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ngx-smooth-dnd's Introduction


A fast and lightweight drag&drop, sortable library for Angular with many configuration options covering many d&d scenarios. It uses css transitions for animations so it's hardware accelerated whenever possible.

This library consists wrapper Angular components over smooth-dnd library.

Show, don't tell !


npm i ngx-smooth-dnd


Add NgxSmoothDnDModule to your app module imports

import { NgxSmoothDnDModule } from 'ngx-smooth-dnd';

  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ContainerComponent, DraggableComponent, IDropResult } from 'ngx-smooth-dnd';
import { applyDrag, generateItems } from './utils';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
      <div class="simple-page">
        <smooth-dnd-container (drop)="onDrop($event)">            
          <smooth-dnd-draggable *ngFor="let item of items">
            <div class="draggable-item">
export class AppComponent {
  items = generateItems(50, i => ({ data: 'Draggable ' + i }))

  onDrop(dropResult: IDropResult) {
    // update item list according to the @dropResult
    this.items = applyDrag(this.items, dropResult);



Component that contains the draggable elements or components. Each of its children should be wrapped by smooth-dnd-draggable component


Property Type Default Description
[orientation] string vertical Orientation of the container. Can be horizontal or vertical.
[behaviour] string move Property to describe weather the dragging item will be moved or copied to target container. Can be move or copy or drop-zone or contain.
[groupName] string undefined Draggables can be moved between the containers having the same group names. If not set container will not accept drags from outside. This behaviour can be overriden by shouldAcceptDrop function. See below.
[lockAxis] string undefined Locks the movement axis of the dragging. Possible values are x, y or undefined.
[dragHandleSelector] string undefined Css selector to test for enabling dragging. If not given item can be grabbed from anywhere in its boundaries.
[nonDragAreaSelector] string undefined Css selector to prevent dragging. Can be useful when you have form elements or selectable text somewhere inside your draggable item. It has a precedence over dragHandleSelector.
[dragBeginDelay] number 0 (200 for touch devices) Time in milisecond. Delay to start dragging after item is pressed. Moving cursor before the delay more than 5px will cancel dragging.
[animationDuration] number 250 Animation duration in milisecond. To be consistent this animation duration will be applied to both drop and reorder animations.
[autoScrollEnabled] boolean true First scrollable parent will scroll automatically if dragging item is close to boundaries.
[dragClass] string undefined Class to be added to the ghost item being dragged. The class will be added after it's added to the DOM so any transition in the class will be applied as intended.
[dropClass] string undefined Class to be added to the ghost item just before the drop animation begins.
[dropPlaceholder] boolean,object undefined Options for drop placeholder. className, animationDuration, showOnTop
(dragStart) EventEmitter undefined See descriptions below
(dragEnd) EventEmitter undefined See descriptions below
(dropReady) EventEmitter undefined See descriptions below
(drop) EventEmitter undefined See descriptions below
[getChildPayload] function undefined See descriptions below
[shouldAnimateDrop] function undefined See descriptions below
[shouldAcceptDrop] function undefined See descriptions below
(dragEnter) EventEmitter undefined See descriptions below
(dragLeave) EventEmitter undefined See descriptions below
[getGhostParent] function undefined See descriptions below


Event to be emitted only by all Containers when a drag is started.


onDragStart({isSource: boolean, payload: any, willAcceptDrop: boolean}) {


  • isSource : boolean : true if it is called by the container which drag starts from otherwise false.
  • payload : object : the payload object that is returned by get-child-payload function. It will be undefined in case get-child-payload is not set.
  • willAcceptDrop : boolean : true if the dragged item can be dropped into the container, otherwise false.


The function to be called by all container when drag ends. Called before drop event.


onDragEnd({isSource: boolean, payload: any, willAcceptDrop: boolean}) {


  • isSource : boolean : true if it is called by the container which drag starts from otherwise false.
  • payload : object : the payload object that is returned by get-child-payload function. It will be undefined in case get-child-payload is not set.
  • willAcceptDrop : boolean : true if the dragged item can be dropped into the container, otherwise false.


