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apartment-app-sunkissedqueen's Introduction

Apartment App

This app has been created for you to mimic the feeling of entering into a developer role where there is established code that you have not created. This Apartment application has a few features that have been created for you and some key items that have been left totally untouched. Part of your job as a developer is to be able to pick up code that has already been created, understand what is going on with it, and continue the development of that code.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป How We Got Here

$ rails new apartment-app -d postgresql -T
$ cd apartment-app
$ rails db:create
$ bundle add rspec-rails
$ rails generate rspec:install
$ bundle add webpacker
$ bundle add react-rails
$ rails webpacker:install
$ rails webpacker:install:react
$ yarn add @babel/preset-react
$ yarn add @rails/activestorage
$ yarn add @rails/ujs
$ rails generate react:install
$ rails generate react:component App
$ bundle add devise
$ rails generate devise:install
$ rails generate devise User
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails generate controller Home

๐Ÿ›  Configurations

Devise Config


This line added:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost', port: 3000 }


# This line replaced:
config.sign_out_via = :delete
# With this line:
config.sign_out_via = :get

File added in app/views/home called index.html.erb app/views/home/index.html.erb

<%= react_component 'App', {
  logged_in: user_signed_in?,
  current_user: current_user,
  new_user_route: new_user_registration_path,
  sign_in_route: new_user_session_path,
  sign_out_route: destroy_user_session_path
} %>

React in Rails Config


# This line replaced:
<%= javascript_importmap_tags %>
# With this line:
<%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>


# These lines added:
get '*path', to: 'home#index', constraints: ->(request){ request.format.html? }
root 'home#index'

React Routing Config


import {
  BrowserRouter as  Router,
} from 'react-router-dom'

Reactstrap Config

bundle add bootstrap
mv app/assets/stylesheets/application.css app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
yarn add reactstrap


@import 'bootstrap';

โšก๏ธ Getting Started โˆš

Once you're able to clone the repository, within the root of the project directory, run:

rails db:setup

๐Ÿ Start the App โˆš

rails s

See what is available already in the application.

  • What can a USER do?
    • Currently a user can sign in/sign up/ log out/ see all pages
  • What views (pages, components) are available?
    • header, footer, index, edit, show, new, home, notfound

๐Ÿก Apartment Resource โˆš

The Devise User model is going to have an association with the Apartment model. In this situation, the User will have many apartments and the Apartments will belong to a User.

rails generate resource Apartment street:string city:string state:string manager:string email:string price:string bedrooms:integer bathrooms:integer pets:string image:text user_id:integer
rails db:migrate

User and Apartment Associations

The Apartments will belong to a User and a User will have many apartments.


class Apartment < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user


class User < ApplicationRecord
  # Include default devise modules. Others available are:
  # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable, :trackable and :omniauthable
  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable
  has_many :apartments

๐Ÿš— Testing

To run the existing testing suite, run:

yarn jest
rspec spec/

Apartment Data Specs

Tests you will need are:


  • to ensure a user can see all apartments
  • to ensure a user can see all apartments that belong to them
  • to ensure a user can make a new apartment
  • to ensure a user can update an apartment
  • to ensure a user can remove an apartment
  • to ensure a user cannot make a new apartment with nil values
  • to ensure an error will be thrown if an unregistered user tried to make an apartment
  • to ensure an error will be thrown if a user tries to edit an apartment that doesn't belong to them
  • to ensure an error will be thrown if a user tries to delete an apartment that doesn't belong to them


  • to ensure apartment is valid
  • to ensure a user cannot make a new apartment with nil values
  • to ensure a user cannot make a new apartment that already exists in the database
  • to ensure a user cannot update an apartment with nil values
  • to ensure a user cannot update another user's apartment

The following code is a mock and does not work but is here to get your started.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "Apartments", type: :request do
  describe "GET /index" do
    it 'returns a list of apartments' do
      user = User.where(email: '[email protected]').first_or_create(password: '12345678', password_confirmation: '12345678')
        street: string,
        city: string,
        state: string,
        manager: string,
        email: string, 
        price: string, 
        bedrooms: integer, 
        bathrooms: integer, 
        pets: string,
        image: text

      get '/apartments'

      apartments = JSON.parse(response.body)
      expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
      expect(apartments.length).to eq(1)

