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Hi there πŸ‘‹, I am Kaze

I am a postdoc research fellow at the Flation Insitute in New York. I have a broad interest in astrophysics, machine learning, high performance computing, applied mathematics, and this goes on. Basically anything that is related to fundamental science and computers, I love them!

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backpop's Issues

Referee report

This is the referee report we got from a submission. Will open a checklist in this thread.

The authors propose revitalizing classic approaches for interpreting compact binary observations by 'deprojecting' or
'backpropagating' them in time based on an ensemble of forward models which propagate the phase space of (ZAMS binary properties and binary
evolution modeling assumptions) into present-day compact binary observations. The authors demonstrate their technique
using a 4-dimensional subspace of the COSMIC binary evolution code's model parameters. Their concrete empirical localized Green's function
algorithm should be very useful to quickly assess which events can be characteriezd by binary evolution and, if so, with
what common assumptions. The authors defer discussion of "the physical implications of the results presented in
this work" to a "future companion paper".

While I applaud the authors for using contemporary tools to help insure their work is presently reproducible, I'll limit
my review to only what is provided and disseminated by the archival journal (and warn the authors about inevitable linkrot).

I like seeing this idea being realized, and recommend this paper for publication once the authors address the comments
comments below. I regret their length, and emphasize that I anticipate only some edits to the draft are needed.

** Primary **

(A) Introduction and context:
The authors give short shrift to other approaches to constrain binary evolution hyperparameters, highlighting only the
single most technically similar work. Brief references to other efforts to directly compare binary evolution to model predictions
would be helpful (e.g., a highly nonexhaustive list: Zevin et al 2017 ApJ; Wysocki et al 2018 PRD; Barrett et al 2018 MNRAS; Taylor and Gerosa
1806.08365; Spera et al 2019; ... and, for two brand new studies, Mastrogiovanni 2207.00374; Delfavero et al 2107.13082 )

The authors also don't point out the similarity of their approach to the the long history
of using forward/inverse distribution propagation (e.g., Kalogera et al 1996 astro-ph/9605186), let alone the history
of reconstructing progenitor populations via comparison to (discrete) grids of simulations, used for example in
Stevenson et al 2017, Belczynski et al 2016, understand the origins of their sources (i.e., essentially all
groups, over many decades, including origins of binary pulsars and WD, X-ray binaries, etc; see, e.g., Clausen et al 1201.0012; van den
Heuvel lectures; etc).

I ask the authors more carefully differentiate their novel continuous contribution from these and
other prior works. I ask because I'm sure the authors can use this opportunity to show how easily they reproduce
saved-trajectory/run-based approaches and how much more flexible their technique will be.

(B) Methods paper details: technique, validation, ... ?
The single page this methods paper allocates to its details appear insufficient to describe their approach and its validation.

  • Just to pick the first technical example: what is the dimension of $\theta exactly? Mass-only + log mass; solar
    mass; ...? Please explicitly use the symbols \theta',\theta,\lambda and provide symbols in the discussion at the start of section 3, when you
    define the list? Similarly when discussing Eq. (5): the coordinates and scales for your performance metric are very important.

  • How is the KDE implemented (e.g., coordinate scales, choice of smoothing)? Is the likelihood
    estimated by prior-reweighting + KDE sufficiently accurate for all events considered
    (e.g., finite training data; smoothing scales vs features)? [Presumably so, since this seems to be mass-only.]

  • How robust is the root-finding method at finding representative examples of all pertinent solutions to the many
    channels that can contribute to different events (as highlighted in the introduction)? Why is 1000 attempts enough?

The initial guess procedure seems to rely on a test suite of uniformly sampled points over the binary parameter (and
hyperparameter?) space. Keeping in mind some
configurations (e.g., kicks which don't disrupt binaries but fine-tune merger times for BBHs) can be rare but
overall important to the observed BBH rates (when detection-weighted), can you outline why your uniformly selected set
of sample points is likely to be sufficient -- for example, how many points were chosen?
The discussion on L638-658 belongs earlier in the text (e.g., a 'validation' section or the methods section)

  • Section 3 first paragraph should be in the methods section, as noted above using previously-defined symbols
    \theta',\theta, \lambda, X, and refer to Table 1 ln L36-370 when the parameters are actually introduced, not L329. Describe any postprocessing of the source redshift
    outlined in L341-L361. What if any SFR model was used?

