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secoretextview's Introduction

SECoreTextView License MIT

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SECoreTextView is multi-line rich text view library with clickable links, selectable text, embedding images and editing.

Movie 1


Multi-Line Rich text

iOS ScreenShot 1

Clickable hyper link

iOS ScreenShot 2

Embedding Images, Custom views, or Any blocks

iOS ScreenShot 8  iOS ScreenShot 9

Text selection

iOS ScreenShot 3  iOS ScreenShot 4  iOS ScreenShot 6

Copy & Paste

iOS ScreenShot 5

Editing (iOS only)

iOS ScreenShot 5

Both OS X / iOS supported

OS X ScreenShot 2

System Requirement

OS X 10.7(Lion) or later / iOS 5 or later



pod 'SECoreTextView'

Manual Install

  1. git clone [email protected]:kishikawakatsumi/SECoreTextView.git
  2. Copy files in Lib and Resources to your project.
  3. Add CoreText.framework to your target.


SECoreTextView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

secoretextview's People


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secoretextview's Issues

Space will not wrap

Hi, Thank you for your development, saving me a lot of time, but I found any problems:
1, when I enter a space of continuous time, the editor does not wrap.
2, Sometimes when I insert a image, then wrap text, cursor height will not change. it same as image height.

SETextView with no (default) backgroundColor is not working correctly

In the iOS twitter example, I set the backgroundColor of the tweetTextView to default on MainStoryboard.storyboard. Then if you run it, the tweetTextView is not interacting with touches correctly. Looks like it's collapsed.

I don't know what is going on here, but it works correctly as long as you set the backgroundColor for the SETextView instance. So in my opinion, we should just leave it that way. But in case anybody else is in similar trouble, I posted this issue here.

i fixed the cursor position is incorrect when inserting a image or select a image from album.

Hi, Source contributors:

I referred to SECoreTextView in a my compay project, Thanks for your SECoreTextView, that is pretty library for edit.
but the cursor position is incorrect when inserting a image or select a image from album in my project and RichTextEditor project, so i fixed the bug, but i failed to push source code.

The following is my code

  • (void)updateCaretPositionToNext:(NSInteger)currentCarePosition {
    if (!self.textLayout.textSelection) {
    self.textLayout.textSelection = [[SETextSelection alloc] init];

    NSUInteger index = currentCarePosition + 1;
    if (index == NSNotFound || index >= self.text.length) {
    index = self.text.length;
    if (self.text.length == 0) {
    index = 0;

    self.caretView.frame = [self caretRectForPosition:[SETextPosition positionWithIndex:index]];

    [self.inputDelegate selectionWillChange:self];

    self.textLayout.markedTextRange = NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0);
    self.textLayout.textSelection.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(index, 0);
    [self selectionChanged];

    [self.inputDelegate selectionDidChange:self];

  • (void)insertObject:(id)object size:(CGSize)size;
    NSInteger index = self.selectedRange.location;
    NSRange selectedNSRange = self.textLayout.textSelection.selectedRange;
    SETextRange *markedTextRange = (SETextRange *)self.markedTextRange;
    NSRange markedTextNSRange;
    if (markedTextRange) {
    markedTextNSRange = markedTextRange.range;
    } else {
    markedTextNSRange = NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0);

    SETextAttachment *attachment = nil;
    NSUInteger location = 0;
    if (markedTextRange && markedTextNSRange.location != NSNotFound) {
    location = markedTextNSRange.location;
    } else {
    location = selectedNSRange.location;

    NSString *replacementCharacter = OBJECT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER;
    attachment = [[SETextAttachment alloc] initWithObject:object size:size range:NSMakeRange(location, replacementCharacter.length)];
    [self.attachments addObject:attachment];

    [self insertText:replacementCharacter];
    if (self.selectedRange.location != index + 1) {
    [self updateCaretPositionToNext:index];


Cannot change selection when you drag form SESelectionGrabberDot

Hey I'm using your SECoreTextView. Its a great library. but it has this issue.
1 - Enter some text
2 - Select them all
3 - Try to change selection from dragging SESelectionGrabberDot (its not working)

When you drag from caretView, Its working.
It would be really grateful if you fix this issue.
thank you.

