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Add Spider to Ladybug Tools


Well, it looks like Spider is starting to spin a web. gbXML Viewer Basic is likeley to be in the next OpenStudio update (2.6.1).

Open Studio gbXML Viewer source code

It probably would make sense to think about adding Spider to Several edits seem to make sense:

  1. Adding logo and title here:

@chriswmackey: you created a nice logo for the gbXML seminar. Could you make it available for reuse?

  1. Adding logo to the to network diagram just below the logos. Note I am working (slowly) on 3D interactive 3D version of this diagram.

  2. Updating text to 'What is Ladybug Tools?'
    Note this text appears on the home page and also on the GitHub read me: I will take a stab at an update in a pull request in the coming days

  3. Adding NREL, Buro Happold and Perkins Will logos to the list of users. Maybe also

BTW, It's coming up to the first anniversary of IBPSA2017. As invited by @mostaphaRoudsari, @chriswmackey and @mdahlhausen, this is where I first heard of this 'gbXML' thing and which led me to suggest to @bwelle to think about gbXML to as a file format for the Perkins Will SPEED project. Which @mdengusiak soon jumped on and, well, the web started to be woven.

Fingers crossed we can help deliver what NREL OpenStudio users need.


Finalize the List of Ladybug Tools Features

Members of the Ladybug Community,

We are finalizing the list of features/capabilities of the different insects for this main website. These features will appear at the bottom of the page for each insect like so: and with full description here

Here is the full list of features that we plan to post on the website:

If you feel that anything is missing, please let us know and we'll add it to the list

@sariths , if you could check over the list of Honeybee Radiance features, we would immensely appreciate it.

@TheodoreGalanos , if you could check the Butterfly features, that would be wonderful.


Add a page for FAQ

There are a number of questions that we need to answer in a single page. The answers can be linked to other pages but compiling the questions in one place will save us a lot of time. I start the with the questions that I get frequently. Feel free to add more questions to this issue and we will add it to the page with replies.

  1. How did it all started?
  2. What is the pricing for using Ladybug Tools?
  3. How can Ladybug Tools be free?
  4. I want to help your work. How can I help?
  5. Why it is called Ladybug, Honeybee, Butterfly, etc?
  6. Where should I get started?
  7. How can we contact you for events, workshops, etc?
  8. Are Ladybug Tools validated?
  9. "Regarding support, it's worth considering what questions belong in GitHub issues, what belongs in Stack Overflow and what belongs in a forum. Guidance for these should be provided somewhere on the site."
  10. Presentation slides!

friends and foes


Would it be possible to come up with a list of three or more web sites that are in the same field as we are and that we feel are doing a reasonable job of explaining who they are to new users as well as being useful to existing users?

We want to be able to show the same kind of information about us as they do about themselves. And we can try to do even better!

If we are going to have a good site, then we should be able to compare and contrast with the best in the field.

Ladybug Tools View ~ a simple self-updating cross-repo file viewing utility


Ladybug Tools View screen capture

Ladybug Tools View

General Usage

  • A free, open source file viewer for all the Ladybug Tools files hosted on GitHub
  • Displays the catalog of file names in menu using tree views and other methods
  • Click a file name link to display the file contents in a contents panel


This utility has a bunch of interesting features. You may read about these on the Read Me page that appears when you run the script.

What you will see is an initial bare bones implementation. It's all designed to be played with and customized.

If you like this utility as an idea even just a little bit, I will create a repo for it on Ladybug Tools. There we can customize and prettify. In the beginning I hope you ask things like: "Can it do this or that?" or "I bet in can't do whatever" and I will do my best to respond.

You should be able to go through all the Ladybug repos with a familiar user interface, the content should be self-updating and the code small, open and friendly. And this could be a way of getting started.

The goal is to build something bigger than just for Ladybug. The desire is to help people release their good coding efforts to the web faster, cheaper and easier.

On the other hand there may well be better or alternative solutions. Should we consider, for example, ways of unifying the tools via a site created using visual programming tools?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. We need a way of guiding users through all the Ladybug repositories in a simple, unified and open manner.

Where has Mostapha been?

Mostapha was here:


@ladybug-analysis-tools/owners @mdahlhausen

There's a lot going on with mapping. Sadly, 3D mapping - projects like Google Earth - are old, slow and finicky.

Can we disrupt that?

Elevations View: Teheran

## Elevations View Path CSV

Oakland Gran Fondo 2016 3D Viewer R12.2

  • Looks like there's an issue here: you must reload after opening.

Can we make 3D geography easy enough so it's part of the normal investigation into locale climate conditions?

2017-05-31 - Update: update broken links

Publications list

@ladybug-tools/core, @ladybug-tools/collaborators, @ladybug-tools/honeybee-core-developers

What are the publications that we need to add to the publication page?

Generally speaking what is the criteria to include a publication on publications page? I mainly included the papers that are discussing the core development of Ladybug Tools.

Also should we include presentations like this one for Radiance Workshop on the page?

Auto generate the content of the new discourse website from the Grasshopper forum

We need to move all the current discussions from Grasshopper forum to the new Discourse page.

