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kco_rest_dotnet's Introduction

[DEPRECATED] Official Klarna .NET Core SDK

NuGet Version Build Status Coverage Status

SDK Deprecation Warning and Sunsetting

Dear community, the SDK you are currently looking at is now deprecated. These are details related to sunsetting:

  • We intend to archive this repo on June 1 2020 (01/06/20)
  • Until November 1 2020 (01/11/20) high severity security issues found within the latest published version will be fixed. All support will cease after this date.
  • No new builds will follow effective April 20 (20/04/2020) apart from the fixes mentioned above.


We are making Klarna REST API definition files available in Swagger / OAS v2 format, under the Klarna API Reference section on the Klarna Developer Portal. These will be regularly updated as the APIs evolve. You can use tools like to generate your own SDKs, client libraries, etc.

Shop now. Pay later.

Shop at your favorite stores today and experience the freedom to pay later with Klarna.

Get started

The Klarna .NET Core SDK covers all of Klarna APIs under:


API Credentials

Before getting a production account you can get a playground one. Register here to be able to test your SDK integration before go live:

Installation and Usage

Important Notices

⚠️ v3.1.10 is marked as broken/deprecated. Consider to use v3.1.12 instead.


Example files can be found in the examples project.

Sample Apps

Also you can check for the Sample projects:

  • Sample Simple projects for demonstrating a backend API call
  • WebApp MVC MVC project for demonstrating Klarna Checkout and Klarna Payment
  • WebForms WebForms project with Klarna Checkout integrated

Installation with Package Manager

To install the Klarna .NET Core SDK, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Klarna.Rest.Core -Version x.y.z


dotnet add package Klarna.Rest.Core --version x.y.z

Paket CLI

paket add Klarna.Rest.Core --version x.y.z


Check the to get information about the latest version.


Klarna API documentation:
SDK References:

Example files can be found in the Klarna.Rest/Klarna.Rest.Core.Examples/ project.
Additional documentation can be found at

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions concerning this product or the implementation, please create an issue:

or use the Contact Us form at website.

How to contribute

At Klarna, we strive toward achieving the highest possible quality for our products. Therefore, we require you to follow these guidelines if you wish to contribute.

To contribute, the following criteria need to be fulfilled:

  • Provide a description of what has been changed and why
  • Pull requests should implement a boxed change
  • All code and documentation must follow the style specified by the StyleCop standard.
  • New features and bug fixes must have accompanying unit tests:
    • Positive tests
    • Negative tests
    • Boundary tests (if possible)
    • No less than 90% decision coverage
  • All unit tests should pass


The Klarna .NET Core SDK is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0

kco_rest_dotnet's People


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kco_rest_dotnet's Issues

Discrepancy between SDK models and API models

Hi team,

There seems to be a discrepancy between the SDK models and the API models. I found several models in the SDK where some fields are not available which are available in the API.

For example:

I may be missing some more examples. Could you please look into this?

Many thanks in advance.

OrderLine says value 0 is null

Getting a error when doing a Post checkout/v3/orders,

that one of my orderLines that has the value 0 on tax_rate and total_tax_amount
Bad value: order_lines[3].tax_rate (may not be null), order_lines[3].total_tax_amount (may not be null)

It did work fine to send 0 as tax_rate and total_tax_amount when sending with a request with all data as json.

Is this intended?

HTTP 401 in KlarnaEnvironment.TestingNorthAmerica results in HTML response that cannot be deserialized to ErrorMessage resulting in ambiguous error message

Describe the bug
When attempting to create a payment credit session using Klarna.Payment.CreateCreditSession for Environment TestingNorthAmerica, an unauthorized attempt (HTTP 401) results in a response containing HTML that is attempted to be deserialized to type ErrorMessage, resulting in a deserialization error that is ambiguous to the caller and gives no indication that the failure is related to authorization.

The message is: "Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0."

Which service do you use
Klarna Payments

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Make a call to Klarna.Payment.CreateCreditSession using invalid credentials.
  2. Note the exception that is thrown in BaseRestClient.ThrowIfError() on this line: errorMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ErrorMessage>(content);

Expected behavior
An exception should be thrown that indicates a HTTP 401 - Unauthorized attempt has occurred. This may very well be solvable by configuring the web server to return a valid JSON object that can be deserialized to type ErrorMessage.

