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mta-xyzzyrp's Issues

Klucze do pojazdu

Witam wpisałem sobie komende /sv 411 po czym wspisałem /ttv 1
Jest auto wsiadam do niego lecz gdy chce odpalić pisze że nie mam kluczy do tego pojazdu.

Panel Rejestracji i Postaci

Prosiłbym o kod .php oraz krok po kroku co zrobić aby utworzyć rejestracje kont oraz postaci na forum na silniku IP.Board

Pobieranie zasobów serwera

Cześc, postawiłem serwer wszystko cacy (tak mi się wydaje) ale gdy się loguje to jest pobieranie zasobów serwera i nic się nie dzieje.
Proszę o pomoc :(

Komendy Administratora

Siemanko , Czy mógł by mi ktoś powiedzieć lub ukazać liste komend Administratora Rcon??? ponieważ już wszystko mam zrobione oprócz strony którą zajmę się w jak najszybszym tempie chodzi mi o liste komend jakie ma komendy administrator support a i co do kont premium jak miał bym je wgrać i podczepić pod stronę że ktoś wysyła smsa i przepisuje kod po czym ta ranga jest nadana???

-Wiadomość do Wielebnego - Łukasza Biegaj. Czemu oddałeś całą cenną twoją pracę i twój zajebisty serwer ???

Pomoc z komendami.

W poprzednim wątku zostały podane komendy
/sv oraz /ttv
Lecz one nie działają.

Chodzi mi o panel administracyjny gdzie będzie można spawnować pojazdy kickować graczy czy nawet banować.

Szkoda że o tym nie napisaliście w poradniku bo na prawdę przy wejściu na serwer nie wiadomo co gdzie i jak.

Więc prosiłbym o podanie najpotrzebniejszych komend, do zarządzania graczami czy serwerem In- Game

Nie działa logowanie.

Zrobiłem wszystko wg. instrukcji. Uruchomiłem serwer i nie mogę sie zalogować po wpisaniu loginu: tester i hasła: tester. Bawiłem się w tabele w bazie danych i próbowałem dodać siebie jako użytkownika, ale bezskutecznie. Proszę o pomoc.


Tam gdzie jest w urzędzie praca geodety jest przerejestrowywanie pojazdów.

Winda jest zbugowana. Tuż przed dojazdem na 2 piętro przechodzi przez windę tesktura budynku i wypycha nas przez podłoge windy i zgon.

W pojeździe nie działa PPM czy tam LPM do otworzenia okienka włączania/wyłączania silnika / zamykania drzwi.

Nie można otworzyć żadnych drzwi: u kuriera , u służb miejskich w urzędzie , u policji w "rejestracji', LSSG, Wszędzie wymagane klucze których nie wiadomo jak zdobyć.

Warsztat zamknięty.Restauracja Hot Food zamknięta,

Nie działa otwieranie szlabanów i otwieranie bramy przy warsztacie.

Nie da się założyć neonów , felg.

Nie ma systemu paliwa są kanistry XD

To na razie część zapewne bugów. Proszę o naprawienie bo to naprawdę wato zrobić a będzie też to jedną z form odwdzięczenia się za to co ja i ponad 100 innych osób robiło dla LSS.

Nowe Konto

Stworzyłem znajomemu konto w PHPMyAdmin wszystki tak jak opisane okej ale jakie hasło jest? ;P jak ustalić hasło albo skąd znaleźć to hasło.

Nowe Konto

W phpmyadmin zrobiłem nowe konto. Jednak nie wiem jakie jest do niego hasła nie było żadnego pola aby wpisać hasło. Jak sprawdzić hasło bądź je ustawic?

MODULE: Unable to find modules/!

