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Giphy API Documentation

Giphy is an animated GIF search engine.

Access and API Keys

Public Beta Key

The Giphy API is open to the public. We have instituted a simple, single public beta key system to let anyone try it out. The API key is required for all endpoints.

  • The public beta key is "dc6zaTOxFJmzC”

Please use this key while you develop your application and experiment with your integrations. Note: the public key is subject to rate limit constraints and we do not encourage live production deployments to use the public key.

Request a Production Key

Once you’re ready to use the Giphy API in production, please visit to request a production API key. In your submission, please be prepared to provide the following:

  • Your app name with brief description, web / app store links, etc.

  • The 'live date' of the app and feature that integrates with the API. Briefly describe how the Giphy API integrates with your app and provide screenshots of the implementation.

  • As per our section 5 A of our terms of service, we require all apps that use the Giphy API to conspicuously display "Powered By Giphy" attribution marks where the API is utilized. You can find approved official logo marks here. Please provide screenshots of your attribution placement.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Please submit API corrections via github issues. Please see our terms of service for any restrictions on using the service. We also recommend using the JSONview plugin for Firefox or Chrome to view the API responses in your browser.


The Giphy API provides the following JSON endpoints:

  • search
  • GIF by id
  • GIFs by id
  • translate
  • random
  • trending
  • stickers (search, translate, random, trending)

The search endpoint replicates the search found on Giphy. Translate is an experimental endpoint designed to be used for GIF dialects and random returns a single random GIF, optionally limited to a specified tag. Learn more about the rest in the documentation below.

The Giphy API implements a REST-like interface. Connections can be made with any HTTP enabled programming language. The Giphy API also implements CORS, allowing you to connect to Giphy from JavaScript / Web browsers on your own domain.

  • api_key - The public beta key is "dc6zaTOxFJmzC"

Search Endpoint

Search all Giphy GIFs for a word or phrase. Punctuation will be stripped and ignored. Use a plus or url encode for phrases. Example paul+rudd, ryan+gosling or american+psycho.   

Example search query.

  • q - search query term or phrase
  • limit - (optional) number of results to return, maximum 100. Default 25.
  • offset - (optional) results offset, defaults to 0.
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)

Sample Response, Search

    "data": [
        	type: "gif",
			id: "FiGiRei2ICzzG",
			url: "",
			bitly_gif_url: "",
			bitly_url: "",
			embed_url: "",
			username: "",
			source: "",
			rating: "g",
			caption: "",
			content_url: "",
			import_datetime: "2014-01-18 09:14:20",
			trending_datetime: "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
			images: {
				fixed_height: {
					url: "",
					width: "568",
					height: "200",
					size: "460622",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "13866",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "367786"
				fixed_height_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "568",
					height: "200"
				fixed_height_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "568",
					height: "200",
					size: "476276",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "100890"
				fixed_width: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "70",
					size: "90483",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "14238",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "47302"
				fixed_width_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "70"
				fixed_width_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "70",
					size: "71069",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "13186"
				fixed_height_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "284",
					height: "100",
					size: "460622",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "72748"
				fixed_height_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "284",
					height: "100"
				fixed_width_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "35",
					size: "90483",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "18298"
				fixed_width_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "35"
				downsized: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "176",
					size: "426811"
				downsized_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "176"
				downsized_large: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "176",
					size: "426811"
				original: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "176",
					size: "426811",
					frames: "22",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "51432",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "291616"
				original_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "176"
        ... 24 more items
    "meta": {
        "status": 200,
        "msg": "OK"
    "pagination": {
        "total_count": 1947,
        "count": 25,
        "offset": 0

Get GIF by ID Endpoint

Returns meta data about a GIF, by GIF id. In the below example, the GIF ID is "feqkVgjJpYtjy"

