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myhtml's Issues

postinstall link is broken

Can it be replaced with the latest release version?

make: wget: No such file or directory
make: *** [myhtml-c] Error 1

undefined method 'css' for Myhtml::Parser

    page = HTTP::Client.get ""
    anu = page.body
    myhtml =
    links = myhtml.css(".mycssselector").map(&.attribute_by("href")).to_a

cant cd to src/ext

hi, im newbie in crystal language, i try to use your package but when i run crystal deps its return that error

crystal deps
Using kemal (ac8ec0a07b5929dc1656006a135e08a2a2732f5e)
Using radix (0.3.5)
Using kilt (0.3.3)
Using multipart (0.1.1)
Installing myhtml (master)
Postinstall cd src/ext && make package
Failed cd src/ext && make package:
/bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to src/ext

Possible to detect HTML Entities?

With this code:

html =" ")
puts html.body!.children.inspect

# Myhtml::Iterator::Children(@start_node=Myhtml::Node(:body), @current_node=Myhtml::Node(:_text, "Β "))

Is there a way I can ask if this node is an entity? Or do I just check that it's a _text node with a space?

Parsing incomplete fragments


html = <<-HTML

myhtml =
puts myhtml.css("tr td").map(&.to_html).to_a
# => []

Is this possible somehow? It only works once I wrap the HTML in <table>.

Is it possible to get the original doctype?

The original HTML content is

  origin = <<-HTML
    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
      <body> </body>

But, I can't get it to print out the DOCTYPE after parsing:


Is there a way to put out the full HTML with a doctype?

Less to type?

In the PR and create example, I find it’s a little tedious to use (...) and node all the time.

div = tree.create_node(:div)
div.attribute_add("class", "red")

Can be

div = tree.create_div
div.attribute_add "class", "red"
body.append_child div

What do you think?

Invalid memory access


require "myhtml"
require "modest"
require "http/client"
url = ""
response = HTTP::Client.get url
source =
source.css("li.sectionListItem").each do |node|
    p node


laptop% crystal build
laptop% ./parser               
Invalid memory access (signal 11) at address 0x8
[4742053] *CallStack::print_backtrace:Int32 +117
[4710520] __crystal_sigfault_handler +56
[140079244742784] ???
[5443431] modest_finder_by_selectors_list +119
[5264191] *Modest::Finder#find<Myhtml::Node>:Myhtml::CollectionIterator +127
[5255785] *Myhtml::Parser#css<String>:Myhtml::CollectionIterator +233
[4657361] ???
[4710265] main +41
[140079232176785] __libc_start_main +241
[4655226] _start +42
[0] ???


laptop% crystal --version
Crystal 0.20.5 (2017-01-25)

myhtml with http::client.get

I try everything but cant make to this lib work with HTTP::Client.get method I convert response to string but still dont work

Looking for a "inner_html" equivalent

While there is inner_text, and to_html, neither of them achieves what I'm looking for: combined HTML for everything inside the node.

<a href="#">Link</a>
<p>Read this</p>

I want to get <a href="#">Link</a><p>Read this</p> as the complete inner_html of the node. I couldn't find a straight-forward way of doing this.

Parse Document Fragments?

Hello, first let me say thank you for this shard!

I am trying to convert my document back into html without adding html, head, body tags. I am parsing components and not full documents. Here is a nice example:

require "myhtml"

class HTMLTransformer
  property key_attribute : String
  property state_attribute : String

  def initialize(key_attribute = "key", state_attribute = "state")
    @key_attribute = key_attribute
    @state_attribute = state_attribute

  def add_state_to_html(component, html)
    return if html.blank?

    key, state = ["1234", "5678"]

    transform_root(component, html) do |root|
      root[key_attribute] = key
      root[state_attribute] = state

  private def transform_root(component, html)
    fragment =

    root = fragment.root!

    yield root

    puts fragment.to_html

class Test
  def initialize
    @hi = "hi"
    @num = 1

test =
transformer =
html = <<-HTML
<div id="t1" class="red">
  <a href="/#" data-motion="add">Link to site</a>
puts transformer.add_state_to_html(test, html) == <<-HTML
<div id="t1" class="red" key="1234" state="5678">
  <a href="/#" data-motion="add">Link to site</a>

# Outputs:
#   <html key="1234" state="5678"><head></head><body><div id="t1" class="red">
#     <a href="/#" data-motion="add">Link to site</a>
#   </div></body></html>
#   false

Is there any way to do this? If not, do you have a recommended side step?

Unable to parse <template> tag

When I try to parse the template tag, it just returns nil.

html ="<template>test</template>")
body = html.body!

puts body.children.inspect

#=> Myhtml::Iterator::Children(@start_node=Myhtml::Node(:body), @current_node=nil)

The strange thing is that I can make up random tags like <jeremy> and it parses those fine.

html ="<jeremy>test</jeremy>")
body = html.body!

puts body.children.inspect
#=> Myhtml::Iterator::Children(@start_node=Myhtml::Node(:body), @current_node=Myhtml::Node(:last_entry))

Clang 12: error: cast to smaller integer type 'mycss_selectors_function_drop_type_t'

Whenever I try to include this as a dependency for a new project the postinstall fails. When I try to make it manually, it fails with the same error. This wasn't the case in previous versions.

