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konclude's Issues

some (sub)commands hang since v0.6.2-927

These commands complete succesfully:

Konclude -h
owllinkfile -c Configs/default-config.xml -i Tests/test-request.xml -o test-response-cfg.xml

These, however, hangs when built with QT -= gui:

Konclude satisfiability -i Tests/galen.owl.xml -x http://ex.test/galen#ExternalIliacVein
Konclude classification -w AUTO -i Tests/roberts-family-full-D.owl.xml -o test-response-class.xml

This issue seems to have appeared only since release v0.6.2-927.

Konclude SPARQL not understanding owl:Class

Hi there, It's me again. Sorry for spamming issues.
I loaded univ-bench.owl as stated on the sparql usage page and then tried to query for all classes (a sub-query of the example query):

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX ub: <>
	?X rdf:type _:c1 . _:c1 rdf:type owl:Class .

However, Konclude answers with empty results and tells me in the log that Class not used in queried ontology.

Konclude crashes on example SPARQL

Hi there,
I am experiencing the following problem:
I started Konclude 0.7 using the command ./Konclude.bat sparqlserver -p 8080.
Then I tried to send the following query from your SPARQL examples:

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX ub: <>
	?X rdf:type _:c1 . _:c1 rdf:type owl:Class .
	_:c1 owl:intersectionOf _:c2 .
	_:c2 rdf:first ub:GraduateStudent .
	_:c2 rdf:rest _:c3 .
	_:c3 rdf:first ub:UndergraduateStudent .
	_:c3 rdf:rest rdf:nil .

However, Konclude crashes unexpectedly and without explanation. This is the log:

Starting Konclude ...
{info} 16:02:36:912 >> Konclude - Uni Ulm Parallel Reasoner
{info} 16:02:36:912 >> Reasoner for the SROIQV(D) Description Logic, 64-bit, Version v0.7.0-1135 - 91b3e331 (Mar 16 2021)

{info} 16:02:36:927 >> Initializing reasoner. Creating calculation context.
{info} 16:02:36:927 >> Reasoner initialized with 1 processing unit(s).
{info} 16:02:36:938 >> Listening on port '8080'
{info} 16:02:54:342 >> Preprocessing ontology ''.
{info} 16:02:54:344 >> Finished preprocessing in 2 ms for ontology ''.
{info} 16:02:54:344 >> Precomputing ontology '', expressiveness 'ALI+'.
{info} 16:02:54:346 >> Finished precomputing in 2 ms for ontology ''.
{info} 16:02:54:346 >> Initializing complex query answering for ontology '', expressiveness 'ALI+'.
{info} 16:02:54:347 >> Preparing query answering handler.
{info} 16:02:54:347 >> Query answering hanlder prepared.

Robin dependency error on CentOS

Dear Team,

I'm running into the following error on Linux CentOS:

Konclude: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I've checked and I seem to have PCRE installed. Would appreciate to get your thoughts on this.

Thank you

Build failed Konclude on OSX 10.13.6 (High Sierra)

The code doesn't seem to compile using the Clang of OSX, probably an XCode developer tools update.


Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 (clang-1000.10.44.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin

The error given is:

