bin or similar.

sudo mv qbt /usr/bin/

Verify that it runs


This should print out basic usage.

Thanks to Go we can build binaries for multiple platforms, but currently only 32 and 64bit linux is built. Add an issue if you need it built for something else.

Build from source

You can also build it yourself if you have Go installed locally, or with goreleaser.

With make

make build

Or with only go

go build -o bin/qbt cmd/qbt/main.go

Multi-platform with goreleaser

Builds with goreleaser will also include version info.

goreleaser release --snapshot --skip=publish --clean


Create a new configuration file .qbt.toml in $HOME/.config/qbt/.

mkdir -p ~/.config/qbt && touch ~/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml

A bare minimum config. Check full example config.

addr       = "" # qbittorrent webui-api hostname/ip
login      = "user"                  # qbittorrent webui-api user
password   = "password"              # qbittorrent webui-api password
#basicUser = "user"                  # qbittorrent webui-api basic auth user
#basicPass = "password"              # qbittorrent webui-api basic auth password

enabled              = true   # enable or disable rules
max_active_downloads = 2      # set max active downloads
  • If running on HDDs and 1Gbit - max_active_downloads = 2 is a good setting to not overload the disks and gives as much bandwidth as possible to the torrents.
  • For SSDs and 1Gbit+ you can increase this value.
autodl-irssi setup

autodl-irssi setup

Edit autodl.cfg

Global action:

upload-type = exec
upload-command = /usr/bin/qbt
upload-args = add "$(TorrentPathName)"

Per filter:

[filter example_filter_action]
upload-type = exec
upload-command = /usr/bin/qbt
upload-args = add "$(TorrentPathName)" --category cat1 --tags tag1


In rutrorrent, go to autodl-irssi Preferences, and then the Action tab. Put in the following for the global action. This can be set per filter as well, then you can add category, tags etc.

Choose .torrent action: Run Program
Command: /usr/bin/qbt
Arguments: add "$(TorrentPathName)"


Use qbt help to find out more about how to use.

  qbt [command]

Available Commands:
  app         app subcommand
  bencode     bencode subcommand
  category    category subcommand
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  tag         tag subcommand
  torrent     torrent subcommand
  update      Update qbittorrent-cli to latest version
  version     Print the version

      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)
  -h, --help            help for qbt

Use "qbt [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  • app
  • bencode
  • category
  • help
  • tag
  • torrent
  • update
  • version


Get qBittorrent info

  qbt app [command]

Available Commands:
  version     Get application version

  -h, --help   help for app


Get qBittorrent version info

  qbt app version [flags]

  -h, --help   help for version


Do various bencode operations

  qbt bencode [command]

Available Commands:
  edit        edit bencode data

  -h, --help   help for bencode

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Edit bencode files like .fastresume. Shut down client and make a backup of data before.

  qbt bencode edit [flags]

  qbt bencode edit --dir /home/user/.local/share/qBittorrent/BT_backup --pattern '/home/user01/torrents' --replace '/home/test/torrents'

      --dir string       Dir with fast-resume files (required)
      --dry-run          Dry run, don't write changes
  -h, --help             help for edit
      --pattern string   Pattern to change (required)
      --replace string   Text to replace pattern with (required)
  -v, --verbose          Verbose output

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Edit fastresume data like save-path. Make sure to shut down the client and backup the data before running this.


Do various category actions

  qbt category [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add category
  delete      Delete category
  edit        Edit category
  list        List categories

  -h, --help   help for category

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Use "qbt category [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Add new category

  qbt category add [flags]

  qbt category add test-category
  qbt category add test-category --save-path "/home/user/torrents/test-category"

      --dry-run            Run without doing anything
  -h, --help               help for add
      --save-path string   Category default save-path. Optional. Defaults to dir in default save dir.

