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algoxy's Issues

typo error

中文版,Chapter 7,第156页。
"除根节点外,将节点个树乘以t − 1"应该是
"除根节点外,将节点个数乘以t − 1"。


在 1.5.3 前驱(Successor)和后继(predecessor)

给定元素x,它的后继元素y是满足y > x的最小值。有两种情况:如果x所 在的节点有一个非空的右子树,则右子树中的最小值就是答案。如图1.5所示, 8的后继元素为9,它是元素8的右子树中的最小值。另外一种情况是,如果x没 有非空的右子树,我们需要向上回溯,找到最近的一个祖先,使得该祖先的左 侧孩子,也为x的祖先。如图1.5所示,元素2所在的节点没有右侧分支,我们向 上回溯一步找到元素1,但是1没有左侧分支,因此需要继续向上查找,这次我 们到达了元素3所在的节点。而3的左侧孩子,同样也是2的祖先。至此,我们找 到了2的后继元素3。


Support LuaLaTex


On 4/25/2023, we experienced a build break for the PDF book for 3 days. The root cause was because the delayed answers to the exercise exceeded the memory limitation (5M) of XeLaTex in Linux platform. I turned on the option to delay populating answers at the end of the book, LaTex had to cache the answers in memory unless meet a shipoutAnswer command. As I added more answers, the cached content finally could not be held in memory any more (with total 14 chapters, a preface, and 2 appendices). As the mitigation, I temporarily distributed the answers as the last section of each chapter (force shipoutAnswer in every chapter). This prevented memory bloating, but the reading experience is supplement to have all answers together after the main content. I am working on a long-term solution to this issue.


  • On 4/25: A new answer about DFS Maze solution with stack caused delayed answer exceeded XeLaTex limit, causing build break in github workflow.
  • After hours, I received build break notification. From the build log, it was out of memory. I randomly reduced some label/refs, and questions in exercise/answers. But it didn't work;
  • On 4/26: I though the out of memory issue might be caused by big tikz/pgf figures. Followed recommendation, I tried externalize tikz/pgf figures. It reduced some memory, but still exceeded finally.
    In prelude.stl:

In Makefile:

TEX_FLAGS = -shell-escape
%.pdf: %.tex; latexmk -cd -xelatex $(TEX_FLAGS) $<
  • I tried to switch from XeLaTex to LuaLaTex as it can dynamically allocate memories. However, I realized it need more change as the xeCJK pkg can't work with LuaLaTex. I need a quick mitigation.
  • On 4/27, I established a cloud desktop in Linux, with the latext TeXLive, split out fix-linux-bb branch, tried to reproduce the issue.
  • I found the eps files can't be recognized well in the TeXLive version. I replaced most eps figures with PNG (exported from drawio) in chapter 14, and found that the last chapter could be build standalone successfully. The build break only happened to the entire book build.
  • I applied 'binary search' to comment out newly added answers, but didn't find any infinite populated content.
  • Finally, I came to the question: 'How does the delayed answer work?' After check the exercise pkg doc, I found this:

More precisely, the answers are stored in a vertical box. When \shipoutAnswer is encountered, this box is emptied and its contents is placed in the main vertical list.

  • At this point, I realized as I added more exercise/answers it will eventually exceed memory in the future with this settings.
  • I forced a shipoutAnswer in chapter 13, build pass.
  • I temporarily distributed answers to each section.

Future Solution

Given it's my plan to add more and more exercise/answers. Current 'delayed answer' approach is not scale with any fixed memory settings. If we want to achieve the good reader experience of continued main content, the long-term solution is to switch to LuaLaTex. However, this need careful changes, because:

  1. CTex depends on xeCJK, but the community decided not to port CJK to LuaLaTex, but adopted luatexja, see this.
  2. I have different default font settings for CN/EN on each OS (e.g., STSong in Mac OS X, Noto CJK for Linux, and SimSun for Windows). They depend on setCJKXxxFont.

I am going to take stepped approach to iteratively make this change:

  1. Create a LuaTex branch to separate this migration from XeTeX to LuaTeX (will clean up some legacy branches);
  2. Create a MacOSX branch to go on adding answers to chapter 14, As the memory quota in Mac is still enough. With this branch, I can complete the book as soon as possible;
  3. Later merge the master branch (algoxy) with the above two.

