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react-native-cached-image's Introduction


CachedImage component for react-native

This package is greatly inspired by @jayesbe's amazing react-native-cacheable-image but adds some functionality that we were missing when trying to handle caching images in our react-native app.


npm install react-native-cached-image --save
- or -
yarn add react-native-cached-image

We use react-native-fetch-blob to handle file system access in this package and it requires an extra step during the installation.

You should only have to do this once.

react-native link react-native-fetch-blob

Or, if you want to add Android permissions to AndroidManifest.xml automatically, use this one:

RNFB_ANDROID_PERMISSIONS=true react-native link react-native-fetch-blob

Network Status - Android only

Add the following line to your android/app/src/AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>


TODO - add usage example

import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native-cached-image';

const images = [
    // ...

export default class Example extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                onPreloadComplete={() => console.log('hey there')}>

                <CachedImage source={{uri: images[0]}}/>

                <CachedImage source={{uri: images[1]}}/>

                <CachedImage source={{uri: images[2]}}/>



This package exposes 3 modules:

const {
    CachedImage,            // react-native component that is a drop-in replacement for your react-native `Image` components
    ImageCacheProvider,     // a top level component that provides accsess to the underlying `ImageCacheManager` and preloads images
    ImageCacheManager,      // the logic behind cache machanism - ttl, fs, url resolving etc. 
} = require('react-native-cached-image');


This is where all the cache magic takes place. The API usually takes a URL and a set of ImageCacheManagerOptions.

ImageCacheManager.downloadAndCacheUrl(url: String, options: ImageCacheManagerOptions): Promise<String>

Check the cache for the the URL (after removing fixing the query string according to ImageCacheManagerOptions.useQueryParamsInCacheKey). If the URL exists in cache and is not expired, resolve with the local cached file path. Otherwise, download the file to the cache folder, add it to the cache and then return the cached file path.

ImageCacheManager.seedAndCacheUrl(url: String, seedPath: String, options: ImageCacheManagerOptions): Promise<String>

Check the cache for the the URL (after removing fixing the query string according to ImageCacheManagerOptions.useQueryParamsInCacheKey). If the URL exists in cache and is not expired, resolve with the local cached file path. Otherwise, copy the seed file into the cache folder, add it to the cache and then return the cached file path.

ImageCacheManager.deleteUrl(url: String, options: ImageCacheManagerOptions): Promise

Removes the cache entry for the URL and the local file corresponding to it, if it exists.

ImageCacheManager.clearCache(options: ImageCacheManagerOptions): Promise

Clear the URL cache and remove files in the cache folder (as stated in the ImageCacheManagerOptions.cacheLocation)

ImageCacheManager.getCacheInfo(options: ImageCacheManagerOptions): Promise.<{file: Array, size: Number}>

Returns info about the cache, list of files and the total size of the cache.


CachedImage is a drop in replacement for the Image component that will attempt to cache remote URLs for better performance.
It's main use is to hide the cache layer from the user and provide a simple way to cache images.
CachedImage uses an instance of ImageCacheManager to interact with the cache, if there is an instance provided by ImageCacheProvider via the context it will be used, otherwise a new instance will be created with the options from the component's props.

        uri: ''
  • renderImage - a function that returns a component, used to override the underlying Image component.
  • activityIndicatorProps - props for the ActivityIndicator that is shown while the image is downloaded.
  • defaultSource - prop to display a background image while the source image is downloaded. This will work even in android, but will not display background image if there you set borderRadius on this component style prop
  • loadingIndicator - component prop to set custom ActivityIndicator.
  • fallbackSource - prop to set placeholder image. when source.uri is null or cached failed, the fallbackSource will be display.
  • any of the ImageCacheManagerOptionsPropTypes props - customize the ImageCacheManager for this specific CachedImage instance.


This is a top-level component with 2 major functions:

  1. Provide the customized ImageCacheManager to nested CachedImage.
  2. Preload a set of URLs.
  • urlsToPreload - an array of URLs to preload when the component mounts. default []
  • numberOfConcurrentPreloads - control the number of concurrent downloads, usually used when the urlsToPreload array is very big. default urlsToPreload.length
  • onPreloadComplete - callback for when the preload is complete and all images are cached.