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Delete category

  qbt category delete [flags]

  qbt category delete test-category

      --dry-run   Run without doing anything
  -h, --help      help for delete

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Edit category

  qbt category edit [flags]

  qbt category edit test-category --save-path "/home/user/new/path"
  qbt category edit test-category --save-path ""

      --dry-run            Run without doing anything
  -h, --help               help for edit
      --save-path string   Edit category save-path

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


List categories

  qbt category list [flags]

  -h, --help            help for list
      --output string   Print as [formatted text (default), json]

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Do various tag actions

  qbt tag [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add tags
  delete      Delete tags
  list        List tags

  -h, --help   help for tag

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Add new tag

  qbt tag add [flags]

  qbt tag add tag1

      --dry-run   Run without doing anything
  -h, --help      help for add

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


  qbt tag delete [flags]

  qbt tag delete tag1

      --dry-run   Run without doing anything
  -h, --help      help for delete

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


List tags.

  qbt tag list [flags]

  -h, --help            help for list
      --output string   Print as [formatted text (default), json]

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Do various torrent operations

  qbt torrent [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add torrent(s)
  category    Torrent category subcommand
  compare     Compare torrents
  export      Export torrents
  hash        Print the hash of a torrent file or magnet
  import      Import torrents
  list        List torrents
  pause       Pause specified torrent(s)
  reannounce  Reannounce torrent(s)
  remove      Removes specified torrent(s)
  resume      Resume specified torrent(s)
  tracker     Torrent tracker subcommand

  -h, --help   help for torrent

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Use "qbt torrent [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Add new torrent(s) to qBittorrent from file or magnet. Supports glob pattern for files like: ./files/*.torrent

  qbt torrent add [flags]

  qbt torrent add my-file.torrent --category test --tags tag1
  qbt torrent add ./files/*.torrent --paused --skip-hash-check
  qbt torrent add magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5dee65101db281ac9c46344cd6b175cdcad53426&dn=download

      --category string    Add torrent to the specified category
      --dry-run            Run without doing anything
  -h, --help               help for add
      --ignore-rules       Ignore rules from config
      --limit-dl uint      Set torrent download speed limit. Unit in bytes/second
      --limit-ul uint      Set torrent upload speed limit. Unit in bytes/second
      --paused             Add torrent in paused state
      --remove-stalled     Remove stalled torrents from re-announce
      --save-path string   Add torrent to the specified path
      --skip-hash-check    Skip hash check
      --tags stringArray   Add tags to torrent

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Do various torrent category operations

  qbt torrent category [command]

Available Commands:
  move        move torrents between categories
  set         Set torrent category
  unset       Unset torrent category

  -h, --help   help for category

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Use "qbt torrent category [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Move torrents from one category to another

  qbt torrent category move [flags]

  qbt torrent category move --from cat1 --to cat2

      --dry-run                Run without doing anything
      --exclude-tags strings   Exclude torrents with provided tags
      --from strings           Move from categories (required)
  -h, --help                   help for move
      --include-tags strings   Include torrents with provided tags
      --min-seed-time int      Minimum seed time in MINUTES before moving.
      --to string              Move to the specified category (required)

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Move torrents from one or multiple categories to some other category.

By using ATM (Automatic Torrent Mode) and the default behavior of categories mapped to folders this can be used to move from NVME to HDD storage after a min-seed-time.

qbt torrent category move --from categroy1 --to category2 --min-seed-time 45

Optional flags:

  • --dry-run - Run without doing anything
  • --min-seed-time - Only move torrents with a minimum active seedtime of X minutes
  • --include-tags - Only move torrents with any of the tags in comma separate list (tag1,tag2)
  • --exclude-tags - Don't move torrents with any of the tags in comma separate list (tag1,tag2)

Usable with cron as well. Run every 15 min.

*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/qbt move --from nvme --to hdd --min-seed-time 30


Set category for torrents via hashes

  qbt torrent category set [flags]

  qbt torrent category set test-category --hashes hash1,hash2

      --dry-run          Run without doing anything
      --hashes strings   Torrent hashes, as comma separated list
  -h, --help             help for set

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Unset category for torrents via hashes

  qbt torrent category unset [flags]

  qbt torrent category unset --hashes hash1,hash2

      --dry-run          Run without doing anything
      --hashes strings   Torrent hashes, as comma separated list
  -h, --help             help for unset

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Compare torrents between clients

  qbt torrent compare [flags]

  qbt torrent compare --addr http://localhost:10000 --user u --pass p --compare-addr --compare-user u --compare-pass p

