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routing's Introduction


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A routing library for Dojo 2 applications.

WARNING This is beta software. While we do not anticipate significant changes to the API at this stage, we may feel the need to do so. This is not yet production ready, so you should use at your own risk.

This routing library lets you construct route hierarchies that are matched against URLs. Each selected route can tell the application to materialize a different set of widgets and influence the state of those widgets.

History managers are included. The recommended manager uses pushState() and replaceState() to add or modify history entries. This requires server-side support to work well. The hash-based manager uses the fragment identifier, so can work for static HTML pages. A memory-backed manager is provided for debugging purposes.


To use @dojo/routing, install the package along with its required peer dependencies:

npm install @dojo/routing

# peer dependencies
npm install @dojo/core
npm install @dojo/has
npm install @dojo/shim


The examples below are provided in TypeScript syntax. The package does work under JavaScript, but for clarity, the examples will only include one syntax.

Widget Routing

Widgets are a fundamental concept for any Dojo 2 application and as such Dojo 2 Routing provides a collection of components that integrate directly with existing widgets within an application.

These components enable widgets to be registered against a route without requiring any knowledge of the Router or Routes.


The primary concept for the routing integration is an outlet, a unique identifier associated with the registered application route. Dojo 2 Widgets can then be configured with these outlet identifiers using the Outlet higher order component. Outlet returns a "new" Widget that can be used like any other widget within a render method, e.g. w(MyFooOutlet, { }).

Properties can be passed to an Outlet widget in the same way as if the original widget was being used. However, all properties are made optional to allow the properties to be injected using the mapParams function described below.

The number of widgets that can be mapped to a single outlet identifier is not restricted. All configured widgets for a single outlet will be rendered when the route associated to the outlet is matched by the router and the outlets are part of the current widget hierarchy.

The following example configures a stateless widget with an outlet called foo. The resulting FooOutlet can be used in a widgets render in the same way as any other Dojo 2 Widget.

import { Outlet } from '@dojo/routing/Outlet';
import { MyViewWidget } from './MyViewWidget';

const FooOutlet = Outlet(MyViewWidget, 'foo');

Example usage of FooOutlet, where the widget will only be rendered when the route registered against outlet foo is matched.

class App extends WidgetBase {
	protected render(): DNode {
		return v('div', [
			w(FooOutlet, {})

Outlet Component Types

When registering an outlet a different widget can be configure for each MatchType of a route:

Type Description
MatchType.INDEX This is an exact match for the registered route. E.g. Navigating to foo/bar with a registered route foo/bar.
MatchType.PARTIAL Any match other than an exact match, for example foo/bar would partially match foo/bar/qux but only if foo/bar/qux was also a registered route. Otherwise it would be an ERROR match.
MatchType.ERROR When a partial match occurs but there is no match for the next section of the route.

To register a different widget for a specific MatchType use a OutletComponents object can be passed in place of the widget that specifies each of the components to be used per MatchType.

import { MyViewWidget, MyErrorWidget } from './MyWidgets';

const fooWidgets: OutletComponents = {
	main: MyViewWidget,
	error: MyErrorWidget

const FooOutlet = Outlet(fooWidgets, 'foo');

It is important to note that a widget registered against MatchType.ERROR will not be used if the outlet also has a widget registered for MatchType.INDEX

Map Params

When a widget is configured for an outlet it is possible to provide a callback function that is used to inject properties that will be available during render lifecycle of the widget.

mapParams(type: MatchType, location: string, params: {[key: string]: any}, router: Router<any>)
Argument Description
type The MatchType that caused the outlet to render
location The location of the route that was matched
params Key/Value object of the params that were parsed from the matched route
router The router instance that can be used to provide functions that go to other routes/outlets

The following example uses mapParams to inject an onClose function that will go to the route registered against the other-outlet route and id property extracted from params in the MyViewWidget properties:

const FooOutlet = Outlet(MyViewWidget, 'foo', (options: MapParamsOptions) {
	const { type, location, params, router } = options;

	return {
		onClose() {
			// This creates a link for another outlet and sets the path

When there are multiple matching outlets, the callback function receives all matching parameters merged into a single object.