Example get GIF by id query


Sample Response, Get GIF by ID

    "data": {
        type: "gif",
		id: "feqkVgjJpYtjy",
		url: "",
		bitly_gif_url: "",
		bitly_url: "",
		embed_url: "",
		username: "",
		source: "",
		rating: "g",
		caption: "",
		content_url: "",
		import_datetime: "2013-03-21 04:03:08",
		trending_datetime: "2014-11-12 06:22:52",
		images: {
			fixed_height: {
				url: "",
				width: "445",
				height: "200",
				size: "445432",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "27279",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "420734"
			fixed_height_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "445",
				height: "200"
			fixed_height_downsampled: {
				url: "",
				width: "445",
				height: "200",
				size: "183225",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "89516"
			fixed_width: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "90",
				size: "115885",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "31919",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "122600"
			fixed_width_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "90"
			fixed_width_downsampled: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "90",
				size: "83007",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "26460"
			fixed_height_small: {
				url: "",
				width: "223",
				height: "100",
				size: "445432",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "129604"
			fixed_height_small_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "223",
				height: "100"
			fixed_width_small: {
				url: "",
				width: "100",
				height: "45",
				size: "115885",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "41620"
			fixed_width_small_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "100",
				height: "45"
			downsized: {
				url: "",
				width: "334",
				height: "150",
				size: "511581"
			downsized_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "334",
				height: "150"
			downsized_large: {
				url: "",
				width: "334",
				height: "150",
				size: "511581"
			original: {
				url: "",
				width: "334",
				height: "150",
				size: "511581",
				frames: "27",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "97841",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "270108"
				original_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "334",
				height: "150"
    "meta": {
        "status": 200,
        "msg": "OK"

Get GIFs by ID Endpoint

A multiget version of the get GIF by ID endpoint. In this case the IDs are feqkVgjJpYtjy and 7rzbxdu0ZEXLy,7rzbxdu0ZEXLy

Example get GIFs by Id

  • ids - a comma separated list of IDs to fetch GIF size data.

Sample Response, Get GIFs by ID

    data: [
			type: "gif",
			id: "feqkVgjJpYtjy",
			url: "",
			bitly_gif_url: "",
			bitly_url: "",
			embed_url: "",
			username: "",
			source: "",
			rating: "g",
			caption: "",
			content_url: "",
			import_datetime: "2013-03-21 04:03:08",
			trending_datetime: "2014-11-12 06:22:52",
			images: {
				fixed_height: {
					url: "",
					width: "445",
					height: "200",
					size: "445432",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "27279",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "420734"
				fixed_height_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "445",
					height: "200"
				fixed_height_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "445",
					height: "200",
					size: "183225",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "89516"
				fixed_width: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "90",
					size: "115885",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "31919",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "122600"
				fixed_width_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "90"
				fixed_width_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "90",
					size: "83007",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "26460"
				fixed_height_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "223",
					height: "100",
					size: "445432",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "129604"
				fixed_height_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "223",
					height: "100"
				fixed_width_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "45",
					size: "115885",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "41620"
				fixed_width_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "45"
				downsized: {
					url: "",
					width: "334",
					height: "150",
					size: "511581"
				downsized_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "334",
					height: "150"
				downsized_large: {
					url: "",
					width: "334",
					height: "150",
					size: "511581"
				original: {
					url: "",
					width: "334",
					height: "150",
					size: "511581",
					frames: "27",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "97841",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "270108"
				original_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "334",
					height: "150"
			type: "gif",
			id: "7rzbxdu0ZEXLy",
			url: "",
			bitly_gif_url: "",
			bitly_url: "",
			embed_url: "",
			username: "mrdiv",
			source: "",
			rating: "g",
			caption: "",
			content_url: "",
			import_datetime: "2013-06-18 11:30:02",
			trending_datetime: "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
			images: {
				fixed_height: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "200",
					size: "95494",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "17167",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "71556"
				fixed_height_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "200"
				fixed_height_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "200",
					size: "188423",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "48112"
				fixed_width: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "200",
					size: "95494",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "17167",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "71556"
				fixed_width_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "200"
				fixed_width_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "200",
					size: "188423",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "48112"
				fixed_height_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "100",
					size: "95494",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "25250"
				fixed_height_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "100"
				fixed_width_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "100",
					size: "95494",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "25250"
				fixed_width_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "100"
				downsized: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "500",
					size: "1012692"
				downsized_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "500"
				downsized_large: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "500",
					size: "1012692"
				original: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "500",
					size: "1012692",
					frames: "9",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "52678",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "262666"
				original_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "500",
					height: "500"
    "meta": {
        "msg": "OK",
        "status": 200
    "pagination": {
        "count": 2,
        "offset": 0,
        "total_count": 2

Translate Endpoint

This is prototype endpoint for using Giphy as a translation engine for a GIF dialect. The translate API draws on search, but uses the Giphy "special sauce" to handle translating from one vocabulary to another. In this case, words and phrases to GIFs. Use a plus or url encode for phrases.

