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lich's Introduction



Lich is a library collection that enhances the development of Android apps.

All the libraries are available on Maven Central.


  • component - Lightweight framework for managing singleton components on Android apps.
  • viewmodel - Lightweight framework for managing ViewModels in the same way as "Lich Component".
  • savedstate - A library that provides type-safe access to saved instance state.
  • lifecycle - A small library for Android Jetpack Lifecycle.
  • okhttp - Coroutine-aware extensions for OkHttp.
  • thrift - A library for using Apache Thrift in combination with OkHttp.

Sample App

  • sample-app - A sample multi-module application using Lich libraries.



Copyright 2019 LINE Corporation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

See LICENSE for more detail.

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lich's Issues

[Bug] Enable DexGuard will causing exception `Service implementation is not found`

Enabling DexGuard which causing exceptions on the lich component. Please see stack traces below.

Stack Traces

04-22 08:50:50.240 25666 25666 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by:  com.linecorp.lich.component.FactoryDelegationException: Service implementation is not found.
04-22 08:50:50.240 25666 25666 E AndroidRuntime: 	at com.linecorp.lich.component.ComponentFactory.loadServiceLoaderComponent(Unknown Source:40)
04-22 08:50:50.240 25666 25666 E AndroidRuntime: 	at o.uhc$a.b(Unknown Source:20)
04-22 08:50:50.240 25666 25666 E AndroidRuntime: 	at o.uhc$a.createComponent(Unknown Source:10)

To fix the issue we need to add these rules which can be used for Proguard or Dexguard

-keep public class <class>.DefaultComponentProvider { *; }
-keep interface <class>.ComponentProvider { *; }
-keep public class * implements <class>.ServiceLoaderComponent { *; }
-if public class **.*$Companion extends <class>.ComponentFactory
-keep class <1>.<2> { *; }

Lint check for type mismatch of ComponentFactory/ViewModelFactory

  • If type Foo's companion object extends ComponentFactory or ViewModelFactory, its type parameter must be Foo.

I'd like to have a lint checker for the above rule.
That is, the lint checker reports mismatches like this:

class Foo {
    // snip...
    companion object : ComponentFactory<Bar>() { // <- WRONG!!
        override fun createComponent(context: Context): Bar = TODO()

[Improvement] DefaultComponentProvider could be use AutoService instead of using META-INF

In the current implementation, the DefaultComponentProvider is not utilizing AutoService to register the ServiceLocator. Adding manual registration always error-prone if we have multiple ServiceLocator components. In order to automate the process, we can install AutoService to DefaultComponentProvider

Potential changes from

internal class DefaultComponentProvider : ComponentProvider 


internal class DefaultComponentProvider : ComponentProvider {

[New Feature][Component] Support lifecycle-aware component

Hello, I have an idea for lich/component. The following is the proposal for the idea.


This proposal is to suggest to add some new API for lich component. The new APIs will release the component object when given lifecycle takes ON_DESTROY event, and then it will not be used anymore.



In now, the component created by lich is considered as singleton because ComponentFactory<T> is defined by object keyword. Also this implementation is guided in But this will imply some problems.

  • Even if the component is not used anymore, it will not be collected by the GC. This will hold a lot of memory to hold the components. For example, components for log-in Activity, will not be created again if user logged in.
  • context.getComponent has some confused definition. This function call looks that the created component will receive the given context instance. But the component will receive the applicationContext.

Thanksfully, there is a concept of Lifecycle and ViewModelStore.clear() in Android framework. I hope that the lifetime of the component is the same as the lifecycle of context.

Sketched change area

I don't have the concrete implementation for this proposal. So this section is just a sketch to implement this proposal. After this proposal is approved, the concrete implementation should be followed.

The steps to implement this proposal is followings.

  1. Change the interface of ComponentProvider
  2. Implement new observers for each lifecycles
  3. Implement DefaultComponentProvider.getComponent to observe lifecycle.
  4. Add some new APIs to support new features.

Change of interface

To get the two types of owners, the ComponentProvider is needed to be changed.

interface ComponentProvider {
    fun <T : Any> getComponent(context: Context, factory: ComponentFactory<T>, owner: Any?) : T

New ViewModel or LifecycleObserver for releasing component

New classes for releasing the component are needed.

