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ANARI 1.0 Provisional Specification typos and missing info

I noticed some typos and missing information in the ANARI 1.0 provisional specification document:

  • In Section 4.8, Table 7, there are mistakenly 4 columns instead of 3 which causes the table to be incorrectly formatted.
  • In Section 3.6, the ANARIDataType ANARI_SPATIAL_FIELD should be included in the list of allowed data types for anariGetObjectSubtypes.
  • In Section 3.6, there is no explanation of how to call anariGetObjectParameters for objects which have no subtype (e.g. Group, Instance, World, Surface).
    • (I presume that passing NULL as the objectSubtype is the intention, but it's not explained in the text).
  • I don't know if it's feasible, but currently there's no way to tell what type of ANARI_ARRAY{1,2,3}D is expected based on anariGetObjectParameter without reading the source code or documentation for the library you're using. Perhaps a future version of the spec could allow for this, for example, something like ANARI_ARRAY1D_OF(ANARI_LIGHT).

Edit: Found a couple others:

  • The spec makes reference to ANARI_FLOAT32_MAT4x4 (e.g. Section 6.2.1 inTransform and outTransform) but this type isn't defined in Section 3.5 Table 1 (FLOAT32_MAT4 is but not MAT4x4).
    • It's also a little unclear what ANARI_FLOAT32_MAT3x4 is supposed to be. The current description is "three by four 32 bit float matrix in column major order" but a better description might be "three rows by four columns 32 bit float matrix in column major order." I realized that my confusion was because the description says it's "column major order" (in terms of the data) but then the dimensions are still listed in row major order.

Change anariDeviceImplements() to check any feature, not just exensions

In order to unify all feature testing into a single API call, this proposal is to add feature names for all core features so there is a single list of all feature names that can be queried by the application. This has the added benefit of providing value to applications which use pre-compliant ANARI devices that may not have all core features implemented. This proposal adds the following to the specification:

  • anariDeviceImplements(ANARIDevice, const char *) remains unchanged (just for this proposal, future forthcoming proposals are not to be excluded)
  • The specification refers to all core features and core extensions under a common feature definition: any API-correctness relevant concept in the API, namely object subtypes or required parameters.
  • All features in the spec are prefixed with ANARI_KHR_ and vendors should not use this prefix for vendor extensions.
  • The following is the list of feature names thus far:

Move strided arrays to a separate extension

Now that we have multiple implementations (with each utilizing different underlying graphics/compute APIs), I think there's a strong case for strided arrays to be their own extension -- I think they are overly generic right now, with more downsides than benefits. There is an obvious use case for them and they ought to exist, but I want to make the case that doing so in an explicit extension makes their existence and usage much more clear to both application developers and implementors.

The Problem

Shared arrays exist for exactly one purpose - reduce memory overhead by avoid copies. This comes up when dealing with arrays in the following two contexts:

  1. Arrays are too large to be duplicated (e.g. enormous spatial fields)
  2. Multiple devices needing the same application data (e.g. multi-viewport apps or when using the USD device with a single viewport)

Both of these use cases to avoid copies are simultaneously real and niche. They are real in the sense that OSPRay has been used to render volumes that are simply too large to fit into system memory twice, and applications that can drive more than one rendering engine at the same time are quite common (ex: Blender, ParaView, etc.).

The first context is very niche in the sense that the overwhelming majority of 3D applications (and therefore end users) do not render volumes or surfaces which are that large. In fact, no mainstream engine that isn't a purpose-built CPU renderer can deal with spatial fields that are >50% of system memory. If you are the rare user that is faced with rendering such a scene, you must use a rendering engine capable of doing it at all -- this is a very non-portable problem that has very intentional requirements for the device to be used to solve it.

The reality is that as more implementations have come online, it further cements the notion that implementations either a) hard ignore this feature by throwing an error, or b) will surprisingly copy the data anyway, which is exactly the opposite of what reaching for a shared array is intended to solve.

As a side note -- I think "convenience" is a non-factor in having strided arrays in the base array APIs, given that the alternative is essentially a single std::transform():

T *inPtr = (T*)getPointerToAppArray();
U *outPtr = (U*)anariMapArray(device, array);
std::transform(inPtr, inPtr + size, outPtr, [](T *inValue) {
  return inValue->elementOfInterest;
anariUnmapArray(device, array);

This actually makes copies more obvious and makes reaching for strided arrays an intentional act: sparse arrays are always worse except when copying the array is, in fact, not possible given the data + HW. On top of that, this then empowers the app developer to make a choice on whether this is a multi-device sharing scenario (i.e. we want to avoid privatized copies in each live device), or whether it's a single device where we benefit from using device-allocated memory (through a managed array or direct array parameter). All this together points a user toward the generally good advice that dense data is always better than sparse data, so when you reach for a sparse data array it's because you have no other choice and thus need reliable behavior by the implementation to actually use the array in-place.