      --basic-pass string           Source basic auth pass
      --basic-user string           Source basic auth user
      --compare-basic-pass string   Secondary basic auth pass
      --compare-basic-user string   Secondary basic auth user
      --compare-host string         Secondary host
      --compare-pass string         Secondary pass
      --compare-user string         Secondary user
      --dry-run                     dry run
  -h, --help                        help for compare
      --host string                 Source host
      --pass string                 Source pass
      --tag string                  set a custom tag for duplicates on compare. default: compare-dupe (default "compare-dupe")
      --tag-duplicates              tag duplicates on compare
      --user string                 Source user

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Compare torrents between two instances. Source instance and compare instance.

Required flags:

  • --addr - Host url with http and port if needed

  • --user - Host user

  • --pass - Host pass

  • --basic-user - Host basic auth user

  • --basic-pass - Host basic auth pass

  • --compare-addr - url with http and port if needed

  • --compare-user - user

  • --compare-pass - pass

  • --compare-basic-user - basic auth user

  • --compare-basic-pass - basic auth pass

Optional flags:

  • --dry-run - Run without doing anything
  • --tag-duplicates - Tag duplicates with compare-dupe tag, only on compare host
  • --tag - Override the default tag compare-dupe


Export torrents and fastresume by category

  qbt torrent export [flags]

  qbt torrent export --source ~/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backup --export-dir ~/qbt-backup --include-category=movies,tv

      --dry-run                    dry run
      --exclude-category strings   Exclude categories. Comma separated
      --exclude-tag strings        Exclude tags. Comma separated
      --export-dir string          Dir to export files to (required)
  -h, --help                       help for export
      --include-category strings   Export torrents from these categories. Comma separated
      --include-tag strings        Include tags. Comma separated
      --skip-manifest              Do not export all used tags and categories into manifest
      --source string              Dir with torrent and fast-resume files (required)
  -v, --verbose                    verbose output

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Print the hash of a torrent file or magnet

  qbt torrent hash [flags]

  qbt torrent hash file.torrent

  -h, --help   help for hash

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Import torrents with state from other clients [rtorrent, deluge]

  qbt torrent import {rtorrent | deluge} --source-dir dir --qbit-dir dir2 [--skip-backup] [--dry-run] [flags]

  qbt torrent import deluge --source-dir ~/.config/deluge/state/ --qbit-dir ~/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backup --dry-run
  qbt torrent import rtorrent --source-dir ~/.sessions --qbit-dir ~/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backup --dry-run

      --dry-run             Run without importing anything
  -h, --help                help for import
      --qbit-dir string     qBittorrent BT_backup dir. Commonly ~/.local/share/qBittorrent/BT_backup (required)
      --skip-backup         Skip backup before import
      --source-dir string   source client state dir (required)

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Import torrents from other client into qBittorrent, and keep state.

WARNING: Make sure to stop both the source client and qBittorrent before importing.

After the import you will have to manually delete the torrents from the source client, but don't check the "also delete files" as currently the import DOES NOT move the actual data.


  • Does not support changing paths for data, it expects data to be at same place as the source client.
  • Does not support renamed files either.
  • Does not import labels/categories/tags
  • Use at own caution. The backups are there if something goes wrong.


Torrents imported into qBittorrent does not have automatic management enabled, because it's default behavior is to move data.

  1. Stop source client and qBittorrent.
  2. Start with a dry run and see what it does qbt torrent import ..... --dry-run
  3. If it looks ok, run without --dry-run
  4. Start clients again, go into the source client and stop everything.
  5. Set categories/tags in batches. Start to add a category, then set "Automatic torrent management" for it to automatically move the files to the categories specified directory.


