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memoryprofiler's Introduction






  • 由于分心去看Profiler,导致不能全心投入游戏,从而不能收集正常战斗过程的性能数据
  • 为了收集数据需要像正常玩家那样打游戏,不能全神关注Profiler图表,从而不能发现/查看所有的性能问题






  1. 内存分析过程缓慢
  2. 在众多无差别的小方格里面找到实际关心的资源很难,虽然可以放大缩小,但感觉并没有提升检索的便利性
  3. 每个对象只提供父级引用关系,无法看到完整的对象引用链,容易在跳转过程中搞错上下文关系
  4. 引擎对象的引用和il2cpp对象的引用混为一谈,让使用者对引用关系的理解模糊不清
  5. 没有按引擎对象内存和il2cpp对象内存分类区别统计,加深使用者对内存使用的误解

MemoryProfiler源码托管在Bitbucket,但是从最后提交记录来看,这个内存工具已经超过2年半没有任何更新了,但是这期间Unity可是发布了好多个版本,想想就有点后怕。 MemoryProfiler项目代码更新状态\label{cm}\

有热心开发者也忍受不了Unity这缓慢的更新节奏,干脆自己动手基于源码在github上建代码仓库进行二次开发。 PerfAssist新增特性\label{pf}\

PerfAssistMemoryProfiler源码的基础上做了比较大的更新,主要是增加检索的便利性以及内存快照对比,使用起来比MemoryProfiler初代产品方便了不少,但是由于交互界面的限制,也无法完整展示内存引用关系,内存分析过程依然异常缓慢,甚至会在分析过程中异常崩溃。 内存分析过程中崩溃\label{crash}{width=80%}




  1. github下载源码,并使用Xcode打开工程MemoryCrawler/MemoryCrawler.xcodeproj
  2. Scheme列表选择UnityProfiler,然后按快捷键Comamnd+B编译,该操作会生成命令行工具*/usr/local/bin/UnityProfiler*。
  3. Scheme列表选择MemoryCrawler,然后按快捷键Command+B编译,该操作会生成命令行工具*/usr/local/bin/MemoryCrawler*。


  1. 集成UnityEditor脚本,生成数据捕获菜单。 把Editor目录放到Unity工程里面并刷新,之后在UnityEditor菜单里面会出现下图所示的菜单。

  2. 按照官方文档配置真机调试或在Editor环境调试。\

  3. 启动游戏,在需要性能调试的逻辑开始前点击菜单性能/开始采样,并在逻辑结束后点击菜单性能/停止采样\

  4. 启动UnityProfiler分析性能数据。

$ UnityProfiler ProfilerCapture/20190514115025_PERF.pfc 
[0] RecordCrawler::load=28816729
    [1] RecordCrawler::loadStrings=648335
        [2] seek=338165
        [3] read=307367
    [4] RecordCrawler::crawl=27087144
/> func
38.17%    185.12ms #20      ██████████████████████████████████████ WaitForTargetFPS *1
 4.40%     21.36ms #20      ████ Profiler.CollectMemoryAllocationStats *128
 4.38%     21.25ms #200     ████ RenderForward.RenderLoopJob *7
 4.34%     21.02ms #1206    ████ WaitForJobGroup *27
 2.75%     13.32ms #100     ███ SceneCulling *25
 2.03%      9.85ms #100     ██ Camera.Render *3
 1.88%      9.12ms #100     ██ CullResults.CreateSharedRendererScene *46
 1.53%      7.42ms #100     ██ Render.TransparentGeometry *5
 1.52%      7.35ms #320     ██ SkinnedMeshFinalizeUpdate *38
 1.49%      7.21ms #20BehaviourUpdate *76
 /> alloc
[FRAME] index=1036 time=4.250ms fps=235.3 alloc=113 offset=1474
[FRAME] index=1037 time=3.780ms fps=264.2 alloc=113 offset=2683
[FRAME] index=1038 time=4.100ms fps=243.4 alloc=113 offset=3916
[FRAME] index=1039 time=4.030ms fps=248.0 alloc=113 offset=8149
[FRAME] index=1040 time=3.860ms fps=258.7 alloc=113 offset=9358
[FRAME] index=1041 time=31.730ms fps=31.5 alloc=83215 offset=10567
/> frame 1036
[FRAME] index=1036 time=4.250ms fps=235.3 alloc=113 offset=1474
├─Profiler.CollectGlobalStats time=9.527%/0.405ms self=16.080%/0.065ms calls=1 *1
│  ├─Profiler.CollectMemoryAllocationStats time=75.144%/0.304ms self=100.000%/0.304ms calls=1 *2
│  ├─Profiler.CollectAudioStats time=7.752%/0.031ms self=6.700%/0.002ms calls=1 *3
│  │  └─AudioProfiler.CaptureFrame time=93.300%/0.029ms self=84.694%/0.025ms calls=1 *4
│  │     └─AudioProfiler.CaptureChannelGroup time=15.306%/0.004ms self=55.288%/0.002ms calls=1 *5
│  │        └─AudioProfiler.CaptureChannelGroup time=44.712%/0.002ms self=66.866%/0.001ms calls=2 *5
│  │           └─AudioProfiler.CaptureChannelGroup time=33.134%/0.001ms self=100.000%/0.001ms calls=2 *5
│  └─Profiler.CollectDrawStats time=1.025%/0.004ms self=100.000%/0.004ms calls=1 *6
├─EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions() time=0.748%/0.032ms self=99.069%/0.032ms calls=1 alloc=96 *7
│  └─GC.Alloc time=0.930%/0.000ms self=100.000%/0.000ms calls=3 alloc=96 *8
├─UpdateSceneIfNeeded time=0.556%/0.024ms self=9.870%/0.002ms calls=1 *9
│  ├─AudioManager.Update time=87.102%/0.021ms self=77.239%/0.016ms calls=1 *10
│  │  └─AudioSettings.InvokeOnAudioManagerUpdate() time=22.761%/0.005ms self=100.000%/0.005ms calls=1 *11
│  └─FlushDirty time=3.028%/0.001ms self=100.000%/0.001ms calls=1 *12
├─EditorCompilationInterface.IsCompiling() time=0.225%/0.010ms self=96.836%/0.009ms calls=1 alloc=17 *13
│  └─GC.Alloc time=3.164%/0.000ms self=100.000%/0.000ms calls=1 alloc=17 *8
├─editorBeforeUpdate.{ InputUpdate(kInputUpdateEditorBegin); InputSendEvents(); } time=0.125%/0.005ms self=36.696%/0.002ms calls=1 *14
│  ├─NativeInputSystem.NotifyUpdate() time=35.697%/0.002ms self=100.000%/0.002ms calls=1 *15
│  └─NativeInputSystem.NotifyEvents() time=27.607%/0.001ms self=100.000%/0.001ms calls=1 *16
├─UpdatePreloading time=0.048%/0.002ms self=14.809%/0.000ms calls=1 *18
│  └─Application.Integrate Assets in Background time=85.191%/0.002ms self=18.081%/0.000ms calls=1 *19
│     └─Preload Single Step time=81.919%/0.001ms self=100.000%/0.001ms calls=1 *20
├─editorAfterUpdate.{ InputUpdate(kInputUpdateEditorEnd); } time=0.040%/0.002ms self=35.660%/0.001ms calls=1 *21
│  └─NativeInputSystem.NotifyUpdate() time=64.340%/0.001ms self=100.000%/0.001ms calls=1 *15
└─PlayerCleanupCachedData time=0.020%/0.001ms self=63.380%/0.001ms calls=1 *22
   └─CleanUp.TextRenderingGarbageCollect time=36.620%/0.000ms self=100.000%/0.000ms calls=1 *23