Besides, I'll also explore better solution to secure figure quality (may be SVG is better than PNG) with reasonable size overhead.



中文版,Chapter 8,第196页。
“如果k是一个最小堆的顶部元素,所有左右子树中的元素都小于k。“ 应该是

chapter 4 delta

根据4.1中平衡因子的定义,为|L| - |R|
但在4.11中平衡因子的定义为equals to the difference from the right sub tree and left sub tree, 且后面的解释都以此为准


Version: 0.6180339887498949


图4.7给出了两棵红黑树。它 们分别由序列 11, 2, 14, 1, 7, 5, 8, 4 和 1, 2, ..., 8 构建而成。


我用这个序列:“15, 14, 11, 2, 1, 7, 5, 4, 8” 构造出了4.7左图
Screen Shot 2021-06-22 at 16 16 58

AVL tree deletion algorithm

There are 2 main issues with the AVL tree in the first edition:

  • There are no AVL tree deletion algorithms. The deletion algorithms are left as Exercise to the reader, which caused negative Reader experience[1];
  • The formal proof to the AVL tree insertion pattern matching algorithm isn't necessarily to be explained in the main chapter. It caused to the poor Reader experience.

Here are the action items to address this issue:

  • Add a new appendix about AVL tree, move the proof part to the appendix;
  • Add deletion algorithms in both functional and imperative approaches to the appendix.

[1]. comment by descent in

Some compile error on

dot -Gsize="8,10.5" -Tps -o
Warning: flat edge between adjacent nodes one of which has a record shape - replace records with HTML-like labels
Edge x1 -> x2
Error: lost x1 x2 edge
Error: lost x2 x3 edge
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
make[1]: *** [image] Error 2

前言练习题 typo







请问是否能改进一下排版。这本书是以电子书形式发布的,但是排版却是印刷书的格式。譬如:1. 页边距过大,如果设为1inch左右比较好。 2. 页面是two-sided格式(奇数页往左倾,偶数页右倾),非印刷书籍这个似乎不需要。我觉得类似 这样的格式似乎更易阅读。



  \State $x \gets 0$
  \State $i \gets 0$
      \State $i \gets i + 1$
      \If{$i = n$}
        \State \Return $x$
    \State $x \gets x + 1$


def insert(t, key, value = None):
    if t is None:
        t = Patricia()
    node = t
    while True:
        match = False
        for k, tr in node.children.items():
            if key == k:         
                node.value = value     # 这个地方有问题吧?感觉应该是node.children[key].value = value,覆盖对应key的节点的value值,而不是本节点的value值?
                return t
            (prefix, k1, k2) = lcp(key, k)
            if prefix != "":
                match = True
                if k2 == "":
                    node = tr
                    key = k1
                    node.children[prefix] = branch(k1, Patricia(value), k2, tr)
                    del node.children[k]
                    return t
        if not match:
            node.children[key] = Patricia(value)
            return t

    return t

typo error

What if you split the the list more than two and use more tasks?
It appears in chapter 3, first exercise, Red black trees. is slow

I think you need to use the right data structure for DFS.

If you change queue to deque, and visit to set you can speed it up by near 40x:

Here is the code:

from collections import deque

START = [[(1, 1), (2, 1)],
         [(1, 4), (2, 4)],
         [(3, 1), (4, 1)],
         [(3, 2), (3, 3)],
         [(3, 4), (4, 4)],
         [(5, 1)], [(4, 2)], [(4, 3)], [(5, 4)],
         [(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 3)]]

class Node:
    def __init__(self, l, p = None):
        self.layout = l
        self.parent = p

def solve(start):
    global visit
    visit = set([normalize(start)])
    queue = deque([Node(start)])
    while queue:
        cur = queue.popleft()
        layout = cur.layout
        if layout[-1] == [(4, 2), (4, 3), (5, 2), (5, 3)]:
            return cur
            for brd in expand(layout, visit):
                queue.append(Node(brd, cur))
    return None # no solution

def expand(layout, visit):
    def bound(y, x):
        return 1 <= y and y <= 5 and 1 <= x and x <= 4
    def valid(m, i, y, x):
        return m[y - 1][x - 1] in [0, i]
    def unique(brd):
        mn = (normalize(brd), normalize(mirror(brd)))
        return not visit.intersection(mn)
    s = []
    d = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]
    m = matrix(layout)
    for i in range(1, 11):
        for (dy, dx) in d:
            if all(bound(y + dy, x + dx) and valid(m, i, y + dy, x + dx)
                    for (y, x) in layout[i - 1]):
                brd = move(layout, (i, (dy, dx)))
                if unique(brd):
    return s