My Approach/Initial Notes

  • This exercise allows you to perform the crucial point of development: problem solving
  • Checkout the README
  • Since this database is shared through http we have to run some type $ rails db:create, I chose $ rails db:prepare because it drops db, create, migrate, and seeds
  • All steps before Getting Started have been completed
  • Begin at Getting Started
  • Look at Trello
  • To quickly refresh webpacker in an additional tab run: $ ./bin/webpack-dev-server
  • Option + V will create a checkmark to areas that I completed

Error Messages

Error: Cannot find module '../assets/treelogo.png'
    at webpackMissingModule (Footer.test.js:22:1)
    ReferenceError: App is not defined
    at eval (eval at ./node_modules/react_ujs/react_ujs/src/getConstructor/fromGlobal.js.module.exports
  • Got that error after improper path to image
    • in javascript/assets
      • import treelogo from '../../../assets/treelogo.png'
      • Logo
    • in app/assets/images copy/pasteimage and reference in views
      • <%= image_tag "treelogo.png", height: 50 %>
    • application.scss
    body {
      background: image-url('lighter.png') repeat center fixed;
      background-size: cover;

1) branch: environment โˆš

Modified the application.html.erb because it is a template of the app that every view/page will render

It grabs every single page and yields it html

partials used on this file will point to where the information lives

#  app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
    <%= yield %>

#  create app/views/home/about.html.erb
<h1>About Us</h1>

#  app/controllers/home_controller.rb
  def index
  def about

#  config/routes.rb
    get 'home/about'


Header on all pages

  • Create a partial
  • on application.html.erb...rails know to look for the file
    • <%= render 'home/header' %>
  • Go to components on bootstrap for navbar, add to header.html.erb (If the partial view was not created, then this code would have to live on the application.html.erb instead of having render 'home/header')
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark">
  <div class="container-fluid">
    <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">TreeHouse</a>

# Modify links and remove items that will not be used
  <%= link_to 'TreeHouse App', root_path, class:"navbar-brand" %>

  <li class="nav-item">
    <%= link_to 'About Us', home_about_path, class:"nav-link" %>

#alternate method instead of partial add to each view
<%= react_component('components/Header') %>
<%= react_component('components/Footer') %>  

2) branch: rails-crud โˆš

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
  skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token

# index method
  def index
    apartments = Apartment.all
    render json: apartments

# rails c
# make sure logged in so you don't have to create a user
user1 = User.find 1 street: "Fake Street", city: "Fake City", state: "FS", manager: "Manny Fake", email: "", price: "$1000/day", bedrooms: 0, bathrooms: 0, pets: "imaginary", image: ""

# Check browser

# show method, create a show.html.erb on apartment view
  def show
    apartment = Apartment.find([params[:id]])
    render json: apartment

# add a another entry street: "Another Fake Street", city: "Another Fake City", state: "FS", manager: "Fanny Fake", email: "", price: "$1050/week", bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 1, pets: "only air", image: ""

# Check browser

# create method
  def create
    apartment = Apartment.create(apartment_params)
    if apartment.valid?
      render json: apartment
      render json: apartment.errors

  def apartment_params
    params.require(:apartment).permit(:street, :city, :state, :manager, :email, :price, :bedrooms, :bathrooms, :pets, :image)

# Postman error states {"user":["must exist"]}
POST http://localhost:3000/apartments
    "street": "That Phony Street", 
    "city": "Phony City", 
    "state": "PS", 
    "manager": "Phony Phil", 
    "email": "", 
    "price": "$150/hr", 
    "bedrooms": 1, 
    "bathrooms": 1, 
    "pets": "only air", 
    "image": ""
# Will modify devise user method, Need to review Wildlife Tracker project for research on devise user, all other endpoints work on Postman

