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minimds's Introduction


miniMDS is a tool for inferring and plotting 3D structures from normalized Hi-C data, using a novel approximation to multidimensional scaling (MDS). It produces a single 3D structure from a Hi-C BED file, representing an ensemble average of chromosome conformations within the population of cells. Using parallelization, it is able to process high-resolution data quickly with limited memory requirements. The human genome can be inferred at kilobase-resolution within several hours on a desktop computer. Standard MDS results in inaccuracies for sparse high-resolution data, but miniMDS focuses on local substructures to achieve greater accuracy. miniMDS also supports interchromosomal structural inference. Together with Mayavi, miniMDS produces publication-quality images and gifs.

Example: GM12878 chr22 at 5-kb resolution

Standard MDS

alt text


alt text

Update 9/27/18

Major improvements in miniMDS. Please pull code for latest version.


Rieber, L., & Mahony, S. (2017). miniMDS: 3D structural inference from high-resolution Hi-C data. Bioinformatics, 33(14), i261-i266.



  • python (must be python 3 for plotting, otherwise 2.7 is fine)
  • Python dependencies can be installed using pip install -r requirements.txt
  • The following optional dependencies can be installed manually:


Please run (in the scripts directory) and report any issues.


python [Hi-C BED path]


Input file format

miniMDS uses intra- or inter-chromosomal BED files as input. Data must be normalized prior to use (for example, using HiC-Pro).


chrA bin1_start bin1_end chrB bin2_start bin2_end normalized_contact_frequency

Example - chr22 intra-chromosomal data at 10-Kbp resolution:

chr22 16050000 16060000 chr22 16050000 16060000 12441.5189291


Do NOT include lines with 0 counts, e.g.

chr22 16050000 16060000 chr22 16050000 16060000 0

Intra-chromosomal miniMDS

Intra-chromosomal analysis is performed using

To view help:

python -h

By default, full MDS is used:

python GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

To use partitioned MDS:

python --partitioned GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

By default structures are saved to [PREFIX]_structure.tsv, e.g. GM12878_combined_22_100kb.bed would output GM12878_combined_22_100kb_structure.tsv. You can use the -o option with a custom path where you want to save the structure.

python -o test_structure.tsv GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

Structures are saved to tsv files. The header contains the name of the chromosome, the resolution, and the starting genomic coordinate. Each line in the file contains the genomic bin number followed by the 3D coordinates (with "nan" for missing data).

Example - chr22 at 10-Kbp resolution:




0 0.589878298045 0.200029092422 0.182515056542

1 0.592088232028 0.213915817254 0.186657230841

2 nan nan nan


0 corresponds to the bin 16050000-16060000, 1 corresponds to the bin 16060000-16070000, etc.

Parameters (optional)

Resolution ratio

miniMDS first infers a global intrachromosomal structure at low resolution, which it uses as a scaffold for high-resolution inference. By default a resolution ratio of 10 is used. So if your input file is 100-kb resolution, a 1-Mb structure will be used for approximation. The resolution ratio can be changed with the l option.

python -l 20 GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

The value you choose depends on your tradeoff between speed and accuracy (but must be an integer). Lower resolutions (i.e. higher ratios) are faster but less accurate.

Controlling the number of partitions

The miniMDS algorithm creates partitions in the high-resolution data and performs MDS on each partition individually. A greater number of partitions can increase speed but also reduce accuracy. On the other hand, for very sparse data a greater number of partitions can actually increase accuracy. If your output appears "clumpy", increase the number of partitions.

The number of partitions cannot be set directly because partitions are created empirically to maximize clustering of the data. However, the degree of clustering of the data can be tweaked with the following parameters:

-m: minimum partition size (as a fraction of the data). Default = 0.05

-p: smoothing parameter (between 0 and 1). Default = 0.1

Make these parameters smaller to increase the number of partitions. For very high resolution data (such as 5-Kbp), m=0.01 and p=0.01 is recommended:

python -m 0.01 -p 0.01 GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

You can limit the maximum RAM (in Kb) used by any given partition using -r (default = 32000000):

python -r 50000 GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

Number of threads

miniMDS uses multithreading to achieve greater speed. By default, 3 threads are requested, because this is safe for standard 4-core desktop computers. However, the number of threads used will never exceed the number of processors or the number of partitions, regardless of what is requested. You can change the number of requested threads using -n.

For example, to run miniMDS with four threads:

python -n 4 GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

Scaling factor

The scaling factor a describes the assumed relationship between contact frequencies and physical distances: distance = contact_frequency^(-1/a). The default value is 4, based on Wang et al 2016. You can change the scaling factor using -a.

python -a 3 GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

a can be any value >1, including non-integer.

A secondary scaling factor is used for short-range interactions. The default value is 2.5. You can change this using -a2. (Reducing this can help with "clumping" in the structure.)

python -a2 2 GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed


Exponential decay in contact frequency with genomic separation is a hallmark of Hi-C data. To reduce noise, miniMDS corrects contact frequencies with a distance-decay prior. The default prior weight is 0.05. You can change the weight using -w.

python -w 0 GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

w can be any value between 0 and 1.

