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rheologies.jl's Introduction


A Julia package for finite element based simulations of damaged-visco-elasto-plastic deformation. It extends the JuAFEM package, used as a toolbox for finite element modeling.

This package is a PhD WIP. The examples may not be up to date at all time. I would be happy to help if needed, please get in touch.


  • Léo Petit, École Normale Supérieure de Paris, France.


Rheologies is licensed under the MIT license.


Rheologies is not a registered package and can be installed from the package REPL with

pkg> add

or similarly with

julia> using Pkg ; Pkg.add("")

Requires Julia v1.3 or higher


In addition to these examples that are available in the example folder, most exported types and functions are documented. those can be explored with ?function_name or ?type_name.

2D plane strain deformation of an elastic - pressure sensitive plastic material containing a week seed :

using Rheologies ; const R = Rheologies

# include file defining mesh generation function

dim = 2 # spatial dimensions

# spatial domain size
Lx = 1.0
Ly = 2.0
radius = Lx/40 # weak seed radius
lowres = 0.03 # elements size far from the seed
highres = 0.002 # elements size near the seed
el_geom = Triangle # elements geometry (linear)

# generate the mesh and grid :
meshfile = joinpath(@__DIR__,"inclusion.msh")
generate_mesh_inclusion(; Lx, Ly, radius ,lowres, highres, file=meshfile)
grid = generate_grid(meshfile)

# Add facesets / nodesets / cellsets on which boundary conditions will be applied (boundaries (facesets) are easily defined and named when building gmsh geometry)
addnodeset!(grid, "clamped", x -> ( (x[1]  Lx/2) & any(x[2] .≈ (0.0,Ly)) ) ) # middle of the top and bottom boundaries


variables = PrimitiveVariables{1}((:u,), (2,), el_geom) # {1} variable :u with second order interpolation on el_geom


quad_order = 2 # quadrature order
quad_type = :legendre # quadrature rule (:legendre or :lobatto)


    # KEY : set on which to apply bc
    # VALUES :
         # 1) constrained variable
         # 2) constraint function of (x,t)
         # 3) constrained components of the variable
    # KEY : set on which to apply neumann bc
    # VALUES : tractions as a function of (x,t)

v_in = 1e-5 # inflow velocity
# Apply inward displacement at top and bottom boundaries and fix "clamped" set to prevent rigid body motion
bc = BoundaryConditions(dirichlet = Dict("top" => [:u, (x,t)-> -v_in*t, 2],
                                         "bottom" => [:u, (x,t)-> v_in*t, 2],
                                         "clamped" => [:u, (x,t)-> 0.0, 1]),
                        neumann   = nothing)


bf = BodyForces([0.0,0.0]) # No body forces here


seed(x,x0,r,val_in::T,val_out::T) where {T<:Real} = (sqrt((x[1]-x0[1])^2 + (x[2]-x0[2])^2) <= r ?
                                                     val_in : val_out)

# Define seed location and radius according to the mesh geometry
x0 = Vec(0.5,1.0)
elas = Elasticity(E = x -> seed(x,x0,radius,30e9,70e9),
                  ν = x -> seed(x,x0,radius,0.45,0.3) )

Δσ = 5e3
plas  = DruckerPrager= 30.0,
                      C = x -> seed(x,x0,radius,1e6,2e6),
                      H = -5e7,
                      ηᵛᵖ = Δσ*Ly/(2*v_in) )

rheology = Rheology(elasticity = elas,
                    plasticity = plas)

# Δt_fact_up determines the scaling factor of the next timestep at each successfull time iteration
clock = Clock(tspan = (0.0,40.0), Δt = 1.0, Δt_max = 10.0, Δt_fact_up = 1.2) # in seconds

### SOLVER ###

# Use Newton-Raphson non linear iterations
nlsolver = NewtonRaphson(atol = 1e-5, linear_solver = BackslashSolver())

### MODEL ###

model = Model( grid = grid,
               variables = variables,
               quad_order = quad_order,
               quad_type = quad_type,
               bc = bc,
               body_forces = bf,
               rheology = rheology,
               initial_state = nothing, # used if non-zero initial primitive variables values are needed
               clock = clock,
               solver = nlsolver )

### OUTPUTS ###

path = "path/to/folder"