Example translate query.

  • s - term or phrase to translate into a GIF
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)

Sample Response, Translate

    "data": {
        type: "gif",
		id: "wWAIKcFASEFz2",
		url: "",
		bitly_gif_url: "",
		bitly_url: "",
		embed_url: "",
		username: "",
		source: "",
		rating: "g",
		caption: "",
		content_url: "",
		import_datetime: "2013-03-24 17:48:35",
		trending_datetime: "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
		images: {
			fixed_height: {
				url: "",
				width: "358",
				height: "200",
				size: "126220",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "10967",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "186460"
			fixed_height_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "358",
				height: "200"
			fixed_height_downsampled: {
				url: "",
				width: "358",
				height: "200",
				size: "352636",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "159946"
			fixed_width: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "112",
				size: "51889",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "16299",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "70302"
			fixed_width_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "112"
			fixed_width_downsampled: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "112",
				size: "131311",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "60336"
			fixed_height_small: {
				url: "",
				width: "179",
				height: "100",
				size: "126220",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "56790"
			fixed_height_small_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "179",
				height: "100"
			fixed_width_small: {
				url: "",
				width: "100",
				height: "56",
				size: "51889",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "21266"
			fixed_width_small_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "100",
				height: "56"
			downsized: {
				url: "",
				width: "500",
				height: "279",
				size: "508488"
			downsized_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "500",
				height: "279"
			downsized_large: {
				url: "",
				width: "500",
				height: "279",
				size: "508488"
			original: {
				url: "",
				width: "500",
				height: "279",
				size: "508488",
				frames: "7",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "45225",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "305416"
			original_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "500",
				height: "279"
    "meta": {
        "status": 200,
        "msg": "OK"

Random Endpoint

Returns a random GIF, limited by tag. Excluding the tag parameter will return a random GIF from the Giphy catalog.

Example random query

  • tag - the GIF tag to limit randomness by
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)

Sample Response, Random

    "data": {
		type: "gif",
		id: "Ggjwvmqktuvf2",
		url: "",
		image_original_url: "",
		image_url: "",
		image_mp4_url: "",
		image_frames: "11",
		image_width: "500",
		image_height: "256",
		fixed_height_downsampled_url: "",
		fixed_height_downsampled_width: "391",
		fixed_height_downsampled_height: "200",
		fixed_width_downsampled_url: "",
		fixed_width_downsampled_width: "200",
		fixed_width_downsampled_height: "102",
		fixed_height_small_url: "",
		fixed_height_small_still_url: "",
		fixed_height_small_width: "195",
		fixed_height_small_height: "100",
		fixed_width_small_url: "",
		fixed_width_small_still_url: "",
		fixed_width_small_width: "100",
		fixed_width_small_height: "51"                 
    "meta": {
        "status": 200,
        "msg": "OK"

Trending GIFs Endpoint

Fetch GIFs currently trending online. The data returned mirrors that used to create The Hot 100 list of GIFs on Giphy. Returns 25 results by default.

Example trending GIFs query. Example trending GIFs limited to 5 results.

  • limit (optional) limits the number of results returned. By default returns 25 results.
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)

Sample Response, Trending

    data: [
        type: "gif",
		id: "op7uqYWBm3R04",
		url: "",
		bitly_gif_url: "",
		bitly_url: "",
		embed_url: "",
		username: "",
		source: "",
		rating: "y",
		caption: "",
		content_url: "",
		import_datetime: "2014-12-06 06:21:55",
		trending_datetime: "2015-04-01 16:05:01",
		images: {
				fixed_height: {
					url: "",
					width: "360",
					height: "200",
					size: "0",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "367554",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "875414"
				fixed_height_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "360",
					height: "200"
				fixed_height_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "360",
					height: "200",
					size: "140417",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "130658"
				fixed_width: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "111",
					size: "0",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "342209",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "327936"
				fixed_width_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "111"
				fixed_width_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "111",
					size: "368276",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "49460"
				fixed_height_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "180",
					height: "100",
					size: "0",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "281042"
				fixed_height_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "180",
					height: "100"
				fixed_width_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "56",
					size: "0",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "108110"
				fixed_width_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "56"
				downsized: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "222",
					size: "2071771"
				downsized_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "222"
				downsized_large: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "222",
					size: "2071771"
				original: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "222",
					size: "2071771",
					frames: "41",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "928142",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "1004522"
				original_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "222"
        ... 24 more items here 
    pagination: {
        count: 25,
        offset: 0
    meta: {
        status: 200,
        msg: "OK"


