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angular-payments's Introduction

Deprecated, unmaintained

Thank you all for all the contributions and support over the years! It's been evident already for a while, that this repository isn't been actively maintained anymore, and modern and much better alternatives exist. For Angular, ngx-stripe is probably a good alternative (no personal experience), or if you just need credit card validation, have a look into e.g.

Using this module isn't a good idea.

Angular Payments

An Angular Module that provides directives for formatting and validating forms related to payments. Also, it ships with a directive that makes it easy to integrate with Stripe's wonderful stripe.js.


This library wasn't just heavily inspired by Stripe's jQuery.payments, but is in fact mostly just a port of it to a more AngularJS-oriented style.

Also, stripeForm is pretty much directly from gtramontina's Stripe Angular:

All I did was port and combine these great libraries. Cheers!

Stripe Dependency

Angular Payments includes a directive stripe-form which depends on the stripe library.

The stripe library is not necessary to use the other directives.

Be sure to also configure Stripe by setting your publishable key, something like:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


To use Angular Payments, add angularPayments as a dependency to your AngularJS module or app.

If you are using stripe-form, follow the instructions above on including stripe.

The module ships 3 directives, all of which should be added as attributes to elements.

  • paymentsValidate
  • paymentsFormat
  • stripeFormat


Is used for validating fields on the client side. Usage:

	<input type="text" ng-model="blah" payments-validate="VALIDATION_TYPE" />

For validation to work, element must have an associated ng-model -value.

Possible validation types are:


	<input type="text" ng-model="number" payments-validate="card" />

Card validation also uses an extra attribute "payments-type-model". This attribute defines a model on the scope where the card type will be set as the field recognizes the type from the number.

	<input type="text" ng-model="number" payments-validate="card" payments-type-model="type"/>

In this case $scope.number will have the card number from the field and $scope.type will have the credit card type.

The card validator will also place a $card object on the on the input control as the card type is recognized. This card object has a number of different fields. It's easiest to get to this object if both the form and the input have a name, in which case you can access the card object at $scope.formName.inputName.$card.


	<input type="text" ng-model="expiry" payments-validate="expiry" />

Expiry actually matches, that a string with format mm / yy[yy] is a valid and non-expired date. It's pretty cool when combined with matching formatting. Again, ported from jQuery.payments.


	<input type="text" ng-model="cvc" payments-validate="cvc" />

CVC validation also uses an extra attribute "payments-type-model". This attribute defines a model on the scope where the CVC will load the card type in order to validate CVC rules based on the card. This attribute is meant to be used in conjunction with the same attribute on the card validation.

	<input type="text" ng-model="cvc" payments-validate="cvc" payments-type-model="type"/>	

In this case the CVC field will change its validation rules when $scope.type changes. For example, a 'visa' type will require 3 digits, but an 'amex' type will allow 3 or 4.


Is used for formatting fields.

	<input type="text" payments-format="FORMATTING_TYPE" />

For formatting to work, element must have an associated ng-model -value.

Possible formats:


	<input type="text" payments-format="card" />
  • After every 4th character a space (" ") character is added
  • Maximum 16 characters (excluding those spaces)
  • Only digits


	<input type="text" payments-format="expiry" />
  • Essentially "mm / yyyy"
  • After two digits for months, insert slash ("/")
  • Accept only digits and at most 6 of them (excluding the slash)


<input type="text" payments-format="cvc" />
  • Limit to 4 digits
  • Could also be used to match with card type, but this is not implemented yet.


Intercepts form-submission, obtains stripeToken and then fires a callback. Essentially abstracts away what you would do manually when following instructions at

<form stripe-form="CALLBACK"> 

Instead of sending the form and annotating it with data-stripe -attributes, you should use form's scope, i.e. attach values to form field's using ng-model. Values that are in the scope and that match to values that Stripe accepts, are sent. So if in addition to the formattable and validateable fields you want to send address_state, just add <input type="text" ng-model="addressState" /> to your form.

Important: expiry makes a small exception. If you haven't explicitly defined $scope.expMonth and $scope.expYear, we take $scope.expiry and parse it into a month and year assuming mm / yy[yy] format that is produced by payments-format="expiry".