The function to be called by the container which is being drag over, when the index of possible drop position changed in container. Basically it is called each time the draggables in a container slides for opening a space for dragged item. dropResult is the only parameter passed to the function which contains the following properties.


onDropReady(dropResult: IDropResult) {
  const { removedIndex, addedIndex, payload, element } = dropResult;


  • dropResult : object
    • removedIndex : number : index of the removed children. Will be null if no item is removed.
    • addedIndex : number : index to add droppped item. Will be null if no item is added.
    • payload : object : the payload object retrieved by calling getChildPayload function.
    • element : DOMElement : the DOM element that is moved


The event to be emitted by any relevant container when drop is over. (After drop animation ends). Source container and any container that could accept drop is considered relevant.


onDrop(dropResult: IDropResult) {
  const { removedIndex, addedIndex, payload, element } = dropResult;


  • dropResult : object
    • removedIndex : number : index of the removed children. Will be null if no item is removed.
    • addedIndex : number : index to add droppped item. Will be null if no item is added.
    • payload : object : the payload object retrieved by calling getChildPayload function.
    • element : DOMElement : the DOM element that is moved


The function to be called to get the payload object to be passed onDrop function.


getChildPayload(index: number) {
  return {


  • index : number : index of the child item


  • payload : object


The function to be called by the target container to which the dragged item will be droppped. Sometimes dragged item's dimensions are not suitable with the target container and dropping animation can be wierd. So it can be disabled by returning false. If not set drop animations are enabled.


shouldAnimateDrop(sourceContainerOptions: IContainerOptions, payload: any) {
  return false;


  • sourceContainerOptions : IContainerOptions : options of the source container. (parent container of the dragged item)
  • payload : object : the payload object retrieved by calling getChildPayload function.


  • boolean : true / false


The function to be called by all containers before drag starts to determine the containers to which the drop is possible. Setting this function will override the groupName property and only the return value of this function will be taken into account.


shouldAcceptDrop(sourceContainerOptions, payload) {
  return true;


  • sourceContainerOptions : IContainerOptions : options of the source container. (parent container of the dragged item)
  • payload : object : the payload object retrieved by calling getChildPayload function.


  • boolean : true / false


The event to be emitted by the relevant container whenever a dragged item enters its boundaries while dragging.


onDragEnter() {


The event to be emitted by the relevant container whenever a dragged item leaves its boundaries while dragging.


onDragLeave() {


The function to be called to get the element that the dragged ghost will be appended. Default parent element is the container itself. The ghost element is positioned as 'fixed' and appended to given parent element. But if any anchestor of container has a transform property, ghost element will be positioned relative to that element which breaks the calculations. Thats why if you have any transformed parent element of Containers you should set this property so that it returns any element that has not transformed parent element.


getGhostParent() {
  // i.e return document.body;


Wrapper component for smooth-dnd-container's children. Every draggable element should be wrapped with smooth-dnd-draggable component.

ngx-smooth-dnd's People


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ngx-smooth-dnd's Issues

Ngx-smooth-dnd's problems on Google browsers

I used angular-cli to introduce ngx-smooth-dnd, and on the "Card board" page, on Google, when I dragged down the first item of "Ipsum", the first item would not stay where I wanted to stop, but in the last item of "Ipsum". And the problem did not appear on IE and Firefox. Please tell me what caused this. Thank you!



Horizontal layout not expanding width before drop



Thanks for a great tool!

Now, I'm trying to build a horizontal layout with groups where you can drop in between groups.
I'm not sure on how to make the group container expand when being hovered with an item.

If I use vertical, the height is altered, but not when it's horizontal.

Please see this simple, not fully working, example. It shows the flaw.

It's probably something I've missed but would be happy for some guidance.


Scale on iOS devices

Hello, i found some bug, when i scale screen and start draging item his position is wrong. Item display not the same position where i touch. Reproduced only on iOS devices, on Android devices work correctly.

Sorry but i can't attach screenshot or video.

No animation for the not dragged item


* @angular/core: 6.0.2
* ngx-smooth-dnd: 0.2.0
* smooth-dnd: 0.5.4

Observed behavior

No animation for the not dragged item, and the new position of dropped item is sometimes totally wrong.

