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D&D Combat Simulator

This program attempts to simulate D&D 5e combat.



  • PC creator
  • Save/load battle plans
  • Import/export battle plans
  • Play against AI

SRD content:

  • Dragonborn (currently only have FTD version)
  • Lightfoot Halfling: Halfling Nimbleness, Naturally Stealthy
  • Rock Gnome: Artificer's Lore, Tinker
  • Half-Orc: Relentless Endurance
  • Barbarian: Danger Sense, Feral Instinct, Persistent Rage, Indomitable Might
  • Path of the Berserker: Intimidating Presence, Retaliation
  • Bard: Bardic Inspiration, Countercharm
  • College of Lore: Bonus Proficiencies, Cutting Words, Additional Magical Secrets, Peerless Skill
  • Cleric: Divine Intervention
  • Life Domain: Domain Spells, Bonus Proficiency, Disciple of Life, Channel Divinity: Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Divine Strike, Supreme Healing
  • Druid: Wild Shape, Beast Spells, Archdruid
  • Circle of the Land: Nature's Sanctuary
  • Fighter: Two-Weapon Fighting, Indomitable
  • Champion: Improved Critical, Remarkable Athlete, Additional Fighting Style, Superior Critical, Survivor
  • Monk: Deflect Missiles, Slow Fall, Stunning Strike, Ki-Empowered Strikes, Stillness of Mind, Purity of Body, Tongue of the Sun and Moon, Diamond Soul, Timeless Body, Empty Body
  • Way of the Open Hand: Open Hand Technique, Wholeness of Body, Tranquility, Quivering Palm
  • Paladin: Divine Sense, Cleansing Touch
  • Oath of Devotion: Purity of Spirit, Holy Nimbus
  • Ranger: Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer, Vanish, Feral Senses, Foe Slayer
  • Hunter: Hunter's Prey, Defensive Tactics, Multiattack, Superior Hunter's Defense
  • Rogue: Reliable Talent, Blindsense, Elusive, Stroke of Luck
  • Thief: Fast Hands, Second-Story Work, Supreme Sneak, Use Magic Device, Thief's Reflexes
  • Sorcerer: Font of Magic, Metamagic, Magical Guidance
  • Draconic Bloodline: Dragon Ancestor, Draconic Resilience, Elemental Affinity, Dragon Wings, Draconic Presence
  • Warlock: Eldritch Invocations, Pact of the Blade, Pact of the Chain, Pact of the Talisman, Pact of the Tome, Mystic Arcanum
  • Eldritch Invocations: Agonizing Blast, Armor of Shadows, Ascendant Step, Beguiling Influence, Bewitching Whispers, Chains of Carceri, Devil’s Sight, Dreadful Word, Eldritch Sight, Eldritch Spear, Fiendish Vigor, Lifedrinker, Minions of Chaos, Mire the Mind, One with Shadows, Otherworldly Leap, Repelling Blast, Sculptor of Flesh, Sign of Ill Omen, Thief of Five Fates, Thirsting Blade, Witch Sight
  • The Fiend: Dark One's Own Luck, Fiendish Resilience, Hurl Through Hell
  • Wizard: Spell Mastery, Signature Spells
  • Multiclass: Requirements, Spellcasting
  • Inspiration
  • Adventuring Gear: acid, alchemist's fire, antitoxin, arcane focus, ball bearings, caltrops, candle, chain, druidic focus, healer's kit, holy symbol, holy water, hunting trap, lamp, bullseye lantern, hooded lantern, manacles, oil, basic poison, potion of healing, rope, torch
  • Mounts: camel, donkey/mule, elephant, draft horse, riding horse, mastiff, pony, warhorse
  • Feats: Grappler
  • Skill Contests
  • Passive Checks
  • Help action (Working Together)
  • Hiding
  • Movement types other than speed
  • Environment: Falling, Suffocating, Vision/Light, Blindsight, Truesight
  • Interacting with Objects: pick up item
  • Combat: Surprise
  • Flying Movement: hover
  • Creature Size: Squeezing
  • Actions in Combat: Ready, Search
  • Cover
  • Damage Resistance and Vulnerability: "Resistance and then vulnerability are applied after all other modifiers to damage."
  • Dropping to 0 Hit Points: Falling Unconscious, Death Saving Throws
  • Knocking a Creature Out
  • Mounted Combat: Mounting and Dismounting, Controlling a Mount
  • Underwater Combat
  • Spell Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material
  • Areas of Effect: Cone, Cube, Cylinder, Line, Sphere
  • Spells: acid arrow, alter self, animal friendship, animal shapes, animate objects, antilife shell, antimagic field, arcane hand, arcane sword, bane, banishment, beacon of hope, bestow curse, black tentacles, blade barrier, blight, blindness/deafness, blink, blur, branding smite, call lightning, calm emotions, chain lightning, charm person, circle of death, cloudkill, color spray, command, compulsion, confusion, conjure animals, conjure woodland beings, contagion, continual flame, control water, create or destroy water, darkness, darkvision, daylight, death ward, delayed blast fireball, demiplane, detect evil and good, detect magic, detect poison and disease, detect thoughts, dimension