Global Error Outlet

Whenever a MatchType.ERROR occurs a global outlet is automatically added to the matched outlets called errorOutlet. This outlet can be used to render a widget for any unknown routes.

const ErrorOutlet = Outlet(ErrorWidget, 'errorOutlet');

Route Registration

Routes are registered using RouteConfig, which defines a route's path, the associated outlet and nested child RouteConfigs. The full routes are recursively constructed from the nested route structure.

Example routing configuration:

const config: RouteConfig[] = [
		path: 'foo',
		outlet: 'root',
		children: [
				path: 'bar',
				outlet: 'bar'
				path: 'baz',
				children: [
						path: 'qux'

That would register the following routes and outlets:

Route Outlet
/foo root
/foo/bar bar
/foo/baz baz
/foo/baz/qux qux

Note: If an outlet is not explicitly specified the path will be used.

To actually register the configuration with a Dojo 2 router, simply pass the config object in the constructor options:

const router = new Router({ config });

For routes that have either path parameters or query parameters, it is possible to specify default parameters. These parameters are used as a fallback when generating a link from an outlet without specifying parameters, or when parameters do not exist in the current route.

const config = [
		path: 'foo/{foo}',
		outlet: 'foo',
		defaultParams: {
			foo: 'bar'

// Using to generate a link for an outlet 'foo'; will use the default 'bar' value'foo')

A default route can be specified using the optional configuration property defaultRoute, which will be used if the current route does not match a registered route. Note there can only be one default route configured otherwise an error will be thrown.

In the case that multiple outlets match, for example where a nested path has an exact match, and a parent path has a partial match, the deepest registered outlet is returned.

Registering Additional Routes

Additional routing configuration can be registered with a router instance, either from the root or by specifying an existing outlet name.

const additionalRouteConfig = [
		path: 'extra',
		outlet: 'extra'

// Will register the extra routes from the route

// Will register the extra routes from `foo` outlet
router.register(additionalRouteConfig, 'foo');

If the outlet is not found then an error is thrown.

Router Context Injection

To make the router instance available to the created outlets and other routing components (such as Link), Routing leverages a Dojo 2 widget-core concept of Injecting State. The custom injector RouterInjector needs to be defined in a registry available to the components for an known key.

All routing components by default use the exported RouterInjector#routerKey as the key for the injected router context.

import { registry } from '@dojo/widget-core/d'
import { RouterInjector, routerKey } from '@dojo/routing/RouterInjector';

registry.define(routerKey, Injector(RouterInjector, router));

The RouterInjector module exports a helper function, registerRouterInjector, that combines the instantiation of a Router instance, registering route configuration and defining the RouterInjector. The router instance is returned.

import { registerRouterInjector } from '@dojo/routing/RoutingInjector';

const router = registerRouterInjector(config);

The defaults can be overridden using the registry, history and key arguments:

import { WidgetRegistry } from '@dojo/widget-core';
import { registerRouterInjector } from '@dojo/routing/RoutingInjector';
import MemoryHistory from './history/MemoryHistory';

const customRegistry = new WidgetRegistry();
const history = new MemoryHistory();

const router = registerRouterInjector(config, customRegistry, history, 'custom-router-key');

The final thing to do is call router.start() to start the router instance.

Link Component

The Link component is a wrapper around an a DOM element that enables consumers to specify an outlet to create a link to. It is also possible to use a static route by setting the isOutlet property to false.

If the generated link requires specific path or query parameters that are not in the route then they can be passed via the params property.

import { Link } from '@dojo/routing/Link';

render() {
	return v('div', [
		w(Link, { to: 'foo', params: { foo: 'bar' }}, [ 'Link Text' ]),
		w(Link, { to: '#/static-route', isOutlet: false, [ 'Other Link Text' ])

All the standard VirtualDomProperties are available for the Link component as they would be creating an a DOM Element using v() with @dojo/widget-core.

Sample Routing Application

// main.ts
import { registerRouterInjector } from '@dojo/routing/RouterInjector';
import { RouteConfig } from '@dojo/routing/interfaces';
import { ProjectorMixin } from '@dojo/widget-core/mixins/Projector';

import { App } from './App';

const config = [
		path: '/',
		outlet: 'home'
		path: 'profiles',
		outlet: 'profiles',
		children: [
				path: '{profile}',
				outlet: 'profile'

const router = registerRouterInjector(config);
const AppProjector = ProjectorMixin(App);
const projector = new AppProjector();