Proposed Solution

The solution I propose is to add the extensions KHR_SPARSE_ARRAY1D/2D/3D and remove strides from the current array functions. The new extensions which then enable the following functions:

ANARISparseArray1D anariNewSparseArray1D(ANARIDevice,
   const void *appMemory,
   ANARIDataType elementType,
   uint64_t numElements,
   uint64_t byteStride);

ANARISparseArray2D anariNewSparseArray2D(ANARIDevice,
   const void *appMemory,
   ANARIDataType elementType,
   uint64_t numElements1,
   uint64_t numElements2,
   uint64_t byteStride1,
   uint64_t byteStride2);

ANARISparseArray3D anariNewSparseArray3D(ANARIDevice,
   const void *appMemory,
   ANARIDataType elementType,
   uint64_t numElements1,
   uint64_t numElements2,
   uint64_t numElements3,
   uint64_t byteStride1,
   uint64_t byteStride2,
   uint64_t byteStride3);

When the extension isn't present, these functions would generate an error and return the invalid handle.

Note that these functions remove the deleter callback as this function is to be used in very precarious circumstances that are only made more complicated when handling the "ownership transfer" variant of shared arrays.

Furthermore, I think it's worth discussing using unique array handles (subtypes of generic ANARIArray1/2/3D) so other extensions can talk about where sparse arrays are permitted -- it's also overly generic to just say "you can sparse all the things", when that's not practically true (even in OSPRay).

Camera near and far plane extension

Rasterization algorithms require the choice of near and far planes for their projections. These can be derived from bounds or set heuristically but there are situations in which one wants them to be explicitly set.

This extension would add "nearPlane" and "farPlane" parameters of type FLOAT32 with no default value to camera objects. In their absence the device is still expected to derive these values.

Split Instance Into Subtypes

The main function of instance objects is to associate a group with a transform. However extensions in the specification (motion blur) specify alternative parameters to set the transform and change the behavior of the instance. This also creates a precedent that extensions for further transform types (skeletal animation, array instancing, etc.) would have to follow. The result is a "fat object" type whose behavior is governed by a precedence hierarchy of parameters with overlapping or even conflicting meaning.

Instances should be explicitly subtyped instead of having an implicit subtype based on parameter precedence. This would also be consistent with similar design decisions we made for geometries.

The changes to the spec would be:

ANARIInstance anariNewInstance(ANARIDevice device);
changes to
ANARIInstance anariNewInstance(ANARIDevice device, const char* type);

New instance subtypes are introduced:

  • "matrix" the current default type repackaged in an extension KHR_INSTANCE_MATRIX
  • "motionMatrix" encapsulating motion.transform in KHR_INSTANCE_MOTION_MATRIX (split from KHR_MOTION_BLUR_TRANSFORMATION_INSTANCE)
  • "motionSRT" encapsulating motion.scale/rotation/translation in KHR_INSTANCE_MOTION_SRT (split from KHR_MOTION_BLUR_TRANSFORMATION_INSTANCE)

Input pointer const correctness for array types

anariNewArray*() functions currently take void * pointers, but really should be const void *. This was encountered in the SDK C++ bindings, which will just do a const_cast<>() for now. However, this is indeed a spec defect.

Parameter info query needs a way to query legal (string) enum values

Some string parameters in the API are effectively enums with only a finite set of meaningful (legal?) values.
The filter mode on the sampler objects for example only allows "nearest" and "linear". The list of defined parameter info strings allows querying the default value but not the other options.

I propose the list should be extended to include

| values   | `STRING_LIST` |    No    | Zero terminated list of accepted values

The addition of the required ANARI_STRING_LIST type is also discussed in #21 (comment)


From 11/9/22 WG meeting:

    • KHR_MOTION_BLUR_GLOBAL_SHUTTER (shutter time on camera)
    • KHR_MOTION_BLUR_ROLLING_SHUTTER (adds rolling duration and direction on camera)
    • KHR_MOTION_BLUR_DEFORMATION (vertex positions everywhere) or

Move some queries to using a device handle instead of the library

See #67

This attempts to address some issues with library based queries.

  1. Not all devices are necessarily created from a library handle (see the direct linking SDK example). Without a library handle the current queries are inaccessible.
  2. The library handle may not be visible to the consumer of the queries. Notably the debug device should be able to use the queries based on a device handle.
  3. The accessibility of the query API is bound to the lifetime semantics of the library handle instead of the device handle. Nested libraries can manage the lifetime of device handles via retain/release but have no way to understand the lifetime of libraries.