Source/Reasoner/Realizer/COptimizedRepresentativeKPSetOntologyRealizingThread.cpp:1416:58: error: ordered comparison between pointer and zero ('Konclude::Utilities::cint64 *' (aka 'long long *') and 'int')
                                if (mergingOperationLimit && mergingOperationLimit-- <= 0) {
                                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~
Source/Reasoner/Realizer/COptimizedRepresentativeKPSetOntologyRealizingThread.cpp:1529:37: error: ordered comparison between pointer and zero ('Konclude::Utilities::cint64 *' (aka 'long long *') and 'int')
                                                                if (mergingOperationLimit-- <= 0) {
                                                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~
Source/Reasoner/Realizer/COptimizedRepresentativeKPSetOntologyRealizingThread.cpp:1578:36: error: ordered comparison between pointer and zero ('Konclude::Utilities::cint64 *' (aka 'long long *') and 'int')
                                                        if (mergingOperationLimit-- <= 0) {
                                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~
Source/Reasoner/Realizer/COptimizedRepresentativeKPSetOntologyRealizingThread.cpp:1621:37: error: ordered comparison between pointer and zero ('Konclude::Utilities::cint64 *' (aka 'long long *') and 'int')
                                                                if (mergingOperationLimit-- <= 0) {
                                                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~
Source/Reasoner/Realizer/COptimizedRepresentativeKPSetOntologyRealizingThread.cpp:1684:58: error: ordered comparison between pointer and zero ('Konclude::Utilities::cint64 *' (aka 'long long *') and 'int')
                                if (mergingOperationLimit && mergingOperationLimit-- <= 0) {
                                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~

How to use Konclude for modal logic reasoning?


I'm trying to run Konclude on some modal logic formula. These formula are monomodal K with converse.

I think I have a translator going, but I'm finding some formula are satisfiable, but Konclude says it is unsatisfiable. I am not sure if this is due to misunderstanding the semantics of owl ontologies, or misusing Konclude, but I was wondering if there is anything I am doing wrong?

My translator is below (with a 'small' example that is satisfiable, but Konclude says is unsatisfiable)

from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args
modal_logic_grammar = """
start: expr
?expr: "~" expr -> not_expr
    | "(" expr ")"
    | diamond_expr
    | box_expr
    | expr "&" expr -> and_expr
    | expr "|" expr -> or_expr
    | expr "=>" expr -> implies_expr
    | expr "<=>" expr -> equiv_expr
    | TOP -> top
    | BOTTOM -> bottom
    | ID -> var_expr
diamond_expr: "<" "r" ID INVERSE? ">" expr -> diamond_expr
box_expr: "[" "r" ID INVERSE? "]" expr -> box_expr
ID: /[a-z0-9_]+/
TOP: "true"
BOTTOM: "false"
%import common.WS
%ignore WS

class ModalLogicToOWL(Transformer):
    def __init__(self):
        self.variables = set()
        self.relations = set()

    def var_expr(self, items):
        return f":{items[0]}"

    def not_expr(self, items):
        return f"ObjectComplementOf({items[0]})"

    def and_expr(self, items):
        return f"ObjectIntersectionOf({items[0]} {items[1]})"

    def or_expr(self, items):
        return "ObjectUnionOf({} {})".format(*items)

    def implies_expr(self, items):
        return "ObjectUnionOf(ObjectComplementOf({}) {})".format(*items)

    def equiv_expr(self, items):
        return "EquivalentClasses({} {})".format(*items)

    def diamond_expr(self, items):
        relation = f":R{items[0]}"
        if len(items) > 2 and items[1] == "-":
            relation = f"ObjectInverseOf({relation})"
        return f"ObjectSomeValuesFrom({relation} {items[-1]})"

    def box_expr(self, items):
        relation = f":R{items[0]}"
        if len(items) > 2 and items[1] == "-":
            relation = f"ObjectInverseOf({relation})"
        return f"ObjectAllValuesFrom({relation} {items[-1]})"

    def top(self, items):
        return "owl:Thing"

    def bottom(self, items):
        return "owl:Nothing"

    def multi_and_expr(self, items):
        if len(items) == 1:
            return f"{items[0]}"
        if len(items) == 2:
            return self.and_expr(items)
            return f"ObjectIntersectionOf({items[0]} {self.multi_and_expr(items[1:])})"

    def start(self, items):
        declarations = "\n".join([
            f"Declaration(Class(:D0))"] +
            [f"Declaration(Class(:{var}))" for var in self.variables] +
            [f"Declaration(ObjectProperty({rel}))" for rel in self.relations])

        owl = f"""
        return owl

modal_logic_parser = Lark(modal_logic_grammar, parser='lalr', transformer=ModalLogicToOWL())
parse = modal_logic_parser.parse

def modal_to_owl(modal_str):
    return parse("("+modal_str + ")")