// Home.ts
import { WidgetBase } from '@dojo/widget-core/WidgetBase';
import { DNode } from '@dojo/widget-core/interfaces';

export class Home extends WidgetBase {
	protected render(): DNode {
		return 'Home';
import { WidgetBase } from '@dojo/widget-core/WidgetBase';
import { w, v } from '@dojo/widget-core/d';
import { DNode, WidgetProperties } from '@dojo/widget-core/interfaces';
import { Link } from '@dojo/routing/Link';

import { ProfileOutlet } from './ProfileOutlet';

export interface ProfilesProperties extends WidgetProperties {
	showHeader: boolean;

export class Profiles extends WidgetBase<ProfilesProperties> {
	protected render(): DNode {
		return [
			v('div', [
				w(Link, { to: 'profile', params: { profile: 'Tess' } }, [ 'Tess ']),
				w(Link, { to: 'profile', params: { profile: 'Jess' } }, [ 'Jess ']),
				w(Link, { to: 'profile', params: { profile: 'Bess' } }, [ 'Bess '])
			v('div', [ ? 'Please select a profile' : null,
				w(ProfileOutlet, {})
// Profile.ts
import { WidgetBase } from '@dojo/widget-core/WidgetBase';
import { DNode, WidgetProperties } from '@dojo/widget-core/interfaces';

export interface ProfileProperties extends WidgetProperties {
	name: string;

export class Profile extends WidgetBase<ProfileProperties> {
	protected render(): DNode {
		return `Hello, ${}`;
// HomeOutlet.ts
import { Outlet } from '@dojo/routing/Outlet';

import { Home } from './Home';

export const HomeOutlet = Outlet(Home, 'home');
// ProfilesOutlet.ts
import { Outlet } from '@dojo/routing/Outlet';
import { MatchType } from '@dojo/routing/Route';

import { Profiles } from './Profiles';

export const ProfilesOutlet = Outlet(Profiles, 'profiles', ({ type }: MapParamsOptions) => {
	return { showHeader: type === MatchType.INDEX };
// ProfileOutlet.ts
import { Outlet } from '@dojo/routing/Outlet';

import { Profile } from './Profile';

export const ProfileOutlet = Outlet(Profile, 'profile', ({ params }: MapParamsOptions) => {
	return { name: params.profile };
// App.ts
import { WidgetBase } from '@dojo/widget-core/WidgetBase';
import { w, v } from '@dojo/widget-core/d';
import { DNode } from '@dojo/widget-core/interfaces';
import { Link } from '@dojo/routing/Link';

import { ProfileOutlet } from './ProfileOutlet';
import { HomeOutlet } from './HomeOutlet';

export class App extends WidgetBase {
	protected render(): DNode {
		return [
			v('div', [
				v('ul', [
					v('li', [
						w(Link, { to: 'home' }, [ 'Home'])
					v('li', [
						w(Link, { to: 'profiles' }, [ 'Profiles'])
			w(HomeOutlet, {}),
			w(ProfilesOutlet, {})

More examples are located in the examples directory.

Creating a router

import Router from '@dojo/routing/Router';

const router = new Router();

Appending routes

With the router from the previous example:

import Route from '@dojo/routing/Route';

router.append(new Route({ path: '/' }));
router.append(new Route({ path: '/about' }));

These routes won't (yet) do anything.

You can append multiple routes at once:

	new Route({ path: '/' }),
	new Route({ path: '/about' })

Routes can only be appended to a router once.

Dispatching paths

The router doesn't track navigation events by itself. Changed paths need to be dispatched by application code. Context must be provided, this is made available to the matched routes.

import { Context } from '@dojo/routing/interfaces';

interface AppContext extends Context {
	someKey: string;

const context: AppContext = {
	someKey: 'someValue'

router.dispatch(context, '/about');

Route selection starts in a future turn. An async Task is returned (see @dojo/core) which is resolved with a result object. The object has a success property which is false if no route was selected, or dispatch was canceled. It's true otherwise.

An optional redirect property may be present, in case one of the matched routes requested a redirect. The value of the redirect property is the new path. It may be an empty string. No routes are executed when a redirect is returned, instead you're expected to change the path and call dispatch() again.

You can cancel the task in case a new navigation event occurs.