def dup(layout):
    return [r[:] for r in layout]

def matrix(layout):
    m = [[0]*4 for _ in range(5)]
    for (i, ps) in zip(range(1, 11), layout):
        for (y, x) in ps:
            m[y - 1][x - 1] = i
    return m

def move(layout, delta):
    (i, (dy, dx)) = delta
    m = dup(layout)
    m[i - 1] = [(y + dy, x + dx) for (y, x) in m[i - 1]]
    return m

def mirror(layout):
    return [[(y, 5 - x) for (y, x) in r] for r in layout]

def normalize(layout):
    return tuple(sorted(tuple([tuple(sorted(r)) for r in layout])))

# pretty print
def output(node):
    seq = []
    while node is not None:
        seq = [node.layout] + seq
        node = node.parent
    for layout in seq:
        for r in matrix(layout):
            print ["%X" % x for x in r]
        print "\n",
    print "total", len(seq) - 1, "steps"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Haskell 里面命名不统一

-- Insert an element into a tree
insert::(Ord a) => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
insert Empty k = Node Empty k Empty
insert (Node l x r) k | k < x = Node (insert l k) x r
                      | otherwise = Node l x (insert r k)

delete::(Ord a)=> Tree a -> a -> Tree a
delete Empty _ = Empty
delete (Node l k r) x | x < k = (Node (delete l x) k r)
                      | x > k = (Node l k (delete r x))
                      -- x == k
                      | isEmpty l = r
                      | isEmpty r = l
                      | otherwise = (Node l k' (delete r k')) where k' = min r

-- in-order tree traverse
mapT::(a->b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapT _ Empty = Empty
mapT f (Node l x r)= Node (mapT f l) (f x) (mapT f r)

-- Traverse a part of tree inside a range [a, b]
mapR :: (Ord a)=>(a->b) -> a -> a -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapR f a b t = map' t where
    map' Empty = Empty
    map' (Node l k r) | k < a = map' r
                      | a <= k && k <= b = Node (map' l) (f k) (map' r)
                      | k > b = map' l

这里节点值和参数 k 和 x 没有统一,时不时互换含义使用。除此之外还有好几个函数也是这样颠倒了。


第六章后缀树 6.4.4 查找最长回文提到了一种算法

如果字符串S的某个子串w是一个回文,则w一定也是reverse(S)的子串。例 如“issi”是“mississippi”的子串,同时它也是反转的字符串“ippississim”的子串。

palindromem(S) = LCS(suffixTree(S ∪ reverse(S)))

这个方法实际上是有bug的,比如有一个字符串S =ABXYBA,reverse(S) = ABYXBA,他们的最长公共子串是AB或者BA,但这明显不是一个回文,当一个字符串包含它的某个子字符串的reverse的时候,用这个方法会有问题。这种情况的修复办法是检查子串区间,S和reverse(S)的ABBA子串区间都是[0:2]和[4:6],此时这并不是一个回文子串。

看另一种状况,比如 S = ABAD, reverse(S) = DABA, 他们的公共子串ABA的下标区间在S和reverse(S)中就是不同的,所以这个是一个回文子串.

typo in 4.1定义






\item 所有叶节点(NIL)为黑色。



如果树为空,我们为 k 创建一个红色叶子节点;










make -C img
make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/temp_downloads/AlgoXY/img'
convert fibonacci-spiral.png fibonacci-spiral.eps
convert-im6.q16: iCCP: profile 'ICC profile': 'RGB ': RGB color space not permitted on grayscale PNG `fibonacci-spiral.png' @ warning/png.c/MagickPNGWarningHandler/1667.
convert-im6.q16: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `EPS' @ error/constitute.c/IsCoderAuthorized/408.
make[1]: *** [Makefile:25: fibonacci-spiral.eps] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/temp_downloads/AlgoXY/img'
make: *** [Makefile:51: image] Error 2


typo in 1.2.5节


\item 如果$Y$中仅含有一个元素$[x_n]$,则倒数第$i$个元素就是表头$x_n$;



其中数函$slide(X, Y)$同时丢弃两个列表的头部:


additional languages

I was wondering if you'd be open for PR's containing source code for additional languages. I'd love to contribute solutions written in JS. Thanks!

