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conlab-server-issues's Issues

Tserkovnoe corpus

Project name: Tserkovnoe corpus
Project description: Corpus of Russian dialect
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken_corpus
Path to the project/interface: /home/pmashkovtseva/Tserkovnoe
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Hostname for a corpus

Project name: Vaduga dialect corpus
Project description: Corpus of a Russian dialect
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: /home/aazanova/Vaduga
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Dargwa Dictionary Project

Project name: Dargwa Dictionary Project
Project description: Сравнительная база даргинских языков и диалектов для лингвистов и носителей языка
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): dictionary, dialects, dargwa, mysql
Path to the project/interface: /home/esokur/dargwa_project/
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it): mysql

Keba corpus

Project name: Keba corpus
Project description: Corpus of Russian dialect
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken_corpus
Path to the project/interface: /home/pmashkovtseva/Keba
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Latgalian corpus

Project name: Latgalian corpus
Project description: a pilot spoco corpus of Latgalian for Nicole Nau
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoco, corpus
Path to the project/interface: /home/apanova/Latgalian/corpus_spoco/
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Hostname for a new corpus

Project name: Корпус говоров низовья рек Лух и Теза
Project description:
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: /home/aazanova/Folklor
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Hostname for Luzhnikovo corpus

Project name: Luzhnikovo corpus
Project description: Сначала нужно удалить существующую ссылку (она ведёт не туда)
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: /home/aazanova/Luzhnikovo
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Middle Pyoza Corpus

Project name: Middle Pyoza Corpus
Project description: Corpus of Russian dialect
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken_corpus
Path to the project/interface: /home/pmashkovtseva/Pyoza
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Middle Northern Dvina Corpus

Project name: Middle Northern Dvina Corpus
Project description: Corpus of Russian dialect
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken_corpus
Path to the project/interface: /home/pmashkovtseva/Dvina
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Spoken Adyghe corpus

Project name: Устный корпус адыгейского языка (темиргоевский диалект)

Project description: устный корпус адыгейского языка, который включает тексты, записанные в аулах Кабехабль, Пшичо и Хатажукай (Республика Адыгея) участниками лингвистических экспедиций РГГУ в 2006 и 2010 годах. Тексты представляют темиргоевский (чемгуйский) диалект адыгейского языка.

Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken corpus, languages of Russia, Adyghe

Path to the project/interface: /esokur/Spoken_Adyghe/search/web_app/templates/index.html

Desired hostname:

Yupik Texts

Project name: Yupik Texts
Project description: a collection of texts in Yupik
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: /home/apanova/Yupik
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Spoken Corpus of Kadar Dargwa

Project name: Spoken Corpus of Kadar Dargwa
Project description:
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken_corpus, tsakorpus, dargwa, dialect
Path to the project/interface: /home/esokur/tsakorpus_kadar_dargwa
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):
Comment: проект будет доступен по ссылке

server access

Не могу подключиться к серверу (asorokina) – возникает ошибка Permission denied (publickey).

ssh access

После недавних проблем с сервером слетел доступ по ssh.

Можно добавить ключ:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKIdXz8RMXY95/2ShUKxEpUrPPdrrLnCZpsFPU6s9Yu0 kate@KatePC

в authorized_keys для пользователя ebirukova?

Yakut corpus

Project name: Якутско-русский корпус переключения кода
Project description: Устный корпус, который содержит тексты от носителей якутского с переключением кода на русский.
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken corpus, code switching, languages of Russia
Path to the project/interface: ?
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it): elasticsearch-5.5.0, python3: flask, lxml, html, itertools, json, gzip, time, json2cg, xlsxwriter

spoken Mari corpus

Project name: Meadow Mari Spoken Corpus
Project description: The spoken corpus of Meadow Mari
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken_corpus, meadow_mari, tsakorpus
Path to the project/interface: /home/esokur/tsakorpus_meadow-mari_spoken/search/tsakorpus.wsgi
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Change project paths

В связи с переходом на новую версию Elasticsearch, надо привязать к сайтам новые репозитории.
Old: /home/esokur/Abaza_corpus
New: /home/esokur/Abaza_corpus_tsakorpus2
Old: /home/esokur/conlab_bashkir
New: /home/esokur/Bashkir_corpus_tsakorpus2
Old: /home/esokur/Khakas_corpus
New: /home/esokur/Khakas_corpus_tsakorpus2
Old: /home/esokur/Spoken_Adyghe
New: /home/esokur/Spoken_Adyghe_tsakorpus2
Old: /home/esokur/Spoken_Besleney
New: /home/esokur/Spoken_Besleney_tsakorpus2
Old: /home/esokur/Yakut_cs_corpus
New: /home/esokur/Yakut_cs_corpus_tsakorpus2

server access

Не могу подключиться к серверу -- пишет, что ключ не подходит (timarkh). Недавно такая же проблема была у Тимофея Мухина. Похоже на дискриминацию Тимофеев. :)


Project name: DagLoans
Project description: The DagLoans database
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: DagLoansHSEServer
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

This is an update to the published version with the following changes: changed "Cite this project" reference, fixed double "Code" column, added published papers.

аккаунт timarkh

Я таки тоже хотел бы аккаунт, чтобы временно вывесить свои корпуса, пока основной сервер опять лежит. Если можно, то sudo; если нет, то хотя бы права записи в /var/www, /etc/apache2/sites-available, запуск a2ensite и перезагрузку apache.

