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deezer-downloader's Introduction

Music Downloader 🎶 🎧 💃 🦄

tests latest tag Python 3.6 pypi-version pypi-downloads


  • download songs, albums, public playlists from (account is required, free plan is enough)
  • download Spotify playlists (by parsing the Spotify website and download the songs from Deezer)
  • download as zip file (including m3u8 playlist file)
  • 320 kbit/s (currently only 128 kbit/s, see this issue) mp3s with ID3-Tags and album cover
  • download songs via yt-dlp
  • KISS (keep it simple and stupid) front end
  • MPD integration (use it on a Raspberry Pi!)
  • simple REST api
  • proxy support (https/socks5)

How to use it

There is a settings file template called settings.ini.example. You can specify the download directory with download_dir. Pressing the download button only downloads the song/album/playlist. If you set use_mpd=True in the settings.ini the backend will connect to mpd (localhost:6600) and update the music database. Pressing the play button will download the music. If use_mpd=True is set the mpd database will be updated and the song/album/playlist will be added to the playlist. In settings.ini music_dir should be the music root location of mpd. The download_dir must be a subdirectory of music_dir.

As Deezer sometimes requires a captcha to login the auto login features was removed. Instead you have to manually insert a valid Deezer cookie to the settings.ini. The relevant cookie is the arl cookie. Important: The ARL cookie must be of a non-premium account!

kmille@linbox:deezer-downloader poetry run deezer-downloader --help
usage: deezer-downloader [-h] [-v] [-t] [-c CONFIG]

Download music from Deezer with a nice front end

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show version and exit
  -t, --show-config-template
                        show config template. At least you have to insert the ARL cookie
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        config file - if not supplied, the following directories are considered looking for deezer-downloader.ini: current working directory, XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable, ~/.config, /etc)

kmille@linbox:deezer-downloader poetry run deezer-downloader --config settings.ini
Starting Threadpool
/home/kmille/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/deezer-downloader-NFDPq16k-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ UserWarning: You are using the giphy public api key. This should be used for testing only and may be deactivated in the future. See
  warnings.warn('You are using the giphy public api key. This '
Worker 0 is waiting for a task
Worker 1 is waiting for a task
Worker 2 is waiting for a task
Worker 3 is waiting for a task
Worker 0 is now working on task: {'track_id': 8086130, 'add_to_playlist': False}
Downloading 'Adele - Set Fire to the Rain.mp3'
Dowload finished: /tmp/deezer-downloader/songs/Adele - Set Fire to the Rain.mp3
Setting state to mission accomplished to worker 0
worker 0 is done with task: {'track_id': 8086130, 'add_to_playlist': False} (state=mission accomplished)

How to get it up and running

with pip

You can run pip install --user deezer-downloader. Then you can run ~/.local/bin/deezer-downloader --help

with Docker

You can use the Docker image hosted on Login into your free Deezer account and grab the arl cookie. Then:

mkdir downloads
sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 --volume $(pwd)/downloads/:/mnt/deezer-downloader --env DEEZER_COOKIE_ARL=changeme kmille2/deezer-downloader:latest 
xdg-open http://localhost:5000

with Vagrant

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo vim /opt/deezer/settings.ini # insert your Deezer cookie
cd /opt/deezer && sudo poetry run deezer-downloader --config settings.ini

# On the host:
xdg-open http://localhost:5000 # view frontend in the browser
ncmpcpp -h # try the mpd client

as a service

We use it with nginx and ympd as mpd frontend

  • / goes to ympd
  • /d/ goes to the downloader

The deployment directory contains a systemd unit file and a nginx vhost config file. There is also a patch to add a link to the ympd frontend. The debug tab will show you the debug output of the app.Shortcuts

