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gsq-lodgement-portal's Introduction

GSQ Lodgement Portal

Purpose of this document

Provide a specification for the new GSQ Lodgement Portal that:

  • Accurately defines the business requirements
  • Is a key input to software design for a software developer

The primary input into this document is the data model defined in the Resources Industry Report Profile.


Resource authority holders need to submit a range of statutory reports on their activities. Reports include all mineral exploration, geothermal exploration, greenhouse gas exploration, petroleum exploration, petroleum well, seismic survey or airborne geophysical survey, mineral development licence, petroleum lease, and petroleum pipeline licence reports and some other exploration related reporting.

When government issues a permit to a holder, the legislation requires a permit holder to submit reports to the Department when certain activities are performed under the conditions of the permit.

  • The reports contain knowledge of the geological resource.
  • Historically, industry reports have been lodged through QDEX Reports.
  • GDMP will deliver a new lodgement portal to replace QDEX Reports.
  • Most industry reports have a confidentiality period before becoming open file.

The Lodgement Portal

Objectives of the Lodgement Portal

  1. Provide a single portal for industry and GSQ to lodge georesources reports.
  2. Provide data validation at point of data entry.
  3. Provide a database store to store in-progress and submitted reports.
  4. Harvest the submitted metadata, data and datasets for insertion into CKAN, S3 and the GeoProperties Database.
  5. Provide search functionality for GSQ staff to search for reports.
  6. Replace QDEX Reports.

Vendor deliverables

  1. An online lodgement portal to allow industry users to submit reports and upload associated geoscience data files in a structured, itemised format.
    a.Data must be able to be submitted through a human-computer interface
    b.Data must be able to be submitted through a computer-computer interface
  2. Automated workflows to process the geoscience data submitted to the geological properties database, and data catalogue and data object store.
  3. A method of enabling the upload of large geoscience data files to the data object store.

Four versions of the Lodgement Portal

There are 4 versions of lodgement portal to be built:

  1. MVP Lodgement Portal to replace the current lodgement functionality of QDEX reports - described on this page.
  2. Version 2 Lodgement Portal that extends the MVP Lodgement Portal to parse the data lodged in the petroleum, coal, and mineral reporting guideline templates - described on Version2-portal-README.MD
  3. Multipart lodgement form (per ModulrTech style) for mineral & coal annual report - described on Version3-portal-README.MD
  4. Multipart lodgement form (per ModulrTech style) for well completion report - described on Version4-portal-README.MD

Iterative delivery of the versions

It is vital that GSQ exit QDEX Reports by June 30, 2020. Hence, we will iterate through the 4 versions:

  1. Analyse, design, build, and deploy Version 1 - the MVP Lodgement Portal. This portal replaces QDEX Reports.
    a. The MVP software (Version 1) provides the platform and "plumbing" for all future versions - i.e. web portal, authentication, authorisation, lodgement form, lodgement database, metadata, CKAN integration, S3 integration, spatial processing.
    b. The MVP software enables data migration out of QDEX Reports into the Lodgement Portal.
    c. The MVP software enables data migration out of QDEX Reports into the Data Catalogue (Open Data Portal, Private Data Portal, and Data Object Store (S3)).
  2. Analyse, design, build, and deploy Version 2 - inheriting the functionality of the MVP and building the parsing functionality to populate the Geoproperties database.
  3. Analyse, design, build, and deploy Versions 3 and 4.