The Giphy API that provide only animated stickers (aka animated GIFs with transparent backgrounds) in the responses. The available endpoints are as follows:

- Sticker Search
- Sticker Roulette (Random) 
- Sticker Trending
- Sticker Translate 


Note: the public key is subject to rate limit constraints. We do not encourage live production deployments to use the public key.

STICKER Search Endpoint

Replicates the functionality and requirements of the classic Giphy search, but returns animated stickers rather than gifs. Example cat 
  • q - search query term or phrase
  • limit - (optional) number of results to return, maximum 100. Default 25
  • offset - (optional) results offset, defaults to 0
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)
Sample Response: Search
    "data": [
            "type": "gif",
            "id": "sj0sbNi9cv2dG",
            "url": "",
            "bitly_gif_url": "",
            "bitly_url": "",
            "embed_url": "",
            "username": "",
            "source": "",
            "rating": "g",
            "caption": "",
            "content_url": "",
            "import_datetime": "2014-01-04 15:39:18",
            "trending_datetime": "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
            "images": {
                "fixed_height": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "193",
                    "height": "200",
                    "mp4": ""
                "fixed_height_still": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "193",
                    "height": "200"
                "fixed_height_downsampled": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "193",
                    "height": "200"
                "fixed_width": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "200",
                    "height": "207",
                    "mp4": ""
                "fixed_width_still": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "200",
                    "height": "207"
                "fixed_width_downsampled": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "200",
                    "height": "207"
                "downsized": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "400",
                    "height": "414",
                    "size": "422870"
                "downsized_still": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "400",
                    "height": "414"
                "original": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "400",
                    "height": "414",
                    "size": "422870",
                    "frames": "39",
                    "mp4": ""
                "original_still": {
                    "url": "",
                    "width": "400",
                    "height": "414"
        ... 24 more items
    "meta": {
        "status": 200,
        "msg": "OK"
    "pagination": {
        "total_count": 573,
        "count": 25,
        "offset": 0

STICKER Roulette (Random) Endpoint

Returns a spotaneously selected sticker from Giphy's sticker collection. Optionally limit scope of result to a specific tag. Like the GIF random endpoint, Punctuation will be stripped and ignored. Use a hyphen for phrases. Example oops, birthday or thank-you. Search terms should be URL encoded.

Example random query.

  • q - search query term or phrase
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)
Sample Reponse: Random
    "data": {
       type: "gif",
		id: "XMfznXqrNvH2w",
		url: "",
		image_original_url: "",
		image_url: "",
		image_mp4_url: "",
		image_frames: "30",
		image_width: "629",
		image_height: "154",
		fixed_height_downsampled_url: "",
		fixed_height_downsampled_width: "817",
		fixed_height_downsampled_height: "200",
		fixed_width_downsampled_url: "",
		fixed_width_downsampled_width: "200",
		fixed_width_downsampled_height: "49",
		fixed_height_small_url: "",
		fixed_height_small_still_url: "",
		fixed_height_small_width: "408",
		fixed_height_small_height: "100",
		fixed_width_small_url: "",
		fixed_width_small_still_url: "",
		fixed_width_small_width: "100",
		fixed_width_small_height: "24"
    "meta": {
        "status": 200,
        "msg": "OK"

STICKER Trending Endpoint

Get the latest stickers trending on Giphy with this endpoint.

Example trending query with html formatted response.

Example trending query with default json response.