If you want to debug or build it from source: there is a docker-compose file in the docker directory. The docker/downloads directory is mounted into the container and will be used as download directory. You have to check the permissions of the docker/downloads directory as docker mounts it with the same owner/group/permissions as on the host. The deezer user in the docker container has uid 1000. If you also have the uid 1000 then there should be no problem. For debugging: sudo docker-compose build --force-rm && sudo docker-compose up

developer setup (tested on Ubuntu Jammy)

  sudo apt-get update -q
  sudo apt-get install -qy vim tmux git ffmpeg

  # python3-poetry is too old (does not support groups ...)
  sudo apt-get install -qy python3-pip
  sudo pip install poetry
  git clone
  cd deezer-downloader
  poetry install
  poetry run deezer-downloader --show-config-template > settings.ini

  # enable yt-dlp
  sudo pip install yt-dlp
  sed -i 's,.*command = /usr/bin/yt-dlp.*,command = /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp,' settings.ini

  # enable mpd
  sudo apt-get install -yq mpd ncmpcpp
  sudo sed -i 's,^music_directory.*,music_directory         "/tmp/deezer-downloader",' /etc/mpd.conf
  sudo systemctl restart mpd
  sed -i 's/.*use_mpd = False.*/use_mpd = True/' settings.ini

  # 1) Adjust the Deezer cookie: vim settings.ini
  # 2) Run tests: DEEZER_DOWNLOADER_CONFIG_FILE=settings.ini poetry run pytest -v -s
  # 3) Run it: poetry run deezer-downloader --config settings.ini
  # 4) Try out: ncmpcpp -h && xdg-open http://localhost:5000
  # 5) Downloaded files are in /tmp/deezer-downloader

ctrl-m: focus search bar
Enter: serach for songs
Alt+Enter: search for albums
ctrl-b: go to / (this is where our ympd is)
ctrl-shift-[1-7] switch tabs

Some screenshots

Search for songs. You can listen to a 30 second preview in the browser.

Search for albums. You can download them as zip file.

List songs of an album.

Download songs with youtube-dl

Download a Spotify playlist.

Download a Deezer playlist.

ncmpcpp mpd client.


cd deezer-downloader
DEEZER_DOWNLOADER_CONFIG_FILE=settings.ini poetry run pytest -v -s
# if you don't setDEEZER_DOWNLOADER_CONFIG_FILE the default template file will be used. Some tests will fail because there is no valid arl_cookie.

Deployment with Ansible (including mpd and ympd) (almost always outdated)


Version 2.0.0 (27.03.2023)

  • use poetry as build system
  • build package and uploada to pypi
  • worker threads now "daemon threads" (they now just stop if you stop deezer-downloader)
  • update config template (remove http.debug)
  • update dependencies
  • switch to waitress (from gunicorn)

Version 1.3.3 (27.12.2021)

  • replace youtube-dl by yt-dl
  • update third party dependencies

Version 1.3.2 (26.11.2021)

  • fix broken deezer download functionality (#66, removes the ability to download flac quality)
  • update third party dependencies
  • update ubuntu base image for the docker container

Version 1.3.1 (21.01.2021)

  • allow to set download quality (flac|mp3) via environment variable DEEZER_FLAC_QUALITY (#43)

Version 1.3 (05.11.2020)

  • feature: download your favorite Deezer songs
  • automated tests with Github Actions
  • push Docker image to with Github Actions

Version 1.2 (01.11.2020)

  • breaking change: now use the arl cookie instead of the sid cookie. This cookie does not expire so we don't need the background thread that keeps the session alive
  • add support for flac as download format

Version 1.1 (13.05.2020)

  • thanks to luelista for the contribution!
  • play 30 second preview in browser
  • add Vagrantfile
  • show album cover in search results
  • use a threaded queue for download tasks
  • list album songs

deezer-downloader's People


arthurlutz avatar divarion-d avatar fugkco avatar ilyabizyaev avatar jdeniau avatar k3nn3th2 avatar kmille avatar maxklos avatar redmanmale avatar


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deezer-downloader's Issues


Hey, thanks for a nice project! I was wondering if you could release it under a free/open source license? Right now it's regulated only by GitHub terms of service, which allows everybody to look at the sources and submit PRs, but not distribute or even use it. ISC (simpler variant of MIT) or GPL-3 would be probably suitable for this project, and if you want to learn more about open source licensing, might be a great starting point.