When Stripe responds, it passes results to a callback function, which could be:

$scope.handleStripe = function(status, response){
  if(response.error) {
    // there was an error. Fix it.
  } else {
    // got stripe token, now charge it or smt
    token =

And then:

	<form stripe-form="handleStripe">

Basically the directive sends the credit card details directly to stripe, which then returns a token that you can use to charge the card, subscribe a user or to do other things. This ensures that the card details themselves never hit your backend and thus you have to worry a little bit less.


See example-folder. You can run the example with

grunt connect

then connect to it at http://localhost:8000/example/index.html


Please Edit files in src/-folder and before submitting pull request, run grunt to compile and minify files in lib-folder.

Despite of slow response times, all patches, bugfixes and features are more and welcome and much appreciated. Thanks to all who have and will contribute! :)


Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


angular-payments's People


analogj avatar anark avatar danxshap avatar ericz avatar gh-naylor avatar jribble avatar laurihy avatar michaelnatkin avatar mrjgreen avatar purge avatar vegardlarsen avatar yale avatar


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angular-payments's Issues

Disabled property on button

Wondering what the rationale is for setting button.prop('disabled', true) and then false. Would it not be easier to let the user handle this via ng-disabled? Use case is that I use angular-payments to generate a token and then use stripe.js to create a customer. While waiting for the response on creating the customer the button is enabled but disabled for the initial token request.

what is this code?

found in validate.js

 var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }

i'm just curious. in validate.js many of the names are prefixed with an _ but not in other files.

Card Type not shown when using payment-format attribute

I am experiencing a problem where the Discover card is not checking the type when using the payment-format attribute.

For example, using payments-validate="card" payments-format="card" and entering 6011 the Discover card is not appearing until you type the next number.

Seems like the card type lookup is being paused because of the added ' ' (space).

Letters are not disallowed

I have just installed this package, everything works except the letters and other characters are still allowed to be typed in, but the docs say they are prevented. Can I get some directions how to fix this? Maybe the issue is that I use angular 1.3 beta?

Calling stripe.js only where necessary in one page angular app

I have developed a one-page angular app and really like your module(s). One question though: As in your example I am loading stripe.js in the head tag on the main index.html page. This page is loaded before all partial views, even those where the stripe call is not required. I'm wondering if there's any EASY way to inject the stripe.js call into the head only when the partial view needs it (ie on credit card pages)? If not it's a bit of overhead I guess I can live with but just wondered.

Demo doesn't work

Hi there,

I can't seem to get the demo working. I just enter all the information, and the page doesn't do anything. I did get it to highlight the CC field when the input was invalid, but that's it. Upon trying the second time, I got an error in the console:

screenshot 2014-03-18 11 23 09

Make Editing error messages so obvious.

Default error messages for card and cvc are please enter card error and please enter cvc error. Information on how to change this would be great to have on this wiki/project homepage. Plus it would be a good idea if it came out the box with slightly in context error messages e.g. For card error - Please enter a valid card number. For cvc error - Invalid CVC number.

Expiry date problem

If expiry date is entered incorrectly eg 12/222 and then the user left the expiry field to input other things. When he comes back to fix expiry it still stays the old value for some reason. So I would get an error:
{"error":{"message":"Your card's expiration year is invalid.","type":"card_error","param":"exp_year","code":"invalid_expiry_year"}}

Example not working

Noticed an issue in some code I inherited that uses this library. It appears to break the same way in the example..

Seems like it's counting the spaces in the input as digits in the credit card number.. therefore a real 16 digit credit card number is "not valid"..

Is this still being maintained?

card type icon not working

I like the idea of the card icon. IS the intention that the icon appears when enough of the card number has been entered to identify the issuer? I cant get the icon to appear at all. The ng-class stays as myForm.number.$card.type without being dynamically changed to the card type (e.g. mastercard) to take advantage of the CSS styling.

It be because I have carved up your example into its separate components (styling into my .css file, handler into existing controller etc.