Mam problem z serwerem otóż gdy go odpalam wyskakują mi takie oto errorry:

[2013-08-31 19:54:54] Resources: 434 loaded, 0 failed
[2013-08-31 19:54:54] Querying master server... failed! (302: Moved temporarily)
[2013-08-31 19:54:55] Querying backup master server... success!
[2013-08-31 19:54:55] MODULE: Unable to find modules/!
[2013-08-31 19:54:55] Starting resources........
[2013-08-31 19:54:55] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:20: attempt to call global 'mysql_connect' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:55] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:16: dbConnect failed; Access denied for user 'mtasa1106'@'' (using password: YES)
[2013-08-31 19:54:55] WARNING: lss-core <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least server 1.3.1-9.04935 because of 'setPedWalkingStyle')
[2013-08-31 19:54:55] WARNING: lss-core requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least server 1.3.1-9.04935 because of 'setPedWalkingStyle')
[2013-08-31 19:54:55] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-budynki\biznesy.lua:224: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-skiny-co. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-domy\interiory.lua:15: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:47: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:48: Bad argument @ 'dbPoll' [Expected db-query at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-domy\domy.lua:101: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] WARNING: lss-frakcje/taxi_c.lua(Line 40) [Client] getVehicleModel is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with getElementModel.
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] Some files in 'lss-frakcje' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-frakcje\frakcje.lua:469: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:61: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzWyniki' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] WARNING: lss-gui/ekwipunek_s.lua(Line 46) [Server] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead.
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] Some files in 'lss-gui' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:56] Server minclientversion is now 1.3.0-9.04710
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-clickandbuy. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: lss-linaheli/lh_c.lua(Line 71) [Client] isPedInWater is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isElementInWater.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] Some files in 'lss-linaheli' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-logging. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: lss-naprawapojazdow <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least server 1.3.1-9.04935 because of 'setPedWalkingStyle')
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: lss-naprawapojazdow requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least server 1.3.1-9.04935 because of 'setPedWalkingStyle')
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: lss-misc <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03931 because of 'dxDrawMaterialLine3D')
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: lss-misc requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03931 because of 'dxDrawMaterialLine3D')
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: lss-ochrona/ochrona_c.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] Some files in 'lss-ochrona' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-paliwo. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-payment. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-pociagi. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-kartoteka. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-pojemniki\pojemniki.lua:15: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: lss-vehicles/vehicles.lua(Line 347) [Server] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: lss-vehicles/vehicles_c.lua(Line 332) [Client] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] Some files in 'lss-vehicles' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-vehicles\vehicles.lua:170: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-31 19:54:57] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:37: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-31 19:54:58] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:58] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:54:58] SyncMapElementData is now disabled
[2013-08-31 19:54:58] WARNING: lss-global_god <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of 'setObjectBreakable')
[2013-08-31 19:54:58] WARNING: lss-global_god requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of 'setObjectBreakable')
[2013-08-31 19:54:58] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] WARNING: lss-kafejka1 <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of 'setObjectBreakable')
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] WARNING: lss-kafejka1 requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of 'setObjectBreakable')
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] INFO: obiektow: 324
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:61: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzWyniki' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:54:59] ERROR: [XyzzyRP][obiekty]\lss-prom\import_pojazdow.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-31 19:55:00] WARNING: [XyzzyRP][obiekty]\lss-urzadmiasta\zasilki.lua:65: Bad argument @ 'setElementInterior' [Expected number at argument 2, got nil]
[2013-08-31 19:55:00] WARNING: [XyzzyRP][obiekty]\lss-urzadmiasta\zasilki.lua:66: Bad argument @ 'setElementDimension' [Expected number at argument 2, got nil]
[2013-08-31 19:55:00] WARNING: lss-warsztat1/warsztat_c.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-08-31 19:55:00] Some files in 'lss-warsztat1' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-31 19:55:00] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:55:00] WARNING: lss-wysypisko_smieci/pedy.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-08-31 19:55:00] Some files in 'lss-wysypisko_smieci' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-31 19:55:00] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:55:06] ERROR: Couldn't find resource samp_objects. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:55:06] ERROR: Couldn't find resource . Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:55:06] ERROR: Couldn't find resource chatbubble. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:70: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:zapytanie' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] ERROR: [XyzzyRP][community]\drawtag\sync.lua:166: attempt to get length of local 'tagi' (a boolean value)
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] WARNING: syncedfire/synced_fire_c.lua(Line 60) [Client] getVehicleRotation is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with getElementRotation.
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] Some files in 'syncedfire' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] ERROR: Couldn't find resource fireworkz. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] ERROR: Couldn't find resource modules. Check it exists.
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] Type 'help' for a list of commands.
[2013-08-31 19:55:07] INFO: zmiana pogody na 2

Konsola mi się nie wyłącza a serwera w "Local" nie ma ponieważ serwer chce na domówce mieć na razie

Błąd przy odpaleniu 2.