# Usage
example = """
(v1 | v2 | ~v3 | ([r1]([r1]~v1))) & (v1 | v4 | ~v2 | ([r1]([r1]~v1))) & (v1 | v4 | ([r1-]([r1-]v2)) | ([r1-]([r1-]~v1))) & (v1 | ~v2 | ([r1]([r1]v3)) | ([r1-]v2)) & (v2 | v3 | ([r1]([r1]v2)) | ([r1-]([r1-]v1))) & (v2 | ~v1 | ~v4 | ([r1-]([r1-]v1))) & (v2 | ~v4 | ([r1]([r1]v4)) | ([r1-]~v3)) & (v2 | ([r1-]v2) | ([r1-]~v4) | ([r1-]([r1-]v1))) & (v3 | v4 | ~v2 | ([r1-]([r1-]~v3))) & (v3 | ~v2 | ([r1]([r1]v2)) | ([r1-]([r1-]~v1))) & (v3 | ~v2 | ([r1]([r1]~v3)) | ([r1-]v3)) & (v3 | ([r1-]~v3) | ([r1-]([r1-]v1)) | ([r1-]([r1-]v2))) & (v4 | ~v1 | ([r1]([r1]~v2)) | ([r1-]([r1-]v4))) & (v4 | ([r1]~v2) | ([r1]([r1]v2)) | ([r1-]([r1-]v4))) & (~v2 | ([r1]([r1]~v1)) | ([r1]([r1]~v3)) | ([r1]([r1]~v4))) & (~v2 | ([r1]([r1]~v1)) | ([r1-]v1) | ([r1-]v2)) & (~v3 | ([r1]~v2) | ([r1]([r1]~v1)) | ([r1-]~v4)) & (~v4 | ([r1]v2) | ([r1]v4) | ([r1-]([r1-]~v2))) & (~v4 | ([r1]~v3) | ([r1-]~v2) | ([r1-]([r1-]~v3))) & (~v4 | ([r1]([r1]v3)) | ([r1-]([r1-]v3)) | ([r1-]([r1-]~v4))) & (<r1>true) & (<r1->true)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    owl_str = modal_to_owl(example)

SPARQL example files missing

The following files, mentioned (since git commit 7991161) in both Readme.mdand help output, is missing from the project:

  • Tests/sparql-load-and-query-test.sparql
  • Tests/sparql-existential-variables-query-test.sparql

Konclude not seeing pigeonhole principle


I encountered a situation in which HermiT arrives at a (correct) conclusion which Konclude misses. The OWL file is as follows:



#   Object Properties

# Object Property: :sitsAt (:sitsAt)
SubObjectPropertyOf(:sitsAt owl:topObjectProperty)

#   Classes

# Class: :CrowdedHole (:CrowdedHole)
EquivalentClasses(:CrowdedHole ObjectIntersectionOf(:Hole ObjectMinCardinality(2 ObjectInverseOf(:sitsAt) :Pigeon)))
SubClassOf(:CrowdedHole :Hole)

# Class: :CrowdedScene (:CrowdedScene)
EquivalentClasses(:CrowdedScene ObjectIntersectionOf(:Scene ObjectSomeValuesFrom(ObjectInverseOf(:inScene) :CrowdedHole)))
SubClassOf(:CrowdedScene :Scene)

# Class: :Hole (:Hole)
EquivalentClasses(:Hole ObjectOneOf(:h1 :h2))
SubClassOf(:Hole ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:inScene :Scene))

# Class: :Pigeon (:Pigeon)
EquivalentClasses(:Pigeon ObjectOneOf(:p1 :p2 :p3))
SubClassOf(:Pigeon ObjectExactCardinality(1 :sitsAt :Hole))