The design of the library based query API predates the current feature definition and feature query mechanism. Our current concept of features means it should be sufficient to query the features from the library to make decisions about device suitability. Most of the queries for object types, object info, parameters and parameter info can safely be device based. This even encourages correct usage of the feature concept since object and parameter existence should not be used as a feature selection mechanism anymore.

This moves most of these queries to be based off a device handle instead of a pair of library and device name. To maintain the ability to query features before instantiating a function

const char **anariGetDeviceFeatures(ANARILibrary, const char *deviceSubtype)

is added to allow non-device based queries of the feature list.

Add direct array parameter mapping

This issue proposes a new API for injecting array data into objects: anariMapParameterArray[1/2/3]D() and anariUnmapParameterArray().

The idea is to allow a map/unmap operation on an array directly on an object parameter -- doing so without an independent handle. For example, injecting vertex position data on a triangle geometry would look like:

ANARIGeometry geom = anariNewGeometry(device, "triangle");
float3 *vertices = anariMapParameterArray1D(device, geom, "vertex.position", ANARI_FLOAT32_VEC3, numVertices);

// if the array doesn't exist because an extension isn't implemented, such as
if (vertices) {

anariUnmapParameterArray(device, geom, "vertex.position");

// ...

The near-term motivation is that some rendering engines (Cycles, to be specific) are not flexible with their memory allocation model and rely on their own abstractions for managing memory. While ANARI has plenty of great memory abstractions with lots of flexibility, there currently isn't a "fast path" for apps to inject data straight into the lowest-level location in memory that an implementation will use. This means that even managed arrays can still result in internal copies taking place, based on the underlying implementation's design limitations.

Long term I still think this API has value, as it guarantees that the array on the object in question cannot exist anywhere else, meaning this API gives the best performance for arrays which are not shared between multiple objects. For example, VisRTX would use this to allow injecting straight into a CUDA texture for image samplers.

There are plenty of reasons to keep all our other handle based arrays, so this proposed purely as an addition.

Practically all of the examples in the SDK would end up being convertible to this form, as we basically have no examples where a single array gets used in more than one place, nor needs to be memory shared with the application. Those use cases certainly exist and should be demonstrated, but I think direct array mapping is actually the default use case -- not the exception.

Add colormap sampler

VisRTX currently implements a colormap sampler subtype which as proven to be useful in scivis applications (specifically VTK-m). It essentially applies the same value color mapping operation that the transferFunction1D does to volume data but instead on geometry attributes.

This issue proposes the following sampler extension text be added to the spec (roughly speaking, wording to be improved):

The KHR_SAMPLER_COLOR_MAP extension indicates that an additional sampler subtype is available:
"colorMap". This sampler takes the first channel of the input attribute and
applies a transfer function (normalization + color) to it. This sampler has the
following parameters in addition to the base ANARI sampler parameters:

Name Type Default Description
color ARRAY1D of Color array to map sampled and clamped field values to color
valueRange FLOAT32_BOX1 [0,1] input attribute values are clamped to this range

This sampler follows the same rules for the color parameter as they are found on the "transferFunction1D" volume subtype. Values from this sampler are output as VEC3(r, g, b, 1) to the input of the material where the sampler used, where r, g, and b come from the values in color respectively.

Move stereo/omnidirectional camera features to core extension(s)

This proposal seeks to move the omnidirectional camera and stereo rendering features to be core extensions. This is because they are niche features that implementations are likely to ignore if they don't already exist as an engine feature. Furthermore, the existence of these features may imply supported use cases that engines may not be interested in, such as VR. Thus moving them to be core extensions, this keeps a standardized interface while making them ultimately optional for implementers.


Optional Feature: ID buffers

Proposal for an optional Feature (extension) ANARI_KHR_ID_BUFFERS, adding new Frame channels for various IDs to facilitate picking/selection use cases. Implemented in OSPRay v2.10.

New parameters on Frame:

  • DATA_TYPE primitive, possible value UINT32 (and others like UINT64, UINT16?), enabling the primitive ID channel holding the primitive index of the first hit
  • DATA_TYPE object, possible value UINT32 (and others like UINT64, UINT16?), enabling the object ID channel holding the Surface/Volume id (if specified) or index in Group of first hit
  • DATA_TYPE instance, possible value UINT32 (and others like UINT64, UINT16?), enabling the instance ID channel holding the user defined Instance id (if specified) or instance index of first hit

Applications can optionally set UINT32 id parameters at Surface, Volume and Instance, defaulting to -1u (0xffffffff), which are written to the object or instance channel, respectively. The value -1u is special, indicating that the implicit, automatically generated ID is used (see above).

Caveat: If no user ids are used than there is no way to differentiate between hit volumes or surfaces.

If nothing is hit then -1u is written to the channels (which is a way to differentiate between a hit Surface within an Instance and directly at the World where instance channel has -1u).