A set of options that are provided to the ImageCacheManager and provide ways to customize it to your needs.

type ImageCacheManagerOptions = {
    headers: PropTypes.object,                      // an object to be used as the headers when sending the request for the url. default {}
    ttl: PropTypes.number,                          // the number of seconds each url will stay in the cache. default 2 weeks
    useQueryParamsInCacheKey: PropTypes.oneOfType([ // when handling a URL with query params, this indicates how it should be treated:
        PropTypes.bool,                             // if a bool value is given the whole query string will be used / ignored
        PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)         // if an array of strings is given, only these keys will be taken from the query string.
    ]),                                             // default false
    cacheLocation: PropTypes.string,                // the path to the root of the cache folder. default the device cache dir 
    allowSelfSignedSSL: PropTypes.bool,             // true to allow self signed SSL URLs to be downloaded. default false


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

react-native-cached-image's People


aterribili avatar bajceta avatar christiantucker avatar d3v2a avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dstik avatar fungilation avatar hhravn avatar jgsrodrigues avatar kfiroo avatar leejialing avatar mattvot avatar mpatric avatar pcmogollon avatar sladkoff avatar youhan26 avatar


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react-native-cached-image's Issues

Export an AnimatedCachedImage

That would work the same but use an Animated.Image so images can be animated (e.g. fading for progressive images). That's something I would be keen to look at if I get the go for a PR from one of the maintainer.

NetInfo listener warning with RN 0.48

Even though your code in github did a fix for that (PR), the code from npm (version 1.4.0) is still 'wrong' as it is using the wrong eventName (change instead of connectionChange

NetInfo.isConnected.addEventListener('change', ...)

The listener is also not correct:

handleConnectivityChange(isConnected) {
        networkAvailable: isConnected

The parameter when the listener is called is not a boolean (as you expect in your code) but an enum

When I use the same two CachedImage urls, there will be problems

render() {
    return (
        <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => {
          this.setState({showModal: true})
            source={{uri: ''}}
            style={{width: 100, height: 100}}
          onRequestClose={() => {
            this.setState({showModal: false})
          <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => {
            this.setState({showModal: false})
              source={{uri: ''}}
              style={{flex: 1}}

If the first image is being downloaded and then I turn on the Modal, Modal will show an incomplete picture.This means that the download is closed and a wrong image is retained.

Is there any way to set expiration policy for cache?


Now, I must record the time when an image been cached, and invoke the delete method over a period of time manually. So, I think it could be better to provide an option to set expiration policy.

Blink effect


I'm using this component but on iOS I've a blink effect on my cachedImage component ! On a listview, when i tap on an item and a new page appear, my image into my list blink ! And the same thing appear when i go back to my list !

But on Android everything it great! I've test on Debug and Release mode!

activityIndicator doesn't show on Android

I've been using CachedImage for sometime but I never managed to see the activityIndicator on Android, while on iOS it works as expected.
I have the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE on Android Manifest, the caching works, but when loading the image I can only see a blank space.
Am I missing something?

seedCache (on device) path not resolving correctly ?

hi, i was testing out the seedCache option today and was getting a promise error telling me no such file exists. I may well have the path syntax wrong here so wanted to check.

The dirs.Documents folder is the on device "Documents" folder (which I'm getting via react-native-fetch-blob and I know via other use that it works/resolves correctly)

The IMAGE_URL is a Firebase Storage endpoint for an image.

Here is the call:

ImageCacheProvider.seedCache(`${dirs.Documents}/2017-04-18_09-24-25.png`, IMAGE_URL);

This is the promise response.

ActivityIndicator showing up even when images are already downloaded

I'm experiencing something weird when downloading images with the ImageCacheProvider. I have ~15 images being downloaded the first time I open my app. I can confirm they're being successfully saved but every time I have to load them I can see the following behaviour:

1 - I open a new window that has a CachedImage component on it.
2 - The CachedImage component doesn't show up at all (just like it has height: 0 and width: 0
3 - After ~200ms the CachedImage component shows up as a blank square (height and width are now correctly set
3 - After ~200ms the ActivityIndicator shows up
4 - After ~200ms the image finally shows up.

Is that normal/expected? How can I prevent that transition between steps 2-3 (where I can see the image container growing) ? Thanks!

How to check the current cache size and delete them

How to set the cache size? Tons of images will be cached in the local storage, methods to check the current cache size and delete all cached files, or a prop to set the limit of cache size would be very helpful.

how to use the useQueryParamsInCacheKey property

hi there, thanks for this library !

can you provide quick example of how useQueryParamsInCacheKey can be used ?

also im not sure if this is/should be, a feature of this library but is it possible to apply (lets say) a "tag" to an image so that later, we can retrieve it via a query=tag ?

callback for CachedImage's availability ?

Is there a way to know when a cached image is available ? By that i mean specifically when the activity indicator has completed ?

