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100 Days Of Code - Round 1

Day 62: May 13,

Today's Progress Continuing the website of the Instagram. Today I started to fetch data from the API (users, photos, date, time).


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Day 60, 61: May 11, May 12,

Today's Progress Working with High-Order Components in #React . I am applying this pattern to my old projects and learning at the same time.


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Day 59: May 10,

Today's Progress Friday I left the React aside and studied CSS Grid. In this week I saw so much React code/articles that I had to change a little the focus.


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Day 58: May 09,

Today's Progress Thursday I made the job interview. After introduced myself, I had to explain the projects that I already made and the frameworks/tools that I worked with. It wasn't as scary as I imagined.


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Day 57: May 08,

Today's Progress Wednesday I read a lot of articles of React and React-Native. The next day would be the job interview and I had to be prepared to talk about these tools.


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Day 56: May 07,

Today's Progress Tuesday was the day of my exam. This was the 6 stage to get a job as a frontend developer. The test lasted 2 hours and had 24 questions of React and React-Native.


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Day 55: May 06,

Today's Progress Today I played the Flexbox Froggy. This fun game teaches how to use basics of the Flexbox CSS helping the frog goes to the lily pads.


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Day 54: May 05,

Today's Progress Yesterday I took the day to read articles of React. Today I am going to make a test to get a job as a frontend developer. Among a few contents that I read, one that I like a lot was Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide.


Link(s) to work

Day 53: May 04,

Today's Progress Today I started a new project based on Instagram. Previously, I had made an app with react-native, now I am doing a simple website of the Instagram with React


Link(s) to work Instalura

Day 52: May 04,

Today's Progress Today I finished the tutorial of React that documentation has. I discovered that exists a convention when we named a function. The parent generally has the prefix 'handle' and the children have the prefix 'on'.


Link(s) to work React Tic-Tac-Toe

Day 51: May 03,

Today's Progress I started the little tutorial of tic-tac-toe game in React documentation. There I discovered the extension for google chrome that helps us to analyze the code made with React.


Link(s) to work React Tic-Tac-Toe

Day 50: May 02,

Today's Progress Finished the project of authors and books. It still needs to be refactored a few codes, like the table that I had to make two components, one for the books and one for the authors.


Link(s) to work CDC-Admin

Day 49: May 01,

Today's Progress Continuing with the project that I started yesterday. If everything goes right, tomorrow I am going to finish it.


Link(s) to work CDC-Admin

Day 48: April 30,

Today's Progress Today I started a project to review my skills with React. The objective was to register an author and his respective books.


Link(s) to work CDC-Admin

Day 47: April 29,

Today's Progress Today I finished the course of Javascript Funcional. The objective now is to focus on React and the good practices of this library.


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Day 46: April 28,

Today's Progress Back to my city, I took this day to organize my projects in Github and my tasks for the next weeks. Until the end of this week, I have to finish the Javascript Functional course at Alura.


Link(s) to work Instalura

Day 44,45: April 26,27

Today's Progress After 3 weeks in São Paulo I finished the academy @gamaacademybr. In this time I learned so much about React and React Native at @caelum. Thanks, @AccentureDigi for this opportunity.


Link(s) to work Instalura

Day 43: April 25,

Today's Progress Today we worked with Rest API. The objective was to review the concepts of the method 'fetch' and what to pass in the 'headers'.


Link(s) to work Instalura

Day 42: April 24,

Today's Progress Today we learned the pattern SSOT (Single Source of Truth). The question that motivated this pattern was: "When I have to use redux/flux in my application?"


Link(s) to work Instalura

Day 41: April 23,

Today's Progress Today we created the like and send button with React Native. Also, we separated the components in presentation and containers.


Link(s) to work Instalura

Day 40: April 22,

Today's Progress Today I coded with Vanilla Javascript in a game. The objective was to build a 'Gallows Game'.


Link(s) to work Gallows Game

Day 39: April 21,

Today's Progress Today is holiday in Brasil, but the course of react native continued. Today we coded since 9am until 5pm. The objective is to build an instagram app by friday.