Let me start by a simple example: Say, we are creating visualization software for a city traffic and we want to render the city and all the cars inside. Each car is composed of chassis and four wheels. The chassis is in local coordinates of the car, the wheels are represented by one model instanced four times relative to the car local coordinate system. And we want to instantiate the car 1'000 times in 10 colors, so 10'000 instances in total.

In Anari, we would create two geometries - one for the chassis, another for the wheel. This is perfect and without issues.

Then, we would create 10 surfaces, assign ten different colors to them and set their geometries to the chassis. For the wheels, we would create one surface, assign the wheel as geometry and black color as material. I do not fully like such lightweight objects as surfaces that just associate geometry with material, but let's see later if there are any alternatives. Anyway, so far, we are ok.

Now, to instantiate one car, we need to create Anari::Instance that carries single transformation. We create it and assign the car transformation. We cannot associate it with the chassis surface directly, but we have to create new group and array of Surfaces and set the array's single element to the chassis surface. So, to instantiate the chassis, we had to allocate four objects - Instance, Group, Array and Surface. Luckily, the surface will be shared among 1000 objects. So, in our example, it is only three, but having unique textures for each car would result in four objects.

But what about the wheels? They cannot be placed bellow chassis instance. For this, we would need to support a kind of hierarchy of instances or multi-level instancing as you call it in #2. Currently, we would need to create Anari::Instance for each wheel and assign it composition of car and wheel transformation. I guess, your team is already aware of the problem.

However, the multi-level instancing would, unfortunately, not save the day. If all four wheels would have constant transformation against car's local coordinate system, it would work. But if we would like to change front wheel transformation during turning left or turning right and slightly rotate front wheels to follow the path of the car, it would not work. Some of 1000 cars would be turning left, some to the right and some going straight, all having different transformations of their wheels.

OpenGL Performer (famous real-time rendering library of Silicon Graphics, now a little historical) tackled the problem by introducing shared instancing and cloned instancing. With the shared instancing, all rear wheel transformations can be shared among all cars as these wheels are fixed (let's not make wheels spinning with the speed of the car, for simplicity). But all front wheels need to use cloned instancing so all cars will have their own transformation for the front wheels to allow them turning left and right.

Now, how to apply the principle to Anari? (This is not about telling that the current Anari design is not good. Rather it is about the opportunity to give arguments, why the current design is the best one and about finding arguments for it, while at the same time it is the opportunity to find other ways, possibly even better ways, that nobody thought about before.)

  1. Keep the current design - Each car instance will result in five Anari instances - one for the chassis and four for wheels. The main disadvantages are: (a) front wheels need to receive transformation as combined matrix of particular car transformation and front wheel transformation. Many users might prefer to have two separate nodes, one for car transformation and second for front wheel transformation. (b) Rear wheels transformation needs to be updated each time car moves. Although their local transformation is static, nevertheless car movement causes the need to update their transformation.
  2. Allow for nested transformations - This would probably result in simple change of the current Anari design, that Instance might have Instances as children. This would remove both disadvantages (a) and (b) from the previous point. The car would be composed of the single first level instance containing chassis and four second level instances, each one representing one of the wheels. The four second level instances would carry transformation in local coordinate system of the car, removing the problem of combined matrix of front wheels and removing problem of updates of rear wheels whenever the car position is updated.
  3. Introduce transformation graph - The previous point has given us the scene graph based on coordinate transformation while parent-child relation of Instances defines the relation between parent local coordinate system and child local coordinate system. However, coupling parent-child relation with transformations might sometimes not be desirable. The parent-child relation in Anari graph gives ownership (thus existence in memory) and visibility (thus existence in rendered scene). An user might want to create model of a building with ten transformations - e.g. ten coordinate systems - one for each floor. But he might want to organize the scene by object categories, not by their transformations, e.g. by the floor on which they are placed. This would allow him to remove a single group from the scene and reinsert it later and he might hide and show again all walls of the model, or by removing one child he might hide all the furniture and later show it again by just appending again the removed child. The child would be the group holding all the objects of particular kind. This would remove coupling of the graph structure and transformations. But where to put the transformations in such case? They would have its own graph. In our example, it would have root transformation of the building and ten child-transformations for each floor. Each scene object (each Instance) would reference one of these transformations. One more additional benefits we get is the speed of transformation updates. Without transformation graph, moving all the objects on particular floor would mean changing transformation of all the objects (potentially thousands of them). With transformation graph, we just update one transformation node. Another advantage would be that having transformation graph means we can accelerate transformation computations (matrix multiplications) on GPU, removing the burden from CPU - and we might have millions of matrices in some large scenes.