  • s - term or phrase to translate into a GIF
  • limit - (optional) number of results to return, maximum 100. Default: 25
  • offset - (optional) results offset, defaults to 0);
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
Sample Response: Trending Stickers
    data: [
        	type: "gif",
			id: "sj0sbNi9cv2dG",
			url: "",
			bitly_gif_url: "",
			bitly_url: "",
			embed_url: "",
			username: "",
			source: "",
			rating: "g",
			caption: "",
			content_url: "",
			import_datetime: "2014-01-04 15:39:18",
			trending_datetime: "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
			images: {
				fixed_height: {
					url: "",
					width: "193",
					height: "200",
					size: "136213",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "156945",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "142110"
				fixed_height_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "193",
					height: "200"
				fixed_height_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "193",
					height: "200",
					size: "45291",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "21510"
				fixed_width: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "207",
					size: "140056",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "157163",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "147254"
				fixed_width_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "207"
				fixed_width_downsampled: {
					url: "",
					width: "200",
					height: "207",
					size: "46481",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "22310"
				fixed_height_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "97",
					height: "100",
					size: "136213",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "60522"
				fixed_height_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "97",
					height: "100"
				fixed_width_small: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "104",
					size: "140056",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "63260"
				fixed_width_small_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "100",
					height: "104"
				downsized: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "414",
					size: "422870"
				downsized_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "414"
				downsized_large: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "414",
					size: "422870"
				original: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "414",
					size: "422870",
					frames: "39",
					mp4: "",
					mp4_size: "292473",
					webp: "",
					webp_size: "289928"
				original_still: {
					url: "",
					width: "400",
					height: "414"
        ... 24 more items
    pagination: {
        count: 25,
        offset: 0
    meta: {
        status: 200,
        msg: "OK"

STICKER Translate Endpoint

Using the same alogirithm as the GIF translate endpoint, the sticker translate endpoint turns words into stickers.

Example translate query.

  • s - term or phrase to translate into a gif
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)
Sample Response, Translate
    "data": {
        type: "gif",
		id: "11eZCNibwDFx6w",
		url: "",
		bitly_gif_url: "",
		bitly_url: "",
		embed_url: "",
		username: "",
		source: "",
		rating: "g",
		caption: "",
		content_url: "",
		import_datetime: "2014-03-25 00:52:20",
		trending_datetime: "2015-01-08 16:09:46",
		images: {
			fixed_height: {
				url: "",
				width: "295",
				height: "200",
				size: "118405",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "265838",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "219116"
			fixed_height_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "295",
				height: "200"
			fixed_height_downsampled: {
				url: "",
				width: "295",
				height: "200",
				size: "63883",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "33256"
			fixed_width: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "135",
				size: "72894",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "175118",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "115364"
			fixed_width_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "135"
			fixed_width_downsampled: {
				url: "",
				width: "200",
				height: "135",
				size: "29898",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "17654"
			fixed_height_small: {
				url: "",
				width: "148",
				height: "100",
				size: "118405",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "67436"
			fixed_height_small_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "148",
				height: "100"
			fixed_width_small: {
				url: "",
				width: "100",
				height: "68",
				size: "72894",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "40942"
			fixed_width_small_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "100",
				height: "68"
			downsized: {
				url: "",
				width: "294",
				height: "199",
				size: "375114"
			downsized_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "294",
				height: "199"
			downsized_large: {
				url: "",
				width: "294",
				height: "199",
				size: "375114"
			original: {
				url: "",
				width: "294",
				height: "199",
				size: "375114",
				frames: "39",
				mp4: "",
				mp4_size: "321196",
				webp: "",
				webp_size: "203110"
			original_still: {
				url: "",
				width: "294",
				height: "199"

} }, "meta": { "status": 200, "msg": "OK" } }

Once you are ready to use the Giphy STICKER API in production, please contact [email protected] to request a unique API key. Please make the subject of your email "Sticker API Key Request". This is important as it will help us keep track of your request.

Code Examples

Below are code samples in Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP and the command line on connecting to the API to make a search query for "ryan gosling".

Python scripting language

# python
import urllib,json
data = json.loads(urllib.urlopen("").read())
print json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

JavaScript scripting language

#javascript, jQuery
var xhr = $.get("");
xhr.done(function(data) { console.log("success got data", data); });

Ruby scripting language

require 'net/http'
require 'json'
url = ""
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
buffer = resp.body
result = JSON.parse(buffer) 
print result 

PHP scripting language

// php
$url = "";

Command line, cURL

# curl, command line
curl ""

Sharing and Promoting your Giphy API Project

Projects that leverage the Giphy API can be submitted to Giphy labs. Learn more about Giphy labs.

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