Anything obvious Im doing wrong?

bower.json version doesn't have corresponding repo tag

You are missing a matching tag corresponding to the version you have in your bower.json file. i.e. 0.1.0.
Otherwise this is what happens when trying to install via bower.

bower angular-payments#0.1.0 ENORESTARGET No tag found that was able to satisfy 0.1.0
Additional error details:
No versions found in git://

btw - Thanks for this!

Can't access Stripe API methods

I've injected angular-payments into my project and set my publishable key via Stripe.setPublishableKey() and am able to successfully create a stripe token.

But there are certain, fairly important methods I am not able to call. I understand that including the Stripe script itself into your index.html attaches a Stripe object to the window, which should presumably allow you to access the Stripe API.

For instance, I can console.log(Stripe.card). But if I do this: console.log(Stripe.charges), the console returns undefined.

Perhaps if I put the full controller here, it might outline some fundamental understanding of my regarding how Stripe and/or angularPayments works.

angular.module('myApp.controllers', ['angularPayments'])
.controller('CheckoutCtrl', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$localstorage',
function($scope, $state, $stateParams, $localstorage) {

    $scope.order = $localstorage.getObject('order');
    $scope.handleStripeResponse = function(status, response) {
        if(response.error) {
        else {
            $scope.stripeToken =;
        if($scope.stripeToken) {
                $scope.charge = stripe.charges.create({
                amount: $,
                currency: "usd",
                card: $scope.stripeToken,
            }, function(err, charge) {
                if (err && err.type == "StripeCardError") {
                    // The card has been declined

Ajax Submit payment, Doesn't update the expiry date (Month and year).

Hi guys,

Exist one annoying issue when you have a ajax submit payment method, in the situation you submit a expired card and without refresh the page, you change the expired date to a correct and submit again and the submitted expiry date of month and year it's the same of the last submit expiry date.

I check the code and i find this condition.


PS: this problem exist only in ajax request.

Many Thanks

Calling the stripe-form directive method from a controller (or another directive)

I'm having trouble calling the stripe-form directive from my controller. The reason I'm doing it like this is that the button I need to use to 'submit' the form is outside of the form element. I've tried a few different things (like calling the stripeForm directive on click of an element, etc.), but it's surprisingly tricky. Any idea how I could implement this?

Backspace on CVC field not working after 4 digits on Firefox

Thanks for such a wonderful credit card validation plugin. Everything works great as expected but there is a little problem.
After entering 4 digits in the CSC field, the backspace no longer functions on Firefox. The problem is not seen in Chrome or Safari.
NB: I am using the latest versions of all the mentioned browsers.

attributes is not defined at angular-payments.js

How can I fix that issue?

ReferenceError: attributes is not defined
at angular-payments.js:795
at n.a.$get.n.$eval (angular.js:15846)
at n.a.$get.n.$apply (angular.js:15945)
at angular-payments.js:793
at Object.Stripe.token.a.create.c.success ((index):2)
at Object. ((index):3)
at Object.Stripe.a._receiveChannelRelay as onMessage
at Object.Stripe.isDoubleLoaded.H.Socket.t.concat.incoming ((index):2)
at f ((index):2)(anonymous function) @ angular.js:12330b.$get @ angular.js:9109a.$get.n.$apply @ angular.js:15947(anonymous function) @ angular-payments.js:793Stripe.token.a.create.c.success @ (index):2(anonymous function) @ (index):3Stripe.a._receiveChannelRelay @ (index):2Stripe.isDoubleLoaded.H.Socket.t.concat.incoming @ (index):2f @ (index):2

Issue with Firefox and backspace on credit card number

When using Firefox, in a credit card number field, backspace erases numbers until it finds a space.

If your you try to erase at a space, it adds a ��character (String.fromCharCode(8), 8 being the keycode of backspace) instead of erasing the next number.

address_line1_check & address_zip_check

How do I get these things to check? For some reason they are returning back "unchecked" in my result.card.

I have address_line1 (addressLine1) and address_zip (addressZip) filled in along with other address components.

P.S. I am using the test stripe cards so these things should check.

Fails in strict mode

Since _getDataToSend is defined as an implicit global variable (along with a few other functions), this library will fail to load when run in Javascript strict mode (i.e. "use strict";) with the error: ReferenceError: _getDataToSend is not defined.