Repro steps


Mention any other details that might be useful

I tried to import BrowserAnimationModule and install @angular/animations because I know they are requires for some libraries like angular/material, but it didn't fix the problem.

Could it be related to my last issue or maybe I'm just missing something?

NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node':

Current behavior
Hi, I have used this package in my angular-6 project.
I am getting this error when I drag and drop items little fast.

**NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.**

Expected behavior
I just don't want this error, please help me to solve this bug.

  • ngx-smooth-dnd version: ^0.2.6
  • Angular version: ^6.0.0
  • Browser: [all | Chrome | Firefox | IE | Safari | Opera]
  • Language: [all | TypeScript X.X | ES6/7 | ES5]

smooth-dnd-draggable class overrided in DraggableComponent::ngAfterViewInit()

When I'm specifying "class" attribute in smooth-dnd-draggable item, this class get replaced by DraggableComponent::ngAfterViewInit() method. I propose to use parentNode.classList.add(constants.wrapperClass)
Also you can inject ElementRef and get reference to current element directly, not from wrapper...
constructor(private elRef: ElementRef){}
ngAfterViewInit() { this.elRef.nativeElement.classList.add(constants.wrapperClass) }

or even better
constructor(private elRef: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer2){}
ngAfterViewInit() { this.renderer.addClass(this.elRef.nativeElement, constants.wrapperClass); }

Draggable bug

Hello, i found some bug when drag item. Test on demo page.
And in html i have this:

Use smooth-dnd-container as a drop zone


I need to create a a drop zone for my dnd files, i.e. files from a table list are dragged into a separate drop zone, similar to Table list is also smooth-dnd-contaner with smooth-dnd-draggable items.

I got some results with dragEnter/dragLeave functions, but the problem is that dnd-container expects a list of dragables inside abnd dragEnter works only if I drag an item at the very top of container. I just want to have an empty container that will fire onDrop when smooth-dnd-draggable is droped in.

Is there a way to mimic this behavior with smooth-dnd?

Cheers Alex

autoScrollEnabled to false is not working

This is how i am using it in my code.
<smooth-dnd-container [groupName]="'draggableItems'" [autoScrollEnabled]="false" (drop)="onDrop('items', $event)">

Can anyone help me if i am not using it properly....

Ondrop is not fired when working with sub component

When using a sub component that is wrapping smooth-dnd-draggable the drop event is not triggered.
But, if you put smooth-dnd-draggable directly under smooth-dnd-container it is working.
So, the bellow app-draggable will not trigger the onDrop inside id.

Is this as designed?

    <smooth-dnd-container  [groupName]='1' (dragStart)="log('drag start', $event)" [orientation]="'horizontal'"  (drop)="onDrop($event,'1')">
         <smooth-dnd-draggable><div id="sadf">THIS IS WORKING</div></smooth-dnd-draggable>
        <app-draggable >THIS WILL NOT WORK</app-draggable> 

Right sort items

Hi @kutlugsahin & @Ne4istb . Could you help me, please? Before, I used method, applyDrag(this.items, dropResult); for right sort items, but now, I see next: Cannot find name 'applyDrag'. What I must be doing now for the right sort ?!

ScrollX bug in mobile

When you drop a card while it is moving towards the x-axis, the scroll locks in your direction and cannot return causing you to refresh the page again.
What can be done?
My suggestion is an event so we can control the scroll.

container style

Hello mate, at first i want to tell you that you did a great work!
I have a little problem with smooth-dnd-container. I would like to put his own style without parent div that style it. I say this because my container is not translating on orientation vertical good, i dont know if this is cause i'm using Angular material and styles from your library and AM has conflict.

asdf item is dragging but mouse doesnt show it and qwer item doesnt go top


dragClass doesn't reflect css cursor attribute

Following your examples I tried adding a grabbing cursor to the ghost item, but with no luck:

.card-ghost {
	transition: transform 0.5s ease;
	transform: rotateZ(5deg);
	opacity: 0.75;
	cursor: -webkit-grabbing;
	cursor: grabbing;

Any idea how that can be achieved?