Link(s) to work Instalura

Day 38: April 20,

Today's Progress Today I started learning React Native. The objective was make the environment works. Tomorrow we will begin with the code.


Link(s) to work Instalura

Day 37: April 19,

Today's Progress I updated the project of a basic Twitter on Github. This project is the conclusion of the course that I was participating since last week. The objective was to learn as much as possible of 'React' with this application.


Link(s) to work Twitelum

Day 36: April 18,

Today's Progress I finished the course of React at @caelum . It was a intense week and I learned a lot of this tool. Soon I will update the code on Github. Friday begin the journey with React Native.


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Day 35: April 17,

Today's Progress Today I started the course React 16: The Complete guide on Udemy. I saw so many people here talking about this course that I couldn't let to check.


Link(s) to work

  1. Task 1

Day 34: April 16,

Today's Progress I started learn Redux to work together with React. Today I studied the concepts of 'subscribe', 'dispatch' and 'getState'.


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  1. Twitelum

Day 33: April 15,

Today's Progress I finalized the course of Basic - Bootstrap 4 in TreinaWeb. Even knowing the grid system, I still have problems to change the code in an open source project because it has a few own styles that modify Bootstrap.


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Day 32: April 14,

Today's Progress Today I start working in a project open source with Bootstrap 4. I spent one hour to figure out how to improve the design of website


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Day 31: April 13,

Today's Progress Today I studied the lifecycle of React. Also, I discovered a way to guarantee my variables will receive the values expected with PropTypes.


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  1. Twitelum

Day 30: April 12,

Today's Progress Today I coded everything I have learn since Monday and put on GitHub. The idea of the class is that until next Wednesday we build a simple twitter page with React.


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  1. Twitelum

Day 29: April 11,

Today's Progress The day was to learn react-router-dom. Initially, the routes in React don't appear so tough.


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  1. Twitelum

Day 28: April 10,

Today's Progress Today the class was about the State in React. The subject is very different than the others tools I used in the past. Does anyone know any courses to reinforcement the knowledge?


Link(s) to work

  1. Adding Up Times with Reduce

Day 27: April 09,

Today's Progress Today I arrived in São Paulo. I spend most of the day studying how to get a subway. At night I start learning basics concepts of React: Component, JSX, Webpack, Virtual DOM.

Thoughts I Have to study:

  • StandarJS
  • BEM - Block Element Modifier

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  1. Sort Without Articles

Day 26: April 08,

Today's Progress Today I used the event 'mousemove' in Javascript. The day was full but I could code a little before pack my bags. #100DaysOfCode #JavaScript30


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  1. Mouse Move Shadow

Day 25: April 07,

Today's Progress Today worked with localStorage. In this project, we save an array of objects (with JSON.stringify) in the localStorage for when the page would be reloaded, the objects saved appears.


Link(s) to work

  1. LocalStorage

Day 24: April 06,

Today's Progress Today I studied about 'reference' in Javascript. The difference of an assignment of a primitive type (string, number) to the assignment of an array/object. Also, I learned how to make a copy for real of an array and object.


Link(s) to work

  1. JavaScript References VS Copying

Day 23: April 05,

Today's Progress Today I learned about 'debounce' and how to use it with the event scroll to make sure, the images 'hidden' appears.


Link(s) to work

  1. Slide in on Scroll

Day 22: April 04,

Today's Progress Today I worked with the 'input type:file'. How to save a simple values/states of input/select and after load this file.


Link(s) to work

  1. Key Sequence Detection
  2. Forms

Day 21: April 03,

Today's Progress Today I learned about the scope of Javascript with methods: 'bind', 'apply', 'call' and a little of 'closures'. Also, I worked with objects that manipulating the browser like: 'window' and 'history'.

Thoughts Guess, I can solve that problem of the day 9. Tomorrow I will work on this.

Link(s) to work

  1. Custom Video Player
  2. Intermediate functions
  3. Controlling the browser

Day 20: April 02,

Today's Progress How to use simple methods of regular expressions in my code in Javascript and how to treat the bugs in my files. This was my day in #100DaysOfCode. In #Javascript30, the challenge was to work with checkboxes and figured out how to mark all of then when the shift key was pressed.