Witam mam taki błąd. Oto report z crashu:

MTA:SA Server v1.3.3-r5610-release crash report.
Caught 10 addresses ...

#0 - ./ [0xf74c62d9]
#1 - [0xf77c5400]
#2 - /lib32/ [0xf748d853]
#3 - /lib32/ [0xf7488a74]
#4 - /lib32/ [0xf7488bd0]
#5 - ./ [0xf74c8bec]
#6 - ./ [0xf74df3f6]
#7 - ./mta-server(__gxx_personality_v0+0x4df) [0x8048d43]
#8 - /lib32/ [0xf752dca6]
#9 - ./mta-server(__gxx_personality_v0+0x4d) [0x80488b1]

Prawidłowa instalacja Panelu WWW.

Witam ! Mam pewien problem może dla niektórych wydaje się banalny ale ja główkuję nad tym 2 dzień....

Otóż zainstalowałem ten Gamemode wszystko pięknie chodzi ale jest problem z tym panelem ponieważ nie wiem gdzie i jak go zainstalować...

Na konto tester loguje się normalnie ale na inne konto już nie.

Bardzo proszę o odpowiedź!

Reszta :d

Kiedy przybędzie reszta skryptów ? :D Rejestracja itd. itp.


Jak kogos dodać na lidera frakcji/biznesu ? i jak stworzyć pojazd

Dodawanie domów.

Przy tym też bym prosił o małą pomoc, dokładniej przy stworzeniu wejścia i podpisania interioru. ;)


Dodałem konto do ACL i nie działa

<group name="Administrator">
    <acl name="Support"></acl>
    <acl name="Administrator"></acl>
    <object name="user.root"></object>
<object name="user.tester"></object>

Jak wykonywać zapytania SQL

UPDATE lss_users SET hash=MD5(CONCAT(LOWER(login),'MRFX_01','tu_wpisz_nowe_haslo')) WHERE id=2;

Jak wykonać te zapytanie? i gdzie

Błąd przy odpaleniu.

Witam. Zrobiłem wszystko jak w poradniku. Z resztą... Tak mi się wydaje! A gdy już wszystko odpalam i wchodzę do gry mam taki błąd:

  • It is not possible to connect at this game. Please, try later.

Logi Consoli:

[2013-08-26 18:05:11] WARNING: lss-linaheli/lh_c.lua(Line 71) [Client] isPedInWater is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isElementInWater.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] Some files in 'lss-linaheli' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-logging. Check it exists.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: lss-mapa ro.luac is invalid. Please re-compile at
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: lss-muzyka eq_c.luac is invalid. Please re-compile at
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] WARNING: lss-ochrona/ochrona_c.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] Some files in 'lss-ochrona' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-paliwo. Check it exists.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-payment. Check it exists.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-pociagi. Check it exists.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-kartoteka. Check it exists.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-pojemniki/pojemniki.lua:15: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] WARNING: lss-vehicles/vehicles.lua(Line 347) [Server] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] WARNING: lss-vehicles/vehicles_c.lua(Line 332) [Client] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] Some files in 'lss-vehicles' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-vehicles/vehicles.lua:170: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: lss-silownia laweczka_c.lua is invalid. Please re-compile at
[2013-08-26 18:05:11] ERROR: lss-silownia bieznia_c.lua is invalid. Please re-compile at
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/DB2/sql.lua:37: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] SyncMapElementData is now disabled
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/gracz-sklep_super_sam/sklep.lua:4: Bad argument @ 'createPed' [Expected bool at argument 6, got number '225']
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/gracz-sklep_super_sam/sklep.lua:7: Bad argument @ 'setElementDimension' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/gracz-sklep_super_sam/sklep.lua:8: Bad argument @ 'setElementInterior' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/gracz-sklep_super_sam/sklep.lua:9: Bad argument @ 'setElementFrozen' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/gracz-sklep_super_sam/sklep.lua:10: Bad argument @ 'setElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/gracz-sklep_super_sam/sklep.lua:11: Bad argument @ 'setElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] INFO: obiektow: 350
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:61: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzWyniki' [string "?"]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/lss-prom/import_pojazdow.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] ERROR: lss-scena naglosnienie_c.luac is invalid. Please re-compile at
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/lss-urzadmiasta/zasilki.lua:65: Bad argument @ 'setElementInterior' [Expected number at argument 2, got nil]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/lss-urzadmiasta/zasilki.lua:66: Bad argument @ 'setElementDimension' [Expected number at argument 2, got nil]
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: lss-warsztat1/warsztat_c.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] Some files in 'lss-warsztat1' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] WARNING: lss-wysypisko_smieci/pedy.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] Some files in 'lss-wysypisko_smieci' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-26 18:05:12] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.

