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activitypub-federation-rust's Issues

Support secure-mode federation

Some fediverse software runs in "secure mode", requiring HTTP signatures for most endpoints.

Mastodon has it as an option:

In GoToSocial it is mandatory:

I took the live_federation example and added some code to dereference an account on my GoToSocial instance:

let user_id = ObjectId::<DbUser>::parse("")?;
let data = config.to_request_data();
let user = user_id.dereference(&data).await?;

This fails with the log:

[INFO  activitypub_federation::fetch] Fetching remote object
[WARN  background_jobs_actix] Dropping manager, tearing down workers
[WARN  background_jobs_actix] Stopping and joining arbiter
[WARN  background_jobs_actix] Stopping and joining arbiter
[WARN  background_jobs_actix::worker] Not restarting worker, Arbiter is dead
[WARN  background_jobs_actix::worker] Not restarting worker, Arbiter is dead
.. repeated many times ..
Error: Error(Other errors which are not explicitly handled)

My server logs http request wasn't signed or http signature was invalid.

I think this will involve an API change, as the private key of the requesting actor is required to sign the request.

Examples on how to implement Object Trait for persistent storage like Sqlite

Hey! I'm trying out this crate to setup an activitypub server.

I am not too familiar with Rust and tried to implement the Object trait for my Sqlite implementation. However, I found it unclear how to best implement "DataType". My assumption is from the example

    type DataType = DbConnection;

That it should be some connection to the sql database akin to SqliteConnection in Diesel. However, SqliteConnection does not implement Clone+Share+Send, so it's not obvious to me what I should implement there for it to work. Any pointers? I looked at the examples and they seem to do it without a real database implementation, so it didn't help me too much.

Automatically generate HTTP routes for actors and objects

It would be nice if the library could automatically generate required HTTP routes, because these require a lot of boilerplate code. This would at minimum be a GET endpoint for each actor/object, and a POST inbox endpoint for actors. There are also other endpoints such as outbox, followers and shared inbox.


This would require passing format strings to the library, so that it knows at which path the routes should be created.

Error: don't drop the original error


When trying to implement some basic activitypub functionality, I found it very hard to know where the errors came from.
For example, when implementing a basic actor and using webfinger_resolve_actor, I just get a WebFingerResolveFailed error, while my code generated more error information than that.

I suggest replacing the current Error value with:

pub enum ErrorKind {
    UrlVerificationError(&'static str),
    /// see Error::source
    Other // Here we remove the current anyhow::Error

pub struct Error {
    kind: Kind,
    source: Option<anyhow::Error>,

And implement the Error trait on top of the struct Error. That way using std::Error::source the full error information can be found.

How does this crate (and Lemmy) handle the dynamic nature of JSON-LD?

As mentioned here, part of the difficulty of implementing AP with static languages is that a given JSON-LD property might be a reference (IRI) to an object, or the object itself. The crate docs say:

This means we don’t use json-ld which Activitypub is based on, but that doesn’t cause any problems in practice.

I'm curious how Lemmy sidesteps this issue. Following along the examples in the docs it seems to assume a given property will always return either an IRI or an object, which doesn't handle the full functionality of AP/JSON-LD according to the specs. Am I missing something here?

Add Url wrapper type

The url::Url type is awkward for our use because it has domain as an optional field, and when logging it prints individual url components instead of the full url as a string. We should add a wrapper type like the following to workaround these issues.

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Url(url::Url);

impl Deref for Url {
    type Target = url::Url;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl Display for Url {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {

impl Url {
    pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Url, url::ParseError> {
    pub fn domain(&self) -> &str {
        self.0.domain().expect("has domain")
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> Self {

Posting this as an issue instead of PR because now is not a good time for breaking changes.

[Bug]: Incompatible licenses


  • Is this a bug report? For questions or discussions use
  • Did you check to see if this issue already exists?
  • Is this only a single bug? Do not put multiple bugs in one issue.
  • Is this a backend issue? Use the lemmy-ui repo for UI / frontend issues.


http-signature-normalization-0.6.0.crate is licensed under CSL, which is incompatible with GPL licenses.


This issue prevents packaging Lemmy.