Klarna examples using deprecated code

Could you please update the examples to use Order from Checkout namespace
client.Checkout.CreateOrder is deprecated. What to use? =)

Where do I find the newer API? in version 3.1.10

Where can i find a changelog?

Im trying to go from 3.1.2 to 3.1.10


CreateCapture must return CaptureId

Considering a merchant needs captureID when adding shipping-details on a capture, the SDK must return said capture ID if the creation of the capture is successful

Examples doesn't work

when i try to run examples on my MerchantId and SharedSecret it returns http error 401

Promo codes (custom payment methods) contract issue

During integration with Klarna we found possible bug related to promo codes functionality.
There is a contract in PaymentOrder class:

[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "customer_payment_method_ids")]
public ICollection<string> CustomPaymentMethodIds { get; set; } 

After conversation with support team we was told that instead of
"customer_payment_method_ids" we should use "custom_payment_method_ids" while sending create session call. Requests from postman with "custom_payment_method_ids" result in success and payment methods offered by promo codes are displayed on widget.

Could someone please take a look at that?

Async/Await issue

Describe the bug
When using GetOrder the task never retruns. It can be fixed by adding .ConfigureAwait(false) when using async.

Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming

Which service do you use
Every call to klarna

To Reproduce
var klarnaEnv = isTest ? KlarnaEnvironment.TestingEurope : KlarnaEnvironment.LiveEurope;
var klarnaApi = new Klarna.Rest.Core.Klarna(username, password, klarnaEnv);
var task = klarnaApi.OrderManagement.GetOrder(klarnaOrderId);

Expected behavior
Wait to terminate when order has been recieved

Additional context

GetPayoutsSummary uses wrong API endpoint

Calling GetPayoutsSummary makes a request to instead of

Line 38 in SettlementStore:

var url = ApiUrlHelper.GetApiUrlForController(ApiSession.ApiUrl, ApiControllerUri, null, nvm);

should probably replaced by

var url = ApiUrlHelper.GetApiUrlForController(ApiSession.ApiUrl, ApiControllerUri, "summary", nvm);

Do "error_messages" always have one entry?


This is a question more about the actual Klarna API where it states that when error occurs API will send an error message object that contains a property: "error_messages" that may contain one or several error messages.
I tried several invalid request when creating the Order but I always have a json array with only one entry.

"error_messages": [
    "Bad format: options.allowed_customer_types"

"error_messages" : [ 
    "Bad value: order_lines[0].total_tax_amount (may not be null), order_lines[0].tax_rate (may not be null)" 

Is there a scenario where I should expect several entries, or they will always be comma delimited?

I also noticed that not all validation errors are going to occur in the response but only the first occurrence meaning if the property is simple it will be one error message and if the property is a complex object there might be several. I, of course, might be wrong about this, since I haven't exhausted all the cases.

Could someone please give me some clearance/guidelines regarding my inquiry.


Typo in endpoint for "Release remaining authorization"

Describe the bug
Therese a typo in the endpoint for Klarna.Rest.Core.Klarna.OrderManagement.ReleaseRemainingAuthorization, causing it to always return HTTP 404. Theres an underscore where there should be a dash.

var url = ApiUrlHelper.GetApiUrlForController(ApiSession.ApiUrl, ApiControllerUri, $"{orderId}/release-remaining_authorization");

Which service do you use
Order management

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Call Klarna.Rest.Core.Klarna.OrderManagement.ReleaseRemainingAuthorization
  2. 404 response.

Expected behavior
200 or 403 response.

Issue installing the Klarna nuget package

When I try to install the NuGet package, it fails, here is the command I use to attempt the install:
Install-Package Klarna.Rest.Core -Version 3.1.4

Here is the output from the install command:

Attempting to gather dependency information for package 'Klarna.Rest.Core.3.1.4' with respect to project '', targeting '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6'
Gathering dependency information took 506.91 ms
Attempting to resolve dependencies for package 'Klarna.Rest.Core.3.1.4' with DependencyBehavior 'Lowest'
Resolving dependency information took 0 ms
Resolving actions to install package 'Klarna.Rest.Core.3.1.4'
Resolved actions to install package 'Klarna.Rest.Core.3.1.4'
Retrieving package 'Klarna.Rest.Core 3.1.4' from ''.
Install failed. Rolling back...
Package 'Klarna.Rest.Core.3.1.4' does not exist in project ''
Package 'Klarna.Rest.Core.3.1.4' does not exist in folder 'D:\projects\packages'
Executing nuget actions took 1.9 sec
Install-Package : Could not install package 'Klarna.Rest.Core 3.1.4'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6', but the package does not contain any
assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
At line:1 char:1

  • Install-Package Klarna.Rest.Core -Version 3.1.4
  •   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], Exception
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand

Time Elapsed: 00:00:02.4569807

Planning to use the payments service but not getting that far.