MVP Lodgement Portal activity diagram

Figure 1: MVP Lodgement Portal activity diagram

MVP Lodgement Portal conceptual data model

Figure 4: Lodgement Portal conceptual data model

MVP Lodgement Portal data elements

Element Field name Remarks Source
report_id Report ID A unique, persistent identifer System
report_alias Report alias An alternative identifier for the report. Digital Object Identifier will be recorded here. System
report_title Report title A textual name Text
report_description Report description A textual description of the report Text
report_type Report type Lookup to controlled list of report types Vocab
report_status Report status Lookup to controlled list of status Vocab
report_permit Permit The permit number(s) covered by the report Lookup
report_is_of_feature Geoadmin feature The features targeted in the report Lookup
report_is_of_site Site The sites targeted in the report Lookup
report_is_of_suvey Generated by The PID of the survey or other activity that generated the report Lookup
report_data_category Earth science data category The data categories featured in the report Vocab
report_commodity Commodity The target or actual commodities featured in the report Vocab
report_owner Report owner Party that owns the resource
A lookup to controlled list of organisations
report_author Author Party who authored the resource Text
report_submitter Submitter The logged-in user who lodged the report System
report_start_time Report period start date The temporal coverage of the report Date
report_end_time Report period end date The temporal coverage of the report Date
report_lodge_time Created Date and time the report was lodged (date of receipt) System Date
report_open_file_date Issued Date of formal issuance (open file publication). Calculated for new reports. Date
report_access_rights Data access rights Controls user and system access to the resource Vocab
report_geometry Geometry Spatial coverage of the report. If no spatial data is submitted with the report and the report is for a permit(s), the spatial coverage is created based on the permit extents boundary. Geometry
report_details Report details Report-specific additional information Key:Values
report_dataset Dataset link Links to related datasets including raw data Hyperlink

Report_alias data elements (sub-table)

Element Field name Remarks Source
report_alias Report alias An alternative identifier for the report User
report_alias_source Alias source The source of the alternative identifier, e.g. Digital Object Identifier User
report_alias_detail Alias detail Details of the alias in textual form User

Report_status data elements (sub-table)

Element Field name Remarks Source
report_status Report status Lookup to controlled list of status. In the MVP, this will default to "Submitted". Lookup
status_start_date (hidden) The date the status was set System
status_end_date (hidden) The date the previous status ended System

Geometry data elements (sub-table)

The spatial coverage of the report. If no spatial data is submitted with the report and the report is for a permit(s), the spatial coverage is created based on the permit extents boundary. The geometry is stored in the PostGIS component of the database.

Element Field name Remarks Source
geometry_id Geometry ID The identifier of the geometry to allow retrieval of the geometrty. WKT
geometry_format Geometry format The format of the geometry: a point, a line, a polygon, etc. WKT

Report_details data elements (sub-table)

Enables the collection of various data, held as key:value pairs, i.e. report_detail_type:report_detail_value. e.g. tectonic:Kalkadoon

Element Field name Remarks Source
report_detail_type Report detail type Report-specific additional information type Vocab
report_detail_value Report detail value Report-specific additional information in textual or numeric form User

Dataset_resource data elements (sub-table)

The datasets submitted with the report, e.g. PDF files, wireline logs, CSV files, are stored as objects in S3. Each resource is described with DCAT2-compliant metadata. This table lists all of the dataset resources linked to a report.

Element Field name Remarks Source
dct:identifier PID Persistent identifier for the resource System
dct:title Title A name given to the item User
dct:description Description A free-text account of the item. User
dct:type Resource type The nature of the resource, e.g. LAS file Vocab
dct:format Format The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. User
dct:byteSize Byte size The size of the resource in bytes System
dct:dateSubmitted Date submitted Date of submission of the resource System

Lodgement Form PID minting

The Persistent Identifier (PID) is the unique identifier for a site or survey that is submitted to the department. GSQ needs industry to use this PID when submitting data to the department.

Minting a new PID

Customers lodge Notice of Intention forms to the department. This means that the borehole or the survey is proposed but not completed.

We need to tell the submitter of the form what the PID is and what it is used for. We can do this by emailing the PID to the submitter after successful submission. We want to do this after the form submission so we don't get orphan PIDs, i.e. PIDs created without the accompanying lodgement metadata.

Figure 2: Lodgement Portal PID minting

Matching an existing PID

When the submitter submits a Notice of completion (or abandonment, etc.) form, we need to tie this lodgement to the proposed borehole or survey record in the GSQ database.