Discourse provides a REST API which should let us do it assuming we can get the initial data from the Grasshopper website.

  1. Create the users
    This should be done without sending the verification email right away. Follow these instructions carefully.

  2. Create the posts/topics and change the owner to the correct user.
    Here is a good discussion on how to seed a new forum.

  3. Update email address and send a password reset to email address.
    Here is how this should be done!. Before sending these emails we need to send out an email and let everyone know about the changes.

Error in PMVCalculator

Get a error when I try to use the PMVComfortCalculator with the following values:
Ta = 35°C
RH = 50%
MRT < -28.32°C
MET = 2.3
Clo = 0.46

Everything with a MRT below -28.32°C gives an error. I know that seems like an unusual setup with Ta = 35°C and MRT -28°C. But I find it strange that there comes a error right at -28.32°C.
I have added a gh file with the setup.

Updates to Eval Read Me


I have added quite a bit of text to the Eval Read Me. It's all a work in progress. I plan to add quite a bit more about 'Early-design modeling'

New Web Site Read Me

It is intended to serve as boilerplate text for the new web site.

Let me know if you would like expansions on any particular topics.

There are also two additional pages

Credits and Bibliography


FAQ Updates


Finished adding faq
There is a missing link for question 13 that can be added once we have
it somewhere on the page.

@theo-armour we added the FAQ with answers to the about page and removed
the .md file. Let us know your thoughts on the questions and answers as
well as links. Will be happy to provide more links if there is any
missing from the page.

I'm moving the discussion to issues, because it'a a very interesting one.

Generally, the FAQ is looking good. And there's a lot of text with good background information.

Some observations:

Questions 7 and 8 are identical and yet have different answers.

If I were to add another question, I'm not sure where I would know where to put it. It would be nice to have some categories or tags for the questions. This might help identify missing questions.

This makes me think I should create an faqTips page the way I did for and have it list all the typical categories.

Also we should think about nice and logical ways of splitting up the read me, support, about and general text content through the site.

And, me being me. I would like to see all text like this in easy to update Markdown format. ;-)


Hi All,
Following are some of my observations on Ladybug tools website recently opened to public. The first two screenshots are as viewed from iphone6.

Some overlap

Some spacing may be

Empty node

And some more

I also think, there should be a link to FAQ in the footer.

Thank you!

Some observations of the admin of Ladybug Tools



Always a good thing to add the team a message is addressed to at the top of an issue. This message is addressed to: @ladybug-tools/core. Of course, if a product is truly open then all messages are open to all, but addressing to particular teams helps peeps filter what they have to read.

I would be pleased to see a page that describes how we should communicate along with guidelines and standards we would like to follow,

Naming Strategy

Currently I see much that is unclear about the way peeps use the word 'Ladybug'. Is it a company? Is it a way of organizing things. Is it a product? Yes, I know, it's all of the above. But this causes issues. For example most people used to think I worked for a company called 'AutoCAD'.

Has there been a discussion about product naming strategy? Is there any documentation anywhere on naming strategy and ways of clarifying things to end users?

Web Site Audience

It is unclear to me who the target purpose is for the proposed web site. The current look and feel of the site makes me think of a calling card site. Something that is like an online business card. People go to these sites once or twice, get what they need and rarely return.

Sites that have significant return visitors must have fresh content - at least every few days - on the home page with details to more in depth updates a click away.

Also, the target audience - with all the stunning graphics - seems target towards designers and firms of engineers. Yet when I look at the repos on GitHub what I see are docs for Python code - material targeted for coders

Web Site Maintenance

A very large factor in the success of a web site is the amount of time and effort it takes to update the site. The more clicks required to update the site the sooner the site will die.

Example: Medium is taking over from WordPress because you can just join and start writing. No need to set themes or upload images.

My dream is a web site based on new issues, commit messages and easy to update Markdown files. You just commit and discuss and somehow the web site technology watches what you are doing on GitHub and freshens its content accordingly.

Writing for Strangers

Much of the knowledge currently being cataloged in the read me and web pages presupposes that you already know what is going on. You must already be familiar with terms such as such as 'Grasshopper;, 'LEED', 'OpenFOAM, 'OpenStudio' and many, many others.

Writing like this is OK for 'friends of the family' but is a nearly instant way of getting most peeps to leave the site.

Any technical term such as visual programing language or Dynamo should have a link to a Wikipedia or a product page.

Think of the web pages you create. The internal links between the pages are like doors connecting the rooms. But the links to pages outside are like windows giving on to the world.

I can write on all of the above in more much more detail. And I can probably add a bunch more topics. and - more importantly - I can actually draft full responses and guidelines to all of these topics.

But it will only be worth doing if there is agreement that these sorts of matters are relevant to the project. This means that some peep(s) will have to take charge and start managing the various efforts.

The interesting thing is that the problem of managing complex issues has very much been simplified by GitHub. People like Mike Bostock and Mr.doob manage huge complex projects - simply by maintaining and merging pull requests.