  1. 集成UnityEditor脚本,生成数据捕获菜单。 把Editor目录放到Unity工程里面并刷新,之后在UnityEditor菜单里面会出现下图所示的菜单。

  2. 按照官方文档配置真机调试或在Editor环境调试。\

  3. 启动游戏,在需要性能调试的逻辑开始前点击菜单性能/捕获快照

  4. 启动MemoryCrawler分析性能数据。

$ MemoryCrawler MemoryCapture/20190515123633_snapshot.pms 
[0] MemorySnapshotReader=180766281
    [1] open_snapshot=78634
    [2] read_header=687494
    [3] readPackedMemorySnapshot=177589621
        [4] read_native_types=367595
        [5] read_native_objects=2205864
        [6] read_gc_handles=120789
        [7] read_connections=731030
        [8] read_heap_sections=114988169
        [9] read_type_descriptions=59152770
        [10] read_virtual_matchine_information=1170
            [11] read_object=543
    [12] postSnapshot=2339963
        [13] create_sorted_heap=31189
        [14] create_type_strings=6193
        [15] read_type_index=1887123
        [16] set_native_type_index=16258
        [17] set_gchandle_index=12052
        [18] set_heap_index=236912
        [19] set_native_object_index=102807
        [20] summarize_native_objects=40163
[0] MemorySnapshotCrawler=71546587
    [1] prepare=2236615
        [2] init_managed_types=865149
        [3] init_native_connections=1366118
    [4] crawlGCHandles=49670327
    [5] crawlStatic=17748112
    [6] summarize_managed_objects=1885572
/> ubar
 47.77  47.77 ████████████████████████████████████████████████ RenderTexture 45541440 #4 *217
 24.75  72.52 █████████████████████████ Texture2D 23599923 #2107 *220
 14.77  87.29 ███████████████ AssetDatabaseV1 14081231 #1 *2
  7.16  94.45 ███████ Font 6824990 #7 *175
  1.26  95.70 █ AudioManager 1197311 #1 *231
  1.14  96.85 █ Shader 1090227 #33 *199
  1.01  97.85 █ MonoScript 960105 #745 *209
  0.90  98.75 █ Mesh 856680 #236 *184
  0.75  99.51 █ AssetBundle 716878 #1 *131
  0.28  99.78 █ Cubemap 263912 #3 *221
  0.05  99.84 █ PluginImporter 51603 #75 *147
  0.04  99.87 █ Material 36040 #35 *182
  0.04  99.91 █ MonoManager 35536 #1 *240
  0.02  99.93 █ MonoBehaviour 21235 #52 *66
  0.01  99.95 █ PlayerSettings 11361 #1 *246
  0.01  99.95 █ InputManager 7332 #1 *238
  0.01  99.96 █ Transform 6760 #13 *119
  0.00  99.97 █ Camera 4704 #2 *22
  0.00  99.97 █ GameObject 3944 #13 *124
  0.00  99.97 █ MonoImporter 3696 #7 *144


memoryprofiler's People


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memoryprofiler's Issues

Frame的memory info有误?

if (frameIndex == stopFrameIndex) // encode memory info
    stream.Write((ushort) (8 * 6));
    stream.Write(Profiler.usedHeapSizeLong); // 1
    stream.Write(Profiler.GetMonoUsedSizeLong()); // 2
    stream.Write(Profiler.GetMonoHeapSizeLong()); // 3
    stream.Write(Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong()); // 4
    stream.Write(Profiler.GetTotalReservedMemoryLong()); // 5
    stream.Write(Profiler.GetTotalUnusedReservedMemoryLong()); // 6
    stream.Write((ushort) 0);

考虑使用ProfilerDriver.GetOverviewText(ProfilerArea.Memory, frame_index);来获取内存信息?

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