Here's the full error:

(base) Fishbowl:myhtml shark$ make
cd src/ext && make package
git clone ./modest-c
Cloning into './modest-c'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4945, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (34/34), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (28/28), done.
remote: Total 4945 (delta 11), reused 15 (delta 6), pack-reused 4911
Receiving objects: 100% (4945/4945), 6.44 MiB | 25.38 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3556/3556), done.
cd modest-c && git reset --hard 393338d994c921705ff71dfbd1d98ceb31328f14
HEAD is now at 393338d Update includes.
sed -e 's,@version\@,0.0.6,g' -e 's,@prefix\@,/usr/local,g' -e 's,@exec_prefix\@,/usr/local,g' -e 's,@libdir\@,lib,g' -e 's,@includedir\@,include,g' -e 's,@cflags\@,-I$\{includedir}/modest -I$\{includedir}/mycore -I$\{includedir}/mycss -I$\{includedir}/myencoding -I$\{includedir}/myfont -I$\{includedir}/myhtml -I$\{includedir}/myunicode -I$\{includedir}/myurl,g' -e 's,@libname\@,modest,g' -e 's,@description\@,fast HTML renderer library with no outside dependency,g' >  modest.pc
mkdir -p bin lib test_suite

cc -Wall -Werror -pipe -pedantic -Isource -DMyCORE_BUILD_WITHOUT_THREADS -fPIC -O3 -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -std=c99 -DMODEST_BUILD_OS=Darwin -DMODEST_PORT_NAME=posix -DMyCORE_OS_DARWIN   -c -o ssource/mycss/selectors/serialization.c:183:69: error: cast to smaller integer type 'mycss_selectors_function_drop_type_t' (aka 'enum mycss_selectors_function_drop_type') from 'void *' [-Werror,-Wvoid-pointer-to-enum-cast]
                    mycss_selectors_function_drop_type_t drop_val = mycss_selector_value_drop(selector->value);
source/mycss/selectors/value.h:28:41: note: expanded from macro 'mycss_selector_value_drop'
#define mycss_selector_value_drop(obj) ((mycss_selectors_function_drop_type_t)(obj))
1 error generated.
ource/myhtml/./tokenizer_end.o source/myhtml/./tokenizer_end.c
make[2]: *** [source/mycss/selectors/serialization.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
source/mycss/selectors/function_parser.c:469:57: error: cast to smaller integer type 'mycss_selectors_function_drop_type_t' (aka 'enum mycss_selectors_function_drop_type') from 'void *' [-Werror,-Wvoid-pointer-to-enum-cast]
        mycss_selectors_function_drop_type_t drop_val = mycss_selector_value_drop(selector->value);
source/mycss/selectors/value.h:28:41: note: expanded from macro 'mycss_selector_value_drop'
#define mycss_selector_value_drop(obj) ((mycss_selectors_function_drop_type_t)(obj))
1 error generated.
make[2]: *** [source/mycss/selectors/function_parser.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [modest-c/lib/libmodest_static.a] Error 2
make: *** [src/ext/myhtml-c/lib/libmodest_static.a] Error 2

Error on building myhtml in docker

I am trying to build this in a docker and gets following error:

 > [6/6] RUN CRYSTAL_ENV=production crystal build --release src/
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `initialize':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_create'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_init'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_tree_create'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_tree_init'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `parse':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myencoding_detect_and_cut_bom'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_parse'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `initialize':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_destroy'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `free':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_tree_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_tree_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_destroy'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `document!':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_tree_get_document'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `initialize':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_create'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_init'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_entry_create'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_entry_init'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `modest_finder_create_simple'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_entry_selectors'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_selectors_parse'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `search_from':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `modest_finder_by_selectors_list'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `free':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_selectors_list_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `modest_finder_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_entry_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_destroy'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `initialize':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_entry_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_destroy'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `free':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_selectors_list_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `modest_finder_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_entry_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_selectors_list_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `modest_finder_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_entry_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_selectors_list_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `modest_finder_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_entry_destroy'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `mycss_destroy'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `free':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/iterator/ undefined reference to `myhtml_collection_destroy'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `next':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_next'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `parent':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_parent'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `next':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_next'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `child':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_child'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `next':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_next'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `tag_id':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_tag_id'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `parent':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_parent'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `next':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_next'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `tag_text_slice':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_text'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `tag_id':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_tag_id'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `nodes':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_get_nodes_by_tag_id'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/ undefined reference to `myhtml_get_nodes_by_tag_id'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `attribute_by':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_node_attribute_first'
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_attribute_next'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `attribute_name':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_attribute_key'
#10 154.0 _main.o: In function `attribute_value':
#10 154.0 /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/node/ undefined reference to `myhtml_attribute_value'
#10 154.0 collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
#10 154.0 Error: execution of command failed with code: 1: `cc "${@}" -o /app/worker  -rdynamic -L/usr/bin/../lib/crystal/lib -lxml2 -lz `command -v pkg-config > /dev/null && pkg-config --libs --silence-errors libssl || printf %s '-lssl -lcrypto'` `command -v pkg-config > /dev/null && pkg-config --libs --silence-errors libcrypto || printf %s '-lcrypto'` /app/lib/myhtml/src/myhtml/../ext/modest-c/lib/libmodest_static.a -lyaml -lpcre -lm -lgc -lpthread /usr/share/crystal/src/ext/libcrystal.a -levent -lrt -ldl`

When I run on my mac directly, it works fine.

This is my dockerfile:

FROM crystallang/crystal:1.0.0

RUN mkdir /app

COPY . /app

RUN shards install --production --ignore-crystal-version
RUN CRYSTAL_ENV=production crystal build --release src/

Myhtml::Iterator::Collection#empty? returns different value when calling more than one times.

I found that Myhtml::Iterator::Collection#empty? doesn't return same value when calling more than one times. I don't know why this happens, but I think it is not an expected behavior.

Here is a short example. Are there any mistakes in my code?

require "myhtml"

html = <<-HTML
  <title>page title</title>

myhtml =
node = myhtml.css("title")
p node.size # => 1
p node.empty? # => true
p node.size # => 1
p node.empty? # => false
p node.size # => 1
p node.empty? # => false

btw, thank you for this library. myhtml is very helpful.

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