Dynamically removing items from array seems to bug the sorting

This is probably me doing something wrong but I can't figure how to properly do this. I just want to remove an item from the array which I assumed was as simple as

disableItem(item: any) {
    item.isEnabled = false;
    const index = this.enabledItems.indexOf(item);
    this.enabledItems.splice(index, 1);

Unfortunately this seems to bug the ordering when dropping the FIRST element, it returns to normal after that. Below is a picture illustrating the behaviour.


Here is a very small stackblitz where you can reproduce the problem:

Repro steps:

  • Click on the X button for Obj 2, 3 and 4 from the right group

  • Drag Obj2 from the left group into the right group, don't release/drop yet

  • Drag Obj2 up and down the right list to reproduce a weird behaviour.

  • Drop Obj 2 anywhere on the right list

  • Drag Obj 3 and try to reproduce the same behaviour. It appears to be okay

This is probably something extremely simple that I'm just missing out. If you could point out the solution I'd appreciate it.

Using smooth-dnd-container with a regular html table

I'm having difficulty configuring this plugin to reordering rows in a regular html table. I tried:


The problem is that this generates html like the following:

      <div class="smooth-dnd-container vertical">
          <tbody> <!-- this is the problem -->

You can see we generate an extra tbody, which I think is injected by the browser ( Regardless, having the additional tbody causes problems with styling and other functionality. Is there anyway to leverage this library with standard html tables like above?

integrate it with ngx-datatable

I'm using angular5 and ngx-datatable 11.3.2 How it would be possible to integrate your library within this table to allow to drag columns (headers) with nice animations like in ngx-smooth-dnd?

npm i ngx-smooth-dnd

Your lib is so awesome but i got a little trouble when i installed

npm i ngx-smooth-dnd

System saved "ngx-smooth-dnd": "^0.2.0" in my package.json file. It's quite old and cards page couldn't work well as it in demo page.
After that, I downloaded your demo and imported from the lib folder in demo. Now everything seems to be OK.
Moreover, I must copy css from your style.css file manually

I just want to notice if you don't know that because i believe that lib can be used more popular if you have time to take care it.

Thank you so much.

Cannot read property "reactDropHandler" of undefined


* @angular/core: 6.0.3
* ngx-smooth-dnd: 0.2.0


Hello, it's not described in the doc, but I suppose I have to import the NgxSmootDnDModule like in the demo app. But importing this module causes an error.

Repro steps



  • Create a new app with angular-cli
  • Install ngx-smooth-dnd
  • Import the NgxSmoothModule in the app.module
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxSmoothDnDModule } from 'ngx-smooth-dnd';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Observed behavior

The console display this error message and the app does not work:

ngx-smooth-dnd.js:26 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'reactDropHandler' of undefined
at Object../node_modules/ngx-smooth-dnd/esm5/ngx-smooth-dnd.js (ngx-smooth-dnd.js:26)

Lint error while building the project

I am trying to use this in a project but it breaks my build. Can you kindly look at the following error:

[!] Error: 'constants' is not exported by node_modules/ngx-smooth-dnd/node_modules/smooth-dnd/dist/index.js
node_modules/ngx-smooth-dnd/esm5/ngx-smooth-dnd.js (2:20)
1: import { Component, ViewChild, ContentChildren, Input, Output, EventEmitter, NgZone, NgModule } from '';
2: import SmoothDnD, { constants, dropHandlers } from 'smooth-dnd';
3: import { CommonModule } from '';
4: var DraggableComponent = (function () {

Issue with Rearranging card vertically

In vertical orientation, when we try to drag the card from right to left and top to bottom is not working but when I drag from left to right and bottom to top it's working.

Angular 9 support?


While compiling I've a error:

Error: Failed to compile entry-point ngx-smooth-dnd (es2015 as esm2015) due to compilation errors:
node_modules/@angular/common/common.d.ts:115:22 - error NG6002: Appears in the NgModule.imports of NgxSmoothDnDModule, but could not be resolved to an NgModule class.

Any suggestions ?

Touch device dragging error

I'm encountering below error with version 0.2.6. Please help
[Intervention] Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove event with cancelable=false, for example because scrolling is in progress and cannot be interrupted.

