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playkit-android-youbora's Introduction

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Youbora provides a business intelligence solution for broadcasters, OTTs, telcos and media to support your business decisions and drive performance. The ability to harness data across various integrated capabilities and services has become increasingly important to support multiple organizations across a video business, including marketing, and to drive consumer engagement and loyalty.

The Youbora player plugin is integrated with the Kaltura player. The plugin listens and reports all the different player states in the current video session to Youbora Analytics. By taking all the data from inside the player, Youbora Analytics is capable of measuring the quality of the video experience from its source, the end user, and in turn analyzing the delivery process end to end.

  • Once you have a player instance you may want to be able to track playback behaviour and playback trends.
  • Using Youbora plugin you can achieve this easily.


Add Youbora maven to your project build.gradle in repositories section

maven { url "" }

Add the Youbora plugin dependency to your build.gradle file: In android, we keep all plugins aligned with same verison.

implementation 'com.kaltura.playkit:youboraplugin:4.x.x'

You can find the latest version here:


You can find the Youbora lib version which we currently use here

Youbora lib version

Create Plugin Config:

val playerInitOptions = PlayerInitOptions(PARTNER_ID)

val pkPluginConfigs = PKPluginConfigs()
pkPluginConfigs.setPluginConfig(, getYouboraBundle())


player = KalturaOttPlayer.create(this@MainActivity, playerInitOptions)


Youbora plugin sample

  • Inorder to run the sample:

download Samples Repo in Android Studio open the Advanced Samples folder and run the youbora sample

Build your Youbora config using Bundle

Example for some of the properties the App can send to Youbora plugin. The only must property to send is your account code.

In case if properties are not sent and if plugin have it internally plugin will set it automatically i.e media title, media resource and more.

Youbora Bundle Keys reference

     * Bundle Youbora Configuration
     * @return Youbora ConfigBundle
    private fun getYouboraBundle(): Bundle {

        val optBundle = Bundle()

        //Youbora config bundle. Main config goes here.
        optBundle.putString(KEY_ACCOUNT_CODE, ACCOUNT_CODE)
        optBundle.putString(KEY_USERNAME, UNIQUE_USER_NAME)
        optBundle.putString(KEY_USER_EMAIL, USER_EMAIL)

        optBundle.putBoolean(KEY_ENABLED, true)
        optBundle.putString(KEY_APP_NAME, "TestApp");
        optBundle.putString(KEY_APP_RELEASE_VERSION, "v1.0");

        //Media entry bundle.
        optBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_TITLE, MEDIA_TITLE)

        optBundle.putBoolean(KEY_PARSE_MANIFEST, PARSE_MANIFEST)
        optBundle.putBoolean(KEY_PARSE_CDN_NODE, PARSE_CDN_NODE)
        optBundle.putStringArrayList(KEY_PARSE_CDN_NODE_LIST, PARSE_CDN_NODE_LIST)
        optBundle.putInt(KEY_PARSE_CDN_TTL, PARSE_CDN_TTL)

        //Optional - Device bundle o/w youbora will decide by its own.
        optBundle.putString(KEY_DEVICE_CODE, DEVICE_CODE)
        optBundle.putString(KEY_DEVICE_BRAND, "Xiaomi")
        optBundle.putString(KEY_DEVICE_MODEL, "Mii3")
        optBundle.putString(KEY_DEVICE_TYPE, "TvBox")
        optBundle.putString(KEY_DEVICE_OS_NAME, "Android/Oreo")
        optBundle.putString(KEY_DEVICE_OS_VERSION, "8.1")

        //Youbora ads configuration bundle.
        optBundle.putString(KEY_AD_CAMPAIGN, CAMPAIGN)