Another thought was why to have all this Instance+Group+Array+Surface just to instantiate one Geometry. I asked myself whether instance of Geometry - is it not just Geometry+Material+Transformation? Why not having just single object holding all the three components? Something named possibly Drawable, Instance or Geode (GEOmetry noDE) and containing the references to Geometry+Material+Transformation? You might argue that we need to instantiate Volumes and Lights also, but Instance class might be made to handle all three mentioned types. You might also argue that Instance+Group+Array+Surface solution provides the ability to instantiate many Surfaces, Volumes and Lights using just one Instance. But this lacks flexibility of instancing of our four wheels in one instance of a car. It also requires all Geometries to share the same local coordinate system - basically, they must fit. All they can differ is material. If we would like this new Instance (Geometry+Material+Transformation) solution to handle more Geometries with different Materials, we might allow it to reference Array of Geometries and Materials or even better, array of Geometry+Material+Transformation. Optionally, we might call it MultiInstance. Surely, we can analyze many alternatives and look for the best fit. Or we can analyze why the current Anari design is the best one.

Add cubic option for filtering Volumetric field data

Currently the SpatialField filter subtype only supports nearest and linear filtering. This issue is to add cubic to the list of filtering values.

The change would look like:

Name Type Default Description
filter String linear filter used for reconstructing the field, possible values: nearest, linear, cubic

Volume opacity/attenuation coefficient definition

The spec should define how opacity values on volumes are interpreted and how they behave under transformation.

Typically the transmittance $T$ follows Beer's law $T = e^{-\int_0^l\mu(z)dz}$ with the attenuation coefficient $\mu$.

Currently the spec only defines the "scivis" volume type that uses opacity as obtained from its transfer function. Is the "opacity" parameter just $\mu$ or is there some scaler to achieve some more intuitive behavior?

When transforming the volume via an instance transform is $\mu$ implicitly scaled to maintain appearance? For the "scivis" volume this would make sense while this could be different a more physical volume type.

Framebuffer query for channels

Framebuffer channels are identified by strings but are neither parameters nor object types. Which means currently there is no way to enumerate them.

I suggest we expand the table "Info of objects for introspection." by an entry:

Name Type Required Description
channel STRING_LIST for FRAME list of supported channel names*

*may need to be enabled via parameter to be mappable.

There should be no need query the types of the channels since anariMapFrame already returns that. In case a channel supports multiple types that is exposed through the associated parameter query.

Open questions:

  • Should this be mirrored in the Properties table of Frame to allow querying the set of actually mappable channels? Since that will depend on the frame configuration and presence of features
  • Do we need text saying that every legal channel name has an assocated parameter by the same name that enables it by setting its type?

clarification: effect of transformations

We said that a transformation only applies to vectors, not to scalars / lengths (needs to be stated explicitly in the spec):

  • thus height of orthographic camera is indeed in worlds units, regardless of a transform
  • radius of point light with KHR_AREA_LIGHTS is not affected as well
  • but direction of camera or edge1 of quad light are transformed
  • yet: geometries are not consistent to this convention, e.g., the radius of a sphere geometry will be transformed (even non-uniformly resulting in an ellipsoid)

Unclear/missing description of primitive sampler

The primitive sampler samples an `Array1D` at unnormalized integer
coordinates based on the `primitiveId` surface attribute, shifted by
non-negative `offset`.

.Parameters accepted by all `primitive` samplers.
| Name  | Type      | Description
| array | `ARRAY1D` | backing array of the sampler

The `array` size must be at most <<Devices, device limit `geometryMaxIndex`>>.

For me, it was not clear that this is basically a geometry independent per primitive attribute:
What is meant with unnormalized integer coordinates?
The offset is missing from the table. Type should be ARRAY1D of FLOAT32 / FLOAT32_VEC2 / FLOAT32_VEC3 / FLOAT32_VEC4

High-throughput rendering possible?

This issue serves as a discussion point whether ANARI aims to support high-throughput rendering and if yes, do we need additional APIs or specification text. One example of high-throughput rendering is real-time rendering on GPUs, to achieve that multiple frames are in flight at any given time, i.e., multiple renderFrame calls with the same Frame object, double / triple buffering of the framebuffer and associated scene data (a pipeline) is needed.

Minor improvements to chapter 3

When going through chapter 3 of the spec, I reached following issues/suggestions:

  • double precision matrices - in table 1, I see the support for float32 matrices. In scientific visualizations and sometimes in large CAD models, we might need double precision rendering pipeline. For this, float64 transformation matrices are required. However, FLOAT64_MAT4 and FLOAT64_MAT3x4 are not defined in table 1. Double precision rendering would also require to allow Instance::transform and Camera::transform include FLOAT64_MAT3x4 type, and possibly Camera::position to include FLOAT64_VEC3. Having allowed Triangle::vertex.position and PointLight::position and couple of others as FLOAT64_VEC3 would be nice but not necessary, probably. The essentials for 64-bit rendering are transformation matrices in Instances and Cameras.
  • shared and managed arrays - I was reading the section 3.8 couple of times with difficulties to understand the life cycle of shared arrays and managed arrays and also combined with deleter and without deleter. It would be useful in my opinion, to provide more clear explanation. The shared arrays can probably contain data already when created. At the moment of creation, their public reference counter is set to 1. However, further modification should probably happen only after mapping it, even although the same pointer is returned. When the user does not need the array any more, he calls anariRelease(). Now, if we are sure that public reference counter reached zero and we did not provide deleter, we can release the memory allocation, for instance, by calling free() or delete operator. If we set the deleter, it is called and we can free the memory there. However, if internal reference counter is not zero, Anari implementation needs to create internal copy of the array during anariRelease() when public reference counter reaches zero [....] - It would be nice to describe the life cycle of shared and managed arrays so the programmer would easily understand when he is allowed to free his memory and which situations he should avoid to not cause additional internal copy of the whole array. It is already specified there, but you have to read it couple of times until you understand all the details, but still you might have doubts...
  • null in array of object handles - Is null allowed there? I did not find the information in the spec, but it might be just overlook.
  • reference counters in arrays of object handles - When are reference counters incremented? The spec says that during "creation of the array object and when unmapping the array". By creation, do you mean shared array that was already filled by handles before the array object was created? Another issue: If the array is unmapped, then mapped and once again unmapped, what will happen with reference counters? Are they decremented during mapping? If yes, what if this was their only reference?
  • library initialization point in the section 3.9 - it is not defined what it is. I would expect something like void init() function that the loader will look for and call it.
  • commit() - This function is never described in the spec. Ok, it is mentioned couple of times but its type and parameters are never described.
  • meaning of attributes in the section 3.12 - it seems to me a little controversial part, but I might not have the whole picture. First of all, I am designing my Vulkan shaders for effectivity and I am sometimes packing attributes together, reaching higher performance. It seems to me not wise to specify exactly types of the attributes as it put constraints on the implementation. Also, I am not computing and storing world positions. Only vertex shader does that and outputs it only for the next stages in the rendering pipeline. So, I do not possess such attribute. Also, storing color as FLOAT32_VEC4 is increasing bandwidth requirements of GPU compared to UFIXED8_VEC4. I would really prefer to not force any implementation details about rendering process and about passing of "internal" data. More over, I do not understand the sentence "Surface attributes are passed from geometries and volumes to materials and samplers." In OpenGL and Vulkan, passing attributes to materials and to samples does not make much sense. Maybe, more explanation might be needed on this point.
  • broken table 7 in the section "4.8 Group". It might be already fixed in git (?).

Looking forward for high quality Anari API release!

Add KHR_TF_2D extension to support 2D Transfer Functions for Volumes

When a scalar volume value is associated with multiple materials/boundaries a 1D transfer function is unable to render them in isolation. This arises a lot in medical datasets, like the one below, and when trying to isolate different layers in an ICF capsule dataset. There are other limitations to 1D transfer functions that can be found with a quick Google search so I won’t list them here.

APIs like VTK (see VTK Volume Property) currently support 2D transfer functions and knowing what renderers support 2D TFs will be important for volume rendering these types of datasets.

EXAMPLE: Volume rendering head dataset (Data/headsq/quarter) with VTK using OpenGL (vtkOpenGLGPUVolumeRayCastMapper ) with 2D transfer function (linear, gradient) vs. VTK using ANARI (vtkAnariVolumeMapper ) using a 1D transfer function (linear)

image image

Clip plane feature

Somewhat related to #57 we should probably consider standardizing a way to define clip planes eventually.

Name Type Description
clipPlanes ARRAY1D of FLOAT32_VEC4 Each VEC4 (A, B, C, D) defines a clip equation Ax + By + C*z + D = 0. Elements where the left side is positive are visible while elements on the negative side are clipped.

Additionally the device or renderer would have an integer property "maxClipPlanes" in case there is a limit.

Since both scene level clipping and object level clipping can make sense this parameter could exist almost anywhere in the scene hierarchy as well as on the renderer. These could either be separate features KHR_RENDERER_CLIP_PLANES, KHR_SURFACE_CLIP_PLANES etc. or some a priori definition that they exist on say the world, surface and volume?

Combine transferFunction1D color + opacity arrays

After discussing how the colormap sampler idea could entirely be implemented by image1D samplers (where color + opacity are in a single image array) and due to the fact that there are not control points in the transferFunction1D volume, I think it makes sense to combine color + opacity arrays into a single FLOAT32_VEC4 array. This simplifies applications by allowing them to have a single color map representation that is used to color map both surfaces and volumes.

Performance considerations

Dear Anari designers,

I am working in CAD industry development and research, particularly in designing rendering backends for CAD systems. Thus, Anari is of my interest. I went through the provisional specification and I have some thoughts that I will split into couple of issues in ANARI-Docs. My first point concerns performance and low overhead of the Anari API.