use SETextView crash when insert Image

- (void)bubbleAttributtedStringWithText:(NSString *)text isSendingMessage:(BOOL)isSending withView:(SETextView *)textView {
    if (!text) {
        text = @"";
    NSMutableAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:text];
    textView.attributedText = attributedString;
    UIFont *font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:16.];

    NSString *regex_text = @"\\[[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+\\]";
    NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:regex_text options:NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive error:NULL];
    NSArray *matches = [regex matchesInString:text options:NSMatchingReportCompletion range:NSMakeRange(0, attributedString.length)];
    if (matches.count < 1) {

    CGSize imageSize = CGSizeMake(font.lineHeight, font.lineHeight);
    CGRect imageRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, imageSize.width, imageSize.height);
    NSDictionary *cnKeys  = [SFEmoticonManager sharedObject].objectCnKey;

    [textView removeAllAttributedText];
    for (NSTextCheckingResult *result in matches) {
        NSRange matchRange = result.range;

        NSString *placeholder = [text substringWithRange:matchRange];
        SFEmoticon *emoticon  = [cnKeys objectForKey:placeholder];
        if (!emoticon) {

        UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:emoticon.imageName];
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(imageSize, NO, 0.0);
        [image drawInRect:imageRect];
        UIImage *newimage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

        [textView addObject:newimage size:imageSize replaceRange:matchRange];

when I use SETextView init and and run top code and ‘SETextView’ attribute ‘attachments’ init has spilth last the APP crash this line:
NSAttributedString *originalAttributedString = [editingAttributedText attributedSubstringFromRange:attachment.range];

so I add method ‘[self.attachments removeAllObjects]’ the is ok .
I don’t know how?please help me

How to make SECoreTextView support language that have writing direction right to left (RTL) like Arabic

I have use SECoreTextView in my project. It's nice but my app want to support many languages (included language that have writing direction right to left (RTL) like Arabic).
The problem will happen when user switch beetween RTL language (e.g:Arabic) and Left to right (LTR) language (e.g:English) --> the cursor, text display and other behavior of SECoreTextView will be wrong.

My question is how to implement SECoreTextView support both RTL and LRT language?
What shoud I do ? I google for many days but every sample implemented UITextInput only support LTR language :(

iOS Does Not Compile Properly

There is code in CETextView.m (line 265 - color = [textColor createCGColor];) that calls a missing createCGColor member function from the SECompatibility UIColor category.

Here is a patch that fixes that compile error and allows the Demo to run properly (I am confused about attaching a patch):

diff --git a/Lib/SECompatibility.h b/Lib/SECompatibility.h
index 46b5cfd140320eb983794dcad24d7a07866acfc4..7f0d56ec0bc90692abd51c9cbe155397c3e1cf1e 100644
--- a/Lib/SECompatibility.h
+++ b/Lib/SECompatibility.h
@@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ extern NSString * const NSLinkAttributeName;

  • (UIColor *)selectedTextBackgroundColor;
  • (UIColor *)selectedMenuItemColor;

+- (CGColorRef)createCGColor;

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

diff --git a/Lib/SECompatibility.m b/Lib/SECompatibility.m
index 3dc01e8e5b82844e5110584f5a5927dc1487f7af..2fbd9552c5fa4b009b5ee1f8eb8da75ed7a3f69b 100644
--- a/Lib/SECompatibility.m
+++ b/Lib/SECompatibility.m
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ NSString * const NSLinkAttributeName = @"NSLink";
return [UIColor colorWithRed:0.286 green:0.549 blue:0.859 alpha:1.000];

+- (CGColorRef)createCGColor

  • return CGColorCreateCopy(self.CGColor);

@implementation NSColor (Compatibility)



CTTextAlignment textAlignment = kCTTextAlignmentCenter;

CTParagraphStyleSetting setting[] = {
    { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierAlignment, sizeof(textAlignment), &textAlignment},
    { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierMinimumLineHeight, sizeof(lineHeight), &lineHeight },
    { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierMaximumLineHeight, sizeof(lineHeight), &lineHeight },
    { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierLineSpacing, sizeof(lineSpacing), &lineSpacing },
    { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierMinimumLineSpacing, sizeof(lineSpacing), &lineSpacing },
    { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierMaximumLineSpacing, sizeof(lineSpacing), &lineSpacing },
    { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierParagraphSpacing, sizeof(paragraphSpacing), &paragraphSpacing }