In a .Net project add the NuGet packing using the following command:
Install-Package Klarna.Rest.Core -Version 3.1.4

I expect the package to install

Running .NET framework 4.6 using Visual Studio Pro 2017 (V 15.4.1)
I have tried installing various versions of the package including 3.1.3 and 3.1.2

HostedPaymentPage: DistributeLinkToSession does not send body payout

Describe the bug

HPP DistributeLinkToSession does not work as expected. When using this method the API call actually does not have a body payout

Which service do you use
Hosted Payment Page

To Reproduce
Run HostetPaymentPage.DistributeLinkToSession() method.

Expected behavior
API call should return successful result

Actual result
API error because of missing body.

Unsupported browser when making backend call to order


I get the following response when trying the example code and going through step 3 at the documentation guide

Do you have a working sample one can try with javascript and backend calls? Just want to change username and password and run the sample :)

It seems you might be using an older web browser which is not safe nor compatible with modern web sites. For a smoother checkout experience, please install a newer browser.
Sorry for any inconvenience. For any questions, please contact customer service at
Which service do you use
Example: Klarna Checkout, Klarna Payments, Order management, etc"

To Reproduce
` public KlarnaHelper()
client = new Klarna.Rest.Core.Klarna(username, password, KlarnaEnvironment.TestingEurope);

    public string CreateCheckoutOrder()
        var order = new CheckoutOrder
            PurchaseCountry = "se",
            PurchaseCurrency = "sek",
            Locale = "sv-se",
            OrderAmount = 10000,
            OrderTaxAmount = 2000,

            MerchantUrls = new CheckoutMerchantUrls
                Terms = "",
                Checkout = "",
                Confirmation = "",
                Push = ""
            OrderLines = new List<OrderLine>()
                new OrderLine
                    Type = OrderLineType.physical,
                    Name = "Foo",
                    Quantity = 1,
                    UnitPrice = 10000,
                    TaxRate = 2500,
                    TotalAmount = 10000,
                    TotalTaxAmount = 2000,
                    TotalDiscountAmount = 0,
            CheckoutOptions = new CheckoutOptions
                AllowSeparateShippingAddress = false,
                ColorButton = "#FF9900",
                ColorButtonText = "#FF9900",
                ColorCheckbox = "#FF9900",
                ColorCheckboxCheckmark = "#FF9900",
                ColorHeader = "#FF9900",
                ColorLink = "#FF9900",
                DateOfBirthMandatory = false,
                ShippingDetails = "bar",
                AllowedCustomerTypes = new List<string>() { "person", "organization" }

            var createdOrder = client.Checkout.CreateOrder(order).Result;
            var orderId = createdOrder.OrderId;
            return GetOrder(orderId);
        catch (ApiException ex)
        catch (Exception ex)
        return "fail";

    /// <summary>
    /// Retrieves a checkout order
    /// </summary>
    public string GetOrder(string orderId)
            var order = client.Checkout.GetOrder(orderId).Result;
            return order.HtmlSnippet.ToString();

        catch (ApiException ex)
        catch (Exception ex)
        return "";

Additional context
Klarna.Rest.Core 3.1.1
VS 2017 template site for ASPNET Core MVC.

CustomerTokenDetails does not exponse card or bank details

The object resulting in reading a customer token does not expose all data of the token from the api.
Api specs below:

Customer token model only exposes 2 properties

    public string PaymentMethodType { get; set; }
    public string Status { get; set; }

I must be able to read out card data and bank data as returned by the API when reading the token details

Handle card payment

Hi, I'm developing a mobile application and we have our own widget.
I have been given a test account to Klarna and want to validate our implementation.

However, we can't find the way on how we can use our own widget and send you creditcard information. The idea is that we have our mobile application running on Flutter, with a backend using .NET Core.

I have tried contact [email protected] during the last weeks without any response.
How do we implement this? @alexions

Example view of our widget:

Can Not Install On .NET Framework 4.8

Bug report

Describe the bug
I get the following error in my Package Manager Console after trying to install the package.