# some outputs :
#key : name of the field
#value : function of (r,s) for rheology instance and state instance respectively, state object contains σ and ϵ (+ ϵᵖ and ϵ̅ᵖ for plastic material)
outputs = Dict(:σxx     => (r,s)-> s.σ[1,1],
               :σyy     => (r,s)-> s.σ[2,2],
               :σzz     => (r,s)-> s.σ[3,3],
               :ϵxx     => (r,s)-> s.ϵ[1,1],
               :ϵyy     => (r,s)-> s.ϵ[2,2],
               :ϵzz     => (r,s)-> s.ϵ[3,3],
               :ϵ_vol   => (r,s)-> tr(s.ϵ),
               :gamma   => (r,s)-> sqrt(2* dev(s.ϵ)  dev(s.ϵ)),
               :E       => (r,s)-> r.elasticity.E,
               :nu      => (r,s)-> r.elasticity.ν,
               :norm_ep => (r,s)-> norm(s.ϵᵖ),
                      => (r,s)-> R.get_τ(dev(s.σ),r.plasticity),
               :p       => (r,s)-> -1/3 * tr(s.σ),
               :τoverp  => (r,s)-> R.get_τ(dev(s.σ),r.plasticity)/(-1/3 * tr(s.σ))

# we here export previous values to a VTK file. It is also possible to export JLD2 format using JLD2OutputWriter or even MATLAB format using MATOutputWriter.
ow = VTKOutputWriter(model, path, outputs, interval = 5, force_path = true) # every `interval` iteration (can also be every `frequency` seconds if `frequency` keyword is used instead of `interval`)

### SOLVE ###
@time model_sol, u = solve(model ; output_writer = ow, log = true) # log enables a performance evaluation of the simulation

second deviatoric strain invariant

Rigid plate over a viscous fluid. A sinusoidal displacement is forced on the bottom.

using Rheologies;
const R = Rheologies;

output_path = @__DIR__
dim = 2 # spatial dimensions

Lx = 20e3
Ly = 10e3
H_bdt = 1e3
n_seeds = 0
radius_bounds = (300, 400)
#el_geom = Triangle # Quadrilateral or Triangle, equivalent to Cell{dim,nnodes,nfaces}

nx = 50
ny = 50

corner1 = Vec(0.0, 0.0)
corner2 = Vec(Lx, Ly)
el_geom = Quadrilateral # Quadrilateral or Triangle, equivalent to Cell{dim,nnodes,nfaces}

# generate the grid and sets:
grid = JuAFEM.generate_grid(el_geom, (nx, ny), corner1, corner2)
# Add facesets / nodesets / cellsets on which bc will be applied (except for the top, bottom, left and right boundary that are implemented by default)
    x -> ((x[1] in (corner1[1], corner2[1])) & (x[2] == Ly / 2)),
addnodeset!(grid, "clamped_up", x -> ((x[1] == Lx/2) & (x[2] == Ly)));

variables = PrimitiveVariables{1}((:u,), (2,), el_geom)
#variables = PrimitiveVariables{2}((:u,:p), (2,1), el_geom) # not good !!!!

quad_order = 2
quad_type = :legendre # or :lobatto

# KEY : set on which to apply bc
# 1) constrained variable
# 2) constraint function of (x,t)
# 3) constrained components
# KEY : set on which to apply bc
# VALUES : traction as a function of (x,t)

cos_shape(x,A,Lx) = -A*cos(2π/Lx * x[1])
year = 3600 * 24 * 365.0
v_in_max = 0.01 / year # 1cm/year
cos_shape(x) = cos_shape(x,v_in_max,Lx)

bc = BoundaryConditions(
    dirichlet = Dict(
        "top" => [:u, (x,t)-> 0.0, 2],
        "bottom" => [:u, (x, t) -> cos_shape(x) * t, 2],
        "clamped_up" => [:u, (x, t) -> 0.0, 1]
    neumann = nothing,

bf = BodyForces([0.0, 0.0])#-9.81*2700])


# define a rheology distribution function ...
# function multi_seeds(x,x0,radius,val_in,val_out)
#     for i in eachindex(radius)
#         (sqrt((x[1]-x0[i][1])^2 + (x[2]-x0[i][2])^2) <= radius[i]) && return val_in
#     end
#     return val_out
# end
# multi_seeds(x,val_in,val_out) = multi_seeds(x,x0,radius,val_in,val_out)
# and use it ...

elas = Elasticity(E = 70e9, ν = 0.3)

visco = Viscosity= x -> (x[2] >= Ly - H_bdt) ? 1e24 : 1e17)

VEP_rheology = Rheology(viscosity = visco, elasticity = elas)

### CLOCK ###
clock = Clock(tspan = (0.0, 50year), Δt = 0.1year, Δt_max = 20year)

### SOLVER ###
linsolver = BackslashSolver()
nlsolver = NewtonRaphson(max_iter_number = 10, atol = 1e-3, linear_solver = linsolver)

### MODEL ###
VEP_model = Model(
    grid = grid,
    variables = variables,
    quad_order = quad_order,
    quad_type = quad_type,
    bc = bc,
    body_forces = bf,
    rheology = VEP_rheology,
    initial_state = nothing,
    clock = clock,
    solver = nlsolver,