Creating routes

The following creates a simple route. The exec() function is called when the route is executed.

import Route from '@dojo/routing/Route';

const route = new Route({
	path: '/',
	exec (request) {
		// Do stuff

Note that path defaults to /, so the above is equivalent to:

const route = new Route({
	exec (request) {
		// Do stuff

The context provided in the router.dispatch() call is available as request.context:

const route = new Route({
	exec (request) {
		const context: AppContext = request.context;
		// Do stuff

You may return a thenable in order to capture errors. Route dispatch does not wait for the thenable to resolve.

Route hierarchies

Routes can be appended to other routes:

import Route from '@dojo/routing/Route';

const posts = new Route({
	path: '/posts',
	exec (request) {
		// Do stuff

const create = new Route({
	path: 'new',
	exec (request) {
		// Do stuff



In this example the posts route is executed for both /posts and /posts/new paths. The create route is only executed for the /posts/new path.

Like Router#append() you can append multiple routes at once by passing an array:

	new Route({ path: 'other' })

Routes can only be appended to another route, or a router, once.

Starting the path of a nested route with a leading slash will not make it absolute. The nested route's path will still be relative to that of the route it's appended to.

Index routes

The posts route in the above example is executed for both /posts and /posts/new paths. You can handle /posts paths specifically by specifying an index method:

const posts = new Route({
	path: '/posts',
	exec (request) {
		// Do stuff for /posts/new
	index (request) {
		// Do stuff for /posts

You may return a thenable in order to capture errors. Route dispatch does not wait for the thenable to resolve.

Named parameters

Extract pathname segments

You can extract pathname segments. These will be added to the params object of the request:

import new Route from '@dojo/routing/Route';
import { DefaultParameters } from '@dojo/routing/interfaces';

new Route({
	path: '/posts/{id}',
	exec (request) {
		const params: DefaultParameters = request.params;
		const id = params['id'];
		// Do stuff with the id

Parameter names must not be repeated in the route's path. They can't contain {, & or : characters. Only entire segments can be matched.

You can customize the params object:

import Route from '@dojo/routing/Route';
import { Parameters } from '@dojo/routing/interfaces';

interface MyParams extends Parameters {
	id: number;

const route = new Route<MyParams>({
	path: '/posts/{id}',
	params ([id]) {
		return {
			id: parseInt(id)
	exec (request) {
		const { id } = request.params;
		// Do stuff with the id

The params() function receives an array with string values for the extracted parameters, in declaration order.

You can prevent the route from being selected by returning null from the params() function:

const route = new Route<MyParams>({
	path: '/posts/{id}',
	params ([id]) {
		if (!/^\d+$/.test(id)) {
			return null;

		return {
			id: parseInt(id)
	exec (request) {
		const { id } = request.params;
		// Do stuff with the id

This also prevents any nested routes from being selected.

Extract query parameters

Each route's path may include a search component. Name parameters to extract them into the params object:

import Route from '@dojo/routing/Route';
import { DefaultParameters } from '@dojo/routing/interfaces';

new Route({
	path: '/posts/{id}?{comment}',
	exec (request) {
		const params: DefaultParameters = request.params;
		const comment = params['comment'];
		// Do stuff with the comment

Again, parameter names must not be repeated in the route's path, and can't contain {, & or : characters.

Named query parameters do not have to be present in a path for the route to be selected. Only the specified parameters are available in the params object. Each route in a hierarchy can extract parameters.

You cannot specify expected values or other non-named parameters:

new Route({
	path: '/posts/{id}?{comment}=yes' // Illegal!

new Route({
	path: '/posts/{id}?{comment}&foo=bar' // Illegal!

You can extract multiple parameters though:

new Route({
	path: '/posts/{id}?{comment}&{foo}'

By default the params object will contain the first occurrence of each query parameter. However if you specify a params() function you'll get access to all values:

import Route from '@dojo/routing/Route';
import { Parameters } from '@dojo/routing/interfaces';

interface MyParams extends Parameters {
	id: number;
	comments: number[];

const route = new Route<MyParams>({
	path: '/posts/{id}?{comments}',
	params ([id], searchParams) {
		let comments: number[] = [];
		if (searchParams.has('comments')) {
			comments = searchParams.getAll('comments').map(c => parseInt(c));

		return {
			id: parseInt(id),
	exec (request) {
		const { comments } = request.params;
		// Do stuff with the comments

searchParams is a UrlSearchParams instance from @dojo/core.

Preventing routes from being selected

You already know you can return null from a params() function to stop that route (and any nested routes) from being selected.