For instance:

Figure 3: Lodgement Portal PID matching

Report Types Covered by Petroleum & Gas Reporting Template

The following reports will be submitted through the Petroleum and Gas Reporting Template (.xls).

  • They will be lodged through the Lodgement Portal with the submitter completing the standard report metdata in the lodgement form.
  • The submitter will upload the .xls reporting template through the lodgement form.
  • The submitter will upload any additional data files through the lodgement form.
  • When submitted, the metadata is written to the Lodgement Portal database. The .xls reporting template and any additional files are stored in S3.
  • The .xls file is harvested with the data inserted into the Geoproperties database.
  • The report metadata is pushed through to CKAN as a Report dataset with links to the data objects in S3.
Report Type Concept Notation QDEX Count PID
Hydraulic Fracturing Activity Report hydraulic-fracturing-activity-report HFACR 1291 Match
Petroleum Report - Production Information petroleum-report-production-information PROINF 0 N/A
Petroleum Report - Resource and Reserves Information petroleum-report-resource-and-reserves-information RESINF 0 N/A
Scientific or Technical Survey Report scientific-or-technical-survey-report STSURV 86 N/A
Seismic Survey Report - Final seismic-survey-report-final SSFINL 820 Match
Seismic Survey Report - Other seismic-survey-report-other SSOTHR 415 Match
Seismic Survey Report - Reprocessing seismic-survey-report-reprocessing SSREPR 98 Match
Well Completion Report well-completion-report WELCOM 14794 Match
Well Production Testing Report well-production-testing-report WELTST 1927 Match
Well or Bore Abandonment Report well-or-bore-abandonment-report WELAB 1141 Match

Report Types Covered by Mineral & Coal Reporting Template

The following reports will be submitted through the Mineral Reporting Template or Coal Reporting Template (.xls files).

  • They will be lodged through the Lodgement Portal with the submitter completing the standard report metdata in the lodgement form.
  • The submitter will upload the .xls reporting template through the lodgement form.
  • The submitter will upload any additional data files through the lodgement form.
  • When submitted, the metadata is written to the Lodgement Portal database. The .xls reporting template and any additional files are stored in S3.
  • The .xls file is harvested with the data inserted into the Geoproperties database.
  • The report metadata is pushed through to CKAN as a Report dataset with links to the data objects in S3.
  • No PID minting or maching is required.
Report Type Concept Notation QDEX Count
Permit Report - Annual permit-report-annual ANNUAL 37235
Permit Report - Final permit-report-final FINAL 10240
Permit Report - Partial Relinquishment permit-report-partial-relinquishment RELINQ 8860
Permit Report - Surrender permit-report-surrender SURR 3

Report Types Not Covered by Reporting Guidelines

  • They will be lodged through the Lodgement Portal with the submitter completing the standard report metdata in the lodgement form.
  • The submitter will upload any additional data files through the lodgement form.
  • When submitted, the metadata is written to the Lodgement Portal database. Any additional files are stored in S3.
  • There is no data automatically harvested into the Geoproperties database. This will be a manual process by GSQ staff.
  • The report metadata is pushed through to CKAN as a Report dataset with links to the data objects in S3.
  • No PID minting or maching is required.
Report Type Concept Notation QDEX Count
Geophysical Survey Report - Acquisition geophysical-survey-report-acquisition - 0
Geophysical Survey Report - Final geophysical-survey-report-final GEOPSR 10
Geophysical Survey Report - Logistics geophysical-survey-report-logistics - 0
Geothermal Report - Annual Reserves geothermal-report-annual-reserves GTHARR 1
Geothermal Report - Injection geothermal-report-injection GTHIR 0
Geothermal Report - Injection Testing geothermal-report-injection-testing GTHITR 0
Geothermal Report - Production geothermal-report-production GTHPR 0
Geothermal Report - Production Testing geothermal-report-production-testing GTHPT 0
Greenhouse Gas Report - Injection greenhouse-gas-report-injection GHGIR 0
Greenhouse Gas Report - Storage Capacity greenhouse-gas-report-storage-injection GHGSIR 0
Greenhouse Gas Report - Storage Injection greenhouse-gas-report-storage-capacity GHGSSC 16
Mine Plan Lodgement mine-plan-lodgement MPLODG 66
Permit Report - Final Relinquishment permit-report-final-relinquishment FINREQ 634
Permit Report - Mineral Associated Water permit-report-mineral-associated-water MINAW 1047
Petroleum Report - Cumulative Water Production petroleum-report-cumulative-water-production CUMPRD 98
Petroleum Report - Field Information petroleum-report-field-information PETFLD 116
Petroleum Report - Infrastructure petroleum-report-infrastructure PETIR 505
Petroleum Report - Non-Associated Water petroleum-report-non-associated-water PETNAW 17
Water Report - Performance Review water-report-performance-review WATPRR 49