I believe that angular-payments should be changed to define those functions as local variables so that it doesn't cause issues in strict mode and leak variables into the global scope. Looking at the functions they don't appear to be meant to be loaded into the global scope.

Expiry date not being displayed from the model


If the date comes from the model is already expired then it doesn't appear on UI, but if I enter the expired date in the textbox it does show up with the error message(which is fine). When the date from the model is already expired it should show on the UI so that the user knows its an expired date instead of showing the empty textbox field.

How do I gain access to the information sent to Stripe?

I'm using stripeForm which sends the data to stripe and provides the callback. But I would like to save the users last 4 digits of the credit card on my server and also get users email address?. Is there a way I can get the data from the form fields before or after it is sent to stripe?

This is what i'd like to do

          <form stripe-form="handleStripe" name="myForm">
            <div class='form-row'>
              <div class='col-xs-12 form-group required'>
                <label class='control-label'>Email</label>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="card_email">
            <div class='form-row'>
              <div class='col-xs-12 form-group card required'>
                <label class='control-label'>Card Number</label>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="card_number" ng-model="number" payments-validate="card" payments-format="card" payments-type-model="type" ng-class="myForm.number.$card.type">
            <div class='form-row'>
              <div class='col-xs-4 form-group cvc required'>
                <label class='control-label'>CVC</label>

                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="card_cvc" ng-model="cvc" payments-validate="cvc" payments-format="cvc" payments-type-model="type">
              <div class='col-md-offset-4 col-xs-4 form-group expiration required'>
                <label class='control-label'>Expiration</label>

                <input type="text" class="form-control" nam="card_expiry" ng-model="expiry" payments-validate="expiry" payments-format="expiry">
            <div class='form-group'>
              <div class='col-md-12 form-group'>
                <button class='form-control  submit-button btn btn-majoo' type='submit'>Pay »</button>
  $scope.handleStripe = function(status, response){
    if(response.error) {
      alert("Error happened")
    } else {
      // got stripe token, now charge it 
      var dataModel = {
        email: <how do I get access to the email address entered by the user?>


Move ownership of this repo?

Hi @laurihy ,

You haven't replied to any of the issues filed in the last months. Do you want to transfer the ownership of this repo to someone who could dedicate enough time to maintain it?


Can you add addressZip, etc. to the Readme? I found it in the code, but the documentation is hidden really well at the bottom there. Listing all the options would be nice.

Formatting needs better case handling: cut, paste, select, undo, redo, contextmenu

It's really basic at the moment, lots of cases are not being handled. Might be worth to port-in a complete jQuery solution instead. I'm working on a business project and took a more complex approach to formatting the card number. What I do is upon any change, I flash the reformatted card number, and then I position the caret back to its expected position. It's a lot of work, but the finished result is much smoother.

You may also want to refrain from using event.preventDefault(), as this stops the scope on the field from $digesting. So if another directive is watching a change to the value, it won't be propagated as expected..

error in bower file

Your bower file has an error. I believe it's line 16. There is an extra comma. It gives an 'unexpected token ]' when trying to install via bower.

Support type=number to show mobile numeric keyboard for all fields

Right now if we use <input type=number>, I got Javascript error because only type=text is supported.

This is important for mobile since we don't want to show a regular keyboard but only numeric keyboard. How to fix this? I may work around and use tel but it's a hack.

payments-format="expiry" Invalid Date issue

I'm noticing when I first load a form with payments-format="expiry" that I'm getting an "Invalid Date" javascript error. I tracked it down to the function call for _getFormattedExpiry.

var _getFormattedExpiry = function(value) { if(value !== null) { var obj = Common.parseExpiry(value); var expiry = new Date(obj.year, obj.month-1); return $filter('date')(expiry, 'MM / yyyy'); } return null; };

The problem is that value being passed in is undefined, not null. I was able to fix the issue in my code by setting the ng-model value to null once I start the controller, but I wasn't sure if it'd be safer to check if null or undefined?

removed stripe.js dep

can we just $http?
from what I understand your code that deals with stripe is only making 1 http call. stripe has a documented HTTP API.

would you accept a PR that replaces the $window.Stripe with $http?

i'm interested in this for testing purposes using $httpbackend.