  • LifecycleObserver for releasing with the lifecycle
  • ViewModel for releasing with the viewmodel lifecycle
// A [ViewModel] for releasing components
// The components will be released with the [ViewModelStore.clear] call.
internal class ResetComponentViewModel(
    private val factory: ComponentFactory<*>
): ViewModel() {
    override fun onCleared() {
        ComponentFactory.Accessor.setComponent(factory, null)

    internal class Factory(
        private val factory: ComponentFactory<*>
    ): ViewModelProvider.Factory {
        override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
            return ResetComponentViewModel(factory) as T

// A [LifecycleObserver] for releasing components
// The components will be released with [ON_DESTROY] event.
internal class ResetComponentLifecycleObserver(
    private val factory: ComponentFactory<*>
): DefaultLifecycleObserver {
    override fun onDestroy(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
        ComponentFactory.Accessor.setComponent(factory, null)

Implement ComponentProvider.getComponent

ComponentProvider should observe the given lifecycle using the context.

internal class DefaultComponentProvider : ComponentProvider {
    override fun <T : Any> getComponent(context: Context, factory: ComponentFactory<T>, owner: Any?): T {
        val accessor = ComponentFactory.Accessor
        accessor.getComponent(factory)?.let {
            return if (it is Creating) it.await() else it as T

        val creating = Creating()
        while (!accessor.compareAndSetComponent(factory, null, creating)) {
            accessor.getComponent(factory)?.let {
                return if (it is Creating) it.await() else it as T

        // Pass the given context using lifecycle
        val componentContext = when(owner) {
            is ViewModelStoreOwner -> context.applicationContext
            is LifecycleOwner -> context
            else -> context.applicationContext
        val result = runCatching { accessor.createComponent(factory, componentContext) }

        accessor.setComponent(factory, result.getOrNull())

        // observe lifecycle
        when(owner) {
            is ViewModelStoreOwner -> {
                val viewModelFactory = ComponentFactory.ResetComponentViewModel.Factory(factory)
                ViewModelProvider(owner, viewModelFactory)
            is LifecycleOwner -> {

        return result.getOrThrow()

Add new APIs

From the Components.kt, the entry point of this new features should be provided.

fun <T : Any> Context.getComponent(factory: ComponentFactory<T>): T = when(this) {
    // component is bounded to the lifecycle of ViewModel
    is ViewModelStoreOwner -> componentProvider.getComponent(applicationContext, factory, this)

    // component is bounded to the lifecycle of the android component
    is LifecycleOwner -> componentProvider.getComponent(this, factory, this)

    // component is singleton
    else -> componentProvider.getComponent(applicationContext, factory, null)

// This API will be used for the ViewModelProvider.Factory. 
// The extras[APPLICATION_KEY] is application object so there is no way to determine whether the given context is bounded to lifecylce.
// So a new API will be needed to support components in ViewModel.
fun <T: Any> CreationExtras.getComponent(factory: ComponentFactory<T>): T {
    val context = requireNotNull(this[APPLICATION_KEY])
    val viewModelStoreOwner = requireNotNull(this[VIEW_MODEL_STORE_OWNER_KEY])

    return componentProvider.getComponent(context, factory, viewModelStoreOwner)

Affected impact

If an application is using Lich-component, there is no things to change immediately. The public APIs are not changed, so it is okay to use lich-component, if there is no need to optimize memory. But:

  • if you want to optimize memory, then you must change the API calls in ViewModelProvider.Factory to use CreationExtras.getComponent to handle the lifecycle of components in ViewModel.
  • or if your component has some mutable state, then you must change the context.getComponent calls to context.applicationContext.getComponent manually.

Remained problems of above change

The remained problems of the above change are considered as followings.

  • If a component is used in multiple lifecycle-aware Android components at once, then context object might be leaked. The developers should use applicationContext for multiple lifecycle-aware Android components.

If you have an idea, please let me know.

Fix the workarounds for dependency problems of lifecycle-viewmodel(-ktx).

androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.4.0 depends on androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.3.1, and
androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate:2.4.0 depends on androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel:2.4.0.
But, lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.3.1 and lifecycle-viewmodel:2.4.0 contain some classes with the same names, which leads to compilation errors.

Therefore, as a workaround, we explicitly added dependencies to androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.4.0.