List all torrents, or torrents with a specific filters. Get by filter, category, tag and hashes. Can be combined

  qbt torrent list [flags]

qbt torrent list --filter=downloading --category=linux-iso

  -c, --category string   Filter by category. All categories by default.
  -f, --filter string     Filter by state. Available filters: all, downloading, seeding, completed, paused, active, inactive, resumed, 
                          stalled, stalled_uploading, stalled_downloading, errored (default "all")
      --hashes strings    Filter by hashes. Separated by comma: "hash1,hash2".
  -h, --help              help for list
      --output string     Print as [formatted text (default), json]
  -t, --tag string        Filter by tag. Single tag: tag1

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Pauses torrents indicated by hash, name or a prefix of either. Whitespace indicates next prefix unless argument is surrounded by quotes

  qbt torrent pause [flags]

      --all              Pauses all torrents
      --hashes strings   Add hashes as comma separated list
  -h, --help             help for pause
      --names            Provided arguments will be read as torrent names

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Reannounce torrents with non-OK tracker status.

  qbt torrent reannounce [flags]

      --attempts int      Reannounce torrents X times (default 50)
      --category string   Reannounce torrents with category
      --dry-run           Run without doing anything
      --hash string       Reannounce torrent with hash
  -h, --help              help for reannounce
      --interval int      Reannounce torrents X times with interval Y. In MS (default 7000)
      --tag string        Reannounce torrents with tag

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Removes torrents indicated by hash, name or a prefix of either. Whitespace indicates next prefix unless argument is surrounded by quotes

  qbt torrent remove [flags]

      --all              Removes all torrents
      --delete-files     Also delete downloaded files from torrent(s)
      --dry-run          Display what would be done without actually doing it
      --hashes strings   Add hashes as comma separated list
  -h, --help             help for remove
      --paused           Removes all paused torrents

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Resumes torrents indicated by hash, name or a prefix of either. Whitespace indicates next prefix unless argument is surrounded by quotes

  qbt torrent resume [flags]

      --all              resumes all torrents
      --hashes strings   Add hashes as comma separated list
  -h, --help             help for resume

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Do various torrent category operations

  qbt torrent tracker [command]

Available Commands:
  edit        Edit torrent tracker

  -h, --help   help for tracker

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Use "qbt torrent tracker [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Tracker edit

Edit tracker for torrents via hashes

  qbt torrent tracker edit [flags]

  qbt torrent tracker edit --old url.old/test --new

      --dry-run          Run without doing anything
  -h, --help             help for edit
      --new string       New tracker URL
      --old string       Old tracker URL to replace

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Print qbt version info

  qbt version [flags]

  qbt version
  qbt version --output json

  -h, --help            help for version
      --output string   Print as [text, json] (default "text")

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)


Update qbittorrent-cli to latest version

  qbt update [flags]

  qbt update

  -h, --help      help for update
      --verbose   Verbose output: Print changelog

qbittorrent-cli's People


brw avatar fabricionaweb avatar jmechnich avatar klahaha avatar ludviglundgren avatar mikluko avatar s0up4200 avatar xel86 avatar


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qbittorrent-cli's Issues

Piping qbt output to pager or file breaks formatting

In a completely surprising move, any and all output of qbt breaks when it's piped into a pager like less or redirected into a file.

The resulting stream is missing all newlines. This of course also breaks grepping from output and the like.

Dry run should indicate it is a dry run

To me, it seems like the only way to tell if you are doing a dry run vs an actual run is just examining the amount of time it takes. I think there should be some kind of indication that it is indeed a dry run

For example:

Dry run: Import finished in: 306.529729ms

Actual run: Import finished in: 1.368155058s

This program is fantastic btw, it worked great for me for migrating from rtorrent 0.9.8 to qbittorrent-nox 4.5.2

Using import requires both --source-dir --qbit-dir to have trailing slash

I bumped into this issue today, not thinking it would be an issue having a trailing slash or not.

I had the following.

qbt import --source rtorrent --source-dir '/rtorrent/session' --qbit-dir '/qBittorrent/BT_backup' --dry-run

Which just got me Total torrents to process: 0, couldn't figure out what was going on, done a google and come across this reddit comment about it, turns out both source and dest need a trailing slash.

This then worked.

qbt import --source rtorrent --source-dir '/rtorrent/session/' --qbit-dir '/qBittorrent/BT_backup/' --dry-run

Another user having the same issue:

Think it would be helpful to other users if you could leave a note in the documentation, or add the trailing slash in code if it's missing.

PS, this is meant to be constructive feedback, I really like what you have made, thank you!