Classical MDS

Classical MDS (cMDS), also called principal coordinates analysis, is a variant of MDS that is faster under certain circumstances. The miniMDS tool supports cMDS but NOT with partitioned MDS. Use the --classical option.

python --classical GM12878_combined_22_5kb.bed

This mode is mainly used for testing.

Inter-chromosomal miniMDS

Inter-chromosomal analysis is performed using

To view help:

python -h

The usage of is similar to, however inter-chromosomal files are required in addition to intra-chromosomal. To avoid entering filenames separately for each chromosome, you must name your files using a standard format.

Intra-chromosomal format:

{prefix}_{ChrA}_{resolution}{kb or Mb}.bed



Inter-chromosomal format:

{prefix}_{ChrA}_{ChrB}_{resolution}{kb or mb}.bed

where A is before B in:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X



Enter the prefix, inter-chromosomal resolution, and intra-chromosomal resolution:

python [prefix] [inter-chromosomal resolution] [intra-chromosomal resolution]

For example, if your files are stored in the directory data:

python data/GM12878_combined 1000000 10000

Because of the challenges of inter-chromosomal inference, it is recommended that a resolution no greater than 1-Mbp be used for human inter-chromosomal data.

Other parameters (optional)

All of the parameters from are also available for

Specifying chromosomes

By default, uses all human chromosomes other than Y. You can specify any number of chromosomes (in order) using the option -c.

To perform interchromosomal analysis on chromosomes 1 and 2:

python -c 1 -c 2 data/GM12878_combined 1000000 10000

You can specify a different number of autosomes using -C. To perform interchromosomal analysis on all yeast autosomes:

python -C 16 my_yeast_dir 100000 10000


Read a structure:

import data_tools
structure = data_tools.structure_from_file("GM12878_combined_22_100kb_structure.tsv")``

Create an interactive 3D plot in Mayavi. (Mayavi allows you to rotate the image and save a view.)

import plotting
plotting.plot_structure_interactive(structure, color=(0,0.5,0.7), radius=0.01, enrichments=my_enrichments)``

If radius is not selected, the to-scale radius of heterochromatin is used.

enrichments is a vector with a numerical value for each bin in the structure (i.e. bins that do not have a nan coordinate). For example, this could represent ChIP-seq enrichments for each bin. This option overrides color and will use a rainbow colormap, with blue representing low values and red representing high values.

Multiple structures can be plotted simultaneously:

chroms = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, X)
structures = [data_tools.structure_from_file("GM12878_combined_{}_100kb_structure.tsv".format(chrom) for chrom in chroms)]
plotting.plot_structures_interactive(structures) has 23 built-in colors designed to be maximally different to the human eye. By default, these colors are used when plotting multiple structures. You can also specify a list of colors:

chroms = (1, 2)
structures = [data_tools.structure_from_file("GM12878_combined_{}_100kb_structure.tsv".format(chrom) for chrom in chroms)]
plotting.plot_structures_interactive(structures, colors=[(1,0,0), (0,0,1)])

all_enrichments is a list of enrichments, e.g.

 plotting.plot_structures_interactive(structures, all_enrichments=[enrichments1, enrichments2])

The radius can also be specified, as above.

The option cut creates a cross-section of the plot. For example, this is useful for viewing the interior of the nucleus.

chroms = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, X)
structures = [data_tools.structure_from_file("GM12878_combined_{}_100kb_structure.tsv".format(chrom) for chrom in chroms)]
plotting.plot_structures_interactive(structures, cut=True)

A plot can be saved as a gif:

plotting.plot_structure_gif(structure, struct, color=(1,0,0), radius=None, increment=10)

will create struct.gif

A smaller value of increment will lead to a smoother gif. Increments must be a factor of 360.

Multiple structures can also be plotted in a single gif:

plotting.plot_structures_gif(structures, struct, colors=default_colors, radius=None, increment=10)


miniMDS won't complete due to an error

The majority of user errors are due to problems in formatting the input file (see below). In particular, make sure that there are no lines in the input file with 0 counts. This can lead to issues such as empty rows in matrices. If your input file looks fine, please post the error in the issues tab. We try to respond promptly.

Output structure looks bad

The art of Hi-C analysis involves developing an intuition for whether a structure looks good or bad. There are several reasons a bad structure can occur.


If your dataset is small and not sparse (small chromosomes, low-resolution, high-coverage), partitioning is less beneficial. First, the computational efficiency is less necessary. Second, partitioning loses information. We recommend testing your dataset with full MDS first. Only if this is computationally intractable or the output structure looks bad (see under-partitioning) do we recommend partitioned MDS.

python --full [Hi-C BED path]

Rao GM12878 chr22 250-kb resolution looks better with full MDS than partitioned MDS. Signs of over-partitioning include outliers and a clumpy or incoherent structure.

Even if you use partitioned MDS, you can reduce the number of partitions to avoid over-partitioning. Increasing the values of the -m or -p parameters (see below) will reduce the number of partitions.