I do understand that this project is in a legal gray area, but that's the more reasons to license it explicitly – most licenses include a legal clause that disclaims your liability in case of any legal action :-)

Usage of mpd unclear.

In the help file on github it is described that it is possible to use mpd together with the deezer-downloader. However it is not clear for me if mpd can be used to search Deezer and download/play from it or it is only used as a player after the album/songs are downloaded using web interface and deezer-downloader. Please clarify.

I would like to use the Deezer from linux console only, but I am not sure if it is possible or it always the web gui has to be used.


Spotify downloader isn't downloading the full playlist


I tried downloading a playlist from a Spotify playlist. It didn't seem to retrieve the full list. Logs say it has 100 We got 100 songs from the Spotify playlist. Retrying it doesn't work as it just says all the items already exist. Is there any way to download the rest?


Blowfish - comment

Great code ! Thanks ;-) It's weird since I wanted to try it on my Mac and I add the following error which was fixed by using key.encode() in blowfishDecrypt and adding b before string key = b"g4el58wc0zvf9na1" and so on:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 195, in test_download_song_valid_mp3
download_song(song, test_song)
File "/Users/franckweens/Downloads/Deezer/", line 353, in download_song
decryptfile(fh, key, fo)
File "/Users/franckweens/Downloads/Deezer/", line 137, in decryptfile
data = blowfishDecrypt(data, key)
File "/Users/franckweens/Downloads/Deezer/", line 116, in blowfishDecrypt
c =, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, iv)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/", line 146, in new
return _create_cipher(sys.modules[name], key, mode, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/", line 79, in _create_cipher
return modes[mode](factory, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/", line 274, in _create_cbc_cipher
cipher_state = factory._create_base_cipher(kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/", line 77, in _create_base_cipher
result = start_operation(c_uint8_ptr(key),
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Crypto/Util/", line 243, in c_uint8_ptr
raise TypeError("Object type %s cannot be passed to C code" % type(data))
TypeError: Object type <class 'str'> cannot be passed to C code

Can't use downloaded mp3's in Ableton Live 11

Ableton Live 11 doesn't accept mp3's downloaded with deezer-downloader.

Error messages in Ableton:

(_pn suffix is added using Platinum Notes, but same error occurs before mastering the track)

Only workaround is that I decode/encode all downloaded mp3's with ffmpeg manually. After I do that, the mp3 will load into Ableton.

I can't really find the reason why Ableton doesn't accept these mp3's, because the MP3's play absolutely fine in any random media player.

python3.7 vs python 3.8 bug in

if run on Debian buster with python3.7 (used the python3 branch on both sites):

(venv) root@buster:/opt/deezer/app# python -m unittest tests.TestSpotifyMethods.test_spotify_parser_valid_playlist_url                                                                                                                         F                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ======================================================================                                                                                                                                                                         FAIL: test_spotify_parser_valid_playlist_url (tests.TestSpotifyMethods)                                                                                                                                                                        ----------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                         Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                                                                                               File "/opt/deezer/app/", line 220, in test_spotify_parser_valid_playlist_url                                                                                                                                                             self._test_parse_spotify_playlist_website(playlist_url)                                                                                                                                                                                      File "/opt/deezer/app/", line 212, in _test_parse_spotify_playlist_website                                                                                                                                                           
    self.assertEqual(playlist, set(songs))                                                                             
AssertionError: Items in the first set but not the second:
'Erasure Always - 2009 Remastered Version'
Items in the second set but not the first:
'Erasure Always'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ----------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                         Ran 1 test in 0.174s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FAILED (failures=1)       

ipdb> set(songs) == set(playlist)
ipdb> set(songs) == playlist
ipdb> len(songs)
ipdb> len(playlist)
ipdb> type(songs)
<class 'list'>
ipdb> type(playlist)
<class 'set'>
ipdb> songs = set(songs)
ipdb> type(songs)
<class 'set'>
ipdb> type(playlist)
<class 'set'>
ipdb> songs - playlist
{'Erasure Always'}
ipdb> playlist -songs
{'Erasure Always - 2009 Remastered Version'}