        //Configure custom properties here:
        optBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_GENRE, GENRE)
        optBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_TYPE, TYPE)
        optBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_CDN, CONTENT_CDN_CODE)

        optBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_PRICE, PRICE)
        optBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_CHANNEL, AUDIO_CHANNELS)

        val contentMetadataBundle = Bundle()

        contentMetadataBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_METADATA_YEAR, YEAR)
        contentMetadataBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_METADATA_CAST, CAST)
        contentMetadataBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_METADATA_DIRECTOR, DIRECTOR)
        contentMetadataBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_METADATA_OWNER, OWNER)
        contentMetadataBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_METADATA_PARENTAL, PARENTAL)
        contentMetadataBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_METADATA_RATING, RATING)
        contentMetadataBundle.putString(KEY_CONTENT_METADATA_QUALITY, QUALITY)

        optBundle.putBundle(KEY_CONTENT_METADATA, contentMetadataBundle)

        //You can add some extra params here:
        optBundle.putString(KEY_CUSTOM_DIMENSION_1, EXTRA_PARAM_1)
        optBundle.putString(KEY_CUSTOM_DIMENSION_2, EXTRA_PARAM_2)

        return optBundle

From this point, the plugin will be functional (make sure your account code was set properly).

The plugin will send data for a single media playback.

Once you want to change media you first have to update the plugin with new bundle data using player?.updatePluginConfig then load the new media.

youboraPluginConfig?.let {
  if (setPlugin) {
     pkPluginConfigs.setPluginConfig(, youboraPluginBundle)
  } else {
     player?.updatePluginConfig(, youboraPluginBundle)

Build YouboraConfig using JSON object (Legacy approach)

Application can create a JSON object to the Plugin config. It is not recommended approach but if you App's legacy code has in this way then you can use it,

private fun getYouboraConfig(): JsonObject {

        // Youbora config json. Main config goes here.
        val youboraConfigJson = JsonObject()

        // MUST to have config
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("accountCode", "kalturatest")

        // Backward compatibility DEPRECATED
//        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("appName", "Kaltura Full demo sample deprecated");
//        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("appReleaseVersion", "1.0.1 deprecated");

        // App JSON
        val appJson = JsonObject()
        appJson.addProperty("appName", "Kaltura Full demo sample")
        appJson.addProperty("appReleaseVersion", "1.0.1")

        // Backward compatibility DEPRECATED
//        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("userEmail", "[email protected] DEPRECATED");
//        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("userAnonymousId", "my anonymousId DEPRECATED");
//        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("userType", "my user type DEPRECATED");
//        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("userObfuscateIp", false);
//        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("privacyProtocol", "https DEPRECATED");

        // USER Json
        val userJson = JsonObject()
        userJson.addProperty("email", USER_EMAIL)
        userJson.addProperty("anonymousId", "my anonymousId")
        userJson.addProperty("type", "my user type")
        userJson.addProperty("obfuscateIp", true)
        userJson.addProperty("privacyProtocol", "https")

        // Miscellaneous Configs
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("authToken", "myTokenString")
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("authType", "Bearer")
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("username", "youboraTest")
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("linkedViewId", "my linked View ID")
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("urlToParse", "")

        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("householdId", "My householdId")
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("host", "")
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("autoStart", true)
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("autoDetectBackground", true)
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("enabled", true)
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("forceInit", false)
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("offline", false)
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("httpSecure", true)
        youboraConfigJson.addProperty("waitForMetadata", false)

        // Pending Metadata JSON
        val pendingMetaDataArray = JsonArray()
        youboraConfigJson.add("pendingMetadata", pendingMetaDataArray)

        //Youbora ads configuration json.
        val adsJson = JsonObject()
        adsJson.addProperty("blockerDetected", false)
        // Create AdMetaData
        val adMetaData = JsonObject()
        adMetaData.addProperty("year", "2022")
        adMetaData.addProperty("cast", "cast 2022")
        adMetaData.addProperty("director", "director 2022")
        adMetaData.addProperty("owner", "owner 2022")
        adMetaData.addProperty("parental", "parental 2022")
        adMetaData.addProperty("rating", "rating 2022")
        adMetaData.addProperty("device", "device 2022")
        adMetaData.addProperty("audioChannels", "audioChannels 2022")
        adsJson.add("metadata", adMetaData)