Many datasets will output a dense spherical structure if full MDS is used, such as Rao GM12878 chr22 10-kb resolution. In theses cases partitioned MDS can be used to produce a more defined structure. If there are too few partitions, the partitions themselves may appear dense and clumpy. Decreasing the values of the -m or -p parameters (see below) will increase the number of partitions, further improving the structure.

Resolution is too high

Though miniMDS allows structural inference to be achieved at greater resolutions, the degree of improvement will depend on the quality of input data. When performing structural inference, many Hi-C datasets must be processed at lower resolution than for other types of analysis. If miniMDS won't produce good structures at any parameter setting, take a look at the sparsity of your dataset, which will determine its optimal resolution. Sparsity can be estimated as the number of (nonzero) lines in the input file. For example, mesenchymal allele-phased chr22 40-kb resolution structures look spherical, regardless of whether they were generated from full MDS or partitioned MDS, or with an increased partition number. We see that the input file has only 28,239 lines, compared to 347,273 lines in the Rao GM12878 file for the same chromosome at the same resolution (a gold-standard dataset). Thus we reduce the resolution of the input file using in the scripts folder:

python [input file (higher resolution)] [desired low resolution (bp)] [output file (lower resolution)]

python mesenchymal_22_40kb.bed 500000 mesenchymal_22_500kb.bed

The lower-resolution file has 2181 lines, compared to 2551 in Rao GM12878. Now we can get an okay structure using partitioned MDS.

Normalization problems

Most datasets should produce okay structures at 1-Mb resolution using full MDS. If not, there could be an issue with normalization, which sometimes produces artifacts. As a sanity check, try inferring structures using raw (un-normalized) data. For a good dataset, this should produce okay structures other than a few outliers. For example, here is the structure for Rao K562 raw chr1 1-Mb resolution.

Data quality problems

If your raw low-resolution structures look bad, there may be a deeper problem with the data. A simple QC metric is the distance decay, the rapid decrease in contact frequency with linear genomic distance. This can be plotted using in the scripts folder.

python [Hi-C bed file]

Here is a good distance decay curve and a bad one. A bad distance decay curve suggests serious issues with the Hi-C data, making it unsuitable for structural inference.

minimds's People


lila14 avatar shaunmahony avatar



minimds's Issues

IndexError when running script

The software you developed is fantastic, I'm perfectly fine building 3D models of the intra of chromosomes. But I had trouble building 3D models inter chromosomes.

    856 Reading ../../data/fat/fat_36_Z_1.0mb.bed
    857 Reading ../../data/fat/fat_37_Z_1.0mb.bed
    858 Reading ../../data/fat/fat_38_Z_1.0mb.bed
    859 Reading ../../data/fat/fat_39_Z_1.0mb.bed
    860 Reading ../../data/fat/fat_Z_100kb.bed
    861 Scanning ../../data/fat/fat_1_100kb.bed
    862 Traceback (most recent call last):
    863   File "/home/SLY68/biosoft/miniMDS/", line 168, in <module>
    864     main()
    865   File "/home/SLY68/biosoft/miniMDS/", line 158, in main
    866     structures = interMDS(chrom_names, args.prefix, args.inter_res, args.intra_res, args.partitioned, params)
    867   File "/home/SLY68/biosoft/miniMDS/", line 111, in interMDS
    868     r, t = la.getTransformation(inferred_low, true_low)
    869   File "/home/SLY68/biosoft/miniMDS/", line 13, in getTransformation
    870     a.append(structure1.points[num-structure1.offset].pos)
    871 IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
    872 Scanning ../../data/lean/lean_1_100kb.bed
    873 Scanning ../../data/lean/lean_2_100kb.bed
    874 Scanning ../../data/lean/lean_3_100kb.bed
    875 Scanning ../../data/lean/lean_4_100kb.bed
    876 Scanning ../../data/lean/lean_5_100kb.bed
  69668 Reading ../../data/lean/lean_39_Z_1.0mb.bed
  69669 Reading ../../data/lean/lean_Z_100kb.bed
  69670 Scanning ../../data/lean/lean_1_100kb.bed
  69671 Traceback (most recent call last):
  69672   File "/home/SLY68/biosoft/miniMDS/", line 168, in <module>
  69673     main()
  69674   File "/home/SLY68/biosoft/miniMDS/", line 158, in main
  69675     structures = interMDS(chrom_names, args.prefix, args.inter_res, args.intra_res, args.partitioned, params)
  69676   File "/home/SLY68/biosoft/miniMDS/", line 111, in interMDS
  69677     r, t = la.getTransformation(inferred_low, true_low)
  69678   File "/home/SLY68/biosoft/miniMDS/", line 13, in getTransformation
  69679     a.append(structure1.points[num-structure1.offset].pos)
  69680 IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices

Other chromosomes are OK, and only chr1 has encountered this problem, and chr1 is many times larger than other chromosomes. _1_100kb.bed file is 1901776 lines.

Here is my running script:

for i in {1..39} Z;do
python ~/biosoft/miniMDS/ -n 50 ../../data/fat/fat 1000000 100000
python ~/biosoft/miniMDS/ -n 50 ../../data/lean/lean 1000000 100000

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