# update method
  def update
    apartment = Apartment.find(params[:id])
    render json: apartment

# destroy method
  def destroy
    apartment = Apartment.find(params[:id])
    render json: apartment

# testing in spec/models/apartment_spec.rb
  let(:user) { 
    User.create email: '[email protected]', password: '123456', password_confirmation: '123456' 

    it 'should have a valid street' do
    apt = Apartment.create city: "Another Fake City", state: "FS", manager: "Fanny Fake", email: "", price: "$1050/week", bedrooms: 2, bathrooms: 1, pets: "only air", image: "", user_id:
    expect(apt.errors[:street]).to include "can't be blank"

# add notice and alert to application view
      <p class="notice"> <%= notice %> </p>
      <p class="alert"> <%= alert %> </p>

3) branch: devise โˆš

# conditional rendering in home view
<% if user_signed_in? %>
  <li class="nav-item">
    <%= link_to 'Sign Out', destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete, class:"nav-link" %>
  <li class="nav-item">
    <%= link_to 'Edit Profile', edit_user_registration_path, class:"nav-link" %>
  <li class="nav-item">
  <%= link_to 'Tree Houses', apartments_path, class:"nav-link" %>
<% else %>
  <li class="nav-item">
    <%= link_to 'Sign Up', new_user_registration_path, class:"nav-link" %>
  <li class="nav-item">
    <%= link_to 'Sign In', new_user_session_path, class:"nav-link" %>
<% end %>
  • $ rails g devise:views

  • $ rails generate migration add_username_to_user

# db/migrate
class AddUsernameToUser < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    # add_column :table, :column_name, :data_type
    add_column :users, :username, :string

# $ rails db:migrate

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
  before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller?

  def configure_permitted_parameters
    # pass params for the sign up form
    devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:sign_up, keys: [:username, :email, :password])
    # pass params for the sign in form
    devise_parameter_sanitizer.permit(:account_update, keys: [:username, :email, :password])

# config/initializers/devise.rb
# This line is commented out and set to false.
# config.scoped_views = false

# Update the value to be true:
config.scoped_views = true
  • Go to app/views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb
  • Go to app/views/devise/registrations/edit.html.erb
  • Go to app/views/devise/sessions/new.html.erb:
    • Add form-group on all the divs with field
    • Add class:"form-control", placeholder:"message"
    • For the check_box, add form-check and class:"form-control"
    • button, add class:'btn btn-secondary'

4) branch: mock-apt (read functionality)

  • Add a file to javascript called mockApartments.js
let apartments = [
    id: 1,
    street: "Another Fake Street", 
    city: "Another Fake City", 
    state: "FS", 
    manager: "Fanny Fake", 
    email: "", 
    price: "$1050/week", 
    bedrooms: 2, 
    bathrooms: 1, 
    pets: "only air", 
    image: "", 
    user_id: 1

export default apartments

// import and updates on App.js
import mockApartments from './mockApartments.js'

class App extends Component{
    this.state = {
      apartments: mockApartments

<Route path="/apartmentindex" render={(props) => <ApartmentIndex apartments={} />} />

// Modify ApartmentIndex
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Card, CardImg, CardGroup, CardBody, CardTitle, CardSubtitle, CardText, Button } from 'reactstrap'
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'

class ApartmentIndex extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
<h3> For currency there is vacancy!</h3>
<br />
  {, index) => {
      <CardGroup key={index}>
      <Card body>
            alt="Card image cap"
            top width="100%"
            <CardTitle tag="h5">
            <NavLink to={`/apartmentshow/${}`}>
              <h4>{}, {apartment.state}</h4>
              className="mb-2 text-muted"
              Card subtitle
              This card has supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.

export default ApartmentIndex

// Modify App.js and Show
<Route path="/apartmentshow/:id" render={(props) => {
  let id =
  let apartment = => === +id)
  return <ApartmentShow apartment={apartment} />
}} />

<Col sm="6">
  <Card body>
    <CardTitle>Hi, my name is {}!</CardTitle>
    <img src={this.props.apartment.image} alt="adorable apartment" />
    <CardText>I am {this.props.apartment.age} years old. I enjoy  {this.props.apartment.enjoys}.</CardText>


# If you want a route to index or show pages to be rendered on a view, place path as a string 
<%= link_to 'Tree Houses', "/apartmentindex", class:"nav-button" %>
# if wanted auto links
<%= render "devise/shared/links" %>
// example of a test
describe("When Home renders", () => {
  it("displays a heading", () => {
    const home = shallow(<Home />)
    const homeHeading = home.find("h3")
    console.log("HOME", homeHeading.debug());
    expect(homeHeading.text()).toEqual("Home from React")

branch: new-tree

//  Use my notes from ApartmentApp
// The work flow --- Create a test that will verify that the CatNew page has a form and a heading.
// Trello---As a developer, I have test coverage on my new page.