  • COSMIC's modeling assumptions should be reviewed in section 2. Notably, I shouldn't have to find out what SN engine
    is being used in L383!

  • What if any prior is applied the ZAMS mass, eccentricity, and orbital period? These priors (particularly mass)
    have a very strong effect on observables.

  • For 150914 (and for many events), you don't invoke SN kicks at all, assuming complete fallback. In this case all
    evolution is deterministic. You should highlight this fact in the methods, as it considerably strengthens this
    reader's confidence in your conclusions about massive events.

  • The authors provide a loose single-event validation demonstration (Fig 3). The authors don't indicate if the method
    has any systematic challenges over the model space (e.g., extending the discussion from L539-550, does it perform
    poorly near regions where binary evolution has difficulty generating solutions?) The authors also only perform a
    validation study in the deterministic regime, by far the simplest, but their most tantalizing result in Fig 4
    involves lower masses where SN kicks contribute.

(C) Discussion of event rates/counts/rates?
Other approaches to constrain astrophysical formation model hyperparameters can rely heavily on the event rate or
observed counts: the Poisson term from observed events can be the dominant factor of the overall inhomogeneous
poisson likelihood. Please discuss the extent to which this approach accounts (or not) for the different BBH
formation rate for different models.

Alternatively, in Eq. (4), I think I expect an additional term $Z(\lambda) associated with the rate
normalization as a function of model hyperparameters.

When applied to GW150914, are all the models in the posterior producing event rates that are consistent with the
observed (single) count from O1?

[If you don't want to do this check, that's fine, just say very clearly how you are eliding including rate in the

(D) Too long/non-cohesive section 3:
Break results at L511 ('potential benefit') as 'discussion', change 'discussion' to 'conclusions'. Focus on Fig 4 there.
Also consider moving more material from that region to the conclusions (e.g., L511-555)

(E) Flexible hyperparameters versus modeling systematics
I like the idea behind treating binary evolution parameters as locally-constant features of the evolution trajectory:
given how poor our phenomenology has been, it's been important to allow that flexibility to identify systematic
modeling limitations (e.g., q_{crit, CE}). However, I'm uncomfortable with L87: I would expect the same physics
to apply, if that physics was accurate. I suggest the authors massage this sentence to highlight their ability to
identify modeling systematics/incompleteness in approaches to binary evolution, which I believe is the authors' intent.

(F) L523/Fig 4 : Real or mirage?
Can the authors give some number for how likely such a trend is to occur by chance? The lowest 3 events having
outliers below? [I call this out because the authors highlight it in the abstract but don't support it with a calculation.]

I'm also uncomfortable with highlighting this feature in the abstract and conclusions, even qualified as 'may vary
with', as I'd expect some discussion of significance. An alternative ('Are consistent with') may also be too strong without some
discussion of what constitutes consistency.

** Minor **
(a) Abstract: Must indicate the dimensionality and degrees of freedom explored here (ie, summarize bottom rows of Table

(b) Abstract: last sentence: unsupported, remove or change to 'could be consistent with' instead of 'may be'. (See
comments on Fig 4 elsewhere).

(c) 'inference of hyperparameter settings must proceed dynamically' : Change to 'we proceed dynamically', 'must' is not warranted; other
techniques exist to infer model hyperparameters, e.g. Delfavero et al; Gallegos-Garcia; Frago's POSYDON; Andrew's dart_board)

(d) L165: Origin strongly correlated with hyperparameters, many channels: Presumably demonstrated before in some smaller extent; see
citation list above for possible references.

(e) L260: 'regardless to its initial guess' : Unclear what these sentences are saying.

(f) L284-287: Symbols help: state that full knowledge of $\Theta$ is inaccessible, you only have access to
$\theta',\lambda$ but not X.

(g) L 294-297: A symbolic expression would help here: you generate new random X' for every pair (\theta',\lambda) and,
via the forward map, find a new posterior based on samples $\theta_k = (\theta',X'\lambda)_k$?

(h) L381: \sigma does not impact formation: in contrast to other work, but that work is based on event rates
in addition, which are not included here; also, they explain zero natal kick for this event.

(i) L388: This should be stated clearly at the start of section 3!