Does re behaves differently between python3.7 and python3.8?

Place docker image on docker hub

This image takes a while to build... consider putting the image on docker hub as shown here

I believe there is a github CI that can be used to build/push the image to docker hub automatically upon release, but I'm not sure...

Deezer: Invalid download Url?

I am trying to understand how the deezer downloader works, so I can convert it to Java.

Code which is executed
`songId = 1081055522
songMd5 = "7a3c4d32060a22b9610aac83bd8c55f7"
mediaVersion = 3
urlKey = genurlkey(songId, songMd5, mediaVersion)
url = "" % (songMd5, urlKey.decode())

this link does not work on browser. The page is not available.


This is the response I extractred from Deezer Page when they ask for sources.

flac files

is it possible to get flac files also?

How to download Deezer Playlist as FLACs

Hi, I have a question... I didn't really get anything in the How to Use and I kind of want to download my favourite songs as FLACs, can anyone do a tutorial(video) or a detailed guide to help? xD

Unicode characters in the song or artist name failed favs downloading

On latest master (b68087c) tried to download my favs.

Process stopped after downloading of 20 songs with error:

Creating m3u8 file: '00 playlists\favorites_USERID.m3u8'
Got an Exception in function download_deezer_favorites with parameters '{'user_id': 'USERID', 'add_to_playlist': False, 'create_zip': False}
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '<PATH_TO_FOLDER>/playlists\favorites_USERID\00 playlists\favorites_USERID.m3u8''
worker 1 is done with task: {'user_id': 'USERID', 'add_to_playlist': False, 'create_zip': False} (state=failed)

So I created this folder "00 playlists" manually and got a different error:

Creating m3u8 file: '00 playlists\favorites_USERID.m3u8'
Got an Exception in function download_deezer_favorites with parameters '{'user_id': 'USERID', 'add_to_playlist': False, 'create_zip': False}
'charmap' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3: character maps to '
worker 1 is done with task: {'user_id': 'USERID', 'add_to_playlist': False, 'create_zip': False} (state=failed)

Help me with installing.

Hello, I'm looking really forward to using this app, but I have no Idea how to install and run it. Could someone please help me?

No module named 'mpd' error while starting

When running the app I get this error.
Commenting out line for in app/ worked for me, because I didn't needed any mpd stuff.

vagrant@buster:~$ /opt/deezer/app/venv/bin/python /opt/deezer/app/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/deezer/app/", line 10, in <module>
    from music_backend import sched
  File "/opt/deezer/app/", line 4, in <module>
    import mpd
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mpd'

yt-dlp error

i'm geting this error everytime i try to run the app
yt-dlp not found at /usr/bin/yt-dlp

Running deezer-downloader with PiHole server on the network

Just to add a heads up for people running PiHole on their network.
I wasted a good couple of hours trying to fix non existent youtube-dl issues and in the end it turrned out that PiHole was blocking all the requests that youtube-dl was sending.
Keep in mind that my PiHole server is configured specificly and aggresivly to block YouTube ads. If your PiHole is using the default block list I doubt you will experience any issues with youtube-dl.
I experienced this using the Docker image but you will most likely encounter the same behavior even running the standalone app since PiHole works on the network level.