IE8 support

Throws a lot of errors on IE8 including Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object after each letter you type in the card number field. Would be nice to support it.

Access to the card type

Is it possible to get access to the calculated card type? I can see that internally, some of the directives use the value, but is there a way of setting a binding on the card input to bind the card type to a model variable, or is there some other way of managing this?

Would be great to hear your ideas - The aim would be to achieve something like this: (I'm sure you are familiar with the page but just in case - click the "pay with card" button and start typing a card number to )

Doesn't work when using controllerAs syntax

I'm getting this error when I submit the form:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined

scope[attr.stripeForm].apply(scope, args);

 <form stripe-form="myCtrl.handleStripe" name="myCtrl.myForm">

cvc field freeze when 4 characters(Firefox)

Putting 4 characters into the cvc field freezes any editing of the cvc field.

It will read as ng-dirty ng-valid ng-valid-cvc, however it becomes uneditable(Firefox only, not Chromium, untested in other browsers), unable to delete, backspace, or change.

No console output --- no apparent error anywhere.

using errors/validation is more complicated that it seems it should be (from a beginner or someone unfamiliar with the inner workings of the module perspective)

I'm admittedly a novice..but I can't seem to get a grasp on accessing field validation.

I'm using the example form, so for example:

<div class="span3">
                <label for="">Card number</label>
                <input type="text"

and adding an error

                <div class="error" ng-show="formName.number.$dirty">XXXXXXXXXXXX</div>

seems as though I've tried:


etc. and so on....I can't seem to trigger ng-show. From a novice js perspective the wording in the readme is opaque, this seems more painful than should be. I'm sure its easier to understand with more experience in js, but right now for me not so much and the example & documentation are not helping and rather than continue to flail around, I thought I would ask, and then I'll send a pull with an updated example because this is like 2/3 of this repo that is diffucult to understand on a drop-in-beginner basis, and would help making your project amenable to more people (I suppose).

tl;dr: Having an example that incorporates usage of 2/3 of the library would be very helpful to people trying to use this library. I'd be willing to push that out if I can figure out whats going on here that I'm having issues with.

answer seems straightforward with naming the field....supposing guessing at other parts will take some time on my effort:

div class="span3">
                <label for="">Card number</label>
                <input type="text"

and adding an error

                <div class="error" ng-show="formName.cccardnumber.$dirty && formName.cccardnumber.$invalid">XXXXXXXXXXXX</div>

still this is something that would make the example clearer to users

I hate to be that guy...

but it seems like a total "gotcha" that declaring


without the (), is undocumented, I think it would be better if this were explicitly states IMHO.

And thanks for the awesome plugin! Saving me tons of time! I'll definitely contribute if I think I can do something useful!

Examples JS out of date?

Just an FYI I downloaded the source from the example page ( and could never get
ccForm.cardNumber.$error.card to ever be a value.

If I download the files myself from the source everything worked.

                    <div class="col-sm-8">
                        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="cardNumber" ng-model="cc.cardNumber" placeholder="card number" payments-validate="card" required>
                        <div data-ng-show="ccForm.cardNumber.$error.required && ccForm.cardNumber.$error.card && ccForm.cardNumber.$dirty">
                            Card Number is Required

Name clashes

Names such as 'Common' for services are likely to clash with other Angular modules I think. Better to prefix them with something if you can.

Formatting does not work in default Android browser

While using the default browser on android, it seems that the formatting doesn't work.

Example: The card formatting does not add spaces on every 4th digit. The expiry formatting does not add a slash.

Using Android v4.4.4, with Internet v2.0.341100600.122953

Repo in active development ?

Is this repository in active development or supported ? because I see commits 1 year old and pull requests haven't been merged.

What the status of the project ?

Firefox and preventDefault

If you use payments-validate in Firefox, keypresses such as tab, Ctrl+R, backspace, delete, etc. does not register. This makes it very hard to make changes to input. This goes for all validation types.

Sending lots of undefined fields to stripe

Lines 29-33 in form.js should be replaced with:

for(i in possibleKeys){
ret[camelToSnake(possibleKeys[i])] = angular.copy(data[possibleKeys[i]]);

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