Troche errorów jest. To chyba wina MySql. Nie znam się na MySql, pierwszy raz z tym mam do czynienia. Pomoże ktoś?

Pomocy Z Bazą Danych Mysql

Mam taki problem, ponieważ zainstalowałem bazę danych mysql oraz zainstalowałem wszystkie pliki serwerowe na komputerze(Win7). Ale nie mogę połączyć serwera z tą bazą danych, czy mógłby ktoś mi pomóc przy tym problemie?
Proszę o szybką odpowiedz!


Czy można prosić jeszcze o mapkę na której są pojazdy? Te rzeczy co miały być podmienione i bez tej wody / piachu ? na Grove Street. To naprawdę przeszkadza :x


mam problem neony źle działają

Błąd przy odpaleniu, consola

Mam błąd, jak w poprzednim temacie. Taki zapis z consoli:

= Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.3.3

= Server name : [RP] Amazing Play
= Server IP address:

= Server port : 22052

= Log file : ..a/mtasa1087/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log
= Maximum players : 20
= HTTP port : 22053
= Voice Chat : Disabled

= Bandwidth saving : Medium

[2013-08-27 17:36:02] Resources: 182 loaded, 0 failed
[2013-08-27 17:36:02] Querying master server... failed! (302: Moved temporarily)
[2013-08-27 17:36:02] Querying backup master server... success!
[2013-08-27 17:36:02] Starting resources...
[2013-08-27 17:36:02] WARNING: admin/server/admin_server.lua(Line 333) [Server] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-08-27 17:36:02] WARNING: admin/client/gui/admin_spectator.lua(Line 19) [Client] setPedFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-08-27 17:36:02] Some files in 'admin' use deprecated functions.
[2013-08-27 17:36:02] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-08-27 17:36:03] WARNING: mapcycler/list_mode.lua(Line 205) [Server] canPlayerUseFunction no longer works. Please manually update this. Refer to the wiki for details
[2013-08-27 17:36:03] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
[2013-08-27 17:36:03] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C

[2013-08-27 17:36:03] Type 'help' for a list of commands.

= Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.3.3

= Server name : [RP] Amazing Play
= Server IP address:

= Server port : 22052

= Log file : ..a/mtasa1087/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log
= Maximum players : 20
= HTTP port : 22053
= Voice Chat : Disabled

= Bandwidth saving : Medium

[2013-08-27 22:13:58] ERROR: Couldn't find file ak47.txd for resource lss-ak47
[2013-08-27 22:13:58] Loading of resource 'lss-ak47' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:58] ERROR: Couldn't find file comet.txd for resource lss-club
[2013-08-27 22:13:58] Loading of resource 'lss-club' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:58] ERROR: Couldn't find file colt45.txd for resource lss-colt45
[2013-08-27 22:13:58] Loading of resource 'lss-colt45' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:58] ERROR: Couldn't find file dft30.txd for resource lss-dft
[2013-08-27 22:13:58] Loading of resource 'lss-dft' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file n/wheel_sr1.dff for resource lss-kola
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-kola' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file vcnmav.txd for resource lss-pp488
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-pp488' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file newsvan.txd for resource lss-pp582
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-pp582' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file wmomib.dff for resource lss-skin-51
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-51' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file bmymib.dff for resource lss-skin-52
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-52' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file wmoprea.dff for resource lss-skin-62
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-62' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file 64.dff for resource lss-skin-fd
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-fd' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file lekarka.dff for resource lss-skin-mc
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-mc' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file 32.dff for resource lss-skin-mechanicy
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-mechanicy' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file policjantka_biala.dff for resource lss-skin-pd
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-pd' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file 105.dff for resource lss-skiny-co
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skiny-co' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file 137.dff for resource lss-skiny-premium
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-skiny-premium' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file silenced.txd for resource lss-taser
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-taser' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file billbrdlawn.txd for resource lss-txd
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-txd' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file knifecur.txd for resource lss-weapon-noz
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-weapon-noz' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file lrp_cagoule.txd for resource lss-wear
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'lss-wear' failed
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] ERROR: Couldn't find file PoliceLight1.dff for resource samp_objects
[2013-08-27 22:13:59] Loading of resource 'samp_objects' failed
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] Resources: 266 loaded, 0 failed
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] Querying master server... failed! (302: Moved temporarily)
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] Querying backup master server... success!
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] Starting resources...
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] INFO: Admin added 32 missing rights
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource helpmanager. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource joinquit. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource defaultstats. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource mapcycler. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource mapmanager. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource parachute. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource scoreboard. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource spawnmanager. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource votemanager. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] ERROR: Couldn't find resource play. Check it exists.
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C
[2013-08-27 22:14:00] Type 'help' for a list of commands.