Anyway, I look forward to reading your comments and suggestions regarding how I can best be an asset to this project.


Ladybug Forum RSS Reader in JavaScript


Screen capture - cheeChee R2 - RSS feed capture and display

Ladybug Tools RSS

  1. Would you like to see this project added and embedded into Ladybug Tools?
  2. What are are features you would like to see added?
  3. What feeds would you like to see added to the menu?


  • Reads and displays Ladybug RSS feeds from the Grasshopper 3D forum
  • Reads and displays GitHub user activity
  • Select user data to view from a menu


Tricks used here include:

Change Log

  • First commit - very work in progress
  • Very work in progress
  • Use the JavaScript to see the original output

Post SF Meeting on 2017-08-09 Updates


I very much enjoyed the four of us sitting down together and thinking out loud. Thank you

My feeling is that open source in AEC is still at a really early stage. Thus Ladybug Tools is a leader in an emerging market. With care and consideration it could well continue to be a leader as the market blossoms. Fingers crossed we find cool ways of collaborating and helping the world build faster, smarter cheaper.

Setting up private repo on Ladybug-tools

We talked of doing this so we could keep management docs private. I said I would pay - thinking it would cost like $10 per month.. Turns out you pay by number of users. So $43.00 / month
for 7 users for us. I'm sure the money could be put to better use.

So - as Mostapha suggested - let's use Google Docs.

Mostapha: how about you create a Google Drive folder and share it with us?


Matt: I added you as an 'owner' of this org - so you have same privileges as Mostapha, Chris and me. I added you to the team 'Core'. And I made Core a secret team. It's now only visible to us.

Matt: can you make you membership public? see

Being good citizens

Never forget that GitHub is a social network for coders. In order to rise up in the hierarchy it's good to be popular. So:

Follow all the peeps you can. Star their work. Watch their good works.

If you maintain a repo:

  • Make sure it has a great read me: see
  • Make sure you have added some good topics - five max
  • Make sure it has a description understandable to newbs
  • Include a link to where newbs can get a demo or see more

I'm sure we all have convoluted opinions about the value of social networks, but in helping Mostapha and Chis set up a business we should try to follow all possiblele leads - especially if they are free and take little time.

In particular I will stress the read me. Very few successful sites have read me files that suck

Receipt of these messages

Chris and Matt: would you both acknowledge receipt of this message

Business plan

As I mentioned, it's probably a good idea even for a bootstrap organization to have a business plan. I will be starting a search for a shortlist of good topics in the next few days and will share. is coming along. I see it as an archive for our workshop. I plan to add a few more posts and then will move back over to Ladybug Tools

Can I do things like add our PowerPoint etc?

Room Builder Script - Python and JavaScript can be friends

Mostapha: Once I get back to working on Ladybug Web, we can start working on a 3D room with openings script . I hope we will be able to throw JSON files at each other really fast and well.

Lots of Topics

If you have replies to multiple topics, it's best to start a new issue for each. So we can eventually close the items individually.


We're currently only including ladybug, honeybee, butterfly and dragonfly under tools. What about Ladybug-web, epwmap and other web-based tools that have been developed or under development? Should we have a page for each?

Discussion forum / support page

This is in reply to @theo-armour's comment in ReadMe.

User issues including installing, implementing. learning etc should go to Stack Overflow.

People who are not Ladybug users may become interested / more cross-marketing possibility Support tends to be high quality Search results appear in Google

A Ladybug Tools tag should be established by feeding in some typical questions. Note that Grashopper3D gets co-mingled with other apps named 'grasshopper'. Don't let this happen to Ladybug products. Establish unique tags by usage and then publish appropriate tags for each product.
Bug reports, feature requests and road map issues should go to GitHub Issues

Things that affect the programmers should go directly to the programmers

Suitable issue tags should be developed for types of issues. Users should be made aware as to which repo to use for different product's issues

General discussion
Could be a subReddit or a Google Group or a special GitHub repo for general discussiom

Setting up a PHP forum or VBulletin Internet Brands forum seems a bit old school. And being a forum webmaster takes time. If a forum is required, it may be better to be a special section in a lager more established forum.

@theo-armour, Totally agreed that we need a better place than Grasshopper group. Stackoverflow can be harsh for beginners in our community. Also agreed on GitHub and that's how legacy versions are currently working.

We're thinking to bring them all into a single modern platform using discourse. We can bring all the discussions in the same place and with tag them as needed.

There is the option to set it up for free and then pay for the monthly host which is not much or used their paid service. There is also a $99.00.

Our current plan is to use their paid service once we get enough contributions unless we feel comfortable to set it up ourselves. @didimitrie has set it up for speckle and told me it's not as hard as it looks but again he knows how to deal with back-end stuff which I don't! :)

Rename 'Owners' team to 'Core' team

GitHub points out that the 'Owner' team no longer has the power it used to have. In order to avoid any confusion, it's best to rename the team. They suggest the name 'Core'.

BTW, I joined myself to the team.

Unless I hear otherwise or somebody else gets there first, I will do the renaming in a day or two.

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