Thoughts In the #Javascipt30, we made a function that one boolean variable was assigned with the opposite of itself. I still thinking how this worked with that code.

Link(s) to work

  1. Hold Shift and Check Checkboxes
  2. Bugs
  3. Regular Expressions

Day 19: April 01,

Today's Progress Today I could just read about dev tools and how to better debug my code with chrome browser. I learned how to use console.log in others ways too.


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  1. Dev Tools Domination

Day 18: March 31,

Today's Progress I finished the module 'JSON API and AJAX' at freeCodeCamp. This module used JQuery and I didn't remember almost anything about this tool. Today, for things easy to do, I prefer plain Javascript.

Thoughts FreeCodeCamp could change the module 'JSON API and AJAX' to work with vanilla Javascript.

Link(s) to work

  1. Fun with HTML5 Canvas

Day 17: March 30,

Today's Progress Today I finished the module 'Basic Algorithm Scripting' at freeCodeCamp. I spent about 2 hours to do the last exercise, but I could learn a lot with it. In #Javascript30, I used some new array methods like: find, findIndex, some and every.

Thoughts I passed the exam I made yesterday. Now I have to make a video to respond a few questions, like a job interview, and, if everything goes alright, they will give me one month of training.

Link(s) to work

  1. Seek and Destroy
  2. Where do I Belong
  3. Caesars Cipher
  4. Array Cardio Day 2

Day 16: March 29,

Today's Progress Today I made a quick exam to work with frontend developer junior. Back to #Javascript30, we worked with a page that filters by name of city or state in a JSON document.

Thoughts It's holiday in Brasil, I wanna take this time to put my exercises in order.

Link(s) to work

  1. Type Ahead

Day 15: March 28,

Today's Progress Today I stuck on the 'Mutation' exercise of the freeCodeCamp. Besides that, I made 2 more exercises and work for the first time with flexbox CSS. The Day 5 of #Javascript30 not have so much Javascript but the flexbox worth it.

Thoughts I liked so much the facility of the flexbox. In a near future, I want to learn more about this tool.

Link(s) to work

  1. Slasher Flick
  2. Mutation
  3. Falsy Bouncer
  4. Flex Panel Galery

Day 14: March 27,

Today's Progress Today was a day to practice arrays in Javascript. In freeCodeCamp I made more 3 exercises. In #Javascript30 challenge the exercises were more specific in functions: map, reduce, filter, sort.

Thoughts I understood a little more the function 'sort', but I still have a problem to figured out how I will put the number positive or negative to ordinate in a way I pretend. I learned something new in the function reduce. I didn't know that the second param, after the callback function, was the initial value of the first param in the callback.function.

Link(s) to work

  1. Repeat a string repeat a string
  2. Truncate a string
  3. Chunky Monkey
  4. Array Cardio Day 1

Day 13: March 26,

Today's Progress I came back to the freeCodeCamp. I continued the Basic Algorithm Scripting module and made 4 more exercises. Besides that, I worked with CSS variables and learn how to manipulate them with Javascript.

Thoughts Like I thought yesterday, CSS3 is really fantastic and I have to study more this incredible tool. These variables make the code so easy to read and even to work with.

Link(s) to work

  1. CSS Variables

Day 12: March 25,

Today's Progress Today I made a clock. Following the videos of # Javascript30 in this lesson we used the class Javascript Date. With a few CSS transform and manipulating the transition of the pointers, the page was until good.

Thoughts I realized that I have to study more CSS3. Things like 'transform' and 'transition' give much power to the developer, and I am not so familiarized with these properties.

Link(s) to work

  1. JS and CSS Clock

Day 11: March 24,

Today's Progress Today I started the 30 days javascript challenge. Making this challenge together with 100 days of code, I hope to improve my Javascript skill much more.In the first day of this new challenge, I coded a page that simulated a drum kit.

Thoughts Now the exercises for the next 30 days will be more beautiful because this other challenge gives the files with HTML and CSS done.

Link(s) to work

  1. Drum kit

Day 10: March 23,

Today's Progress I complete the Basic Javascript and Object Oriented and Functional Programming Modules on the freeCodeCamp and begin the challenges of the module: Basic Algorithm Scripting

Thoughts The day was productive. I got it stay two uninterrupted hours in freeCodeCamp and this helped me make a lot of exercises.