# Class: :Scene (:Scene)
EquivalentClasses(:Scene ObjectOneOf(:s))

#   Named Individuals

SubClassOf(ObjectIntersectionOf(:Hole :Pigeon) owl:Nothing)
SubClassOf(ObjectIntersectionOf(:Hole :Scene) owl:Nothing)
SubClassOf(ObjectIntersectionOf(:Pigeon :Scene) owl:Nothing)
DifferentIndividuals(:p1 :p2 :p3)

With the above file called pigeonhole.owl, I run the command

Konclude classification -i pigeonhole.owl -o output.owl

The contents of output.owl are as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Ontology xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="" xmlns:xml="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <Prefix name="" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="owl" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="rdf" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="xml" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="xsd" IRI=""/>
    <Prefix name="rdfs" IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>
        <Class IRI=""/>

The Konclude I used is version 0.7.0 (from the activity log: Reasoner for the SROIQV(D) Description Logic, 64-bit, Version v0.7.0-1135 - 91b3e331 (Mar 16 2021)).

The missing conclusion (which HermiT finds) is that CrowdedScene and Scene are equivalent.

I tried realization as well, and the individual s is discovered to be a Scene and a Thing, but it is not discovered to be a CrowdedScene.

Librdf dependency causes undefined symbols

Build with librdf seems to fail. Do all librdflibraries need to be preinstalled? And what path changes need to be made to
I suggest to also expand the readme on this.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_librdf_free_model", referenced from:
      Konclude::Reasoner::Triples::CRedlandStoredTriplesData::~CRedlandStoredTriplesData() in CRedlandStoredTriplesData.o
  "_librdf_free_node", referenced from:
      Konclude::Parser::CRDFRedlandRaptorParser::parseTriples(QIODevice*, QString const&) in CRDFRedlandRaptorParser.o


Konclude crashes on OWLlink GetSubClasses

I loaded this example ontology and tried to query the subclasses of not Nothing via OWLLink GetSubClasses. Konclude 0.7.0 crashed without an error message or any other output.
This is especially weird since querying the equivalent classes of not Nothing via OWLLink GetEquivalentClasses works just fine.

SPARQL-query for all pairs of subclasses and superclasses returns no body

Hi there,
The following SPARQL-query returns no body; only the HTTP code 200 on any ontology i tried, e.g., this one from issue 20.

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
SELECT ?c1 ?c2
		?c1 rdfs:subClassOf ?c2 .

The log is as follows:

{info} 13:44:03:935 >> Extracted '1' sub-queries from BGPs of query 'Unknown-Rasqal-Query-Nr-8'.
{info} 13:44:03:935 >> Scheduling processing of sub-query 'Redland-Rasqal-BGP-Reasoning-SELECT-Classes-Sub-Query-0'.
{info} 13:44:03:935 >> Computed first complex query result in 0 ms.
{info} 13:44:03:935 >> Determined 0 answers for complex ABox query with 2 answer variables (c1, c2).
{info} 13:44:03:935 >> Finished processing of complex query 'Redland-Rasqal-BGP-Reasoning-SELECT-Classes-Sub-Query-0' in 0 ms.
{info} 13:44:03:935 >> Sub-queries of 'Unknown-Rasqal-Query-Nr-8' computed in 0 ms, starting answer resolving with Redland Rasqal.
{info} 13:44:03:935 >> Complex query processing with Redland Rasqal determined 0 answers in 0 ms, using 1 reasoning-based sub-queries.