Report Types lodged as PDF forms

The following report types are PDF forms.

  • These will be lodged as PDF forms through the lodgement portal.
  • The submitter will complete the lodgement form metadata.
  • PID minting or PID matching will be performed as defined.
Report Type Mint or Match
PA-21A Notice of Intention to carry out seismic survey or scientific or technical survey Mint survey
PA-22A Notice of Completion of seismic survey or scientific or technical survey Match survey
PM 1/2013 Notification of geophysical survey Mint survey
PA-42 Notice of intention to convert a petroleum well to a water observation bore or water supply bore N/A
WRA-05A Notice of completion of conversion of petroleum well to water supply bore or water observation bore N/A
MMOL-44 Notice of decommissioning a well, water observation bore, water monitoring bore or water supply bore N/A

Report Types that are deprecated - no longer lodged to DNRME

The following report types are no longer current.

  • However, the report metadata for these reports is to be migrated from QDEX Reports into the Lodgement Portal.
  • Any reports that have not already been published in the Open Data Portal need to be published into the relevant Open Data Portal or Private Data Portal based on the QDEX Reports confidentiality flag. Metadata into CKAN, data objects into S3.
Report Type Concept Notation QDEX Count
Permit Report - Other permit-report-other - 3649
Permit Report - Six Month permit-report-six-month 6MTH 7183
Petroleum Report - Other petroleum-report-other EPPOTH 784
Petroleum Report - Transmission petroleum-report-transmission TRANS 233
Water Report - Other water-report-other WATOTH 131
Well Report Other well-report-other WELOTH 555
Well proposal well-proposal WELPRO 4358

Report Types that will not be lodged through lodgement portal

The following report types will be submitted directly to the department, not lodged through the lodgement portal.

  • However, the report metadata for these reports is to be migrated from QDEX Reports into the Lodgement Portal.
  • Any reports that have not already been published in the Open Data Portal need to be published into the relevant Open Data Portal or Private Data Portal based on the QDEX Reports confidentiality flag. Metadata into CKAN, data objects into S3.
Report Type Concept Notation QDEX Count
Collaborative Drilling Initiative - Final collaborative-drilling-initiative-final CEIFIN 14
Collaborative Drilling Initiative - Proposals collaborative-drilling-initiative-proposals CEIPRO 47
Collaborative Exploration Initiative - Final collaborative-exploration-initiative-final CDIFIN 37
Industry Consultative Report industry-consultative-report OTHER 31
Industry Network Initiative - Final industry-network-initiative-final INIFIN 2
Production (Petroleum) production-petroleum PROD 610
Reserves (Petroleum) reserves-petroleum RESERV 741

Lodgement Portal vocabularies

The vocabularies used in this profile are:

  1. Georesources Report Type
  2. Earth Science Data Category - the category(s) of data contained in the report
  3. Data Access Rights
  4. Commodity
  5. Report detail type.
  6. Report status.