I'd like to have a completion callback, that I could then use to re-enable some components etc

Many thanks!

Children inside Image will be deprecated

So apparently having children inside Image component is going to be deprecated soon, so my question is how to fix this issue? I look at the code and I think we can use renderImage prop.

Is this correct way?

screen shot 2017-07-18 at 3 42 27 pm

Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection

I'm having some problems the first time i declare a CachedImage.
It looks that it's trying to find the image and the error is not being handled.
Do you experience the same problem?

YellowBox.js:71 Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0): The file “50c5db50fca5ad9306dce6d1e947ba1781e0ab41.jpg” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file. Error: The file “50c5db50fca5ad9306dce6d1e947ba1781e0ab41.jpg” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.

Nice module,
Keep the good work

CachedImage with resizeMode style cause warning

Hi kfiroo,

If I add resizeMode to CachedImage style, it will cause warning

<CachedImage style={{resizeMode:Image.resizeMode.stretch}} source={{uri:item.img}} />
Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid key `resizeMode` supplied to `ActivityIndicator`.
Bad object: {
  "width": 360,
  "height": 592,
  "resizeMode": "stretch",
  "opacity": 0,
  "backgroundColor": "transparent",
  "alignItems": "center",
  "justifyContent": "center"
    in ActivityIndicator (created by CachedImage)
    in CachedImage (created by TopBannerItem)

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid key `resizeMode` supplied to `View`.
Bad object: {
  "alignItems": "center",
  "justifyContent": "center",
  "width": 360,
  "height": 592,
  "resizeMode": "stretch",
  "opacity": 0,
  "backgroundColor": "transparent"
    in View (created by ActivityIndicator)
    in ActivityIndicator (created by CachedImage)
    in CachedImage (created by TopBannerItem)

how to correctly use the seedCache option / example

hi, I'm not totally clear on how the .seedCache option works re params so was hoping you could assist.

For ex. I've got this:

      .seedCache(dirs.DocumentDir + '/IMG_7091.PNG', IMAGE_PREFETCH_URL)
      .then((response) => {
            console.log('seeding cache SUCCESS', response);
      .catch(error => console.log('error seeding cache', error));

Param 1 is the input file / the path to the on device image.
questions related to this:

  • what is the destination path ? it looked to me like the copied file is landing (on iOS) here:
    /../../Library/Caches/imagesCacheDir/firebasestoragegoogleapiscom/<the file>

  • can I set the output/destination folder in the Caches folder or is it currently hardcoded to imagesCacheDir/firebasestoragegoogleapiscom ?

  • trying to understand why the file is being renamed when it is copied into the destination folder ? for example my source file name was IMG_7091.PNG whereas the destination file was f4ed3ea4e0872d196b655787291a8b7d972daaa1.png

Param 2 - I couldnt figure out what this would do / how it fit in ?

Param 3 - I believe these are covered already in the docs

How to prefetch large batch of images?

Hello, I've got a question.

I need to prefetch and cache hundreds of photos from an API to implement an offline-mode for an app. The total file size may exceed 1GB.

When I tried to download the images using the cacheMultipleImages function it crashed the app due to out of memory errors.

Is it possible to use this component for such a usecase?
Do you have any ideas on why it runs out of memory? Can anything be done about that?

Thank you!

Partial stacktrace before the crash:

05-05 17:06:57.487 22522-22619/ E/unknown:React: Exception in native call
                                                             java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not invoke RNFetchBlob.fetchBlob
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.BaseJavaModule$JavaMethod.invoke(
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.cxxbridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke(
                                                                 at Method)
                                                                 at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
                                                                 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage(
                                                                 at android.os.Looper.loop(
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$
                                                              Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
                                                                 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.BaseJavaModule$JavaMethod.invoke(
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.cxxbridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke( 
                                                                 at Method) 
                                                                 at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 
                                                                 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage( 
                                                                 at android.os.Looper.loop( 
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$ 
                                                              Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: pthread_create (1040KB stack) failed: Try again
                                                                 at java.lang.Thread.nativeCreate(Native Method)
                                                                 at java.lang.Thread.start(
                                                                 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.addWorker(
                                                                 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(
                                                                 at okhttp3.Dispatcher.enqueue(
                                                                 at okhttp3.RealCall.enqueue(
                                                                 at com.RNFetchBlob.RNFetchBlob.fetchBlob(
                                                                 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.BaseJavaModule$JavaMethod.invoke( 
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.cxxbridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke( 
                                                                 at Method) 
                                                                 at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 
                                                                 at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage( 
                                                                 at android.os.Looper.loop( 
                                                                 at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$ 

Receive warning when using resizeMode in style

Whenever I use resizeMode in style I get a React warning:
Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid key 'resizeMode' supplied to 'ActivityIndicator'.