I am having this error

login error: Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
how do I solve it?

this below is the command line I am trying to input ./qbt add --magnet magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6429b3fe8614b55b429bc2eb023e1553118ec2f2&dn=Samaritano%202022%201080p%20WEB-DL%20DUAL%205.1&

btq adding new torrent download path

So im trying to add a new torrent with a custom save path.
The idea is to make a script to generate my custom download paths, issue is i can't seem to figure out how to pass in a save path argument.

i peeded the add torrent code and can see there is a reference to save-path but unsure how to use it?

command: qbt torrent add url "URL HERE" --save-path "/PATH/HERE"
am i doing something wrong / is there support for this?

dev branch: compare over https

I want to use a remote server as compare-host over https.
Getting the following error when setting https in the toml.

addr     = "https://URL/qbittorrent"

ERROR: connection failed to compare: http: read on closed response body

Edit: with a few hacks, I managed to get https working.
Changed this in client.go

	// set basic auth

	resp, err := c.http.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not make request")
		defer resp.Body.Close()

	return resp, nil

̶ ̶̶̶A̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶e̶t̶ ̶a̶d̶d̶r̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶m̶l̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶f̶o̶o̶:̶p̶a̶s̶s̶w̶o̶r̶d̶@̶x̶x̶x̶.̶d̶e̶d̶i̶.̶h̶o̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶b̶y̶.̶d̶e̶s̶i̶g̶n̶/̶q̶b̶i̶t̶t̶o̶r̶r̶e̶n̶t̶
Not how it's suppose to work, but for now I can use https to securely access the remote host.

resume and remove always report success

Thanks so much for this code, the import especially!

I've noticed that no matter what the hash specified (even if non-existent), it reports "successfully" resumed or removed.

qbt torrent remove --delete-files --hashes 111
(1) torrents to be removed
successfully removed (1) torrents
torrent(s) successfully deleted
qbt torrent resume --hashes zzzzzzz
torrent(s) successfully resumed


Hi! Thanks for this amazing CLI.

I'm trying to package this for AlpineLinux, but the project currently has no license attached.

Can you add a OSS compatible license to your project?

Import backup fails with socket error.

Trying to do an import from rtorrent to qbt:

$ ./qbt import --source rtorrent --source-dir ~/rtorrent/session --qbit-dir ~/.local/share/qBittorrent/BT_backup --dry-run
Prepare to backup torrent data before import..
Creating rtorrent backup of directory: /home/user/rtorrent/session to /home/user/qbt_backup/rtorrent_backup_20230410104453.tar.gz ...
could not backup directory: "walking /home/user/rtorrent/session: /home/user/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket: writing: session/rpc.socket: making header: archive/tar: sockets not supported"
Error: walking /home/user/rtorrent/session: /home/user/rtorrent/session/rpc.socket: writing: session/rpc.socket: making header: archive/tar: sockets not supported
  qbt import [flags]

      --dry-run             Run without doing anything
  -h, --help                help for import
      --qbit-dir string     qbit dir (required)
      --skip-backup         Skip backup before import. Not advised
      --source string       source client [deluge, rtorrent] (required)
      --source-dir string   source client state dir (required)

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/qbt/.qbt.toml)

Seems to work fine with --skip-backup

Outdated and misleading command descriptions

In my humble opinion, all detailed descriptions of available commands should be removed from the The information is no longer in sync in the code (e.g. flags for individual commands have been added). It might be sufficient to list all available commands and point out the help flag.

Also, some statements in command descriptions seem to be no longer true, such as for the remove command:

Removes torrents indicated by hash, name or a prefix of either. Whitespace indicates next prefix unless argument is surrounded by quotes.

As pointed out by a user in #84, using a prefix does not work. Consequently, the descriptions should be checked and updated where required.

@ludviglundgren if you agree I am happy to prepare a PR that reflects my suggestions. On a side note, I have submitted a formula for qbittorrent-cli to Homebrew for the convenience of Mac users such as myself.

Move not working on qBit 4.5.2

First of all thank you for this tool!

While trying to use the 'move' option I get a successful message but categories remain unchanged. I don't see any pertinent info in qbit logs other than a successful web login.