### OUTPUT ###
output_name = "viscous_example"
VEP_outputs = Dict(
    :σxx => (r, s) -> s.σ[1, 1],
    :σyy => (r, s) -> s.σ[2, 2],
    :σzz => (r, s) -> s.σ[3, 3],
     => (r, s) -> r.viscosity.η,
    :p => (r, s) -> -1 / 3 * tr(s.σ),

VEP_ow = VTKOutputWriter(
    joinpath(output_path, output_name),
    interval = 1,
    force_path = true,

### SOLVE ###
modelsol, u = solve(VEP_model, output_writer = VEP_ow, log = true);

σxx component of stress superimposed with displacement field

Visco-elasto-plastic 2D plane strain simulation of pre-weakened faulting in the upper crust (high viscosity) overlying lower crust (lower viscosity)

using Rheologies

dim = 2 # spatial dimensions

nx = 240 # n elements along x
ny = 160 # n elements along y
Lx = 30e3
Ly = 20e3
el_geom = Quadrilateral # Quadrilateral or Triangle, equivalent to Cell{dim,nnodes,nfaces}

# generate the grid and sets:
grid = generate_grid(el_geom, (nx, ny), Vec(0.0,-Ly), Vec(Lx,0.0)) # can take 2 or 4 corners
# Add facesets / nodesets / cellsets on which bc will be applied (except for the top, bottom, left and right boundary that are implemented by default)
#addnodeset!(grid, "clamped", x -> (x[1] == corner_u[1] && 24.5<x[2]<=25.5));
addnodeset!(grid, "clamped", x -> ( (x[1] in (0.0, Lx)) & (x[2] == 0.0) ) );

variables = PrimitiveVariables{1}((:u,), (2,), el_geom)
#variables = PrimitiveVariables{2}((:u,:p), (2,1), el_geom) # not good !!!!

quad_order = 2
quad_type = :legendre # or :lobatto

# KEY : set on which to apply bc
# 1) constrained variable
# 2) constraint function of (x,t)
# 3) constrained components
# KEY : set on which to apply bc
# VALUES : traction as a function of (x,t)
year = 3600*24*365.0
v_in = 0.01/year # 1cm/year
bc = BoundaryConditions(dirichlet = Dict("left" => [:u, (x,t)-> -v_in*t, 1],
                                         "right" => [:u, (x,t)-> v_in*t, 1],
                                         "clamped" => [:u, (x,t)-> 0.0, 2]),
                        neumann   = nothing)#Dict("top" => (x,t)->Vec(0.0,-1e5),
                                         #"bottom" => (x,t)->Vec(0.0,1e5)) )

bf = BodyForces([0.0,0.0])#-9.81*2700])


# define a rheology distribution function ...
function fault2D(x,x0,angle,y_dist,y_max,val_in,val_out)
    if (abs(x[2] + (x0-x[1])*tand(angle)) <= y_dist) & (x[2] >= y_max)
        return val_in
        return val_out
fault2D(x,val_in,val_out) = fault2D(x,5Lx/8,60.0,Ly/ny,-Ly/2,val_in,val_out)

# and use it ...
elas = Elasticity(E = 70e9,
                  ν = 0.3)

visco = Viscosity= x -> x[2] >= -Ly/2 ? 1e24 : 1e19)

Δσ = 1e3#2e4
plas  = DruckerPrager= 30.0,
                      C = x->fault2D(x,1e5,1.5e5),
                      H = x->fault2D(x,-1e7,0.0),
                      ηᵛᵖ = Δσ*Lx/(2*v_in) )

VEP_rheology = Rheology(viscosity = visco,
                        elasticity = elas,
                        plasticity = plas )

### CLOCK ###
clock = Clock(tspan = (0.0,20year), Δt = 1year, Δt_max = 20year)

### SOLVER ###
linsolver = BackslashSolver()
nlsolver = NewtonRaphson(max_iter_number = 20, atol = 1e-2, linear_solver = linsolver)

### MODEL ###
VEP_model = Model( grid = grid,
                   variables = variables,
                   quad_order = quad_order,
                   quad_type = quad_type,
                   bc = bc,
                   body_forces = bf,
                   rheology = VEP_rheology,
                   clock = clock,
                   solver = nlsolver )

### OUTPUT ###
path = "path/to/folder"
VEP_outputs = Dict( :σxx     => (r,s)-> s.σ[1,1],
                    :σyy     => (r,s)-> s.σ[2,2],
                    :σzz     => (r,s)-> s.σ[3,3],
                    :acum_ep => (r,s)-> s.ϵ̅ᵖ,
                     => (r,s)-> r.viscosity.η,
                    :C => (r,s)-> r.plasticity.C,
                    :E => (r,s)-> r.elasticity.E )

VEP_ow = VTKOutputWriter(VEP_model, path, VEP_outputs, interval = 1)

### SOLVE ###
@time modelsol, u = solve(VEP_model, output_writer = VEP_ow ,log = true);

accumulated plastic strain and displacement field

rheologies.jl's People


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