(j) L480-L496: These statements ('never') are very strong. Since in this mass range the authors invoke fallback kicks,
it's believable. I would be very skeptical however for any conclusions made about low-mass events where SN kicks could
play a role.

(k) L497-L510: Recommend presenting this validation test early in section 3, before detailed discussion of
hyperparameter posteriors.

(l) L 559-561: should discuss the cutoff applied before L519 where a claim is made about what the sample means.

(m) L576: More efficient how/why? Compared to what?

(n) L581: Persistent comment about Fig 4, particularly given lack of discussion of significance (and not including rate
constraints overall between all events -- no guarantee the models in these posteriors have consistent counts).

(o) L592: See (E) above. Can be misread as "the authors allow for each merger to be drawn from its own realization of
the physical universe".

(p) L585-591: Sharper contextual framing will help. For exmaple, 'study the distribution of hyperparameters, a
thoroughly explored approach for phenomeonogical models but rarely employed for detailed binary evolution
'. The authors' contributions are more unique in context than overall (i.e., many previous/other works have done
this with phenomenology).

(q) L594-L612: See (C) above - the authors' pullback doesn't involve selection at all right now. Add phrase, 'and added
the appropriate Poisson factor to account for selection effects' after 'once we have pulle back'.

(r) L614 : 'for the first time' : not true, see above eg (A); remove.

(s) L682: should mention previous grid-based works here, see (A) and mention Andrews 2021, and highlight why/how you've improved on them.

Data Editor's review:
One of our data editors has reviewed your initial manuscript submission and has the following suggestion(s) to help improve the data, software citation and/or overall content. Please treat this as you would a reviewer's comments and respond accordingly in your report to the science editor. Questions can be sent directly to the data editors at [email protected].

The authors should use the Zenodo DOI instead of its url. This will make the linking more robust in the future and discoverable.

Comments from Simon Stevenson

Simon left the following comment on the P&P website:

Nice work! We explored the progenitors of the first three gravitational-wave events (including GW150914) in this paper ( see Figure 1), with a very early version of what eventually became COMPAS. We used fixed population hyperparameters in that study though. In an earlier draft of that paper we had talked about 'rewinding' binary evolution, but it was edited out for clarity. It's cool to see people developing that idea, and seeing hints of the interesting studies you might be able to do with it in the future! Another thing worth pointing out is that in COMPAS ( the random variables associated with supernova kicks (e.g., magnitudes and angles) are explicitly treated as input parameters, on the same standing as initial masses or orbital periods (as advocated for by Andrews et al. 2018). Simon

We should

  • Cite the COMPAS exploration of the first three events (in the intro?)
  • Discuss the COMPAS GW150914 results briefly in our section that currently compares progenitor results from Jeff & us.
  • Note that COMPAS does treat the random variables as inputs (that is: it implements a proper mathematical function for the evolution); be sure to cite the above COMPAS paper when we do.

I'll reply to Simon on P&P that we're going to be addressing this comment.

Zevin's P&P Review


Is the author list appropriate?


Is any data used in any point/form? This includes data from auxiliary channels and "hidden" usage of data for simulations etc.

Posterior samples for all GW events in GWTC-3 are used.

Are there statements of what the LSC will or will not do? (this includes searches and hardware).


Are proper references made to related work within the LSC?


Are references to LIGO instruments/results up to date?

  • At the beginning of Section 3, please cite the GW150914 discovery paper and state which posterior samples are used, citing GWOSC if applicable.
  • In the middle of Section 3, please indicate which posterior samples are used for GWTC-3 events, citing GWOSC if applicable.
  • Please include the standard acknowledgment when using LIGO data: β€œThis material is based upon work supported by NSF's LIGO Laboratory which is a major facility fully funded by the National Science Foundation.”

Is there an acknowledgement of computing resources accessed through the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration: Computing acknowledgements

Not applicable.

This article has my approval as P&P reviewer after addressing the minor comments above. Really cool paper! I’ve attached a marked-up pdf with a number of non-P&P related comments. I also marked typos/grammatical errors when I came across them in the pdf. Please let me know if you have trouble viewing the comments.


Delete stale branches

You should delete all these branches:


(basically everything except main and main-pdf, unless you have extra dev branches you'd also like to keep).

You must have accidentally copied them over from the old showyourwork-template when you originally created your repo. They're just cluttering up your repository :)

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