Steps to Reproduce


Technical Details




Lemmy Instance URL

No response

Persistent storage for activity queue

The queue for sending outgoing activities has an in-memory storage for activities that failed to be delivered and need to be retried later, when the target server is hopefully reachable again. As its only in memory, this storage is gone after a restart or crash. It would be good to provide a config option for storing it on disk, eg in a sled database.

Upgrade background-jobs dependency

Version 0.14.1 removes the QueueHandle.get_stats() function which is necessary to know how many jobs are currently running and how many are pending, to tell when the number of workers needs to be increased. The function is replaced with some metrics. I am not sure how these new metrics work and the new version doesnt have important changes, so I am leaving it for later (or for someone else).

do_send should retry failed connections

I see on this line that if the send fails due to a connection error, it does not get retried:

"Unable to connect to {}, aborting task {}: {}",

But there are cases where it should definitely retry. For example, today is overloaded so many subscribe operations are not going through:

lemmy-lemmy-1     | 2023-06-12T14:51:09.410929Z DEBUG Worker{ worker.queue=default}:Job{execution_id=b12ecf19-efec-4438-a352-9612c22d384b}: activitypub_federation::core::activity_queue: Sending to    
lemmy-lemmy-1     | 2023-06-12T14:51:19.414603Z  INFO Worker{ worker.queue=default}:Job{execution_id=b12ecf19-efec-4438-a352-9612c22d384b}: activitypub_federation::core::activity_queue: Unable to connect to, aborting task Request error: error sending request for url ( operation timed out

If the operation is not retried, the user will never be subscribed unless they manually re-subscribe.

Can't figure out how to return a "not found" response

I've been following the "tutorial" for this library (leaning extensively on the examples in this repo as the "tutorial" is quite incomplete) and I have no idea how to return a "not found" response from my http_get_user handler. I'm using rocksdb btw.

pub async fn http_get_user(_header_map: HeaderMap, Path(name): Path<String>, db: Data<ArcDB>) -> impl IntoResponse {
	let db_user: DbUser = match db.get_cf(&db.cf_handle("users").unwrap(), &name).unwrap() {
		Some(bytes) => serde_json::from_slice(&bytes).unwrap(),
		None => unimplemented!(), // return Not Found here how???
	let json_user = db_user.into_json(&db).await.unwrap();

I can't seem to return my own (StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "not found")-esque thing because it's a different type to FederationJson.into_response(self)'s return type.

Neither can I find anything in this library to pass to FederationJson() or WithContext::new_default() that would indicate a "not found" status.

Could you give me some guidance on implementing this?

Error when trying to use ObjectId::parse

When I try to ObjectId::<ApUser>::parse(user.ap_id.into()), I get this

   |                 -------------------------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `From<Infallible>` is not implemented for `url::ParseError`
   |                 |
   |                 required by a bound introduced by this call

user.ap_id have String type and contains ActivityPub ID of object.

Remove actix-rt depenency

If you create an application with tokio runtime which depends on this library, it crashes at startup with the following error:

thread 'main' panicked at 'System is not running', /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/
stack backtrace:
0: std::panicking::begin_panic
at /rustc/84c898d65adf2f39a5a98507f1fe0ce10a2b8dbc/library/std/src/
1: actix_rt::system::System::current::{{closure}}
at /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/
2: std::thread::local::LocalKey<T>::try_with
at /rustc/84c898d65adf2f39a5a98507f1fe0ce10a2b8dbc/library/std/src/thread/
3: std::thread::local::LocalKey<T>::with
at /rustc/84c898d65adf2f39a5a98507f1fe0ce10a2b8dbc/library/std/src/thread/
4: actix_rt::system::System::current
at /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/
5: actix_rt::arbiter::Arbiter::with_tokio_rt
at /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/
6: actix_rt::arbiter::Arbiter::new
at /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/
7: background_jobs_actix::Manager::new
at /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/
8: background_jobs_actix::WorkerConfig<State,background_jobs_actix::Managed>::start
at /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/
9: activitypub_federation::activity_queue::create_activity_queue
at /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/
10: activitypub_federation::config::FederationConfigBuilder<T>::build
at /home/felix/.cargo/registry/src/

This is caused by the background-jobs crate. It would be good to get rid of this requirement, so that any async runtime can be used.