The workaround I used to fix this was as follows:

  1. In PiHole, under Group Managment/Groups create a specific group. (I named mine Servers)
  2. In PiHole, under Group Managment/Clients find your server MAC and IP address and add it as a client (By server I mean the machine that deezer-downloader is running on. This can be the Docker Host machine or even your PC)
  3. On the same screen, after the Client is added, assign it to the group created in step nr. 1.
  4. Go back in Group Managment/Groups and tick the Enable/Disable option to Disable the PiHole blocking for that group.

Keep in mind by doing this you efectivly disable PiHole for that client. All DNS queries will go through for that client, not just YouTube requests. If you are running deezer-downloader on your PC you might not want to do this beacuse you will deactivate all of the protection that PiHole offers. If you are running this on a server you are go to go.

@kmille Thank you for making this amazing software. It really helped me get my music collection up to date.

Make UI more verbose if an error occurs

Right now, if the backend is down and you want to download something there is no error message shown to the user. The API responds with a 400 and a helpful message. So we can show it to the user. For example using youtube-dl:

  1. enter: blubb
  2. click download => nothing will happen
  3. Backend responds with a 400:
  "error": "url is not a url. http... only"

update docs

update install instructions (python3)
add new screenshots

Downloading a long playlist => deezer will drop the connection

It seems deezer drops the tcp connection after about 5 minutes. If downloading a lot of songs/a long playlist, the tcp connection will be dropped after ~ 5 minutes. There is no proper exception handling for this right now.
criticized by @tklitschi

ARL instead of SID

other python deezer projects seem to prefer using the ARL instead of the SID . they also dont implement a thread to keep the session alive.

Would the use of it make the dedicated thread obsolete?
or is there anything i'm missing here? please correct me if i'm wrong.

Unable to download songs

Today i tried to download some new songs, and i get an error for a lot (but not all) songs.
Like :

_`Downloading 'Metallica - Nothing Else Matters.mp3'

ERROR: Can not download this song. Got a 403

worker 0 is done with task: {'track_id': 1489945622, 'add_to_playlist': False} (state=mission accomplished)

Worker 0 is waiting for a task`_

List index out of range

Downloading Deezer playlist | "{'playlist_id': '', 'add_to_playlist': False, 'create_zip': False}" | failed
list index out of range
Downloading Spotify playlist | "{'playlist_name': 'Niel Young Radio', 'playlist_id': '', 'add_to_playlist': False, 'create_zip': False}" | failed
list index out of range

Every time i try to download something, this is what i get

Some songs just return a 403 upon being downloaded

Platform: Windows with the WSL2-backend for Docker (using Ubuntu as the distribution)
Build: latest as of 15.04.2021.

So, for the most part, the downloading goes fine, but there are some songs that straight up refuse to be downloaded and I just get a ERROR: Can not download this song. Got a 403 every time I try. On the other hand, when downloading playlists, there are songs that fail at first, but work fine later on.

Here's a couple of IDs of songs that fail constantly: 9125239, 8717671, 8454029.

The songs do play when I try them on the platform (both the web and Electron app).

Do you know why this might be? Let me know if I can provide more info, and thank you for the awesome app!

Login Error

My Credentials are correct, I am able to login on

$HomeIP - - [27/Apr/2019 21:25:22] "POST /api/v1/deezer/download HTTP/1.1" 200 -
We are not logged in
Do the login
Login was not successfull
Downloading song 73519924
Downloading song Mindless Self Indulgence - Never Wanted To Dance.mp3
ERROR downloading from 'MD5_ORIGIN'

sanitize user input for deezer playlist id

if starts with http:/ ..
check if numeric - oder int(x) und schauen ob ne Exception raised
broken for input: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm having issues deploying via docker-compose. Please advise. This is my compose file:

version: '2'

    image: kmille2/deezer-downloader
      - DEEZER_COOKIE_ARL=<arl>
      - /mnt/md0/Music/Collection:/mnt/deezer-downloader
      - "8686:5000"


It's time my fellow friend!

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