It seems as if the style given to CachedImage is used on both the ActivityIndicator and the Image elements. Is there a way to get the separate styles to them?

  style={{ resizeMode: 'contain' }}

It is possible to cache image and using the 'if-modified-since' keep synchronization with the server

In my program, each user can have a avatar, for example: http://www.mywebserver/avatar/username.jpg
When a user request http://www.mywebserver/avatar/username.jpg, my server will check the request headers last-modified(and I need add cached image's last-modifiled at request header) ,
if the cached image's last-modified time is equal to the server save tiem, the server will return 304 and do not return the image data.
otherwise, the server will return image data and rn app need remove last cached image and cache new image for same url(http://www.mywebserver/avatar/username.jpg).

Is there any way that I can to do?

Cannot nest component inside TouchableOpacity

Hey - great work on this component!

I found that currently, attempting to nest a <CachedImage/> as a child inside a <TouchableOpacity/> throws:

Invariant Violation: Touchable child must either be native or forward setNativeProps to a native component.

This is blocking us and may block others so I have submitted a PR to resolve this issue: #3

TypeError: RNFatchBlob.config(...).fetch(...).then(...).catch(...).finally is not a function

TypeError: RNFatchBlob.config(...).fetch(...).then(...).catch(...).finally is not a function

Where allImages is an array containing two image URLs, this catches an error:

  .then(resp => {
    console.log('cacheMultipleImages Done');
  .catch(err => {
    console.log('cacheMultipleImages caught an error: ', err);

Also, looks like the version number on the repo needs to be updated to 1.3.2 to match the latest release number?

If URI is not valid, activity indicator never stops.

If a URI is no longer available but the image is already in the cache, the cached version is displayed. However, if the image is not available in the cache, the activity indicator shows forever. Is there a way to specify a placeholder or default image to use when the URI is invalid or no longer available? defaultSource doesn't work for me, with or without borderRadius being set, but I suspect that even if it did, I'd still see the spinner.

[RCTImageShadowView.m:20] Using <Image> with children is deprecated and will be an error in the near future. Please reconsider the layout or use <ImageBackground> instead.

I am using react-native-cached-image, there are some mistake when use CachedImage.
the code:
uri: item.img
style={{width:(widthMsg2)*0.5, height:imgH}}

the error is follow:
[RCTImageShadowView.m:20] Using with children is deprecated and will be an error in the near future. Please reconsider the layout or use instead.

anyone help me ?

CachedImage with force-fetch parametter

Would be nice if CachedImage had a "forceFetch" parametter (default to "false") allowing to force the image to be redownloaded even if it is already in cache (and by the time it is downloaded, the old image in cache could be used as a "defaultSource" unless it do not exist in cache or a "defaultSource" parametter is already provided in the CachedImage tag)

Won't display images served over HTTPS

The native <Image /> component has no problem serving over HTTPS, however this component is for some reason not loading anything over HTTPS. Changing the link to an HTTP link works fine. However, my CDN requires a HTTPS connection.

For example, the following will not load

<CachedImage source={{uri: ''}} style={{width: 300, height: 300}} />

However, the link in the browser loads the image fine, but something like

<CachedImage source={{uri: ''}} style={{width: 300, height: 300}} />

Loads just fine, also the native component loads just fine

<Image source={{uri: ''}} style={{width: 300, height: 300}} />

I'm completely uninstalled and re-installed the application and even did some debugging by creating a fork, which shows that the image is being downloaded and saved to disk. The image on the disk is being found during the getCachedImagePath call as well. The path being returned in the CachedImage.js render() call is as follows:

Source: { "uri": "file:///Users/christiantucker/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/4D19844A-CAEA-4CCA-A3C6-328C58CC6AFA/data/Containers/Data/Application/6C8A618F-0ED7-4F69-8CBE-A80F5DFA2CB1/Documents/" }

This problem persists with any HTTPS link, even the ones in your example. All HTTP links are fine.

This may actually be a problem with react-native-fs as I've created my own caching implementation in the last few hours and I have the same problem with HTTPS.

How to get local image path?

I tried to use ImageCacheProvider.getCachedImagePath() function to access downloaded local files with URL links, but I don't know how to use the returned Promise<imagePath: string>. The result is shown as follows:
screen shot 2017-03-23 at 12 34 59 pm
I outputted the Promise<imagePath: string>.
The first line shows the value of key _65 is null and it‘s indeed null when I try to get this value in my app. But why can I see a local path after expanding the node and how can I use it?