Install-Package : Could not install package 'Klarna.Rest.Core 3.1.10'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.8', but the package does not contain any 
assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

Which service do you use
Can't even download it

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open my "Package Manager Console"
  2. Type Install-Package Klarna.Rest.Core -Version 3.1.10

Expected behavior
For the package to be installed

Additional context
I'm running a .NET Framework website with Framework v4.8.3761.0 installed

Code hangs on payment execution.

Tried Klarna checkout web app example. The problem is that when this line is executed ->

var createdOrder = client.Checkout.CreateOrder(order).Result;

it hangs on. It is waiting for response unlimited amount of time but never receives it. Checked test account logs this request is with 201 status. the response body message shows an error.

"order_id": "34368eb5-7346-659d-b519-6951c0a02cb6",
"status": "checkout_incomplete",
"purchase_country": "gb",
"purchase_currency": "GBP",
"locale": "en-GB",
"billing_address": {
"country": "gb"
"customer": {},
"shipping_address": {
"country": "gb"
"order_amount": 10000,
"order_tax_amount": 2000,
"order_lines": [
"type": "physical",
"name": "Foo",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 10000,
"tax_rate": 2500,
"total_amount": 10000,
"total_discount_amount": 0,
"total_tax_amount": 2000
"merchant_urls": {
"terms": "",
"checkout": "",
"confirmation": "",
"push": ""
"html_snippet": "<div id="klarna-checkout-container" style="overflow-x: hidden;">\n <div id="klarna-unsupported-page">\n <style type="text/css">\n @-webkit-keyframes klarnaFadeIn{from{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}@-moz-keyframes klarnaFadeIn{from{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}@Keyframes klarnaFadeIn{from{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}#klarna-unsupported-page{opacity:0;opacity:1\9;-webkit-animation:klarnaFadeIn ease-in 1;-moz-animation:klarnaFadeIn ease-in 1;animation:klarnaFadeIn ease-in 1;-webkit-animation-fill-mode:forwards;-moz-animation-fill-mode:forwards;animation-fill-mode:forwards;-webkit-animation-duration:.1s;-moz-animation-duration:.1s;animation-duration:.1s;-webkit-animation-delay:5s;-moz-animation-delay:5s;animation-delay:5s;text-align:center;padding-top:64px}#klarna-unsupported-page .heading{font-family:Source Sans Pro,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;line-height:48px;font-weight:200;color:#303030;font-size:42px;margin:24px 0}#klarna-unsupported-page .subheading{font-family:Source Sans Pro,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;line-height:28px;font-weight:400;color:rgba(0,0,0,.7);font-size:19px;max-width:560px;margin:10px auto}#klarna-unsupported-page .subheading a{text-decoration:none;background-color:transparent;border:0;color:rgba(0,0,0,.7);font-weight:600}\n </style>\n <h1 class="heading">Oops.\n <p class="subheading">It looks like an important part of the checkout experience failed to load and we are unable to offer you a way to pay right now.

\n <p class="subheading">Please refresh the page to try again. If this isn't the first time you've seen this message then there may be a more permanent error and you should contact customer service at

\n \n <script type="text/javascript">\n /* */\n </script>\n \nPlease <a href="\">enable JavaScript.\n \n",
"started_at": "2020-04-06T06:31:54Z",
"last_modified_at": "2020-04-06T06:31:54Z",
"options": {
"allow_separate_shipping_address": false,
"date_of_birth_mandatory": false,
"require_validate_callback_success": false
"external_payment_methods": [],
"external_checkouts": [],
"recurring": false

What can be a problem here?
Thanks in advance!

Allowed customer types error when updating order

When I try to update an order I get an error to the allowed_customer_types field even though I never set a value so it's still null. The error is a normal exception and not a ApiException.

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: [. Path 'options.allowed_customer_types', line 67, position 32.

If I set for example "["person", "organization"]" av value I get the following ApiException:
"Bad format: options.allowed_customer_types".

The bad request error comes when I create and update an order.

I tried a lot of diffrent values but they all generate a bad request error.

Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug here? I feel it should default to "person" when the value is null.

PaymentAPI problems with response results

Hi Team,

We want to use the PaymentAPI to make Pay Later available within our Web Shop (direct integration by REST Api).