You can use a guard() function to decide whether a particular route (and any nested routes) should be selected. It receives the same request object as exec() functions:

new Route({
	path: '/posts',
	guard (request) {
		return false; // Don't select this route

guard() functions must return a boolean. Use them if you can synchronously determine whether a route should be selected.

Fallback routes

Sometimes paths are dispatched that don't match any routes. You can specify a fallback() function at the router level:

const router = new Route({
	fallback (request) {
		// Trigger a "not found" UI state here

The request object will have a context, but no extracted parameters.

You can also use fallback() functions in a route hierarchy. The fallback() of the deepest route that matched the path will be called:

const posts = new Route({
	path: '/posts',
	exec () {
		// Do something

const byId = new Route({
	path: '{id}',
	exec () {
		// Do something
	fallback () {
		// Do something else

const edit = new Route({
	path: 'edit',
	exec () {
		// Do something


No route will match /posts/5/stats, however there is a fallback for the byId route. The router will call exec() on the posts route and fallback() on the byId route.

You may return a thenable in order to capture errors. Route dispatch does not wait for the thenable to resolve.

Preventing dispatches altogether

You may want to prevent new routes from executing until the user has completed a certain task. You can listen to the navstart event emitted by the router to cancel or defer dispatches:

const router = new Router();

router.on('navstart', event => {
	// Determine whether to cancel the dispatch

Use event.path to inspect the dispatched path. This is a regular string, so without any extracted parameters.

Use event.cancel() to cancel the dispatch outright. You need to invoke this method synchronously when the event listener is called.

Use event.defer() to defer the dispatch. This returns an object with resume() and cancel() functions. Dispatching will halt until you resume it using resume(), or cancel it using cancel(). This may be done asynchronously.

A dispatch may be deferred multiple times. All deferrers need to call resume() for the dispatch to continue.

Note that if you cancel the dispatch the URL displayed in the browser will still be for the new path!

Selecting routes even if trailing slashes don't match

If the dispatched path ends with a /, a route hierarchy can only be selected if its deepest route's path also ends with a /. Similarly, if the dispatched path does not end with a /, the deepest route's path also must not end with a /.

This behavior can be disabled on a per-route basis by setting the trailingSlashMustMatch option to false:

const posts = new Route({
	path: '/posts'
consts byId = new Route({
	path: '{id}',
	trailingSlashMustMatch: false


const router = new Router();

Now the posts and byId routes will be selected both for /posts/5 and /posts/5/.

Note that it's irrelevant whether any intermediate routes' paths end with a /.

Repeated slashes

You cannot create routes with repeated slashes:

new Route({
	path: '/foo//bar'
}); // Throws!

However repeated slashes are ignored when dispatching:

const router = new Router();
router.append(new Route({
	path: '/foo/bar'

router.dispatch(context, '//foo///bar'); // Selects the /foo/bar route

Link generation

The router can generate links for a given route:

const router = new Router();
const blog = new Route({ path: '/blog' });
router.append(blog); === '/blog';

This also works with parameters:

const show = new Route({ path: '/{id}' });
blog.append(show);, { id: '5' }) === '/blog/5';

And query parameters:

const show = new Route({ path: '/{id}?{highlight}' });
blog.append(show);, { id: '5', highlight: '40' }) === '/blog/5?highlight=40';, { id: '5', highlight: [ '40' ] }) === '/blog/5?highlight=40';, { id: '5', highlight: [ '40', '55' ] }) === '/blog/5?highlight=40&highlight=55';

Note that if routes share the same parameter name they'll receive the same value:

const category = new Route({ path: '/categories/{id}' });
const post = new Route({ path: '/posts/{id}' });
category.append(post);, { id: '5' }) === '/blog/categories/5/posts/5';

You can also generate links without having a reference to the router:

const router = new Router();
const blog = new Route({ path: '/blog' });
const show = new Route({ path: '/{id}' });
blog.append(show);{ id: '5' }) === '/blog/5';

History management

This library ships with three history managers. They share the same interface but have different ways of monitoring and changing the navigation state.

Using pushState() and friends

The recommended manager uses pushState() and replaceState() to add or modify history entries. This requires server-side support to work well:

import StateHistory from '@dojo/routing/history/StateHistory';

const history = new StateHistory();

This assumes the global object is a browser window object. It'll access window.location and window.history, as well as add an event listener for the popstate event.