CTParagraphStyleRef paragraphStyle = CTParagraphStyleCreate(setting, sizeof(setting) / sizeof(CTParagraphStyleSetting));
[attributedString addAttributes:@{(id)kCTParagraphStyleAttributeName: (__bridge id)paragraphStyle} range:selectedRange];

Hi kishikawakatsumi

I am kumar,

Its been good using the SECoreTextView, but i am facing a problem in reading the content,

I added Text and images to textview,but not able to read them as they are added like i added text first then image and again text so on..... Now when i access self.attributedText , i am getting only text but not the image info .can you please check it and return some id which contains the text and images as they are added rather than separating them like text and attachments... the order is missing for me if i am accessing separately. so thats y i am requesting you to return id which contains both in a single property as they are added.


when app start,it crashed after get network info

Can't render only images in iOS 6

I want to render only images with SECoreTextView. I have an attributedString: *** (three * character without format) and and array images. I render these images using SECoreTextView with this helper method:

+(void) insertImageToTextView:(SETextView*)textView fromComponents:(RTComponents*) components {

    for (NSUInteger i = 0;  i < components.images.count; i++) {

        NSMutableDictionary* imageAttributes = [components.images objectAtIndex:i];

        UIImage* image = [UIImage imageNamed:imageAttributes[@"imgSrc"]];
        NSInteger imgIndex = [imageAttributes[@"imgIndex"] unsignedIntegerValue];

        if (image) {
            [textView addObject:image size:CGSizeMake(image.size.width, image.size.height) replaceRange:NSMakeRange(imgIndex, 1)];


Add Image to textview

    [SETextViewHelper insertImageToTextView:seTextView fromComponents:data];
//attributedString is ***
    [richTextView setAttributedText:[SETextViewHelper attributedStringFromComponents:attributedString]];

IOS 7, everything is OK but in iOS 6 the problem is SETextLayout will return wrong number line of CTFrame (in this case CTFrameGetLines(_frame) return 0) so no thing is rendered.
I can fix this by using the trick that append original attributedString with an character (any character, in my case is space character) and do the same thing above. After do this trick, all images will be rendered and everything is fine.

This issue is something happened like this:

Please see these images for more details:

Resut with origin String ***

Result after do a trick, orginStr with append space character at the end

Retain cycle in SETextEditingCaret

SETextEditingCaret is retained by its property blinkTimer and will never be deallocated.
This may eventually lead to the application consuming 100% of CPU.

How to fix it:

  1. Move @property (nonatomic) NSTimer *blinkTimer; to SETextEditingCaret.h
  2. Add [_caretView.blinkTimer invalidate]; to SETextView's dealloc

How can i display richtext with image?

i found if i use UITextView or UILabel, i can use UITextView.attributedText = my attributedString; to display image.
but i use SECoreTextView.attributedText = my attributedString, it only display text, but image could not display, why, how can i do? thanks.


UITextAttributeTextColor setting in attributedText is not respected on iOS6


I may find a bug which only appears on iOS6 (may on iOS5 as well).

On iOS6, setting attributedText with NSAttributedString that has UITextAttributeTextColor attribute has no effect. The text is still displayed in black.

In order to display text in custom color and font on iOS6, font and textColor ivar must be both set.


textViewDidEndSelecting of delegate is not called.



File: SETextView.h, Line: 529~543

- (void)finishSelecting
    if (!self.editing) {
        if (self.showsEditingMenuAutomatically) {
            [self hideEditingMenu];
            [self showEditingMenu];

    if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(textViewDidEndSelecting:)]) {
        [self.delegate textViewDidEndSelecting:self];

File: SETextView.h, Line: 540

    if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(textViewDidEndSelecting:)]) {

the "paragraphSpacing" calculate is error when "paragraphSpacing" has a value

the "paragraphSpacing" calculate when "paragraphSpacing" has a value,

paragraphSpacing = 15
text = @" 迷住我的是大气的车头,华丽的车身线条,鲜亮妖娆的勺型尾灯。2012年12月30日下个性订单,6月10日到,11日提车,呵护全家的大白鲨般冰川白Q7TDI,2012年,该如何记录与Q7的邂逅呢?\n 迷住我的是大气的车头,华丽的车身线条,鲜亮妖娆的勺型尾灯。2012年12月30日下个性订单,6月10日到,11日提车,呵护全家的大白鲨般冰川白Q7TDI,2012年,该如何记录与Q7的邂逅呢?"