Not correct in BoostrapModal

If we try to use this module inside boostrap modal - draggable not positioning in correct place when we drag it.


Provide a way to cancel the dragging

Thanks for your wonderful job.
This is a missing feature that I'm trying hack in, but it seem a little bit too much because I have hack both the Angular version and the original library.

The issue is when you drag and move the mouse outside of the browser window, the elements end in a weird unfinished situation.

I'm trying to fix it by applying this code :

this.renderer.listen('document', 'mouseout', e => {
      const from = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement;
      if (!from || from.nodeName === 'HTML') {
        console.log('**** outside');
      return true;

This is the angular code, but it's easy to understand what's going on.

Thanks so much

getGhostParent not working

I am using ionic 4 with split-pane, to split menu and page, but when dragging is a margin of the column for the card of about 150px and I can not set getGhostParent, have any examples of implementation?

smooth-dnd-draggable' is not a known element

I have followed all the necessary steps and it compiles successfully. But in the browser it shows as follows

Uncaught Error: Template parse errors:
'smooth-dnd-draggable' is not a known element:
1. If 'smooth-dnd-draggable' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.
2. If 'smooth-dnd-draggable' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message. ("v class="simple-page">
        <smooth-dnd-container (drop)="onDrop($event)">            
          [ERROR ->]<smooth-dnd-draggable *ngFor="let item of items">
            <div class="draggable-item">
          "): ng:///AppModule/AppComponent.html@4:10
'smooth-dnd-container' is not a known element:
1. If 'smooth-dnd-container' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module.
2. If 'smooth-dnd-container' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message. ("
      <div class="simple-page">
        [ERROR ->]<smooth-dnd-container (drop)="onDrop($event)">            
          <smooth-dnd-draggable *ngFor="le"): ng:///AppModule/AppComponent.html@3:8
    at syntaxError (compiler.js:1021)
    at TemplateParser.push../node_modules/@angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.TemplateParser.parse (compiler.js:14830)
    at JitCompiler.push../node_modules/@angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.JitCompiler._parseTemplate (compiler.js:24018)
    at JitCompiler.push../node_modules/@angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.JitCompiler._compileTemplate (compiler.js:24005)
    at compiler.js:23948
    at Set.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at JitCompiler.push../node_modules/@angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.JitCompiler._compileComponents (compiler.js:23948)
    at compiler.js:23858
    at Object.then (compiler.js:1012)
    at JitCompiler.push../node_modules/@angular/compiler/fesm5/compiler.js.JitCompiler._compileModuleAndComponents (compiler.js:23857)

What should i do to fix this issue?

Remove smooth-dnd-draggable-wrapper overflow: hidden

Hi. I'm using blocks with shadows inside smooth-dnd-draggable and shadows get cutted by "overflow: hidden" on smooth-dnd-draggable-wrapper. I don't see any reason to have this "overflow: hidden" style and overrided it inside project. But could you explain why this style has been added and possibly to remove it if not needed.

angular cli with build-optimizer gives runtime error

When using angular cli version 6.0.5 with a lazy loading route I get following error

Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: SmoothDnD is not defined

If i set --build-optimizer=false on ng-cli I don't get that error.


Hi, I would like to tell you that you did a great work! The most awesome thing is animations.
But there's one problem/issue with license. I have not found any seperate license file nor license setting in your package.json file.
So it would be nice to add it, so that people know how they are permitted to use it, and any restrictions you're placing on it.
Thanks for considering my request.

ngx smooth dnd

Is it working for Angularjs. I am pretty new for angular and want use drag and drop functionality in my project.
If it is working. Can you tell me how can i use it?

Thanks and Regards

DnD issue about remove node from dom.

I am using this package into angular project. I found one error that mention below. After this error occur my DnD not working. can't drag and nothing happen. I don't know why this error raised and how to solve.


When I drag one item from lot's of item list (20 items), then automatically this error occur.
When I click on source from where it generate it will move me into vendor js file look like this :


update to Angular v6

Can you update the dependencies to the new release of Angular, so we stop getting warnings like:

warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/common@^5.1.0". warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^5.1.0".

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