door, disintegrate, dispel evil and good, dispel magic, divine word, dominate beast, dominate monster, dominate person, earthquake, enhance ability, enthrall, expeditious retreat, eyebite, faithful hound, false life, fear, feather fall, feeblemind, find familiar, find traps, finger of death, fire storm, flame blade, flame strike, flaming sphere, flesh to stone, fly, forcecage, freedom of movement, freezing sphere, gaseous form, gate, gentle repose, giant insect, glibness, globe of invulnerability, goodberry, grease, greater invisibility, greater restoration, guardian of faith, gust of wind, harm, haste, heal, heat metal, heroism, hold monster, holy aura, hunter's mark, hypnotic pattern, ice storm, incendiary cloud, insect plague, invisibility, irresistible dance, jump, knock, levitate, light, locate animals or plants, locate creature, locate object, mage hand, mass cure wounds, mass heal, mass suggestion, maze, meld into stone, mind blank, mirror image, mislead, move earth, nondetection, pass without trace, passwall, phantasmal killer, plant growth, polymorph, power word kill, power word stun, prismatic spray, prismatic wall, protection from energy, protection from poison, ray of enfeeblement, remove curse, resilient sphere, reverse gravity, revivify, rope trick, sanctuary, scorching ray, see invisibility, sequester, shapechange, shatter, sleet storm, slow, speak with plants, spider climb, spiritual weapon, stinking cloud, stone shape, storm of vengeance, suggestion, sunbeam, sunburst, telekinesis, teleport, time stop, transport via plants, tree stride, true polymorph, true seeing, true strike, vampiric touch, vicious mockery, wall of fire, wall of force, wall of ice, wall of stone, wall of thorns, warding bond, water breathing, water walk, weird, wind wall, wish
  • Traps
  • Diseases
  • Madness
  • Objects
  • Poisons
  • Magic Items: amulet of proof against detection and location, animated shield, apparatus of the crab, armor of invulnerability, arrow of slaying, bag of beans, bag of tricks, bead of force, belt of dwarvenkind, berserker axe, boots of elvenkind, boots of levitation, boots of speed, boots of striding and springing, bowl of commanding water elementals, brazier of commanding fire elementals, broom of flying, candle of invocation, cape of the mountebank, carpet of flying, censer of controlling air elementals, chime of opening, circlet of blasting, cloak of arachnida, cloak of displacement, cloak of the bat, cloak of the manta ray, cube of force, dagger of venom, dancing sword, decanter of endless water, deck of illusions, deck of many things, defender, demon armor, dimensional shackles, dragon scale mail, dragon slayer, dust of disappearance, dust of dryness, dust of sneezing and choking, dwarven plate, dwarven thrower, efreeti bottle, elemental gem, eversmoking bottle, eyes of charming, eyes of the eagle, figurine of wondrous power, flame tongue, frost brand, gem of brightness, gem of seeing, giant slayer, gloves of missile snaring, gloves of swimming and climbing, goggles of night, hammer of thunderbolts, helm of brilliance, helm of telepathy, helm of teleportation, holy avenger, horn of blasting, horn of Valhalla, horseshoes of a zephyr, horseshoes of speed, instant fortress, Ioun stone (absorption, awareness, greater absorption, reserve), iron bands of binding, iron flask, javelin of lightning, lantern of revealing, luck blade, mace of disruption, mace of smiting, mace of terror, mantle of spell resistance, medallion of thoughts, mithral armor, necklace of adaptation, necklace of fireballs, necklace of prayer beads, nine lives stealer, oathbow, oil of etherealness, oil of sharpness, oil of slipperiness, pearl of power, periapt of health, periapt of proof against poison, periapt of wound closure, pipes of haunting, pipes of the sewers, plate armor of etherealness, potion of animal friendship, potion of clairvoyance, potion of climbing, potion of diminution, potion of flying, potion of gaseous form, potion of giant strength, potion of growth, potion of heroism, potion of invisibility, potion of mind reading, potion of poison, potion of resistance, potion of speed, potion of water breathing, restorative ointment, ring of animal influence, ring of djinni summoning, ring of elemental command, ring of evasion, ring of feather falling, ring of free action, ring of invisibility, ring of jumping, ring of mind shielding, ring of protection, ring of resistance, ring of shooting stars, ring of spell storing, ring of spell turning, ring of swimming, ring of telekinesis, ring of the ram, ring of warmth, ring of water walking, ring of x-ray vision, robe of