Lodgement Portal authentication and authorisation

The Lodgement Portal requires authentication using the Identity Broker:

  • External users authenticate using QGCIDM (QGOV)
  • Internal users authenticate using ADFS

The Lodgement Portal requires user authorisation:

  • External users have rights to submit lodgement forms
  • Internal users have rights to submit lodgement forms or view lodged forms

Figure 5: Lodgement Portal external user authentication and authorisation

Alignment to QDEX Reports Metadata

QDEX Reports Field Lodgement Portal Metadata Field
Report Number Report PID
Report Title Report Title
Report Status Report Access Rights - vocab lookup
Report Type Report Type - Georesource Report Type vocab lookup
Author Name Report Author
Lodger Report Submitter (the logged in user)
Submitter Report Owner - party database lookup
Locality Goes into JSON
Map References Goes into JSON
Commodity Report commodity - Commodity vocab lookup
Keywords Report Data Category - Earth science data category vocab lookup (where they match)
Tenure Report Permit - permit service lookup
Tenure Holder Goes in JSON - can infer from permit lookup
Tectonic Report is of feature - vocab lookup
Stratigraphy Report is of feature - vocab lookup
Age Goes into JSON
Date of Report Report Start Time + Report End Time
Date of Review Goes into JSON - not used anymore
Date of Receipt Report Lodged Date
Date Due for Open Report Open File Date
Date of Open Move into JSON
Project Names Report Details
Mines/Prospect Names Report is of Site
Well Names Report is of Site
Seismic Survey Names Report is of Survey

Data Migration out of QDEX Reports

The following data is to be migrated from QDEX Reports. Historically, QDEX Reports has been used to publish other types of publications.

  • The new lodgement portal will focus on reports lodged by industry (Exploration Reports and Industry Consultative Reports).
  • Other types of publications will be published through the Open Data Portal.
Name Description QDEX Count Migrate metadata to Migrate data objects to
QDEX - Exploration Reports The result of mandatory reporting requirements to the government by mineral, coal and petroleum explorers in Queensland. The collection commenced with the introduction of the exploration permitting system in Queensland in the 1950's and continues to the present day with several hundred reports added annually. 97065 Lodgement Portal + CKAN Confidential to Private S3/
Open to Open S3
Industry Consultative Reports Reports created by external parties and of geological significance that are submitted to DNRM and associated with the exploration industry, but not tied to tenure or legislation 31 Lodgement Portal + CKAN Confidential to Private S3/
Open to Open S3
Queensland Geological Maps A collection of current Geological Maps published by the Geological Survey of Queensland. The collection also includes Geology Compilation Plots compiled from recent project work. 419 Open Data Portal Open Data S3
GSQ Record Series Publications produced as part of the record series by the Geological Survey of Queensland. 1299 Open Data Portal CKAN Open Data S3
Soils and Land Resources Reports Information on Queensland soils, acid sulfate soils, land systems, agricultural land suitability, agricultural land capability, available in land resources reports and maps and land management manuals. 390 No migration - take archive snapshot No migration - take archive snapshot
Exploration Reports Exploration Reports specifically related to drilling and non-drilling carried out by recipients of Queensland Government exploration grants, including the Collaborative Exploration Initiative grants under the Strategic Resources Exploration Program. 119 Open Data Portal CKAN Open Data S3
Departmental Publications Departmental Publications including Queensland Government Mining Journal (QGMJ). 2075 Open Data Portal CKAN Open Data S3
GSQ-Commissioned Industry Studies/Reports Reports on Studies undertaken by Industry, but commissioned by the Geological Survey of Queensland. 15 Open Data Portal CKAN Open Data S3

QDEX Reports Lodgement Screen

QDEX Reports lodgement screen

QDEX Reports file upload screen

See also


This code repository's content are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), the deed of which is stored in this repository here: LICENSE.


System owner:
Mark Gordon
Geological Survey of Quensland
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
[email protected]

David Crosswell
Enterprise Architect
Cross-Lateral Enterprises

gsq-lodgement-portal's People


davidcrosswellgsq avatar

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