Incorrect if statement condition in Insertion Sort Improvement 2

Hi @liuxinyu95 ,
Thanks for this open-source algorithm book. I am reading it and find an incorrect if statement condition in Insertion Sort Improvement 2.

\Function{Insert}{$L, x$}
  \State $p \gets$ NIL
  \State $H \gets L$
  \While{$L \neq$ NIL $\land $ \Call{Key}{$L$} $<$ \Call{Key}{$x$}}
    \State $p \gets L$
    \State $L \gets $ \Call{Next}{$L$}
  \State \Call{Next}{$x$} $\gets L$
  \If{$p \neq$ NIL}                           // It should be \If{$p \eq$ NIL}, right?
    \State $H \gets x$
    \State \Call{Next}{$p$} $\gets x$
  \State \Return $H$

Best Regards,


“0.2.3 队列”节:





\text{...} & & \

fixB^2\ \mathcal{C}\ a_{\mathcal{B}^2}\ x\ (\mathcal{B}, b, y, c) & = & shiftB\ (\mathcal{C}, (shiftB\ a), x, (\mathcal{R}, b, y, c)) \

fixB^2\ \mathcal{C}\ (\mathcal{B}, a, x, b)\ y\ c_{\mathcal{B}^2} & = & fixB^2\ \mathcal{B}\ a\ x\ (fixB^2\ \mathcal{R}\ b\ y\ c) \

fixB^2\ \mathcal{C}\ l\ k\ r\ & = & (\mathcal{C}, l, k, r) \


\text{...} & & \\

fixB^2\ \mathcal{C}\ a_{\mathcal{B}^2}\ x\ (\mathcal{B}, b, y, c) & = & fixB^2\ shiftB\ (\mathcal{C}, (shiftB\ a), x, (\mathcal{R}, b, y, c)) \\

fixB^2\ \mathcal{C}\ (\mathcal{B}, a, x, b)\ y\ c_{\mathcal{B}^2} & = & fixB^2\ shiftB\ (\mathcal{C}, (\mathcal{R}, a, x, b), y, (shiftB\ c)) \\

fixB^2\ \mathcal{C}\ l\ k\ r\ & = & (\mathcal{C}, l, k, r) \\

第一行公式,因为$shiftB$可能生成双重黑色节点(除非知道原节点为红或双重黑,如式中右侧的$shiftB\ a$),所以外面应该套上$fixB^2$来消除这种双重黑色节点。


Found some errata in published Chinese book

Just read your book, it's awesome,, first Chinese book to introduce traditional data structures and algorithms with lots of functional languages code snippets.

I found some errata:



I found a typo in Appendix, page 505. This line , in the published Chinese book, is not indent properly, which may results some confusions to the readers.

Maybe it should be recorded in a errata.


code listing error

In page 548


The code should be a plain code environment (aha, I know that it is a lstlisting environment in LaTeX), so it should not contains a \lambda character, and the \rightarrow should be plain -> as in Haskell code.

I've also checked the LaTeX source code here and here and found these two line are correct. So I think this should be put into some errata list.

section title error

Page 549, the subsubsection title is not right, it should not start with a "4". It seems that this error has been fixed in .




使用二分查找后,比较次数提高到了$O(n \lg n)$,但移动次数还是$O(n^2)$。


time complexity for the naive in-place sort

in CHAPTER 12.9.1
formula 12.34 提到 "... , gets the result O(n lg n)."

我整理T(n) 的遞迴式之後得到:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Θ( n log n )
這樣根據master theorem會得到:
T(n) = Θ( n
(log n)^2 )



rotate_l\ ((a, x, b), y, c) & = & (a, x, (b, y, c)) \


从直观上,我是理解为(a, x, b)是一棵x为父节点,a、b分别为左右子节点的子树。这样,((a, x, b), y, c)对应于图4.3“树的左右旋转”中的右侧,即在图中以y为根。而上式等号右侧对应的是图4.3的左侧,以x为根的子树。


还是我对(a, x, b)的理解有误?

typo in 红黑树



似应为 “能否使用二叉搜索树……”,或“是否能用二叉搜索树……”


enter image description here

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