// Bring in test dependencies from jest enzyme
// $ yarn add jest
// $ yarn add -D enzyme react-test-renderer enzyme-adapter-react-16
// write test
// Imports Enzyme testing and deconstructs Shallow into our test file.
import Enzyme, { shallow } from 'enzyme'

// Imports Adapter utilizing the latest react version into our test file so we can run a testing render on any component we may need.
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'

// Imports in the component we are going to be testing.
import CatNew from './CatNew.js'

//Allows us to utilize the adapter we import in earlier, allowing us to call and render a component.
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() })

describe("When CatNew Renders", () => {

  let catNewRender
  beforeEach(() => {
    catNewRender = shallow(<CatNew />)
  it("displays a heading", ()=>{
    const catNewHeading = catNewRender.find("h3")
    expect(catNewHeading.text()).toEqual("Tell us about that fur!")
  it("displays a form", ()=>{
    const catNewForm = catNewRender.find("Form")
// $ yarn test
// Good failure if all tests appear.
// The work flow --- Add a form and a heading on the CatNew page.
// Trello---As a user, I can fill out a form to add a new cat.

// copy code for form and button from
    <Label for="exampleEmail">
      placeholder="with a placeholder"
// import all the tags from Reactstrap
  import { Form, FormGroup, Label, Input, Button } from 'reactstrap'
// Update the form to reflect the input fields for cat's name, age, enjoys, image
// Add the h3 heading as shown on the test
// Remove id attribute from the Input component
    return (
      <h3>Tell us about that fur!</h3>
          <Label for="name">
            placeholder="What is your name?"
          Add that Feline
// Verify the tests passed
// Ctrl + C to stop the tests from auto-running
// A form with the 4 input fields should appear on the CatNew page in the browser
// The work flow --- Transform CatNew page into a logic component.
// Trello---As a developer, I can store the cat object in state

// Constructor method with a state object under the class component. We will also include a nested object that will store the input data for our cats
    this.state = {
      newCat: {
        name: "",
        age: "",
        enjoys: "",
        image: ""
// Collect info with a custom method and event listener. The method will initially just print out the event object produced by the event listener
handleChange = (e) => { 
// Each input will receive an onChange event listener.

    placeholder="What is your age?"
// update the handleChange() to reflect the and
// update handleChange() to change the appropriate keys in state with destructuring the newCat object from state, dynamically sharing the key:value pairs,
handleChange = (e) => {
  let { newCat } = this.state
  newCat[] =
  this.setState({newCat: newCat})
// Add a value attribute to the input field to ensure what the user types is showing visually on the form
    placeholder="What is your age?"
// The work flow --- Pass info to App.js
// Trello---As a developer, I can pass the cat object to App.js on submit and see the cat object logged in the console.

// Create a function on App.js that takes in an argument and prints that out.
  createCat = (cat) => {
    console.log("Cat has been created", cat)
// Make function available to child component
    render={(props) => <CatNew createCat={this.createCat} />}
// Access the createCat() in CatNew.js by creating a function that calls upon createCat() and passes the newCat object
handleSubmit = () => {
// Update the submit button to trigger the handleSubmit()
  <Button onClick={this.handleSubmit} name='submit'>
    Add a Cat
// The work flow --- Redirect CatNew page to the CatIndex page after submitting cat info