You can provide an explicit window object:

const history = new StateHistory({ window: myWindowObject });

This is mostly useful for testing purposes.

Use history.current to get the current path. It's initialized to the browser's location when the history object was created. It always starts with a /, regardless of the path string passed to the history.set() and history.replace() methods.

Call history.set() with a path string to set a new path. This will use window.history.pushState() to change the URL shown in the browser.

history.replace() works like history.set(), but uses window.history.replaceState() instead.

The change event is emitted when history is set or replaced, or when popstate is emitted on the window object. The value property of the event object contains the new path:

history.on('change', event => {

Applications should call Router#dispatch() with this value as the path.

Specifying a base pathname

A base pathname can be provided when creating the history manager:

const history = new StateHistory({ base: '/myapp' });

In this example, if the browser's location is /myapp/index, the path available at history.current and the change event value will be /index. When calling history.set() and history.replace() with say /settings, the browser's location will be changed to /myapp/settings.

You may specify the base with or without a trailing slash.

Fragment identifiers

The hash-based manager uses the fragment identifier to store navigation state. This makes it a better fit for applications that are served as a static HTML file:

import HashHistory from '@dojo/routing/history/HashHistory';

const history = new HashHistory();

The history object has the same current getter and set() and replace() methods. The HashHistory class assumes the global object is a browser window object, but an explicit object can be provided. It'll access window.history and add an event listener for the hashchange event.

Path strings are stored in the fragment identifier. history.current returns the current path, without a # prefix. The same goes for the value property of the change event object.


Finally there is a memory-backed manager. This isn't very useful in browsers but can be helpful when writing tests.:

import MemoryHistory from '@dojo/routing/history/MemoryHistory';

const history = new MemoryHistory();

The MemoryHistory class accepts a path option. It defaults to the empty string.

Making the router aware of the history manager

In browser-based applications it is desirable for the router to be aware of the history manager. This is why you can provide the history manager when creating the router:

const history = new StateHistory();
const router = new Router({ history });

Now instead of using history.set() and history.replace() you can use router.setPath() and router.replacePath().

Automatic routing and clever linking through start()

You could manually wire a history manager's change event to a Router#dispatch(), but that's a bit cumbersome. Instead if you provided the history manager when creating the router, you can use the start() method to make the router observe the history manager:

const router = new Router({ history: new StateHistory() });

By default start() dispatches for the current history value. You can disable this:

router.start({ dispatchCurrent: false });

As an added benefit, when you use start() it ensures the previous dispatch is canceled when the history changes and it dispatches a new request.

start() also ensures history is replaced with the new path when routes request a redirect.

The context for these dispatches defaults to an empty object. A new object is used for every dispatch. You can configure the context when creating the router:

const router = new Router({
	context: { someKey: 'someValue' },
	history: new StateHistory()

Provide a function if you want a new context for every dispatch:

const router = new Router({
	context() {
		return { someKey: 'someValue' };
	history: new StateHistory()

link() can use the currently selected routes when generating a new link. For instance given this router:

const history = new StateHistory();
const router = new Router({ history });

const blog = new Route({ path: '/blog' });
const show = new Route({ path: '/{id}' });
const edit = new Route({ path: '/edit' });


If the current URL is /blog/5, then you can generate a link for the edit route without having to provide any parameters: === '/blog/5/edit';

Calling dispatch() directly will prevent the router from tracking selected routes. They'll also be unavailable after a redirect has been requested, before new routes have been selected.

Capturing errors

Errors that occur during dispatch are emitted under the error event. The event object contains the error as well as the context and path used for the dispatch.

How do I contribute?

We appreciate your interest! Please see the Dojo 2 Meta Repository for the Contributing Guidelines and Style Guide.


To start working with this package, clone the repository and run npm install.

In order to build the project run grunt dev or grunt dist.


Test cases MUST be written using Intern using the Object test interface and Assert assertion interface.

90% branch coverage MUST be provided for all code submitted to this repository, as reported by istanbul’s combined coverage results for all supported platforms.

To test locally in node run:

grunt test

To test against browsers with a local selenium server run:

grunt test:local

To test against BrowserStack or Sauce Labs run:

grunt test:browserstack


grunt test:saucelabs

Licensing information

© 2004–2017 JS Foundation & contributors. New BSD license.

routing's People


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Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.