Therefore I used the MVC WebApp example as a blueprint.
I create a PaymentCreditSession object do the call to the API

(HomeController.cs lines 143/144):

var response = client.Payment.CreateCreditSession(paymentSession);
var creditSession = response.Result;

The first line of this is executed and I can see in the (European) Klarna Playground that the data was received.
Unfortunately the process stucks in the second line.

This also happens when I add
after the first line as I found in another issue.

To exclude problems with our company network I also tried this from a totally different network.

I tried this with SDK versions 3.1.9 and 3.1.10 and .NET versions 4.61 and 4.72. Environments are Windows 10 Pro (as localhost for development) and 2008R2 (staging environment)

Thanks and best regards

RefundId is not returned from CreateRefund

The id of the refund is not returned from the CreateRefund method (OrderManagementStore). It's available in the Refund-Id response header (POST /ordermanagement/v1/orders/{order_id}/refunds).

Typo in Klarna.Rest/Klarna.Rest.Core/Commuication namespace

Describe the bug
Typo in "Communication" namespace.

Which service do you use

To Reproduce
Check the namespace for Klarna.Rest/Klarna.Rest.Core/Commuication

Expected behavior
Namespace Klarna.Rest/Klarna.Rest.Core/Commuication must be renamed to Klarna.Rest/Klarna.Rest.Core/Communication

shipping_method "" cannot be serialized into Enum OrderManagementShippingMethod

Describe the bug
We do not have a shipping_method defined on some orders/captures, making it impossible to get orders using OrderManagement.GetOrder(orderId)

Which service do you use
Order management

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Try to get orders that do not have any shipping...

Expected behavior
Get a order without shipping information (we do not care about this information)

Additional context
NETCore App 2.0, Klarna.Rest.Core 3.1.12


ArgumentException: Must specify valid information for parsing in the string.
Newtonsoft.Json.Utilities.EnumUtils.ParseEnum(Type enumType, string value, bool disallowNumber)

JsonSerializationException: Error converting value "" to type 'Klarna.Rest.Core.Model.Enum.OrderManagementShippingMethod'. Path 'captures[0].shipping_info[0].shipping_method', line 1, position 4740.
Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter.ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)

CreateOrder dont working

Describe the bug
I have a ASP.NET MVC 4 project i trying to integrate Klarna Checkout in using the latest nuget package.

To try something i used the example of createing a checkout order that exist in the github respository and when its doing the first call with the code row:


Its stuck there, nothing happening its loading and loading, no timeout or anything...

Which service do you use
Klarna Checkout Rest API, kco_rest_dotnet

To Reproduce
Use your own example code CreateExample in

Expected behavior
I was expecting a result where i could get the OrderId or a error but dont getting anything.

Additional context
Visual Studio 2017
.Net Framework 4.6.1
Klarna Europe Test Environment

Add a file to repo, highlighting existing vulnerabilities

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently Snyk is used to scan the repo for vulnerabilities. If these are not resolved, then we should inform the community of their existence and the reasons behind not mitigating them.

Describe the solution you'd like
A file describing the current vulnerabilities and the expected mitigation or reasons for lack thereof

Describe alternatives you've considered
A section on the

Allow usage of WebProxy in HttpClient

We want to utilize Klarna.Rest.Core package in order to make integration with Klarna api. One of our customer requirements is to proxy all network calls to external domains through proxy. Current implementation of rest client hides HttpHandler deeply inside library, thus complicating this particular scenario. .NET Core also does not support global proxy for all out coming calls.

Ideally we are wanting to do something like this:

var proxy = new WebProxy
      BypassProxyOnLocal = true,
      Address = new Uri($"http://{_proxySettings.Value.ProxyHost}:{_proxySettings.Value.ProxyPort}"),
var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler
      Proxy = proxy,
      UseProxy = true,

Is this possible to extend current functionality to allow passing of proxy object into handler? Or provide way to pass custom HttpClient into client during it's creation.
Thanks in advance!

Vilket API för att skapa testorder?


Jag sitter och automatiserar ett av våra systemtest, där vi vill kontrollera att vårt system kan uppdatera ordervärde hos Klarna. Då vill vi helst att själva integrationen också testas, så att om nånting ändras på er sida så märker vi det.

För att ändra ordervärde och göra en capture så använder vi Order Management API. Men frågan är vilket API som är smidigast för att kunna skapa upp en testorder mot vårt sandboxkonto? Checkout-API:et eller Payments-API:et?

Tack på förhand

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