However when manually changing a torrents category in web-ui there is related info in the log. Let me know if I can provide more info.

Edit: Looks to may be a 4.5.x issue - move works as intended on 4.3.9

qbittorrent version: qbittorrent-nox v4.5.2 on debian
qbt-cli version: tried dev / 1.0.0 / 0.16.0
qbt move --from t1 --to t2

Found 1 matching torrents to move from (t1) to (t2)
Successfully moved 1 torrents from (t1) to (t2)

Allow https host

I need to be able to add torrents to an instance of qBittorrent WebUI that is set to work through https.

I could not find such a setting. The setting for 'host' takes domain or IP (not URL), then tries to connect over http.

Is there a configuration option that I missed? or is it possible to add the option?


Site dosent work

I got this error
qbt list
login error: Post "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

Failed test

Another blocker on my packaging process.

$ go test ./...
# []
cmd/export_test.go:30:99: too many arguments in call to processHashes
	have (string, string, map[string]struct{}, []string, bool)
	want (string, string, map[string]struct{}, bool)
FAIL [build failed]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
?	[no test files]
2023/03/12 15:43:12 Total torrents to process: 2
2023/03/12 15:43:12 os create error: open ../../test/output/deluge/3eced34cd948e7ea92f31ded3e0fd734274fee4a.fastresume: no such file or directory
2023/03/12 15:43:12 Could not create qBittorrent fastresume file ../../test/output/deluge/3eced34cd948e7ea92f31ded3e0fd734274fee4a.fastresume error: "open ../../test/output/deluge/3eced34cd948e7ea92f31ded3e0fd734274fee4a.fastresume: no such file or directory"
--- FAIL: TestDelugeImport_Import (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestDelugeImport_Import/import_from_deluge (0.00s)
        deluge_test.go:25: Import() error = open ../../test/output/deluge/3eced34cd948e7ea92f31ded3e0fd734274fee4a.fastresume: no such file or directory, wantErr false
--- FAIL: TestRTorrentImport_Import (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: TestRTorrentImport_Import/import_from_rtorrent (0.00s)
        rtorrent_test.go:27: Import() error = Directory does not exist: ../../test/import/sessions/: stat ../../test/import/sessions/: no such file or directory, wantErr false
FAIL	0.005s

delete add --magnet flag?

thanks for quick merge!! i just replaced qbc with qbt

for easy use maybe delete --magnet flag of add command? (can keep for compatibility)

first check if file exists for arg1, if not check if start with magnet: try to add as magnet. very small chance that you add a .torrent file name "magnet:SOMETHING.torrent" so check for file first (qbt hash command has same problem)

Pr welcome?

ERROR: could not pause torrents could not setCategory torrents

I am unable to execute this command:
qbt torrent category move --from freeleech --to completed --min-seed-time 10100
the output is

Found 2 matching torrents to move from (freeleech) to (completed)
ERROR: could not pause torrents could not setCategory torrents: [0e19de68217a28d7b9c1911f2b2001c08a1fe3aa 990520868b6b401db82877431bfe0addda837bbb] unexpected status: 409

I can manually pause a single torrent using qbt torrent pause --hashes abc123

Is this a bug or can I do more to troubleshoot on my end?

qbt - qbitttorrent cli
Version: 2.0.0
Commit: f46c1b5edf8ecf1ad181ef05c6742922af07cbd3
Date: 2023-09-24T16:38:19Z

I am running qbittorrent 4.5.5 - is this the issue?

update command on v2.0.0-beta1 not working

Been testing the b1 build, only issue I found until now is that the update command doesn't work.
linux-and64 build.

Error: unknown command "update" for "qbt"
Run 'qbt --help' for usage.

Can't add torrent by filepath that contains square brackets

qbt chokes on filepaths that contain square brackets (e.g. some linux iso [123].torrent) because it treats input as a glob pattern.

Could qbt check if filePath is actually the path of a .torrent file before it tries to use it as a globbing pattern?

Reannounce functionality

The reannounce command states that it reannounces torrents with non-OK tracker status. Does this mean that it automatically searches for torrents with trackers that have a "not working" status? Or does it need to somehow be fed the hashes of torrents with a non-working tracker?

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