Rationale: Anari probably uses trampoline to redirect Anari API calls to the appropriate library. Moreover, it uses strings for the parameter names, property names, subtype names, channels, and so on. Although API is very nicely and flexibly designed, these might become performance issues in some use cases.

Example from CAD: Some users do not hesitate to create 100 million single-triangle objects plus one. Very effective Anari library might render these in real-time on the high end GPUs. However, he might select all of them except one and change one of their attributes, say color or visibility. It would result in 100 million calls through Anari API. It challenges both - the Anari and the library to handle the things effectively without unnecessary overhead. On the side of the library, it can be as simple as setting one variable, however, Anari probably imposes the trampoline overhead and passing parameters as string. The trivial implementation of processing of parameter string would go through the list of parameter strings and do strcmp() on each of them. It means linear complexity and quite an overhead when doing this 100 million times.

Idea for consideration - trampoline overhead: We can remove the trampoline in the same way as Vulkan. We can provide means to get the function pointers of particular library and allow the client to call the function pointers directly. This might be implemented as Anari performance extension.

Idea for consideration - using strings for the parameter names, property names, subtype names, channels, and so on: We can probably provide the second function for the setting parameters that would take enum or int instead of string. The enum types can be provided for all standard Anari parameters, properties, etc. while they should also be queriable through the Anari introspection API. Having parameters and properties as small-value ints or enums would allow all the libraries to use them as direct indices into the data arrays, or at least use std::array or vector to quickly translate them to particular data offset or function call. This would eliminate long string lookup that might be noticeable for 100 million calls.

Did I overlooked something, or do you have ideas of your own in the direction of high performance and low overhead Anari API? Does my ideas seems reasonable, or do you prefer another approach?

Explicit bounds extension

Rendering algorithms may need to make decisions based on object/scene bounds. For rasterization APIs near and far planes need to be selected. Shadow mapping requires setting up a shadow projection encompassing all shadow casters etc.

On the other hand scenes may contain large objects such as ground planes whose size does not necessarily correspond to the area of interest in the scene. In these situations it may be preferable to explicitly set the bounds instead of having them implicitly derived.

This extension would add a parameter "bounds" of type FLOAT32_BOX3 to at least the world object but potentially also to instance, group, geometry and spatial field.

Add stride for mapped direct array parameters

While not common, it has come up in practice that direct array parameters may want to allow writing sparse data arrays internal to the 3D rendering engine. This specifically came up in the Cycles implementation where VEC3 data is 16-byte aligned -- thus a staging buffer is required for the current formulation of direct parameter arrays.

The remedy is quite simple -- have a stride out-parameter that implementations use to calculate the offset into the memory for each element. This would look like:

ANARIGeometry geom = anariNewGeometry(device, "triangle");
size_t outStride = 0;
void *vertices = anariMapParameterArray1D(device, geom, "vertex.position", ANARI_FLOAT32_VEC3, numVertices, &outStride);
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices, i++) {
  float3 *out = vertices + i * outStride;
  *out = inVertices[i];
// ...

Commit during async frame rendering

In reviewing #3, I believe a bug in the text was found surrounding commits. Specifically the statement "Calling anariCommit while an object is participating in a rendering operation is undefined behavior" (seen here) I believe is incorrect. Commits are only expressing that a group of parameters ought to be now used by the object in the next frame: there isn't a hard consequence that commit expresses that limit the application in any way. Implementations which are limited by needing to defer the "action of a commit" is a private implementation choice/limitation, not something the application should be concerned about.

Change anariCommit() to anariCommitParameters() for clarity

The definition of anariCommit() is based entirely on transitioning an objects set parameters to being "active" on the next frame. This name change would make the purpose of this function much more clear, and directly associates it with anariSetParameter() and anariUnsetParameter().

Add API call to return the complete list of extensions for a back-end device

This proposal is to add an API call to expose the complete list of extensions implemented by a back-end device. This proposal would add the following to the spec:

  • const char **anariGetDeviceExtensions(ANARIDevice d) with a description of what the call is expected to do.

Also, the proposal would add roughly two lines of code to the SDK as shown below:

extern "C" const char **anariGetDeviceExtensions(ANARIDevice d)
    return deviceRef(d).getDeviceExtensions();

Confusing description of transform sampler

| Name            | Type                                                       | Default                         | Description
| inAttribute | `STRING` | `attribute0` | surface attribute used as texture coordinate
| outTransform | `FLOAT32_MAT4` | \((1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1)) | transform applied to coordinates before sampling

The sampler accepts any attribute, not just texture coordinates. This confused me quite a bit, especially since you actually can not use it as texture coordinates in another sampler.