Co z tym zrobić? Jak naprawić? Mógłbym prosić Wielebnego o kontakt Skype? Mam jeszcze jedną sprawę, ale to na pw. Skype: eeemleko14.

MODULE: Unable to find modules/mta_mysql.dll!

Chodzi o to że jak wchodzę na serwer i próbuje się zalogować "Login: tester Hasło: tester " i klikam "Zaloguj" to nic się nie dzieje, zrobiłem wszystko co jest na instrukcji, ustawienia w DB i DB2 są na pewno prawidłowe, sprawdzałem to kilka razy. W phpmyadmin kliknąłem import i dołączyłem ten plik schema/xyzzyrp.sql. Więc nie wiem w czym problem.

Logi z consoli:

= Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.3.3

= Server name : XyzzyRP swieza instalacja
= Server IP address:

= Server port : 22003

= Log file : .. 1.3/server/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log
= Maximum players : 100
= HTTP port : 22003
= Voice Chat : Disabled

= Bandwidth saving : Medium

[2013-09-06 16:09:16] ERROR: Couldn't find file ak47.txd for resource lss-ak47
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] Loading of resource 'lss-ak47' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] ERROR: Couldn't find file comet.txd for resource lss-club
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] Loading of resource 'lss-club' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] ERROR: Couldn't find file colt45.txd for resource lss-colt45
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] Loading of resource 'lss-colt45' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] ERROR: Couldn't find file dft30.txd for resource lss-dft
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] Loading of resource 'lss-dft' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] ERROR: Couldn't find file n/wheel_sr1.dff for resource lss-kola
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] Loading of resource 'lss-kola' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] ERROR: Couldn't find file vcnmav.txd for resource lss-pp488
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] Loading of resource 'lss-pp488' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] ERROR: Couldn't find file newsvan.txd for resource lss-pp582
[2013-09-06 16:09:16] Loading of resource 'lss-pp582' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find script dxscoreboard_client.lua for resource lss-scoreboard
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-scoreboard' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file wmomib.dff for resource lss-skin-51
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-51' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file bmymib.dff for resource lss-skin-52
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-52' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file wmoprea.dff for resource lss-skin-62
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-62' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file 64.dff for resource lss-skin-fd
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-fd' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file lekarka.dff for resource lss-skin-mc
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-mc' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file 32.dff for resource lss-skin-mechanicy
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-mechanicy' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file policjantka_biala.dff for resource lss-skin-pd
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skin-pd' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file 105.dff for resource lss-skiny-co
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skiny-co' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file 137.dff for resource lss-skiny-premium
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-skiny-premium' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file silenced.txd for resource lss-taser
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-taser' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file billbrdlawn.txd for resource lss-txd
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-txd' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file knifecur.txd for resource lss-weapon-noz
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-weapon-noz' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file lrp_cagoule.txd for resource lss-wear
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'lss-wear' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find file PoliceLight1.dff for resource samp_objects
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Loading of resource 'samp_objects' failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Resources: 265 loaded, 0 failed
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Querying master server... failed! (302: Moved temporarily)
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Querying backup master server... success!
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] MODULE: Unable to find modules/mta_mysql.dll!
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] MODULE: Unable to find modules/!
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] Starting resources...
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find resource [XyzzyRP]. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find resource XyzzyRP. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find resource [xyzzyrp]. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find resource xyzzyrp. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find resource parachute. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: Couldn't find resource realdriveby. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:17] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:20: attempt to call global 'mysql_connect' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:38] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:16: dbConnect failed; Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-core <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least server 1.3.1-9.04935 because of 'setPedWalkingStyle')
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-core requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least server 1.3.1-9.04935 because of 'setPedWalkingStyle')