Issue in recognize the text & added image from the textview .

I want to save the text & in between added image data in to my database. how i do this ? right now i am getting the NSAttributed string but i don't want that. it's to big data for me to save in to DB or pass to server. is there any other way to i get the solution ?

set font issue on iOS5

i set font with system font, but it look like as bold font:

UIFont *font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14];
CTFontRef fontRef = CTFontCreateWithName((__bridge CFStringRef)font.fontName, font.pointSize, NULL);
id ctfont = (__bridge id)(fontRef);
_defaultAttributes = @{(id)kCTForegroundColorAttributeName: (id)[UIColor colorWithHexString:@"#474747"].CGColor, (id)kCTFontAttributeName: ctfont};


when SETextView not call sizeToFit,layout is error

SETextView frame is {300,91},
params cell.seTextView.text = article.content;
cell.seTextView.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail;
// cell.seTextView.lineSpacing = 5;
cell.seTextView.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15];
cell.seTextView.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:100/255.f green:100/255.f blue:100/255.f alpha:1.0f];
// cell.seTextView.paragraphSpacing = 15;

text: Just over 5 lines in English or Chinese characters, layout error occurs.

Word wrap with ellipsis truncation

Hi, sorry for another issue but this is really requesting advice. In my app I need to show a 2 line wrapped label with ellipsis truncation on the second line if needed. I was able to do this with a Mac NSTextField but it has poor performace. Is there any simple way to achieve the same effect with SETextView? Is there a way to calculate space needed for an ellipsis and remove characters and then draw one or something like that?

Here is an example of where I need truncation:


(NSObliquenessAttributeName は iOS 7 以降ですが・・・)

[attributedString addAttribute:NSObliquenessAttributeName value:@(obliqueness) range:selectedRange];


打ち消し線をつけるために以下のように NSAttributedString に属性を追加してみましたが、つけることができませんでした。

        [attributedString addAttribute:NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName value:@(kCTUnderlineStyleSingle) range:selectedRange];

How to export HTML

after i edit and input some image,how could i export it to HTML string?


サンプルの RichTextEditor で、以下の操作で発生します。


iPhone 5、iOS 7.1.2


  1. テキストエリアをタップする。
  2. ソフトウェアキーボードの音声入力ボタンを押し、なにも入力せずに完了する。
    • このとき、何も入力していないはずなのにいくつかの空白が挿入されたように見えます。
  3. 挿入された空白を削除する。
  4. 右上のDoneボタンを押す。
    • このとき、アプリがクラッシュします。
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: 'NSMutableRLEArray replaceObjectsInRange:withObject:length:: Out of bounds'

Link Detection

Does this library support automatic link detection for urls, emails, phone numbers like TTTAttributedLabel?

iOS5: Crash at accessing to NSLinkAttributeName


error: use of undeclared identifier 'NSLinkAttributeName'


- (void)detectLinks
    NSMutableArray *links = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    NSUInteger length = self.attributedString.length;
    [self.attributedString enumerateAttribute:NSLinkAttributeName
                                      inRange:NSMakeRange(0, length)
                                   usingBlock:^(id value, NSRange range, BOOL *stop)
         if (value) {
             NSString *linkText = [self.attributedString.string substringWithRange:range];
             SELinkText *link = [[SELinkText alloc] initWithText:linkText object:value range:range];
             [links addObject:link];

    _links = [links copy];

bug of this library?Contact [email protected] input only showing "contact"

When I am using this library and input string "Contact [email protected]" but only the output is
"Contact ". All the string are missing after "contact " and using empty instead. What would be the possible reason?

if (!_displayTextView) { SETextView *displayTextView = [[SETextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; displayTextView.textColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.143 alpha:1.000]; displayTextView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; displayTextView.selectable = NO; displayTextView.lineSpacing = kXHTextLineSpacing; displayTextView.font = [[XHMessageBubbleView appearance] font]; displayTextView.showsEditingMenuAutomatically = NO; displayTextView.highlighted = NO; [self addSubview:displayTextView]; _displayTextView = displayTextView; }

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