Your first and last name: Timofey Arkhangelskiy
Your email: [email protected]
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

server access

Не могу получить доступ к серверу (tmukhin) со старым ключом, пишет Permission denied (publickey).

apertium-all-dev, hfst and lexd

List your packages, their versions (otherwise latest will be installed) and any other useful information for the installer:

wget -O - | sudo bash
sudo apt-get -f install apertium-all-dev
sudo apt-get install hfst lexd 

Standard Dargwa Corpus publication

Project name: Standard Dargwa Corpus
Project description:
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): text_corpus
Path to the project/interface: /home/esokur/tsakorpus_standard_dargwa/
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):


Let's get someone to translate it to English.

Indonesian Corpus publication

Project name: Indonesian Corpus
Project description: Project of Indonesian Workshop-2022 (supervisors: Y. Lander, P. Nasledskova)
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: ~/zbudilova/indonesian_corpus
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

issue templates

@leramorozova, Лера, я создал issue templates, так что теперь, если пойти в issues, там есть список возможных заявок, в которых уже определена структура, назначен тег и исполнитель (в будущем, надо будет просто пойти по этим тэмплэйтам и заменить на актуальное лицо). Вместе с этим я удалил большую часть Вашего текста. Посмотрите, не удалил ли я чего важного, и пишите пожалуйста все по-английски.

Еще я сделал этот репозиторий приватным, наверное, совсем внешним людям совсем не нужно это видеть.

Don Corpus

Project name: Don Corpus
Project description: Corpus of Russian dialect
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken_corpus
Path to the project/interface: /home/pmashkovtseva/Don
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

Rogovatka corpus hostname

Project name: Rogovatka corpus
Project description: Нужен хостнейм для корпуса Роговатки на новом сервере
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: /home/aazanova/Rogovatka
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

The Corpus of Russian spoken by Roma

Project name: The Corpus of Russian spoken by Roma
Project description:
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: /home/evoloshina/Romani
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

server unavailable

Сегодня начиная где-то с 12:00 мск сервер то не отвечает совсем, то отвечает с оочень большой задержкой.

Spoken Corpus of Muira Dargwa

Project name: Spoken Corpus of Muira Dargwa
Project description:
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken_corpus, tsakorpus, dargwa, dialect
Path to the project/interface: /home/esokur/tsakorpus_muira_dargwa
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):
Comment: проект будет доступен по ссылке


Project name: DagLoans
Project description: The DagLoans database contains results of elicitation of a list of 160 lexical meanings across languages of Daghestan. Data collection was aimed at assessing the amount of lexical transfer between these languages. The database includes the data on 23 languages (15 collected in the field, 7 provided by experts, 19 based on dictionaries). The data have been collected in 38 villages across Daghestan and 5 villages in the Qax district of Azerbaijan.
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): DagLoans, lexical convergence
Path to the project/interface: ichechuro/DagLoansHSEServer
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

publish Spoken Besleney

Project name: Устный корпус бесленеевского диалекта кабардино-черкесского языка

Project description: Устный бесленеевский корпус включает разножанровые тексты на бесленеевском диалекте кабардино-черкесского языка, записанные в ауле Уляп Республики Адыгея. Бесленеевский диалект - западный периферийный диалект кабардино-черкесского языка, обнаруживающий множество отличий от литературного варианта. Уляпский говор бесленеевского диалекта также активно взаимодействует с близкородственным адыгейским языком.

Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): spoken corpus, languages of Russia, Besleney

Path to the project/interface: /esokur/Spoken_Besleney/search/web_app/templates/index.html

Desired hostname:

Corpus of Russian spoken in Manturovsky district, Kostroma oblast

Project name: Corpus of Russian spoken in Manturovsky district, Kostroma oblast
Project description: Corpus of Russian dialect
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: /home/evoloshina/Kostroma
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):


Project name: Typological Atlas of the languages of Daghestan

Project description: Languages of Daghestan have a long descriptive tradition. Available grammars contain a wealth of data which, however, have not been analyzed from an areal point of view. The goal of this project is to develop a tool for the visualization of information about linguistic structures characteristic of Daghestan. The atlas is based almost exclusively on data from published grammars, and can therefore be used for bibliographical research and as a source of references on parameters of interest. A key task of the project is the creation of maps and visualizations that allow us to combine metadata and genealogical parameters with information on a particular feature. This task presupposes the inventory and evaluation of available sources on grammatical information. Data from the Atlas can be used to formulate hypotheses about the area and scenarios for the distribution of certain phenomena. The Atlas will also allow a wider audience to become familiar with the linguistic diversity of Daghestan.

Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): typological atlas, languages of Daghestan

Path to the project/interface: /tmukhin/dagatlas/index.html

Desired hostname:

Parallel bible corpus

Project name: Bible parallel corpus
Project description: We would like to have a server where we can develop this project. We are using postgres wth flask wrappen in docker
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects): corpus, bible, parallel corpus
Path to the project/interface:
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

The corpus of Shetnevo and Makeevo

Project name: The corpus of Shetnevo and Makeevo
Project description: the corpus of the dialect of Shetnevo and Makeevo
Tags (they are important for the later work on all projects):
Path to the project/interface: home/evoloshina/Makeevo
Desired hostname:
Software (leave blank, if you don't need it):

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