// react-router import
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'
//  Set the condition to be met that will allow a redirect. Initial state ---> submitted: false
//  Use handleSubmit() to update submitted to true when a submission is made
//  JavaScript code at the bottom of the JSX that will redirect when submitted is true
{this.state.submitted && <Redirect to="/catindex" />}

branch delete

  • Make a delete method on App.js
  • pass as a prop to Show.js
  • onclick attribute to button
  • use same syntax as edit syntax

branch backend

  • ensure config/routes has resource
  • add seeds db/seeds
apartments = [
    street: "Another Fake Street", 
    city: "Another Fake City", 
    state: "FS", 
    manager: "Fanny Fake", 
    email: "", 
    price: "$1050/week", 
    bedrooms: 2, 
    bathrooms: 1, 
    pets: "only air", 
    image: "/Users/charleanbaxter/Desktop/projects/apartment-app-SunkissedQueen/app/javascript/assets/fancy1.jpeg"
    street: "Aint Street", 
    city: "Another Fake City", 
    state: "FS", 
    manager: "Phoney Phil", 
    email: "", 
    price: "$3050/week", 
    bedrooms: 3, 
    bathrooms: 2, 
    pets: "under 10 lbs", 
    image: "/Users/charleanbaxter/Desktop/projects/apartment-app-SunkissedQueen/app/javascript/assets/hay1.jpeg"
    street: "Another Fake Street", 
    city: "Another Fake City", 
    state: "FS", 
    manager: "Fanny Fake", 
    email: "", 
    price: "$1050/week", 
    bedrooms: 2, 
    bathrooms: 1, 
    pets: "only air", 
    image: "/Users/charleanbaxter/Desktop/projects/apartment-app-SunkissedQueen/app/javascript/assets/island1.jpeg"
    street: "Another Fake Street", 
    city: "Another Fake City", 
    state: "FS", 
    manager: "Fanny Fake", 
    email: "", 
    price: "$1050/week", 
    bedrooms: 2, 
    bathrooms: 1, 
    pets: "only air", 
    image: "/Users/charleanbaxter/Desktop/projects/apartment-app-SunkissedQueen/app/javascript/assets/quaint1.jpeg"
    street: "Another Fake Street", 
    city: "Another Fake City", 
    state: "FS", 
    manager: "Fanny Fake", 
    email: "", 
    price: "$1050/week", 
    bedrooms: 2, 
    bathrooms: 1, 
    pets: "only air", 
    image: ""

apartments.each do |apt|
  Apartment.create apt
  puts "creating cat #{apt}"
  • $ rails db:seed in the terminal.

  • $ rails c and look for the cats with Apartment.all

  • $ rails db:drop

  • $ rails db:create

  • $ rails db:migrate

  • $ rails db:seed

# stub the endpoints in tha apartment controller
  def index

  def create

  def update

  def destroy

  # /spec/requests/cats_request_spec.rb
  require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "Cats", type: :request do
  describe "GET /index" do
    it "gets a list of cats" do
        name: 'Felix',
        age: 2,
        enjoys: 'Walks in the park',
        image: ''

      # Make a request
      get '/cats'

      cat = JSON.parse(response.body)
      expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
      expect(cat.length).to eq 1

# update controller
def index
  cats = Cat.all
  render json: cats

# create
describe "POST /create" do
  it "creates a cat" do
    # The params we are going to send with the request
    cat_params = {
      cat: {
        name: 'Buster',
        age: 4,
        enjoys: 'Meow Mix, and plenty of sunshine.',
        image: ''

    # Send the request to the server
    post '/cats', params: cat_params

    # Assure that we get a success back
    expect(response).to have_http_status(200)

    # Look up the cat we expect to be created in the db
    cat = Cat.first

    # Assure that the created cat has the correct attributes
    expect( eq 'Buster'

  def create
    # Create a new cat
    cat = Cat.create(cat_params)
    render json: cat

  # Handle strong parameters, so we are secure
  def cat_params
    params.require(:cat).permit(:name, :age, :enjoys, :image)

Toggle feature

  • Had to add bs to the toggle and target attributes
  • Remove the separate javascript files for bootstrap, keep the bundle

Footer idea

- <hr/>
  <a href="" > by SyntacticalAstronaut </a>


apartment-app-sunkissedqueen's People


sunkissedqueen avatar github-classroom[bot] avatar

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