Remove `anyhow` dependency

I'm trying to use eyre with this crate and getting some really gnarly generic trait bound errors. It appears it's because functions like receive_activity and the like are coupled to ensuring that something can implement the anyhow::Error type.

I propose we should refactor this out, and rely solely on thiserror for errors within this crate and provide some way of bringing your own errors for library consumers.

Let me know if you're open to this and I can have a crack

Usage with axum difficult

Hi I am trying to use this with axum instead of axtix-web.

However it seems that into_apub from ApubObject causes:

note: future is not `Send` as it awaits another future which is not `Send`
   --> src/
133 |     let person = user.into_apub(&data).await.unwrap();
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ await occurs here on type `std::pin::Pin<std::boxed::Box<dyn std::future::Future<Output = std::result::Result<objects::person::Person, error::Error>>>>`, which is not `Send`

I assume this is because the function takes an reference to the Arc instead of taking the arc itself which somewhat breaks the Arc's purpose.

Is there any way this could be made axum compatible?

My (broken) Code for this is available here (it also wont compile due to some other reasons as I am in between adding basic functions but got stuck on this issue):

Trait for collection

There are already traits for ApubObject, ApubActor and ActivityHandler for ease of handling the respective Activitypub types. There should be a similar trait for collections, which helps with pagination in particular.

Consider removing verify() methods

It seemed logical to have separate methods to verify() and receive() data, but in practice it doesnt really help, and even leads to some duplicate code when you need to fetch an object multiple times. So maybe the methods ActivityHandler::verify() and ApubObject::verify() should just be removed.

cc @oknozor @MTRNord

Make sure http signing is not blocking tokio

Right now this lambda:

move |signing_string| {
let mut signer = Signer::new(MessageDigest::sha256(), &private_key)
.context("instantiating signer")?;
.context("updating signer")?;
Ok(Base64.encode(signer.sign_to_vec().context("sign to vec")?))
as Result<_, anyhow::Error>

is passed to here:

which seems to run it in the main async runtime. But signing is a potentially expensive operation and should probably run inside tokio::spawn. I've messaged asonix, the author of the library to confirm since if true it's probably not fixable here since the lambda is synchronous.

Real-world 0.17.4 Lemmy servers are failing with federation - error logs show 'Header is expired'

From what i have learned, Lemmy is creating http connections that are short-lived (only 10 minutes?) before they expire or some similar scheme related to signing/encryption?

In real-word servers, I'm seeing logging of:

WARN Error encountered while processing the incoming HTTP request: lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Header is expired
  0: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request
            with http.method=POST http.scheme="http" otel.kind="server" request_id=453c8a92-7bb5-4b7e-a4ad-212e91167d4e http.status_code=400 otel.status_code="OK"
         at src/
 LemmyError { message: None, inner: Header is expired, context: "SpanTrace" }

Because of proxying by nginx, this message does not give any hint who the sender is. IF the clocks are not set right on one of the peer servers, it could be a major problem and you would have to start logging on the firewall or something to find any hint of who the sender is.

I did tinker around with the code and I at least was able to get Lemmy to log the IP address of the remote server by adding realip_remote_addr to the tracing:

+++ b/src/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ impl RootSpanBuilder for QuieterRootSpanBuilder {
         http.method= %request.method(),
         http.scheme = request.connection_info().scheme(), = %request.connection_info().host(),
+        http.realip_remote_addr = request.connection_info().realip_remote_addr(),

MOST IMPORTANT TO ME: is we need to get the word out to the major Lemmy instances to be looking for this message in their error log. Is this why we are seeing significant failures to replicate data between servers? Issues: LemmyNet/lemmy#3101 and LemmyNet/lemmy#3203

Webfinger fetching not compliant with webfinger standard

This line uses generic object fetching to resolve fingers

And generic object fetcher only accepts activity+json


Which is contrary to the Webfinger standard which allows jrd+json or xrd+xml:

This leads to issues when federating with Akkoma and any other software which uses standard webfingers with another MIME type:

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