Screen is flickering when using AutoResetLifecycleScope

When using AutoResetLifecycleScope in Activity.onCreate(), the screen may flicker. If I use LifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope there is no problem. I suspect this difference is because AutoResetLifecycleScope uses Dispatchers.Main, while LifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope uses Dispatchers.Main.immediate.

I'm also curious if there is a special reason to use Dispatchers.Main rather than Dispatchers.Main.immediate.

Investigate the crash occurring in GitHub Actions

In GitHub Actions, :viewmodel-test-mockk:connectedDebugAndroidTest crashes frequently with the following messages.

> Task :viewmodel-test-mockk:connectedDebugAndroidTest
Starting 4 tests on test(AVD) - 10

com.linecorp.lich.viewmodel.test.mockk.MockingTest > mockViewModel[test(AVD) - 10] FAILED 
Test failed to run to completion. Reason: 'Instrumentation run failed due to 'Process crashed.''. Check device logcat for details
Tests on test(AVD) - 10 failed: Instrumentation run failed due to 'Process crashed.'

> Task :viewmodel-test-mockk:connectedDebugAndroidTest FAILED

But, this crash cannot be reproduced on my Pixel devices. :(

Kotlin 1.3.70 fails to compile savedState.required()

class FooViewModel(savedState: SavedState) : AbstractViewModel() {
    private val fooArg: String by savedState.required()

In Kotlin 1.3.70, compilation for the above code fails with an exception like this:

e: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldn't obtain compiled function body for 
public final inline operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: kotlin.Any?, 
property: kotlin.reflect.KProperty<*>): com.linecorp.lich.viewmodel.InitializedSavedState<T> 
defined in com.linecorp.lich.viewmodel.RequiringSavedStateDelegate[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor@72dd0f7d]

This seems to be due to a bug where the provideDelegate function does not work well with inline classes.

[Improvement] resumeWith and resumeWithException needs to be cooperative


It's a best practice to be cooperative to check the state of cancellable on suspendCancellableCoroutine.

Especially on this resumeWith and resumeWithException which manifested on OkHttpExtensions.kt.

The rationale of having cooperative implementation basically to make sure the invocation does not throw an exception such as CompletionHandlerException on the call-site.

Proposal of changes


suspend fun <T> Request, responseHandler: (Response) -> T): T =
    suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
        val call = newCall(request)
        cont.invokeOnCancellation { call.cancel() }
        call.enqueue(object : Callback {
            override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) {
                val result = runCatching { response.use(responseHandler) }

            override fun onFailure(call: Call, e: IOException) {


suspend fun <T> Request, responseHandler: (Response) -> T): T =
    suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
        val call = newCall(request)
        cont.invokeOnCancellation { call.cancel() }
        call.enqueue(object : Callback {
            override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) {
                if (cont.isActive) {
                    val result = runCatching { response.use(responseHandler) }

            override fun onFailure(call: Call, e: IOException) {
               if (cont.isActive) {

connectedAndroidTest is broken on AGP 7.2

After upgrading AGP from 7.1.2 to 7.2.2, gradlew connectedAndroidTest fails with the following errors.

com.linecorp.lich.component.ActivityTest > activityLazy[Pixel_5_API_32(AVD) - 12] FAILED 
        java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve activity for: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.linecorp.lich.component.test/com.linecorp.lich.component.ComponentTestActivity }
Tests on Pixel_5_API_32(AVD) - 12 failed: There was 1 failure(s).

IDE cannot access generated sources from lich savedstate compiler

Related issue : google/ksp#746

When using ksp and savedstate compiler, IDE(such as Android Studio) cannot resolve symbols from generated sources as default.


In this case, many IDE feature will be malfunction such as Code Formatting

In other libraries cases such as Room which are providing annotation processors, library provides Builder API which are wrapping generated sources and allow to access.

ex :

Similar to Room, is it possible to avoid referencing the generated code directly?

The content type of thrift packet should never be hard-coded

On the latest snapshot of lich-thrift at this moment, in ThriftRequestBody, the content type of the request message is hard-coded like:, in ThriftRequestBody, the content type of the request message is hard-coded like:

private val mediaTypeThrift: MediaType = "application/x-thrift".toMediaType()

However, according to the Armeria document and the armeria API server's actual behavior,
application/x-thrift uses the TBINARY format as its protocol. And, if the protocol is changed, the content type of the request message should be changed as well according to the message's actual protocol.

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