Link(s) to work

  1. Palindrome

Day 9: March 22,

Today's Progress I study ES6 and made some annotations to remember and fixed in my mind.

Thoughts How to pass parameters of a child class to the father class? In the exercises of Rocketseat ES6 course, exists a question that needs this. I wonder how to do this.

Link(s) to work

  1. ES6 Anotations

Day 8: March 21,

Today's Progress Complete five exercises of course 'Javascript: The good parts' in Pluralsight

Thoughts This course made me think about how we do not need to use everything in a programming language. A lot of resources tend to cause more errors than others. These resources are due to use with more conscious or even not to use.

Link(s) to work

  1. Problem 1
  2. Problem 2
  3. Problem 3
  4. Problem 4
  5. Problem 5

Day 7: March 20,

Today's Progress: Finished the Basic Javascript module. Work with collections Map, WeakMap, Set and WeakSet.


  • I had difficult to solve the problem 'profile-lookup'. I spent more than one hour thinking how to pass all the tests. In the future, I wanna do it again.
  • Map
    • Has the methods size() and clear() and work with any properties types.
  • WeakMap
    • Hasn't the methods size() and clear() and just work with properties which are objects.
  • Set
    • Has the methods size(),clear() and has() and work with any properties types.
    • Doesn't work with repetitive values.
    • Doesn't return the values, it just works to validate if we have an item or not
  • WeakSet
    • Hasn't the methods size() and clear() and just work with properties which are objects.

Link(s) to work

  1. JS - Inheritance
  2. Iterate with JavaScript For Loops
  3. Declare JavaScript Objects as Variables

Day 6: March 19,

Today's Progress: Remember inheritance in Javascript, now much better than in the past. I did more freeCodeCamp exercises too, soon I will finish the Basic Javascript module.

Thoughts Javascript change a lot for me. It's more consise ans legible

Link(s) to work

  1. JS - Inheritance
  2. Introducing Else Statements
  • To
  1. Iterate with JavaScript For Loops

Day 5: March 18,

Today's Progress: Back to the freeCodeCamp, I continued to do the exercises to complete the module of Javascript.

Thoughts Today was tough to make this challenge. I arrived of a travel around two hours ago. Very tired, but I did some exercises in freeCodeCamp.

Link(s) to work

  1. Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays
  • To
  1. Introducing Else Statements

Day 4: March 17,

Today's Progress: Back to the freeCodeCamp, I continued to do the exercises to complete the module of Javascript.

Thoughts I read all the details of each exercise, it makes me improving not just the code but my English too.

Link(s) to work

  1. Divide One Number by Another
  • To
  1. Store Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays

Day 3: March 16,

Today's Progress: Today I forced myself to create the challenge from scratch. First I watch the video two times and then I code. Not work so easy as I imagine, but I get almost in the end without repeat the video. After I finish the challenge I comment the code most I can to understand more and to train my English.

Thoughts I am remembering Javascript. I stayed a lot of time without programming with this language, but with this challenge, I will remember and improve my skills.

Link(s) to work

  1. HTML - Tic Tac Toe
  2. CSS - Tic Tac Toe
  3. JS - Tic Tac Toe

Day 2: March 15,

Today's Progress: I was really bad in code today. The exercise that I made, cost me more than 1 hour. After think in a solution, not so elegant, I saw the answer video and rehash my code. We this change, I could use the functions: 'splice, push, map and join' to work with my array. (In the my original code I not even used array).

Thoughts I have to study more of the 'new' functions in javascript, they facilitate so much that I can't even imagine.

Link(s) to work

  1. Change a list with an array

Day 1: March 14,

Today's Progress: I went back to practice in freeCodeCamp and rehash a few exercises of Javascript Basic Module

Thoughts I want to create an habit to code everday. While I don't think what project to do, I will continue to work on exercises in freeCodeCamp.

Link(s) to work

  1. Comment your javascript code
  • To
  1. Multiply two decimals with javascript
  2. Change a list with an array

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