Add extension for resizing arrays

Some applications can benefit from using a subset of an already allocated ANARI array to minimize internal state change overhead. This proposal seeks to add an extension that uses parameters to control the active sub-region of array elements to be used.

Currently array size is only controllable at array object construction -- in order to change the size of the array data used by an object, an entirely new array object must be constructed. This all but guarantees that new array allocation will occur in most implementations, especially implementations that offload to memory spaces other than the host system's memory (i.e. GPUs). Being able to reuse an existing allocation can be advantageous.

The proposal is to add the ANARI_KHR_ARRAY1D_REGION core extension, which adds the following parameter to ANARIArray1D respectively:

Name Type Default Description
region UINT64_BOX1 0, *capacity first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) elements to be used by parent objects

Array capacity is established on construction -- this is defined as the maximum number of elements the array can contain for the lifetime of the array object. The begin and end parameters are then clamped to the range [0,capacity] respectively, and warnings should be emitted by the debug layer if end is larger than capacity. It is also undefined behavior for region.lower >= region, meaning implementations should be able to rely on 1) the array containing at least one element in each dimension, and 2) region.lower < region.upper.

UINT64 box types also need to be added to the spec if this proposal is accepted into the standard.


  • Change from begin/end parameters to instead use single region parameter
  • Only specify the extension for 1D arrays (2/3D is super unlikely, can easily create perf problems)

Update transform type and explicitly state matrix layout

Need to update the transform types from FLOAT32_MAT3x4 to be FLOAT32_MAT4x3 to correctly reflect how they are being stored in the ANARI SDK.

Also, the spec should explicitly state that ANARI uses a row-major layout for matrices which is different from APIs like OpenGL that uses a column-major layout for matrices. That way it's clear that matrices used for OpenGL must be transposed when they are used in ANARI.

Object info queries

Analogous to the parameter info query

const void* anariGetParameterInfo(ANARILibrary library, const char* deviceSubtype,
   const char* objectSubtype, ANARIDataType objectType,
   const char* parameterName, ANARIDataType parameterType,
   const char* infoName, ANARIDataType infoType);

should there also be a object info query function?

const void* anariGetObjectInfo(ANARILibrary library, const char* deviceSubtype,
   const char* objectSubtype, ANARIDataType objectType,
   const char* infoName, ANARIDataType infoType);

The main purpose would be to expose a "description" field for now. Looking forward this could serve as tool to provide information for renderer selection.

Mipmap specification

Rasterization algorithms rely on mipmaps to avoid aliasing artifacts when sampling textures. For many use cases these can be automatically generated by downsampling the original image. However this approach is not always appropriate. For example cutout transparency maps or tiled texture atlases require special treatment.

There should be a way to explicitly specify mipmaps and/or give hints to automatic mipmap generation.

The lowest impact option on the API would probably be to allow image samplers to accept an array of array objects for their "image" parameter where the individual arrays represent the mipmap levels. The downside to this is that the sampler needs to own the combined mipmap texture object and using the same texture with for example a different "inAttribute" or filter mode would require duplicating the entire sampler including any internal data it owns.

Another approach could be to attach the mipmap levels to the array object itself in a similar manner. The the top level array would have a parameter "mipmapLevels" that is set to an array of arrays representing the additional levels [1:N].

Independent of these explicit mipmap specification options arrays could have hinting parameters for automatic generation to cover some common cases by for example indicating that the array represents cutout opacity data or contains tiles of a certain size.

Change userdata pointers set via parameter to `const void*` in callback signatures

The callbacks ANARIStatusCallback and ANARIFrameCompletionCallback both take userdata pointers that can be set via parameters on the device and frame objects respectively. Since anariSetParameter takes the pointer as const void* and by value the passed in pointer is by API definition also const. This should be reflected in the callbacks. Since the user is in control of the callback and the passed in memory they can const_cast it away again if required.

Return image specification from `anariMapFrame`

I propose we change the signature of anariMapFrame from

const void* anariMapFrame(ANARIDevice device, ANARIFrame frame, const char* channel);


const void* anariMapFrame(ANARIDevice device, ANARIFrame frame, const char* channel,
   uint32_t *size, ANARIDataType *type);

Which would return the channel dimensions (uint32_t[2]) and data type of the returned pointer by writing to the size and type pointers if they are not NULL.

This way the returned data can be correctly used and its layout verified without external knowledge of what parameters were set on the frame object. This particularly comes up in tooling like tracing instrumentation which would otherwise have to externally track the parameters. This gets additionally complicated when extensions add more channels whose associated enabling parameters need to be intrinsically known to the tooling.

This is to my knowledge the only part of the "core" API requiring knowledge of object parameters to write defined C(++) code. By comparison the array API doesn't require inspection of object parameters since the dimensions and types are passed as function arguments during array creation.

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