Few files lack licensing

The following files has a (different from most) copyright declared but lack licensing:

Few files licensed as LGPL-2.1 (not GPL-3 as most other files)

The following files are still licensed as LGPL-2.1:

Fails to build: error: converting to 'bool' from 'std::nullptr_t' requires direct-initialization [-fpermissive]

Source fails to build with GCC 9.2.1, unless passing -fpermissive:

g++ -c -pipe -g -O2 -fdebug-prefix-map=/build/konclude-0.6.2+927~dfsg=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -std=gnu++11 -w -D_REENTRANT -fPIC -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DKONCLUDE_REDLAND_INTEGRATION -DKONCLUDE_FORCE_ALL_DEBUG_DEACTIVATED -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CONCURRENT_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I. -I./generatedfiles -I./GeneratedFiles/Release -ISource -I. -isystem /usr/include/rasqal -isystem /usr/include/raptor2 -isystem /usr/include/libxml2 -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5 -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtGui -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtXml -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtNetwork -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtConcurrent -isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore -IGeneratedFiles/release -isystem /usr/include/libdrm -I/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/linux-g++ -o release/CVariableBindingsAnswersResultIterator.o Source/Reasoner/Query/CVariableBindingsAnswersResultIterator.cpp
Source/Reasoner/Query/CSatisfiableCalculationJob.cpp: In constructor 'Konclude::Reasoner::Query::CSatisfiableCalculationJob::CSatisfiableCalculationJob()':
Source/Reasoner/Query/CSatisfiableCalculationJob.cpp:39:64: error: converting to 'bool' from 'std::nullptr_t' requires direct-initialization [-fpermissive]
39 | mAllowNonDeterministicSatisfiableCalculationContinuation = nullptr;
| ^~~~~~~
make[1]: *** [Makefile:421471: release/CSatisfiableCalculationJob.o] Error 1

(sub)commands randomly does nothing

It seems that any (sub)command randomly - 10%-40% of the times - fails by simply doing nothing.

Running watch Konclude -h and simply watching the output, randomly it emits only the initial 3 lines until and including the version number.

classify using data property values?

Does Konclude classify using data property values. For example, if I define an adult as:

person and (has_age some xsd:integer[> 18])

will Konclude class individuals with ages greater than 18 as being adults?

SPARQL example files missing, and command in broken


I am excited to explore the newly introduced SPARQL interface. contains this:

./Konclude spraqlfile -i Tests/sparql-load-and-query-test.sparql -o Tests/query-answers.xml -c Configs/querying-config.xml

Unfortunately it seems that the example file Tests/sparql-load-and-query-test.sparql is missing.

Also, the (sub)command is sparqlfile (not spraglfile which seems a mere typo).

Build without Redland libraries fails on moc_predefs.h

When building without the Redland libraries, so after running qmake -o Makefile , the builds fails eventually with the following error. I have no guarentees this would not occur when the Redland libraries are included.

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang++ -c -pipe -stdlib=libc++ -O2 -std=gnu++11  -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 -w -fPIC -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DKONCLUDE_FORCE_ALL_DEBUG_DEACTIVATED -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_XML_LIB -DQT_NETWORK_LIB -DQT_CONCURRENT_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -I. -Igeneratedfiles -IGeneratedFiles/Release -ISource -I. -I/Users/mielvandersande/anaconda3/include/qt -I/Users/mielvandersande/anaconda3/include/qt/QtGui -I/Users/mielvandersande/anaconda3/include/qt/QtXml -I/Users/mielvandersande/anaconda3/include/qt/QtNetwork -I/Users/mielvandersande/anaconda3/include/qt/QtConcurrent -I/Users/mielvandersande/anaconda3/include/qt/QtCore -IGeneratedFiles/release -I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Headers -I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Headers -I/Users/mielvandersande/anaconda3/mkspecs/macx-clang -o release/CReallocationIncreasingMemoryPoolProvider.o Source/Utilities/Memory/CReallocationIncreasingMemoryPoolProvider.cpp
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/clang++ -pipe -stdlib=libc++ -O2 -std=gnu++11  -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 -w -dM -E -o GeneratedFiles/release/moc_predefs.h /Users/mielvandersande/anaconda3/mkspecs/features/data/dummy.cpp
error: unable to open output file 'GeneratedFiles/release/moc_predefs.h': 'No such file or directory'
1 error generated.
make: *** [GeneratedFiles/release/moc_predefs.h] Error 1

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