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-budynki\biznesy.lua:224: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-skiny-co. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-domy\interiory.lua:15: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:47: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:48: Bad argument @ 'dbPoll' [Expected db-query at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-domy\domy.lua:101: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-frakcje/taxi_c.lua(Line 40) [Client] getVehicleModel is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with getElementModel.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Some files in 'lss-frakcje' use deprecated functions.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-frakcje\frakcje.lua:469: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:61: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzWyniki' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-gui/ekwipunek_s.lua(Line 46) [Server] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Some files in 'lss-gui' use deprecated functions.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Server minclientversion is now 1.3.0-9.04710
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-clickandbuy. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-linaheli/lh_c.lua(Line 71) [Client] isPedInWater is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isElementInWater.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Some files in 'lss-linaheli' use deprecated functions.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-logging. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-naprawapojazdow <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least server 1.3.1-9.04935 because of 'setPedWalkingStyle')
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-naprawapojazdow requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least server 1.3.1-9.04935 because of 'setPedWalkingStyle')
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-misc <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03931 because of 'dxDrawMaterialLine3D')
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-misc requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03931 because of 'dxDrawMaterialLine3D')
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] WARNING: lss-ochrona/ochrona_c.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Some files in 'lss-ochrona' use deprecated functions.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-paliwo. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-payment. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-pociagi. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-kartoteka. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:39] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-pojemniki\pojemniki.lua:15: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: lss-vehicles/vehicles.lua(Line 347) [Server] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: lss-vehicles/vehicles_c.lua(Line 332) [Client] setVehicleFrozen is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with setElementFrozen.
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] Some files in 'lss-vehicles' use deprecated functions.
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-vehicles\vehicles.lua:170: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:37: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] SyncMapElementData is now disabled
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: lss-global_god <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of 'setObjectBreakable')
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: lss-global_god requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of 'setObjectBreakable')
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: lss-kafejka1 <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of 'setObjectBreakable')
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: lss-kafejka1 requires upgrade as <min_mta_version> section in the meta.xml is incorrect or missing (expected at least client 1.3.0-9.03783 because of 'setObjectBreakable')
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] INFO: obiektow: 345
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:61: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzWyniki' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] ERROR: [XyzzyRP][obiekty]\lss-prom\import_pojazdow.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: [XyzzyRP][obiekty]\lss-urzadmiasta\zasilki.lua:65: Bad argument @ 'setElementInterior' [Expected number at argument 2, got nil]
[2013-09-06 16:09:40] WARNING: [XyzzyRP][obiekty]\lss-urzadmiasta\zasilki.lua:66: Bad argument @ 'setElementDimension' [Expected number at argument 2, got nil]
[2013-09-06 16:09:41] WARNING: lss-warsztat1/warsztat_c.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-09-06 16:09:41] Some files in 'lss-warsztat1' use deprecated functions.
[2013-09-06 16:09:41] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:41] WARNING: lss-wysypisko_smieci/pedy.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8. Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2013-09-06 16:09:41] Some files in 'lss-wysypisko_smieci' use deprecated functions.
[2013-09-06 16:09:41] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: Couldn't find resource samp_objects. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: Couldn't find resource . Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: Couldn't find resource chatbubble. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:70: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:zapytanie' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:47: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzTabeleWynikow' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: [XyzzyRP][community]\drawtag\sync.lua:166: attempt to get length of local 'tagi' (a boolean value)
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: Couldn't find resource lss-scoreboard. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] WARNING: syncedfire/synced_fire_c.lua(Line 60) [Client] getVehicleRotation is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with getElementRotation.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] Some files in 'syncedfire' use deprecated functions.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] ERROR: Couldn't find resource fireworkz. Check it exists.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] Type 'help' for a list of commands.
[2013-09-06 16:09:44] INFO: zmiana pogody na 4
[2013-09-06 16:10:10] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-core\server_stats.lua:11 [XyzzyRP]\DB\sql.lua:70: attempt to call global 'mysql_query' (a nil value)
[2013-09-06 16:10:10] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:zapytanie' [string "?"]
[2013-09-06 16:10:29] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]\DB2\sql.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-09-06 16:10:29] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]\lss-domy\domy.lua:117: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)