        adsJson.addProperty("campaign", "ad campaign 2022")
        adsJson.addProperty("title", "ad title 2022")
        adsJson.addProperty("resource", "resource 2022")
        adsJson.addProperty("givenBreaks", 5)
        adsJson.addProperty("expectedBreaks", 4)
        // Create expectedPattern for Ads
        val expectedPatternJson = JsonObject()
        val preRoll = JsonArray()
        val midRoll = JsonArray()
        val postRoll = JsonArray()
        expectedPatternJson.add("pre", preRoll)
        expectedPatternJson.add("mid", midRoll)
        expectedPatternJson.add("post", postRoll)
        adsJson.add("expectedPattern", expectedPatternJson)
        // create adBreaksTime
        val adBreaksTimeArray = JsonArray()
        adsJson.add("adBreaksTime", adBreaksTimeArray)
        adsJson.addProperty("adGivenAds", 7)
        adsJson.addProperty("adCreativeId", "ad creativeId")
        adsJson.addProperty("adProvider", "ad provider")
        // Create Ad Custom Dimensions
        val adCustomDimensions = JsonObject()
        adCustomDimensions.addProperty("param1", "my adCustomDimension1")
        adCustomDimensions.addProperty("10", "my adCustomDimension10")
        adsJson.add("adCustomDimension", adCustomDimensions)

        // Error JSON
        val errorJson = JsonObject()
        val ignoredErrors = JsonArray()
        ignoredErrors.add("Asset Not Found.")
        errorJson.add("errorsIgnore", ignoredErrors)

        // Create Network JSON object
        val networkJson = JsonObject()
        networkJson.addProperty("networkConnectionType", "Wireless")
        networkJson.addProperty("networkIP", "18212.16218.01.012132")
        networkJson.addProperty("networkIsp", "XYZ TTML")

        // Create Parse JSON object
        val parseJson = JsonObject()
//        parseJson.addProperty("parseManifest", true); // Deprecated way to pass value
        val parseManifestJson = JsonObject() // New way to pass value

        parseManifestJson.addProperty("manifest", true)
        val manifestAuthMap = JsonObject()
        manifestAuthMap.addProperty("AUTH1", "VALUE1")
        manifestAuthMap.addProperty("AUTH2", "VALUE2")
        manifestAuthMap.addProperty("AUTH3", "VALUE3")
        manifestAuthMap.addProperty("AUTH4", "VALUE4")
        parseManifestJson.add("auth", manifestAuthMap)
        parseJson.add("parseManifest", parseManifestJson)

        parseJson.addProperty("parseCdnSwitchHeader", true)

//        parseJson.addProperty("parseCdnNode", true); // Deprecated way to pass value
//        JsonArray cdnNodeListArray = new JsonArray(); // Deprecated way to pass value
//        cdnNodeListArray.add("Akamai");
//        cdnNodeListArray.add("Cloudfront");
//        cdnNodeListArray.add("NosOtt");
//        parseJson.add("parseCdnNodeList", cdnNodeListArray);

        val cdnNodeJson = JsonObject() // New way to pass value
        cdnNodeJson.addProperty("requestDebugHeaders", true)
        val cdnNodeListJson = JsonArray()
        cdnNodeJson.add("parseCdnNodeList", cdnNodeListJson)

        parseJson.add("cdnNode", cdnNodeJson)

        parseJson.addProperty("parseCdnNameHeader", "x-cdn")
        parseJson.addProperty("parseNodeHeader", "x-node")
        parseJson.addProperty("parseCdnTTL", 60)

        //Optional - Device json o/w youbora will decide by its own.
        val deviceJson = JsonObject()
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceCode", DEVICE_CODE)
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceBrand", "Brand Xiaomi")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceCode", "Code Xiaomi")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceId", "Device ID Xiaomi")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceEdId", "EdId Xiaomi")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceModel", "Model MI3")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceOsName", "Android/Oreo")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceOsVersion", "8.1")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceType", "TvBox TYPE")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceName", "TvBox")
        deviceJson.addProperty("deviceIsAnonymous", "TvBox")