Support image specific style properties (ex. tintColor)

Tested on 1.3.5 and 1.4.0-rc
React Native: 0.47

"Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid key tintColor supplied to ActivityIndicator."

Suggested solutions:

  • Image specific style property
  • Omit "tintColor", "resizeMode" etc when setting styles for View and ActivityIndicator

Image is cached even if download fails

If the download of the image returns a status code that represents an error the body content is still stored as the image file, even though it's probably an error message.

The status code of the result coming back from RNFS.downloadFile should be taken into account. I suggest any 2xx status be considered a success and any other status code a failure. Note: 3xx redirects look to be taken care of by RNFS.downloadFile.

Allow image download from Self-Signed SSL Server

As the library uses react-native-fetch-blob for the download and by default, react-native-fetch-blob does NOT allow connection to unknown certification provider since it's dangerous.

It is not a suprise that cached image also not support that. But sometimes it is needed to accept also self signed stuff. To connect a server with self-signed certification, you need to add trusty to config for react-native-fetch-blob explicitly.

  trusty : true

The cached image actually just use the path property.

It is easy to add the trusty flag, but I would like to ask the community what they would like to have.

  • A own property for the image or
  • a configuration you can add the the headers. So that the download function just checks if the header has an option to allow SSC via SSL and set the trusty flag.

I would like to add a PR for that but first would like to ask you :D

Changing Profile Image

Thanks for sharing fantastic library. I got stuck with managing profile picture. The cached image looks like working well, but if the user change his profile picture the image won't be refreshed.

Let's suppose there is a profile screen using CachedImage.

source={{uri: ''}}

If a user change profile picture, server will get his picture and overwrite it. (Because it saved with user name).

At this point, local cached profile image and server's profile image is different. right?
And then how can I notice to device

Please, the server's image changed. Cache fresh one again.


I tried when I success upload new image, remove cached image using cachedImageProvider, If I do that the image become empty. And without this, the image won't changed to latest one. How can I use it properly? It is because of redux problem?

Now I am using like this...
source={{uri: this.props.user.profileImageRef}}

Problem with file path on Android

The files paths are coming without prefix file:// on Android, because that, the file address becomes incorrect, so I need to append file:// to file path.

On iOS it's ok.

I'm using getCachedImagePath method.

Thank you for the lib, it's very awesome!

If you need some help, please let me know.

Android Not Showing Image!

Hi, local images successfull showing but server images not show android.
Im add

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Problem still is continue...

Import prop types from 'prop-types'

React has deprecated PropTypes from React and is now giving a warning in RN 0.45.0 and up.
Should be an straight replacement in the code I can do a PR if you are interested.

Suggestion: passing a customised ActivityIndicator or SpinnerComponent

I have read your source code and found that there is no way to pass a customised loading spinner to replace the default ActivityIndicator. The default one is ugly and I would like to replace it with my own component. Maybe you can just rewrite renderLoader() to support this feature. Or I can just send you a PR if you are acceptable.

Feature request: Seed cache-image


In our app, we have the following scenario:

  1. Upload an image, from the phone using react-native-fetch-blob. Getting an url back as a reference.
  2. Send the reference url, to other devices.
  3. Showing the image on all devices, including the sending device.

So - As an optimization for the sending device, we would like to be able to supply the local image from the first step, as a cache for the url returned.

var supplyResponse;
    supplyResponse = ImageCacheProvider.seedCache('', '/some-local-path/img-1.png');
} catch(err) {
    //Could not read local file

ImageCacheProvider.seedCache would then copy the file /some-local-path/img-1.png to the appropriate path.

Images won't render at the first time

In my case, I need to render each image in each row of my listview. The problem is when I install my app and open it at the first time, some of the images just stuck in the loading indicator. However, when I click the image and navigate to another page, that image is shown up in the new page correctly. After I restart my app, the images in the listview are all shown up correctly. Thus, I am guessing that when I open the app at the very first time, the images were downloaded and saved into the cache, but it doesn't lead to rerender the images in the listview. I mean some of them are stuck, the others are loaded successfully. It's not the server's problem, I think it's about how to correctly rerender the cached image in the listview.

And, another problem is that if I updated my profile photo in the server side after I called the onRefresh from the RefreshControl, the uri did change but the cached image wasn't updated. If I press on my photo to open a lightbox which fetches image from the network it shows correctly. I guess this maybe the same issue like above. The image doesn't know when to rerender.......

Do you think it's related to this issue? facebook/react-native#1417




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