eyes, robe of scintillating colors, robe of stars, robe of the archmagi, robe of useful items, rod of absorption, rod of alertness, rod of lordly might, rod of rulership, rope of climbing, rope of entanglement, scarab of protection, scimitar of speed, shield of missile attraction, slippers of spider climbing, spell scroll, spellguard shield, sphere of annihilation, staff of charming, staff of fire, staff of frost, staff of healing, staff of power, staff of striking, staff of swarming insects, staff of the magi, staff of the python, staff of the woodlands, staff of thunder and lightning, staff of withering, stone of controlling earth elementals, stone of good luck, sun blade, sword of life stealing, sword of sharpness, sword of wounding, talisman of pure good, talisman of the sphere, talisman of ultimate evil, trident of fish command, vorpal sword, wand of binding, wand of enemy detection, wand of fear, wand of fireballs, wand of lightning bolts, wand of magic detection, wand of magic missiles, wand of paralysis, wand of polymorph, wand of secrets, wand of the war mage, wand of wonder, wind fan, winged boots, wings of flying
  • Artifacts: orb of dragonkind
  • Monsters: aboleth, deva, planetar, solar, animated armor, flying sword, rug of smothering, ankheg, azer, basilisk, behir, bugbear, bulette, centaur, chimera, cloaker, cockatrice, couatl, darkmantle, balor, dretch, glabrezu, hezrou, marilith, nalfeshnee, quasit, vrock, barbed devil, bearded devil, bone devil, chain devil, erinyes, horned devil, ice devil, imp, lemure, pit fiend, plesiosaurus, triceratops, tyrannosaurus rex, doppelganger, (age) (color) dragon, dragon turtle, drider, dryad, duergar, drow, ettercap, ettin, shrieker, violet fungus, gargoyle, djinni, efreeti, ghost, ghast, ghoul, cloud giant, fire giant, frost giant, hill giant, stone giant, storm giant, gibbering mouther, gnoll, svirfneblin, goblin, clay golem, flesh golem, iron golem, stone golem, gorgon, grick, griffon, grimlock, green hag, night hag, sea hag, half-red dragon veteran, harpy, hell hound, hippogriff, hobgoblin, homunculus, hydra, invisible stalker, kobold, kraken, lamia, lich, lizardfolk, werebear, wereboar, wererat, weretiger, werewolf, magmin, manticore, medusa, dust mephit, ice mephit, magma mephit, steam mephit, merfolk, merrow, mimic, minotaur, mummy, mummy lord, guardian naga, spirit naga, nightmare, ogre, oni, black pudding, gelatinous cube, gray ooze, ochre jelly, orc, otyugh, owlbear, pegasus, pseudodragon, purple worm, rakshasa, remorhaz, roc, roper, rust monster, sahuagin, salamander, satyr, shadow, shambling mound, shield guardian, skeleton, minotaur skeleton, warhorse skeleton, specter, androsphinx, gynosphinx, sprite, stirge, succubus/incubus, tarrasque, treant, troll, unicorn, vampire, vampire spawn, wight, will-o'-wisp, wraith, wyvern, xorn, zombie, ogre zombie
  • Conditions: invisible, petrified
  • Miscellaneous Creatures: ape, awakened shrub, awakened tree, axe beak, baboon, black bear, blink dog, blood hawk, boar, brown bear, camel, cat, constrictor snake, crab, crocodile, death dog, deer, dire wolf, draft horse, eagle, elephant, elk, flying snake, frog, giant ape, giant bat, giant boar, giant centipede, giant constrictor snake, giant crab, giant crocodile, giant eagle, giant fire beetle, giant frog, giant goat, giant hyena, giant lizard, giant octopus, giant owl, giant poisonous snake, giant rat, diseased giant rat, giant scorpion, giant sea horse, giant shark, giant spider, giant toad, giant vulture, giant wasp, giant weasel, giant wolf spider, goat, hawk, hunter shark, hyena, jackal, killer whale, lion, lizard, mammoth, mastiff, mule, octopus, owl, panther, phase spider, poisonous snake, polar bear, pony, quipper, rat, raven, reef shark, rhinoceros, riding horse, saber-toothed tiger, scorpion, sea horse, spider, swarm of bats, swarm of insects (beetles, centipedes, spiders, wasps), swarm of poisonous snakes, swarm of quippers, swarm of rats, swarm of ravens, tiger, vulture, warhorse, weasel, winter wolf, wolf, worg

Class features from TCE:

  • Artificer: Magic Item Adept, Spell-Storing Item, Magic Item Savant, Magic Item Master, Soul of Artifice
  • Bard: Magical Inspiration
  • Druid: Wild Companion
  • Monk: Dedicated Weapon, Ki-Fueled Attack, Focused Aim
  • Ranger: Favored Foe, Canny, Spellcasting Focus, Primal Awareness, Roving, Nature's Veil, Tireless

Subclass features:

  • Scout: Superior Mobility, Ambush Master, Sudden Strike
  • School of Evocation: Empowered Evocation, Overchannel

More content:

  • So many spells
  • So many items

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