        //Media entry json. [Content JSON]
        val mediaEntryJson = JsonObject()
        //mediaEntryJson.addProperty("isLive", isLive); // IT's REMOVED NOW USE `isLive` class instead
        val isLiveJson = JsonObject()
        isLiveJson.addProperty("isLiveContent", true)
        isLiveJson.addProperty("noSeek", true)
        isLiveJson.addProperty("noMonitor", true)
        mediaEntryJson.add("isLive", isLiveJson)

//        mediaEntryJson.addProperty("isLive", true);
        mediaEntryJson.addProperty("contentBitrate", 480000)
        val encodingJson = JsonObject()
        encodingJson.addProperty("videoCodec", "video codec name")
        mediaEntryJson.add("encoding", encodingJson)
        // Create Content MetaData
        val contentMetaData = JsonObject()
        contentMetaData.addProperty("year", "2022")
        contentMetaData.addProperty("cast", "cast 2022")
        contentMetaData.addProperty("director", "director 2022")
        contentMetaData.addProperty("owner", "owner 2022")
        contentMetaData.addProperty("parental", "parental 2022")
        contentMetaData.addProperty("rating", "rating 2022")
        contentMetaData.addProperty("device", "device 2022")
        contentMetaData.addProperty("audioChannels", "audioChannels 2022")
        mediaEntryJson.add("metadata", contentMetaData)
        // Create Content Custom Dimensions
        val contentCustomDimensions = JsonObject()
        contentCustomDimensions.addProperty("param1", "param1")
        contentCustomDimensions.addProperty("param2", "param2")
        mediaEntryJson.add("customDimensions", contentCustomDimensions)

        val sessionMetricsMap = JsonObject()
        sessionMetricsMap.addProperty("sessionKey", "sessionValue")
        val sessionJson = JsonObject()
        sessionJson.add("metrics", sessionMetricsMap)

        //Configure custom properties here: DEPRECATED in the Youbora Plugin
//        JsonObject propertiesJson = new JsonObject();
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("genre", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("type", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("transactionType", "TransactionType-1");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("year", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("cast", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("director", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("owner", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("parental", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("price", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("rating", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("audioType", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("audioChannels", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("device", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("quality", "");
//        propertiesJson.addProperty("contentCdnCode", CONTENT_CDN_CODE);

        //You can add some extra params here: DEPRECATED in the plugin
//        JsonObject extraParamJson = new JsonObject();
//        extraParamJson.addProperty("1", "param1");
//        extraParamJson.addProperty("2", "param2");

        //Add all the json objects created before to the pluginEntry json.
        youboraConfigJson.add("user", userJson)
        youboraConfigJson.add("parse", parseJson)
        youboraConfigJson.add("network", networkJson)
        youboraConfigJson.add("device", deviceJson)
        youboraConfigJson.add("media", mediaEntryJson)
        youboraConfigJson.add("ad", adsJson)
        youboraConfigJson.add("app", appJson)
        youboraConfigJson.add("errors", errorJson)
        youboraConfigJson.add("session", sessionJson)
//        youboraConfigJson.add("properties", propertiesJson);
//        youboraConfigJson.add("extraParams", extraParamJson);

        return youboraConfigJson


Once the player is configured with IMA Plugin, Youbora Plugin will also report Ads playback analytics.

Plugin LifeCycle

The Youbora plugin is tied to the player's life cycle and listens to player onPause/onResume calls and player destruction event.



Kaltura Player Youbora Sample

playkit-android-youbora's People


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ealfonso93 npaw

playkit-android-youbora's Issues

Failed to resolve: com.nicepeopleatwork:youboralib:6.8.4

Trying to sync project with gradle files in Android Studio after adding com.kaltura.playkit:youboraplugin:4.29.0 in my android app build.gradle like documented here => implementation("com.kaltura.playkit:youboraplugin:4.29.0") results in Build Sync Download Info: Failed to resolve: com.nicepeopleatwork:youboralib:6.8.4


Did add maven { url "" } to repositories in build.gradle, the error remains the same unfortunately


I could solve the issue by moving maven { url "" } outside of block buildscript{} and have it in its own block

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

Now com.nicepeopleatwork:youboralib:6.8.4 resolves fine

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