Mój mtaserver.conf:

XyzzyRP swieza instalacja
<!-- wypelnij ponizsze pola danymi otrzymanymi od hostingu albo od swojego administratora-->


<module src="mta_mysql.dll" />
<module src="" />

<resource src="[XyzzyRP]" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="XyzzyRP" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="[xyzzyrp]" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="xyzzyrp" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="parachute" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="realdriveby" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="resourcebrowser" startup="1" protected="1" default="true" />
<resource src="resourcemanager" startup="1" protected="1" />
<resource src="webadmin" startup="1" protected="1" />

<resource src="DB" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="DB2" startup="1" protected="0" />

<resource src="runcode" startup="1" protected="0" />

<resource src="lss-core" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-3dtext" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-achievements" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-admin" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-autobusy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-bagazniki" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-bankomaty" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-billard" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-budkitelefoniczne" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-budynki" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-chodzenie" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-skiny-co" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-co" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-domy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="particle_objects" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-dzwieki" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-egzaminprawko" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-f3" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-fabryka" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-frakcje" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-gui" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-gui2" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-petsystem" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-infoboards" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-geodeta" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-clickandbuy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-cn" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-linaheli" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-logging" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-magazyny" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-mapa" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-naprawapojazdow" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-wplatomaty" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-misc" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-muzyka" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-namierzacz" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-notatki" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-ochrona" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-oferta" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-paintball" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-paliwo" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-payment" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-pociagi" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-plazabiegi" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-kartoteka" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-pojemniki" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-policja" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-pomoc" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-przeszukanie" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-rowery" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-silownia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-smieci" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sortowniasmieci" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-tartak" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-telepickups" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-tempomat" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-trade" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-turystyka" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-uprawy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-vehicles" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-vehicleshandling" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-vehiclesretrieval" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-weather" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-wedkarstwo" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-worlditems" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-wymianazamkow" startup="1" protected="0" />

<!-- [obiekty]/ -->
<resource src="gracz-bar_corona_bilard_pub" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-bar_purple-pub" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-biblioteka_u_greka" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-hot_food" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-klub_eden" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-knajpa_na_molo" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-komis_samochodowy-angelo" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-komis_samochodowy-smiling_central" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-lodziarnia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-odziezowy_the_exclusive_clothing" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-pig_pen" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-salon_samochodowy_port" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-silownia_1" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-silownia_2" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-silownia_3" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-silver-club" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-sklep_market_lubin" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-sklep_market_prima" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-sklep_na_rogu" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-sklep_super_sam" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-sklep_z_pamiatkami" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-spozywczy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-szkola_lotnicza" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="gracz-the_well_stacked_pizza" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-bank" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-burdel" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-cmentarz" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-cpn" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-cpne" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-firma_kurierska" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-global_god" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-grzyby" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-kasyno" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-kafejka1" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-kopalnia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-lspd" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-mahiruana" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-intromap" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-autobusint" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-mlyn" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-osrodek_szkoleniowy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-paynspray" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-plonacybudynek" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-poczta" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-podklady_muzyczne" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-pogotowie" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-prom" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-przechowalnia_aut" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sad" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-salon_samochodowy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-ui" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-scena" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sejf" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sklep247" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sklepkasyno" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sklepwielobranzowy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sklepwielobranzowy2" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sklepzelektronika" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-sluzby_specjalne" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-stacja_telewizyjna" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-stadion" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-straz" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-straz_pozarna" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-strzelnica" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-szpital" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-taxi" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-urzadmiasta" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-urzadwinda" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-warsztat1" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-warsztat2" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-warsztat3" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-warsztat4" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-warsztat5" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-wedzarnia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-wiezienie" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-wysypisko_smieci" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="pio-biura1" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="pio-biznes1" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="pio-dom1" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="pio-dom2" startup="1" protected="0" />

<resource src="wb-arena" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-bank" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-biuro_detektywistyczne" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-burdel" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-chiliad" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-cpn" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-dom_pogrzebowy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-domy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-dzwig" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-fabryka_aut" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-firma_kurierska" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-garaze" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-hala_boksu" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-hotel_burza" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-hotel_carrington" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-hotel_forrester" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-hotel_martwa-cisza" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-hurtownia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-kasyno" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-klub2" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-kluby" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-knajpa_diabelski_mlyn" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-knajpa_isaura" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-knajpa_paszcza_wieloryba" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-kolonia_karna" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-komis_nemo" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-komis_sunsetbeach" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-komis_titanic" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-kopalnia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-kosciol" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-ksw" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-kwiaciarnia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-ladowarki" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-nieczynna_masarnia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-obiekty_graczy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-obskorne_uliczki" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-ochrona" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-odziezowy_anastacia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-odziezowy_mustang-jeans" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-osrodek_szkolenia_kierowcow1" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-osrodek_szkolenia_kierowcow2" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-osrodek_szkoleniowy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-parking_centrum" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-plac_manewrowy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-poczta" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-policja" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-port2" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-przechowalnia_aut" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-przychodnia_lekarska" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-restauracja_przy_skarpie" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-rozbudowane" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-sad" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-salon_tatuazu" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-scena" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-silownia" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-sklep_muzyczny" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-sluzby_specjalne" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-stacja_telewizyjna" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-stadion" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-statek_w_porcie" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-straz_pozarna" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-szpital" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-tartak" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-taxi" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-telebimy" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-turystyka" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-urzad_miasta" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-warsztat1" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-warsztat2" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-warsztat3" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-warsztat4" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-warsztat5" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-wielki_parking" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-wiezienie" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-wyspa" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="wb-wysypisko_smieci" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="zasieg_obiektow" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="samp_objects" startup="1" protected="0" />

<!-- [community]/ -->
<resource src="" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="bone_attach" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="chatbubble" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="drawtag_bc" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="lss-scoreboard" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="shader_cp" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="shader_bloom" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="shader_water" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="shader_detail" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="shader_hdr" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="shader_noc+" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="shader_bw" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="syncedfire" startup="1" protected="0" />
<resource src="fireworkz" startup="1" protected="0" />

<!--    [podmianki]/ -->
<resource src="lss-billboardy" startup="1" protected="0" />


Nie działa login i hasło ACLu

Tuż po zalogowaniu się na serwerze z konta:
tester tester
wchodzę w konsolę i wpisuje
login root tester
i niestety wyskakuje mi informacja, że podaje złe hasło. Co jest nie tak ?

Nie łączy się z bazą danych

[2013-08-18 21:59:43] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:esc' [string "?"]
[2013-08-18 21:59:43] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-core/server_stats.lua:17 [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:43: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_escape_string' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:59:30] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:zapytanie' [string "?"]
[2013-08-18 21:59:30] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-core/server_stats.lua:11 [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:70: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_query' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:59:23] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_ping' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:59:23] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/DB2/sql.lua:37: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-18 21:59:22] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:pobierzWyniki' [string "?"]
[2013-08-18 21:59:22] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/[obiekty]/lss-poczta/punkt_dystrybucji.lua:37 [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:61: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_query' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:59:22] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-domy/domy.lua:117: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:59:22] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/DB2/sql.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-18 21:58:59] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:zapytanie' [string "?"]
[2013-08-18 21:58:59] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-core/server_stats.lua:11 [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:70: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_query' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:58:53] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_ping' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:58:50] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-core/server_stats.lua:27: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-18 21:58:50] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:esc' [string "?"]
[2013-08-18 21:58:50] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-core/server_stats.lua:17 [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:43: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_escape_string' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:58:38] ERROR: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:19: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)
[2013-08-18 21:58:38] WARNING: [admin]/admin/server/admin_servermaps.lua:18: Bad argument @ 'call'
[2013-08-18 21:58:32] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-domy/domy.lua:117: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:58:32] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/DB2/sql.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]
[2013-08-18 21:58:28] ERROR: call: failed to call 'DB:zapytanie' [string "?"]
[2013-08-18 21:58:28] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/lss-core/server_stats.lua:11 [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:70: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_query' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:58:23] ERROR: [XyzzyRP]/DB/sql.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'mysql_ping' (mysqlHandler expected, got nil)
[2013-08-18 21:58:23] WARNING: [XyzzyRP]/DB2/sql.lua:37: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got boolean]

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